Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART FIVE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 14, Image 48

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Free A Free
Bargains In
House Fur
If You Writ Us Today!
We are going to aire oar customers 11.000,000
worth of elcaant silverware, made by Wm. ltogtra
t Co. Write quick for Illustrated circular from
which to select the silver you want. Wa'll alio send
youoOTWomJerful IiarRain Book, MrtftflAAU
snowing o,uw ai uciea ox
Home Furnishings
at Lowest Pnces
Nota tha wonderfully low
price of tha goods shown In
tma ad. 'then nun
hook Mr kJ with B.000 ti
tha oqiial of whirr, you nav n
I fTtl IDWH UiBI) Umari
n. I lowar than dlrs
mailorder bouMacan. UtraalvM,
"""From ForostTo
Factory -Then DIRECT TO YOU
uur stirantic business enterprise memoes me own
ershlp of forests, lumber mills, railway, 1 actories
and warehouses. Yon net all the benefit of thU
great eoat-ndndns power. W. sell you direct. Not
ono middleman get. a profit. BaUi faction guaranteed.
Days' tree inal
Order anything you like. Use
It, enjoy It. trt It ono month.
Unlaaa ahaolutalf aaU.factorr. re
turn! wa'll rafund your monay end
pay tranaporUUon chanrea.
Writ Today for Freo Silver
Uat and Bargain Book
Write at once, so aa to lat ua know
If you want aume of tha fro allvar
ware. wa'llaandrreaallTerelrea.
Ur, and lirfafn liook.
Lincoln, Leonard & Co.
iiroatf Kmetun DUtritmtm of
una iVrwwamea in (Aa Wertf.
143137th 81. Chicago
you have not trlel my euro, ami I havo auth abso
lute conuuence in it mat x am jroinjr to act
you a treatment absolutely rJIKK. It la
wonderful yet almplo home treatment which re.
Uerea you almost Instantly of all palm It retnotea
ino rnuse ni toe uuuion anu inus me ugly aerorro.
Ity dleaiipeara nil thla whllo you arc wearing
tighter shoes than ever. I know It will do nil this
ad I want you to send for a treatment, I'KKK,
at mv tinoniu. Ipniua 1 know
yon will then tell all your
friends nhout It Jut aa tuono
R7,MJ others ore doing now,
wilto now, aa thla announco.
went may not apear In thla
paper again. Juat send your
nemo and addreaa and treat,
montwlll loaeut) on promptly
In plain aealed entelopo.
3808 W.tSth St
Alcoholism can be corrected as easily as
any other disease. Thousands of drunk
ards have been saved by the Oppen
heimer Treatment, which has been
Mention this paper and we will send
under plain cover booklets explaining
the Oppenheimer Home Treatment,
total cost of which is $5.
04 No. Moore St., New York
N E',W. 44ft
l)ont send me one rent Juat let me prove
It to yon as I havo donofor67,tC others In the I nit
six months. 1 claim to hnvo tho only successful
cure for buntona ever made and I want you to lot
me sond you a treatment, tfllKK, cntlroly at my
expense. 1 don't care how many socallea cures,
or shields or pads you ever tried without success
1 don't care how disgusted you feel with them all
AVo recently moved into a house whero
tlio wnlls were covered with nn old fash
ioned light wall paper. It was hideous
to me, but as it wan perfectly clean the
landlady did not feel like having tho
placo rejinpered. This is how I solved
tho problem. I purchased boiho of the
tint that comes to use on walls, and in
spito of tho fact that tho dealer in
formed mo that it could not be used over
figured wallpaper, I experimented. Tho
result is, my rooms aro beautiful and no
ono who sees them can bcliovo they nro
papered. I mixed tho tint just ns thick
as I could possibly spread it (tho men
hired to do this kind of work mix it ns
thin ns possibles), and I gavo tho walls
two coats; as tho ceilings wore plain, I
1 did not bother with them. Tho sitting
1 room is tinted a leather brown, tho din
ing room dnrk green and tho hall dark
red. Tho other rooms I did not have to
do. I used a common whitewash brush
to spread tho tint, nnd tho work is so
easy any ono can do it. I tinted tho
rooms to match my furnishings, but somo
things I learned: "Brown covers better
than any other color, so if your paper
has so decided n flguro that you aro un
certain nbout it, try tho brown. It is
nlso safo to get n samplo and try on a
bit of tho paper first; this is what I
did. The whole cost was only about fifty
I cents a room. I. B. M., Pasadena, Cal.
When using small basins on tho rnngo,
it is awkward to move them nbout or to
hold them still with n dish holder; but
nn ordinary clothespin is just tho tiling.
1 Try this simple suggestion. Mrs. S. .1.
II., Portngc, Wis.
I live in an apartment house nnd re
ceive milk and cream by way of a dumb
waiter. I always had troublo and con
fusion about receiving tho correct num
ber of bottles when the order varied
from day to day. Finally, I made col
lars from cardboard and cut n smnll
hole in tho center just largo enough to
slip over tho top of tho bottlo and rest
on tho neck. On two of them I put the
name, ns Smith, in large letters with
Cream opposite it. On two others I put
tho name, also, and Milk opposite it.
