12 A' TI THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAROH 23, 1913. Feu can ra assured that the Smartest Hat6 and Frocks you see in the Easter Fashion Parade Today came from Brandeis Stores The Vast Majority of Well Dressefl Women in This Community Nafurally Come Here for The Styles That Are Correct ... ' '1 ; 1 There is no question -where the stylo leadership in Omaha belongs. Doubt has never entered in the minds of well informed women. The supremacy of Brandeis merchandise was clearly demonstrated by' our artists' models during opening week. Every woman who visited our stylo jihow camp away with the conviction that Brandeis spring apparel has no rival in variety or beauty. AVe presented only a . few of the Spring styles last week. Scores arid scores of garments not shown previously await your choice here this week. New Silk 2-Picce Suits and Demi Costumes , , . . r Spring will bring out no greater favorites than these. They aro charming 'models of silk moire, Bilk poplins, silk Arabian, Char meiiBo, etc. New shades of prim rose, taupe, Dorothy blue, cafe au lalt, Nell rose, Wistoria and white. $49. $59, $65, $75. $89 Compreheniiye Line of , Women's Spring Suits Omaha women were never offered such values at 36. Materials are mostly worsteds, sponges, Bedford cords, tweeds, white ratines, etc. New Balkan Blouses, Mannish Tuxodos, Box. Cutaways,, Plain Tailored Models. vetc. T-l 1 1 1 t. I rsvury wun is a uign clasB tailored gar ni ont nf La. Women's Afternoon and Bridge Frocks These fascinating dresseiThave all the delightful stylp of the best foreign models, but we offer them at M, to M the price of imported frocks. They are fash ioned of Charmeuse, Crepe de Chine, Meteor, Canton Crepe, etc., in every shtido '(hQr suitable for dresses "S1" of this character Women's New Chiffon and Silk Blouses A 'most extensive array of charming and dainty now models. Very ef fective designs, many of which aro exclusive with us. You will detect at once their Parisian origin. They are the embodiment of all that is new and good. The price range includes waists featured at $10, $12.50. $15, $19 up' to $49 Now Molro Silk and Epongo Coats in Nell Rose, DorothyflM frl'Twenty clever styles in Women's Smart Spring Coats- Blue, Tan, White, etc., at ?3D, $32.50, $25, $19 down to p0 Novelties, Serges, Bedford Cords. Etc. varied colors, :$io An1 entirely new assortment of Fam-Qnr ous "Fashlonseal" Suits for Womonp5 Later ArrivalsWomen's New Frocks and Gowns Oriental influences are responsible for many of the striking innovation in the new spring and summer frocks and gowns. Materials are wonderfully soft and rich many Tf them light and airy, almost to jUmineas. Russian Blouse and Bulgarian bolefa effects are noticeable. A wealth of new odlors and unique combinations ate shown. , Evening and Reception Gowng ' Many of the beautiful creations in our gown section ate individual styles. Our own imported selection insuring their exclusivcncss. Many European creators of style are represented, and there are many Americanized ideas of the foreign masters . . at , $49, $69, $85, S98, $125, $150 up to $198 White Crepe de Chine Waists Hand ombroldorail, frills, lace trimmed, etc. $5, $6.98, $7.50 to $10 Voile, and Lingerie Blouses New models' that arp" charming and original - $1.98 to $12.50 Girla.'&Juniors' SpringCoats -Made of new spring fabrics practical as can be " $5 (o $15 18-inch Shadow, Oriental and Floss Silk Embroidered Mover Laces, SJS.!!'