Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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Visiting in Omaha
2 B
Society Will Now Renew Its Activi
ties Abandoned for Lent.
t'rclnhtoii I'nn-Ilpllrnlcs to Give a
Hop Next 3!ontli HlK lllnnrr
' Ilancr nt the (Imnlin Clnli
Tomorrow 'IrIiI.
.Sorlnl t'nlrnilnr.
MONDAY Dinner dance at thp Omaha
. hiii. Mr. and Mr. II. H Haldrige.
Ilnner at Omaha club for Mrs. E
Plmcn Hlrd of New York; Mrs, Joseph
Hrne, luncheon for Miss Kmtnn Hall
larston of fnUlc: Mrs. V. H. Gaines,
afternoon brieve for Mr. Hill and Mrs.
Hovey or Kansas City; Mrs, George
Doane hostess of the Army Urldge
ilut). Mm. V 11. Hhoafles, hostess of
the Dunde? I,inehoon club, I.aHulle
UanrlnK party at Chamber.
Tl ESDAY-rhHi-lty hall for 1e Me
morial hospital at Auditorium. Miss
Katherlm Thummel. hostess of the
Debutante Bridge club; Mr. J M,
llanllnK. hostess of the Auction Hrldgc
. tub. Miss Bather Byrne, cvcnlrm
hridRe for Miss Kmma Italllargcon of
Beattlc. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Turner
Jr theater party for Mrs. 15. Dlmond
Hlrd of New York; Mr. and Mr, D.
M Vlnsonhalcr, bridge supper for Mrs.
Hill and Mrs. llovey of Kansas City,
Mr. J. II. Duntont. hostess of the
Thimble club; Mrs. Carl F. Hartmann.
at home at Kort Omaha; Bt-A-VIrp
ilaro e nt Chambers.
WEDNESDAY Mrs. Oeorge Prlnz, host
ess of the Original Cooking club; Mist
Carolyn Congdon. evening bridge for
M. Kmma Dalllargcon of Heattlo,
l:lks' club dancing party at club rooms;
Mrs. K. V. Frary. hostess of the Eu
reka card club; Mrs. William Crjchton.
hostess of the Thocnlx curd club, Mrs,
John Hoist, hostess of tho Four-Four
club; Mr. Ivan Longworth, hostess of
the Wednesday club.
TH l' IX8D A Y M rs. Charles T. Kountzo,
hostess of tho Garden club; bridge
benefit for the Child Bavins Institute
at Jacobs' hall.
1'ltIDAY Mr. and Mr, Mosher Col pet
zrr, dinner for Mrs. E. Dlmon Bird of
New York City; Mrs, Robert Anglln,
afternoon bridge for Mrs. Hill and Mrs.
Hovny of Kansas City; Tan club danc
ing party at Metropolitan Club; Uni
versity of Omaha April Fool party.
HATl'ItDAY Omaha Junior club danc
ing party at Country club: Kappa.
Kappa Gamma luncheon at Flat Iron
hotel; PaJImpsest club dinner at Omaha
club, for Professor Fling; Hungry
club Orphcum party and supper at
Several engagement announcements
v.cre expected Easter Sunday, but Instead
the announcements win be mado at Boclal
entertainments or shortly before the wed
dines. A real princess of Ak-Sar-Ben will be
ono of the autumn brides. She Is a tall
and beautiful brunette and will marry an
i astern man. Tho formal announcement
will not be made until early summer.
Another engagement Is that of a
tU'butante of two seasons ago. Bho In un
usually accomplished and wilt marry a
prominent young business man of this
city. The announcement will bo mode
within the next few weeks.
Society Is anxiously awaiting two other
announcements In the younger set
Travelers Returnine.
The traveling cantlngent ore returning
Home In largo numbers. Telegrams were
received Saturday announcing the arrival
In New York of a pnrty of Omnhans
fiom Panama, Including Mr, and Mrs.
Gould Diet, Mrs. Putman, Mrs. Dlctx.
nt , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Brandels
and Mr and Mrs. Fred Metz.
Mr nnd Mrs. John' R Brady, who havo
spet the winter at Belle Air, Fla.. ar
rived Friday. r
Mr. arid Mr. Jerome Mageo and chil
dren, who havo been 'In the south slnco
the first of the year, returned homo
Mrs. John N. ' Baldwin has returned
from a visit with her son, Jack Baldwin,
In Portland, Ore.
