TITE OMAITA SUNDAY BUR: MARCH 23, 101.. 3-B What Women Are Doing in the World i. Popular Girl Visitor Clnh Mrellngi. MONDAY Me" tints of the social science department of tlie Omaha Woman's club at club rooms at 2:15 o'clock; mect Iiir of tho younR woman's class In Kuropoan history In the lecture room of the public library at 7:30 o'clock. TUKSDAY Meeting of the Perglan his tory class In the lecture room of the public llbary ut 10:30 o'clock-, meeting of the current topics department of the Omaha Woman's club at the club rooms it 2:1R o'clock: meeting of the house hold economics department of the Cen tury Utcrary club of South Omaha at library hall at 2:30 o'clock. A'KDNKSU AY Meeting of the Mu SlgniR at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. 15. W. Ounther. 320 North Fortieth street; meeting of the current topics class at 10.30 o'clock In the lecture room of the public library; meeting of the Mothers' Culture club at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. G. J. Dutton; meeting of the Frances Wlllard union of tho Woman's Christian Temperance union at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Williams at 2:30 o'clock. riirnSDAY Meeting of the nrt depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club at 10 o'clock at the club rooms; meeting of the Junior branch of the Omaha Society of Kino arts In the lecture room of the public library at 10 o'clock; meeting of the music department of the Omaha Woman's club at 1:15 o'clock. FUIAT Meeting of the French depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club at 10 o'clock nt the club rooms; meeting of tlir French history class In the lecture room of tho public llbary at 10:30 o'clock. Meetlne of the Dorcas club at tho homo of Mrs. William Nleman at 2:30 o'clock; meeting of the West Omaha Mother's Culture club at tho home of Mrs. I. T. White at 2:30 o'clock. .NAS5IUCH as the question of the minimum wage for work ing girls and women Is one of the Important questions be fore the public at the present time, the Social Science de partment of the Omaha Woman's club will give a program on this subject Mon day afternoon, March 21, at 2:15 o'clock. Sirs. D. J. Craighead will have chargo of the program, which will deal with the most Important phases of this subject. It will consist of ten minute talks by Mrs. Sherman Felt, who will speak on "Some l'erhonal Observations of the Conditions of Working Girls;" Miss K. Johnson, "The Needs of the Working Girl for Wholei-omc Recreation;" Mrs. II. C. Sumney, "Working Girls In the Hoinc:" Mrs. F. Follansbee, "Bringing Home In fluence Into the Shop and Factory;" Mrs D. .1. Craighead. "Personal Responsibility of tho Working dlrl." Members of the club and all who ar" Interested In the problem are especially urged to be present. Mm. Craighead was chairman of a commlttee'of women who recently made an Investigation of tho conditions of the working girls In the rlty and Is well acquainted with the sub ject. She has been asked to address the students of tho Commercial High school on this subject Thursday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Earl Stanfleld was hostess at tho meeting of the philosophy and ethics de partment of the Omaha Worannla club, of which Jlrs. Mary R. Newton Is leader. Wedneadny afternoon. A review of th ecture on "The Philosophy of St. Paul From the Jewish Standpoint." given by Itnbbl Colin at an opening meeting of '.lie club recently, was givin by Mrs. ?Janfleld and Miss Carrie Boutelle. Mrs. Kmmanuel Ochrle ead a paper on 'Words and Their Meaning." There will be one more meeting of the department fffCuie the end of the year and this will ae a called meeting at which tho clec ion of officers will take place. An attractive program has been nr anged for the next meeting of the cur ent topic department of the Omaha Woman's club, which will be held on Tuesday afternoon, March 23, at 2:13 )'clock, nt the club rooms. One of tho chief features will bo tho first appearance In Omaha of Mrs. Nd. son Cornelius, a young woman from the with; a graduate and former Instructor . Dobblnson's School of Expression at -os Angeles. Mrs. Nelson Cornelius conducted the "Nlederland School of Expression" at At iRiita. On., where she was also a ro worker of Kmma Coburn. New Tork'o leading clubs, among them the Dixie, the llunpiv and the Theatergoers Club of ........ . pw vork City, have highly Indorsed her. She will be assisted at the Piano by Mrs. Lauskoy Smith. C. O. Cunningham will give an address on Constitutional Government and Federal Constltutlon-A layman's View" A Paper or, "The Growth of Edition for Ao,nan' will be given by Mrs. i.anskov Members, friends of the department and s .dents of expression are cordially In nn,n.' , Par,'ame,ltl'-y Practice will be omitted and the program will begin Promptly at 2:30 o'clock The musical department of ths Roman's club, under tho leadership of iss uuti, oanson. will meet Thursday ' Marc, at 1:M ,m sharp YnL ? ' A" members a-" cordially I - -..:.. , a aepartmont at, Dver for tho musical department. CotleZ u LHMryed Bt th Club' ac """""or entitled to one guest. The program for the afternoon will u a . i Bram. In charge of Miss Helen SadilcK, i former pupil of Scharwenka. Those as. listing MISS Sadllek will be Leon Welt man. vlollnlat: Mrs. J. 8. Horton. so Prano. and Mrs. Walter Silver, pianist Besides a paper .on Xaver Scharwenka. funic of his compositions wllb bo ren dered. . ' The Mu SIcniR wl'l rnot Wednesd iv morning at the home of Mrs. E. W. Urn- "uiui roniem street, at 10 o'clock. Hew J. A. Jenkins will give a, v.iui- UI me imkc school of Poetry." The Benson Woman's club will meet ijt the home of Mrs. Williams Wednes day ufternoon at 1 o'clock. It will bo ,i rtvll service meeting and Mrs. atasoi vlll have charge of the current events. The household economics department ill the .South Omaha rvm,, iu.r club will meet at the home of Mrs. ?. , C. Howe, XH K street. Tuesday alter-1 noco at 2:30 o'clock. Miss Neva Turner; of Omaha will give a talk on "House Sanitation." The Frances Wlllard union of the' Women's Christian Temperance union ulll meet Wednesday afternoon at iO o'clock ut the home of Mrs. C. H. . Newall. 20SS Maple street. It will be an all-day meeting and all Interested in mltslon work are cordially invited to at-, tend. I The young women's rlan In European' History will meet In the lecture loom of the public library Monday evening nt t:'J0 o'clock. The Persian history class will met Tuesday morning ut 10:30 o'clock In the ! lecture room of the public library. The current topics clays will meel j Wednesday morning nt 10:30 o'clock n the lecture room of the public library. The French history' class will meet Fri day morning at 10:30 o'clock In tho lco turo room of the public library. Mrs. C. I. Vollmqr entertained the mem- bers of the Omaha Suffrage association at a tea Wednesday afternoon. A de lightful program was given by Mrs. il. G. J. Lehman, Mrs. W. C. Sunderlanu, Miss Minerva Qulnby and Mrs. Vollmor. A soclnl meeting Is held onco a month j me association to lhte!Pi new n.n I bers In the work of wonmnn's suffrage. Mrs. Vollmcr was hostess of the March meeting. At the Unity church, next Friday even ing ut 6 o'clock, dinner will be given In honor of Pfof. Frederick Ames Stuff of tho University of Nebraska by ho people who have attended his course of lectures this winter. Dinner will be served In the church parlor, followed by a short musical program. At 8 o'clock Prof. Stuff will give his lecture, "How to Find and Use the Unwritten Litera ture of Life." Mrs. G. W. Holdrege, Miss Janet Wallace, Mrs. Kuthcrinc J. D. Edholm, Miss Mararet Colvln und Mm. Grant Pursons, nro the committee, in chalrgc of tin; dinner and entertainment. The Sunday afternoon vesper service at the Young Women's Christian associa tion, held