Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART FIVE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 12, Image 46

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Rewards from
Do You Itomenibpr Tliat Old Story about
Robert Hruco and tlio Spider? Robert was
Illdlmr in a Cuve. I'ts Enemies Had Him
"In tlio Hole," Tctnporu'-lly, So to Speak,
As It AVere. Wlillu Itcllectlng on tlio llockv
Ilotul to Royalty, Robert, the Uruce, Espied
u Spider Spinning His Web Over the En
trance to the Cavern. Nino Times Did tho
Spider SwIiik Across tho Opening In a Vain
Attempt to Effect ft Landing, but tho Tenth
Tlmo ho Touched the Homo Plate, and
Robert, admiring tho PerslHtenco of tho
Insect. Cried Out Loud "Ilravo," Two or
Three Times, One Right
After tho Other. Shortly
After That Uruce Got
Husy nnd Captured a
All of This Preamble
Is Intended to Point a
Moral, which Is "If At
First You Don't Suc
ceed, Slap on Mor
Steam, and Sand tho
Track." In This Con
nection I want to In
ciulru about Your New
Year's Resolutions, and
to Ask If You Havo
Kept thu Ku I til. and If
Not Why Not? Be
lieve the Pathway to
Prosperity la l'avcilwlth
Hood R c a a I u 1 1 o n .
Therefore, let Us Rc
naive, and Keep Resolv
ing until Victor) Is
I'erchcd on our Ilanncrs.
Remember, You Havo
Fought Many n Victor
ious Waterloo that tho
World Knows Nothing
About. The Man who
Oets Up every Tlmo Ho
Falls Down Will Somo
Day Cense to bo a "Fall Guy." 0ooJ Reso
lutions Will lie llcwarded with Illch Reali
sations, and It Shall Follow ns thn Night
tho Day.
How Much Uetter Off are You than Last
Year, or tho Year Heforo That? Perhaps
Your Wages uro a Llttlo Higher, but Have
not Your Expenses More than Kept Pace
with That Increase? Aren't You Paying a
Little More for Your Clothes and Your
Meals, nnd don't You Smoke Moro Expen
sive Cigars and more of Them than For
merly? If It Isn't Cigars, It may bo Some
thing Else Somo Moro Expensive Habit.
A Man Ueglns To Co Down Hill at Forty,
nnd tho tlmo may como when a Younger
Man perhaps u Cheaper Man will 1111 your
Job. Tho Man Who-Looks-Ahend will pre
pare himself for that tlmo by getting a
Home, My advice to You, therefore, Is to
Get a Homo while you are nblo to do so and
Begin Now. I would further advlso you to Oet
a Homo In tho Gulf Coast Country or Texas.
Since Investigating Conditions In tho Rain
Belt of Gulf Coast Texas, I havo no Fenr of
Old Ago or Poverty, because I know I can
Take up a Few Acres down there nnd be
Absolutely Independent. I am Firmly Con
vinced thnt with Average Intelligence and
Average Industry, any Man who Is now
Working Ills Head oft In tho North to make
a Bnro Living, where they Snntch One Crop
between Snowstorms nnd Blizzards, can soon
Lay Up a Nice Bank Account In tho Winter
(iurilen of Anierlrn. Come to tho Land
of Least Resistance, where You can Grow
Thrco Big Money-Making Crops a Year on
tho Samo Soil and Without a Dollar's Worth
of Expense for Irrigation or Fertilization.
I bellevo you could save Twenty-Five Cents
a Day If You Tried. I know you would Try
If you Realized that our Growers of. Figs,
Strawberries and Early Vegetables clear a
net profit of $300 to JGOO nn Acre. Men have
Realized moro than $1,000 an aero growing
Oranges In our Country. Remember that
our Early Vegetables get to Northern Mark
ets In Mld-Wlnter and
Early Spring, when they
command Top Prices.
One German Truck
Grower on adjoining
lands last spring real
ized nearly $500 from
three-fourths of an acre
of Strawberries. You
could do as well If you
only Tried, and on a
Ten-Acro Tract l'lnd
I'lnuiielal freedom.
Tho Biggest P r 1 c o
paid for a car of water
melons on tho Houston
Market last year was
$140. Tho car was
shipped by tho Danbury
Fruit and Truck Grow
ers' Association.
Wo aro situated with
in convenient shipping
distance of Threo Good
Railroads nnd In addi
tion to this havo the In
estimable Advantages of
Water Transportation
through thu Splendid
Hnrbors of Galveston
and Velasco. so that our
Freight Rates aro Cut Practically In Half.
The Cllmnto Is Extremely Healthful nnd
Superior to that of California or Florida
Winter or Summer owing to the Constnnt
Gulf Breeze.
Our Contract Embodies Life and Accident
Insurance, and should You Dlo or become
totnlly disabled, Your family, or unyono
else You name, will get the Farm without
tho Payment of Another Penny. If you
should be Dissatisfied, wo will Absolutely
Refund your Money, as per tho Terms of
our Guarantee.