Mrs. Frank Colpetzer arrived home
Saturday fr6m, Chicago whero she stop
iM to visit her daughter, Mrs. Harry
Wllkltis, on her way from Belle Air, Flo.
Mr and Mm. C. H. Pickens and Miss
PJrkens tre expected today from, Cali
fornia. Mr and Mrs. Ward Burgess are ex
pected home Sunday ifrom their Call
fornla trip.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. n. Scoblo will remain
at Ormande, Fla., over Easter and go to
New York about April 1 before coming
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. rtugg have returned
frpm ft tour of the West Indies and a
Melt to the Panama cannl.
Sanford 'Clifford, son of Dr. and Mrs.
Ulfford. has returned from Cornell uni
versity, where he has Just completed his
For the Easter Vacation.
Miss Ida Rowrna Darlow. who attends
Hryn Mawr college, will spend Easter
vacation with her uncles, Solon and Out
son Borglum at Stanford. Conn.
Mr Arthur Crittenden Smith will
"pond the Easter holidays with her
daughter. Harriet. In New Tork City.
Misn Genie Patterson arrived Thursday
In Chicago to spend the EaBter vacation
there with her sister, Mrs, Ben Boyce.
Miss Mona Oowell. who Is a sophomore
Vaisar college, will spend her vaca
t on with friend In qioueetter, Mas.
Mini Gertrude Met and-Miss Harriot
lifts will spend their Raster vacation In
ew York City with Mr. and Mrs.
t hnrles Metz,
Miss Eleanor Mackay will be In Bleh
nioivC Va., for thq Easter vacation, the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Williams of
'hat city.
Mlra KatherJne M. Fah. wljo U attend
ing (he National Cuthollo school at
Mount St. Alban. Washington, D. C, will
rnd her Easter vacation at Atlantic
Itv N. 3.
Creighton Pan-Hellenic Hop.
One of the most 'pretentious dances
ker attempted by students of Crelgh
tn, university will be given at
fiambers Dancing academy Wednesday
enlng, April 2, when five fraternities of
the professional departments wll unite
" a Pan-Hellenic dsnce. The five
' atsthe Phi ntio Sigma and Phi Beta
Mi of the medical department, the Delta
. gina Delta of the Dental college, and
' Delta Phi Delta and the Gamma Kta
flamma of the Law college, have a com
bined membership of about WO students,
awl all are now boosting for the hop.
Tho outlook at this time Is that there
vUl be about" 1W couples at the dunce.
Only active frat members, those pledged
to the various frmts.-or alumni members
of the frats, wilt be admitted.
This Is the first time In the history
of the university that the societies have
combined on any social function and
members of the different organizations
ar quite enthuriastlo over tho affair,
it has been talked of during the whole
if the school year, but It Is only within
tile last month, after all the departmental
dance had taken place, that all finally
Tbo decoration planned by the stu-j
Mns. GEonan m. campbelu
Formorly Miss Muttlo Ilobortson.
dents will outdo anything ever seen at a
student affair In Omaha. Tho colors will
be blue und white bunting, which will
drape tho balcony nnd bo caught up nt
frequent Intervals with university Bhlelds.
All of the lights are to he frosted In sub.
dued effect. On the first floor numerous
cosy corners will bo placed.
What will probably bo tho most novel
thing of Its kind is tbo old Dutch milt,
which will bo In tho southwest corner.
There will be no stream, hoWevcr, to
turn the wheel, but In Its place' will bo
tho punch bowl of the occasion from
which two Dutch "kiddles" will' orvc. .
Tho pTogruniH will be painted In water
colors, and each lady's program will be
suspended from ono yard of ribbon.
House Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Loo Huff, who have re
cently moved Into their now home at .401
North Thirty-ninth street, are entertain
Ing cloven couples fiom Grand Island
and IJncoln at a week-end houso party.
Mr. and Mrs. Huff formerly lived nt
Grand Island nnd later at Lincoln and
the bringing together of these old 'friends
la an enjoyable, occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Huff entertained nt din
ner Saturday night for their guests.
The color scheme was yellow and- white
and Easter decorations. After dinner the
evening was spent In dancing.
The houso guests from Grand Jslnnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Oorspaehcr,
Mr. ami Mr. Mux J. ICg.Te.
Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Rogers.', ''
Mr. und Mrs. R. W. Bock. , ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. William Ivers, '
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. JUmlc. - 1
Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. A.rCarey, ' :
Mr, nnd Mrs. J. K Kaufmann.
iMIss Pauline Rpethmarin
From Lincoln!
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Sidles. ..
Mr. and Mrs. W, D, Uutiur.
The Omaha guests, were: ,
Mr. and M.o. If. M. Goutfif)?r
Mr. and Mrs. 13. i I, Bruining. .k-
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gliler,
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Slford, ' .
Mr. und Mrs. E. A. Hlg?Hw,
Mr. and Mrs. Atbrt Kruff.
Mr. and Mrs. John McShane,
Mr. i ul Mrs, Harry Chuptnuii,
Mr. .,n.l Mrs. It. U Kent,
Mr. ..nd Mrs. II. N. Peters,
Mr. und Mrs. P. Kodwels, Council Bluffs,
Mr. Carl Bock,
Easter Egg Hunt is Postponed.
For the first time In twenty-one year,
Miss Anna Crnry has postponed the an
nual Easter egg hunt on the spacious
lawn of her homo on St. Mary' avenue.
Owing to tho snow and cold weather,
MIsS Crary has decided to postpone tho
event one week, and If the weather re
mains cold, the egg hunt will again be
postponed. Invitations liave been Issued
for a week from today at 3 o'clock. MIm
Crarys nieces .and nephews will be the
guest of honor and about twenty-five
children will bo present.
Visitors Entertained.
Kaater brings a number of attractive
visitors to Omaha this year. Their en
tertainment wilt extend over this week
and those who are already here Includo
Mrs. B. Dlmon Bird, who arrived Satui
day from New York to spend tyo weeks
with her parents. Colonel and Mrs. S.
S. Curtis. Mrs. Bird will be the Kutt
of honer Monday evening ut the dinner o
be given by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bald
rlge at tho Omaha club dltinor dance.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Turner. Jr., will give a box party for
her at the BraiMeis and Friday Mr. nnd
Mr. Moshler Colpetzer will entertain
at dinner for her. Mr. and Mrs, William
K. Martin will give u supper Sunday
evening of next week for Mrs. Bird, and
a number of other dinners are being
planned In her honor, dates for which
are not yet set.
Judge and Mr. Vlnsonhalcr have us
their guttata Mrs. Hill, sister of Mrs.
Vlusonhnler, and Mrs. Porter Hoyey,
both of Kansas City. The' arrived Fri
day and In their honor Judge and Mra.
Vlnsonhalcr will give a bridge supper
Tuesday evening. Mr. V. H. Gulne will
entertain at bridge Monday afternoon und
Mrs. Robert Anghn Friday
Mis Ruth Bayle of Oakr Park, UL, U
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Casper E.
Yost, and will be here aeveral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Proudflt and 'small
daughter arrived Saturday from Lincoln
to spend Easter nt "Hillside" with Mrs.
Proudflt's mother, Mrs. Morgan, and Mr.
and Mrs. Yates.
Miss Helen Cudahy of Chicago will
spend Easter In Omaha with Iter ststor,
Mrs. Frank Wllhelm, having reached
here Saturday.
Mlal Emma Balllargcon of Seattle,
Wash., who Is a guest of Miss Esther
Byrne, will bo tho guest of honor at ov
ernt parties next week. Mrs. Joseph
Byrne will entertain at luncheon Monday
lir licrrhonor, and Tuesdny evening Miss
Byrno will entertain at a bridge party.
Wednesday evening Miss Caroline Cong
doir will gtvo a bridge party.
Farewell Party.
MIsh Ella Peterson of 1101 North
Twenty-third street, South Omaha, en
tertained at bridge last night In honor
of Miss Mlttle Ward, 1920 Lothrop street.
Miss Ward Is to leave Omaha next week
for Saskatchewan, Canada, to reside.
Mr. 11, O. Palmer gave a series of read
ings Including selections from Kipling.
The following were present:
Hortense Eads,
Betilah Davis,
Stella Jensen,
Georglna Davis,
Francis Wlllard,
Bertram Jacobson,
Walter Loomls,
Dr. A. A. Frlcke,
Samuel Crozlcr,
Earl Hancy,
Laura PoterBon,
Vera DuBols,
Grace Peterson,
Mlttle WiinJ,
Eli, Peterson,
Will Johnson.
