4 A TIIK OMAHA SrNDAV WM: MAKm 2J, lDl.'J. as 3S i ii IS 4M 1 ii 8' Hi r w ".to MS 14 c' : IK . 1? (. V 1 3 3? M 3 3 PHYSICIANS MAKE REPORT Experts Watching Progress of Pa tients Issue Statement. WARN CONSUMPTIVES AWAY Admit (lint TuliercUlftila Culture In "Mvr llnR".ntiil tUnt They Arc. llrrrilltiK II In Try on Consumptive rUnnUcja. WASHINGTON, March a. -The Public Health eervlce, through Surgeon Ocneral Blue, Issued Its first !tutemetit today relative to the fravernitient investlsatlon of Dr. F. F. Krledmnnn's rtllegad tuber culosis oura. The statement, which cm phaHfes tho government's polloy to pro ceed cautiously, la an follows: "On March 8 the secretory" of the treas ury, on the recommendation of the sur geon General of the public healtn serv ice, caused a board of medical officers to be detailed to make a thorough in vestigation of Dr. Frledmann alleged euro for tuberculosis. "Thos.j officers proceeded Immediately lo New York and arranged with or. Frledmann for demonstrations of his remedy upon persons suffering trom tu berculosis. Theso demonstrations are b big carried on In certain New I'orfe hos pitals through the courtesy of their re tpectlvc authorities and will be con tinued until sufficient Information hns Been obtained for the forming of an opln 'on as to the merits of the treatment. "Dr. Frledmann has submitted to the board a culture of the bacteria, which he state are used In his method Of treatment. In" addition to tho observa tion of persona under treatment by Ds. Frledmann, the board of officers will make experiments to ascertain whether this culture Is, as Dr. Frledmann claims, hurmless to warm-blooded animals. Will Tk Thin- lo Tell. "Considerable time will neeesivrlljr be required to carry out theso Investigation-), Skeili Eijay Your Meals On of tho Mot Import-Hit Questions to Consider in Uio Scnrcli for Happiness anil llcnttJi. If your stomach can not digest your food, what will? Where's tho relief? Thf answer Is In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, . because,, as nil stotnaqh trou ."hies" arise "front iWdlgestton and becVuso one Ingredient . of Stuart's Dyspepsia. Tablets Is able to thoroughly and com pletely digest 2,000 grains of food, doesn't It stfcnd to reason that theso tablets art) going to dlgost all the food And what ever food you put Into yoUf stomach? Ton Cs Kt With the Appatiu of a X.uty TouaftiUr, if Tou Ktlp ' Tour Stomach. Science nowadays can digest food with out having It enter the stomach at all. And Stuart's Dyypopsla Tablots are tho result of this scientific discovery. They digest and digest thoroughly and well, anything and everything you eat. Tho burning question to you Is, "Are you getting put of life all the pleasure and the Heahh you are entitled toT" If not; whymHT ' ' ' No matter whether every organ' and member of your body la In a sound state of health 'and strength, If your stomach 'la In any' way disordered, yon are not going to be "yourself." You are going to be a worried, out-of-sorts, nervous or sullen Individual, whoso actions wilt re flect your condition Inside, and people will naturally avoid you. So, If your stomach refuses to work or can't work, and If you suffer from eruc tations, bloat, brash, fermentation, bili ousness, sour stomach, heartburn, Irri tation. Indigestion, or dyspepsia, of what ever forrrt, Just ' lake one or two of Htuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets, and see the difference. It doesn't cost you much to prove Itf Then you can eat all you want, ' what you want, whenever you want. If you use these tablets, and you can look the whole world In the face with a beam Inc eye and you will have a cheerful spirit, a pleasant face, a vigorous body and a clear mind and memory nnd every, thing will look and taste delicious to vou. That's life. Oet a SO cent box of Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets at any drug store. oiocour is t to anbtnedresult, of stttyyeflisofcencV mAMind-. rhnrnlAteftta ftuitfcll- KnA t)u matt. ficliuaM COtwecuons uiakirwKBT I --J .It. II -- t Along