Write for our Free Book, which contains
nearly 100 Photographs of Growing Crops,
etc. Fill Out tho. Blank Space below with
your Nnino and Address, plainly written and
mail It to tho Texas-Gulf Realty Company,
147a Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago, III. Read It
Carefully, then use your own Good Judgment.
rieaseiend me ) our look," Imlrienuence With Ten Acrei."
Two Text Gulf Coast Products
Color your Last
gear's Straw Hat with
Splendid for fixing up
Ladlos&Chlldrcns hots.
Dries in. 30 Minutes.
. r l n VI-
'M.J. In T WawrprWI nuvware.
Jet Black DulIBUek Cardinal Red- Navjr Blua
Cadet Blue-SageGreenBuml Straw Brown Wolel
Avoid 'aJ 'suSsMates-inshl 'cut ftauax Qiokitc
omwmsvr&iMGsrofissi "
or aend 2Sin. at amps to Depl.Af.
Ifctut Mushrooms
How to reaUr Am Ut mony In
mu.broom., l luUf eipUlned la Um
Vnnfc Th Truth About
Ul UtUBM Wew "'. -"'
tU fTMMM iMtWtl tirtfeanty ia
.SO and the Arrow
PerMonth Motorcycle is YOURS
Ycs.-llmfs nil. Jll.50 n month. No need to
aave up your money for montha and month! before you
canhaveamotorcycle. Youeanhavethegenulne i Arrow
-si your own and pay for it while you are riding it.
Famous Aviation Type Motor
A motor just like tho btrdmen use. The power
ful motor that drivea tho Arrow atanifa as ther moat
MlfMt .nciit. tot molorcrelea ewr maniHaclorjd. Tha moat
tZvarfiil motor a.arw.1 Into anrmotorcrcla. ratlha " 'jail.
loMroill choice of in- Wrlu toAu fo lull particular..
Write Today for FREE Catalog
JUSl IIUI Your IIUIIIU uim miuiww ,"MY' .
a letter and aend It to us at once. Wewilliiend you.
you the machinea
did prepaid.
tht vou Uiri W citooe irora. -
ill abou. w eUrtlln,r offer. You can n 'Titn,Z
It trArTowj4atorrrcWs kne yw an pajln for It. But
wifW today. Thle offer U limited.
Dipt. 2453 2Sa West ISth Street. Chicago. Ifflnoi
U.J. OMbaUAlt.lkllUll,ll
euUtl W Mart. P?U Mcnaa4ki
Ait imm lH. TMMltUitnirM, M. b WMllat. M4 MfrMkwt
Makos tho Skin Like Velvot-
fie 8ainiy cream of flowers
which Keeps me compioxion
nnturallv boautuul-
1103 All Dealer ' Nation Udo .ell ELCAYA M
lwB jtiniit tail 4iVt loenii, mm R
' Yes, I know, 1 know ! ' ' she murmured,
fumbling nervously with a fold of lier
When lie spoko again it was to nsk
abrujitly: "Katherine, havo you any
bromitlo here?"
"You know I never take anything
like that. I 'm afraid of growing to need
it too much."
"That 's right, you shouldn't take it.
Hut tonight I 'm going to give you some
beforo I go. You 're all aquiver, nnd I
can't havo you awake all night." He
smiled. "You know, you're going to get
well nnd strong now, so wo can afford to
steal this one night's sleep."
SI10 smiled faintly. "It 's good to be
waited on and looked after."
Ho crushed back the answer that came
to his lips. Any expression of his own
love would only distress her. Then ho
said good night very quietly, without any
further referenco to the morrow.
That night she slept deeply, delicious
ly tho sleep of one utterly wearied.
IT was after nino when she awoko with
11 startled feeling of something pend
ing, something momentous that was be
fore her. What wns it? Bewildered, she
gazed about tho room. Then in n Hash it
all swept back.
It was today 1 IIo would probably see
him today! And now she was full of"
fears, of apprehensions. Her whole life
depended on that interview. With all
Will's tact and delicncy, still might he
not make mistakes'! IIo knew so little of
tho man ho was 'to approach, and yet he
was to approach him about tho most dilli
eult and delicate tiling of which one man
can speak to another.
It was ten when she called up his office;
ho wns always there at that time. Hut
tho stenographer answered that Mr. Ben
nett had been iu nnd gono out again, nnd
had left no word as to when he would
bo back.
Slio waited half an hour and then called
again. But he had not returned. By this
time sho was feverishly anxious and un
strung. Again she called; and then be
gan hurriedly to dress. Sho would go
down to his office. Action of any kind
would bo easier than waiting here.
She took :i taxicab to a subway station
and an express train from there. To reach
his office ns soon as possible her mind
held no other thought. She had had no
breakfast, which increased tho feeling of
sick, trembling weakness.