Ieo Wilson,
Hurd Stryker,
Harry O. Palmer.
Greenstreet-Curtis Wedding.
Mra Cora I. Curtis unnounces the mar
rlago of her daughter, Lticlle Curtis Race,
to Mr. Hurry C,NGrcenstrect of this city.
The wedding was celebrated Saturday
evening nt 8:30 o'clock, only members of
thn family being present. Rev. Milton
Bryant Williams of tho First Methodist
Episcopal church officiated. Out-of-town
guests were Mrs. E. Paul Shaw of Lin
coln. Neb., sister of the bride, nnd M. V,
Sidney Greenatrcet of New York City,
brother of tho groom.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Greenstreet will be at
home after April 1 at 3327 Cuming street.
Surprise Party.
A pleasant surprise was given Mr. C.
L. Jones nt the homo of Mrs. J. S. Hut
stead, A color scheme, of green and
whlto was carried out, one of the fea
tures being the place cardn with a pic
ture of the guest of honor. Mrs. Jouos
leaves this week to make her future
home In Portland. Prises were won by
Miss Christie and Mrs. Jehoo. Those
present were:
K, Vose,
A. J. Ktherldge,
II. E. Orates,
Hugh Jehoo,
A. Baldwin,
Ellnna Passmore,
Trace Brooker.
Anna Brehman,
Annie Doyle,
M. Llghtcap,
K. Hemphill.
J. N. Halstead,
C. L. Jones.
' Misses
Annie Cuff,
Bessie Christie,
Lota Booth.
Clara Van Kuran.
Frairie Park Bazaar.
The Pralrls Tark Ncedlecraft club will
hold a bazaar at the' club house the even
ing of March 28 and the afternoon and
evening of March . Mrs. W. H. OIIIM
will have charge of the home vioKlnc
booth, Mrs. W. A, Chase of. the Ncedls
craft booth, Mrs. 13. H. Hagensick the
candy booth, Mrs. B. Q. King aprons and
caps and Mrs. E. L. Oouto will presldu
In the Japanese tea room. A musical
program will be given and refreshments
will be served.
Howard-Turner Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Bessie Turner it
Hiawatha, Kan., to Dr. William K. How.
ard of Oreana, III., was celebrated Hat
urday afternoon at4 the residence of tho
officiating c.ergyman. Rev. W. H. Un
derwood. Dr. Howaid has Just returned
from a four years' stay In the Philippines.
Beturn for Easter.
Mr, and, Mrs. Andrew Tmynor returned
A Special
Wo bought tho
Sample Ostrich Feather Co
304 Altman Bldg., Kansas City
Tholr ontlro stock of flno Ostrich
French Plumes and willow plumes,
fancy feathers, Imported flowers and
untrimmed hats at
30c on the Dollar
fir j. 1. and walt ior tk greatest
W&tCH Ostrich sale over held in
Friday from a stay of several weeks In
Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Updejrraff. who have
been spendlnc a month on tho Pacific
coast, have returned home.
Stein-Pregler EnBaeement.
air. ana Mrs. a. i Pregler announce
the encagement of their daughter, May,
to Mr. Harry Stcln of C6uncll Dluffa, la.
For the Future.
Tho Columbian Clrplo will entertain at
IL.I. m ... A V ' '
inuir nun, i wcniy-eeconu anu iocuji
atrcct, Thursday evening, Marph 27
Club Dancing Party.
The Tom Mooro club will Blve a dancing
party Monday, March 24, at the now Arm
brust hall, Twenty-fourth and Vinton
Hulke-Haubenu Engagement.
The engagement Is announced of Miss
Ellso Ilaubens, niece of Mr. Henry Ilau
bens, to Mr. Hans A. Hulke. Tho wed
diner will take place the first week In
0. H. S. Alumni Hop,
Tho annual alumni hop of the Omaha
High school vyajj held Friday evening at
Chambers' Dancing academy. The hall
was decorated with purplo arid: white,
thn school colors, and with pennants of
tho clauses of 19t0, 1911 and 1912.
Los Htboux club had the only cozy
corner which was decorated with tho
club colors, grey and black. The com-
mlttee In charge of th dance was Quy
Beckett and Phil Downs. Patrons and
patronesses were:
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woodrough,
Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Orlmes.
