4-C THIS OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 23, 1013. Snerlocko the Monk Te Episode of the Fiance's Chafing Dish Copyright, 1912, National News Ass n. Drawn for The Bee by Gus Mager mite's A W5TCW0US MAM Goes BY out Howe &V6IW SUNDAY EVPNtWr. GWVWlNa, "&j MORE ITS ALMOST CERTAIN DEATH! T I x I T7 V" .t ti I f PARIV1U MP MK f .. . I I f llir.i i . . A i. I . I n i - li wwi; uough.x i . -f x ir.r iiiyi i i i uunwnu w;i i WUUV.U suoat-sr not ' i in .11 11 1 V 1UP IUIII fl.r-. , 41 OLlrx. ..... 'I I ITC Al MWr f II II n RAkRtr I I I LEFT, hmir I Cm I I III VI H 1 -M'WWL y -'WCK.LSJLJ'.U I I ' ' I""' I I V I t Q U I V wI( I Willi I IT I IME RFMi J U CT-- I Mill II I MOUSE New " ' ) V . .11 f w ...U 1 i ) . S ' www,,. I II I I x i i i vmtmwj rwiniA li i 1 1 . i j i i w inw tiii i ii rs - i v - - v?vym i 7 IEJ1 1 yTVet rottjg U . - LLT US ITU TOK. lllll, 1 Xist.' Ir l " he" i HK.1I ESTATE CITY l'llOI'KIlTY KOIt SAl.U. HEAIi ESTATE ciiy rttui'Uii t'Y jfuii saiiu CITY IIEAIj ESTATE IMlOl'EllTY FOIl SALIC. ItEAIi ESTATE city rnoi'Ki'Y Ktm sale:. J. H. Dumont & Co. Loans, Insurance, City Property, Farms and Ranches For Sale $H,O0O A utrlctly modern and up-to-date 10-room house, with hardtfood flnlh and quartered oak floors; two mantels and Kraten and built-in booKcnrcs In rirst story; S largo bedrooms and bath room, on second floor, finished In white enamel; servants' imth and storaffo space In attic:, basement ce mented and subdivided for laundry, cold cellar, billiard room, etc. This house In Ideally located In thu West Farnnm district and the price Is cheap. 9,&00 A 8'rootn strictly .modern houso wl th hardwood finish and oak floors. In first story; bedrooms and batli In second story; maid's room and stor age npnce on 3d floor; two east front cornor Iota with Karaite on boule vard, one block from car line; J3.600 cash, balance at per cent. Will sell the houso with one lot for $0, K, or the vacant lot and garauo for J3.W0. f7,S0O A very desirable, modern, up-to-date home, with full east front lot, In the Field Club dlstriot, close to Woolw orth Ave. This housn has oak finish and oak floors In first story, K large bedrooms and bath on second floor, and Is up-to-date In its arrangement, with large living room, etc. $7,600 A very deslrablo up-to-date. 8-room house, with nil modern conveniences, full cast frotjt lot, close to Field Club, lust north of Woolworth Avo. Owner wants to locato In Dundee to bo near relatives, and wilt consider any rea sonable, offer. $,"W-7 rooms and reception hall, atrlctly modern, with south front lot COxlM foet, with shade, fruit arid shrubbery. This la a very desirable home fronting on a boulevard in a specially good neighborhood. $3,000 7-room modern house with large lot or) a paved street; 3 blocks from car line; paving paid. Worth the prloe, but the owner will consider any rea sonable offer. This Is whore you dan make your money count. $1,900 C-room cottage In Clifton Hill, modern uxcept heat, beautiful south front lot GOxUO feet, on paved street, 2 blocks from car. Terms $900 cash, balance monthly. , )1, COO 7-room cottage with city water, gas and sewer; lot C0xl20, feet; one block from street car; north part of city. Non-resident owner Is offering th 25 per cent less than It Is woth. tiea us tomorrow If you want a gargaln, Call Webster 4211 If you want to see this or any other In this ad. today, PACANT LOTS $S,000 100x138 ft., cornor of 3Sth nnd Daavennort Bt. The cheapest corner .on this popular streot. $J,2S0 Four beautiful lots, one a cornor, 60th and Durt St., Dundee. $3,0001x125 ft., cast and north front corner, 43d and Davenport Sts. A high, sightly and desirable building site. $2,000 4fixl25 ft., west front on 40th at., near Cathedral. $1.1S0 Corner lot on paved street, one block from car lino, Dundee, $ 850-Corner lot on paved street, Hi blocks from car line, Dundee. Needs a little filling, but otherwise (rood A NEW ADDITION TO OMAHA 100 lots, S blocks from car line, close to Omaha and South Omaha, would re tail for $33,000 to $to,000. On account of the death of the active owner we ara authorised to sell the 160 lots for $18,000, one third cash, balance easy terms. Hero is a chance to make a fortune without investing muoh money.