Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 5-B, Image 17

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All the Time. Face Mass of Sores.
Could Not Sleep At Night, In
Misery, Used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment 3 Weeks and Was Cured,
IMS Bridge 8t., Indianapolis, Ind. "I
foel that I must write and tell what Cuticura
Soap and Ointment hare dono for me. Tho
eciema first broke out In
pimple all over my face
land Itched and burned
all the time, Mr face
m a man of sores. I
could not sleep at night
and was In misery all of
the time. I tried every
thing I heard of but was
not helped any. At last
I saw the advertisement for Cuticura Soap
and Ointment end sent for some. I only
used the Cuticura Soap and Ointment for
about three weeks and was cured. Now my
skin Is as clear as It can be." (Signed) Miss
VTllla Fields, Apr. 8, 1012.
2428 Warren Ave.. Chicago. III. " I was
troubled with blackheads and pimples for
over a year. I bad them on my forehead and
chin. They vrero rather largo and came to a
head and wero very disfiguring indeed. I
used most everything without help until I
used tho Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Cu
ticuraSoapandOlntmentcured me entirely."
(Signed) Miss Irene Drignolc, Apr. in. 1012.
Cuticura Soap 2fic. and Cuticura Ointment
80c. aro sold everywhere. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Dock. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dopt. T, Boston."
43"Tender-faccd men should use Cuticura
Soap Bhavisg Stick, 25c Sample Craa.
As Explained Below, Read
A few permanent residents of Omnlia,
three physicians nmoiiK the number,
have established a Public Dispensary In
Itoom 338 Bee Unlldlng. for tin benefit of
all citizens of the city nnd suburbs who
may need the services of experienced
d ctors. They have purchased and put
In tho Dispensary a largo stock of drtiRS
necessary for carrying oi. the business,
Klfco have electrical and other nppllunccs
to assist the action of medicines In re
lieving diseased conditions.
It Is tho Intention to establish this
Dispensary as a permanent Institution
jviurc neiyotie ntillctcd can come and
have a consultation with one of the doc
tors, and the proper medicine described
for tho enso without subjecting' the person
to exorbitant fees tisuallv charged by
physicians for consultations, and drug
plBts for compounding the prescriptions.
The price to everyone Is fifty cents,
medicine included, it costs more than
ten dollars a duv to maintain and con
duct the Dispensary, and the smull
nmount that each one pays will assist In
Its maintenance.
They have procured an expensive Oxy
aline outf.t that Kcncrutes electrical ozone
which has proven In other cities to be
beneficial In connection with properly
prescribed medicines In all chronic dis
eases, especially nervous ti oniric, ca
tarrhal! conditions, atthmn, Incipient con
sumption, impoverished condition of the
blood, such as anemia, also useful In
lhettmatlc and blood diseases of all var
ieties, and ninny other diseases too
numerous to mention. Three freo Oxv
nllne treatments will be given to niiv
person Whom the consulting doctor de
cides that it will help. Come and trv
It without uny expense whatever.
Uvcry otic who needs medical attention
is Invited to patronize the Dlspensarv,
and the proprietors make tills unparrar
lcled offer, that If any one comes there
once and receives examination and medi
cine, or other treatment that may be
necebsarv In the case. If they are not
perfectly satisfied, they inny return and
leeeivo their fifty cents back.
Thus far a urcat many have availed
themselves of the Dispensary treatment,
and all have been well pleased, and when
future medical attention was necessary,
they have teturned and recommended tho
Dispensary tieatment to their friends.
This business Is conducted upon honest
at d legitimate lines, and Is devoid 'of all
quackery and humbug methods, and no
effort Is made to bamboozle or fool
If the reader or any friends are not !
well and need attention, give the Dlspcn
s.iry one t'-lal and you will be ratisfled
tlie i.ame as other patrons of the place.
No mall older practlee'wlll be accepted.
Hours 9 a in. to 8 p. m Sundays 1
p. ni. to 3 p. m.
rtooin X!S Hco HUlg, Omaha, Neb.
Complete vlth
case, bonr and ex
tra atrlnara at 95.00,
111.00. 17.00. S. 00.
K 10.00. (15.00, 2S
and up.
Sold oh Emmy Pay-
Write for Free Catalog or Mualcal
IBIS Doimlaa St.. Omaka, Neb.
Htel Kupper
Eleventh nnd McGoe 8U.
Kansas City. Mo.
A hotel of quality and refinement
at reasonable priccB. Eurosean plan
$1 to M per day, Take elevated
car at depot marked 27th St., di
rect to hotel.
