Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 16

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The Omaha Sunday Bub.
vicrron nosiewATBit, rditou.
hkb nuibDiNa, parkaM and irrii.
Entered nt Omaha postofflce as aeeon.l.
class matter.
Sunday Bee, one year W.0
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State of Nebraska, County of;
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
of Tho Bee Publishing company, being
duly sworn, says that tho average daily
i-iivuiuuuu lor ina iiiontn ox Keuruaiy,
Clrciilntlnn Majiiienr
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to neiorc me tins 7tn day or March, via,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Subscriber lenvlnv the city
temporarily shnnld hnve The Dee
mnlleil to tbem. Address) Trill lie
chnnaedaa often am reqursted.
Bo caroful not to drink your sas
safras tea too early.
Como again, Mr- Bryan,
you can stay longer. '
In tho aprlngtlmo man's mind not
lightly turns to Easter hat bills.
This weather has rather chilled
the ardor of tho "first robin" man.
Tho vernal equinox Is living, up
to Its reputation this time, all right.
Wondor why It 1b thnt Easter- tog
gory looks so much grander on those
living modolsl
Cleopatra never had to work for
,0 a week, or hunt, a homelike
hoarding ho'usp.
Still, a person can sincerely favor
municipal ownership without favor
lng -municipal-BorXdonu . .. , .
It ls;' be demonstrated
whotbetvMarc4i loayoH a lamblike or
uoniiKe impression 'behind.
A moving plcturo photo qf 'IMIlre'
ueo Renouncing the Third ward.
would 'shuro bo a moving plcturo.
Competition Is a good thing In
business, "butlfThi a mighty bad
thing between charity institutions,
Gonzales Ib anotlter Madorlst wKo
haa been klod slnco tho Huorta ro-
glrao wont ifi. Accidents will hap
Tho proposal to compel tho man
ufacturer to put his right name on
tho box would bo hard on somo of
Economic and sanitary, ns woll
as, moral, considerations demand tho
tbollshmont ot tho saloon free
lunch. . . !.'.,.' '
Tho height of bad form In . St.
Louis la to tako ryo or bourbon in
stead of beer with your wiener
admit;")!, "
It is notlf ten .'that Omaha has
been permitted to ontortatn a sooro-
tary of state, clthor before or after
u rt.i
About -.time tfor something to
break loose (Jnco raoro in Mexico?
Or are Ujo recalcitrant ones there
killed off?
"Tho Lord gavo me two cars and
one tongue," says Mr, Bryan. And
ho haB mado tho most of these Qod
glven gifts.
And yet England's notion of what
an American secretary of Btato has
a right to say should not bo taken
too seriously.
Perhaps a few moro of those min
iature cartoons distributed among
the house members, might havo
mado the vote unanimous.
Viptor Murdock of Kansas haa
once more .quit, the republican party,
but he wilj W "back Inlmo for tho
grand-reunion.-of the prodigals.
The announcement that a blir 10.
cent pJctdrJal weekly is comlngMdent Eliot 'was. offered, nd refuaod,
down to CT cents is not necessarily a
tribute to the-beauty of those new
nickels. v
Young Mr. McCombs has finally
decided, sdTepbrt! say, to accept the
Paris post. Well, -we hope he has
a gayer itwo than these xjffice
seokers have glVtTi-ljJm.
It 1 Interesting to know that
Governor Sulier of New York and
Boas Murphy of Tammany are again
at jeaco, but on whpse terms peace
waa effected Is pot stated.
The Home Rule Principle.
Urorybody favors tlio principle of
home rule, nntl particularly the prin
ciple of home rulo In city govorn
mortt. Hut, strangely enough, when
It comos to applying the principle,
It loutloat advocates too often hunt
for an excuse to opposo it.
Horo In Nebraska we have taken
a tromonclous forward stop In the
adoption of a constitutional anicncl-
mont. clvlnc homn rule tn nil clttnfll
having a population of moro than1
5,000--n, step which It has taken us
years to mnko. But ovon-before the
first homo rulo city charter Is
framed, wo meet with "all , sorts of
schemes to Infringe and curtail that
power. Wo -refer not only t6 tho
attempt to take away from Omaha
the managoment of tho w'a'tor plant,
bought with $7,000,000 of Its own
peoplo'B money, but also to tho ef
forts to dcprlvo Omaha, Lincoln and
all other 'cltleg of their right to reg
ulate." public 'service corporations,
whoto very llfo rosts on franchises
granted by each city, and transfer
ring that power to a stato commis
sion whoso mombors may como from
villages or rural communities with
out tho slightest experience with a
streot railway, a gus works or an
olcctrlc lighting plant.