In the auditorium at 4:30, will be a special Easter meeting. The ubsocla tlon chorus will furnish special music, and there will be a solorby Miss Blanche Sorenson, the choniB director. Miss Strong, general secretury. will give the address. Tho social hour which follows each of tho vesper services Is a de lightful time to make friends with our !ioung women, and all strangers are cor Ulally Invited to come and spend the Sun day afternoon with us. On Monday evening, Is the March party. This Is for tho members of the association and for all young women In the city, who arc interested In our work. There will bo a scries of Easter "stunts," ahd Mrs. George Shields will give a short program of dialect readings and imper sonations In cosume. A cordial Invita tion Is extended to all young women by the social committee. Monday Is tho opening day of tho membership cninpalgn. Owing to the much shorter length of time In this yenr's campaign, thero Is a special need for many workers and for great activity among them. The south parlor on the first floor will be the campaign office, and Miss Johnson, membership secretary, will bo glad to confer, there with anyone wishing further Information. On Thursday noon Is tho monthly noon musical which Is held In tho association nudltorlum from 12:15 to 1 o'clock. This Is free to women and gentlemen, and friends arc urged to drop In for what ever length of time they may have In their noon hour. It Is a "come-nn-go" concert. The program will bo directed by Miss Clara Slefken. "The First Aid to the Injured" lecture on Tuesday evening, wilt bo given by Dr. J. M. Alkln. The subject will Dei "The Brain und Nervous system. Un consciousness from different causes. Hys terical attacks, convulsions, sunstroke, hcartstroke, lightning stroke, and fits. Tho practice work will be the emergency treatment of each. Admission to the lec tures Is to members of the association, cither to single lectures or to the course. The West Omaha Mother's Culture clubs will meet at tho home of Mrs. P. T White, Friday afternoon at 2;IW o clock Mrs P T. Barber will read a lovper on "Tl . Value of Teaching Chltdicit tu Know and Love Birds, and H.v to Ac- tmplUu it." Mis. Voir win tnil of what the government has done for tlh. pi election of birds and Mrs. Carnileliaei will toll what the different societies have aono alon.it then lines. Mrs. K. O. Hamil ton will gUe a plniui solo and the women's quartet. Mesdames Tntcsdell, Doxler, Carmlchael and Hamilton will jilvo several numbers. Tho Dorcns club will Friday afternoon meet at 2:30 o'clock ut the home of Mrs. William Nleman, 3S40 Franklin street. The .ork of the afternoon will be to make drosses for the Child Saving Institute. Tho Mother's Culture club will meet at the home of Mrs. C. J. Dutton, 351(1 Lin coln boulevard, Wednesday afternoon at 2l30 o'clock. Mrs. J. F. Beard will read a paper on "How We Teach Love, Grati tude and'Itcspect." Others who will as sist Vn the program nro Mrs. It. W. Koch. Mrs. J. C. Aldrlch and Mrs. C. N. Slsco. The regular mnnthlv meetlne of tlin Woman's auxiliary of Omahu. South Omaha and Florence will be held ut St. Andrews' church on Friday afternoon, March SS. at 2:30. U. S. Grant Womnn'H Belief Corps will be entertained by Mrs. It. 8. Wilcox, 1S0J Lothron street, on Tnrmlnv nfinriinmi March 25. , Pralrlo Purk Ncedlo Craft. "The Widow Sniggles," and her five daughters will dp Hostess at tho next meeting of tho Prairie Park Needle Craft Tuesday after noon, March 25. at 2:30, at which time they will give a highly Instructive and educational program. Tha Social Settlement Dramatic club will give "Tho Whlto Illgrlm" nt the Brandols theater Monday evening, April 7. Tho club has given several plays ut Turner hall during Its existence of three years, but has never undertaken nny thing quite so pretentious as this. "The White Pilgrim" Is an allegorical play written by Herman Merlvale, an