Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    maha Sunday Bee Magazine Page
Copyright, 1013, by the Star Company. Ureal Britain Rights IteHervcd.
Lady Duff-Gordon
Describes the Gorgeous
Wraps Decided Upon
for Fashion When
the Summer Not Yet
Here Is Over.
cmbrQidoryy-and'ttro cuffs are UIbo of this
embroidery. Tho collar and sleeves aro
banded with ermine. This la a model that
will find favor next Fall, I am aura The
Irdle Is ono of tho no' el touches that will
to found on the greater number of the most
chic wraps.
The wrap In tho third picture Id still very
different from tho others shown. It Is cre
ated In a lovely rose satin, lined with satin
crepe of the same shado. The deep band of
exquisite lavendar satin starts as a girdle on
the left sldo and ends sevoral Inches lower
down on the right side. This band Is deco
rated with raised flour de lys of velvet. The
collar Is of the eramo banding. The heavily
corded effect around the nock and the cuffs
Is new and very effective.
Thus I have given you an Idea of the
wraps that will he worn in the Autumn, and
when you are planning your Summer ward
robe you may bo Influenced by those hints.
I must call your attention to tho new fab
rics that will mark the post-EaBter season,
but before going into that subject! want you
to notice the two quaint little sketches I
have had my designer send with this letter.
In these sketches you will see how the fash
lonS of to-day aro really modelled on those
of a hundred years ago. The detail Is differ
ent, of course we would never be so stupid
as to copy a stylo faithfully but the Influ
ence of the charming girl of 1813 is plainly
seen in the equally charming girl of 1913.
I really think that I am in love with all tho
now materials. And as each one arrives X
find room for it In my heart and In my
Ideas whether it is a. whipcord dedicated to'
,tho creation of more or less simple tailor
suits or a gold-wrought nirlon, which sug
gests something quite lovely in tho way of
an evening gown.
But etlll if I must proclaim one as first
favorite It shall be, I think,, tho crepe char
meuse, which is really quite a new material
altogether, and whioh, as its name will sug
gest to you, can offer you some of the best
qualities of two already well known and
liked materials. And as thus combined the
result Is really quite perfect and delightful,
and nothing could be more ideally suited to
Ihe all-prevailing and graceful draperies than
this wonderfully soft and supple fabric, -the,
very slight "ribbed" effect in its silky sur
face giving a new and beautiful 'Abloom" to
the many gorgeous new Bhadlngs, which
have been added to the list of colors.
It Is available, too, in both plain and pat
terned varieties, and sometimes again the
device stands out still more boldly and
beautifully through being wrought In shim
mering satin.
Rainbow Wrap of Silver and Blue Brocade, with
it.. XT. CI m. Ill
u' 4isvv anon oiccvcs, .
LADY DUFF-GORDON, the famous "Ladle of London, and Fore
most creator of fashions in the world,' writes each week the fashion
article for this newspaper, presenting all that is newest and best in
styles for well-dressed women.
Lady Duff-Gordon's Paris establishment brings her into close touch
with that centre of fashion.
Lady Duff-Gordons American establishment is at Nos. 37 and 39
West Fifty-seventh street. New York.
I AM going to toll you a secret that
-really should not be a secret at all.
You have always taken It for
granted, have you not that fash.
ions are practically born on the spur of tho
attomont? This Is the popular Idea, and yet
ow very ridiculous It is! It is. of course,
true that the shape of a ribbon Vow, the
twist of a drapery, may be born thus, but
fashion Itself Is developed many months
head of Ha introduction to the public.
For Instance, six months ago and more
the fabrics to be used this Spring were de
cided on else how could the manufacturers
know what to tnakeT Fashion Is no hap.
basard creature of the moment. The hat
BUkera know many months In advance what
capes will be used the following 8pring,
Summer or Winter.
Last August the milliners or Paris and
New .York were almost giving their hats
away. They did not want any left over for
this Spring, for they knew far In udvanqe
that the crowns would be decidedly different
this year, and you gee they are.
And so, because or the fact that we must
Sons our fashions so far iruadvance, I am
By Lady Duff-Gordon ("Lucile").
nbjo this week to show you some wraps that
wm be used next Fall. Rainbow wraps I
call them, and indeed they represent all
colors of the rainbow.
In the first picture I am showing you what
I consider one of the most aatlbfactory of
these wraps. It is not so gorgeous in its treat
ment sb some of the others, but depends on
the sumptuousneBS of the fabric far itsrgreat
beauty, and. can be worn on occasions when
these others would not be practicable. Tho
fabric is a dull blue brocado satin, the raised
flowers having tho effect of hand embroidery
done In sliver threads. The short sleeves
are very broad, and are edged with a band
or dull blue velvet The plain collar Is also
or the velvet Tho cord and long tassels are
of silver. Tho whole wrap Is lined with a
shrimp-pink satin that harmonises delight
fully with the brocade.
The second picture displays a. draped wrap
that is charmingly simple In outline, but gor
geous in color and material. The colors are
heliotrope and gold. The heliotrope velvet
shades into a deeper orchid shade, the fig
uros are outlined with gold thread. There
Is a wonderful deeo srlrdla of nrehid and roW
The Chinese Christmas
Her Gold Watch
ASTER and model of ten thou
sand centuries" l the In
scription you read on the
front of Confucius' temple, for his
name Indeed means matter.
He was born into this world twenty
five hundred yeara ego In the village
of Klon-lao, whioh meana "the round
hill." This village Is part of the prov
ince of Chang-long; which ajolns
His parents having been childless
for many yeara and desiring a eon,
they offered a aaortOce. On the moun
tain Ngnl-Kleon they placed a whole
cooked chicken. At the aide of this,
on a tripod, they placed an Incense
burner, dried with burning aromatic
sandal wood.