It Is rehinrkablo, too, how those
who talk homo rulo one day and for
got it tho noxt fall to comprehend
that It must bo n genoral principle
One ot thoBO weathorvancs, criticis
ing tho resolution of tho charter
convention, denouncing proposed
ovasloll of home rulo, declares that
there would bo some show of reason
for South Omaha, Dundee and Flor
onco to object, but that Omaha
should not do so. Is It possible that
homo rulo Is good for our neigh
bors, but not for us? Should
Omaha, while Insisting on homo rulo
as against lntoreforenco by South
Omaha or Couticil Dluffs, reach out
to doprlvo South Omaha of Its right
to homp rulo In Its own affairs?
Suppose conditions reversed and tho
town ot Floronce, In which tho
pumping plant Is located, had
bought our water works and tried
to como over Into Omaha and tic-
prlvo us of any volco in tho matter
.of our water sorvlep, and of control
of our parks nnd streets, would wo
not rightfully resout It?
It Is a poor rulo that does not
work both wnys. Tho homo rulo
prlnclplo Is not for Omnha alono, not
for South Omnha alone, nor for Lin
coin alono, but It Is for ovory city In
Nebrnska over 5,000 population.
Streets as Skating Rinks.
Tho approach of spring wcathor
will Invito children by tho scoroa to
BtreoU; and sidewalks for rollor
Bkatlngfc.und. therefore It may. not
up out or pinco to can ho.nttontlon
of jparprila and guardians' to'its peril
who'n unrestricted. Mo'tbrmpn,
ors, ot. automobiles and horso-drawn
vohlcles appreciate the " danger' or
street skating, and som'o of them
havo had bitter experiences with It.
Last season a little child was ground
to death beneath tho wheels ot u
north sldo car, and ovldontly not
because of carelessness tho camion
could avoid, either. In another city,
only a fow days ago, a similar nccl
dont happened. It Is a terrlblo
thing when a light-hearted child
moetB such a fate, but children In
their glee nnd mirth aro not npt to
Boo tho wagon or car or auto until
too lato. For thut reason thp little
folks should not bo permitted to
skate on tho. busier thoroughfares
without watchful supervision, and
should bo warned ovon when playing
on others, for -all pity, streets are
used for moro or loss traffic.
Again tho Scholar in Politics.
President Wilson evidently bo
llovos tho scholar In pollttcs or diplo
macy will mako good It given tho
chance of course, ho muBt believe
that to JuBtlfy his' own transforma
tion from a collogo president to a
nation's executive Ho wont to 'a
Missouri university for his secretary
of agriculture, and is-said now to be
offering tho principal foreign am
bassadorships to other eminent edu
cators and uuthors. , If current re
ports aro to bo belloved ho would
havo Charles W. Eliot, former presi
dent of Harvard, roprcsont us nt the
court of St. James, Prof. John Buroh
ard Flno, former denn of Princeton,
for ambassador to Germany and Soth
Low, former president of Columbia,
and Thomas Nelson Pago, tho -Vir
ginia author, to bo our reprosenta-
ti., i . .
L .j.cuh :uiihib. vnidllJoovere(j ,lnt the troops had been fed
wiiwo kit. liow mono iias nau experi
ence In public sorvlce, having served
as mayor of Brooklyn and lator of
areata Nofr York, distinguishing
himseU in both. It follows, too, that
there Is no political partisanship In
scholarship, for Dr. Low Is a repub
lican, and It Is known, too, that Pros-
tho British ambassadorship under
Prosldont Taft.
So far as furnishing arodltable
representation for tho country abroad
Is concerned, these eminent col
legiate and literary lights would no
doubt prove satisfactory. Tho idea
of so filling our dlplomutlc posts Is
not new, for our first mlnlstor to
'Franco was Dr. Benjamin Franklin,
and George Bancroft, John Lothrop
Motley, James Russell Lowell, An-
.drew D. White, Jaruos B. Angell, and
mauy lesser names of renown in sim
ilar fields grace our diplomatic rec
ords. It cannot bo said that all of
them demonstrated real diplomatic
ability when put to tho tost though
they have doubtless dono as woll, If
not bottor. than tho nverago. At any
rate, It would bo entlroly alone tho
line of the more recont trond of
popular thought to have the United
States represented in tho principal
foreign capitals by mon who com
mand attontlon more by their ropu
tatloiiB In the Hold of achievement
lhnn by tho mono' the' ,mvo mado
or Inherited.