Queer Feature of Easter in Mexican Capital
(Copyright, 1915, by Frank O. Curiwntcr.)
kXll'O I'H'Y After lb sorrow
1 ot a !cnteii season, bathed In
IV I the bloodshed of the revolu
tion, Mexico City will cele
brate Km s tor Sunday as the
gayest day of the year. There
will bp a great bull fight li the Tlata de
Toros. the thcateis will have mutineer
mid night performances nud Judas will
be hung again mid again by tho children
and grown-ups In all pntts of the city.
This bunging of Judas Is u regular Kit tor
celebrntlon. It was originated by the
Indians to give them a chance to ent
their rage upon the traitor to Christ, and
It Is still so ufed In the more Ignorant
hack districts, although in the cities It
has become a mere show for the chil
dren. Merc at the Mexican capital Images of
Judas, made In nil shapes and, arc
peddled about the street In advance of
the celebration. They range In pi ice from
a few cents to a niimbei of dollars, the
larger ones being often filled with fire
crackers and otner explosive, which go
off nnd blow Jud.i.i to pieces.
These Judas figures no mad ns ugly
ns possible. They "nave ropes attached
to them and they are diagged about the
They nio knocked about tills way and
that until their owners think they have
sufficiently, shown their disgust and con
tempt. They are then taken "P and hung.
Sometimes a rope Is stretched acros tho
street, from the second-story windows of
the houses on the opposite sides. In such
, nv tlmt Judas bangs from the middle.
and at others n flas staff Is put out with
I ......... . i, nA rf It noth children
and Krown-upa mob the cfugy. throwing
stones at It or pelting U with mud.
Some of these Judos figures are stuffed
with candles and presents for tho chil
dren, but In such cases they are usual'y
! hung Inside the patios or courts oi im
' houses where the little ones can keep the
sweets for themselves. There are niso
merchants who hang Judnses above their
stores, the figures being filled with petty
articles of one kind or other. When tho
explosion occurs, the contents are scat
tered over the sidewalk, and tho crowd
fights for them, tjio whole serving ns an
advertisement for the .establishment
which furnishes It.
l.riit In Mexico.
Kastcr Sunday Is very popular here on
account of the rigid way In which the
Moxlcuns celebrate lycnt. During that
Umo all festivities are prohibited. The
church will not perform tho ceremonies
of marrlnge, and all of the women put
off their fine clothes and wear only black.
Kven the churches are clad In black and
the gorgeous altars have sable mantles
over their beautiful dccorntlons of gold.
snver ana - -"
Is supposed to go to church, and all of
1 1 . T.. , .1 f 1. I U I f II I
the women and the Indlnus do so. The
church bells ring from morning till night,
and they awaken me before daybreak by
their din.
This continues until Palm Sunday, when
the Indians bring In palms by the thou
sands and crosses, woven of palms, are
everywhere sold. Some of these crosses
are from six to ten feet In length and
some are bo small thnt yoil can wave
them In your hands. Some aro not more
than two Inches wide, being made of the
finest fibers oC palm. Others arc of the
whole leaves and often a single large
palm cross will sell for $5. These palms
are blessed by tho prleBts and nro car
ried home to bo tied to tho front bal
conies, there (o remain until the next
Palm Sundny.
Good Friday has Its own special serv
ices, and In the afternoon and evening
of that day tho churches will be dark
and the worshipers will engage. In silent
prayer. The last of the ceremonies occur
Saturday morning, when the choirs will
sing tho "Gloria" to organ accompani
ments. At the same time tho black drap
eries will be stripped from the altars and
the bells will be rung. "After this tho
gaieties will commence nnd Easter will
practically begin.
The (lorernmrnt and thr Church.
The Mexican government now insists
that there shall be an absolute separation
of church and state. It prohibits church
processions throughout the country. No
one l allowed to wear clerical garb on
the street, nnd you do not see mpnks
with tonsured heads, wearing sandals nnd
long gowns, or nuns or sisters of Christ
clad In black as In boiiic others of the
Spanish American republics.
This great break between church and
state originated beforo the time if Pres
ident Juarez, hut It was first put In
force by him In 1SG7. At that timo all of
the church property was confiscated and
nil of the members of tho rollgious 1,3
cletles, from the Jesuits to tho Sisters of
Charity, who taught In the schools an.l
served as nurses In tho hospitals, were
sent out of the country. Kor a while
oven the ringing of the church bells was
prohibited by law, and all religious pa
rades outside the churches were forbid
den. Since then many of the priests and
nuns have come back. Tho priests have
taken chargo of their churches and a
large number of the educational Institu
tions are now again conducted by tuo
nuns, although their work is kept In
the background.
