TTTE . OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: MARCH 23, 1913. -0 11KAL- HSTATH I IVY I'HUI'KHTV FOR SA1.I.. Easter Offerings j. Tr:j. i r " 1 I I I I if ItlITII 1 T I vir ' il 1. " 1 A L. i. X 1 V. 1 ww 111 j m 1 I .. V . I I M,CX 25th 11ml Decatur. Two houses, me 8-room and nnn 5-room. Lot G0xl30. These ale both modern, except hr-nt nnd In (rood conlltlon. renting for $S8 per month. Owner wants otter at once. $4, 480 Near 34th and Hamilton. Two (rood houses, modern except heat. New 1mm that cost nearly WO). Lot 60x1. One house has 6 rooms and tho other has C. Paving all paid, and these houses are In oxocllent condition. Owner wants an offer. HSon Park Ave, and Karnam. Eight joomi. nil modern. Paved street; paving all paid. Has always rented for $30 per month. Is not now, but In excellent con illtlon. Key at our office. Oct busy with mi offer. Will make you a Rood closc-ln homo. $2,700 for a good modern house, located near the Boulevard on Webster St. Owner leaving city. Never offered at this figure betoie. $ow cash win nanaie. FOH SAhK OH HXCI1ANOK n. IV FOR SALE OR ISMMIANOli. (1(B) IW Hi-res, Furnace county. Nebraska, 3H miles from Wllsonvlllo. Highly Im proved; good neighborhood; koo1 roads; iw acres broke. Prlco. K-o per arre. in- Want Eastern Ne per Vear easllv c-rnwn: excellent climate. Write today for special literature J A Pride, Genoml Industrial Agent Seaboard Air Lino Hallway. Suite 368, Norfolk. Va $350 Cash Mnkos" First Pay ment on b'-Room House treated at 1411 Martha St., only one block from 16th St .cur and two blocks from lfth Bt car; close to schools, churches and stoies, has reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen and bed room or den on first floor; first-class Plumblnir and heatlmr: lance lot; a fine nUnn rne Y. ..... . 1 . I . r t. nau.,1 U.7FO T!entrnt Ttlvil. near California. uiCTTMna jr. tii.Wru-! ifiil linmftf at r , - - . - - . ... , . ,1 All VI .J IW. 1 I t-J I J L J . . IHI1 t J uv. All excellent, wr.u-uuni. uiinusi nen, iuvju cin home. Finished In onk downstairs; uxcvllent docoratlons; 4 good bed room cm second floor, good floored tittle on hlrd floor. This will bear the closest investigation. Owner might consider well located lot as part payment UKAl, HSTATH CITY l'UOl'KHTV FUR SAIJB ( A BARGAIN. ILSOO: located" IT On- Inrln St. rooms; full slie lot. Small cash payment t'al owner. WeblU. SPKCI AL "ilOMnSKUKBhS' RATES first and third Tuesday each month to Southern MaIm: trrnsn thn nniwirtunllv tn visit thn Kfiiiii, nni iiivn.tiuntn thn iioMsi. cuinbrance. $4,200. bllltles of tho six richest southern states, braska land, or would consider mtrchan traversed by the Seaboard Air Line ran- diss or hardware, way; rich fruit, truck and farming laniisi , can be secured nt low nrlees. cron clow-1 (160) 250 acres land 111 Chavls county. Ing season 280 to 3(5 days; 2 or 3 crops Now Mexico, In artesian belt; flowing aiteslan well on It; 10 miles rrom city or 8,000 people, 4 miles from big Bouth Springs apple orchards. Prleo, $t per acre. Will exchange for Nebraska land. (161) Half rectlon, unimproved except fenced. In Cheyenne county, Nebraska, Kino black land; good community. Prlco, KG.M per acre. Incumbrance $3,990. Will trade for smaller piece, of land at higher price. (166) 240 acres, 1 mile trom Wheatland, Okla.; five miles from Oklahoma City: highly lmprlved and elegant land. Will exuhange for Eastern Nebraska or Iowa lsnd. Price, $30,000. Incumbrance $3,00). (167) 000 cares In Drown county. Ne braska Well Improved, good soil, 200 forest trees on It 145 tumn nlum and cherry trees, 60 apple trees, all kinds of Glover & Spam Doug. CP'S 1219 Clt" Nafi Hank Bldg. Dundee MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, Indexed, free at office: 2 stiunim by mall. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. Ileal Estate, In surance, Care of Property. Omaha. Also Umaha lied UooK, vest pocnol sixo.- FARM A HHAIj HSTATH ftUJUU HUD OTAflf MADfUT '!!. L':i''.p.i.. $3.Wi8.() ca'yes, $7.noj(1125. ., .v. .. ... tri.n ... II III H n H linn ii UUP. ttilYUI nuns- Receipts, ,,w head Mnrgei " l . ,... ' " - " - ,-.... it I, lilt, nt .nL. led MKtltnliit, strung; bulk of sales. $8.?Aft9 10, light, $S.Sfi (h.W, mixed. $8.701115. heavy. $S.50W10. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET tami Heavy Beeves Lower for Week and Speculators in Wheat Nonplussed at Others About Steady, WEEK'S HOGS QUARTER HIGHER HtXTV THnt!SAMIl nern Curev opn to entry at Valler, Mont., flftt-en annual payments: section famous fo; i gtaln. grosses, vegetables, well adapts diversified farming. For particulars wrlle Valler Farm Sales Co.. Hox 2. Vnher, Mont. -Do:VTpXY-HKNT-uy a"far"m liilv' hw Cl-" St-"" w,th W"U Ak"' famous Deer Lodge Valley, Montana.; with Lnmlia lriiiiK to na Stucli Greatest oppirtunlty In thn great norlh-' , ,,, . west for farmers, dairymen, poultry moii.i " Tr Mlnhcr lt. oelpts truck farmers and small fruit growers. New lands arc being opened up and sold at low prices on easy terms, fciuro crojw good prices, best markets, quick trans portation, fine climate, good roads, up-to-date schools and pleasant social condi tions. A perfect gm of a. mountain vat ley Is th Deer Lodge. You w'll lIKe to Uvo hero. Wrlto for a descriptive book let and full particulars to Tho Commer cial Club, Deer Lodge, Mont Unite -Moderate. SOUTH OMAHA. March J2, 1913. Receipts were; cattl. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday l.his 2.313 Offclal Tuesday 4.753 P.ltl Official Wednesday.... 