Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1913, PART ONE NEWS SECTION, Page 11-A, Image 11

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Along the
Automobile Eow
The Freeland Auto company delivered
five oars lout week to Casper, Wyo., the
first of a biff allotment to the Wyoming:
territory, which lias taken a sudden
fanoy''to the Midland product. Besides
this three shipments of sixes and fours
have been received by the local house
during: the lost week, to be placed as
soon as tho weather makes travel by road
T. A. Lako of Rosalie was In the city
Inst Monday and purchased a Mason
touring car. In which he started for home
Tuesday morning'. Sales Manager Wil
son of the Midland factory arrived In
Omaha Friday morning to spend several
days with the local house. He Is more
than pleased with the outlook for Mid
land cars In the territory through which
ho has Just passed and says this is bound
to be a big year for Ihe automobile In
the middle west.
The Velle company delivered two car
loads of machines to Sioux City last week
besides making a number of single de
liveries throughout the state. Accord
ing to Charles R. Qardner, the new man
ager of the automobile department of tho
John Deere Plow company, the agents are
reporting the season on Velle sales to
be opening unusually early this spring.
The T. O. Northwall company sold a
Regal underslung roadster to ft H.
Bauserman of the Midland Glass and
Faint company lost week, in which Mr.
Baurferman Intends making soma exten
sive trips over the country this summer.
The shipments to this company from the
factories axe bettor right now than they
have been any tlmo during the season,
from Bix to ten cars being received every
day. While many of these care are
shipped throughout the state, quite a few
are being collected In the local house In
anticipation of a big spring and summer
The Storz Supply company has rented
the basement of the property directly
east of Its present location to care tor
the big spring stock which has been
accumulating for the last few weeks. Mr.
Storz has been receiving goods that were
ordered over n month ago, but owing to
the bad weathor the purchasers have not
been able to come to town to receive their
The Storz people received a full car
load of Federal tires last week, for which
they had been looking eagerly for the
last three weeks. Mr. Storz" placa of
business resembled a bargain counter In
a popular dry goods store Saturday when
UhT federal fanatics became awaro their
cherished hoops had arrived.
The E. R. Wilson Auto company sold
cars during the seven days Just closing
to the following people: A Studebaker
SO touring car to R. B. Stearns of this
city, a Studebaker 35 to Dr. W. F. Mil
roy of Omaha, a Studebaker 20 roadster
to John Madden and ft Lexington 40 tour-,
ing car to Joe .Johnson of. the Western
Heating and Plurnblnjf company.
The Mitchell Motor company otd a
1913 "Little Sfx'-flVewssehger Mitchell
to J. P. Greenshleld of Council Bluffs.
K Owflockctt drove a new five-passenger
ffe'uY-clylndcr Mitchell to Lincoln last
week, a third of the Journey being made
through mud that was hub deep. Mr.
Mockett got through all right and soys
that he Is thoroughly satisfied that the
Mitchell has plenty of power to carry
him through any road condition with
which he might meet.
The Mitchell Motor company delivered
a flvc-passenger four-cylinder machine to
M. J. Anderson of Genoa Wednesday,
besides sending a carload of machines of
1913 "little Six" Mitchells to George
Watson of Rock Rapids, and another to
Schlentz Bros, of David City.
The Mclntyre Auto company sold an
Overland 33 touring car to tho Grove
Wharton Construction compony last week
and another to F. C. Trullnger. Accord
ing to Munager Mclntyre the Oakland
factory Is putting out a machine at the
present tlmo which they assert will be
ono of the most powerful machines made
In America, If not In the world. It Is to
he a six-cylinder ninety-horsepower boat,
developing between 00 and 100 actual
horsepower. It la a regular stock car
and will be entered by the Oakland fac
tory in the next Indianapolis speedway
The Dart factory of Waterloo, la., man
ufacturers of the Dart motor trucks, Is
having a great deal of trouble In com
ing anywhere near to satisfying the de
mand for its product The Dart, people,
who liavo but comparatively recently
taken up the manufacture of auto trucks,
are working threo shifts of men a day
in an attempt to alleviate the demand
for their product. Manager Mclntyre of
of the Mclntyre Auto company saya that
If ho' .could receive a half dozen of their
machines he could dispose of them within
twenty-four hours.
