Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART THREE WANT AD SECTION, Page 8-C, Image 30

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    TUtt OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 23, 1913.
Modern Home-Builders and Home-Furnishers of Omaha
Have You Idle Money?
Homo Builders Offers You Banker's Security and Builder's
What Home Bliilders Does
Homo Builders erect dwellings for home owners and fur
nishes the money needed. It tnkes for security a mortgage on
the completed house and lot. It receives monthly payments to
gether with 7 Interest until the money advanced Is repaid. In
addition to the 7 Interest, Home Builders receive the build
er's profit.
What Home Builders' Shareholders Get
Shareholders are paid a guaranteed 7 semi-annual divi
dend. The surplus earnings are distributed pro rata which In
creases the market value of every share accordingly, being now
$1.05 a share. These may be had In any amount weekly or
monthly as may bo desired.
Home Builders Building Season Is All the Year Round
Homo Bnlldcrs has a score of houses at present under pro
cess of construction and Boveral more ready to start. All shares
Issued up to April 1st will participate In the builder's profit for
the current quarter.
Home Builders' New Quarters.
Home Builders has taken a lease on the corner rooms,
Ground Floor, Brandels Theater Bldg., southwest cornor Doug
las and 17th 8ts., and will move Into them about the 1st of
April, or as soon as the rooms can be remodeled and reflnlshod.
When our now furniture, now being made to order, Is installed,
Home Builders will have elegant and comfortable quarters. All
departments, the Investment, tho Construction, tho Ileal Estate,
the Insurance and the Architectural Department will each have
Us up-to-dato appointments best fitted to its growing needs.
Our booklet, Tho New Way explains fully Homo Builders
plan and how to secure a homo on easy monthly payments, built
to suit you on any lot you select. , It is free for tho asking.
Home Builders, Inc.
Flscnl Agents.
Tel. DougliM 3007. :iOO So. 17tli St., Oninha, Nob.
Open Hutunlny Evening- Until 0 OVIick,
New Location After April 1, 17th and Douglas Sts., Ground Floor
Beaver Board in Use in Dining Room
Homes of Quality
Are Within Reach of Every ,
Omaha Man.
So Why Pay Rent?
When you can use the rent .money
buying a homo of your own. built as
you want it built, with the best' of ma
terinl. and the highest grade of work
manship. A convenient house, durably built
will become more valuable to you each
succeeding year.
We Expect to Secure New Business by
Building Up a Reputation as the Best
Home Construction Company in Omaha.
So come and let us help you plan a
homo Our Architect will imiko,plnns
to Buit your individual taste and re
quirements, with no additional ex
Call, write or phono D 8318.
ankers ffiealty Javcstaent ompany
404-410 City National Bank Building.
Omaha, Neb.
Phone Douglas 8918;
these facts in mind
Moving and house cleaning time
. will soon be here. You'll have some
work for us then, if not now, and
you'll want this done rapidly, yet
carefully and safely. We have be
come established as one oP the
largest firms of our kind in the west
because we always do thorough, de
pendable york. . Be sure you call
us when you get ready to move, to
nave goods packed or to store them
CTMoving, Packing, Storage, Hauling
804 SO. 18th Si.
I. 4183
Attractive Arrangement That Appeals to Eye
In some loculltleB It has been customary
to usn for wall and celling finish ship
lap, canvas nnd wall paper and wood
celling of various kinds, because plaster
wilt not Htand the climatic conditions,
Deaver board successfully displaces all
these materials, nnd Is Infinitely su
perior because of Its physical properties.
Tho wonderful durability of beaver
board and Its power of resisting the pas
sago of sound, heat, cold, fire, dampness,
strains, etc., Is largely due to the ma
terial and method of manufacture.
Beavor board being a pure wood fiber
product a fact of great Importance has
these powers, many times ns effectlvo ns
any other materials used for walls.
The fibers In beaver board cross and
recross In such a way that the waves of
heat, cold or Bound mCet with the great
est resistance. Furthermore the minute
spaces around and between the fibers are
filled with still air the best non-conductive
material known.
Theso qualities explain why beaver
board makes a house warmer in winter
and cooler In summer.
Hot Water Heating by Furnace
Cnmeran, rapatlllst; O. T. Eastman,
banker'; John Hush, state bank examiner1;
Joseph West, attorney; V. IS, Pearce,
tredjt man; W. W. Umstead and William
Salisbury, western union; F. B. Daven
port, expert safe and lock man. The
names of many more could be given If
ipacu permitted.
