Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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Haven't You Noticed Today
"Women, who wore n suit, or
'attracted your attention instantly
A garment noticeable because of its distinctive design
'and beauty of fabric A garment which fitted perfectly.
Didn't you notice these women because of the exclusive
appearance of their Easter costume rather than those who
wore extreme fashions of no particular merit.
So many of these "well dressed" women purchased their
Eastor apparel from Thompson, Belden & Co., that we hope
after noticing them today you, will come tomorrow arifl allow
us to display "Our Koady-to-wear Apparol" for your ap
proval. SUITS. Commencing with afina hand tailored sergo at
$16.50 in navy blue, tan and white, the most elaborate silk
creations at $95.00.
COATS. Saturday wo received hundreds of the newest
fashionable coatB for after Easter business. $12.50 tu $50.
DRESSES. If you want a dress, either for morning, after
noon or evening "wear, we can supply your needB.
New models in early summer dresses now on display.
Beautiful New Wash Fabrics
Silk Striped Voiles, 25c, 30o.
Woven Stripe Voile, 40 inches wide at 30c a yard.
Ratine, solid colors or fancies, 25c.
Crepes, the favorito of the season, in all imaginable combi
nations and designs, 15o, 18o, 196, 20o, 25o and 30o.
Tuauet in plain, cheokB, stripes and embroidered figures,
19o, 25c and 30a
New Imported Delaines, in fast colors, for kimonos, etc., 20c
New Mjcrcerued Foulards, 25c, 30o.
(Continued from Page One.)
moit unbelievable, Much of the testimony
we secured la absolutely unprintable.
The conditions are such an to demand
national investigation and the states
heed tie government back of thU move
ment to remedy them."
Ask National Conference.
The lieutenant governor urged that the
national conference bo called either this,
sumrricr or In the fall, at which remedial
legislation' could be dtsousied and planned,
Ho stated that the governors of thirty
two states already had agreed tor Join lti
the movement.
President Wllaon thanked the commis
sion for their presentation of the, subject.
"r do not, telle vo I can grasp the full
gravity pf the situation from this brief
outline." Bald the president, "but If you
will leaVe wjth me your recommendations
Steinberg Millinery
Fashion Book FREE
UU wtibf
is rui ui
tU limit
itjle m
TKit Fathhn Catalog From
A'fw Ywk't Fortmut Millinery Honu
It gives you every advantage of a
shopping; tour la New Yotk. T tnVy
swat at bm lv prkta that prevail at
our Oreat New York retail (tore, situated
In the heart of New York's shoppiogcen.
ter. This greatest ot all millinery cats--logs
will save you many dollars annually
and mark you as a well dressed woman
In your town. Steinberg's Path Ion cata
log Is the moat complete, moat beautiful,
moat interesting millinery fsshtoa book
published. Handsomely iltuttrtted and
accurately described
4 Positive Money-Saving Prteos,
AaarmD'! UT
St1i Ave. cer. IStb St., N. Y. City-
Do You Need a Brooch?
You can get a high grade brooch fur
almost nothing at Orktn Bros.1 jewelry
eale Wednesday.
cr '
House of Sanitation
Omaha's Quality Laundry
Where Quality is a
Not a Promise.
Tfphone Douglas 2560
ji gown or u coat which
and record of your Investigations, I can
assure you I will give the matter serious
Prominent Women Questioned.
One of the means proposed a bantu
relief for women was the enactment ot
a federal minimum wage law. Later to
day the Illinois commission conducted a
hearing: to Which were Invited several
hundred prominent welfare workers,
clergymen, officials and many promi
nent women In Washington social nnd
club life. Lieutenant Governor O'llara
sought to learn the opinions ot women
who hiove In high social circles concern
ing the Influence upon working girls of
the extravagance ot women of wealth
Among prominent women who accepted
invitations to the conterenco were Mrs.
Edson llrameyv Mrs. Henncn Jonnlngs,
wife, of a South African diamond million
aire; Mrs. Christian Hemmlck, Madame'
Havenlth, wlfo of the Belgian minister;
Scnora, wife of) the Spanish min
ister; Mrs. Huntington, Wilson and Mrs,
W. Murray Crane.
Yt'onld Abolish Society Column.
