Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART FIVE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Page 7, Image 41

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M 111 11111111 I
Unraveling a Leap Yaar Tannic
Louise Winter.
KLL, NOW that I've
brought you out here, ' '
snid Cynthia; "I want
you to listen to my pro
posal. " Her voice
sounded sane; but Fer
ris looked around in
alarm, and wondered whether ho could
call for help if sho grew violent.
"You'vo known mo nil my life," bIio
So ho had, but he had never suspected
anything liko this. "I admit it," he
said, cheerfully.
"And you know my character. AVhen
I make up my mind to do a thing, I ac
complish my pbject."
. Ho knew that also from past experi
ence, so he groaned.
"What's the matter! Are you ill?"
And sho frowned.
"No;" ho lied, "just happy."
"Doesn't sound liko it, but perhaps
I 'm not well acquainted with tho out
wnrd igus of a man 's happiness. 1 'vo
never bothered much with your sex, you
know. ' '
"Then why begin now?" He took
courage. "Men are dreadful creatures;
you can never depend upon thcm"
"Don't I know that? Hut there are
certain circumstances in which wo have
to consider man."
What could sho mean'f Was it possi
ble that she had fallen in love with him ?
Surely he had never given her any real
encouragement. He groaned again.
"Still happyf"
"Perfectly." One might as well be a
martyr with a grin.
"Then, let's get down to business. As
I said before "
"I heard you the first time." He
wondered if she would ask him if she
wcro tho first girl he'd ever loved.
"I've thought it all out. Your estate
and mine dovetail; your property has all
tho qualifications that mino lacks. J
havo tho water front, you havo tho farm
lands; separately they amount to noth
ing, together they would become valu
able." So sho wanted to marry him for the
sake of his estate. Perhaps she'd tako it
and let him off. It was worth trying.
"My dear girl, if it's tho projnjrty you
covet, let mo give it or sell it to you
reasonably, and forget about tho pro
posal. ' '
"I couldn't accept it as a gift. I'm
not womanish enough to tnko something
for nothing. What I offer in exchango is
a fair proposition."
Was over man wooed liko this boforc?
"You offer too much," ho murmured.
"Don't 1)0 silly. I know what I'm
about, and I flatter myself, Prank, that
I'm a better business person thnn you
are. ' '
"There, is no doubt of that." Ho was
gallant; perhaps she might succumb to
"Well then, what do you say! Does
my proposal strike you favorably!
Think it over; you'd bo relieved of nil
tho worry incumbent upon tho manage
ment of your place."
"I begin to feel T have exaggerated
my former worries."
"Hotter have done with them onco for
all. You see, it's time I settled down,
and you must admit you've been wast
ing your Hfo so far. Oivo up frivolling
and marry; a wife will steady you."
OITCir a wife! "There's no doubt of it;
but perhaps she might sink tho ship.
I 'm not equnl to carrying too much bal
"You enn't tell me anything about
yourself that I don't know. 1'vo looked
at. you from nil sides, and 1 've coma to
tho conclusion that you display your best
side to women, that, is, to other wom
en ; you 'vo never pulled tho wool over
my eyes. Still, you havo likeable quali
ties, and wo can't ask too much. When
wo have tho frnnchiso wo cnu demand
mental, moral and physical equality
from our mates; till then, wo havo to
put up with what wo can get."
"You put it charmingly." Ho was
flvo feet eleven, and ho weighed a hun
dred and sixty pounds. Ho knew girls
that considered him good looking, and
they had never found fault with his
mentality; but of course, this wns dif
ferent. "I never caro to mince matters, and
believe me, I havo your best interests at
heart. What do you say, is -it a bar
gain!" JJ H made his last stand. "No, I con-
sider one of us is being sold too
"You think I'm taking advantage of
"Not at all. T admit that your offer is
fair enough."
"Then why do you hesitate about giv
ing me a straightforward answer!"
"You havo me in a corner, and I
can't say 'No,' to a lady."
"I'm asking you to say yes."
"Oynthia, give mo time, this is so sud
"You talk liko. a girl with her first
proposal. ' '
"Jt's leap year, I know; but I'm a
man, and it's inv first.
"What! "
" It's my first," ho repeated helplessly
"Do you wonder that I am shy!"
Sho was almost as tall as he; sho
weighed nuito as much; sho had blue
black eyes, heavy eyebrows, and a squaro
chin. There wns nothing or tno intra'
feminino in her face, nor in her manner.
Now, as she took a step nearer, ho
quailed. Would she tako him in her
arms, willing or unwilling f
"What on earth aro you talking
about!" sho demanded, a trillo thickly.
"Your proposal." His voice faltered.
"To take vour cstato under my man
agemeut, and to share tho profit I mnko
out of tho two places."
"Cynthia!" His relief was so great,
that his voico shook with emotion.
haven't deserved this of you."
A HUMOROUS light crept into her
keen eyes. "Dless tho man! I do
believe ho thought I was proposing for
him, instead of his property."
Knowing what ho had thought, ho roso
gallantly to tho occasion. "If it only
had been that," ho murmured.
"You would havo said yes!"
"Can you doubt it!"
"Humph!" said Cynthia, and then
more kindly: "Marry, my dear boy,
marry at once; mako your choice to
night, otherwiso you'll havo it made for
you. Ueally, it's not safe for a man
liko you to venture abroad in leap year."