Wisconsin and Nebraska.
In connection with tho proposed
enactment of workmen's compensa
tion laws, it is pertinent to noto the
commendation of tho Wisconsin law
by tho Outlook, which carries tho
name of the recent presentlal candi
date of tho progressive party as its
contributing editor. This law, whoso
constitutionality has already been
successfully tested in tho courts
seems to appeal particularly to tho
Outlook, which In the curront Issu
There are now about 90,000 employes
under tho act workmen whoso employers
have voluntarily agreed to settle thel
damage suits according to a schedulo of
rates fjxed by tho Industrial commission
paying for all Injury except that result
Ing from willful negligence on the "part
of the workmnn. The fact that few cases
are brought beforo tho Industrial com
mission because of disagreement of
parties, or of tho unwillingness of either
to abide by the act as agreed, speak;
well ror Its fairness, A study of th
awards madn In tho few cases that th
commission hn-s been called upon to do
cldo leaves no doubt ns to tho benefits to
tho workman. Moreover, all employe
report that their men, "seem satisfied
with tho act."
Incidentally, It may be said that
tho bill recommended for Nebraska
by the majority of our workraon'i
compensation commission was based
on, and followed closely, the Wlscon
sin law with tho exception that It
sought to mako It more genoral and
compulsory In ordor to extend Its
bonoflts to all workingmen rather
than to thoBO only whoso employers
consent to accopt It.
David Livingstone.
When Dnvld Livingstone died, It
Is 'said that somo of his African
convorts beforo embalming his body
for return to England removed his
heart and burled It In the soli of
the pcoplo to whom in life it was
given. And, no doubt, that Is as
tho great missionary would havo
had It. Ho sacrificed all that most
men hold dear to carry tho gospel
to Africa, and ns ho sot out for tho
third time from England ho avowed
novor to roturn until ho had pene
trated tho Dark Continent as tho
emUsary of Cod. It was little won
der, thoroforo, that tho sturdy
Scotchman rofusod to return with
Henry M. Stnnley, who found him,
boforo ho considered his mission
doilt), 'though 'all but exhausted upon
tho burning sliores of Lake Tan
History holds no flnor example of
devotion to duty as It la conceived
than that which mado of Livingstone
tho pioneer of civilization in that
forbidding land. It .was from Liv
ingstone then, thnt Stanloy received
his Inspiration to cross Africa and
to work also ns a missionary of civ
tlizatlon among tho tribes, nB woll
as an explorer. ,
Nor should It bo forgotten that
Stanloy, whon asslgnod by tho Now
York Herald to find Llvlngstono, sot
out upon his perilous Journoy from
Omaha, where ho had boeu doing
nowspapor work. His autobiog
raphy contains a graphic sketch of
that famous adventure and the price
two men paid to perform such sac
rlflclal service which history has
writton opposite tho names of Llv
lngstono and Stanloy, though Stan
ley ' magnanimously denies to him-
solf,. any claim of equal distinction
with Livingstone.
Alger and Ballinger.
Americana perhaps aro not far
enough off from tho events to givo
tho correct perspective to either the
Alger ot Balllngor Incldonts in their
political history. In tlmo we may
como to view both in truer light. In
tho mcantlmo it is interesting to
havo (he version of a careful stu
dent of contemporary history, who
might bo considered entlroly un
biased In his deductions, A. Maurlco
Low, the able Washington cor
respondent of the London National
Rovlow, In tho current number of
that magazluo he says:
At tne oiofo or me apaman war it waa
oil rotten meat and the medical arrange
ments were Inadequate, the public
clamored for n. victim and Mr. Alger,
the new secretary ot war, was made the
Hoapegout. Mr. Alger was not responsi
ble for tho country's unpreparcdness for
war; the blamn rested with congress,
which hod refused to muke the necessary
appropriations or to provide for u mod
ern military system; but dead or de
feated niemberB ot congress could not be
crucified, while Mr, Alger could easily
bo brought to the place of execution.
Mr. McKlnley had either to stand by Mr.
Alger because he knew he was unjustly
accused and risk a loss of popularity, or
throw over his secretary ot war as a
concession to public opinion.- This He
did; and the publlo having been given a
victim, was satisfied 'and Mr. McKlnley
lost none of his popularity.