Later today when tho commission held
a hearing. Mr. O'llara at the outset made
public a letter from Kdlth M. Thomas.
the Washington society woman, who rec
ommended the abolishment of the "so
clety columns" of the newspapers.
"If fashionable women really wish to
do something good," she wrote, "they
can accomplish much by discouraging and
doing hway with the society column and
cheap personal write-ups. 1 should not
call the fashionable woman's example a
cause of vice, but tt does enter Into an
Important part of the life of the masses
beyond doubt. The world It enters and In
fluences Is tho world of simple people
who try to live beyond their means."
WASHINGTON, March SJ. Ardeen
uToster, 1 international commissioner of
tho Drlttsh Federation for the Emanci
pation ot Hweated Women and Olris and
White Hlavers, declared the whlto nave
trafflo In I-ondon was an organised in
dustry, Recently, he said, Parliament
passed a law establishing the whipping
post for men convicted of living on le
gal earnings 01 women.
Asked uy Mr. O'llara It he bolleved
there was any connection between low
wages and Immorality among women,
Mr. Foster said he had established,
through an Investigation In a certain
city, that at leust S0 per cent ot the
women who fell did so because ot starva
tion wages. Men and women, both In
England and America, were living too
fast and expressed the belief that women
who wore flno clothing were responsible
for some of the Immorality through the
temptation of girls who craved fine rai
ment. Btanley W. Finch, special agent of the
department of justice for suppression ot
the white slave traffic, declared that in
the COO convictions for violation of the
white slave law tt had not been found
that the victims had been Influenced by
Order Your New
Gown or Tailored ,
Suit Made Now
Thoro's nothing to bo gained
by waiting. Spring stookB
aro at their best,' fairly bub
bling over with newness and
beauty and wonderful variety.
Dress Goods Department -Main
low wages In many Instances,
he said, "como from domestic employ
ment, homes, hotels, restaurants and few
of them from faotorels and, storos."
Finch said the government Investiga
tion estimated that there were 2S.00O men
in this country engaged .In procuring
womenfor whlto slavery. The work of
the department, he said, already had re
sulted In a decrease In the traffic. In
00 per cent of the cases of fallen women,
Mr. Finch declared, men were primarily
at fault.
Asked by Mr. O'Hara what he thought
of tho whipping post punishment for
seduction, Mr. Flnoh replied:
"Hanging, Is none too. good for them In
many cases."
Until men could be educated to ap
preciate the enormity of offenses against
society, he thpught there would be a
social problem regardless oi the wage
Captain Ilollcnberger bf the Washing'
ton police force, testified that In the seg
regated districts here, the Inmates were
decreasing in large numbers. He said
that a record of all women Inmates wad
"Do you keep a list ot the patrons?"
asked Mrs. Brayton Hanson,
"Isn't that Just as essential?"
"The police force would not be large
er.ougn to do that," returned the cap
(Continued from Page One.)
had compelled the city of Omaha to buy
the water works and then the court
forced them to buy those portions of the
plant which extended Into the nearby
towns, and they further argued that to
protect this outlying proporty the Water
board must have Jurisdiction over these
towns Insofar as water Is concerned.
Conntrr Una Ttn R!n.i..
While It has not s&emed to nnnoar n
Mr. Howell, the fact Is beginning to be
realized by members of the house it was
tne water board engineer and hi av
elates that brought about the conditions
of which he comDlulnn. in ion -v.-
Howell, then a member of the state sen
ato, Introduce senate file No, 1, which
provided for a compulsory purchase of
tho water plant, He has harrangued th
legislators to pass tho bill so that the peo
ple or umana could get cheaper water.
He pointed out that from Its municipally J
uwneo. piani tne city or Lincoln got waten
for 15 cents per LOOO gallons, while Omaha
people had to pay SS cnts per 1,000 gal
Ions to a privately owned plant. Over
the opposition of men of ability, who had
the best Interests of Omaha at heart.
State Senator Howtsll pushed his bill
through and It became a law. Since that
time the taxpayers of Omaha have paid
out 1185,000 In attorney's ties trying to
bolster, up Mr, Howell's mistakes. And
they still pay 35 cents for water.
