I PART TWO The Omaha Sunday PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO TEN 3DIT0BIAL PAGES ONE TO TEN VOL. XLlI -NO. 40. Amy GfihxLOTe i KX Ii aajglSBV Miiuii I I -at w:i mmmsh vstmxs: m mWB& OMAHA, SUNJUY MORNING, MAHCIl L3, umd's'HarVesi ($)OTriQ of Qie Omaha Maidens "Who are Soon to be Enid. mm mmm ICR I wl villi ma IS I A' 1 M ill . II Iflllil II II 7s IvHk. J,l tlK:.c.v ASTER brjngs many interesting an nouncements and plans for the spring seuson. Chief -among these socially aro tbo engagement and wedding an nouncements for the spring. June.' the month of roses, Is the favorite time for largo and fashiona ble weddings, and rarely have there been so many charming June brides as this year. ' There will be some noted for their beauty and others for their accomplishments as well. A large June wedding of much social Interest will bo that ofMlss Mary AUco Rogers, daughtor of .Mrs, Thomas J. "Rogora, to Frank Koogh. This wedding will unite two of the oldest and most prominent families of the city. The Wedding of Miss Helen Davis and Mr. Wal ter Roberts will also be one of the largo and fash ionable weddings of the spring. The exact date of the wedding has not been decided. Miss Davis Is at presant with her parents In California. The wedding of Miss Enid Valontlne and Cap tain Charles Bundel will tko place n June. The weddings of Miss Sadie Kirschbrauu and Mr. Herbert S. Ileavenrlch of Chicago, and Miss Dorothy Meyer and Mr. Cohn of Rochester, N. Y., will both probably be celebrated this bprlng. Among the prominent autumn weddings will be Miss Dorothy Morgan and Mr. Ralph Peters; Miss Dorothy Stevens and Mr. I3en n. Wood; Mies Amy Gllmoro and Mr. C. M, White; Miss Jeanne Aycrlgg -T "-,?"M""r..NnrwMiJ Conn. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. csrrc i&xxt.id&jm -lOOfeMk . ii x jaw - swr- . v. '':"mrjrsj.. PHOTO 3E m m EimW- why: a Helen Ia.vis