The long gown and clerical hat are not
seen on the streets, but one can easily
tell the priests by their suits of Dla;k
broadcloth, their high cravats, straight
collars and tall Bilk hats, while the nuns
are euBlly known from their black gowns
and the comber shawls which they wear
over their heads. As to tha renglous
processions, they have been practically
abolished. A priest who defied the law
not long ago was arrested in -nla clerical
robes and cast Into prison. The arch
bishop of Mexico recently callel atten
tion to these laws and forbade the en
couragement of the superstitions of the
Indians, which led them to have fantas
tic dances and shows during Lent, in
cluding Imitations of the crucifixion and
Sure Way to Remove
Freckles and Eruptions
(From Fashion Record.)
Some women have skin of such texture
' they occasionally are annoyed by the
1 sudden appearance of freckles, slight
eruptions or ftnu ilnea. March winds us
' ually play havoc with skins of that kind.
In such cases If one will procure an
tunce of common niercollzed wax at any
, drugstore, apply this before retiring-, 'Ike
cold cream, sne can easily overcome the
trouble. When the wax Is washed off
next morning, flaky skin particles come
with It. The entire cuticle Is removed In
this way In about u week, with a!) Its
defects. No bleach could so completely
remove every freckle or blemish. The
new surface is smooth, clear, fresh look
ing. No pain or Inconvenience accom
panies this simple treatment.
In case of wrinkles which sink beneath
1 the outer skin, a solution of saxollte. 1
1 .uve. Advertisement.
The FusUa.. CsAers2
the celebrations of the punishment of tho
enemies and executioners of Christ.
Church Mnprratltlnnn.
Nevertheless, 1 doubt whether thero
are any people more superstitious than
tho Mexican masses. Tho Indians here
wero converted wholesale at tho time o'f
the conouest. and their religion of todav
Is still mixed with that of the Aztecs.
I am told that they have dlftlculty in
keeping them from decorating fome of
the rellcB of the National museum,
whlc navo comp down from ,ho dy of
! !Mintr9iitnn nnrl thnt there nre mfltlV
places away .from the cities where the
nasslon nlav Is still celebrated. it Is
not long since many of the churches had
a ceremony of washing tho beggars- feet
This occurred on Holy Thursday, wncn
twelve of the oldest- beggars of the par
Ish wero given seats near tho altar. An
attendant then brought water in a basin,
and the priest, taking off the sandals of
tho beggars, rinsed and cleansed their
feet. After this he anointed them with
oil nnd they were then permitted to de
part and go on with their begging. Tins
ceremony was very like the washing of
the feet of the twelve apostles, which u
celebrated by the Greek church every
Kaster In front of the Church of the Holy
Henulchcr at Jerusalem. I have seen tne
latter ceremony, but In that :aso tho
Greek patriarch and his assistants did
tho washing and It was the feet ir priests
and not thoso of beggars which were
At lh" Shrine of tiiiadnlniir.
One of tne best places to sec how ear
nest the Indians are In their worship ii
at the shrine of Guadalupe, situated
ubout three miles fiom the cathedral of
Mexico City. The place may be reached
by street cars. I have spent several dayi
In moving about through the thousands
of Indians who come there to worship.
Tho shrine Is based upon a miracle, aald
to have been performed' by tho Virgin
Mary, about 400 years ago. It was one
bright December morning when Jua'i
Diego, a poor Indian peasant, was on his
way to worship at a church farther on.
that ho crossed the rocky arid hill where
tho shrine Is. As ho reached It ho was
confronted by a beautiful woman, who
told him thnt she was the Virgin Mary
and that she wished the Mexican peopli
to build a church on the spot where sho
stood. Juan was commanded to report
this to tho bishop. He did so, but was
The next day he came again and again
the virgin met him and called him her
son and repeated her wish to have the
church built. Sho then sold that she
would give him a sign to show the bishop
that he was telling the truth, and bailo
him go to the top of the hill and bring
back an armful of roses which griw
there. Juan knew that the hill was a
rocky desert, and covered only with car
tus, but he went and lu, It bad changed
to a bed of beautiful flowers. Ho took
down the cloth from his shoulders and
filled It and tho virgin told him to carry
tho flowers to the bishop. Juan did so.