tha margin, of thj advertisement i ih i r.nri i n t n ore Tacuireo or wo miicm6picicK8 'r.hneoltQn rwftt inoavroroa corvj Senium I0RN CANDY CO. Ulrtrlkutorj tili WiUur 8t eiTTtnoir LCKIMlti Do You Need a Watch You can Bet a high erode watch n Aclly- one, half price at, the big I16.WO jeweJrj sale at Or kin JJrus. Veansuy, J but the work will be carried out as rap-. ! idly us possible. - "In the meantime tho public Is In formed of the Inndvlsablllty In the gre'it' majority, of tascs of 'traveling ong dl tances In the hope of receiving treatment, as thoee selected for demonstration pur ports constitute only a small proportion of tlfc .applicants. . 'Certain statements purporting to oe expressions of tho oplnlort of -Hie board of officers of the labile tlealth sorvlce bearing on the Investigation have ap peared fh newspapers, These oftlcers have oxprosscd no opinion and will not bo In position to do so until 'he worn lias advanced sufficiently far to warrant some conclusion in regard to. Dr. f'ried mann's treatment." ' ' ' ' . It was further slated by the govern mi nt's officials that It would (bn a month I probably .before any Conclusions could be t-FHchud relating to tho efficacy of the j treatment upon tho patients, who nro being watched- by the board of officers ' authorized to make the Investigation. 1 Dr. John K. Anderson and Dr. A. M. I Stlmson, who compose, the bqard, are I keeping a dally clinical record 'of cns,es I treated by Dr. Frledmann In the New York hospitals. These' records will fur nish the basis for final reports, when , sufficient Information has accumulated 1 to warrant them. j Developments Ilrpnrtrd Not Flnnl. I Though developments from day to day I such as lowering of temperature, dis appearance of night sweats, cessation of i coughing and the like, might mean! I something of Importance In one case. In j others It would not. For this reason' ' the public health officials regard It dan gerous to make any reports whatever un til they are ready to report finally. They also point out that It In necessary to keop a record In many cases, as two or three cases would not be; sufficient on which to biyio a Just report as to the efficacy of tho treatment Thus far Dr. Frledmann's tuberculosis culture has been demonstrated lo be a "live bug," according to testa made In the government hygienic laboratory here, subaultures .having been grown from tho original culture submitted to tho public health service by the. Berlin doctor sev eral weeks ago. . The tests conducted by Dr. Anderson proved that now bacilli would propagate from the prime culture' and experiments have been begun with warm blooded laboratory unlmals. Tho subcultures also 'jiroved, to be acid-proof and they hove'beeli propagated on various chemll cnl media, such as beef bouillon, gelatin, bread and other subjects. Enough-of the bacilli has been developed tor the carrying.': out." 'thrfugji " mpnkeyf j'-and guinea pigs of "further tests of the antl tubercular bacilli, which Dr. Frledmann claims to have derived from sea turtles, tlcrllii I'atlcnta Improving;. NEW YOItK, March . Sufferers from tuberculosis whom Dr. tf. F. Fried, mann treated with his vaccine before Mi departure, from Berlin to this country are responding remarkably to the treat ment, according to a cablegram received today by Dr. Qeorgo O'llanlon, superin tendent of Belle'vue hospital. The cable gram came from a Berlin physician, JJr. O'Hanlon said. Dr. Frledmann treated sixteen patients here today, but was obliged to postpone the treatment of fourteen others until tomorrow, owing to the fact that nis vaccine Is exhausted, lie devoted most of the day to the preparation of a new supply. ' No, Pennsylvania I.tqenae. PHILADELPHIA, ra March 31.t-No temporary medical license will bo granted by the Pennsylvania States Board of Medical Examiners' to Dr. Frledarlch Frank irieaman of 'Berlin, Vho asserts he ImsS discovered a, cure for; tubercu losis. Thl statement was made yester day by Dr. J. M. Baldy, president of the board. t)r. Frledmann tola four local physicians that