, Mr. Ballinger, Mr. Taft' secretary ot
the interior, was the target for the at
tacks of men who were looking for an
opportunity to Injure the pronldent. and
a bitter campaign was carried on to
drive Mr. Ballinger out of the, cabinet.
Convinced of his secretary's Integrity.
and his correct administration of hid of- J
Taft rcdiHid to Hppi'.i , -4
by dismissing Mr Ualllnger
and his retention as secretary undoubt
edly was otie of the causes to weaken
his (Mr. Tafts) hold on the country.
While this may not be tho tlmo to
give tho Balllngor Incidont Its proper
sotting In history, It Is cafe to say,
with reference to Mr. Tnft's connec
tion with It, neither his honesty of
purpose nor his courage of conviction
will over be opon to question.
The Open Door for Railroads.
California, having succeeded,
through Its State Railway commls
slon, in defeating the original plan
for unmerglng tho Union Pacific-
Southern Pacific, Is now attempting
to dictate a substitute plan that will
mako tho Benlcla cut-off nn open
door, admitting all railways that
may desire to run Into San Francisco
over that route. Tho Benlcla cut
off crosses an arm of the San Fran
cisco bay and forms tho most direct
route between Sacramento and San
Francisco. It is owned by tho
Southern Pacific and has been used
exclusively by the Harrlman lines.
Tho Western Pacific, tho Gould
road, Is demanding admission to this
door with the backing of tho clamor
ous Callfornlans.
In tholr appeal for this concession
tho Union Pacific bridge over the
river at Omaha 1b cited as an open
door precedent justifying tho samo
thing at Benlcla, In the fact that
many roads entering Omaha use tho
Union Pacific bridge on equal tormB.
On the other Bide, however, It Bhould
bo borno In mind that theso roads
entering Omaha servo as rich feed
ers for Union Pacific westward busi
ness and aro in no way competitors.
Nevertheless, In this fight of the
rival roads for preferred position In
the unmerger, this question of tho
open door seems to havo become tho
main Issue.
Our South American Trade.
According to reliable sources, tho
exports from tho United States to
South America will approximate
$150,000,000 for tho fiscal year end
ing Juno 30, 1D13, as' against $41,
000,000 in 1003, a very fair gain for.
tho decade. Our Imports from South
America will approximate $240,000,
ooo, an against $107,000,000 for
1903. Tremendous Increases in our
commerce with South America were
made in tho last four years. Tako
for instance our exports to Argen
tina, which increased from $32,000,
000 in 1008 to $53,000,000 in 1912;
to Urazll, $19,490,077 in 1908 to
$34,678,081 in 1912; to Ch.llo,
$9,194,050 In 1908 to $15,491,84G
In 1912.
ThlB Is tho period In which tho
Taft-Knox dollar diplomacy was de
volopod. And those results are qutto
as tangible, wo think, as some of tho
biased criticism of ' that policy.
which, by tho way, President Wilson
seems to have adopted. President
Taft upon assuming office, was con
fronted by a discouraging altuatlon
In South America. Thero was lack
of congonlal relations with ub In
many states, keen estrangement in
others. A practical policy, ono that
would knit together bonds of com
mercial Intorcourso aa woll as Inter
national amity, was needed. Dollar
diplomacy filled tho bill, performing
tho dual function. Now, it Is espe
cially gratifying that 85 per cent of
our Immense merchandise sent to
South America Is In manufactured
articles, as compared, for instanco,
with 47 per cent manufactures of all
our exports. Tho United States must
load In manufacturing exports to this
country, but wo were not making en
couraging gains In that direction up
to a few years ago,
Tho foreign Insurance companies
would naturally like to squeeze
down harder on the home insurance
companies. That is the eternal law
of business competition, In making
its laws, however, It Is up to Ne
braska to hold the scales even, and
glvo tho home insurance companies
an equal chance, subject to fullest
protection for all policy holdorB.
"The water district bill Is tho
only remedy," shouts tho desperate
$5,000 political engineer. Oh no,
It isn't. Lower rates as promised
would have forestalled all threat
ened trouble. No concern will go
to the expense of supplying its own
wator when it can bo had as cheap,
or cheaper, from the city.