Those present were:
Misses Misses
Helen ingwerbon, Kutherlno .New
Helen Garvin. branch,
Margarelta Burke, Gertrude Alkln,
lCUrabeth Oould, Mabel Allen,
Helen Howe.
Katharine Daven
port. tluth FHzgernld.
Sylvia Hoover,
Elizabeth Crawford,
Alice Prodfltt'of
Margaret Weaver,
Sarah I Add of
Rita Carpenter,
Mary Taylor,
thou. Bkrlver.
Condra of Lincoln, Corrlne Searle,
Maragret uurKe, Jxm iiowara,
Irene McQulre,
Ann Russell,
Louise Hupp,
Janet Chase of
Loulno Bedwell,
Marie Freeland.
Doris wood,
Adelaide Wood,
Ann Noblo,
Mildred Bacon..
Margaret McFurlane.Ruth Newton
Agnes oiey, rernne.
Adelaide Funk- Vera liast.
hiaser, Merle Coffman,
Corrlne KlHott, Mable Strombcrg.
Phoobe uoisom oi Bei-unar,
Lois Bedwell,
Helen Carrier,
li ina jones,
Mae ,Uar.ney,
Uilth Andereu,
Agnes Itturfcll,
Miimln Anderson,
G nice Harte,
Ruth Mills,
Helen Pogue,
Bess Hueton.
Claire Patterson.
Kathryn Crocker,
Gladys Itobertson. 4 ii, i(odl. .
Florence Heggblade.jimiop'carpenter,
Opal crumoicsa.
Kenneth Norton.
Kendall Hammond,
Morton Ilhodes,
Harry aideoii.
Sands Woodbrtdge,
Howard Douglas,
Howard Blttlnger.
Harry Claiborne,
Robert Wood,
Harold Thomas,
luring Eliot.
Kvcrett Burke.
John Bowen,
Hdward Jones
of Lincoln,
Herman Jobst.
David Bowman,
Richard Ballman,
Donald Altchlnson.
Byron Bnyder.
Harold Aldrlch,
Herbert Davis,
Harold Burns.
Merle Howard.
Maurice Northwall,
Kd Knapp,
Harry Carpenter,
Donald Howe,
Vaughn Baoon.
Phe MacCarty.
Harold Johnson.
E. PhllP.
Clarence Tate.
Allah McDonald.
Foy pafter.
Walter Jones.
Rawson White.
Harman Harte.
H. U. Gelliitly.
Ralph Bendlct.
Ralph Campbejl.
Walter Klopp, v
Arthur Klopp.
Sidney Meyer.
Wlllard Folson
of Lincoln.
Beryl Crocker,
Leonard Marshall.
Homer Phillips. ,
VWallaLe Shepard.
'Albert Btrotnbcrg,
A. Berllnar.
Robert Parkinson.
Porter Durkeo,
Maurice Loomls,
George Klewltt.
Deyo Crane
Warren Howard,
Spencer Flint.
Clasi Dinner Party.
The third of a series of dinner parlies
lit honor of tho class of Charles Shod at
the First Baptist Sunday school vas
given at the home of Mrs. J, A. Suuder-
land, 1029 South Twenty-ninth street, Frl
day evening. Tho class, together with
Mr. Shed, were guests. After the dinner
the evening was spent In games. Dewey
Boats won first placo In tho balancing
contest Tho guests were:
Messrs. Messrs.
Dewey Beats, Wllber Fulloway,
Ad Cloyd, noger Race,
KUKeno ttussuin. Fred Curtis
John Sunderland,
Dewey Weber,
Burton Howard,
Charles Shed.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Norma Wilbur has gone to Brook
ings, S. D., to visit Prof, and Mrs. Shep
herd. Mr. and Mrs. John Steel and Miss Nlch
oll expect to leave Omaha next week for
Hosewell. Idaho.
Mrs. G. 13. Condra and 'daughter. Miss
Cordelia, of Lincoln, are guests for thu
week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Mooro.
Mr. a'nd Julius 'Klper of Chicago will
arrive Sunday morning to be tho guests
of their daughter, Mrs. Isldor Zlegler and
Mr. Zlegler.
Mre. Carrie Sniper and Mras Cecil Sny
der of Firth, Neb., who were called heru
by the Illness of their aunt, Mrs. U.