Lew Traynor of Taynor Bros. Auto
company made a demonstration Wednes
day tliat netted him the sale of two
Abbott-Detroit touring cars. Today he
has an order for two Abbott-Detroit tour
. Ing cars, a five-passenger and a six, as
.he result of this demonstration.
F. A, Hulsabus of Harlan, la., made
a record drive from the liulck factory at
Flint, Mich., to Harlan, a distance of 83
utiles, in a model 25 Bulck car on forty
five gallons of gasoline, seven pints of
oil, ten pints of water and 5 tents' worth
of grease. He says that 'for COO of those
miles It was hard going, for 200 good and
100 just fair. The other twenty-three he
refUbed to try to describe in the presence
3f women and children.
When H. R. Radford, general manager
of the Cartercar factory, was In Omaha
a week ago the local house placed one of
th largest. If not the largest, orders
for machines that ever went out of this
elty In his !i finds. The order galled for
1.(00 friction drive Cartercar vehicles to
be delivered as soon as possible. The
Nebraska Cartercar company Is doing an
appalling business. Manager Fashler re
quiring three assistants.
The De Laval Cream Separator com
pany purchased a Cartercar roadster at
th recent Chicago show after having
sent Its representative Into various die
'.rlitH where th?y could Interview users
if thr l'atrinr nr.i git a line on the
mat nine's action under all kirds and
sentatlves were thoroughly satisfied with
their InventlgHtlons and purchased on ex
act dupllcato of the twelve machines
which were recently added to tho force
of tho Dotrolt fire department.
According to an itemized statement,
printed In the February numbor of Stude
bakers News, the house organ of the
Studebaker corporation's automobile di
vision, a retail automobile business can
be conservatively financed In a town of
less than 10,000 population, on an Invest
ment, of $3,000.
'From sensational successes registered
by Studebaker doalers at the local shows
this winter Sales Manager Benson of the
Studebaker corporation predicts a new
mark for automobile distribution In 1913.
Detroit, fifty-seven: Buffalo, thirty-one,
and Minneapolis, seventy-five, are the re
tail records of sales Inside Studebaker
spaces during the respective weeks.
S. F. Patchen, general traveler for the
Standard Electric company, visited the
Marion Auto company last week on his
way to an extensive sojourn on the coast.
C. J. Corkhlll of the Cole Motor com'
pany returned Thursday from a Journey
taking In the principal cities of his ter
ritory. He reports that business has not
yet opened In most of the territory pwlng
to tho backward weather, but that with
a little warmth and sunshlno every Colo
branch In the middle west will be doing
an amount of trade that will tax them
to -their utmost.
The Nebraska-Butck Auto company de
livered a model 31 Bulck touring car to
Fred Hurd of the Bloomer Cold Storage
company, Council Bluffs, and a 31 to
H. A. Belt, tho groceryman at Twenty
ninth and Farnam. They also sent a
30 roadster to C. S. Every, Maxwell,
The Nebraska-Butck Auto company has
unloaded 111 Bulck cars the last week,
which Is undoubtedly the largest ship
ment of automobiles ever received by any
ono firm In Omaha.
W. F. Kemp of the Nebraska-Butck
Auto company spent the last three days
of the week at Danbury, la., assisting the
Bulck agont at that place put on a spe
cial automobile show.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Sidles of Lincoln
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Huff. Mr. Sidles has Just returned
from the Bulck factory at Flint, Mich.,
where he directed tho shipment of 410
Bulck automobiles to the three houses of
the Nebraska-Bulck Auto company, Lin
coln, Omaha and Sioux City.
Frank Dolezat of Bruno, Neb., was in
Omaha the last week and completed ar
rangements for the erection of a large
modern garage at. that place, work on
which Is to commence at once and be
Impttiml "S4" 7-Passancs'r
Toarlnf Car. 60 II, P.: tori, n
In. bote: si-in. stroke; ij7-in.
wheel base: jSnHnch tires.