- R. R. TRACKAGE PROPERTY $10,D0O-An "L" shaped tract of land, 2S4 ft. deep with SO ft, frontage on one street and 1(15 ft on another. C. ft a. V. R. n. Co. owns right-of-way to this tract and wilt put In a switch whn desired. Owner bought this for use, but has changed his plans and wants to use his money. Will con sider any reasonable offer. More land ajolntng can be bought If desired. This las an opportunity for some large concern to get located right without a large outlay, $l0,000-3xl32 ft. with trackage In the rear, on Dodge St. between 12th and 13th. One of the few downtown trackage locations with exceptionally good po sition from an advertising standpoint, and close to all freight depots Owner thinks this lot is worth $15,000, but wants money for use in his bust ntis. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $0,000-7 rooms and hall, strictly modern, hardwood finish, large lot, fronting on boulevard. Owner will take good olear land or smaller house In Omaha for equity of $3,000. $17,000 A large and commodious framo and stucco, asbestus-roofta dwolllng. with tiled vestibule, reception hall, largo living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 4 bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath in pound story; 2 bed rooms and storage space on third floor. All of the principal rooms are finished in quartorsawed white oak or birch, with oak floors below and maplo floors ubove. This house was built in 1S08 and has every modern convenience; cornor lot; one block, from tha Farnam car line; two large for owner. Will trade for smaller houso, Investment property or eastern Nebraska land. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 1G03 Fnrntun St. WEST KAIINAM HOMH BARGAINS. $11,000 Handsome 10 rooms, extra well built, beautiful arrangement, two fireplaces, tiled bath, with three sepurato lav atorles, built-in bookcases, handsome liv ing and dining room; beautiful bed rooms; south front lot, 74x135 ft. Must be sold quick. Ilargaln for soma one. $10,000 South and east cornor, 98x100 ft., botb streets paved and paid; tw dandy 8 room, hot water-heated house; fine at quarter-sawed oak finish and floors; cistern; laundry tubs; In A No, 1 condition. A big bargain. $10,000 Another nenrly new, brick and ce ment house; beautiful living and dining rooni, built-in bookcases, fireplace; lour good bedrooms ana oatn; close 10 37th and Farnant Sts. Bargain. $ 9,000 Harney St.. Just cast of 30th, an e xcellent, good, well arranged 9-room house; flrst-clnss condition; choice, well located home. $ 6,600 3512 Dodge St.. a good looker, well built, 8 good rooms; hot water heat; oak finish; fireplace In living room; a dandy lot; fine location. Must be sold. Owner leaving April 1. $4,700405 No, 31st., a dandy, good, two story bonne, 6 large rooms, oak finish nnd floors down stairs. Must bo sold. Want offer this week. Cash or terms. $5,000 2MG Evans St., one of the prettl est homes on the north side, beautifully decorated, most attractively nrro nged, and can be handled on $S00 cash and $50 per month, This Is our onn best bet. FIEID CLUD SPECITL.. N. W. Corner .Cd Ave. and Francis, op poslto Hnnscom Park, lOOvllO ft., beauti ful artistic, extra well built, 8 rooms, beautiful living room with fire 1 place, sun room, beautiful dining room with built-in buffet, fine arranged kitchen, four fine bedrooms, sle eplng porch, tiled bath, finished In fine oak, brick nnd cement porch. A n Ideal, beautiful home. Must bo seen Inside to fullv appreciate Its beauties. $o;&00 N. W. corner 38th and Marcy