Carson Lowrey, have returned home'
Mrv and Mrs. R. W. Simon, who have
spent several weeks In California on their
wedding trip, are expected homo Sundjy
morning. Mrs. Simon was formerly Mlj
Mabel Hcaton. Horteuso Shlpman, who attends
St. Catherine's school in Davenport, ar
rived Friday morning to spend tho Eastor
holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. D, Shlpman.
If you find yourstlf to
day without an Easter Suit
nobody is to blame but
Your Credit Is
Good at
Spring Clothes on Credit
Ladies' Coals . . $7.50 to $39
Ladies1 Suits . . $12.59 to $45
Beautiful Dresses $7.50 to S38
Dainty Hats aad Coats
for little Girls $2.90 and up
Credit Clothing Co.
1417 Douglas St.
The Junior School
Girls in the fifth, sixth and
seventh grades received.
Uniforms worn.
For particulars concerning
the proposed removal to
the west Parnam district,
address the Principal,
Miss Euphemia Johnson.
Millinery Sale
A remarkable demonstration of our buying
power and extremely low prices. For Monday
we offer you a selection of 500 beautiful
Imported Trimmed Hats
Ostrich Trimmed Hats
Paradise Trimmed flats
$11.25 for $10.00 values
$15.00 for $20.00 values
$16.87 for $22.50 values
$18.75 for $25.00 values
Balance of stock offered at
Our designers and trimmers are rusliing out
newly trimmed hats. It means for us to dispose of our
beautiful stock of fine tailored dress and street hats. In
spite of our unusually low prices, here's what we offer for
$ 8.00 for $10.00 values
$10.39 for $12.98 values
$12.00 for $15.00 values
$14.00 for $17.50 values
Proportionately low prices
Directing Special Attention to our
$5.00 Trimmed Hat Section
Positively the greatest variety of styles and colors. Every hat in
our $5.00 section will compare witli any $7.50 or $10.00 hat that you
have ever known. We make it our business to show the larg- flj m
est and best variety of trimmed hats in the entire West to sell at V O
Oriental Rugs
are always appreciated by everyone. Thoy
arc not expensive. They are beautiful and
lasting. They grow more valuable as time
goes on.
In making your selection of Oriental nugs
to harmonize with your room decorations, to
place nt door entrance, before .a dresser, mlr-
ror, table or to use as a covering on a table
it is often well to seek expert and rellablo
advice. x
Our Oriental Rug Department is In charge . -of
Mr. N. Vartanian, a Rug Expert of the
Orient. His thorough knowledge of Oriental
Rugs enables him to' make selections of such
quality and values that insures our patrons
the Best in Rugs.
We will be .pleased to have you look over
our collection. You will not be asked to buy.
But tho assistance of expert knowledge of
Orientnl Rugs is at your service. You will
find the prices very moderate.
Beaton & Laier Co.
415-417 South 16th Street.
HK 1J1bW specialty of becoming coif
TWCV fuers. Manicurintr. Sham-
Treatment. Our Shampoos are tho best that can be given.
We carry a complete lino of Switches, Pomps, Puffs,
Transformations. The largest lino of pure hair Switches
in the city. Wo stand by what wo say. Wc are in touch
with London and Paris hair dressers.
Watch our windows about the 20th of each month.
Wo will keep you posted on new styles.
1522 Douglas
To the Women:
If you will make careful comparison you will find
we have no middle men's profit and deal direct from
factor' to you.
D. F; Corte Furniture Co.
24th and Farnam Streets.
Read the Want Ads Today
$22.50 for $30.00 values
$26.25 for $35.00 values
$33.75 for $45.00 values
$60.00 for $80.00 values
a proportionate saving.
$16.00 for $20.00 values
$20.00 for $25.00 values
$22.00 for $27.50 values
$28.00 for $35.00 values
prevlal on entire stock.
Schadcll's Bair Dressing
Parlor for lair Goods
and Hair Dressing
Our aim, highest quality
nt lowest prices. "Wo make a
- - 0
pooiug, Face Massage, Scalp
1522 Douglas
It will pay you to investigate our
plim of saving to you of 20 to 40 per
cent on Furniture, Rugs, Draperies
and Upholstry Goods. We give you
SOLID VALUES, that is why you get
so much.