Another "hunger strike" has
provod successful in winning liberty
for ono ot the jailed British suffra
gettes. For somo inexplicable
reason, however, the hunger strike
does not seem to bo catching on this
aide of tho water,
A diligent reader might havo
found the announcement ot Secre
tnry Bryan's Omaha visit in an ob
scure corner on an lnsido page of
Senator Hitchcock's newspaper. How
inese nig democrats no love ono
President Wilson has not yet of
fered the British ambassadorship
to Colonel Watterson or Colonel
uarvoy. Aren't the colonels to
havo any recognition under this ad
If the rulo works both ways, a
rew living Btylo models for exhibit
Ing men's clothing might help bust
nesa In the women's wear and mllll.
nery departments,
fin, Mr
LookW BacWard
.This Da in Ontalia
;.,. r POO
000 c
Thirty Years Ako
The town Is stirred up over n case of
old-fashioned whipping of n high school
boy. charged against Prof. learned, tcm
porary successor to Principal Hlne.
Touay Is Good Friday and duly ob
served. Ulshop Clarkson preached at St
Mark's, on Pierce nnd Blghth streets, in
the morning and at Trinity In the even
Harry D. Heed and V. A. Ucdlck have
received commissions as notaries public
from the governor.
owing to tho Illness of Dr. Stelllng
there will bo no services at Boyd's next
J. A. Taggart, formerly with the late
T. A. McShune, has purchased the stock
and fixtures of J. p. Allen, with whom
he formerly worked as head clerk.
i reu wagoner of the Union Pacific
shops, who resides on Eighth, near
Leavenworth, Is sure ho has Invented n
valuable device to prevent the burning
or tneatcrs.
Mrs. Susan Howard died at the rest
fience or her daughter, Mrs. Mary
I'ritciiard, at W South Seventeenth street
nt tno advanced age of 71 years. The re
mains are to be taken to Peru for Inter
Prnnk Marsh, for three years clerk In
tho drug storo of Dr. J. C. Panter, re
cently purchased by Dr. Rogers, leaves
to tako a similar place In a driig sture
nt Sioux Falls.
Twenty Yenrs A(5
J. u. uarstow. c erk of t in Mliw,i
hotel, was again confined to his room
and Intended going to St. Joseph's hospi
tal for medical treatment.
Tho Misses Bccher returned from
western trip.
jnmes inirneia, tno local composer,
Who wrote Governor Boyd's Inaugural
march, announced the publication of
new song, "Only the Stars Can Tell."
Jiiy Treasurer Molln received a propo
sition from William Burr, attorney for
the Pullman company, looking to a set
tlement of company taxes aggregating
$17,000, and extending as far bnck as 18SC,
The proposition was to compromise tho
taxes by paying about i'XO, and It was
spurned and rejected by Bolln.
John Wallace, nn old resident, died
suddenly of heart disease at his home,
619 South Fourteenth street. He had been
In apparently excellent health.
Itabbl WlUlam Rosenau of Baltimore,
formerly of Omaha, was In tho city and
was engaged to lecture at Temple Israel
on "Spinoza, an Abused Benefactor."
Ten Years Aro
Koclan, tho the great Bohemian vlo
llnlst, came, saw and conquered his nu
dlenco at tho Boyd. He scored a verita
ble triumph with his magic wnnd and
Flro broke out In tho upper story of
the Barker hotel on South Thirteenth
street nnd scared guests made the welkin
ring getting out, but tho flames were
overeome before they did more thun
$1,500 or $2,000 damage.
W. G. Uro of the Real Estato ex
changes taxation committee received a
telegram from Beatrice asking that J.
H. Mcintosh go to that city to make an
address on municipal taxation. Mr. Mc
intosh was out of town and Mr. Uro
took up the matter of tending another
speaker. This was In lino with n .move
ment on to have Omaha taxation ex
perts preach their gospel over the state.
Lltluokalanl, tho former dusky queen
of the, Hawaiian Islands, and her two
maids nnd secretary, passed through
Omaha returning to her homo In San
Francisco after having consulted Presi
dent Roosevelt regarding her crown land
demands. She denied herself to report
ers with a good "deal of royal vim and
GAneral Passenger Agent John Francis
of tho B, & M. returned from Chicago,
where ho spent two days familiarizing
himself with tho Elklns law and getting
pointers on rates to tho Bt. I-kjuIs
World's fair,
Bishop Charles Edward Cheney, rector
ot Christ's Reformed Episcopal churcn
of Chicago, has Just completed fltty
thrce years of service ob pastor of the
3amo church and parish. So unusual u
ministration cauased many a shifting
ministration caused many a shitting
Bishop Cheney, after giving due credit
to his congregation, ventured these rules;
To wait, watch, work and pray. Borne,
times It seems necessary to do this a
great deal.
To be humble. The master took a hum
ble position. It Is a mistake for a clergy
man to stand on his rights. I
To bo good-humored. No matter how
you feel, feel good-humored.