ho would not come to this city to perform experimental work unless ha should receive a tcmpornry license giving him permission to practice here. "We will never grant Dr. Frledmann a temporary license," declared Dr, Baldy. last night "In the first .place, the laws of the state do not nermlt mlah nctlniv and, secondly, the members of the State Bord of Medical Examiners do not In tend to make themselves responsible for )fr. Frledmann and his 'cure.' If Dr. Frledmann wishes to come here and treat patients "and collect fees for treatment, he will be compelled to take tho state board examinations similar to those taken by any other physician wishing to practice In the state. We do not object, however, to his coming here as a consult ing physician and demonstrating his vac cine, and I think every physician In the city wilt welcome him If he should come under .these conditions. We feel, how ever, that some hospital should take the responsibility, whether he Is successful or not." Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. For Over Fifty Years Women Have Found Comfort, Grace and Style in 1 Model F 225 (Illustrated above) for slender and medium figures, has medium high bust and la long over the hips. Comfort and style are combined In this model at. .$3.50 New Corset Department on Second Floor. BRANDEIS STORES TRYING TO SET DIPLOMATS Wilson Making Effort to Find Men for Foreign Jobs. ELIOT MAY NOT ACCEPT POSITION (inthcrlr, Kx-Mnr of I'M tnlitirKb Mini Denmcrntlc Mlnlr ( linlrninn, SIny Ue Chosen Amlinssnilor to'Mrklrnu Itrpiilillc. WASHINGTON, March 21-frrsIdent Wilson;-ta making- an, effort to fill the more Importanl diplomatic posts before the extra session of congress begins so that ho may otherwise df .'oto his energies when the time for legislation arrives. The president Is desirous of filling the American embassy at Iondon as quickly as possible and Is said to be In hopes that' Charles' W. Kllot, former president of Harvard, would accept, though there were Intimations among rome of Dr. Kllot friends today that he might de cline. Whether, or not, William FV) McCombs. tho democratlc'"nntlon!ii chairman, will be ambassador to France, Is still nn opon question. Mr. McCombs had a long talk, with the president early today and was at the Whlto House again tonight, but made no announcement. George W. Guthrie, former mayor of Plttsbtirgh, and a democratic stato chair man" of Pennsylvania, has been chosen to be ambassador to Mexico, bu.t it Is likely that an announcement will be de ferred until the Stnto department formu lates its policy with regard t6 recognition of the Hucrta government. It Is certatn. however, that the resignation of Henry j-jiie Yiison, present ambassador to Mexico, .hns been" submitted and wlU ,b accepted, 1 4 I'rlnnpton PrnfrnNor lo Cermnnr. That Prof. Henry IJuchard pno ot Princeton university can be ambassador to Germsny if ho chooses was learned from callers at tho White House today. Prof. J. W. Jonks of Cornell university was a Whlto Housn caller today. He has open very much Interested In the selec tion, df John P.. Mott of Montclalr, N. J., yie Young Men's Christian unoctn. tlon leader to bo minister to China, and is saia to no urging Mr. Mott, on behalf of the president, to accept the post. For the ambassadorships to, Italy, Austria, Brnxll, P-ugsla. Turkey and Japan, no definite. Selections, hiive 'becn made, though Justice James W, Gerald of Now York; Augustus Thomas, Thomas Nelson Page, Beth Low and William PCMftK-Oftdrri aresUltib'elhg promi nently mentioned in this connection. It is likely that John W. Qarrett will icontlnue r.s minister to Argentina, and Maurice Francis Egan as minister to Denmark. Joseph IS. Wlllard of Virginia, Thomas II. Birch of New Jersey, nnd Frederick C. .Penflold of New York are also re garded as certain to be ministers In the foreign service. The president took up chiefly routlno platters with his cabinet at the meeting today. Tomorrow ho" will meet tho. Illi nois vice commission. WARDEN DISCOVERS CONVICT NEAR DEATH (F&m a 8taft Correspondents WNCOLN, Neb., March 22.