St.. 00x125 ft., beautiful, well built, stucco on split wood lath, extra Job, beautifully arranged, finely finished and dec orated, a dandy choice home. Close to car. $7,250 East front on 35th, close to Wool worth, 53x143 ft., with large 8-room mod. houso, well built, comparatively n ew, choice location. Best for the money In the district. NEW BRICK. $7,000 Just west of Hanscom park, an extra well built brick house, extra fine, oak finish, largn rooms, finely arranged In every detail. This house built to last. Special terms to Rood party. DUNDEE-MUST QO. $5,7005118 Webstor St., new, extra well built; walls of 12-ln. hollow tile, and stucco outside; asbestos roof; extra good Interior finish nnd finely ar ranged; largo living room, dining room, throo good bed rooms und bath on second floor, Owner left nnd must be sold. $5,7504913 Dodge St., most beautiful Interior arrangement, beautiful large liv ing room, with stono fireplace; handsome dining room, with built-in buffet and china cabinets: handsome woodwork; four fine bed rooms and tiled bath on second floor, One Of tho most beautiful Interiors of any house In Dundee. Easy term to good party. INVESTMENT EXCHANGE. $12,500 Income. $1,452; four 5-room bricks, close In, well located, sure renters; tako $6,000 to $7,000 In other clear Improved, balance mortgage. $13,000 Oood close In brick. Improved, fouur apartments; income, $1,200. Want cholco acres or country place up to $8,000. West Dodge or Florence dis. trlcts preferred. This Is good. VACANT BARGAIN. 110 ft. south front on Farnam east of 28th St., For Immediate quick sale $200 per ft. Best buy on .the street today. $3,30044x160 ft. N. E. cor. SCth and Toppleton Ave., paving paid; room for three houses. A good bargain. D. V. SHOL.ES COMPANY, 91$ City Nat. Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 49. REAIj ESTATE CITY l'HOI'KIlTY FOIl SAIjK. Dundee Houses $5,300 for a first class, 7-room, strictly modern and up-to-date bungalow, built only 1 year, 6 rooms on tho first, floor, with two on second; oak finish first floor, with selected oak floors; pine finish on second floor, with maple floors; built-in sideboard in dining room; brick fireplace In living room; beamed ceilings. Full cemented basement; hot water heat; owner anxious to sell at once. $4,500 for a 6-room, frame bungalow, very well built and attractively ar ranged; large living room 12x20 feet, with fireplace; attractive din ing room with built-in buffet; oak finish and oak floors, with the ex ception of the bedrooms, where selected maple has been used, Lot 50x135 feet; south front; one half block to car line; reasonable terms. $4,300 $500 down; balance like rent, for a 7-room all modern house, locattd at one of the highest points In Dundee. Owner haa left tha city Is reason for this extremely low price; mission finish first floor; natural pine flnteh 2d floor: stair Way to attic, with 1 finished room. $4,300 for a 8-room. all modern square house, with a south exposure, con venient to tho car line; first floor finished In oak with oak floors, living room across the. entire front Of house; 3 bedrooms and alcove on the socond floor with tiled bathroom. Full cemented basement; hot water heat. Reasonable terms. George & Company Tel. D. 756. 902-12 City Nat. Bank BIdg. CITY ItEAIi ESTATE r nt Al,ia WEST FARNAM AND CATHEDRAL This property Is located only ono block from Farnam car and four blocks from cathedral. House practically new, has 7 rooms and sleeping porch, full cemented basement, stationary wash tubs In laun dry room, coal room, best of furnace. First floor, large living room with fire place, dining room, kitchen, pantry re frigerator room. Second floor has three large bedrooms, bath with tiled floor and bent of fixtures; floors of quarter sawed oak, wood work white enamel with ma hogany stained doors; living room and dining room floors are quarter sawed oak and oak