He repented hlH story and spread the
flowerH out on the ground. At the same
time ho held up his mantle, and lo, the
portrait of tho virgin was to be seen
painted upon It
It was then known that a miracle had
been performed and the news went far
and wide. The bishop decided that a
church should he built, and with the
money that rolled In was erected U10
Guadalupe cathedral, which cost more
than a million dollars. This was genera
tions ago. The sacred picture reposed for
a time in the cathedral In Mexico City,
but later on It was brought to this
church, and it may now be seen on Its
altar. I have a photograph of It which
was recently made by Walte, the Ameil
can photographer of the Mexican capital.
Thniinnntln of I'llurlnia.
Uvery peasant knows of this shrine
and the pilgrims come by the hundreds
I or thousands to visit It. The railroad of-
I rl,ln1- ...II ma . I. . . I . I .
v.,a ivu niu iiiu tmiui iu 11 ma
terially Increases the receipts of the
roads, and that It Is a traffic asset worth
several hundred thousand dollars a year.
I wish you could see tho Indians as
they crawl up the hill on their knees to
visit the spot where Juan found the
roses. I should like to take you Into tha
mighty cathedral and show you the altar
of marble and bronze which cost more
than 1300,000, and at the same time have
brought out the crown of the virgin,
which Is studded with Jewels, worth al
most JSOO.OOO In gold. The crown la ot
gold and It weighs thirty pounds. It Is
about three feet In diameter.
Another spot at Guadaloupe where the
praying always goes on Is in the Chapel
f lh Well hack of the cathedral. Hero
a spring of sulphur which bolls and
bubbles below tho pavement within Its
walls of wet stone. The waters contain
sulphur, magnesia and potash and they
smell llko old eggs. Thero Is a grating
over the well, nnd upon It nre copper
dippers, fastened to chains, which tho
pilgrims let down to draw up the water.
There nre no Individual cups and the mi
crobes of 10,000 different mouths are
mixed together upon the rims of these
nut suppose we go Into the church. It
Is filled with Indians, girls and boys nnd
women and men, nil on their knees and
all holding candles, tho flames of which
make n smoke so thick that It half hides
tho altar. Thero arc cundles burning
about the altar, and outside are dozens
of peddlers who sell candles and rosaries.
The candles are all sizes, from that ot
your finger to that of your leg, and th?y
range In price from 10 cents to several
Another favorite shrine of Mexico is nt
Amecameca, on the slope of Popocata
petl, nnd thero nre others scattered here
und thero over Uie country. Indeed there
Is scarcely a crossroads which has not a
crucifix of one kind or other, and you will
find no village which has not Its chapels.
A Country of Chnrchca.
Although the Mexican government has
said that tho Roman Catholic church
shall not rulo, the officials realize that
It bus a strong hold on tho people, and
It la only a fow months since the admin
istration begged the archbishop of Mexico
to assist In restoring order. The secre
tary of Komento asked thut the pope bo
requested to issue a decree to that end,
and In the Catholic churches throughout
tho country a special mnss for divine In
tervention was celebrated. At tho enme
hour the papal father celebrated mass
and joined in the prayers for the restora
tion of peace.
The Mexican people aro really Catholics 1
and the great majority of them believe
hi their religion. I am told that there aie
11.000 churches and chapels In the repub
lic and 1 find a cathedral In nearly every
city I visit. The church Is supposed to
be enoimously wealthy. At the time of
the confiscation It hud property amount
lug to J300.000.000 and It then owned almoM
If.OOO estates which wero valued at mil
lions. It had more than 22,000 lots nure
In Mexico City, which alone wore worth
over $100,000,000 and it had property scat
tered here and there throughout the re
public. When Juarez put tho law of
confiscation Into effect a great part of
this property was put up at auction and
sold to tho hlghcot bidders, but ll it
said that those who bought risked the
disfavor of tho church and that many
took over the properties and held them
Ii trust ho that tho church got them
hack. Others gave to tho church the dif
ference between tho auction price and
what the property would have sold for
under other conditions and In this way
the church has regained much of Its
millions. Hy the new law marriage was
only valid through a civil contract, out
no well-to-do woman In Mexico will con
sent to a wedding unices she Is also mar
ried by the church, and no priest would
give this blessing to a family who had
acquired church property unless somo
restitution won made. Today the owrer
ship of the church Is such that the party
In favor of holding together the great es
tatcs In Mexico Is known as the church
party or Catholic party, and thero In no
doubt but that the church has enormous
wealth In one form or other.