-(Bpeclal Telegram,.) lst . night os. Warden Fen ton was making his rqunds of the stato penitentiary before retiring; as Is his Usual custom, ' he discnveirod Roy May nitrd, sentenci'd to life ImfirYspfiment from Dox Putto county, hanging In his cell, suspended by a towel. He cut the man down and today Maynard was reported resting easily. Maynard was a "dope" fiend, but when tho now warden took charge at the prison and Inaugurated the no dope pro gram, Maynard seemed to giuffor for the want of the drug and frequently said ho would rather be dead than .to go without It. Ho was sent up fqr killing a restau rant keeper niAlllsnce, and outside of being u '"dope" fiend, 'had' 'been A model prisoner. He wa one of the leadlnir characters In tho minstrel shows given by the convicts, SCHOOL GIRL, FALLING FROM SEAT, DISLOCATES VERtEBRA I1EATIUCK. Neb., March n.-fSpeclal Telegram,.) An unusual accident Recurred' In the Fsirvlew aoh'ool today wheti Goldle Hawkins, 8. year?; old. fell from her seat and dislocated the second cervical vetebni of her spine. She waa removed to a local hospital, where It required tho efforts of three physicians to bring tho bonea back Into Place. The child has been In n state of coma since the accident and hor recovery Is doubtful. Your now suit or gown will lpo: nt its best fjlttod over ono of tho now spring models in B. & G. Cprsots thoy giva the bestfdundation.forthoy nro built to-follow the fnshionablo linos of this season. Tho now spring models are ,equnl iu every wny to custom made corsets and aro marvelous beauty builders. There aro modols to de fine tho lines of the slender figure and othors that gently mould tho medium or stout figuro into lines of graco,nnd beauty And onch model fits perfectly! Model K "27 for full figures, with rather stout Uigbs, Is made of flno coutll with 3 cluster boning over the abdomen a smart, graceful model special, at jgjj Mill Introducing WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT, THIRD I-'LOOK. THOUGHT EATON TO INSANE Wife of Hear Admiral Charged with His Murder Pitied Him. FEARED HE WOULD KILL HER i -f . , Letter from Aocnaetl Wife to Iter Attorney Shovrs thnt Woman Tho UK lit Ilnabnnd Warn Dan gerous to litre With. CHICAGO, March 22 The nature of .ho relations between Rear Admiral Eaton and his wife, charged with his murder. became known here toduy In a letter written by Mrs. Eaton March 15, 1911, to Marshall T. Oalllon, an attorney was acted for her In her divorce proceedings against her first husband, Daniel Henry Alns- worth. In 1006. Tho letter, written from Asslnlopl. Mass.: "This poor man Is dreadful and I fear to Btay here this winter. My leaving him alone with my mother while I was In Chicago, made him wild. If X had a doubt of his Insanity, which I never had, it would bo removed quickly, as he Is so much worse, lie la a sick, helpless and sad old man and it goes to my heart; Ho relies on me entirely, I am his eyes, btatns and life, and still how can I stay hero alone and let' him kill me nnd poor little Innocent Dorothy and ho will do It and then wonder where we are. He Is the most dangerous, subtlo manlao and still I have no way of escape. llellevril l'ulillo Opinion Asnlnst Her Tubllo opinion, his rank, his age and his navy ore all against mo. All doc tors are too dlplomatlo and afraid to attempt to deal with him as he should be dealt with and It will cost me hun dreds of dollars to get evidence and take a year at least to get It In shape, and then I probably will be outwitted by sentiment and pity. He Is the most dan gerous man ypu could meet any place. Please help me. whet shall I doT What do you advise me as tr.s most practical? After Friday 1 shall be here .alone with him. Is It wise? He Is so subtle and steady, would you get n common, cheap woman, just to huvo some one with meT Of course,, such a person would not be able to detect his trouble, only a person drilled to brain trouble or familiar with Insanity. If he Is as dangerous as I believe I must protect my life, so find out whether you