wood work; stairs to second floor are oak. Has nice parks In front, cemented driveway and garage; street paved any everything in best of condi tion. Owner forced to sell. Look it over and make a proposition. Can give easy terms. Location, 345 N.. 41et St. You are buying direct from owner. Phono Douglas G90. A. P. Tukey & Son Five Homes Everyone a Bargain It is an absolute fact that wit aro offering those Uoubcb at loss than the actual cost of the houses, Bay nothing about the Taluo ot tho lot. 2614 Chicago St. An 8-room, strictly modern, full two-story houso; lull bosemont; new plumbing and furnaco; everything In tho beat of condition; south front lot 30x144 ft.; all taxes, Including paving, paid. We want an offer on this place. 601 South 31st St, New, 6-room house, etrlctly modern and excep tionally well built. Price, S,60Q 112 North 43d Ave. -Anothor nearly now, 7-room houso, all mod ern, east front lot 50x125 feet; only bull block from tho Dundee car. Prlco. $3,250. 1915 South 28th St Five-room bungalow, about four years old, atrlctly modorni lot 50x142 foot. Price. $3,000, 2118 Grant St. An 8-room, all modem houso: lama corner lot: barn on alley; paved street and paving1 'Pho"e Dou; .paid, rnce, sis.ouu. We have arranged It so we can sell any of these houses for a small cash payment down and tho balanco inonthiv Two DundeeHomes $6,250 An artistic, 7-room nearly new, stucco residence, on Davenport St., near 50th; larire living- room with beam celling. bullt-ln bookcases and oriental brick fire place; den or sun roam, dining room paneled solidly ud to Plata rail and hand some bullt-ln buffet; well arranged kitchen with cabinets, etc.; three large bedrooms and bath room on second floor. Ftnfslied throughout in art cypress and quarter sawed oak floors; mil basement, hot water heating plant, laundry tubs. etc. An exceptionally handsome and well built home. Owner ha left city. Price reduced to abovo figure. $7,200 In Sunset Addition Ju6t listed, a 9-room, all modern home, fronting south on Douglas St., between 4$th and 49th i living room, dining room, library and kitchen on first floor. Four btdrooms and bath room on second floor. Servants' room on third floor. Oarage In rear. There Is no prettier rewdenoe street In Omaha or Dundee than the block in which this house Is located. Let us show you through 'his home. The Byron Reed Co. 21$ S. 17th. A. P. Tukey & Son 441-142 Board of Trade Dldg. Phone Doug. 2181, Building Time We Will Build For You in Hollywood Norwood Kountze Place Newton New Dundee Home 5021 Capitol Avenue mis is a brand new. strictly modern home, which must be seen to be aonre- clated. It has large living room, dining room and sun room, finished In oak; kitchen, pantry and large rear vestibule entrance on first floor; four good sized bed rooms 'and large bath on second floor. Ono of tho bedrooms has many windows, providing a cool and airy place to sleep In summer, and can be used for a sun room In winter. All floors upstairs and down are oak, except kitchen. All rooms upstairs are finished in white enamel, birch door stained muhnranv and trimmed With Rnllll hmnn an1 nlnir nuruwure. i nis nouso is rree rrom "gin ger bread" construction, and was de signed with a view to comfort and con venience. Full 60 foot lot, sodded. Pav ing all paid. Open today for Inspection. Bee us for price and terms. Pnyno & Sinter Company, tm umanq National Bank Bldg. Bargain New 6-R. Cottage No. 1S16 Laird St, corner lot, one block east of 20th St. Blvd.; full cemented base ment, outside cellar entrance, fine fur nace with thermostat attachment, laun dry In basement; first floor finished and floored In oak; socond floor, yellow pine; every room artistically decorated, kitchen and bath decorated with sanltas; nas Desi or piumoing ana Dcautirui com bination lighting fixtures; south front; well built and finished In every detail. Cement walk In street and