English man, and was first produced at tho Court theater of IOndon In 1S7S. Tho four acts are laid In Finland In thrf twelfth cm tury when Christianity was first heard of there. The sotting Is tho same through out tho four acts, tho castle of tho pagan earl on one side of tho stage nud tho chapel for religious services of the Chris tians on tho other, and throughout we seo the conflict of religions, tho pagan earl falling In love with the maiden wha Is enthusiastic over tho new religion. "The White Pilgrim" represents death and tho allegory running through tho wholo Is very Interesting. As far as wo know this Is the first production of this play In America. The cast follows: Harold James J. Domct Rolf V. L. Cavnnnugh Slirurd CharleB E. McvYvIn Sir Hugo T. J. A. Crulg Frioth John W. Huffman Lfcofiic Ellna Camel' Thordlba Mnmlu Itnk Gerda Mumlo Bloup Lady Isabelle Murle Oslronlc White Pilgrim Joy Hlgglns Attendants, etc. Mrs. Mary Neol of Crawford, who Is campaign chairman or the Sixth district for woman's suffrage, has been nsked to speak at tho district meeting of tho fed crated clubs which will meet at Alliance, Neb., tho first week In May. Mrs. M. M.CIafflln of Lincoln, T.'ho inarched In the suffrage parade at Wanh Ington March 3, Is now busy telling of the affair. Mis. Clafflln says, 'tho af fair has done more to create sympathy WORKING ON THE MINIMUM WAGE FOR WOMEN. MUS. D. O. CltAIGHHAD. for tho causo than 100 parades In the country." Mrs, Clafflln has been VsHed to address the women of Nehawka und Geneva some time during the first week of April. The baby health contest committee of the household show met Tucsd'iy at tha executive headquarters In tho lice build ing. Tho nttendnnco was large and as the plans wero developed much enthusi asm was In evidence. As fur ns completed tho list of sub committees and chairman Includes: Publicity nud advertising, Mrs. 11. E. McKelvey. Awards and premiums, Mrs. J, L. Adams. Place and equipment. Mrs. W. S. Holler. Entries and enrollment, Mrs. C. L. Hemple. Judges und nsnlstants, Mrs. D. U, Craig head. Figuring score enrds ond luplicates, IMrs. F. A. Follansbee. Child welfare exhibit, Mrs. J. D. Hess. Educational program, Mrs. F. II. Cole. Tho object of this contest Is to arouso Interest locally and bring homo to tho citlzonshlp of Nebraska a realization of responsibility to Its children; that It Is a part of our business, perhaps tho most Important part, to do all wo can to de velop tho highest typo of men and women; that tho very existence of the state de pends upon Its babies, it Is also posstblo through these contests, conducted ns tlioy nro on a strictly sclenttflo basis, to se cure and complin Information which, will assist parents, educators and scientists -to better understand the laws of child de velopment. In Its March number tho Woman's Homo Companion says editorially of tho campaign for better babies: "The Idea Is so tremendous In lis far rcachlng significance that it Is possiblo to realize only a small part of what .t may mean. In two generations It may bring about a social revolution, advanco civilization by leaps nnd bounds, and make the men and woman of the whole world happier and better." Entries to tho baby contest may ba made now by applying to the chairman or Mrs. C L. Hemple, 2515 Davenport street. In accordance with Mrs. Wall's icquest only babies from 1 to 3 years of age will be taken. The annual business meeting of thj household economics depaitmcnt of tho Omaha Woman's club won held Thursday morning In at the club rooms. TLb lol lowing officers were elected: Mrs. FroJ. irhk J Burnett, leader; Mrs. F. B. Bry ant, nsMstuut leader; Mrs. T. H. Tracy, gocretuiy and treasurer. The time of tho meeting was taken up largely with housekeeping problems. The Junior branch of tho Flno Arts roclcty will meet Thursday and nn elec tion of officers will tako place. Mrs. Charles Kountze has charge of tho pa pers. The Mississippi Valley Suffrage confer euro will meet In St. lxuls April 2. 