When I wnnt two bottles of milk and ono
of cream, I placo a bottlo on the dumb
waiter at night, with two collars marked
milk and ono marked cream. In the
morning, tho milkman can sco nt a glanco
how many bottles of each T want. He
places tho collars on my bottles and tho
other families can seo instantly whose
they are. It has saved me endless in
convenience and annoyance. C. M. T.,
New York.
I wns very much pleased with the way
my next-door neighbor called her chil
dren. She blew a little whistle, and
each child had a special signal. Harry's
was two long blasts and ono short one,
Glen's ono long nnd ono short, and
Mary's ono long. Three short notes wns
the general signal for all. When tho
signnl sounded, the child for whom it
wns intended excused himself and went
homo nt once. If other mothers knew
how infinitely more efficient, agreeable
nnd even refined wns that five-cent wliis
tlo than shrill, ear-splitting screnms,
they would invest in ono immediately.
Mrs. S. J. II., Portage, Wis.
M 1
Don't Take Up Your
Carpets This Spring
You can clean your car
pets and rues moro thor
oughly and with much
less wear nntl tear by
uslmr n Domestic Vac
uum Cleaner.
Tho iKiwerful suction
or Hit' Domestic draws
every iinrtlclo of
ilust anil dirt out of
tho texture or your
carpets and even
draws tin tho dust
from the floor le-
neath them.
What U more, tin-
lit) in os t Ic
keeps your
hiiUKd dust
fnio even-
day In the year Instead of
a f ew vt eeks each year an
is tne caae wnere otner
1 methods are employed.
With Brush Attachment
We are now Dl ac
ini! on the market
through our thou
rands of dealers and
agents oar loinetlc
and Itruih Cleaner.
The Vaonntn cleans
the texture of the carpets and nigs thoroughly. The
It muli may be nsed when neceiary to pick ap threads,
raTeungs, uni anu neavy tsnriace uir.
The Domestlo Combination Cleaner lathe only one
which surcespfnlly operates the Vacunui and the llrunh
ai me same time.
The llrtuh maybe thrown In or out of one Instant
It. br slmuly touching the foot to a small leter.
the Domestic Is the only Full Hall Hearing Vacant..
Cleaner the only Vaciinm Cleaner with the exclusive
Domestic Hall Hearing Holler hupport, presenting not
ale from dragging and wearing the mrpets as other do.
I ue Domestic is tne omy cleaner with none ami isot
ale Attachment for cleaning portieres, npholstered fur
n I tore, mattresses, pillows, etc.
The Domestic Is made of three ply. well seasoned
wood. In the largest and best equipped vacnnm cleaner
laciory in tne worm.
Write today for Illustrated booklet giving prices and
run lmormaiion.
Live Dealers nnd Agents Wanted
Dealers and agents who will sell 6 or more Domestic
Vacuum cleaners should write for our urooosltlon.
Manufactured under the original acuum Hweeper
patent, iicenseu unuer jvenney nasio i atent M7,vi.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaner Co,
246 llermon St., Worcester, Muss.
246 Masonic Temple, I'coriu, 111.
Getting Ready For the Spring Dressmaker
(Continued from Page 3)
ter house dresses that n slight altering
will make just tho thing for street wenr
when tho coat suit is impracticable f You
will probably havo to make it slightly
simpler; tnking off nil unnecessary trim
ming, removing lace, nnd substituting
plain net that is fresh nnd fine.. Any
tendency to bouffancy in the skirt may bo
held down by tho weighted brnid that
comes by tho ynrd nnd is not difficult to
sew on tho inside of a skirt hem. Avoid
fussiness, which, charming as it mny bo
for tho house, looks out of placo on the
street. A Russian blouso dress of light
weight cloth would bo an excellent thing
to mid to your spring wardrobe. Collar
and cuffs of gay Bulgarian silk givo n
smart color note.
Tho tub dresses como next, for you
know how indispensablo they aro in tho
summer. If you havo not a washable
white corduroy skirt, by nil means take
this opportunity nnd mako one, for noth
ing is nicer to wear with tho thin whito
blouse. Choose good materials that will
not fado and will wnsh well.
Remember that linon needs rather
heavy and offectivc trimming. Cording,
wash braid, and eyelet nil-over embroid
ery, goes well with it, as does the very
stunning open bnnding that conies in so
many widths nnd variations. Torchon,
cluny, nnd St. Galls dyed to match tho
linon is an agreeable touch to tho more
elaborate frock. Moro inexpensive ma
terials, such ns scotch ginghams, tlevou
shiro cloth, galatea, cotton voile, English
rep and n few of tho new mercerized
fabrics will mako fairly serviceable nntl
very trim little morning dresses. If tho
uinterinl is striped, checked, or plaid
ttombine with it tho snnio goods in a plain
cover matching tho most pronounced
shndo in tho pattern. Black and whito ef
fects for more formnl occasions may havo
n contrast in jade green, American Wauty
rose, turquoise blue, french nmber or nny
vivid touch that seems suitable. Tho se
lected color carried out in the hat, gloves,
footwear, or parasol, makes a very good
looking ensemble. Crystal buttons, or
black with whito pearl centers are a very
smart finish to a dress of this sort.
