Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 10-B, Image 22

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    10- B
In Our After Easter Sales youll find as always, quality the key note
throughout the stock. As we view it the economies are extraordinary, but we want you
to be the judge and jury examine, compare, criticise. Were content to abide your decision. Come early.
A magnificent showing of
new patterns and colorings in
Curtains and Drapery Material
that leaves nothing to be de
Cable Net Curtains, inndo to
sell to $5, special, pair, $2.49
Cluny Curtains, made to hoII
to $.).n0 pair, special, $2.98
Nottingham Curtains, 2 yds.,
long, made to soil at $3.00,
t $1.98
$2.00 Nottingham Curtains, per
pair ' $1.25
Bungalow Set, 45 in. wide, special
values Monday at J!5c, 25c, 15J
Plain Curtain Nets, 72 In. wide, to
GCc values, at 206
."Monk Cloth for Portlcrea nnd Couch
Covers, CO In, wide, special Mon
day, at yard qqc
VnM Wldo Mncn Crauli 3JjJ
40 In. Scrims, with plain or hem
stitched borders, 5c, ISO, 13 J
Fancy Cretonnes, Tapestry Patterns,
all colors, made to sell to CBc yd.,
a 35cJ
An Immense Showing of Portieres
and Couch Covers at pleasing pricings.
New Spring .
Wash Fabrics
An assortment of the new
weaves and color.ings that
leaves nothing to be desired by
uv musi purncmar purcnaser.
Prices are very attractive, too.
Of overy kind
and color-
15rf 25d 30c
Tissues, Scotch
Madras, Zephyrs,
18 256
256 to i.o
Plain Silk Stripe,
Imported, etc. -256
30j 50
All kinds
186 256 306
Etc., In all new
est colorings, at,
156 and jy
Big; "Showing of New
Dinner Ware
A few of the many specials
at the below prices:
$12.00 100-piece white and gold,
band cliiim sets; big values at,
Wnt ?7.50
$10.00 100-pce. decorated green
and pink dinner Beta $12.00
$25.03 decorated Austrian
china, 100-pieco sets, with
gold traecd handles, $18.00
All these sets are carried in
open stock.
$14.00 100-piece decorated din
ner sets; per sot. .. .$10.00
S22.00 white and gold and decorated
100-pleco dinner sots. .. S1G.00
A beautiful line of English, Kronen
and Havlland china Bots: prices, por
Bet' fro,n S25 to 8150
2 Specials in
Brown Crockery Ware
12-plece Brown Conklnc? warn
yeciuiB -
1 Casserole
2 Daklne Dtshea-
6 Custard Cups
1 COOK book
I Mat
2-qt. mountod Cassoroles, ea. SI
a Set
"White Dress
Heavy White Piques and
Bedford Cords, assorted
welts; at, per vard
25c, 39c, 50c and 59c
Hand Kmbroidered Swisses,
Mulls and Batistes, per vd.,
at $1.50, $1.98, $2,255
""'l $2.50
Sheer Kronen Lawns at, per yard,
Mo, Sine, I5r and 70c
FIno Wash ChlffonH and new Per
slun Lawns at, por yard, 10c,
l!5c and ar$c
DAYLIGHT SILK department
We are now showing Silks in the north light, recognized by all as the best
possible an advantage, which every lady will appreciate in selecting silks.
Visit our daylight silk department and see what a difference the remodeling
has effected. All newest weaves for spring are shown hero.
"Kismet Kloth" is one of the now
weaves very much admired; is very
much similar to ratino but is strictly
all silk, rich new colorings $r 50
shown at, yard '. . . .
$1.50 Crepe de Chines
$1.25-20 pieces of all
silk crepe do chine, 40
inches wide, in 15 dif
ferent shades.
$1.25 Silk Poplins 98c
A big special showing,
including all the lead
ing new colorings for
i o
Brocaded Ghanneuse and Crepe de.