Cliurihr. Worth .Millions.
I do not know how much has been spent
In church building In this republic, but
the sum must run high Into tho hundreds
of millions. The Catholic religion c;une
here Just twenty-five years after Colum
bus discovered the new world, and the
early Spaniards prided themselves on
their support of the church. A goodly
share of all tho gold nnd silver that was
taken out of the mines was donated to
religion, and every cath-.-drul was a treas
ure vault filled with oiiiumeuts of silver
and gold. There Is a church at Chihua
hua which was built through a tax of 25
cents on overy pound of silver produced
In that, neighborhood, and this church
cost KW.O0O. hi Zaratecas the cathedral
was erected out of a tax levied on the
sliver mines under the city; and Its In
come was so great tnat Europe wus
ransacked for pictures und ornaments to
decorate It. It has a font of solid sliver,
which cost more than $.70,000, and In Span
ish times the church was ablaze with
gold and silver candelabra and with
cloths of woven gold. Another church In
Zacatecas had an altar of gold, and one
at Querctaro had a gold altar which was,
burned by the Frenrn. ine npanuuun
gave their Jewels and gold to decorate
tha cathedral at tha Mexican capital, and
9 X
they presented ornaments worth about
J2.000.000, while the (.attiedral itself cost
un equal amount to build.
Thero Is a cathedral at Puehla which
cost Jl.600,000 and In which J10rt,(X)0 hns
been spent on the attar. It Is said to he
the most beautiful church on the conti
nent. Guadalajara has a cathedral cov
eting about nn aero which was completed
about 300 years ago. it has been almost
destroyed by carthituakcs In tho past,
tmd It may go down again by tho earth
quakes, which aro now common In thnt
vicinity, riie dome of that church was
once shattered by lightning and when a
thunderstorm comes up they now ting
the bells to ward off the lightning, al
though they have lately put up lightning
rods for the same purpose. The church
has towers which arc 200 feet high nnd
which are Illuminated by electricity. It
hns many flno palulli'gs, Including one
by Murlllo, known ns the "Assumption
of tho Virgin."
I'roteatnntlmti In .Mexico.
As to Protestantism lu Mexico, It has
never gained any great hold, although a
number of the different sects have their
missionaries here. The Uaptlsta are rep
resented by the American Baptist Home
Missionary society and by the foreign
missionary board of tho Iiaptlpt Church
South. Tho Presbyterian church has
many church buildings and It hns day
schools and boarding schools and a num
ber of missions. The Methodist Hplscopal
church has HO congregations, fifty day
schools, six high schools and one theolog
ical school. It has a number of native
preachers and teachers and it claims to
have nbout 12,000 adherents. There are
also Kplscopal missions, but altogether
the foreign missionaries are only several
hundred and the members of their
ohurohes nre comparatively few.
Tho Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to
nustness Success.
Home Furniture Co Omaha
9x12 Axminster
1 1
See our large line of Body Brussels and
Wilton Rugs much below Omaha
Pimples and Blemishes? You Can jj
Quickly and Easily Get Rid of Them c
Secrets That Have Made Valcska Suratt the Famous
Self-Made Beauty-Actress
Or VtlctU Suratt
ONU plmplo tells Just as much of the
condition of the blood as n hundred
would. Onco they begin, they re
Peat themselves over and over again.
The use of blood tonics Is common, but
It must be remembered that most of
these, 'tonics" are nothing more nor less
than "system" tonics. What one needs
Is a thorough blood cleanser. To show
the leinarkabln efficacy of the blood
cleanser I give you here, I h.ive seen
Irtiuniornble cases where young nnd
middle-aged woman hnd been afflicted
for years with these tiouhlesoiiiv out
bleaks, and after using many of the
tonics publicly recommended, had used
this with complete- success Inside of a
month's time.
I have never seen a return of the
trouble after Its use. It Is very simple,
absolutely safe, mid wonderfully effica
cious. Dissolve twelve ounces of granulated
sugar In uuo-half pint of water, add one
ounce of snrsene. and mix the whole to
gether thoroughly, then add nuiro water
to make a pint. Harscuo Is a liquid
which you can get at the drug store by
tho ounce. Oct It In the original pack
age. Take 0110 or two tonspoonful of
this mixture three or four times a day,
with a llttln water It desired.
CAROUNH G.-No. the bust cannot
bo developed safely In a lusting way by
the use of mechanical connivances. They
ate furthermore dangerous.