5,111 lt,0W Official Thursdnv ln. 11.12) Official Friday v 7.o Estimate Saturday 180 3,036 brnkn. :SiTzr,r,' herrles. bearing. Postofflco and school flee;' pKseT'celvea cent's Tom-! with IBO-acre rellnaulsh- mission. Webster 3490. t'.V., , ' ,f. ",u!. i1 : i,".... V' . r,i villa lit na .licit l' IliKJIl nil t good farm. , AtllUAUli FUR SAMS. For bargains tn Florence property, fruit farms and acreage, soe C. L Nethaway. Florence, Neb. Phone Florence 6 TO 8 ACHES, rloh, black garden soil, near Carter park and lake, with 2-room house, well, etc.; fine, for pigs, chickens, etc. Also 2ty acres near North ICth tit., In bottom; flowing water. CHA3 ,E. WILLIAMSON CO Adhica. Acni:s. acres? " also In Patterson Park at 6Sth St.. soutn. rarc" f oqual value, of Center Bt., we have a few traois ii A fine 7-room, an modurn two-story house on Fartmtn St. Has largo Uvlng room with fira place, etc., 3 bed rooms and sleeping pon li. lot 60x125 ft. on paved street und close to car line. Only Between the tw, . ar lines 1 have a good S-room, all m''in two-story house with largo living n ui with ilro Place, llnt.irr i rvimv flotl ami kltchell Oil first floor, bed rooms and sleeping porch I two to five acres that we can sell on mid mth nn second. Only $4,750. very easy terms and low prices. Fi6ld Club DiStriCt fnono DougiarsStliKnd Harney ts. On 35th St., between Poppleton and j Woolwortn Ave s-room xnorouB" nioucin house with hall In middle, large living room with flro place and fln donlng room, 4 bed rooms and attic. Hot water heat Lot K ft. front. Only $6,750. E. W. Stoltenberg Douglas 1510 or Harney 3416. , 436 Hoard of Trado UulldlnB. (168) -ncro highly Improved farm In Phillips county, Colorado; the cream of that whole country- In high state of cul tivation. Price. $65 per acre. Incum brance $2,600. Will exc'iango for Kastcrn Nebraska land. (169) 160 acres of good Improved land In Antelopo county. Nebraska. Prlco. INK por acre. Incumbrance $1,M0, 5 years tn ' .-.I. cAunniiKo jor rdoii small For Sale 100-acro farm In Washington county. Nebraska, 8 miles southwest of Herman, and on main traveled road. Building belong to tenant and salo Is subject to existing team. $20,000 Alfred C. Kennedy 200 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 723.' A Few Hundred Dollars Down for West FarnamHome Balance monthly for a strictly modern, 7-room house, quartod-sawed oak finish nnd floors first floor; natural plno finish second floor; decorated throughout; full cemented basement; furnace heat; lot 60 by 124 feet. Price $6,000; 60-foot lots within block of this property aro worth what is being asked for this entire property. Key at our office. George & Company Tel. D. 756. 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, on easy pay ments, ono of the finest little homes In Omaha with large yard and garage, ono block from car, near 25th and Spauldlng; fine, large trees, all fenced In, fine lawn house 5 rooms, modern except heat; east front, very nearly new, will sacrifice. Havo another 6-room, modern, with fine parage, touth front, located near 20tli and Maplo; shade trees and cement drive way; will sacrifice. Still another, 8-room house with fine corner lot facing Hanscom park,:, will sell this place for what the lot Is worth, or very close to It. Two S-room houses on 24th St., east front, near E St., So. Omaha; nearly new. all modern. Also 2 flno bouUi front lots at 32d and Harnev Sss. Might put In all this property and trade for a good farm. S. S. MONTGOMERY , MB Omaha Nat'l Hank. Phone V. 4S10 or Harney 4106. FOR SALE Ten acres of land; fine lo cation; new house and barn. See owner, Charles Johnson, 70th and Center. Phono Doug. 70S24. ACRES! ACRES! ACRES! Country Club Acres, the most desirable acreago property on the market today. Remember this choice aero property Is located on the Bcllevue Boulovard, street car runs right by It. Mectrlo lights with a possibility of city water In tho near future. This suburban addition Is sub divided Into one to four-acre tracts and can be bought on eaHy terms. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY, 1506 FARNAM ST. Tel. Tyler 1024. (171) 4J0 acres In RP.l Willnw IMPROVED farms $20 to $00 acre: li Nebraska: 215 aernM rnHlvAio rwti,' located In eastern Nebraska worm iw; r.T..Ji lit . .acroH. tUltlvated. Pnrtl .,,,,.,. rnlllno- hlnrk llmestana nrnlrle. i riiLru. inn utiidp i mnwiv. At n -"--' . soli and c; V;.i-hK lu a Zi ii ' Alfa fa, s x tons; corn, 100 bushels sou ana good neighborhood. Price. $30 i rnninuinltv llllnnin fnrmnrs a P. Per acre. Incumhranc. i yi win 1 S.omn!",i1,A. 'Hinois larmers, u. i. chango for Eastern Nebraska 'land. J. A. ABBOTT & CO., 601-7 CITY NATIONAL BANK ULDG., OMAHA. NEB. California. CALiFortTsrrA lfin.i ..i,r.i. ... 3d Tut-s, V. T. Smith Co.. SIS City Nat. Bk. Cnnndai. Acreage Acreage Some especially good bargains In 1, E, 10, 20 and 40-acro Improved tracts, espe cially In 20 and 40-aore tracts. rPosBes slon given. ORIN S. M33RRILL CO.. 1213-1214 City Nafi Bank Bldg A FEW fln tiiifit nt 1(V . 111 southeastern M.iikutnhawan onnA ..n well watered, adapted to grain' and mixed t?rm n 9r pr and ,crm Bee or wrltu, y . cncmi, oin opriiKiio at., umana A POULTRY PROPOSITION One and one-half acres level land, all under cultivation; a good 6-room house, with electric lights; fair outbuildings; some fruit; only half mile to car line, 75 yards to paved street; price, $2,000; a small cash payment and the rest at $17 per month. Don't fall to Investigate this. My word and honor Is behind It as a great bargain. C. L. Nethaway, Florence, Neb. Phone Florence 276. AN IDEAL STOCK AND DRAIN FARM FOR SALE CH10AP. S40 acres, located In east central No hrimka. Mnnco county. 11 miles from Ful lerton. 