.0.0; 59c 'Shadow IdOe flbuncings, also beautiful laco bands in Vonise, crochet arid macramo whito, cream and ecru worth up to$1.00ayard, at 59c FINE SHADOW LACE EDGES AND INSERTIONS AT lOo A YARD Also fancy trimming lace bands in macramo, filet and cluny effects "up to 7 inohes wide white, cream and ecru many worth 20c a yard,at. .10c All New Models Brought Forward Monday Spring Millinery Wo disposed of practically every hat in our stock duis, ing tho past week. The models wo bring forward Monday are all strictly new models of the latest spring typo. A number of late Importations from Lewis & Reboux of Paris as rrv . (PCTl well as designs from New P I lo P S I I York shops aro shown .at. . . J-vy oronet All the latest spring Ideas every one is a new arrival. Hats at $10 II ii m I . mi m II ii iMUiiy mi sm m ii i' ii imY. 11 I s2 inches Q no Large Hemp Tarn O'Shanters With Velvet Flange Worth $3.00, at, each . Colors are cerise, royal blue, white, burnt, otc. They are decidedly the rage at present. lS-lncrt French Ostrich PlumesjlO Inches Q I wide.. Oi $1.50 EMBROIDERIES 45-inch voile and batiste embroidered skirt ings, 27-inoh ombroidorod Swiss and ba tiste flouncings and 24-inch allover em broideries; choice, new designs in heavy Japanese off cots, floral, blind relief aud eyelet also 27-inoh dainty hemstitched and ruffled edge baby" r" flouncings. Many worth $1.00 a yard, at .yard 18-IN. AND 27-IN. FINE EMBROIDERED NAINSOOK & BATISTE FLOUNCINGS Corset coverings and ruffled flouncings very offectfve designs in oyolei, floral and combination effeots worth up to 75o the yard . . . . .'25c, 39c 25oFLOUNOINaS AT 12o A YARD Eino enmbrio ruffled aM tuokod flouncings with insertions of-laco -I cy worth up to 25o a yard, at -LSC BIG BARGAIN EVENTS MONDAY IN BASEMENT WHITE GOODS at 12p Yd. 32-inch Whito Flaxtfn, linen thread finish; best wearing fabric for children's dresses, apronB, undcr musllns, etc., in chocks, plaids, hair line "and cluster stripes. Comes in full bolts no remnants - r . y7rd0..?r?,.,!5:'.?t: 1W2C Fancy DRESS GINGHAMS Think of buying fancy dross ginghams at less than half their regular selling price. 200 bolts of gingham that are 12yo values. It is tho way "wo buy that makes this special price pos- r Bible Monday, yard . .OC Butmtnt. Silk and Cotton Fabrics, 15c Yd An immense purchase of fine silk and cotton fabrics 36-lnch, 32-lnch and37-lnch wldtliB, in dots, lace effects Jacquards'and plain shades,xin now color InES for dresses, slips; draperies, etc. Pos- itlvely wortli up to 30c "and 40c basement bargain square, at, yard, b. Pos- -f e 15c 45-inch Irish Dress Linen Pure whito and every thread QQ linen, COc value, at, yard OsC 36-inch Imperial Long Cloth Pointer brand-r-flno quality for dainty undermusllns, bolt if 19 .'n .1 40-lnch white Ratine Suiting 1 Q 36c value .at, the yard...JL"C 89c Pretty Bordered Voiles at 15c Yard New colorings in bordered Voile, floral, checked, striped and flg- Theso now 40-lnch Voiles have been on display in urod deslffns.7 oiih of our show windows. To many it seems impossible to sell such high cost now goods at such a low price. Buying in such large quantities for cash makes it possible to turn these for tunato purchases over to you at an extremely low price. Evoryyard of these beautiful new Voiles should retail at 40c; bargain BquareTbasementT Monday, yard. . '. .". 15c SHEETING. The largest roll of sheeting ever brought into Omaha is here. Over 2,000 yards, full 90 inches wide, unbleached, seamless, sheeting, heavy quality. If sold in the regular way, the price would be a great deal more -I Q Monday, the yard. . . . JLvC acualln Eapt. Butxuant. Boys' Norfolk Suits Are Stylish, and Serviceable, Too Wo have great varieties of theso Nor folks ready for you. The best fitting boys' clothes made. All now patterns and fabrics. Homespuns in mixtures cas- simeres in tho now black and brown chalk line patterns cheviots in grey, brown and tan basket and diagonal weaves. Those very drossy Norfolks aro mado in t fivo different models and all of them can bo found in our boys' department .single pleat Norfolks, double pleat Norfolks, patch pocket Norfolks, sewed on belt Norfolks, and the - Inverted "pleat NorfolkB, at $5 to $10 Select Your Spring Rugs Now at these Special Prices Everything you need this spring in floor coverings is here in satisfying' variety BOD7 BUSSELS RUGS Excollcnt wearing rugs in 9x12 $25 HIGH GRADE SANPORD AND HARTFORD AXMINSTER RUGS In 9x12 aiKe3 beautiful new floral and Oriental patterns a special lot for Monday, at ".