This Is the formula, try It: In a half
pint of cold water, dissolve two ounces
iiietotin nnd half a cup of sugar, all
well mixed together. Of this, take two
teaspoonfil three or four Umes a duy
Iti a wine-glass of water, after your
meals, The ruetone will cost you one
dollar nt the drug store.
POOR ATTEMPT - For superfluous
hair, light or heavy, and, even on tho
tendcrest skin, UiIb Is superb and dis
solves hair almost llko magic.
Get one ounco of simple sulfo solu
tion. This you can get at the drug
storo for one dollnr. Apply It with tho
finger tips to the superfluous half, keep
ing tho hair moist with it for two or
thtce minute until It has been dls-
You Will Miss Something if
You Fail to Read the Want
Ad Section today .'.
Get Our
Gx'J Seamless or rn
Brussels nt....wwiwU
9x12 Seamless
Brussels at. .
9x12 Seamless
Velvet at. . . .
, .$9.75
Solid Oak
Sanitary Desk
54-inch... $21.01
of fimcrica.
solved. Then wipe It off with
cloth and wash the skin.
HONORA It. An a blackhead remove!
thl Is unsurpassed.
First wash the face with hot watet
and soap. Then sprinkle somo ncroxln
generously upon a sponge made wet with
hot water. Then rub well for n few
minutes on the parts of the skin which
are nffectnl with hlnckhcnds. You
should bo able to soruro the ncroxln nt
any druggist's for fifty cents. Never
pinch or squeeze out blackheads.
J t' t'
MRS. A. St. Tho skin can be made al
pure and pinky white as the petal of a
rose, utid the bunds and arms aa well,
with everv freckle nnd spot gone.
Let half a pint of wnter come almcst
to a boll. Add two tnblpspoonfuN o!
Klycelllie. Keep stirring while, adding
one ounce of xlntonc, until It Is all dls
solved. Then let It cool. If the cream
Is ton thick to pnttr ensllv from a hot
tie. thin It down a little with more hot
wnter. Hold a wet, hot towel to tho face
several tlmrs for several minutes. Rub
this crejitn nn the entire face. Then wine
off with a soft cloth. Then apply again
and let It drv on the face. Repeat thli
again at night. Any good druggist will
let you have zlntono for about rift..
StAlTD N. llald spots can be made to
fill out and the hnlr grow wonderfully
In 11 slrt time by the following formuln
'twill also positively slop tho hair from
fulling out.
Mix half n pint of alcohol with half a
pint of water. To thlu add ono ounen
of hctn-qulnol. Shake thoroughly, and
then It will bo ready to use. If you
prefer, you call uso Imported bay mm
Instead of the water and nlcohol. The
bcto-qulnol you can get at olmost any
drug Btnn for not more than fifty cents,
'nils formula should be applied very
fieely to the scalp for n few tnlnutei
all over. Huh the tonlr thoroughly Into
the scalp with the finger tips.
ti i t
Never onilt the use of a shampoo.
Never uso soap on the hnlr. Eggol,
which yon can get nt any drug store
for twenty-five cents, Is unsurpasxed lit
Its action In ridding the scalp of every
particle of scurf and foreign matter.
j ?, $
RUTH D. A difference of R or 10 years
can be mndo in your appearance hy tho
uso of this formula. It rejuvenates the
skin wonderfully, removing In a renlly
astounding way all wrinkles, djcp lines,
crows' feet nnd sagging of checks.
For all these the following formula Is
absolutely unequalled: Pour half a pint
of hot water In a bowl und place tho
liowl lu a pan of water over a slow fire.
To this add two ounces of optol. Stir
until It Is dissolved and starts to cream
Then remove from the fire, slowly odd
two tablespoonruls of glycerine, nnd
continue to stir until It Is cold. Eptol
may be obtained for no more thnn fifty
cents nt any good drug store. This
cream Bhould bo applied very liberally
and thoroughly rubbed Into the skin un
til It has disappeared. The cream will
not grow hair on the face. Keep tho
cream In an alr-tlght Jar or bottle,
cream In 1111 alr-tlght Jar or bottle.
Drs. Mach & Mach
Bnoeaiiora to Ballsy ft Ma oh
The lanreat and best equipped dental
office In Omaha. Experts In charia of
all work, moaeruie prices. I'orceiain
fillings Just like the tooth. All Instru
ments aterllzed after using.
3d Floor Paxton Blook, Omaha, Kab.
Special Bed
Upholstered in best chased
leather, choice of plain ur
tufted oak frame
Solid Oak Rocker,
No. 1 Leather Seat.