Chines A splendid assortment of
street and evening shades, 40 and 42
ins. wide; spe- $ , , gQ
cutl values Mon A l X
All Silk Satin Messa
line 25 pieces of this
rich clinging fabric
on special sale at 88c
59c to $1.00 All Silk Satin Foulards In the newest spring
styles and most wanted colorings, 100 pieces tpr selection wuuj
38c, 48c and 68c
Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths,
full size, assorted, $1.75 values,
each $1.00
Mercerized Imported Satin Dam
ask, GO Inches wide, 59c value,
yard 30c
Pure Linen Satin Damask, full or
silver bleached, $1.39 values,
ynrd $1.00
Dinner Napkins, pure flax, as
sorted designs, $3.00 values,
6 for $1.00
Extra large huckaback towels, col
ored borders, 19c values, each. 134
Assorted lot Barnsley glass or huck
toweling, 14c values, yard. ... .10c
Spring Garment Styles that bear the stamp of author
ity and reflect accurately the last word from accepted arbiters of
fashion. Together with the broadest assortments of most charming style creations at
our usual fascinatingly low prices, we are offering for Monday's selling special gar
ment bargains which you'll have to acknowledge truly marvelous.
Exceptoinal Showing Nobby Coats
A wonderfully wide range of authoritative new style
ideas in all the fahrics and colorings most desired by
fashion's devotes. You'll find the qualities unques
tionable supreme at
Spring Suits of Surpassing Beauty
In assortments of charmingly distinctive designs so
broad that the most exacting customers can be certain of
satisfying their individual tastes. Values we're confident
you'll not find duplicated
$19.90, $25, $29.75, $35.00 up to $98.00
$12.50, $15, $19.50. $25 up to $45.00
Special for Monday
200 Ladies' and Misses' Spring
Tailored Suitsf made to sell up
to $22.50, in serges, diagonals
and fancies, all colors, including
a choice assortment of cream
serge suits, big assortment of
pretty designs,
Special for Monday
A. splendid lot of nobby new
Spring Coats, manufacturer's
samples, in pretty serges and
tweeds; these coats were made
to sell at $12 to $15 and are
without question remarkable
bargains for Mon- q d'Ct
day's sale, at pOyJ
Special for Monday
50 dozen pretty Lingerie "Waists
made to sell at $1.00 and $1.25,
como in a fine assortment of
dainty new styles trimmed with
lace and insertions. It's seldom
any store is enabled to offer
such values as these at q .
our sale price Monday. .O mJC
Monday Specials
IiudlcH' CJIukIiuiii Aprons Made
to sell at :6c 19
$1.U5 Percnlo Houmj Presses 79J
l'ercnlo Dressing Barques Mado
to soil at 75c, at 35J
Zephyr (SliiRham Underskirts
50c and 65c values, choice, Q06
Beautiful New Afternoon Dresses in almost end
less' assortment of charming style ideas,
matchlessly attractive values, on sale
at $25, $35, $45 and $55
100 Pretty Chiffon Party nnd Dancing Dresses
$18.00 and 120. UO values, In nearly all wanted rt i r
evening shades; special Monday at. . ! q) J. U
Monday Special
Children's Wash Dresses A big
special purchase of regular $1.00
values, percales and ginghams,
all now snrlnR styles, sizes 6 to
14 years; while tney last,!
Monday, choice
59 c
Special Bargains
Domestic Room
Half bleached muslin, 36 Inches wldo. 10c
values . t . . . .- 7 Wei
WoHt Wind 3C-lnch bleachod muslin, 8 Vic
values q-j
Jtoachdalo 9-4 bleached sheeting, rood
weight, 25c values 2X6
I'cquot sheeting, 9-4 extra heavy, 33c xul-
Aurora ,9-4 heavy bleachod shooting, goou
2 a values
CO-inch heavy blo'itched damask, assorted
pattorns, 50o values ona
81x90 ready mado shoots, 50c values, 39
42x36 pillow cases, good muslin, 12 o val
ues .Homraod Bod Spreads, good sUo, assorted
pnttornB, $1,39 values ooa
Puritan antiseptic diaper cloth, bolt 24 in
Wide, 10 yards, $1.00 values g5
JtcinnantM of Toivelln and Table Linon at
Cut Prices.