And now he and his associates have the
unadulterated nerve to tell tho legisla
ture that the state was responsible for
Omaha's water troubles and its 13,000,000
The misrepresentations of the Omahn
Water board lobbyist-engineer and his
constant attendance on the house and
his never-ceasing hanging on the ears bt
members Is having an effect now just the
opposite to what he expected. Ills sur
render to or Ue-up.wUh the South Omaha
stock yards has taken the backbone out
of his argument and placed him In a very
undeairable position before the legisla
8KATTLU, March S.-Slnce the city pf
Seattle can get no better bid In the open
market than a partial clfer of S per cent
below par of JS00.0O0 worth of municipal
street railway bonds, the state plans to
come to Its relief.
Unofficially the state board of finance
notified the city comptroller today that
the board favored taking over the whole
issue next Tuesday at par and accumu
lated Interest Much of the railway has
been built. The contractors were paid by
diverting money from other city funds.
Charming Spring Fabrics in Cottons
English Voiles, in dainty figures on white and colored
grounds. French Orepe Novelties, soft and draping in helib,
pink, light blue, etc. Exclusive Dress Patterns Many and
ovely arOithe new and exclusive
Showing of New Scrim Curtains
Our assortment of new spring scrim curtains is n6w very
complete, comprising the new antique hxco insertions and
edges, fancy -drawn work, cluny lace3 and fancy hand made
applique effects. Colors, beige, white, ivory. Scrim cur
tains are very popular this season. Complete range from
$1.50 to $8.50 a pair.
Washable' Gloves
We are showing a full line of
practical, economical handwear
Y6u will find them here in every style, from the most service
able to the daintiest.
"Kaysc-r" Silk Gloves, in all
$4.00 a pair.
"Elite," washable leather,
$1.50, $2.50 and $3.00 a pair.
Glove Cleaning and Repairing
Soiled gloves do more to distract from your otherwise at
tractive appearance than any other article of apparel.
Leave your gloves hero to be
the service and caro of expert cleaners. We also supply, in
connection with our cleaning department, an expert glove
mender that your gloves may receive the attentions that
that you cannot give them at
Dainty Silk Fabrics
Is there any particular weave, design or color in Bilk which
you fancy? Or does the Easter gown lack a yard or two
which you were unable to match elsewhere? The silk is
almost sure to bo here. Novelty and staple weaves, in black
or some fascinating color.
French Bark Marie
Sinks in North Sea
GRIMSBY, Engtand, March , 22.-The
French bark Marie, from San Francisco
to Hull, at the end of Its long voynt'n
today, met with disaster and destruction
here. Its captain and crew of twenty
four were saved by the trawler Amer. '
The Marie went ashore before day
break at Halsborough In tho North sea,
during a blizzard. It was quickly pounded
to pieces by terrific seas. Tho crew was
In a desperate plight and had lost hope,
when the Amer cftme up, launched a life
boat and took off the crew, making sev
eral perilous trips. -
Thb captain and mate ot thu Mario re
fused to leavo their ship until every man
had beeh saved. Tlio Amor's lifeboat was
too much battered hy the waves to return
for them and tho steward of the French
btirk dived from tho Amer with a Ufo
line and swam to the wreck. He und tile
captain and mate were ultimately dragged
through the sea -to the rescuing vessel.
Boys Escape from
State Training School
REDWING, Minn., Mach 22,-Offlcern
of state state training school today uro
searching for ten boys who escaped at
3 o'clock this morning by the use of two
dozen sheets. The boys tied the sheets
toegther, making a strong rope, which
they threw from a window on the third
floor of the reformatory. Down the rope
they slid, one at a time and disappeared
In the timber nearby. So carefully had
they planned their escape that a guard
on tho third floor did. not learn of their
departure until Informed by one lad Who
remained behind.. Officers ot the school
expected to find mpst of the boys at
their homos.
Another of, tho boys who escaped was
captured near hero late today and still
another nt Hastings.
Women of Alaska
Are Given the Ballot
JUNEAU. Alaska, March 22. Governor
Walter E. Clark signed today the bill
giving the ballot to the women ot Alaska,
This was the first bill passed by the
Alaska legislature and will become ef
fective In ninety days,
Italian laborer arrested,
BEMIDJI. Minn., March 22,-Mllano
iMossle Adolfo of Gtrard, Penn., was ar
rested today at Boy River, near Remer,
Cass county, Minnesota, while at work
on the Soo line. He Is wanted at Gtrard
for murder," according to the police
Adolfo explained that while he was in
Italy on a visit, his wife took in a
boarder. Returning from Italy, Adolfo
says he missed tho boarder, but killed
his wife. Ho claims he does not fear the.