To avoid a leading contributor It Is
hard for a church to succeed that haa
nu overshadowing member. Let the bur.
den of, support and work fall equally on
all alike.
To be tactful. If you can't bo tactUI.
be as tactful as you can. Some of tno
best men lu the world have failed of tneir
mission through some bit of tactlessness.
To make your people believe you are
tn earnest and mean what you say; tnat
you ar,- trying to live aa He taught.
If you want your boy to do right, show
him how.
In trying to defeat God's purpose, tha
devil helps It along.
The most of us believe In the total
depravity of some folks.
Rottenness in charucter Is es certain
to show Itself as it Is in an apple.
Fishing for compliments Is not mucn
better than fishing on Sunday.
The rich man In torment may havo had
plenty ot flowers on his grave.
Religion pure and undeftled never has
n n.. a hnn... ,n n
'V . -"
ivo ia u nuiiucr wurKer, uui u iscis
along better when It has brains to di
rect It.
Tha religion that can be figured out
on a slate can bo wiped out with a
The people who always look on the
bright sldo can always find & orlght side
to look on.
When the last Ho is driven out of the
world the devil will not be ablo to tlnd a
spot on whloh to rest his cloven hoot.
The man who goes out Into Uto with a
ohlp on his shoulder should take plenty
of sttoklng plaster along.
Xa ClianEe lu tine Style.
Chicago News.
Many novelties In the way of KasUr
hats are being displayed, but It la under
stood that there will bo practically no
change in the style of the bills.
Wt. Louis Republic: Washington clergy
men are all Htlrred up over the question
of cremation and denounce It as pagan.
So Is burial.
Chicago Post. A Philadelphia clergy
man favors Sunday base ball to be -preceded
by a prayer. Tills might be mado
by n pitcher In supplication for having
'en break right.
New York World! Rev. Dr. David S.
n . .. . . . ..
cancer, speaaing in Jnunaeipmn, says
that prohibition might be advanced Chi
nese fashion by beheading brewers. This
plan has at least the merit of simplicity
and directness.
Brooklyn Engle: ltcv. David S. Spen
cer's suggestion that the brewers be be
headed Chinese fashion seems to have
originated In the contemplation of a gloss
of Coney Island beer that must be treated
that way before It can bo negotiated with
the tang of satisfaction.
"That orator has become very silent
since he entered upon his career as a
public official."
"Yes." replied Senator Sorghum.' "It
often happens that when a man gets In n
position to know exactly what he Is talk
ing about he suddenly quits talking."
Washington Star.
;Pop did you hurt yourself last night?"
mean"''' myBeln What does the child
..I!W?'. J,m.rn,VSmUh'8 panft Bald he saw
jou fall off tho water wagon." Balti
more .American.
"This exploring account says that the
Ksnuimaux are vnrv l.nav,- on,. ,
that they stole the explorers' candles as
quite a delicacy."
tJ, J? ,l B,,,1uL'l it1'"!? t,lev were more
Inclined to a light diet." Chicago Post.
"Say, mister," sputtered the caller, "you
hnd nn Item In your durned old paper this
morning about a diver who stayed under
water two minutes and a half "
"Can you beat It?" Interrnntprl th. mo
at tho desk.
"You bet I can! I "
"Well, beat It!" snapped the man at the
Every Home
L Mild, Reliable Laxa ivc
tonic is Something No
Family Should be
Without. ,
jno wen regulated homo should be
without a laxative for there Is scarcely
a day In a fnmlly of several persona that
someone doesn't complain of a headache.
of sleeplessness, or show the first signs
of a cold.
A laxative then becomes a necessity
for what was a trifling congestion at the
beginning may run Into a serious cold
or fever. No harsh remedy is needed,
but simply a mild laxative-tonic that will
make the liver active and stir un the
bowela. People who havo tried a groat
many things, nnd aro themselves heads
of families who havo seen tho little ills
run to big ones, will tell, you that there
nothing better than Dr. Caldwell's
Hyrup Pepsin, whloh you can obtain at
any drug store for fifty cents or one
dollar a bottle, the latter being the fam
ily size.