Now. shortly after this there ap
peared Iff. the hamlet of Kleoull an
animal called Jcl-llng. It waa a kind
of unicorn, but covered with scales
like a nsh. It carried a book In which
waa announced the coming birth of
Confucius, the Reformer of the World.
It was a wonderful miracle. And when
be was born spirits were heard sing
ing In the air and on his breast were
written these words: "This Is He who
has come to regenerate the world."
This was the event the anniversary
of which Is celebrated annually on th
fourth of December. It Is the great
official festival of the State, which Is
celebrated with great and aolema
splendor; savants and civil officials
aflore Confucius as it he were a God,
for Confucius Is considered divine by
the emperors, the sons of heaven, who
hold the power to deify.
Thirty days previous the prepara
tion begin. First the front of the
tunple Is covered with red silk, for nd
! the color of the festival, while tho
Interior Is hung with unnumerable rib
bons on which are printed eulogies of
the deified, and from all the ceilings
are susptnled lanterns of all kinds of
shapes, covered with silk.
When the great day approaches, a
cow, a sheep, and a pig are slaught
ered, their bowels taken out and on
the evening before the festival they
are placed on a trestle In front of the
Before that, eight young people have
practiced chanting Confucius' hymn
and twenty-four others have rehearsed
the sacred dance to be performed in
front of the altar on the tablet on
which are written the titles graned
Confucius by the aona of heaven. Be
low this tablet are his manes who ac
cept honors and sacrifices.
Melodious and sweet sounds of eight
flutes accompany this chant and make
a profound Impression. Two enormous
and richly ornamented torches burn
on the attar and fin the air with aro
matlo fragrance. Tears are fallng
from the eyes of all those present.
Then there Is the dance. Twenty
four young people porrorm It in the
courtyard in front of the altar. In
couples, dressed like warriors from
Confucius' time.
Lining up In front of the altar they
prostrate themselves three limes, ac
companied by the aouod of bamboo
flutes which play Incessantly.
This Is the end of this part of the
ceremony and the day ends with a
feast In the side halls of the temple
at which are served the meats offered
to Confucius' manes.
The nest day comes the solemn pro.
cession and performance. The theatre
Is built at the end or the court or
honor, opposite the altar.
The procession walks through the
streets of the village. In front ride
a score of horsemen armed with lances,
as they were at the time of Confucius.
Then a crowd afoot, carrying banners
covered with Inscriptions, multi-colored
lanterns on long sticks, red silk para
sols, signs of Confucius' high dignity
In the government of Lou. which at
his time was a vassal siat.
Mns. ELLA atood on a little
wooden bridge crossing a
brook one Sunday afternoon
in the beginning of May. She had
been married but two months, and
was smiling happily. Suddenly ahe
"Oh, Victor," she cried. "How aw
ful! I have lost my watch. Loolc.
here Is the broken chain. I heard
something drop Into the water and
saw It disappear Just there." She
pointed at a spot on the surface of
the water.
"I feel so unhappy, dear," she wept
on a moment later., "Remember the
watch was your first present to ma
after our engagement?"
Victor shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't aee how you could have
been so careless," he said, "but it
can't be helped now, so we had bet
ter start for home."
"Why. Victor! Vou don't mean to
aay that I must go home without my
watch! I know the exact spot where
it Ilea. Vou must try to get it up."
"You aurely don't expect me to
dive into that Icy water! It Is only
the beginning ot May. I will never
do such a thing."
"Please. Victor." ahe begged. "I am
aure you will do that much for your
own little, wife. Remember, we have
been married only two months."
"All the more reason why you
should not want me to commit sui
cide by contracting pneumonia or
consumption. Besides. I don't know
the first thing about swimming."
She burat Into tears.
"Oh. Victor, how mean you are to
refuse the first thing I have asked ot
you since we were married."
He looked at her a little while,
then a determined expression stole
over his face and he said: "I will
do IL"
He began to undress, but Just as
he had taken off his shirt, a motor
car full of people drove in sight.
His wife screamed.
"For God's soke, Vlotor. Jump la.
there are a lot of ladles in the car."
There was no choice, fig slipped
Jnto the cold water and hid himself
under the bridge. Ella breathed
easier, when suddenly she heard bin
cry out and saw hlra drift awya and
go down. She screamed for help, and
one of the men in the motor car res
cued Mm. He was wrapped in warm
blankets and rapidly driven home.
Poor Ella was disconsolate. Vlotor
was taken with a violent chill and
she decided to send for a doctor.
. Half an hour passed, but no doctor
came. She wrung her bands in de
npalr. "Oh. why does not the doctor
come," she moaned aloud. "It is at
ready nearly 7 o'clock.
Victor lifted his head.
.J?, you kl,ow" he chattered.
"There Is no clock In here.
She pointed to her dressing tahla.
"Of course, I know." she replied.
"My watch Is over there." Then she
suddenly remembered what had hap
pened. "Oh, Victor. I thought"-.
Victor's eyes flashed and the veins
on his forehead atood out. He tors
off the bedclothes, Jumped out of bed.
the watch and smashed It against tna
A TOUNQ man and his wife, accom
panied by their two children, a
boy and a girt entered a car and sat
down on one of the side seats. The
little girl was a beauty, while the boy.
with his strongly marked features and
freckled skin, waa quite the opposite
Directly across the aisle sat two
ladies, evidently a mother and dauh
ter. The younger of the two looked
critically at the children, afterwards
scrutinising the parents. Then sha
turned to the elder lady, smiled, and
mad a whispered remark. The youna
man. who had been Watching her,
leaned forward. '
"Madam." he sali. -you are auita
right. Ths girl fortunately looks ilk!
That he had guessed accurately what
wa. passing In her mind her look of
confusion left no doubt. ,