$25 Hartford, Sanford, Axmin- stcr Rugs Handsome patterns in 3x6 Bizes extra good tff , values, at. s)nb Genuine Wilton Rugs - well known Burtworth and Lake- wood makes, 9x12 sizes, worth to 45 sizes new patterns unequaled values in these desirable room size rugs, Monday at, each $35 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS, Worth $20, $25, at $15,98 neautlful Smith, Royal and Manhattan Rubs rti'-t r r0 In new floral and oriental patterns 9x12 I -US slzeB, worth to $26.00, atv J-KjyKJ 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rug's the heaviest and closest woven Brussels Rugs made, 50 special at, each VlOi Ney Linolueums In beau tiful floral; tile and inlaid pat terns, will give the best eg of service, yard .... 3 Big Linen Specials Floor 54-inoh Embroidered Table1 Covers Beauti- flp a q ful hand embroidered covers, worth to $7.50. $cjZj 45-inch White Dress Linen A quality that will givo tho best of service, Monday at, a yard, . . 35c Hemstitched Linen Pillow Oases Pure, round qq thread, linen cases, size 45x36 inohes; at, a pair. .iyOC BUY SEWING MACHINES HERE! "Free," "Whito" and other well known malces. Bewlne Machine Dept. Pompelan Room. vpaiS Art Needlework in Our New Dep't On Third Floor. SALE OP 500 SAMPLE LINEN PIECES. 22 to 36-inch Squares, Centers, Scarfsjotc, em- fTf broidered in whito with scalloped borders, at. . . OUC , ; tb Library Scarfs, Pillow Tops and Cepter Pieces Linen orash stamped and tinted in colors ready to 1 f be embroidered 25o to 50c values at, each J.OC Free- instructions in the art of Lace Crocheting' and Em broidery, all day, under a competent instructor. SPECIAL SHOE OFFER MONDAY Women's Shoes $Q45 Worth $3.50 and $4.00, at. . . L-d Just 360 pairs broken Hyea from 'our regular stock. These are high grade shoes in smart, up-to-date styles and leathers suede, tan and gun metal calfskin and patent leather. All sizes rep resented, l(Ut every style does not include every size. Exceptional values at "S2.45 Polish for Black Suede Leatlicr 25c bottle, 15cJ Free Corset Lecture . i , . r ,. ,. ,., , , . to Women. BY DR. MAUDE E. DUNN, of New York City TUESDAY, 2:30 TILL 3:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY, 10:30 TILL 11:30 A. M. On Our Third Floor. Advico on this important subject from (i skilled physician and special corset ex pert is of untold value to every woman. Come and learn how to be ultra-stylish without sacrificing one bit of comfort or health. Practical demonstrations with living models. Silks POPULAR WEAVES FOR SPRING Wo are receiving daily express shipments of. the most fashionable silks brocaded and moire crepe meteor, Bulgarian Can ton crepes, Radium silks, Matelasso silk suitings mostly 42 (T- (PQ QC in. wide, at yard D-L) tpO.O V - We Sell the Best 36-in. Satin Messalines in the Country Primrose, Copenhagen Blue, Nell Rose, Apricot, Navy, Wisteria, Laven der, Tan, Brown, Pink and' tj) I Reseda, $1.25 values, at yd m NEW SHIPMENTS OP THE FAVORITE SATIN MESSALINES 40 inches wide. The colors are black, cream, taupe, American beauty, Nell rose and Copon- rr bagon blue. They are in broken lots, that k I is why we sell them so cheap, yard K -- EXTRA SPECIAL SALE Wavy Gray Switches 20-inch fine Wavy Gray Switches, at ..$2.95 22-inch long Wavy Gray Switches, at ..$4.95 24-jnch best Wavy Gray Switches, at ..$6.95 Natural Wavy Gray Trail sfonnations, at $5.95 I 22-inch Wavy Gray Switches on short stems, at . .$3.45 Hair Dressing, Manicuring, Massaging and all kinds of hair work.4"