Electric Starling and Lis hilar
Srilam. Complala aJOCnr.
pushed as rapidly as the weather will
permit. Ho will handle the Mighty Mich
igan lino In that part of the state,
Gus Hollander, Mighty Michigan dealer
at Schleswlg, la., pays the outlook for
automobile business In Crawford Is ex
ceptionally good, especially slnco the Into
rains and snow, which has put the win
ter wheat In prima condition. He placed
his order, for a carload of "Mlchlgans
and says ho expects to repeat this sev
eral times this season. Mr. Hollandtr
has been handling tho Mighty Michigan
l(nc for sevenil seasons and Is thoroughly I
convinced of their sterling qualities. i
A dictionary of automobile terms has
been written to meet the demand for a
work giving concise, accurate definitions
of the hundreds of technical terms that
are constantly used In automobile discus
sion' and dealings. Many of these ter.ns
are of very recent origin, and even men
In the trade have only a hazy Idea as to
their preclso meaning. Mr. Clough of tho
Horseless Ago has collected nil special
terms of i,hls kind which he could find
In books on automobiles, catalogues and
other literature, arranged them alphabet
ically and defined each in simple, 'easily
comprehended language. Every term rep
resenting some part, accessory or special
method of construction Is Illustrated. In
view of the annoyance caused by un
familiarity with technical terms and
phrases, In ordering parts, explaining re
pairs required or In general conversa
tion on automobile tdplcs, there Is no
doubt that this little volume will serve
a useful purpose In the hands of both tlio
private motorist and the mail In the
trade. It defines over 2,000 .terms and
contains ZGi Illustrations.
I 3
One of the largest advertisements ever
published In a single Issue of an English
motor paper appears In a recent number
of Motor, tho most reputable automobile
publication In Europe. It "advertises the
Hupmobllo and was Inserted by Whiting
company, limited, the Hupmobllfi agent
for England. The advertisement, printed
In colors throughout, occupies twenty full
pages and gives a graphic, detailed state
ment of the entire Hupmobtle line.
"Silvers" Oakley, the famous clrfWn and
paiUomlmlst, who has made a good por
tion of the world at his one-man
base ball gamo. took advantage of the
oportunlty an engagement In a Detroit
Brains Behind Imperial
A Unity of Brains One thousand men under the
pertonsl supervision of recognized automobile expert! build the
famous Imperial cars. The work ii carried on in one of the
largest individual automobile factories in the world. Thii army
of men works as a perfect unit many brains acting as one.
Every man in the Imperial factory takes a pertoiul pride in hii
work. This unity of effort and this individual pride of our
craftsmen enable us o offer you a car of supreme durability,
power, service and beauty at a very moderate price.
Every Part PerfectYears of engineering ktudy
and experiment he behind the jpresent perfection of each vital
part in Imperial cars. Our engineers have striven constantly to
produce the best car every part perfect in itself and in its
relation to other working- parts. No Imperial is sent from our
factories until we are convinced it will render lasting and con
tinuous service that it will live up to.the enviable and established
Imperial reputation.
Some Imperial Achievements The motor of
the Imperial is as perfect as skilled .workmanship, guided by
engineering experience, can make it. Power, Silence, Simplicity
and Accessibility are developed to the highest possible degree.
Electrically Started and Lighted
ImptrUt ' J" s-Pauenier
Tearing Car. 45 H.P. : j-cyLui-loch
bora ji-lnch stroke) tiB
Inch wheel base: J4i 4-Inch
Urea. Electrlo Starllnr and
Lltfaltnr Sjjttm. jlfiqfi
Complete equipment f".
34," "44" and "34"
Call on our dealer and he will gladly demonstrate to you the various merits of Imperial cars.