Jn the salesrooms, whore are displayed
:be KulUn and Kmpress steam land hot
water Iwllers, and Marvel, ISxcettlor and
t'ouglas furnaces, we also display a com
plete combination system showing a sec
tlonal view, with thermostat attach id,
piping radiator, expansion tank, altitude
isujftr and thermometer. We lay out all
pluns and furnish specifications so that
ur syslem can be installed In any part
U the country. If you are Interested In
nt water, steam or furnaces, write this
ompany. You are cordially invited to
.at and let us demonstrate to you this
Hint perfect vf all heating systems,
Yuu tirtd i At feol under the least obli
gation because. of your visit to us. If,
'.or any rrason. you cannof call we will
b leujf d to send a representative to
vit yr tud tuplaln It thoroughly.
i ) UrlMlr Wprks. Tyler N.
VXr jl . itu uevu
With your furnace you can have better
results at a less cost than with either
hot water, steam or furnace. Udlson says
70 to M per cent of tho heat generated
is lost; why not conserve this heat and
force It Into that cold hall, parlor, library,
dining room or bedroom?
It can bo done and done easily by sus.
pending In the dome of your furnace
hot water heaters, piping this to your
several cold rooms and connecting these
to hot water radiators placed on the out
side avails and under the windows. These
are made from thirteen to forty-five
Inches in height and can be, made In al
most any shape to' meet your require
ments. While the initial expense Is con
siderable, the added comfort for years
to, come will amply repay you In a very
short time.
Probably the only reason why this
system has not been more largely used
was owing to the fact that It requlrvd
tho services of furnace men and hot
water men to get the proper balance.
This firm has made this a specialty for
many years and have It figured down
scientifically correct. Without permis
sion th' names of a few prominent peo
ple. vl ore using our system, are given:
JJotm it, Wtbster, captttillst, M. u.
Largest Transcontinental
shipment ox ouildmg
Material on Record
Four big trainloads 106 cars over 9,000,000 feet of
Beaver Board are enro'ute to the west, two trains from
the Buffalo plant and two from the Canadian factory
at Ottawa. And yet this is but a small part of the out
put. Every month millions of feet are shipped north,
east, south and west.
Beaver Board is rapidly displacing lath, plaster, and wall paper in
homes, offices, stores, hotels every type of building. It deserves the
careful consideration of every one who intends to build or remodel.
Deaver Poard
Pure Wood Fibre Wails and Ceilings
Sells Beaver Board
in Nebraska
A part of the mammoth shipment
now enroute comes to us at Oma
ha for immediate sale to vou.
Call or write 'to our Specialty De
partment for detailed information,
samples, and prices.
1 S
State Bank Bldg.
Phone Douglas 252.
I lew Tesit ' mi Awning Factory
TENTS that give satisfaction. Full slzo nnd weight.
AWNINGS Tho kind you want, put up when you want thom.
of them.
Phone for our representative to call with samples and prices.
Mraska Tent Ik Awning Co.
Phone Douglas 3641. 1701 Leavenworth St.
We snve you ngont's commis
sion. AVrlto for Catalogue- or
l'ltono Benson 534-J.
Benson-Omaha Nursery
16th and Jackson Sts,
Of Household Goods and Pianos
Phone Doug. 1516.
Ike Modern Wall and
Ceiling Material'
Beaver Hoard Is made of Pure
Wood Klbro, It cornea In largo pan
els which ara light in weight, but
very tough, firm and durable.
In new rooms the panels are nail
ed derectly to the wall and celling
beams. In old rooms, for remodel-
Ing, they are nailed ovor the old lath v
and plaster walls.
Beaver Doard has 41 great ad
vantages ovor lath aud plaster; a
fow are horo mentioned.
Walls and Ceilings Never Crack
Uenver Board will not crack, chip or
deteriorate. There is nover tho annoy
ance duo to umhly cracks which al
ways appear in plaster walls and al
ways show through tho wallpaper.
This one advantage would ho enough
to justify tho use of Beaver Board.
Beautiful Beaver Board Interiors
The beautiful pebbled surface of Beav
or Board is painted and nover papered
over. .
Tho endless possibilities of color treat
ment nnd tho great opportunities for
original and tasteful arrangement of
panols are unequalled by other wall and
ceiling materials.
Quick, Convenient
Beaver Board is quickly nnd
easily put up at any season of
the year.