Distinctive New Patterns in
Laces and Embroideries
Tito newest ami most
beautiful patterns produced by tho world's
ggy makers grace our immense show
jfZssSK liisr of beautiful' new laces and
H" tlttimlllfru Affnnrlrtv cA ivltl ttn .
turo tho popular new Shadow
Offering you your choice of flno
bands, allovers, edges and flounc
ings, in three great underprlccd
lots at...25d 49 and 98
Bulgarian Hands One of the
nowest and most admlrod spring
novelties, at, tho yard .... 4J
$2.ff0 Kmbroidered Flouncings,
full 46 inches wide, in the popu
lar Irish crochet and floral pat
terns, specially priced, at the yard 98i
Loom Knd Kmbrolderles, flvo and six-yard Btrlps In splendid assort
ment, greatly undorprlced, at the yard . ...3WiS 5S 7S 10
Special Bargains
Domestic Room
Dress ginghams, stripes, plaids and checks;
pretty colors, 12 c values, at 8i
rtew lino of percales, light and dark colors,
all the new patterns, 36 inches wide, 12 c
values, on sale at lOd
Now lines of lawns and batistes, all pretty
patterns and colors, 15c values. .. .lOd
Poplins and voiles with fancy silk stripes,
good colors. 25c values lf)6
Blue and brown apron check ginghams, 7c
values, for 5
Prints, Simpson's, gray brown and black,
regular 6V6c values, at
Cotton challlos, 30 inches wide, good pat
terns, 12 c values 106
Shirting cheviots, 12c values. .t . .10S,
Feather ticking, fancy strpes, 30c values,
for 25
Black sateen, 30 Inches wide, 18c values,
for I2iVfe
i y
Monday we will commence a pure food show and exhibit of
Pure rood Products at a saving of 25 per cent, to 50 per, cent, to the people
T W H t T diuanatraton (n
haw yon too different Unai of
SooAm' during- til Pure rood Ex
it lbn. best Mramiluted Huriir
for 51.00
48-lb. Back bem liigli Kt-kde Dia
mond It Vlour; nothltiK finer
for broad, pies or cakea, 91.10
10 bars UeiU-'em-All, Diamond C
or Lenox aoup 25o
10 lb. beHt llollod nreukfaal .
Oatmeal a Bo
10 IbH. best WhllB or .Yellow
Cormnoal 17Uo
10 fba. beat Mixed Chick KeSil
. f,r aso
B lbs. faiioy Jupan Iticfa S3o
6 lbs. beat hand plfcked Navy
Ucans , ' aso
OuUon cans Uolden Tabic Syrup
K. C. Corn Kiakea. pkW.'.,.i'!'.?to
arupe-Nuta. pkB loo
4-lb. pkg-. Pyramid Waahtnir
Powder ..aso
6 bra Ivory Boup 19c
Tne beat Domestic Macaroni BVio
8 cans Oil or Mustard Hurdtne
for 35o
Lurnro bottles Worcester Sauce,
Assorted l'lcklea, puro Tomato
I'atHup, Iloraeradlah or Mus
tard 8H0
1Mb. cans fancy Hwect Sugar
,tCorn 5o
S-lb. cans fancy Wax, Ktrlnrf,
Oreen or Lima Ueans ....Vfto
3-lb. cana Ooldcn Pumpkin, Hom-
any or Bauash 7io
Peter's Itreakfaat Cocoa, lb. 30o
Tho best bulk Peanut Uutter,
per lb 13Ho
Tlie beBt Tea Blf tings, lb....J0o
See our big- apeolal display and
tale of Bried rmlta for pud'
dlnjrs, plea, cakea and sauce.
buttkb, raos aits cnEEsn
The beat strictly Kreah Kbrs,
suaranteed (nothing finer for
60o per dozen) our price... SOo
Tho best Creamery Uutter, car
ton or bulk, lb 37o
The beat No. 1 Country Cream
ery Uutter, lb 32o
Tim best No. 1 Dairy Butter, 280
Good Dairy Tablo Uutter. lb. a&o
b'il Cream Cliceso for macaroni
at, per lb 18o
Ftill Cream Colored Cheese, 10o
Fancy Wisconsin Cream C.eeHO.
per lb. SOo
N'eufchatel Clieese, each 3o
Itoquefnrt Cheese, lb 38o
Imported Swiss Cheese, lb... 300
Anything1 You Want at a Saving
of BO To to 100.
IE lbs. best Colorado Potatoss
for ISO
la lbs. good Cooking Apples, SOo
16 lbs. ltel Wetherfleld Onions
for ISo
Ilushel boxes fancy Yakima Val
ley lied Cheek Pippin Eating
Apples for 81,60
Largo bunches fresh Qcets, Car
rots, lladlshes. Shallots or Tur
nips, per bunch 4o
Mushrooms, Strawberries, etc.,
anything you need, we have It at
a saving of C0 to 100.