10 miles from Central City; 300 acres under cultivation, balance splendid huj and posture isna; 200 acres in inn GET VnU P nnnnillnu linmn rrt. 1? ,. ... ...1 .I t f .. t f larM irnml Canadian Pacific; one-twentieth .down, set of Improvements; abundanco of run- 'i 1 cuuui annual uavmenLs: loan ninir wntrr Dwnor musL sen uuiuiv 111 1 1 i vw lu imurove your iarm, can do 150 por uoro; one-nail casn, oaianco kuou paid off In 20 years: 6 per cent Interest: term. This farm Is really worth from good, rich land in Western Canada, for ton to $70 per acre. Address 8. J. Hender every kind of farming, from $11 to $30 an Son. Omaha, Nob., ltm, 11, Arlington Blk. u. ui4ni uiuy iu mnntri or men -- : . who will actually occupy or improve the! For SlUO for bllSR rnnu. we supply Dcst live stoCK at nc- .,, . . . , ,u .. a m nt Ash- tual cost, glvo you the benefit of expert , U S-n(iro lr ruftivktlon' o,Vd work on our demonstration farms, equip '" Neb. nU mi ler cu ltlat lo". Koa you with a ready-made farm prepared B-room .house, good bilnrnftJpdr-0?rcV ffi by our agricultural experts if you don't 1'rlce. $130 Per acre; encumbered. $4,vw, want to wait for a crop. All these lands due in 8 years. nrnnnwood on or near railways, near established JA towns. ree booklets on Manitoba, ai- r,r.A; Prie uoo berta or Saskatchewan. Address F. R. pasture, fair Improvements. F"ce. SALE OH KXCHANG1J It. E. THE ONLY WAY To beat the money trust Is to list your property for exchange with the Palmer Land Co., 1106 W. O. W. Bldg.. who can match them. CASH and 120 acres land. Marshall county. Minnesota, for stock of merchan dise, up to $5,000. Lock Box" 351, Grand junction, ja. DUNDEE. Snap In very up-to-date bungalow home. Elegant south front lot with ter race, large, well arranged rooms, com bination parlor and dining room, beamed ceilings, collonades, built-in book cases, etc., all oak finish. Large nrepiace. Probably the beet basement in Dundee. Hot water heat. This place is practic ally new, the owner must sell and has reduced tho price to $3,300. Call and make an appointment. AMOS GRANT, Doug. 83SO. 211 Brandcls Theater Bldg. F. S. Trullinger BENSON $3,500 Apartment House Site IJ3CATED on Harney St., between Park Ave. and Boulevard, solid ground, high elovutlon, In good location. Just east of lid Trov Auartments. 55 feet frontage, on paved street, in a district where apart ment houses are always rented and bring a good big Income on tho amount in vrstpd. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 300 acres nice, smooth prairie land; every foot til able; 4 miles from Ware, Dallam Co., uexas. wi uenirm Ave., f t. Dodge, Iowa 603-320 acres 8 miles from Dalton In Cheyenno Co.. Neb.: 80 acres in culti vation, all fenced. Price 125 tier iLcrp. 34-160 acres In Kimball Co., Neb.; raw ianu, an level. 1'rico zo per acre, half cash, balance terms. 33-Hotel In good town In Iowa: 20 rooms. all newlv furnished: onlv cnmmtirHnl hotel In town; on two railroads; elec tric lights; furnace heated. Price $16,000; will take small farm In ex change. 21-Hlghly Improved quarter section in mtcncocK county, good house, barn well; on farmers' dltdh for Irrlga tlon. Price $120 per acre. 787-800 acres 11 miles south of Merrlam; good house, well, wind mill and tank, nurse earn wxtu, cow Darn :wxw, granary, hog house and corrals. All rencoa; half of it hay land. $30 per acre. Want small farm and part casn. OLIN & BEVARD. 4S8 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SALE or exchange for good Nebraska farm, 80 acres In Sacramento valley; a no. 1 iana; now in grain; close to gooj iown; perieci irrigation system, uwncr, sis city Nat. xianK.' TEN-ROOM house, purtly modern. close to Stato normal, for Nebraska iana. ityno, Emporia, Kan, OUR National Exchange Bulletin Is nblo to dispose of your property no mat ter wnere located, ask about It. Shopen jo., umana, rxeD." EXCELLENT APARTMENT HOUSE SITE CLOSE IN. 75x108 feet fronting east on Bayles Park, within 2 blocks of business cen ter of Council Bluffs. Only two other apartments In the city; no better location, and no better opportunity for a good In- with Phone 3344. Day & Hess Co., 123 1 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. la.' MUST sell my now modern 6-room house and sleeping porch before April 1, as I am leaving city, finished In oak downstairs; beam ceilings living and din ing room: birch finish upstatrs; full base ment and attic; lot 60x124 4110 Florence Blvd. Tel. Webster 6052. ATTRACTIVE" HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. Thoroughly modern 8-room, nicely dec 320 ACRES 1V4 miles from good college town In south central Nebraska. ' Good buildings and fine location. AVlll ex change for well Improved 80 acres within 50 mlloH of Lincoln, or for hardware mock, a-i proposition. 2S0 flPl'M. Ttrllln pnllnlv S3 Tl n av change for Omaha residence. Price $47.60 per acre. $63,000 business property, well rented, to exchango for land of equal value. Your land must bo good to get this. 121 acres, Taylor County. Iowa, to ox chango for hardware stock. Price $100 per acre. THOMAS CAMPBELL. 444-5 Bcnrd of Trade Bldg. Doug. 4823. Improved Farm Half section and SO acres; south central Nebraska; fair Improvements. Price I16.0W. want to trde this for town property. No agents. Address me to Postofflce Box No 633. Omaha. Nb HK1H-CLAHS. Wfll-lmoroved 120-acre omtHil throuchout. excellent arrangement. Worth county. Iowa, fan"- hree mile. 4 largo bedrooms and bath upstairs; good of county seat; will exchange for .1 stock furnace, laundry ana rruit room; two 01 general merunanuitti:. ncmuiu c ui blocks north of Kountze Park, 3933 N. ;2d. son. Charles city. la. ". " 1-Y1R HALE On TRA DIC 4tt) nrrpi n the finest land In Iowa, close to Missouri valloy, all very fine level land with a rich black loam. Every acre In cultlva' turn, r.ooa ivnces, school house on rarm on public road aud a good road. Build, inss fine, ten (10) room house, new and modern. Barn. 40xl. Corn crib, double. 30x60. Repair shop, 14x20. Hog house, glass front, zzxm), isnglne house with gas en gine and wind mill, 16x20. Implement 50x92 Feet Eighteenth Street, Near Leavenworth Has one S-room and one 7-room cottage. Hhvu,- gase, sewer and bath. Only a ftw blocks from the retail district. A good piece of close-in property to hold g" f ,nn""'- 2g '4T ri, fr futtiro Investment , Prlco only $7,000. ! Sna.2,nr- HAST NOR HRVDEN. 1614 Harnev St. --: "i. - I .i,,,..a rnf hirn.l lrl, Pnll . Y. .. , I I iiuwcu u an. w ,1114,, .fcA.a, i.uiiiD Biiqun, Do You Intend to Build! If you want u well planned modern one 18x140, another 18x80, all shingled roofs and all buildings in flno share. This farm rants for two-fifths of the iKiinu. oarfeiuuy ana tnorougniy mint, you , ,i .y,.ir .