"Will you marry me, Cynthia!" His
feelings had undergono a suddeu change.
"Decidedly no." Sho spoke sharply.
"Hut it's rather nice of you to ask
Ho sighed.
"Is that nnother sign of happiness!"
she nsked.
"No, it's it's ono of disappoint
ment." And straugu to say, tho mere
man really thought he meant it.
British Columbia
Money in
Without Leaving Home. A Supreme Opportunity Direct
from Canada's Great New Railway The
Grand Trunk Pacific
Like a trcds-e Canada'i croat Transcontinental Railway, with Its 8C00 miles of main and
branch linos, la BDllttlnir Canada's Troaiure province Urltish Columbia. Tlio Inrush of
settlers demands tho establishment of several Important now towns. Tho first of theso U
As Innortaat Luneir, Arrlesltursl sad Mialaf Crater
si tos Canflnencs el lbs Frir, Willow tad Saloon Riven
Nine billion feet of timber: larco coal denostts: rich cold fields nnd'thc far-famed
Peace Itlver country aro back of Willow. Hiver. James Oliver Curwood. America's
noted writer and former Special Investigator for tho Canadian Government, says: Willow
River Is bound to bo onoof tho two or threo most Important cities alone tho line of tho Grand
Trunk Pacific in British Columbia."
Fortunes Made
In Western Canada. Trading Pctfl of a few
years ago are aky-serapored cities. Wheat fields
of a year ago are humming towns today. Many
of tbo best towns In Western Canada aro now
Grand Trunk Pacluo towns. It's tho policy of the
Urand Trunk Paclflo Hallway Oompanytodisposo
ot their property at Low Prices, Kosy Terms, No
Interest for tho sole purpose of creating trtmo,
Tho Railway company aro not In tbo business of
selling lots merely for the sake of selling lots.
They dispose of lots to merchants, manufact
urers, homesoe Iters and investors in order to en
courage settlement create tratBo build Import
ant towns. That's why jou take uo chanoes In
purchasing property direct from tho Grand Trunk
Pacluo Hallway Company.
Mjslmnt Htoroa ot all kinds are needed at
UierCnanlS WlllowIHrcr. Thousands of dot.
lars aro waiting to be rung up on jour cash register
Mnti(fi.iirnr, Willow RUor oilers unllmlt.
ItlanUtaCtUrerS ,4 water power. ThoFraser
River Is navigable for UO miles. Tho Urand
Trunk Pacluo Hallway will carry your product
to the Prairies and to the PaclUo Ocean for re
shipment via Panama Oanil or to the Orient. A
wealth of raw material at hand.
Tnl,ft.lAv. Tho remaining limited numlcr of
investors Iota In WIIIowTtlvor aro now being
oSored by tho Urand Trunk Paclflo Railway
Company at original prices. Easy Terms. No In
terest It's an Investment in a much needed
town in a famously rich country. You aro deal
ing direct with a great railway. When you are
ready to soil we will put you In touch with rellablo
dealersorwlthabuyerdtreet. Huy low while you
havo tho opportunity Hell at an advance later.
Examples of Advances
In Edson, Alberta, threo (100 lots sold for
I1.7W. A IV lot brought S7.0U0 in eighteen
months. In Mirror, Alberta, to fl,UM havo
been paid. In Loverna, Baskatchewan. a 1450 lot
old for f LOW In sli weeks. ilO.UX) was recently
paid for a lot In Prlnco Huport. tho Paclflo coast
terminal. Othor even more startling advances
could bo cited.
What 3J30 Will Do
$30 down Bad $30 each threo months for n year
No Interest will buy a lot in Willow River.
Clear and perfect title direct from (Iran i Trunk
Paclflo Hallway Company. Remomber there la
only ono Hritlsh Columbia only ono WIllowRlv
or only ono Orand Trunk Paclflo Hallway only
one tlmo that you can take advantage of fafs
suprcm ojiporfunflir 1 hat's Now.
Heed This Warning
There Is only ono original and olflclal Grand
Trunk Paclflo townslto at tho confluence of tho
iiiiuw uiiu nuimuii intern. is itieait-ii
on Lot No. 7ST. The Hallway station slto w
nppruveu uj mo jionra ot jiauwav uommiu-
loners under date of March snth, 11112. OrdcrX
N. IrtlTtl l tin rl.a.J 1', l.Jltn ll.llv., S
Company havo no interest in outllng sub V
divisions. This Is pointed out for jour r Vfr
protection. Tako no chances, but get V CP
four Information and proportydlroot,' a A"
torn tho Urand Trunk Paclflo C- A -i
Hallway fVinmnnv. . 1
-" ' ' W 17.'V tilth
A Mats of Evldeacs Frta to
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Transcontinental Townsite Company, Ltd.
611 Sterling Baak Bids.. Wiosiper. Canada. Aatboriied Aicsls
Grand Trunlc Pacific Railway
Is jour opportunity to vtlllowjmcr
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without lcavy ft- logs there for
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Not Even an Anxious Moment
Weed Chains
Give Confidence
A NARROW road, a precipitous descent, a 'sharp
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Chains you arc absolutely sure of sufficient traction,
perfect brake control and the elimination of every
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Are you still takinfi your life in vour hands bv
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Arcyou still unwisely depending
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Weed Chains
The Greatest of all
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Imposslbleto obtain adequate
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An absolute necessity on both
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Cannot Injure tlrea because
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Equip your car with Weed
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