Among tho great believers In Syrun
Pepsin for constipation in old or young..
ana as n general household emerirenev
remedy. Is Mrs. J. W. Anderson. Osawa-
tomie, Kans.,. who writes after using one
sample bottle and two dollar bottles of
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin: "On the
plea of tho duty that every one owea to
fellow sufferers, I appeal to all such
who arc bowed In spirit, broken In health
nnd discouraged with life, not to give up
until they have given Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin a fair trial." Syrup Pep
sin Is scientifically compounded and Its
purity Is vouched for. Mothers give it to
tiny babies, and grown people, taking a
little larger nmounfc find it equally f-
"Mtrle," -writes: "1 would like remear for
a pimply, ollr kin. I luffer trom contUpttlon,
hotdiich aad Indication."
Answer; Get from jour druiflit tkrte crtln
ulpberb tablets tat Uke necordlns; to dlrec
lions. Tbete tablets are packed In sealed tubes
and contain full diicttona for uilng. I lit.
found them to be the mot reliable In sucb all-,
meats u arise from constipation. They are
made ot sulphur, cream ot tartar and herb medl
clnes and It taken regularly will cur Tour con
stlpatlon and purtlr the blood, thus causlntl
lour skin to become clear. These are fine for
children, as ther do not sicken.
"Msry" You can eetllr cure jour little tirl
ot bedtetllns by mlilni 1 os. ot com p. fluid
balmwort, ! drams tincture rhusaromatlc; and
I drsm, tincture cubebs. Mix thoroughly and
live In water about one hour before each meal.
10 to IS drops.
Doctor: "Mr blood, stomach and bowels are
badly affected due to a very serere case of ca
tarrh of the head. Can you recommend a cure:'
J. U. 8. You ehould use the following local
der and make a catarrh balm by mlilcg one ilea
SOOOUful Of til DUWder With OU OUDC of OMt.
line or I.rd and use In the nostril, a, far us
powtoie. Alio snun rrom the palm of thr hind
throusn the nostrils the following wash To one.
halt teaipoonful ot Vllane powder add a pint of
rw water aua use two or inree limes dally.
f ar Internal treatment for the blood, stomaih
and bowels obtsln the following Ingredients Mix
Htae wen ana use a teaspoontul four tlm
dsy: fomp. fluid balmwort. 1 oi., fluid oil: art
buenu, i oi., ana comp, (syrup sarsapsrllla, i on.
"3adlo" says: "1 mliplared the prescription
jou seat me it- uinarair sna ucning sruip win
you pleste send It main!"
Answer: There Is nothing better for dandruff,
aa iteaiBg soaip loan plain eiiew minyol wnicn
Is tolii In 4 os. lars at any well stocked drug
store. Use this aeeerdlng to directions end you
wUI soon be cured ot all diseases of the hair
and scalp.
-.Vlns II" write: "Deaie advise me what
t Uke to onereome extreme thinness. My srms
and Irtut have no derewpmeot and my race Is so
thin It Is positively hemelr. although my featurs
are regular."
Answer - Many ladles wou'.d be much more
beauUful If tbey were somewhat fleshier and ss
laetvssw weight Is possible It Is the duty of
every woman to be always st her best. Begin
tsklug three grain hype-nui Isne tablsts. which
re obtained la scaled cartons with directions,
and continue until your weight Is satisfactory.
, i
slslslslslsBBsslHite' ' w,- Iss
desk, looking around for something
throw at him. Chit-ago Tribune.
"Did yoit notice- that woman who Just
passed ? inquired he.
"Tho one." responded she. "with tho
gray hat, white feather, the red velvet
roses, the mauve Jack-t. the block skirt,
the mink furs and the lavender spats?
"Not particularly." Kansas City Jouri
When from tho Mount the Virgin wcnt-
The awful Mount of Calvary
Her slender form was weak and bent
"Thy sorrow Is too great for thee,
Ah, thdu hast tasted blttor wine,
Gethsemane Is ills and thine,"
Said Magdalen, nil wan and spent
Then came a woman through the gloom,
Her eyes like shadows In. the. light
Of torches on the Mount of doom
She -seemed a lost ghost hi the night,
Her white hair hung unkempt and dank.
From her the Magdalen, scornful, shrank
- As ono who seeB n loathely sight.
Then Mary, Mother, sped as fast
As mothers go when young babes cry
(O gentle heart! O love so vast!)
And klesed the woman's eyelids dry!
"O thou to my eyes raise thy face!"
"Not I most cursed of all the race
I In whoso soul all hopo Is past." t
"To thine my sorrow Is as naught,1'
Tho Mother said. The woman wept,
"I Judas bore!" The soldiers caught
Tho words, and spat. "Yea, him I kept
Safe In my arms, heart to my heart.