(,.. ii.... .j m! our services. AVe ore prepared to ! Vanrket P rlca of till. farm MM ntr look aftar your interests in the best mnn-; Sere Will -onslder $20 m In good clear iler iM.iwIble. Let us piove this to you, I ?como D-olrty or chean wettern nr We furnish Plans and speculations at j ad,ttn" )tl'nd. "TahnJ: $15,000 the first moderate cost. of Marchi balance term of years and i ifrt. 7 Mecwu n.inr .l rate of interest or U party can - - i At Tin nt once win Rflflitrn iasba. Thii n i a No. 1 farm and Kood opportunity for u i man ihnt la nhlA In hsLndlf It. nnd will nnd piano will make first payment on aand the clo-eat tpipectlon. or further . . . . . ,1 nnrt tu'l Irtl, llnMll t ft HT ' ... - . t,uuu .i.r.i-r .w . particulars aaarens. 'MR. M. J. FITZniHHON. Mo. Valley. Ia. $200 OR $300 CASH good location MYRTLE DEUEU Brown. Web. lOSi.' N." B. cornor 3th Avo. and Marcy; 6 rtm. 2-story, modern, large, beautiful lot; cash, balance to tuit. '. 'ta'iii-v W')." " ,c,r S!c -One are 44th and Bo (jimua. .ii4u.' i IX Osborn. So. W j artbs Box I'JS, H acting o, Neb. ANY PART of 45-acro apple orchard to exchange for oleor property. ITlce $J acre. Oregon Unas for sale. Oregon Apple Orchards Co., Portland. O WANTED to exchange First-class stock of groceries, queensware. etc., about -,wj. want name cash, balance land. Ad nn.i. ESTATE UM i . i t. t mi. i.-nii i tLn bins, 1610 Chlcngo St. s acre. Stch- TWO NEBRASKA FARM IWIIUA1..0. 1,100 ncres, located oh main lino 1' P. R. R., $(J,000 worth Improvements 300 acres good farm land, balance grass land, all well fenced, good groves; owner lived on tho farm more than 25 years; now retiring. Prlco $20,000; good terms. 480-acro well Improved, North Central Nebraska farm; good Improvements: grove and orchard; will produce equal to any $100 land In tho stato and Is a sure crop getter. Owner going to Cali fornia. W. W. Mitchell, Bee Bldg.. Omaha Neb. 3.0tU 3.411 4.3 4.4M This WMk Last week Two weeks ago. . inree weeks ago Four weeks ago. liHd. Market steady; native. $rt.l7.00; western. $fi.4Xfr7 10. yearlings, $7 tfS.; lambs, native. $7.0Mlg.t; western, fJ.JMJ 8.90. Market Possibilities. CORN SHOWS GOOD ACTION ...1S.U4 44.279 24.W1 ...1.&70 M.S31 5J.WI .. 1$.17 &5.4U 4t.S0i ...l,a71 M.77S W.IU . 51.&77 04.J3S 1i,7'J. Same ttiun last year. .lt,0 07,14 Tho following tablt. shows thu receipts of cattle, UoKh and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dato us compared with last year: I9ix. 1012. Ino. D r-H..l. ... Ml 1A.X1 v-no 1Q.V L 3,UK '"2 Jlogs GM.&M 916.C3S 216,M oneep M0.141 4J1.1W as.ww The following table thns Ui- rungs ot prices for nogs at South Omoh for ths last few days with comparisons: Date.$OS.llW. Kniiui t'lty I.Itc .Stuck Mnrkrt, KANSAS CITY. March S.-t'ATTLK-Recelpts, 100 head, no southerns, market, steady: native steers, $7.tS.0; native cows and htlfers, $l.BOflS.W; Blockers and feeders, $0.5008.40; bulls, $.00fl1.Wi calves $7.60BlO.!; western steers. $7.2408.75; west ern cows, $t.tAtT7.25, HOtiS Receipts, 7W heau. maraei high I7.asns.50. SIliCKP AND IAMBS-Recelpts, none mnrket, steady; muttons, $5.5Vlt7.0o; ColO' rado lambs, $S,0OH8.05. Hi. Louis I.lvr Rtook MnrUt. ST LOl'IS. March 2. CATTLK Be celpts, Z.3U0 head; market A Little .nttirnl llrftrlness DU- IiUrril nt the IleRlnnlnR of the Wrrh, lint Offset DurlnK the I.nltrr Part. ' DMAIIA MnrKli 55 1913. iVir.i I...V., t -iwm sr unricor nd -mcago snorts in wheat were : .Vm,. lKht as to what ; w.w.: light. $.t.s599.oo. pigs. r,Rht ,levcIop , whpttt fod The nmi.. neui or the oln wnrlrt am nil r.lnssd to day. Tho trade feels that there must bo a cleanup of the short Interest noxt week, which has accumulated on tho declining market ot the last ten das, Near tho closo Thursday the market be came bare nf nfferlnirN. Th npttnn war trmlv: n- I Chief 1' In th nnil rvrnlrt tlve beef steers, $5.70fi.10; cows and htll- jay contracts. The Liverpool market trs, $4.5028.60; stockers and feeders, $J.2. clp"el early Thursday morning and thoro f7.7C, Texas and Indian steers, $5.26U lll bo nothing more from that quarter 8.3o; cows and hslfers. $S.75O.60; calves "nlll next Tuesday. The Ktigllsh cabin in rnrload lots. t3.lxvrM.Bo. "ld. ftn nnvance was checked by tho Mar. 10.1 i 31H Mar. 11.! 1 J3V4 Mar. 12.1 8 45 Mar. 11 8 5SV! Mar. 14 8 MM Ma.r. 151 8 5 Mar. U. Mar. 17. 8 09HI Mar. 18.) 8 784) 0 I Men. i.i s iu4 Mar. 20,1 8 69U Mar. 21. 8 784 b 75110 22 6 60 10 17 10 67 6 65 6 58 10 34 6 en 10 42 a n io $J 07 10 85 56 6 54 10 61 6 05 10 61 6 85! 6 W 7 101 6 45110 531 8 40 6 48 8 5A 6 45 6 59 63 G 531 6 40 a ts 47 6 40 S 61 6 56 4 3S 4 34 4 35 4 37 4 45 4 43 4 64 6 501 4 48 6 41 4 M 6 44) 4 0 4 73 Mar, 22,j 8 81 j 7 051 8 4710 49 6 59 M 8 73 8 68 13 R fio 69 8 48 8 48 6 48 6 40 6 25 Sunday. CATTLB-There were no "attlo of any consequence on sole today and the total for the week has been the smallest for a long time back, Stilt there have bsen iilenty of cattle hero and at other market points as well, considering that the con suming demand had been small, due ap parently to Its being holy week. Tho do mand. In fact, at this season Is never very brisk. In spite or the fact that receipts have Hoa8-RecVlDt I 2IW head, market. 5c PrMect of heavy world's shipments ana iVhVrT Pl .B A $1 ?Wr9 61 ml alsrKhernSodC"t'oB0of t thVnn! ml butchers. $9.0Mi,15. good heavy, !M tlnrfn V- ... - . . l. . I. ...... .q .r . v, n iiiiiii iiiw uuiuincni Ann ciitiPK'n iMn i Afiinnolnt 400 m,xfJ " "ome of the big mills aro SHEEP AND IU.,i;fi!Mons clo,lnK lown beeaure of annual repairs wJ-''t A?.RkBt! 8 VliVn4 5ftU nulton,' A trader from Minneapolis ays tlu $C.60tt7.00; lambs. $7.0Oiir8.8O. (lonx Cltr Lire (Mock Market. SIOUX CITY, March 22, CATTLK Re- tllA feeling In the cash whsnt irnrlo there is decidedly less bearish, very little wheat prrrsing ior sale, it Is haruly teason able to expct that tho present flatteimp celpts. 200 head; market, steady, native crop outlook will continue for any lcntli steers, $7.608.76; cows and heifers. 13.50 I of time. Any change In the outlook wlU t7.75: canners, h.TW,W siocaoni nnu " ii Mir niui- m im.cri in ine new crii feeders, $7.ni8.10; calvts. $7.0037.75; bulls. J"0'1'"1"- Taking the recent export jaleii ir.wviTTV ,n,o account and tho possibility of on a. Mill. (. nl'.rtnlil ,,,1111,.., I.. .1.'