can get me a woman, who Is a Sherlock Holmes In criminal Insanity .and of highest moral character and hb?h standing with doctors and alienists, one whose word would go. If she said ho was insane they would do the rest. Please see what you can do for mo anil advise me," nOCKITDj Mass.. March 2L The conversation ,hetween Hear Admiral Joseph G. Uatijn and his family physician. Dr. Joseph Frame, a few hours before the admiral died,, will have un Important bearing. It Is understood. In th further Investigation fnto the cause of the ad miral's death. . Mrs. Eaton Is accused of having ad ministered arsenic, to tha admiral on March 7. Onlthe afternoon of that day Jr. Frame, who had been called to at tend Mrs. Ka ton's, mother, also examined the admiral, i. The latter died during the night. Ex-Governor Black of New York Dies TROIf, N. Y.. March C-Former Gov ernor Vrank & Black, long prominent In republican politics, died at his home here this morning Valvular disease of the heart, with which he had been afflicted for some time, was the cause. JOIINA.SWANSON, President Our New Way of Selling Women's Wearing Apparel TNTIONSE interest is being manifested in our new. suit department. The thous-J-nnds of beautiful garments, the extreme variety, of models and all. at such reasonable prices that intelligent women are eagerly grasping tho' opportunity to profit by our modem methods. s i nr? Bood stylo and unmatched values are combined at the Greater Nebraska as never before in Omaha. Hero s a new way of 8olllnB women's garments and It's making an Irresistible anneal We urge every woman In this community to compare values, study styles nnd realise tho positive advantages so plainly ovldent to all who make comparison the test. posiuvo Tailored Suits Handsome Models at $15 Expect the utmost In stylo and value In this great Introductory suit offer. Beautiful tailored and' 'Bulgarian blouse effects; smart materials. Bedford cords, novelty checks, high grade series arid mixtures; Jackets lined with peau do cygno; women's and misses' models; thole suits are beyond duplication elsewhere for loss .than $20.00 to $22.50. Be sure t! l to. see. these notable suit values Monday at... .$-1 0 .Genuine Style Distinction in Suits at $25 VindoutodlvFwAUn SffS?&it0 a rra"kab!e showing of strictly man-tailored suits at $25.00, this coWuhXv Vntnr 21 .e m8t a"ractlvV styles and values over presented by any store In Bedfo?H?oi epongos, mannish serges, shepherd checks. mBlftnid ea rema.rkabl? collection of distinctive novelties. Every mrkr aliit a masterpiecovof superior tailoring and , h! vC style; special at XVCjkJ Two Remarkable Groups of High-Grade Silk Dresses at $10 and $15 Announcing for Monday a splendid showing of smart mefisaltnn dresses, navy blue, brown and black; have neat pin stripe and are beautifully trimmed with lace. "We urge comparison of these exceptional value with messa. rn s speclaPat08 selUnff el8whero at $15; pJ.(J Spring COA.TO Practical new spring models three-quarter length styleH. side fastening, semi-draped effects and Uulgarlan Btyles; wide range for pleasing choice; unequaled elsewhere for $15.00. Greater coat values here at every price. Be rr i sure to see these splendid V I I I values At PW JOHN A SWANSON.Pnts WM L nOLZMAN.TntA Atlantic Road Put ' On Auction Block For Another Round ATliANTIC, la.. March 22. (Special Telegram.) Thero was u good crowd at the sale of the Atlantic Northern & Southern today and bidding was lively, Btarted by S. C. Pederson, ns trustee of the north end bondholders, bidding $87,000 on the north end. This was raised by Attorney Hess of the lilakedetl company to J87.D00, who also, bid J1CS.100 on the south end. All bids were accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the bid. A bid of $335,000 on the whole line was made for Karl D. Shaw by his father, Leslie M. Shaw, with n check for pnly $2,000 accompanying It. iJirtlvend bond holders bid $00,000' for the north end and tho Blakedoll company raised thts to JM.100. Pfiflerson tilted his bid for the north end to $119,000. Then the Blakedell com pany camo back with a bid of $2SS,100 on the whole road. $120,000 on the north end nnd $168,100 on the south' end. Mr. Web ber, for the Robert Abeles company, made a bid of $172,000 on the south end, when the Blakedell company bid $232,000 on the whole road, $120,00 on tho north end and $172,000 on the south end. Then CHRONIC CATARRH CURED Two Cases Well Worth Ketidino- MBS. J. O. DA.CU8 Mrs. J. C na- cus, Danville, Ar ansas w r t t,o a: 'I have had a tinning' ear sine? was about throe years old. It had jecome very of 'onslve, notwith standing I hud tried several iPhyslclans with out any benefit whatever. "My f at her mooting a neighbor who told him that hla wife had been i ured by Lacupia and l'eruna, then ur n t k. tr. ft " . v fc W IV Hart man, asking nla advice, iha.was told that J had catarrh of the middle ear, or chronic otltlH. "He recommended Lacupia and Peru no. and after uring three bottles of' ooch Ihe discharge and offensive odor aro both gone." . Mr. W. a Nye. or Washington, Ver mont, has had a good deal of personal experience with s catarrli, Ie probably knows more about catarrh than a grea,t many people w.ho make a "specialty of the subject, for ha' has had It twenty van himself. ' There Is no other war for the avrroge person to learn anything, than experience. Twenty years wrestling with the problems of catarrh, local treat meni ana internal treatment, ought to teacn a man something. Mr. Nye tried, he says, many so-called cuiarrn remuaies. lie also claims that he received temporary relief from some Of them. But all the time hla catarrh remained. Ringing la the ears. Muddling AVM. j. IIOIJ5MAN, - . Tren surer Hemarkable styles and values are noted In our ex tensive variety of crepe' de chine and mesaallnb dresses at 415. Have handsome lace yoko and col lar, aiso ricn Persian most unusual values that are usual $20 values In the avorago storo special at , Coats at $10 and COATS Make another comparison tost of our smart coat stylos nt $16. Please note that these coats embody newest style touches: that they are made of fashionable fabrics; that they aro finely tall-' ored In every respect, and are to be rtl r classed with $20.00 to $26 00 coats ,S 1 S usually aold about town; special at .'.rL-' .sKJCZiXALf u WJSalB If ssU 1 " is wshhmhsuu-v m mm tm am MB. a.w sbbbbbbbbbbbsj1 CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN. Leslie M. Shaw put In a bid of $365,000 on the whole road, but the bid was ac companied by a check for only $2,000. From then on the bidding waa between the Robert Abeles company and the Blakedell company and was raised back" und forth $100 at a time until the Abeles company made a bid of 1174.800 on th south end and this with the' bid of the north end bondholders of $119,000 made a total of $233,800 on the whole road, which was then met by the Blakedell comonnv. There were no further bids offered, but reaerson asked to withdraw his bid of $119,000 by a written statement Which will be placed before the court when the hearing is "held April 8. Leslie M. Shaw, his attorney, J. J. Hess; Deroo Webber of the Robert Abeles company nnd Its attorney, John Reld; George H. Messenger of Linden, la., trusteo of the first mortgage bondholders, and others were present ut tho sale. There Is considerable talk here tonight about the outcome and It is thought that it will require another sale, as Shaw is far from ready to give up. LOOSE CASES ON CATTLE KILLED BY INDIAN BAND WASHINGTON, March 22. Echoes of the eioux uprising led by Sitting Bull In 1830, were heard today in the supreme court of the United States, when two cattle companies, which lost thousands of cattle during the Indian raids aban of the senses. Dropping In the throat. Thl, remained with him year after year. He began taking PerunaATlthout uslntr any local treatment. Just tuklnir the Peruna, according to the directions on the bottle. It may seem strange to Home that a bud case of chronic catarrh can be cured without any local treatment. But the fact remains, nevertheless. The explan ation