THE SEMI-MOh THLY MAGAZINE SECTION THE REACTION f .sew WHEREIN LOVE FUMBLES AND FINDS AWAY Ty MABEL HERBERT URNER, Jllusiraiions vu HJlr, THERE WAS ONLY .something I could do," bitterly, "some way I could liulp." "And aren't you doing just that now?" lie shook liis head. "No. this ilm.n'f help much. It 's n momentary diversion, perhaps nothing more." "Hut isn't that something even u momentary diversion? After all, our lives are made up of moments, and if one can make some of them pleasant . . ." "Ah, hut this way tho proportion's so small 1 If you would only let mo " Sho smiled at him wistfully, "I thought we were not to talk of that?" "I know," with frowning impatience. "But it's hard to stand by quietly and see you give to some one who doesn't valuo it what I "No," sho interrupted quickly. "You 'vo no right to say that that ho does n't value it." "Would his absence and silenco imply that ho does?" "You're- taking advantage of my confidence! I shouldn't havo told you. I knew that at the time, and yet I had to tell some one 'and there 's no one else I can trust." "Hut you can't expect me always to keep silent you ask too much." Tho waiter came up now, cleared the table and brought their cotTee. Ho glanced at his wateh. "Come, change your mind about tho theater! Let me tako you some where. It's only a quarter of eight; we still have time." Sho shook her head. "How about a concert? Wo needn't stay it through." "No, I 'd rather go home." "To bo there in case ho should telephone," harshly. She Hushed hotly and half rose from her chair. "Ah, 1 only hurt you!" hopelessly. "1 can't help it somehow. You're right I'd better tako you home." "Hut not in that spirit;" tho Hush had passed now. "1 'in not going to 'let any bitterness come between us. It 's purely selfish on my part 1 need your friendship too much," with a little catch in her voico. Tho street seemed chill and bleak after tho brilliantly lighted, overheated restaurant. IIo mo tioned for a cab. TVTO, let 's walk, at least part A of tho way. It always helps mo to walk more than anything else. If wo can walk until I'm physically exhausted, 1 may sleep tonight. I have n't," hervoico quivered, "not for many nights." IIo pressed tho hand that lay lightly on his arm. "Poor little girl." "Ah, don't pity mo 1 And yet," musingly, "I suppose that 'a what I want pity, or at least sym pathy, or 1 shouldn't havo told you. And I used to think I was strong, proud and independent!" They wero soon at tho cntranco of her apartment hotel. "Let mo go up for a littlo while, Katherino. I don't like to think of you. spending tho long evening alono in this mood." He had not realized how very palo and wan sho looked, until sho laid asido her hat and leaned back in n big chair by the stand light. Katherine read his Ihotights, for she smiled and pushed the light ;t little away from her. "Don't you want to read to me?" she asked after a while. "That will be easier than to talk." He took up a maga zine and turned tlirougb it carelessly. "An article on 'City Parks'?" Sho shook her head. " 'How Micky Licked the Boss; A Story of East Side Politics.' Would you caro for that?" "Oh, no no!" "Aren't you a little difficult f 'Tho Sub structure,' a short story by Edith Twine West cott." "You might try that." He smiled, "I thought Katharine' tenio breathing wu the only lound In the moment's wait so," and drawing a chair nearer the light, he began the story. A sharp ring came from tho telephone. Kath erine started violently, with a littlo inarticulate cry. As she ran across the room, he caught a glimpse of her face, transfigured with joy and expectancy. "Hello hello 1" quiveringly. "Oh, Mrs. Bishop!" and the words were liko a h. ut-sick wail. "Tomorrow for luncheon? I'm afraid I 1 'in not at all well havo a very bad cold. think I can go out for several days." "Is she? Oh, that will make it very nice!" "Yes." "Yes, I will. Oood-bye." She camu back to her chair with a face so white that ho was frightened, but he made no comment. IIo went on with the story, although he knew as sho leaned back with closed eyes that she heard can't. Don't SaalaB fKMB l, jHaaalBff 4 B99BbSK "You will never be alone again no word of it. Nor did ho himself know what he read. He was thinking how many times a day that pitiful little tragedy must be enacted. How every time the telephone rang, she would rush to it with her heart in her throat only to meet with sickening disappointment. CTILL he read on. It was easier to read than J not, just then. Suddenly she leaned forward, her hand on his arm, her eyes dark with excitement. "Will you do something for me?" He laid down tho magazine. "Will you telephone to his hotel now? Just to see if lie 's in town 1 don't even know that." It was several moments before ho answered. IIo was looking down at the magazine, slowly tearing off a strip of margin. "Are you sure you want me to do that, Kath erine?" "Yes yes, ho will never know! The telephone girl at the hotel knows my voice; but she doesn't know yours." There was another silence. She watched him tensely, as he lore oft another strip of margin. "I'll do this, Kntherine, if you really wish it. But; " "You would rather not?" "For your sake, I would rather not. 1 can't bear to think of your resorting to any little subterfuge to hear from him. Can't you realize, Kntherine, that if ho loves you, ho will come to you? And if ho doesn't love you do you want him to come?" "Oh, I know 1 know! It's undignified unwomanly even ! 1 should n't havo asked you. But I'm almost desperate; I feel I can't bear it much longer." His only answer was to cover the hand that still lay on his arm. He took up tho magazine again. Even as he read, he could see her lying back palo and listless. He finished tho story and put it down. She looked up and smiled. "It was very nice of you to read to me." He made an impatient gesture. Then he rose. "I think I'll go now, Katherine. It seems so useless to stay. I 'in so powerless to do anything that can help." "Ah, don't say that! You have helped a great deal." He shook his head, picked- up his hat and cane, and held out his hand. "I '11 call you up tomorrow. I 'd like to hear from you every day for a while no And if there's anything I can do " (Continued on Page 10) Y