Don't fall to see the beautiful
demonstration of Advo Jell now
being demonstrated by Madame
1)1 Below, free lessons In pre
paring this delicious dessert
every morning from 10 to 12;
afternoon, 2 to 6.
Also Dakota Wheat Hearts,
cottolene; Qcbhart's Chut pre
parations, I ten UIbcuH Co.'s full
line of fancy Crackers. I-ree
samples all day.
Try HAYDEN'S First
Why Pay More for Drugs
and Toilet Goods?
We urge you to buy
J 1.00 botiio pure ityuro
f?en Peroxide, excellent,
for Bore throat, for 23o
One doien. 2 or 3 grain
quinine capsules, for bo
One hupdred Dr. Hlnkles
Cuscara tablets, for 25o
26c Blze Dagget & Ilanls
dell's or Hutnufs CoM
Cream, for lBo
26c Pond'B Extract, Sanl
tol or Peroxide, Face
Pr.ama fnl" ... lfiO
26c Kanltol or Dr. K. U.
Graves" Tooth rowaer
or Paste, for 10o
26c Packer's Tar or
Woodbury s Facial
L'nm fnr- 1BO
16c bar Peroxide or Mun-
yon's li a z e i
umin at Imru for ISO
25c Jur Cucumber or Or-
nngo Flower uoia
Cream, whjle they last,
the Jar 10e
26c Antiseptic Tooth
powder or paste, 2 to a
customer, each ....10c
your wanta Monday.
60c Hind's Honey and Al
mond Cream, for. .300
$1.60 Oriental Cream','
sale price 93o
Large size Pompelan
massage cream, for 800
50c size Oriental Night
Cream, special 390
60c size Oriental Skin'
food, for 390
$1.00 Azurea or LaTrefle
face powder, for . .76o
50c box of Java Hlce or
Pozzonl's face powder,
for " 35o
16o size Wool Powder
Puffs, each So
10c size Williams' or Col
gate's Shaving Soap,
per bar 3Vi
$1.50 and, $2.00 hot water
bottles, extra, each 69o
$1.00 rapid flow Foun
tain syringes, go at
each 690
$2.00 Wellington Syringe
and bottle, guaranteed
for 5 years, for .93.00
The largest and best selected
stock shown in Omaha. Values
you'll certainly not find dupli
cated elsewhere.
$35.00 Seamless Axminster
Rugs Big lino of patterns, in
Dxl2 size, on sale ..$25.00
$30.00 Quality Axminster Rugs,
in 50 different patterns, 9x12
size, your choice at. $21.50
Handsome Seamless Wilton
Rugs Made to sell at $40, tho
9x12 size, on sale.. $28.50
0x12 ltlKelmv's Klcctra IIurs Pino
Oriental patterns, matchless val
ucs, at S25.00
$25.00 Seamless A'clvct. Hugs, In
9x12 size, fine line of patterns, on
8a,e at S17.98
$18.00 Tapestry Hrusscls Rurs
9x12 size, sale price ....$12.08
?10.00 Woo! Flbro Rtign, In all col
ors, 9x12 size, at 7 98
$50.00 Quality Wilton lttiRS, soft
colorings, small patterns S37.50
Adjustable. Curtain Stretchers, 89J
Don't borrow your neighbor's; get
one of these for spring cleaning.
7-ft. Water Color Window Shades,
at 25
7-ft. Oil Opaque Window Shades,
at .QftA
New Spring
Dress Goods
All the yeaves and cblorings
most favored hy fashion are
shown in wonderful assort
ments here. Ratines, hoth
plain and novelty effects,
Eponge, Bedford Cords, Nov
elty Suitings, the finest lot of
Serges ever brought to Omaha,
Specials That Will Interest.