If you aro contemplating making somo
sheer frocks that can be worn informally
in tho evening, ns well ns in Uie late
afternoon of wnrm summer days, you
might havo them made with well fitting
guimpes that can be removed. A semi
transparent effect on tho upper half of
a bodice is still much in vogue. Flesh
colored chiffon under lnco will give this
effect to nn almost startling degree. In
fact, some of tho smartest gowns nro
merely n plain or draped skirt, slashed
or caught up over one's instep, with n
tiny suggestion of tho skirt material
raised into a bib or draped over one
shoulder j tho rest of tho bodico being nl
most entirely composed of laco or chiffon
over llesh colored lining.
A few colored foundation slips made
up possibly from the well-used satin even
ing dress of tho winter season will admit
of a variety of over-tunics of chiffons or
flowered silks that can be so easily put
together nnd seem so effective when worn.
A bit of dull gold used very sparingly on
tho frock and a tinsel corsago bouquet,
will add distinction to a very simple cren
t ion.
If you can not arrange to have your
spring wardrobo worked upon nt home,
engage ns early as you can some good
dressmaker of whoso reputation you nro
sure, or, if you nro unusually clever, some
little beginner whoso prices nre lower and
who can follow your suggestions satisfac
torily. If it is your intention to work nt
homo bo suro that your sewing room is
equipped with cutting table, scrap basket,
sewing machine, shears, tape measure and
pins nnd, by tho wny, tho steel white
headed kind nro nicer than tho ordinary
pins, for they leave no mnrk on tho soft
est sheerest material, hold the goods more
firmly, nnd nro easier to find when scat
tered on tho floor. A pneumatic dress
form is nn excellent addition to a sewing
room and saves many a tedious fitting.
Grace Norton Hosi.
I is the next thing to owning the original drawing.
All my proolsnre the first printing from the originals.
This month's offer is a two-color proof ol a drawing,
"The Treaty of Peace," by Remington Schuyler, one
of the most popular artists of American fiction and
Start Your Collection Now
Enclose ten cents (coin or stamps to cover postage
and packing) for this beautiful picture In its original
colors, size 10H x 14 inches, printed on high finish
enamel paper.
A Beautiful Den Picture for Any Home
Many other reproductions by famous artists
F. A. BARR, 1400 Ketner Building. Chicago, 111.
Mary T. Goldman's
Gray Hair Restorer
will bring back the origi
nal color to gray and
faded hair and will
leave the hair clean,
fluffy and natural.
On hand at all dealers;
or direct from laliora
tory. express prepaid,
fin fnlnt nf It'rnn
trial bottlo and comb sent for flvo 2c stamps to
cover iioatatro and packluir. Ho sure and tell mo
original color of your hair. (48)
Miry T. Goldman, Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.
ltej. U. 8. Pat. Ofllce
AGENTS $8 a Day
BDoaia d eaiiir ma a a as inn oar
Concentrated KooAlcohollc rood
Flavors, perfumes and ToiUt Prep
arations. Over 60 kinds, pot ap (a
collapsible tubes. Ten times tha
strength of bottle extracts. Kvsrr
home In city or country li a postf
ble customer Entirely new. quick
sellers. Good repeaters. Not sold
In stores. tfo competition. 100 par
cant, profit to .agents. Elegant
aampla caaa lor wokerf, fits
now wbtlo it's new. Write today
kostcaxil will do ThDCC1
for full porUculaxi XVEsIL
AMERICAN PRODUCTS C0..53go Sycamore SuChdnnttlO.
Do?tora Chiropractic
Make $3,000 to $5,000 a Yeir &w3
pMful prof Be km In yvur
lyuur spar time br mtul at
Th eoursf la dimplifled. lib
erslly lllutttnOd. and with IS Ma ehru frv to
vcrr Btuduitfn&kes an baortilna' stud of th
hunianbodanilUsilintRU. Coursaquickljinatl
to pvr foriUclf. Ir. Wsltr. a rraduaU. mad
vr si.uuu nm irr mc
It.UOQ Art thr months. Writ todar for
BMsflAl Umu In fare nuts' trmm llhiatnitaui rat.
uihtu and nraol of worwlrful laelaL urof Malofu 1
1 music 111 Dock Free,
National School of Chlroprmetlo
Dept. 322, 13B3 W.Madison St. Chicago
WANTf D lUf money writing
SooffS Past cipcrlcnce un
necessary. Send us poems or
Hsiesrtli MusU Pub. C . 6670, Vsth., D. C.