NEW ORLEANS, March2.-Money and
other property taken from Antonio Muslca
and members of his family here Wednes.
day, when they were arrested qn swindl
ing charges, were today ordered turned
over to Ezra P. Prentice of New York,
who was named temporary receiver of
the Muslca company' affairs by the fed
eral court in that city.
Application for a writ of habeas corpus
for the Muslcas was filed here today. It
will be argued Monday.
CHICAGO. March A silver casket, j
wrought from a "make-un't box. will !
carry the ashes of Adrtenne Augarde, the
English actress, whose body was crema
ted here yesterday. The casket, con
signed to Mrs. Henrietta Augarde, the
actress' mother, was mailed today to
novelties, no two alike.
Are Economical
washable gloves. A sensible,
for spring and summer wear.
the styles and lengths, 50c to
in white, short or long, $1.19,
cleaned, where they will have
home. All prices moderate.
75c to $3 a yard
The new silks are wonderfully
Hanger Goes to
Act as Mediator
WASHINGTON, March 22.-Actlng Com
missioner G. W. W. Hanger of the bureau
of labor will go to Chicago today to act
as mediator between the 6.000 switchmen
who threaten a strike, and tun rattrrd.
Tho parties to the threatened strike re
quested Mr. Hanger and Judge Knapp
of the commerce court to come. Judge
Knapp has not taken the matter up, a
his commission no mediator Jnder the
Erdnian act exptred on March 4. tils
reappointment by President Wilson Is
Eailroad Official
Commits Suicide
HOT SPRINGS, Ark., March 22. After
a week's search; the body of E. A. Peck,
general superintendent of the" S,t Louis
Southwestern railroad, who disappeared
from a hotel here March 12, was found
in the woods yesterday, a revolver In
one hand and a bullet wound In his right
temple. Mr. Peck had been In ill health
and came to Hot Springs seVoral weeks
SHANGHAI, China, March 22.-Oeneral
Sung, a former Chinese minister of edu
cation, died today from the effects of
wounds he received on March 20, when
an attempt was made to assassinate him
at the railroad station. Before his death
General Sung received a tetter, telling
him that he had been shot by mistake
Instead of General Huang Sing, command-cr-ln-chief
of southern Fu Klen, who
also was In the station at the time. The
writer hoped that General 8ung would
have perpetual rest.
A Bloody Affair
Is lung hemorrhage. Stop It, and -uro
weak lungs, coughs and colds with Dr.
King's New Discovery. 60o and 1. For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
Out so QUICK Around the NECKBAND
All those who have bought one of our famous canaries
will have a cheerful Easter greeting this morning, and the
whole day will be made much more cheerful and pleasant. The
whole household will be made more bright by the charm of
the unequalled song of our canaries known as the
BegisVared V. S. rat. Offloe JTo. B08B3.
ino.e tweet toned singers are educated in Germany especially tor us and
are imported direct by us. If you are one of the few that has not purchased
one of these little entertainers you don't know what you ara missing. Come
early this week and make your selections. We sell them on five days' ap
proval unuer a written guarantee to
tton, at each
Senate Committee Favors Bill Appro
priating Fifty Thousand.
Supreme Court of low Hold City1
Itnllvrny ltna No Franchise, Tut
' tins; Cltr Ownership Up
to Mnntclpnllty.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la., March 2i (Special
Telegram.) The senate committee late
today recommended for passage the bill
to appropriate 160,000 to be at the dls-f
posal of state officials to be used In aid
ing In the defense of lawsuits which may
now or hereafter be In trie courts re
garding the alleged patents on concrete
bridges arid culverts.
County officials say they havo been
greatly annoyed by reason of tho suits
brought to compel them to pay damages
for alleged patents.
At the same time tho highways com
mittee ot the house commenced a fresh
probe Into some supposed now features
of the bridge combine In Iov?a nnd a
number of new witnesses were summoned
to appear on Monday.