.. ri.i r.H. WrAwHuTO Fei : fr rf.g' ina?ket k ni-nT ilkn r. n II C7 75' bulk ln following tho holidays here and L1 JFK p1"' 7 005r7-76' UU,K abroad. Cash wheat was lilV4c higher. higher 8.8C of sales. 88.76fl8.80. 8HKI2P AND IAMBS-Recelpts, none Fairly good action wns seen In tn corn options this lost week. A little nat ural heaviness was noted at the beginning ot the week, but this was more than on set uy aggressive buying by tho recog- mrea nun lenders towaru tne latter pari. St. Josenh Live Block Market, BT. JOSEPH. Mo.. March 22, CATTL15 Ttecelnts. 100 head: market steady; steers. $7.0OflP.O5; cows and heifers, .$4.2511 The market acted In sympathy with urjv oK... tfiftvftlOKO. wheat ilurlne the whole week. Illinois. 1IOQ8 Receipts, 1,000 head; market Ohio and Iowa points reported moro lib- slow; top, $8.90; bulk ot sales, $8.808.Si. erai orrorinis of corn, tno casn coin SHEEP AND LAM1JH Receipts, none, wiwn in iuiuhku, un mm "-- v.ami wwii. market unohanged; lambs, $7-76ifS,75. Minneapolis flrnfn Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March a.-WHKAT- ) "repoVtcd shipment, o. 1 hard, 8Cio: No. 1 northern, 859 3.720,000 bushols up to Thursday, In v kets were firm and higher, waa He higher. The oats tiailn shared In the strength which developed In wheat and corn last lew not been burdensome at nny point there 86Vic; to arrive. 84MC85ic; choice, to ar- ' jho great resorves traders think it nan ucen a general uownwnru inovniiiriiii rive, oww, wu. iim uivi u, r "'.i on prices of heavy cattlo at all points, hard, Montana, 87a; No. 8, BOVHISlUc. CORN no. a yeuow, io. The decline for tho weak amounts to about 164J20a on that kind. On tho other nana light handy weight beeves navo been ln very moderate supply, and as there has been a tendency on the part ot buyers to cheapen up tholr purchases by tuklng the lighter cattle, the market ha been practically steady on that kind throughout tho week. Cows and heifers have been tree scncrs OATS-No, 3 white, 29Hf90!4o. RYB-No. 2, rJT6V4c. llRAMln 100-lb. sacks. $16.60317.00. FLOUR Prices advanced on account of trenkth In wheat: sales light and unim portant: shipments, bbts.; (In wood, f. o. b., Minneapolis) ; First pat ents, J4.20Jjf4.Mr second patents, $1.06474.40: will bo difficult to sustain tho advance In the late months. Cash oats were Kti Ho higher, . . Clearances were 194,000 bushels ot corn, 30.00U bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 480.000 bushels. There was no market at Liverpool, to day being a holiday. Tho following cash prices were reponoa today; . . wiiiia No. 3 nara winier, . th'rSS.'hS? trTeorbu.p.a'rVnt;? r.j, clears, $3.00tTX10; s.cond Cars. $2.60 rfWc; 3 cars. Mjjo: J ' c". rneavrorUhoh,hearp?rrlCco JX No. 1, .,t, ST Jo"ck o? .!f BfrSS cofmrndebdU.W. "SAfS. . ago. Ni txed C;;;8 VLS'JlVA wr tn Bood P" 4So. R6. 3 yellow. 1 car. 4Sc. S car.r47o; dummiil iinrlv in tho week owing to the I ir,..n. city Grain mul Prorlsloiio. I 12 cars, 47HC! 2 cars, 470! 9 cars, c. fact that speculators were very tree ouy- KANSAS CITY, March 22. W His AT ers. Tho country oemauu. "o"""'' Higher! No. 2 hard, 84WIT87WO,;, No. 3. 84HT proved to be disappointing. Tne stormy ' N ' re(, ji.oi1.07; No. S, 91ce$1.04. weather, as well as tho Prevailing high r'niiN-Hlehnr: No. 2 mixed. 616U4c! West Adams St., Chicago. Florida. "-"..iuii. nuu.oBB L. .. i.i. iii,.i .rm inornton. uoioniraupn commissioner, P" u a .. -v--:.-,--" stnto pi. tol building In Lincoln; well ImP" well located. Prlco. fXO per aero; enoum bcred, $12,000. J. A. Abbott & Co., 504-7 City Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FLORIDA For free Information re- garding resources, opportunities, soil, cli mate, farming, trucking, factories and other Industries ln Lakeland and Polk counties, address Board of Trade. Lake land. Florida. Farms Farms Farms f nmaha: bargains ' ' - . ........ J 1. v-m.ti u-ii, , 1-I1V..1H uiit.- - - ... i n . , free along our line of railroad would you 1 Let us show you tho goods. All such, be willing to toll your friends about our all prices, all terms. iana opening! uor particulars aaaress uhiim b. ammw" . t'tim. Mr. J. B. Clark, Land Commissioner, i Rooms 1218-1214 City Nat. Bank Bldg. uvo oak, rerry & uuir iiaiiroaa com pany. Box 75, Live Oak, Florida. lotvn. 22 WELL improved farms along central north Iowa line. Klegant homes; prices and terms reasonable. Some real bar gains. Kmmons Mercantilo Co., Emmons, Minn. FIVE MILES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. 100-acre farm for $100 per acre, about DO acres good level upland, muoh of It level. 25 acres alfalfa. Comfortable small house, barns, sheds, cuve, cellar, winamiu, nno orchard anu vine yaru, about two acres each. Soven acres and IMPROVED farm, 630 acres, $25 per acre. All fenced, H mllo from school. This farm Is bounded On theVest by one mile of tho never-freetlng White rivor. Splendid power bIIo and abundance of timber. Address Box 212. Crawford. Neb. North UnUolii. FOR SALE 100 acreB of land In North Dakota, 160 acres under cultivation. Price, $33 per acre. Part cash. Address Lock Box 181, Minneapolis. Minn. buuth nukuiu. OOVHRNMENT Homesteads 200,000 feed lot, slope south,- well drained and ' . good turning land oon to protected from wind. Not a run down worn out farm, . but one that will pay from tho start. Plenty ot farms ot no greater value have sold for $150 per acre. Easy driving distance of Council Bluffs and Omaha. With good roads to both. This Is worth looking up for the man who wants a home or an Invnstment. Lot us show you, M'GIBE REAL ESTATE CO.. 105 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. Kansas. KANSAS FARMS and ranches for sale. to to 25,000 acres: write for free list. V. B. NIQUETTE. Sollna. Kan. 130 ACRES. 