around house. Screens, storm sash and shades fur nished. House 2 years old and just newly pained. Everything finished. No place where you could spend another dollar. This Is a mighty pretty little homo and Is open today for inspection. Price. $3,500: on terms of $500 or $600 down, balance lino rent. Payne & Slater Company, 616 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. HEAL ESTATE CITY OFFICIAL. NOTICES. Oak Chatham Dundee We have lots in theso additions from $475 to $1,250 And will build for you on ,ony of them, or on your lot wherever it is. Wo claim to bo efficient builders and will show you houses built and sold to satisfied clients. Let Us Show You And you can then judge for yourself. Charles W. Martin & Co. House Beautiful West Farnam $10,500 This Is one of the most artistic aa well S?hT frtaWa homes In all this fine iJ!Lr'ct,-. ,Central hall arrangement, with large living room, 18x34. Den. dining hm.i.afdKled kltchen on first floor; eautlful bedroom and tiled bath 1$ foet ?n,fi"f i0IVe.c?nd, Vr; f,ne basement House Is finished In beautiful quarter sawed oak. with beamed ceilings. Bath nm.. ihas """aually fine fixtures, pedestal lavatory, etc. The lighting fix tures are among the most elnborate to ?kund- linywh.?re- s,d "Rhts n roorns. Lot 62x116; east front; near 41st and Davenport Sts Armstrong-Walsh Co, Tyler U3S. 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg.' 1018 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 3832 $3,000 Will Buy -r. brick house and t-r. frame cottage. S412-S414 Ho. 17th St.. renting for nearly, J(M per year; $1,000 cash will handle, bal ance long time. Owner nonresident and I ha v filHI.T.. firat-laftfl .winilltlnn. I $5,000 Will Buy (-apartment frame flat, Hit So. Uth. Davea hi., reminir lor ilvdu nor year; good repair and all new plumbing; half cash will handle, balance long time. This 10 NET! 10 NET! 10 PBIt CENT NET! 10 PBIt CBNT NKTJ proprty ,llUit t,e ,0ia to settle an cUl, Four-flat brand new brick, located S115 T -pv -p Pri iTOSSi", J- J3. KODinson $4,750 Field Club Residence This Is nn turoom, two-story modem squaro houso. recently papered and painted throughout. First floor has large reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen: four bedrooms an dbath on second floor;, stairway to attla; furnace heat: east front lot. 46x126 ft., on one of the best streets In the Field club district surrounded by expensive homes. This Is a snap. Investigate at once, George & Company KS-U City National lla ik IM-lg l'hone LkhwIvi RESIDENCE LOTS tint, i rmii ll.frY) a year, splindldly ar ranged, thoroughly well built This Is a' remarkable Investment. Open lor lnPo-i tlaB from S to & Sunday afternoon. A'l we ask is $13,600. Can you eqiMl It any where. BEitlS CAKLBERCr CO. 310-312 Urandels Theater. Will Build Dundee Homes We will build you a home to order in Dundee on a beautiful south and east front corner lot, one block from car, on paved street on a reasonable payment down. You may choose from one of pur many plans and htve this house built to order. ilASTINQH & HEVDKN. 1614 Harney 8t $1,600-Crelhton's First Addition. $l.C00-erelirhton's First Addition. $l.W0Fteld Club District $1.000-0verlooklng Field Club links. $1.6O0-Cathedral District. $I.60O-Cathedral Dlntrlct. HOUSES Owner leaving city and has reduced prloe an beautiful home In Crelghton's First Addition from $4,000 to $5,600 for aulck sale. Nearly new. and but nne good Investment. Please look at i block to car the double frame s-room fiats at! H.mu buys -room house, practically 442 Uee Bldg. Doug. SQ01. FLAT BARGAIN $3,60O-Close In flats, nicely located for; quick sale. SUM and 3008 Mason St tlented tori new; 3 bedrooms and bath second floor; $600 per annum; ought to bring In $720. Tntse are in waging uis. tanee. No Incumbrance. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Doug. 1781. Ware Block. $200 rash, balance terms, wll' take that dtndy 4-rojm cottage, partly modern and close to car line and good school, cement walks, Prlee, $1,800. Lot 41x126. BEMIS-CARLBEROr CO. 310-111 Urandels Theater. 100 Ft. 16th 44 Ft. $45,000 Opposite Jones. $50,000. .Vext yini National Bank. Harrison & Morton i Harrison & Morton i quarter-sawed oak finish and furnace heat One block to West Side Hanscom Park car. W. II. THOMAS & SON, TH State Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1648.' Brand New Homes 38thAve.&MarcySt. Look at 3S15-17-21 Marcy St., three well arranged and beautifully finished modern homes, located In a rapidly developing district, between the Field club and West barnam. Kach house has a good slxed lot. whl?h has been graded and sodded, and beautified by a landscape gardener; trees, shrubs and flowering plants In abundance. Nothing- like it In the city, it will pay you to Investigate. Moderate prices and easy terms, Theso houses will be open today for your Inspection. Payne & Slater Company, " '-""ana national Bank Bldg. Close-in Investment nrS"?""1?' WwVJhfn iV fuwiM,ock, of.1SULn'1 Chicago Sts" ,ht.M?v,rbcu Mt-un.d riffer!. vrsa tea and u 18 Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler IMS. IIO-K-h state Bank Bldg. WILL SELL CHEAP to settle up eitate. Two flats at SJ1-S33- 825 So. SOth. close In; yearly rental. $1,100. Price, $9,600. A good Investment. 1 mod- crn 6-r house, 1021 So. Slst St . UETtKA A MC81L. 22 Use Pldg. Tel. Doug. 5967. KOH HALE St. Ixjuls flat. 33) No. Sold by owner. Sid. 40 A. $25,000 Next Field C!ab Harrison & Morton INVHSTM l.-KrT-a $3,000 buys 30- feet on Webster St.. be- ' huys a 17-r. modern brick flat. $.000 buys a brick store building, with above. 4i -aa : . -wv.. HVU.C, uiiMitj in, $3.SO0 buys three modern houses, close to- ,, . "wi-mm i .urK sis. $10.00) buys a double brick flat and va cant lot 21st and California at . WESTBUN URAL ESTATE CO.. ivaroaon Block. D. 3607 SOUTHEAST CORNER 30TH AND LAKE STS. for sale rhn far u ihn tiM. a a-116. Omaha Bee, or telephone Webster ONE-HALF acre well Improved. A bar 55inJ.f..taken 00n- Address P. O. Fratt. 23 EjiUon ve Webster $011 " DUNDEE BAnOAINr$4,750NelFrsernT. bUnKblOW. 7 ronmx all mnAmrn l.r- sleeping; porch rear car: ful ( n, actually worth $3.U. Price of $4,7 good for one week only Shopen & Co. D. 4iK CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. THE3 HOMf.; Pnnprtiir.Trwt It Is conceded that a man Is more consiaerato and con servative when a home ownrr IfA fa it Ka i , i ... i e Is a tronr1or il,..r. v, thing to Protect when he feels a Joint interest with the communltv's wolf,. r j.h"" !iBll hahp no anchor anywhere. BUY IT WITH YOUlt RENT MONEY Best corner (132 inunm) tnr nnaw.nn house, opposite Capitol square. Can build without moving preeent homes that bring buuu mi-uino on pneo or wnoie. X3J,(M, win suooiviue. Field club lot 1X0, Four beautiful buildlnc lots. Wrsl Vr. nam district. Your choice $1,000 except corner. Agents Charleepw HeiKhtn and other additions about that Iwautlful (National) park. Fort Omaha. CHAS. B. WILLIAMSON CO, Clairmont Addition FOR SALE BY OWNER. One strictly modern 7-room house with sun room, pantry, entry, sleeping porch, full basement pressed brick foundation; first floor finished In oak, second In white enamel with maple floors; corner lot; finest view In Omaha. Located at 46th and Mlamml St on boulevard. If this does not suit you we have other lots and plans ot up-to-date houses. Terms. Open for inspection today. Phone Prior & Nielsen. Web. 1099 or Benson 333. BARGAIN In Home Look this over If you want nice homo; sewara; iiarney car to 33d and Sew ard, 2 block west; south front recep tion hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen on first floor, oak finish. Three bed rooms, bath, sleeping porch, second floor; hard finish, No. 1 hot air furnace, com bination fixtures, full cemented base ment