"Air. Bennett just 'phoned ho would
bo in at 11:30," his stenographer in
formed her when she entered. "Ho said
lie had an appointment hero at that time,
and it 's almost that now. Will you
Katherine nodded and turned toward a
small reception hall thnt lay between the
main room and his private office. She
waited thero a few moments nnd then
opened tho door on the ground glass of
which was tho word "Private." For
a second she hesitated, then entered, clos
ing tho door after her.
He would havo wanted her to como in
here, she assured herself. He would not
hnvo wished her to wait outside. Sho sank
into the revolving chair beforo his desk.
Her head ached cruelly, nnd sho was
trembling with sheer nervous weakness.
Sho suddenly realized that her rushing
down hero had been very foolish and
wholly unnecessary. Sho had only to leavo
word, and he would so willingly havo
come to her.
Thero were voices now in tho outer
office. Had he comot Sho rose and
turned toward tho door. Then sho stopped
and caught blindly at 11 chair.
IH11 voice !
"Mr. Bennett nsked mo to bo hero at
11:30," curtly. "It 's ten minutes past
that now."
Then the stenographer's voice: "He Ml
bo hero in 11 moment, I 'm sure. He 's
always punctual about his appointments."
Wildly she was looking around for somo
1 means of escape. Ho was just outsido
I the door sho had entered. There was an
other door sho sprang toward it! But
it was only a closet liued with shelves of
files nnd papers.
Then Will's voice:
I "I am sorry to havo been detained."
Don't Worry
if you have
I-or now with n few npnllcatlonsof a mar.
vclous now cream you can reduce these
unsightly blemishes to their normal size.
This new and wonderful nrcimratlon Is a
thick. whlto iiastc, which heals, cleanses and
quickly closes tho enlarged nores. refining thn
skin texture and leaving It soft as velvet.
1'lmDles. blackheatlfl .nd everv ntttpr .mntlmi
cativetl by enlarged, ctuffKed up porea disappear
11 oj magic, aner a lew applications A .
oM'OllEl'lfKAM, hlch makes a eoare X
reddened vkln rmooth and w hits as mow. V
KIAY, while yon rememlier. fend II.
ami postage for aJarof 1'OIIK CltKAM. to
Suite 67. 509 Fifth Ave., New York
I 1, V Mr Scl.ntlHc Skin Trentm.nt,
LOOK IOUng mfnUUred In mytlfUi A,
, P S.k,n. mir b. by roll
1IOMF:. Irm.l Instruction .ot uh Iwnt. Pull
ticul.r aim handiom. booklat ant tjr return
Cuff Buttons That
Simply Can't Break
Because tliey have no solder joints- that are always
Hie weak point. If you want this kind be sure to
ask for
Cuff Buttons
(One-Piece Bean and Pod)
nnd look for the name "Kmn
enlr." stamped on the back, to
make sure that you are nettiiik'
the k'cnuinc. They are the biir
brothers of the famous Kremcntz
Collar Huttons, and are backed
up by the same liberal guarantee:
new button free in exchange
for every Kreinentz Cuff Button
that Is broken or damaRed from
any cause.
In Krementz Quality 14 Karat
Rolled Hold Hate, at $.'.() the
pair. Many beautiful deslKlis to
choose from.
Sold by leading Jewelers and
Haberdashers. A booklet free
for the asking.
KREMENTZ & CO.. 27 Chestnut St.. Newark, N. J.
The Lareest Manufacturers of Fine Jewelry in the World
A New Hernial
r'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTJ
Hrooks' Appliance.
the modern scientific
invention, the wonder
ful new discovery that
cures rupture will be sent
on trial. No obnoxious
springs or pads. Has
automatic Air Cushions.
Binds and draws the
broken parts together aa
C. E.BR00KS, the Diteaxrtr you wouldabrokenlimb.
No salves. No lies, Dur
able, cheap. 1'at, Sent. 10, '01. Sent on trial to
prove it. Catalogue and measure blanks mailed
ree. Send name and address today.
C. E. BROOKS, 460 B Stale St., Marshall, Mich.
Young Man Make
$3,000 a Year or More
Would you Lite to know
the opportunity we orrery ou
practicing the diimified.
iiroflublo profeftslon of
Mech mo-Therapy, the estab
lished dm glean healing
science. W aend you freo
thU great book, together Hh
urmthrr on of qiuj m, both,
with all charce prepaid.
If I thow you how S3 000 a rear
can be made bjr you. will you imw
your intereat in tnla e.nDounce
meat by simply on a pulaj or In a
letter to tnewriUnc Iheae word.
I'Uaa mau imirrrftootioM
fuil partteuiarm." AddrvM
25 Maaalerrc BIJj., CMcsio
1 vviaw
7E6liyiO-T'l EKHflST
'Anum Gjiuct
Our folly guaranteed, lUm wind and aet.
richly encraved watch, proper aixe. and
Dniuani s-eune nnr. are
r aefluur 20 Jewelry d
aruetee ei lue eacn.
Order jewelry now
when told mmaA 12. M
knd we will . aend you . S
wauh. ruia and liandaonM chain rnr-E.