His shame and death are my part
In life." Her shrieks o'er all sounds
The gracious John looked stern and cold,
He tried to part the close-linked pair,
But Mill tho Mother would enfold
The woman of the wild despair
"My Son is Mercy thou shalt see
The boy that laughed upon thy knee."
Said Magdalen. "The traitor sold,"
"Hush, hush, O friend my IJfe, my Sunt
I see the spear." the Mother said,
"And I will ask the spear pierced One
For this for thee when thou llest dead.
Thou from thy woo shalt find release,
The torture of thy heart shalt eearfc.
Him thou shalt meet." "Ah, Js't well
Said Magdalen, "to give him peace?"
This Fine Remedy
fectlve. It Is mild and gentle, pleasant
tasting and, free from griping.
It does not hide behind a high sound
Ing name and is absolutely freo from any
prohibited Ingredient. Families who onco
use Syrup Pepsin forever after avoid
cathartics, salts, pills and other harsh,
medicines, for these only do temporary
good, are nauseous and a shock' to any
dellcatu system. Such things should
never be given to children.
If nb member of your family has ever
used Syrup Pepsn and you would like to
make a personal trial of It before buying
It In the regular way of a druggist, send
your address a postal will do to Dr.
W. B. Caldwell. 417 Washington St., Mon
tlcello. 111., and a free sample bottle will
be mailed you.
Zetys JSaAor
The questions answered below are gen
eral In character, the symptoms or dis
eases are given and the answers will ap
ply to any case of similar nature.
Those wishing further advice froe, may
address Dr. Lewis Baker. College Bldg.,
Coliege-Elwood Sts.. Dayton. O.. enclos-
reolv nreS8ed 8tampt'd enveIP 'or
reply. Full name nnd address must be
will be h0'? y ,n,Utt,a T flct'Ho. "am,
will be used In my answers. The.nrescnp-
drug a?" be ?tt " wel.ked
whoK.e.aler: drUB6'-St C". 0 C
Kreauentjy a two months- trestment adds IS to
pounds, beside. more cole ,.i!
eek and lips and ,a sparkl
more color to tha
of hsslth to the
eq some time sgn.' J
fr"r'r!I.-'ha" -TMr.glsd'to'reUat tha
formuls. Oet at the drug; store th. ollowirtg n!
od?nUa,:- 4 'drams, wln,
o cofchfeum. one-hslf o..; comp. tu,at'
dlo. 1 oi.; comp. fluid balmwort.' j oi.t and
yrub eareaparllls. S ors. nil, JL ...
PteacrlpUoo tor rheumatism. '
"Charlottaf wtltee: "Some 11.
't? !V0" ",UJ tV -Marie-
- "uu BOO raa. will yo
kindly repeat the formulat"
,?VT: " "r,r tUi 10
formula for you. Get from your ar.i.
oi. package of essence mentho-laxene and mix
wiin noney or home made sueir ,,,i,n .,.
according to directions ghen on the Wtle. This
very niiia Isistlre and will sure-ly cure your
Mid In a few dxs st most, it i. ,...,
hsrmlesa and lcry pleasant to Uke.
Twd" writes: 1 1 V T. -t 1 . ...
cltls for some time, but I .V""0'"
operation. Ur tnm.rh i. i . IT. r' i?.."
also. Can you helo mel" "mouioa
Anawsr: The best sclentlrfn anrf
treatment for you Is tablets trlor.ti.. JirJi
you csn get at any well stocked drug store TheV
are packed In sealed cart 6ns with full direction
for taking. 1 think many eaies of 1mSi.SI
could be prerented If trtop,,,,. 'ij1.
Mrs. T." writes: "i t . '
time and to not seem to t-.SWe to gA Syth InJ
to glr. me strength. I am -nerrius .nJ Snnot
sleep, fould you prescribe a good tonler
WoW V i. m.j. i " ana sen tonle r.
iuui caroamoni. at x or shaking well and uk
a teaipooMliI before m..T. '
for old and young. ...... .u
.Mrs. De.V ..Wi "T m -
how one can reduce th. i.h. i 7 ' .
snd last summer suffered en account of exl
."" - wan you advise a remedy h.m
e and let"
Answer- I have freanntlr
remedy. bt. owinx to Its dlaazreeahla tax. r
am bow preserlblag the sine formula n a tab-
m .ono. ii it win t-graia artoleae tablet
and la sold by druggiits In sesled tubes with
full directions for home use. I sdtlie nnyon
who Is too fleshy to try this excellent iakt.
iwiiiiirrssw mm in..,