2 miles from R. R. station: part mountain, balanco White river second bottom land; CO acres free from stumps ana goou for w bushels of corn this year: balance timber: little house and fine spring. Of course It Is healthy. price oniy xi.ew. v casn, naiance when you grow the corn. 120 acres mountain land, with go level and cleared; fine 6-acre orchard; little house and barn. Price $1,200, H cash. wo own iz.uuu acres Decides these, mostly level bottom land. Write us Just what you want and how much cash you have to Invest and wo will send you our list anu map locating oacn rarm. Ad rtH BROWN BROTHERS, Newport, Ark," S. E. KANSAS FARMS. Montgomery, Wilson and LaeBtte counties; majority ln Montgomery; all under wire fence; roost of them nave dwellings and outbuildings; cultivated. more or less; fine soil, water, schools, etc.; great grain ana stock country; splendid snipping iaciiiues; near large towns: steam and electric railways; acquired over 10 years ago for oil and gas; offer ing today at sacrifice prtoes and on rea sonable terms, "Write for our descrip tive foldtr, free. Edgar Zlno Co., Bt. Louis, Mo., or cherryvaie, Kan. opened for settlement. Largo colored man or South Dakota showing lacatlon. date of opening and laws governing same, 25c. J. A, Stransky, Box 201, Pukwana, 8. D. Texas, SOMETinNO NEW. We aro subdividing 00,000 acres In the Plslnvlew Tex., shallow water belt into farms, building now houses, barns, out buildings, fences and putting land under perfect Irrigation ready for occupancy and quick returns; easy payments. For full information address Texas Land and Development Co., 425 Scarritt Bldg., Kan sas City, Mo.' i WISH To buy land In Swisher. Floyd, Hale, Lamb and Bailey counties, Texas. R. A. Sllvlus, Bloux Falls, 8. D. At. Pr. ...1075 10 i 710 I (0 SPLENDID FARM BARGAIN 115 acres under plow, 320 acres blue stem pasture; watered by never falling springs: fourteen-room house and latge barn. Near town and railroad. Apply O. P. STEBBINS. 1610 CHICAGO ST. I Olll.lllllll. 260-ocro corn and cotton ranch. 2 miles rrom hi. Martinsville, L,a.; z owelllngs. n $5 MONTHLY buys suburban, farm! fruit, truck or poultry farm, near sub urban station, only 35 minutes from tho city of Houston; near Bhell boulevard direct to city; beautiful location; rich soil; plenty of rainfall; fine climate; two and three crops a year of potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables, which ne.t growers from $100 to $300 tr acre; fine strawberry country; also ln orange and fig belt; cash market In the city for products. Only a few five and ten-acre farms at $50 to $56 an acre, no Interest; no taxes. Five acres !5 cash and $5 monthly; ten acres, $10 cash and $10 monthly. Write today for Illustrated literature and all particulars. C. W. Hard A Co., Owners, 777 Commercial Bank Bldg., Houston. Tex. Utah. FOR 8ALE-J16 per acre, half section ot first-class valley land; good climate and water; 4 miles from railroad. Will entertain Omaha improved In oxchange, Owner. 815 City NatBunk. Miscellaneous, GOVERNMENT FARMS FREE Send ycur address for free Information about overy acre vacant government land In United States. D. J. Campbtll. Pioneer Bldg.. St. Paul, Minn. "V 't)fTn nnlnnlvsllvn . ai nnhl mr trnMs part Irrigable, $3. per acre. Small traots for homewiekers cheap. Holmes investment Co.. Kimoaii. ntp.' nrln.a .nnmnil tn lint nft II damPer On the market. This caused stock cattl; and feeders to accumulate In the nands ot speculators, and at tho closo of thu weak thero aro still a good many cattle unsold with holder offering to shodo prices j.0o or more as compared with earllor ln th week. , . Quotation's on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $!.30i&8.75', fair to good beet steers, $8.1OS8.S0j common to fair beet steers, $7.5OU.10; cood to cholco heifers, $7.25Sf8.15; good to cholco cows, $6.80Q7.68; fair to good grades, $(J.0ufl0.80; common to fair grades, $4.004!6.0i); good to choice stockers and feeders. J7.G0Q8.40; fair to good stockers and feeders, $6.8097.60; common to fair Btockers and feeders, $6.2$ (36.80; stock cows and heifers, $4.0007.25; veal calves, Jfl.5OS9.50; bulls, stags, etc., $6.2607.25, Representative sales: COWS. No. At. Tr. No. i toto 5 a 4 HEIFERS, 1 COO 6 (0 1 CALV1SS. 7 4M 7 7. IIOUS As was tho case last Saturday, tho supply here today was very light, thcr being hardly enough hogs on care to make It worth while for the buyers to bid against each other to get them. It was, therefore, a slow and druggy affair, with tho prices paid very little better than yrstorday. Bulk of tho sales was mado at $8.80Q8.82tt and oa high as $185 was paid, the top being Just the sumo as yesterday's high mark. While the general average ot the sales li a shado higher, this la rue lnrKelv to the fact that thero were very few rough heavy and packing hogs on sale, and consequently tne range vtus much narrower than Friday, prac tically overythlng being Included In a Bpread of $8.8088.85, While the trade was very unsatisfactory from a sellers' stand point It was the general onlnton that had there bean enough hogs hero to supply till buyers, values would have been higher. Today's prices ar sharply higher than the figures quoted a week ago and the averniift Is nearly 25a hlghor. The supply has not been large enough on any day to more than meet thfe demand and con sequently tne iraae nas oeen excellent, a faat which stimulated the shipper and ntculator demand considerably. Vhi morning's supply amounted to about twenty-nine cars', or 2,035 head. The week's receipts total 44,279, being ovor 11.000 head short of both last wek and two weeks ago and 23,000 head smaller thsn tho corresponains wcea a year ago, No. At. B. if. r- at, na. rr. Mn 3 43fi! No. 2 white. 6114c; No. 3. 60o. OATS-Hlghen No. 2 white, 34JiCf36tfc; No. 2 mixed, S6fK).c. WHEAT May. S4HffS4Wo: July, 84Ka CORN-Stay, 614tr61T4o July, 63HO. OATS May, 54H64Hc. 11 AY.nnelin.nod. RYK Unchanged. 860: firsts. 32cJ' 48C. ln. naflkln. 20ff22c. . WUWn"0' a wi m. . " IHDULTRY Hens, 011.1, AttnXtm. 15n. u'?..L-:v. ... j .i - iwit.M Clearing House Hank Statement NEW YORK, March 23. The statement 3ouj3Hio. of the actual condition or clearing noun BARLEY Malting, Ktgwwi no. i ieeu. banks and trusi companies iui um iimsc. , .... snows inai nn uuiu ,..,uw,.wv .j.