3 and t. when nineteen states will bo rep resented from Louisiana and Atabamu to Wisconsin and North Dakota and from Illinois and Indiana to Oklahoma and KJkt-U(1n Vflh,ni1in tin Miai-a rnllr.i. Rented by tho stnto president. Mrs. Dra per Smith; Mrs. W. C. Sunderland, Mis Frank A. Harrison, Mrs. Charles Kountze, Mrs. John T. Stewart, 2d; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dempster and probubly a dozen more, from Omaha. There arc no elected delegates sent to this confer once which Is open to nil suffragists and Is to be u conference on campaign meth ods with speakers of national prominence on tho programs each day. The How Caroline Bartlctt Crane of Michigan, who has gained wide famo from her cam paign for food Inspection, will bo ono of tho speakers. Governor Folke of Mis souri will bo another spenker and Regi nald Kauffman, the author; Mrs. Katha rine. Waugh McCulloch, Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton of Ohio, Miss Virginia Brooks of West Hammond fame, Miss Desha Breckenrldgo and Miss lnurn Clay of Kentucky and many more will bo thero to speak fronl their experience nnd knowledge on suffrage matters nnd to discuss campaign methods. Mrs. Dra per Smith and Mrs, Harrison will both be on tho program us speakers, tho former to talk on tho "Form of Organ ization Needed Throughout the State to Influence Logtslatlvo Action," and Mrs. Harrison's subject will be "Securing a Suffrage Tlank In Political Party Plat form." Tho Buckingham hotel will be tho meeting place for tho conference, but Mrs. Wlllnrd Bartlett of St. Louts has secured entertainment In some 'of St Louis' most beautiful homeji for nil dele gates who apply to her, Bryan Makes Call Not on the Program Mr. Bryan made ono visit wlillo hero which was not on tho entertainment com mltteo'n program. Ho rodo out to tho rcsldonco of Edwnrd P. Bcrryman to pay him his personal compliments. Mr. Bcrryman Is an Invalid nnd has been for a year or more, ever slnco ho suffered a stroke of paralysis. Tlmo was when ho nnd Mr. Bryan, ns politi cal leaders In tha state, did not always; agree, Berrymon sometimes siding with tjie ultru-conservntlstn of tho Jackson la ns, of which faction ho was a leader, but hn and Mr. Bryan have usually been the best of friends and It Is said he was deeply touched by thin kindness on Mr. Bryan's part. Hamilton Cafe WETTIE B. WETBCBEU, Zitiice and Mngr. Easter Sunday Dinner 50c MENU Cream of Tomato Olives Celery Filet of Sole, Maltre d'Hotel Supremo of Chicken Boiled Ittco Itoast Breast of Veal with Dressing New Potatoes In Cream String Beans Asparagus Vinaigrette Custard Plo Angel Pudding loe Cream and Cake Tea Coffee Milk Sunday Evening Supper 35c EVERY SUNDAY ThcHamilton 'aPopuIarity In Increasing dally. Under the preHont now management It la al ready a success. Strangers are coming In dally only to become regular patrons. Noonday Business Lunch 35c Is bringing pntroim out of their way. They aro pleased and they como back. Especially If you are In business In this neighborhood, don't go down town. Try' this 35o lunch. Persistent Advertising Is tho Itoad to Big lleturns. Cleaning or Dyeing Hade Over Garments If you havo any made-over gar ments to be cleaned or dyed, these suggestions should be fol lowed, Hip your garments entirely, apart nnd send the pieces to the cleaner Just as they nro: he can then clean or dye und finish them on the cylinder, which leaves the goods more like new than any other method. TUt work only can be finished on tho cylinder. If you do not care to rip it U apart, do what ripping In required, making sura to remove all trimming and but tons, then send to him. Trimming con then be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning will not; benefit goods that nrt faded or show pleat marks they must be steam cleaned, and sometimes that will