The supreme court by a decision filed
today In on old case involving the
franchise of the pes Moines street rail
way, virtually forces upon Des Moines
the Issue of municipal ownership. The
decision reverses that of the district
court and holds that the company does
not now have, nor has had for years, any
real franchiso to operate In Des Motnens,
The company claimed to operate under
a perpetual franchise granted In 1868, but
the court holds this expired fifteen years
ago and the dealings the council has
had with the company since havo not
operated to extend the frnnchlsn.
City officials a once nBsert that this
means a movement to provide that the.
city may either now or at some future
time become the owner of the entire
Tho officials of the company say that
the decision will make no difference
with them as to plans for Improvements',
but of course they will seek a franchise
J. C. Hamilton of Sioux City was named,
president of the Lumbermen's associa
tion. A. W. Chennell of Des Moines .and
Mi F. Black' of Creston we're re-elected
to the offices of treasurer and secretary.
The convention went on record as op?
posed to the bill Introduced in tho legis
lature by Henry C. Bernbrock providing"
for tho licensing and tate Inspection of
laundries. It also went on record as op
posed to any forth of employers' liability
legislation at this time.
The convention Is especially opposed to
the employers' "liability bill.
House Demos Take
Up Income Tax Law
WASHINGTON, March 22. Represen
tatives Underwood. Hull, Peters and
I'olmer met again today as a subcom
mittee io study the administrative pro
visions of the new tariff bills and the In
come tax plan. While members of the
democratic majority of the ways and
means committee differ on what the In
come tax should be. It is Indicated they
will agree on a tax of from 1 to H4 per
cent on incomes upward of $5,000 a year
and might agree to make the tax ap
plicable to Incomes as low at $3,500.
Chairman Underwood and his colleagues
have been studying the British system
where the lowest charge is a fraction
6ver 1 per cent.
insurance officials "
Will hear talbot
BT. PAUL, Minn., March 22.-J. A. O.
Preus, Insurance commissioner of Minne
sota, late today left for Chicago, where
next Monday he Is to meet with F. L.
Potter and H. L. Ekern, the Illinois and
yisconsln commissioners, respectively, to
consider the reports of the examiners
whe haye been Investigating the rates
o the Modern Woodmen of America. A.
It. Talbot of Lincoln. Neb., head consul
ol the order, Is to be given a hearing.
SAN DIEGO, Cal., March 22. Mrs.
Katheryn C. Jordan, a daughter of Peter
S. Grosscup, formerly United States cir
cuit Judge at Chicago, obtained an Inter
locutory decree of divorce here today
from Isaac M. Jordan, her husband, on
a charge of desertion. Judge Grosscup
testified' today for his daughter.
FK02TX DOUC1. 819.
sing to your entire sanarac- JEsc flfl
Rail Stnnns Rnmnvpil
Without an Operation
After suffering for one year with gstl
stones, I was told by a friend to try
Swamp-Boot. I began with the fifty cent
size and after using four bottles found
that I was much better. Then began us
ing tho larger size bottles and after tak
ing three bottles I was cured. That has
been seven years ago this summer and I
have never been sick elnce that tlmo
from this disease.
I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Kil
mer's 8wamp-Koot to any one for kid
ney and bladder troubles hoping It may
do as much good for many people as It
did for me.
Tours truly,
20 North Thorpe St., Kansas City, Kan.
State ot Missouri j
County of Jackson f BS
On the 11th day of August, 1909, oer
sonally appeared before me, a Notary
Public In and for said County and State,
Miss Emma Holdefer, who subscribed
the within statement and mado oath that
tho same is trde In substance and In tact
Notary Publlo.
Setter to
Dr Kilmer tc Co.,
Blnghamton, JT. T.
Prore What Swamp-Root Will Do Fof You
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngham
ton, N. T for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. You will also receive
a booklet of valuable Information, telling
all about the kidneys and bladder. When
writing, be sure and mention The Omaha
Sunday Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottles for sale at all drug
Cleaners, Dyers, Tailors, Cut
ters, Etc.,, Must Think
And Act Quickly.
What. do we all do instinctively the
moment hard, cruel winter starts to
wane? ,
Why, Sve Immediately look to clean-
Ing up our household of course; we en
deavor to remove nil trace of the ef
fects of close Indoor life; that is, most
of us do.