--..- .... iiyjs no, z, OTttHJWKJj iiu- excess of legal r.qvilrsmonts. ThU Is on Cnrlot Receipts, Increase ot It.sis.iw- .ino siairniom. Wheat.Corn.Oats. lOWB! . .... . I .i 48 185 121 Actual condition- M ,;rV.T . ?. . M M W raWSK 's'SilVlrt U-an... oiv"V'.......,.rl3 40 1 ?.-T iVndVrs"::::::: atms :5 sri fspon . mad. -m wnntr-poiw. Net deboslts 1.7.68?.00O Z0,4.v DUU h. Bt. i-ou . or . - Circulation 46.w.w eouni : r""- .77 Excess lawful reserve h.doo.-w W'X mission causeu ii.nir.- rmh reserve In vaults, ..$33fl,8WJ.W0 Trust companies- casn reou.vo I CIIIOAOO GRAIN AU rnuiiHuso in vniinn , JfU Til Ull . s. it.. 74.. 7.. ei.. 71. 71. 0. I. 4. YOU can lease for 6 years a fine 220 acre farm within four mites of good cabins: will sacrifice for $8,000 to ntilck, railroad town. Write or see the owner. buyer; very fertile land and splendid lo- David N. McClure. 8340 Brown St., cation; in the country where nnturo Omaha, Neb. II Ik. ....... ,..,, T I f 1 1 1 . , - ,1 . Ul.u man. B32 ftravler Rt.. Nw Orleans. Ii I OWN and offer for sale a fine tract MlnursotA, of land ln the Uolden Valley on the ba kota-Montana line. Splendid solL Will make a good coionitation proposition. I OWN the finest folonlratlon tract jn' Contains about 12,000 acres. Will sell In Minnesota: contains about 10.000 ncres of two tracts of about 6.000 each. If desired. fine brush land In a solid body; will sell It Interested in a wholesale proposition on very reasonable terms and small pay. write for particulars, D. J. McMahon, $18 men aown; win aiviae inio two commerce mag., ui. raui, jiiinn. tracts it desirea. ir interested in a wholesale proposition write for Informa tion. W. F. Cole, 818 Commerce Bldg. St. Paul, Minn. SEND for free list of Minnesota farms, $30 to $75 per acre Minnesota Land Agency, CourtBlk.. St. Paul. Minn. CHOICEST Minnesota farm lands; money-saving prices; detail descrip tions free. Write me today what you want Highest financial references. IL P. Bengtson. Granite Falls. Minn. Missouri. SO ACRES well Improved, 70 In culti vation; three springs; productive soil. Price $!,; terms. Addresn Peak, Hous ton. Mo. NOT the beet farm on earth, but poor man's chance for fruit and poultry farm. Springs, river, close, hunting, fishing) roads not best but Improving. Price, $350; easy payments. Edmund tSeckel, Richland, Mo. Turkey Rldgo Form. Texas aud Mexico lands In large tracts for eolonlratlon. We control a number of ranches of small and large acreage In the shallow water belt. Our options ore carefully selected. lleferenses: Any bank or banker in Dallas. Hann & Kendall, Dallas, Tex. Hhlp live stock to Bouth Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful alien tlon. Llvr Stork Commission Merchants, BTERH IRO CO. gtrnnc. rsllshl. CLIFTON Com Co. ttt Hchani Bldg. UaRTiN DHOa. ft Co excoans tuad. . .tie to t 7t . .til ... 3. .lit ... I to . .in no i to . .115 HO I M ...Ml ... I W ... im ...10$ m ...107 ... 110 . .141 40 I 10 ...1(0 140 I W .124 110 M mt . t to ( J07 .., 8 it) 78 ttt .. 110 81. .Ill 120 I 80 It 888 10 I UH 10 888 ... I IIH Ill 140 I IIH 1 814 80 I I1H 71. .,..,.880 110 I llli I Ill ... IIIU 10 881 180 8 I8H It 888 ... 8 8m Kl 171 80 I 88H No. 4 yellow, 1 car. 47c; 1 car, KWi i car. 4o: 1 car. 46Hc No. 3 rnlxsd. S cars, 47V40! 1, car, 474o; 2 cars. 47oi 11 cars, 46io; 1 car, 4V4c No. 4 mixed, 1 car, iic; 4 cars. 45V,c. OATS titaildaru, i car, uc o. o white. 7 cars, siio; 1 car, Ifio; 5. oars. 31o. No. 4 white. 8 cars. 3lHo; 1 car, SOVic. No grade, 1 car, (corn mlxod) 30Vie. Omaha Cash Price. tvtriri ATWn 5 hard. 8S4B44io: No 3 MiM. samfaua; Nn. 4 hard. ilHftfa: No. 3 spring, 81C82o: No. 4 spring, 808hc: No. i3V4ffli4o: roosters 4804SUo; No. 4 white, 4646V4o; No. 2 yel l8Hri4o, roosters, No 3 yellow, 4718e; No. 4 yeU ..,n IMHISo. lO.W. 45V,ff47c: Ko. 2. 47?iO! No. 8, 4HiI" I47VSC! NO. . fVUH3C. OATS-No. 2 white. 82H3o; standard. S2Ho; No. 3 white. SlttS2V.o; No. 4 white, In Aggregate cash reserve..... . Trust companies' reserve wuu ciranng nouso ramun ;..- lng 8 Per Ctm casn rwiuu ..X4ot.XH.UI0 Features of the Trauma- ana uiomns SuVmaVyo'fstate-hks and ?n crol holTt.d" the panles In Qreater Nyw ork not included who '"' preiumably for ef- In clearing house Utement. aLmK' ,,hsnsBi after Easter. T, $671,142,800 $ 7,604,!$ The close was firm. Uo to Ho net i.'oa,l8 ' . m osi M0 4M.40 niffh.r rthr lendlntt stan eB. too. showed npecie .Vk ino 11. WW I ., ni.mnnrM with fnrtv-eleht ,Ir eM ail MO 1S.331.SJ0 r....r r-v,,, utnln Stn nt. M.t Total ueposn. w... -. " """". " ,.VKV.,7 ' ' i . i. in "v 1. hiiu muTiniuii.i .7vmm. i.n a.oTirlt-r Market. ft,.,, mmi not n. Kreat deal of Quotation. turnlitiA W DJ"- ,Ur".rhT C'' PPPO'ltlon to tho upturn In whetfU Ccld Weather aiscourugeu ins uears umhio the fact that exports tn tne items weie unanimous ln reporting tho general out- innk nn nearly DArfect as it could be at this season.- On the other hand, consid erable annrehenslon existed among many traders who held that whatever may hap pen between now ana harvest time must ha fnr the worse. Wheat bulls had a freer ?5?-M hand because wire conditions prevented receipt of quotations from outside points. Expectation that baa roads would in terfere with movement of corn caused firmness In that grain. Delayed seeding of oats sent prices in that market up. Lightness of hog receipts caused firm ness in the provisions list. Leading futures ranged as ronows: Artlclel Open. Hlgh.l Low. Cioso. Thur. Btatrlc Cremtrr pfj.. B?5 V& 7i " - ,xir Tin. 1081. WlU I Hill BT III VO.s ' - sal tAA it s tl-QlT. WW7 1W 102 tx.iwH.nnt rvkmrv 4 c. Kaniu CHr, Mo.. 7 P. e. tax "- -Tl e. t VK TraUlrtn D Uik t T w untlmu niaeuit nt vti Montro.1 Tramwajo U. 1MI Omaha Oat la, I"...... gSlaha O, B. Bt. nr. pli. . J- " tVi 100H IIV4 100 101H icon jom tlalon 8toek Yards, nJ' V. 8. Nai. nana : it, Jompp. Mo.. Wat.r H. U 8looa Cltr Stock Vart. ptil...... CltT of SO. On aha IH-. 