Is that catarrh Is not a local dis ease, but u systemic disease. To be sure, It finds local expression. That Is to say. It settles somewhere Quite fre quently In the nose and throat. But It Is a aystemtn dUease and requires sys temic treatment. Something to take. Something that will operate on the whole system: Nothing short of this will cure catarrh. A great many have found this out One of the. people who have found It out is Mr. Nye. He had had a longl campaign of treating his catarrh by the usual methods of treatment, but until I he took Peruna his catarrh keDt recur.l ring. .Now he Is well. Peruna did the work. . JIls testimony l the same as many I others who have had similar experiences. Sometimes It helps a little to gargle your throat With strong salt wafer and to snuff w,eak salt water Into the nose. Such things help a little sometimes, but If a cure Is ever to be really accomplished it will-he by taking Peran according to tne direction on the bottle. .Take It right along regularly, faithfully, until tne catarrh disappears. Mr. Nye Is very enthusiastic about Pe- rums. He stands ready to answer any Inquirer who Is seeking a remedv for catarrh. Or you might write J. a. Steffe, Sher man, South Dakota. He had been a sufferer from catarrh for several years., el at 1 collars. Draped skirts; The-ie demonstrate our ability to, $15 $15 doned appeals from suits .brought lri the court of claims to recover from the gov ernment. The court of claims held that the Indians were not In "amity" with the federal government at thp.time ths, cattlo wero taken .and therefore, under the statute the, companies ,wer,e not en titled' to recover. ' -' Geronimo's Captive Apache Indian Band Will Be Given Liberty ALBUQUERQUE, N. M March 22. By order of Secretary of War Garrison and Secretary of the Intorlor Lane, 200 members of Geronlmo's band of outlaw Apache Indians, held prisoners tor many years at Fort Sill. Okl., wl)l leave there March 2. for New Mexico, The Indians will travel nboard a special train and bo taken direct to tho Mescalero, Apache Indian reservation in Otero county, where they will be given their liberty. The transfer of the Indians back to New Mexico was protested against by the re cent legislature, which addressed n me morial to congress nnd by United States Senators Fall and Catron, and Qongressi man Ferguson.. Tooling against, the return of the In dlans Is bitter, but no troubln ! i..!. unless the Indians should leave ihe reser vation. He also had tried all sorts of catarrh remedies. He waa advised by a friend to try Peruna, which he did. He commenced at once to get better. He Is able to say today that he Is a well man, and he never ceases to recommend Peruna when ever he can get the chance. Botr of these men nare reliable, hon est cltlrnns, respected and useful In the community where they live. They did not try Poruna until after they had tried other things. Like most people, who find Peruna after everything else' has failed. Of course you would save time by Blm Ply buying your Peruna at opce and be ginning to take It. Then in tho mpAii. time you-tcan write these gontlemen. You will find that not only the things you have read In this article are true, but that thoy have a great deal more to say in praise of Peruna than we have quoted from them. An Internal remedy for catarrh, that la what Peruna Is, .Whether the catarrh assumes the form of " u. common cold, or whether It prqereds to the dangerous condition of catarrh of. the' lungs, for all of the phases of catarrlu "Peruna Is the remedy. Oronahltto; a Laryngitis. Pharyngitis. Gastritis. (Cystitis. Alt these are phases of catarrh. Peruna Is the remedy. The symptoms of catarrh of the throat are: First, gagging In mornlngj hawk ing stringy mucus. Second, enlarged! tonsils. Third, sore throat ot times. Fourth, snoring when lying on the back. Fifth, elongated uvula. 8lxth, ulcerated patches In throat Seventh, throat dry, necessitating clearing throat often. Eighth, coated tongue. Ninth, tnsido of throat red. Tenth, insldo of throat .smarts and tickles.