And it naturally follows that we
should go through all of our wararobes.
trunks, closets, etc., and see how much
of last year's attire would look present
able If cleaned up properly. If wo are
REAL wise we would see that all ot
this work: Is Bent to DRESHER BROTH
MENT at 2211-2218 Farnam Bt.
Dresher Brothers will look through
the mixture of clothes you send them
and will offer you some good advice.
They may take some coat', for Instance,
that was stylish' the season before .fast
and say to you: "It Isn't In style now
but we can REMODEL It so that U
WILL be!" Then again, ther may show
you a pretty, light skirt that would be
plenty 'good enough this season If tt
were nqt .so terribly faded and spotted.
"Well," say Dreshers "If tt cannot 'oe
cleaned successfully It may at least be
dyed a darker color." Result; a new
skirt at the price of dyeing alone.
And so it goes. Dreshers will take
an old hat and clean, reblock or reband
It; they will curl feathers or dye them;
they will put new linings and collars on
your coats; they will steam your vel
vet clothes so that they look like new;
they will put life and brilliancy into
your gloves; they will
But then what's the use of saying
more? Dresher Brothers, at 2211-221.1
Farnam St. operate the classiest and
best equipped Cleaning and Dyeing
establishment in this part, of America,
and you are beginning to realize It.
Come In at this time and see the llvest
squad of workers In Omaha In action.
See clever workers take hold of a de
lapldated garment and restore It to Its
original shape; see an expert cutter
change the outline ,of a suit or dress;
see how the cleane'r extracts grime,
grease and soil that has fairly driven
Itself Into garments.
And one of the most wonderful sights
of all is the Rug Cleaning section, This
Is the busy spot of tho busy spofs Just
now. Dreshers' fame as Rug Cleaners
Is already a fixed matter and it takes
but one rug from a neighborhood to
prove a forerunner of dozens from the
Dreshers pay express one way on .ill
out-of-town orders amounting to $3.00
or over. Branches are maintained at
Dresher The Tailors, 1615 Farnam St..
and In The Pompelan Room of The
Brandels Stores.
Better lift up the receiver of your
telephone and ask for Tyler 345 that's
Dreshers number then tell Dreshers to
send a man to get the clothes you'll
want, fixed up for spring.
Solid Gold Jewelry at y2 Price
at Or kin Bros. Wednesday.
Oreat interest will, no doubt, be center
ed on Orkln Brothers' sale of solid gold
Jewelry at one-halt price which starts
Wednesday. The superior grade of this
Jewelry and the fact that the price is
cut 60 pec cent will attract a great throng
of eager buyers.
Building Loans
Money to loan to build homes,
to improve property or to pay
existing loans. Borrowers may
pay from 10 to 20 per cent on
loans on interest dates. Inter
est ceases on amounts when
paid. Loans closed promptly.
Your business solicited.
IrV. H. Thomas
Vm MrrwmbU Toole Litl. Th .rfectli. Km
edj tar Qjtlpatloa, SlntfUb Urn, tUbellUs
Storatchi. Pnxlucti utural trtcuttioD without
(Tlpplns. CImim tit IntMUot ot polaonou m
cnUon. Tone liMatd ot wMXentpi. bulldi up
UJth bjr Its dMJiilnr. purtfTlni and tenia
prcpcrtlM on lh tllmauttrr ciatl pari trim tt
luouo. lui-oir urn ttriutnalnx
is u
ntnrtt tkat
ctrol th itomtek. liter nd faowtl. Tho bl
IntMtta ned to b den4 ot th poltoo tbit
necumulitu from th outrltloUloa ot IU cootantk
Tou cannot ha.T httlth. aargr or butr tin
lota you kp thla orsan Uaa and pur no prop
aratlon on tba markat porforma tbl vork wtta
mora plaaalac carUlnt than Lo Broa'a Kaaltk
PHI. Th nleart. moat tttectlr laiatlr tor
moo, vomaa and cklldrtn. To ooarlnoo you ot
th truth ot our atatamanta wo will aand too, a
ratular l&c bottl an reoalpt of tour eosta Is
aumpa to pay milling aspeoa. Bold br dntslat
Tnrwtara. 8nd (or a bottl ai one r U1
(Ud thara ItaaJlh Promotara.