1881-H. Silt LVxV Bthool 4. . . IV4 tm ii til too 14 tl 17U iom ion t an 111 if) 1 u nVrV.ioP-JvAa usual on the last day of thn vk. no fresh receipts of sheep or lumbs were yarded sq quotations re main unchanged from Friday. Supplies this week were the lightest for any week this year, thsre being only about 24,600 head reponoa in or a nine icss win.ii um of last week's arrivals and around 88,900 head short or tne same ween one year as-n a nrevinusiv noiea in ims cuiuiiin. th. lnra: fall In if off 111 the receipts was due to the paralysed condition of railway truffle caused uy tne recent snow siorm. The character of the receipts was very similar to last week except for a slight increaso In tne manteiing oi snorn oner lngs. The majority or the offerings oon- tlnue to have considerable weight as a rssult of the very favorable feeding con ditions over most ot the country. Lambs still appear In the largest numbers and tirA hen and yearlings are apparently becoming more scarce than ever. Despite tne tne ugni supplies on mosi days, values at the week's close show very little, if any. Improvement over a week ago. Owing to the great variation ln the quality of the offerings both last week and this, and, more or less fluoua tlon in prices on nenrly every day, un even trade has been a marked feature of the market Bo accurate comparisons are difficult to make. The bulk of the lambs are quotably strong to a dime higher than a week ago. with aged sheep and yearlings now selling at good strong figure, A bearish factor In th trade this week has been the presence of Holy week, during which time there Is al ways more or less depression In values. It is the generally accepted idea In trade clrclrs that the market continues very sensitive to the size of the receipts. Light weight lambs arid nandy ewe are still In best demand. Quotations on sheep and lambs; Good to choice Mexican lambs, $8.fe8.85r fair to good Mexican lambs, $a.S58.66; good to choice western lambs, $8.3538.60: fair to good western lambs, $?.UU8.!5; feeder lambs, $7 88.H; yearlings, Tight, $7.40 7.65; yearlings, heavy, $6.W87.40, good to choice wethers, l.5W.C6, fair to good wethers, $6.26fj.60: good to choice ewes, $6.1636.441 fair to good ewes, $5.8&S6.1&; culls and bucks, $2.764.00 CbleaKO Live Stock Market. CinCAQO. March 22. -CATTLE lie celpts, 200 head, beeves, $7.10..',; Texas steer. $6.60Zr7.60: western steers, $6.b0'ai Tmrr Statrmmt. WASHINGTON. March K.-The condl- tlon of tne unuen oiai "", . ' . " , ,. In... tnAav was: Work- I'balalice. $78,664.8221 In ank" Philippine treasury. $48,278,575; total of general fund. $147,113,036. Receipt , y ester day $1 124,287. Disbursements, $2,224,343. ThV surplus this fiscal year U $11,645,011 a against a deficit ot $17,448,915 last year. Tho figures for receipts, disbursements, etc., exclude Panama canal and public building transactions, Metal Market NEW YORK. March 22. METALS Markets were nun ann nominal; ibks copper. $15.t5ai5.87H; elrotrolytlo, $15,000 16.12H; casting. $14.00)14314.00!.. iron un changed. Wheatl I J J I May. 90H'H4 90T491 W4 80V4 90Vi July. 89VklH 904 89H BO UKH Bept. eiSin 85i fA S3 S9U Corn: May. 63fi4 63H 63 MHSH 53Vi July. 64HGH 61 64H 64i54HVi Sept 63H 55T 55 Ki 65H Oats: May. S3H 3333HSH 33TiI3HW July. 33Ht. M74 334 33T4 335, Sept. 33i 33V4 33H 33H $3Vi Pork: May. 20 05 2083 20 06 20 82 20 60 July. 2037 2050 20 35 S060 2020 Lard: May. 10 65-86 11 00 10 80 U 00 10 753 10 T7H July. 10 75 10 00 10 76 10 87-90 10 70 Ribs: May. 10 95-90 11 10 10 90 11 10 10 869 10 874 July. 10 80-77 10 87 10 77 10 85 10 70 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. hTlOUIB. March 22. M ETA LS Firm, I &W-.V VV'S 89c; No. 3 northern, 847JS6c; No. 3 spring. Milwaukee drain Market. MILWAUKEE), March 22. WH K AT Nn i northern. 89V4aW)V4c'. No. 2 northern. S8QS3Wo; No 2. hard, winter, 90391c; May, &SUo; JUiy. iwjjmmn. . CORN No. 8 yellow, 6ft86to; No. t white, Blc: No. 8, 49'MiGOc; May. Uai July. 64HM4.c. OATS Standard, 88Wo; No. S white. SX 33c; No. 4 white. 31W82tfo; May. J34 3314c; July. taWliKc. RYE No. 1, 6mar2c. ISravoratrd Apples and Ilrleil Frnlt NEW YORK. March 22.-BVAPOR-ATED APPLKft-qulet. DRIED FRUITS Prunes steady; aprl cots quiet; reaches steady; raisins steady. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. March 22. WOOL-8teady; medium grades, combing and clothing, 23tt'26a; light fine, lJ-TWlc; heavy fine, 1318c; tub washed. 27C6c. New York Uxchanifes Cloaed. NEW YORK. March 22. The stock, cotton and cofff exchanges and the su gar market are closed today. flank Clearing;. OMAHA. March 22. Bank clearings for today, $2,554,651.27 and for the correspond ing day last year, $2,235,523.77. Wool Market. ST. IOUIB, March 21-WOOli-Steadyi t.rrltnrv and western mediums. !lft2&! 113, tocke and feeders, $O.0Oj8.2O; cows tno me-Jlums, 18600c; fine. 1517c 878 880; No. 2 spring. 840fl6o; No. 4 spring. 78y83c; velvet chaff. 83fl0c; durum. 8&tj) 90c, Corn: No. 2 white, 63c; No. 2 yellow, 63Ho: No. 3. 50851c: No. 3 white, 62263; No. 3 yellow. 60HQ61V.C; No. 4, 43Utfto: No. 4 white, KMiOSlc; No. 4 yellow, 49 60d. Oats; No. 2 white, StWfiWViCi No. 3 white, S2V4S3c: No, 4 white, 81H7J3JUo: standard. 3403H4C. Rys: No. 2, 60fi61c. Barley, 5068o. Seeds: Timothy, $2.50713. 50; clover, $13.'I0 H18.60. Provisions; Pork, $20.S2H: lard. $11.02V4: ribs, $10.90311.60. BUTTER Firm; creameries, 29360. EOOS Weak, receipt. 19,033 cases; at mark, cases Included, 17frl7Ho; ordinary firsts. 16tJ-16V4c; firsts. 15c. POTATOES Easy: Michigan. 45'48c. Minnesota. 43048c; Wisconsin. 423 18c. POULTRY Weak; turkeys, dressed. 21c; chickens, alive, 15c; springs, alive, 14Hc. Infnnt Iln Smallpox. WABIUNOTON, March 22.-AU records of the local health department for the youngest smallpox patient to be taken Into custody have been broken, It Is be lieved. In the cose of a baby boy, Just 1 days old. The Infant, as yet' unnamed. Is the son of Helen Kent, a negress, and was born In a local hospital prior to th discovery of a smallpox rase ln that In. stltutlon. The baby waa removed t quarantine today with Its mother, who. so far has escaped Infection.