screens, Htorni sash; paved street; will decorate; possession at once; $3,750; $500 cash, balance $40 per month. D. E. COMER, OWNER, Or Bemls-Carlberg Co., Agents, 312' Brandels Theater. HOMES, WEST PART OP CITY Klght-room house In natural oak fin ish; with vesttbuto hall, parlor, library', with a bricked fire place, dining room nnd kitchen; large basement with sep arate room for vegetables, laundry with stationary tubs, separate toilet, cemented floor, soft water with automomatlc pumping system, hot water heating sys tem; four bed rooms, separato lavltory, modern bath room, sleeping porch, stair way to floored attic; built for a homo by owner; at 11G5 Cuming; lot 40x140, with garage; paving paid; price reduced tu ?5,600. NICE HOME of eight rooms, oak finish, near SOth nnd California, on south front lot, 45x140, with paving paid, for $5,100. NICE HOME of seven rooms on Daven port near Boulovard, south front lot, 0x127, for $4,750. NICE HOME of six rooms on Daven port, near 35th; lot, 48x112; owner moving to Chicago, must sell; will take $4,200. KOUNTZE PLAGE HOME $3,600 Eight-room modern house, good warm home hobse In Kood order; 1615 Emmet, lot 50x124; paving paid. $3,760 Eight-room modern house, at 2206 Emmet, a good home on south front lot, 50x124, with somo shad trees. $5,000-NEV UP-TO-DATE HOUSE, OF FERED AT COST-Hall with brlcked-up fireplace, parlor, dining room with bullt-ln side board, library or den, all In oak finish nnd oak floors, very completo kitchen; large basement with a large furnace, heats the house, threa bed rooms and modern bath room on 2d floor, sleeping porch, this wns put up right by owner for his home. $3,200 Eight rooms, modern, a good house on 22d, near Lake street, most new, renting at $30. $2,200 That nice five-room cottage at 2215 Larimer Ave., with bath and gas, lot 40x125, with some fruit and placu for chickens. W- H. GATES, ' 641 Omaha National Bank Bldg. PhoncB Doug. 1291; Web. 268S. Two Fine Homes Near Hanscom Park Priced Right We have Just listed two beautiful mod ern homes, which can be sold at prices lean than cost. Both were built by day labor and the best of materials wcro used. 2302. So. 31st St. has 7 rooms and bath; first floor has large living room, den, ex tra large dining room, all finished In oak; roomy kitchen, pantry and vestibule for Ice box; second floor has three nice light and airy bedrooms and bath; full base ment partitioned off for fruit, coal bin and laundry; corner lot, east front, high and sightly, room to build small house or garage on rear. Price $4,500, $2,000 cash, balance monthly. 2300 So. 32d St. (Boulevard), fine modern home, built on broad lines, being about 58x40 on the foundation. Has reception hall, parlor nnd dining room and den finished In quarter-sawed oak, fine kitchen, pantry and vestibule for ice box; four good sized bedrooms, finished In oak; bath and sleeping porch on sec ond floor, largo floored attic, large full basement with laundry sink and closet, hot water heat with ample radiation; full lot; very desirable location, high and sightly. Price $5,700. Don't fall to see this. Payne & Slater Company, Solo Agents, 616 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Investment Bargain 10 to 12 Per Cent Down Town Investment We are offering for sale 3 well-built nearly new brick flats In a good locality 7 blccks of postofflce and the business district. Rent for $1,630 a year. Price $14,000. Theso are not run down or cheaply built flats, but are first class. About $5,00) cash will handle the deal. Why keep your money In the bank nnd only get 3 or 4 per cent Interest when we cun satisfy you that your money can Just as well be earning you three times that much and be Just as safe or oven safer. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1014 Harney St. FineHomesite, $550 Investment Bargain Annual Income $1,440 Price, $11,500 Now brick building on Dewey Ave., Just east of 21th St., containing four five room modern apartments renting for $30 euvh. Owner mUFt sell and will take H cash or consider lower offer for all cash. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg. SEE THIS TODAY Owner has Just finished pretty home at 3406 Davenport St., in tho new West Far nam district. Faces south on paved street. Is rough stucco finish. 8 rooms paneled dining room, bullt-ln buffet and bookcases, has attic, electricity, gas and all conveniences. Closets In every room. More Improvements will be made in this neighborhood this year than in any por tion of Omaha. Easy terms can be ar-; ranged. Open today for inspection. T. R, POUTER, OWNER. $314 Davenport St. Phone Harnev 3962. O ...., 41., or, ltniu-nll Kta. iU fnnt frontaceL ono block from West S-'. . ...... iRWo nar. Aii nxceDtlonal bargain at this ?,odu ror sieara-noaiea punuing,--r- a- "ftke I "T TT iI 7" V. FARNAM SMITH & OO. I m i a "t, ?VTl, 3rK 17 rooms, near 24th andi Harney Sts. Rental $1,020 per annum. Built 5 years and never vacant a day. WANT OFFER. ERNEST SWEET. 1236 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1472. FOR SALE HOUSES TO MOVE One modern 7-room house, and modern cottage, 6 rooms, all on one floor. See them today or Monday at 2569 Harney St. and 2624 Dewey Ave. ERNEST SWEET-DOUQ. 1472. nasi front lot Khtisi. ah n.oi.i paid. This will make nnv ohe & fin. rathp.Hra1 District , tonS: S room modern house, half block to NeUl" Miller Park Saunders school, $3,850. 4iw unicago bt Fine South Front Lot 50x128 On Davenoort between 41st ve. and' 2yllV.V ?"d !? 1 we" Panned 42d St.: paving paid; fine neighborhood; n , only 1 M and ,v wni nv UUr favorable building restrictions. Price, Lrr"J only HTO and we wU1 muke On the Florence boulevard, new seven room all modern house with sleeping porch. House Is finished In oak. with nice fixtures for both electric light and gas; has Just been handsomely papered tnrouguout and shades put un. Is $2,260. Ilttuscom Park Bargains 10 rooms, all modern house, finished in white oak, birch and walnut, full cellar, laundry room and furnace room, also toilet In basement, also nice soft water and pump, lot 60x150, cement walks, paved street, east frpnt one-half block to Never before offered or less than $5,200. P. J. Tebbins, Sole Agent, Bole Agent. 750 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Phone D. 2183. FOR SALE. Want Offer. FOR RENT. $1400 2 B. Lynn Ave.. Benson, six rooms and bath; large lot. Tel. Web. 4150. Armstrong-Walsh Co. i. Peters Trust Co., lTth and Farnam. Tyler 1536. 210-12-14 State Bank Bid,;. CHEAPER THAN RENT 6 rooms, rec hall, parlor, dining room, Vltrhpn and one bedroom bn first floor: two bedrooms and bath upstairs; fur nnr. corner lot. 41x120: oaved street Price, $3.S50; $300 cash, balance $" J mahogany with maple floors above; monin, wmuu ihuiuucb unci cat. 1001 S. SSth Ave. New Field Cli b District, $5,000 Six rooms and sleeping porch, oak fin. aved street. Iuh and floors below; white enamel and u inuiiugany wun maple floors Located large attic; a beauty; lot 63x125, I Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1&S6 210-12-14 State Bank Bldg. HKRK THH MflKRV Leaving city; will sell my establlsued finish; strictly modern; full basement's house's and lots; 'worth more than laiinrirv rnnnartlon. Here IS a uarfftLln, tSC (YYl miirfiru en ,n..0A. tiAsaiA ten.. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. NEAR Slst and Farnam Sts.. new. full two-story square house, with C large 1 rooms, bain ana sleeping , porou. u i nutmegs. Incorporated; 4 vacant lots and laundry connec tlon.Mer e is a uargiun. ; rac.000. mortgage on houses. $10.Oj0. $i;,0W Price reduced to $4,50). terms, bee .owner. , equity In property besides fine real estate IM McCague Bldg.. or Doug. W3. "tt eb. buslnew for $6,000 cash. If you mean 4661. business anfcwer. Address II 2Li Bee 1