Priestley's Scintilla Cloth, the pret
tiest fabric shown this season, all
colors, at yard SI. 59
Flno Quality lledford Cords, In navy,
browns, delft, tans, cream and
black, remarkablo values, S1.48
54-In. Fancy Suitings in neat stripes
and checks, all the now light spring
colorings, special, yard ..S1.25
$1.50 All Wool Sorgo, G4-luTwide,
all ready sponged, all colors,
at si jo
100 Pieces of Now Wool Goods, Rat
ines, Bedford CordB, Whipcords,
Serges, Panamas and Novelty Suit
ings, at 4Sd and 68e
Our famous double galvanized poul
try netting, per square foot 94c;
in full rolls OOc
Block screen wire, per square ft 2c;
full jrolls lo
"Aluminum" non-rusting wire, 3c;
full rolls 2sc
"Vaughn" post hole auger, 8-ln., 70c
Your choice of 3 sizes Berlin Sauce Pans
with aluminum cover, worth up to
2.2D, at 91.69
Tour . choice of 3 sizes in preserving
Kcuies , ....,!. U3
NO. 7 cake griddles
No. 8 cake griddles
No. 9 cako griddles
No. 7 skillets, rubberold handle
No. 8 skillets, rubberold handle
No. 9 skillets, rubberold handle
Medium size tea kettles
Large size tea kettles
The well known "Superb" Anchor brand,
warranted wringer, special Monday
at 91.98
"Lexington" Anchor brand, warranted
wringers, special .Monday At ....93.19
Medium size square "Western Defender"
washers 9X93
Large size square "Western Defender"
washers 93.19
The famous easy running O. K. washers
at 83.90
We are distributors of the One adn
ata. Motor, Regal, Buthman, hand power
high speed washers. "Whit Zilly" elec
tric washers. One Minute Power waih
ra for use with engines. See
our line, the most complete in the city,
and get our prices before you buy.
Creigbton Departments of law, Den
tistry and Medicine Unite.
Students Are HI Yen a Wrrk'a Vnc
tuu Mrcnusc of the Uatrr Hull
iln Hxvrclars At HraudrU
The annual commencement oxerclsci of
the professional departments of Crelghtori
unlveralty will to held Monday evening,
April S8. at the UrandeU theater Nearly
100 students will receive diplomas at the
hands of President Magevuey. The med
ical, law and dental departments of tue
uutverslty will be represented. The ex
ercises of the pharmaoy department wr
held In February, ai tho senior year '.n
that department 1 only six months:
while thote of the arts college will he
held' In .June, the kenlor year In that
department being ten months.
The classes from the different depart
ments will be distinguished on the stage
by the oolor of the tassels on their caps,
and each section will be presented sepa
rately to receive their dlp.oniaa
Previous to Jhe program at the Uran-
dels the graduates, together with tho
faculty and the Invited guests, will meet
at court room No. 1 ot the law school
and march from there to the theater.
Earlier the same day the guests of note
will make a tour of the university nlnnt
and places of Interest In Omaha as guests
of the faqulty. Thoy will at.erwurds be
guests at a luncheon.
The speaker for the evonlnir has nut n
yet been announced.
The baster vacation began In the arts
and professional departments last Thurs
day. The professional students will re
port for work on Monday, while tho arts
department students will not return until
the following Thursday. It wus at first
Intended . that the latter should begin
work on Wednesday, but since Thursday
Is the regular mid-week holiday the class
hours wero switched and the classes will
be held Thursday.
Arthur W. Proctor, law '10. who has
been working on the national economy
nif efficiency- commission at Washing
ton. D. C, has resigned to accept a po
sition on the- cotqmlsslon under the di
rection of Prof. Qoodnow of Columbia
university, which Is Investigating the
cost of schools to Now York City.
Kugene I). O'fiulllvah. law '10, is a can.
dldate for the nomination for city at.
torney at South Omaha.
Edward U. UcDerinutt. law '10. attor
ney at Kearney, was in tho city during
the last week In the Interests of tho
.-audldaty of Judge Uldhain for the otth-e
f United motet Ulstiiit attorney
The seniors at th law college are pre
paring their applications for admission
to the bar,
A special week ot medical clinics will
be )ield In honor of tho seniors during
the week preceding the graduating ex
erotses of the senior class at the medical
Creighton Decides
On Summer School
faculty, supplemented by other instruc
tors brought here from elsewhere.
It Is the purpose ot the summer school
to afford un opportunity of learning to
those who cannot attend the winter
classes or to students who wish to take
advanced work.
The school will open work on June 3
and will close on August 2.
At the Theaters
(Continued from Pasc Nine.)
According to an announcement made
by the faculty ot Creighton university
Saturday, there will bo a six weegs
summer session hold at that Institution
this summer It will be known -is a sum
mer school and any branch ot the col
lege curriculum will be taught If the de
mand Is adequate. This will Include the
studies of philosophy, arts and science,
medicine, law, dentistry and pharmacy.