None of the fuss, muss, litter
and delay of the lath, plaster,
wallpaper method.
You can movo Into a new house
sooner or remodel an old one with
lfss trouble.
Sanitary Pure Wood Fibre
Beavor Board is made fro nun ew logs
fresh from tho forest. It is elean, whole-
, some and sanitary.
Fainted and not papered, your walls
are free from disease germs and poison
ous elements that often lurk in other
Look for the Trade-Hark
Genuine Beaver Board Is patented and has
our registered trado-mark on tho back of each
panel and sample. It has a light cream color
all the way through that comes only from sani
tary, durable, Pure Wood Fibre.
Sold by Builders Supply, Lumber, Hardwaro
and Paint Dealers and Decorators. Valuable as
sistance given by our Designing Department to
prospective customers at no extra charge. Write
for free booklet, "Beaver Board and Its Uses"
and painted sample.
EXECUTOR under wills.
ADMINISTRATOR without a will, or with
the will annexed.
GUARDIAN of a minor or an Incapable per
son. TRUSTEE to execute trusts, disburse life in
' surance, or hold funds Impartially.
DEPOSITORY for trust and court funds to
AGENTS In the management of property. '
RECEIVER or ASSIGNEE In business em
barrasments. REGISTRAR and TRANSFER AGENT for
registering, transferring and counter
signing Stock Certificates, or Bonds of
Corporations or Municipalities.
OF FUNDS in first mortgage loans and
(Oar loant are tax free in Nebratka.)
WILLS drawn, cared for and filed without
charge, where named Executor or Trus
ts. Capital $200,000.00
Surplus $190,000.00
Deposit With State Auditor $40,000.00
Trust Companies Hit Fakes
Tine Beaver Company,
Beaver Road. Buffalo. N. Y.
Plants at Huffulo'x. Y., Reaver Falls, X. Y., Roanoke Rapid, N. C, OUONva, Canada. European
, Offices, London, Eng.
Tho postmaster general offbe United
States. In his last official report, plates
that "wildcat" securities and "fake" In-
I vestments to tho extent of 1120.000,000.
i were sold through the malls during the
last year. Newspapers recently gave ac
counts of a number of spectacular "aids
made by postal Inspectors on the offices
of prompters und professional swlndlsrs
who wero using the malls to Induce peo
ple to purchase spurious stocks or In
vestments. Jn some case these iro
moters iralntalned an elaborate system of
private wire nnd had elegant offlcea In
many cities. The "securities" they offered
consisted largely of pscudo shares In
industrial, mining and land promotion
In Kansas a so-called "blue sky" law
has been enacted which compels all com
panies, persons or agents who desire to
sell any stocks, bonds or other securities
in Kansas to submit information to tho
state banking department, which enables
that department to determine whether or
not they have a bona fide proposition
and one that Is worthy of the confidence
and consideration of Kansas Investors.
Tho intent of tujs law Is to keep out of
Kansas the promoters whose promises
arn limitless as the blue sky.
Despite the numerous statutory safe
guards which have been enacted for the
protection of Investors and control of
corporations, or enterprises offering
stocks or bonds for sale there are many
subterfuges which the unscrupulous pro
fefslonal promoter utilizes to swindle in
nocent women and men. The question then
follows, naturally, as to what is the most
important agency In discouraging Im
proper investment and promotion
schemes. The answer is "the trust com
pany." Further consideration of the growth
ami work of trust companies in the
United States reveals the fact that they
have exercised the greatest Influence in
limiting the field of operations of the
professional promoter. "Fake" promoters
have been taught by experience that they
cannot enlist the co-operation of trust
companies or securo their services as
truetee, depositories, registrar, transfer
agent or In any capacity. If one of these
promoters goes Into the office of a
reputable trust company and lays hU
plans before the executive or trust offi
cer he soon finds out that his scheme
will have to undergo an acid test and be
hies himself away. f
Trust companies now generally main
tain Investment departments, through
which they offer Invaluable services to
tholr clients and tho general public. Theao
departments ara primarily maintained In
connection with investments In connne
tlon with handling trust funds, and for
the purchase of sale of securities for
the trust company's own account. But
frequently such departments handle orig
inal security and bond Issues. The man
ager of this department Is a man espe
cially skilled to Judge Investments. The
advice he offers to clients of the tnut
company Is most reliable and profitable.
Ttuee special departments are at the
beck and call of anyone who ha money
to Invest and wishes to obtain the high
est grade investments.