not fix them then It becomes necessary to dyo them some dark shade. Nover make over a garment and then send It to bo cleaned; havo It cleaned flrat and you will get satisfactory work; that Is, tf you send It to us. Wagons everywhere. JamtclliMTp 'tiOODGLEANBRS AND DYERS" , 1515-17 JONES ST.f Phones Doucus 3 1 n a A-3K8 GUY LIGGETT pres. CHAS A. MANN Consulting, Mechanical and Kloctrlcal Englneor. DoBlgn, Construction. Valuation QAS ELECTRICWATER SUPPLY 1015 Ashlnn'l Block, Chicago, 111. Special Early Spring Sale of Furniture An early spring means early housecleaning and some early buying for the house. To encourage this early buying tendency we announce an early Spring Sale for this week, offering you a wide choice in the furniture, drapery and rug departments tit figures far beneath regular prices. Absolutely new spring goods just arrived. Note the prices below; just a few of the many. Surprising Values in Up -to -Date Curtains Every pattern now and fresh. In cluded In tho assortment aro fancy Swiss Curtains, Nottingham and Cablo Nets, Vollep, Scrims and Marquisettes, Brussels Net, Irish Point, Duchess, Cluny, real Ara bian and Renaissance. 11.35 Curtains, pair 95 ?2.50 Curtains,' pair.'. . . -S1.45 $3.50 Curtains, pair S1.95 ?4.00 Curtains, pair S2.25 $5.00 Curtains, pair $3.00 $0.00 Curtains, pair S3. 50 $7.00 Curtains, pair S4.50 $8.00 Curtains, pair S5.00 $10.00 Curtains, pair S6.50 $12.00 Curtains, pair S7.50 $15.00 Curtains, pair SO. 50 $17.50 Curtains, pair.. $11.05 $22.50 Curtains, pair.. SI 1. 95 $25.00 Curtains, palr..S17.50 20c Curtain Swiss, 36 inches wide, all styles; your choice . .12V 75c Curtain Not In white, cream and Arab, yard 49t $5.00 Couch Cover, GO inches wide, 3 yards long; your choice, each S3.75 1 $13.50 Brass Bed, $9.75 $45 MAHOGANY BED, $37.50 Solid Mahogany Four Post Bed. This is u real bargain as you will see at a glance. Sale price .$37.50 An extra speclul value, 2-Inch post brans oca, uiieu wun unn n-in. nuing rous. 1. A 1 I .1 I.Ia... Bprlngs sufficient to mako mi beautifully: Bale nrico. . nUtnro rr rr 1 1 1 n r 1 r nrtrnH nt 49ft tn tflK sale price S20.75 to S57.50 ii (HUB i"uo $9.75 $10 FELT MATTRESS, $6.75 This is our best seller, made of unbleached felt, covered with durable art tick, full bound and tufted; weighs full 30 pounds. You pay n -rp $10 or more anywhere else sale price. . .y0t 0 $27.60 DINING TABLE $17.80 0 o n u i n o Hastings Tyden Locked oak dining table, ex tends six feet. Either golden oak or fumed. Removable top. Don't confuse this tablo at this price with the ordinary table. 17 ft Sale price 2)1 ,0U $47 Wing Chair, $37.50 $10 DESK, $7.75 A luxurious chair from tho best factory making upholstered furniture. High sracio materia throughout , and covered hi tapestry; salo price . , $37.50 Ladles' writing desk, oak or ma hogany finish, richly polished strongly made; nicely arranged In terior. Ono long drawer, fitted wun iock and new stylo wood knobs; sale price $7.75 See Our Special Values in Rugs and Carpets Largo assortment any sizo you want at reduced prices for this week. We havo tho finoi Anglo-Persian rugs in many sizes and an especially fine lot of Body Brussels rugs, including the chintz designs so desirable in chamber rugs. For Odd Pieces at Odd Prices, Visit Our Bargain Basement. A PKW SPKCIAIj PRICES $3.00 Bath Room Hugs, inado like rag carpet; special ....$1.95 $8.50 Royal Wilton Rugs, 36x03- inches S6.75 Saxony Rugs, room size, 83x10-6; special S45.00 Saxony Rugs, 9x12 $50.00 Axmlnster, 8-3x10-6, at S21.50 to $24.50 Axmlnster, 9x12, at $25.00 to $27.50 Royal Wiltons, 8-3x10-6 ...$39 Royal Wiltons. 9x12 ...$41.50 Kxtra flno Wilton, 8-3x10-6. at $43 OO Extra flno Wilton, 9x12, $46.80 $2.50 Body Brussels Rugs, 22x26- Inoh; special $1.50 Larger sizes at $H to $32.75 Linoleum, Imported and domeatlo makes, sq. yard 50tf to $1.35 BEATON & LAIER CO 415-17 South Sixteenth Street raymtnU if Yon Wlah.