Any one ot these studies, or parts oi'
them, will bo taught If the applicants
are sufficiently numerous to warrant the
organization ot a class.
Already 100 applications have been re
ceived for entrance to the school ami
several branches are already assured,
it Is certain that there will be classes
In preparation for stato tearhers' certm
cutes hi, a the degree of "A 11 ' liee
branch will be taught by the college
The Hamilton cafe will celebrate Kuster
with an especially attractive list of good
things to eat. The menue Is printed on
a uniquely designed lavender folder, and
the eatables arc allegorlcally labeled.
O race
Conscience Clear
Kindness Good Cheer
Tender Memories
Served with Discretion
Long Life
Stuffed with Usefulness
Heart Fond and True
llest Wishes for Absent Friends
Sweet Thoughts
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
will give the third act from "Lucreea
Horgla," on Tuesday she gives -'Ono
Christmas Night, a one-act play by hjr
son, Maurice Dernhardt. and Henry Cain;
on Wednesday she will appear In tho last
act from "Camlllc," on Thursday she will
show the third act from 'Theodora" ana
on Friday the third act from "Phedre"
Is to be given. Mme. Dernhardt carrlos
her own company and productions. Hor
company Includes Messrs. Lou Tellegcn,
Deneubourg, Favlerea and Terestrl, Mlla.
Seylor-Duc and Mme. Boulanger.
In the futuro Hippodrome patrons will
be offered musical comedies In tabloid
form at the Hippodrome scale of prices
as heretofore The shows will run about
an hour and a half. This week's attrac
tion will be the 4,8unny Side of Broad
way" headed by Max Bloom and Alice
8her. supported by a company of thirty
people which Includes Meulne Peters,
Ned Wllford, Johnny Ollmore, Eddie
Van and others. Each show carries a big
beauty chorus and a complete production
of scenery and electrical effects and the
Hippodrome orchestra will be enlarged
to give the performances In a thoroughly
up-to-date manner. Tho shows will start
at 2:30, 7:30 and 9 o'clock dally, the only
change being that- only three perform
ances will be given on Saturday and
Sunday Instead of four as In the past
and the prices wilt remain the same as
they have been since last September
wllth a dime matinee dally. The popular
Hippodrome pictures will be Included In
the program as In the past.
The Columbus Burlesquers will present
"The Love Hose" at the Gayety this
week. A remarkable cast has been
brought together headed by Charles
Howard, comedian, assPsted by Fanny
Vedder, Marian Campbell, Itae Williams,
Alice Wilson, Abo Leavltt, Joe Emerson,
Manhattan Comedy Four and a beauty
chorus of twenty-five. There are many
novelties In the performances and many1
laugh provoking Ines and situations; As
a post Lenten present to Its lady patrons
the Gayety will present free a tit silk
waist at the Monday. Tuesday. Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday matinees to
some lady patron. The waists will be on
exhibition In one of Orkln's windows all
"The Jardln De Paris Girls," Morris
Walnstock's big show, comes (o tho
Krug theater for a week's engagement,
commencing with the usual Sunday mat
inee. The program Includes a bright two
act musical comedy. In which Miss Lydla
Joupy appears in an elaborate gown
made of over 150 yards of old Venetian
lace, and Mies Stella Gil more aids by her
clever work and costly costumes. Leo
Stevens, Joe Madden and Tom Nolan,
carry the comedy roles, while the chorus
girls appear In catchy musical numbers.
The first act presents the Interior ot
the Bright Beach hotel, and Is followed
by Lester, Walsh and Lester, singers
and dancers; living studies by famous
artists and Lydla Jospy, the little night
ingale.. The second act Is laid In the
Great White Way of New York. Friday
night, as usual, will be country store
The program to be presented tomorrow
at the Empress theater Is headed by
Harry Hoi man and company, presenting
a comedy sketch entitled "The Merchant
Prince." Tho ,eVen Napanees. another
feature act. Is a small tabloid musical
comedy called "Fun in u School Itoom,"
Haney and Long will be one of thoe
well dressed singing acts and will be
very appropriate for Easter week, Nellie
Berger does conlor.tlon and arial work
Besides, these acts & number of very good
photo plays will be exhibited