Bradley, Marrium Smith, Council Bluffs,
theater offered him recently to look over
the vnrlous automobiles made at tho
motor car center. "Silvers" Is an auto
enthusiast, and liar driven a oar ever
since he lecamc a celebrity of the 1IK
tops. The first oar "Silvers" saw was
an Oakland Greyhound and It Impressed
him so thoroughly that ho would have
nothtnt; else. Consequently he will follow
tho circus circuit next summer In an
New Quarters for
ttie Home Builders
An Brandeis Theater
For several weeks the managers of i
Home Builders and the American Pecur- .
Ity company havo been casting about
for larger and more suitable, quarters,
when the Dcirt Tea rooms lu the Bran
dels Theater building, southwest corner
Seventeenth and Douglas streets, were
vacated, opportunity came to get fine
quarters. The ln'oreaso of business
Homo Builders has produced domnnds
for commodious and up-to-date offices unit
apartments. The rooms solocted nro cen
tially located and accessible from every
part of greater Omnha. All car lines and
roads lead directly to Seventeenth and
The rdoms haye windows on two sides,
being a corner beautiful tile floor, high
2569 Farnam St.
The Most for the Money
Thp Imperial clutch, transmission, motor and control levers are
combined in a unit power plant with a three point suspension.
This is one of the most important advancements in auto science.
This construction keeps all working parts in perfect alignment.
Imperial brakes work easily and never fail. The springs used
are especially constructed to assure ideal riding comfort.
Imperial "44" Every Imperial ideal and con
structional attainment is found in this type. You cannot pur
chase a better car at, or far abooe it s price. This car offers
you the highest quality in material, maximum efficiency, absolute
durability, proven chassis construction, beautiful body design.
Read these specifications! 5-pa"rnger touring car, 50 H. P.j
motor, 4 cylinders cast in pairs, 4J-indi bore, 5 J-incli, stroke j
wheel base, 122 inches. Electrically started and lighted. Central
control leverii right hand drivej 36 x 4-inch tires with
demountable rims. New Departure bearings throughout.
Nickel steel construction predominating everywhere in the
chassis. The long strokes powerful, silent motori thebeautiful.
roomy body; the full equipment silk mohair top, windshield,
speedometer, nicKei ana black trimmings, give this
car its exceptional value. Complete equipment,
Imptrlat "32" J-Pauenf ar
Imptrlal "33" j-Pmenrer
Koadeter 40 II. P.; 4-crl.; l
inch bore 1 si -In. stroke; u
Inch wheel base;4 1 4-ln llrai.
Complete 1 OQC
equipment ipla&OO
louring Lar. 40ii.r.; 4-071. t
4l-ln. bore; ji-ln. stroke; 114
In. wheel base; 34 z 4-ln. tires.
Complete 19B
equipment.." pOij
are electrically started and lighted
CO., Factories, Jackson,
tellings, fireproof ault of Inestimable
value to hold the company's wthmblr
securities and crfsb; a ladles' exclusive
reception and vest room and private
buMiims department attended by lady
clerks, two entrances, one on Seventeenth
street and another from the lobby of
tho building which Is reached readily
from any part of the ltrandels stores.
The new quarters will be re-decorated
In a manner adapted to ti well appointed.
imnKing room, i nr imesi ngniing nys
trm will be Installed, with Inverted, con
cealed electric lights, screened by In
verted translucent globes which diffuse
Tho great idea with the Buick people has boon to make and market a car that shall
at all times and under all circumstances givo tho owner uninterrupted, use of his invest
ment. The first Buick car made is still running, after eight years of service and ia giv
ing perfect satisfaction. t
Buick cars are absolutely high grade, mado in the largest automobile factory in
the world, a factory in which the motors, radiators, frames, wheels, transmissions,
axles, springs, bodies, castings, bolts, nuts, screws are made. Buick. cars are more
completely built in their own plant than any other make of motor car. This enables tho
Buick owner to Becuro duplicate parts with no delay. . '
We guarantee that all 1913 Buick inotors will develop more power and speeel than
any stock foreign or American motors of equal aim
Prices range from $95D to $1,650.
H. E. Sidles, Oen'l Mgr.
the light as daylight, together with a
complete new line of beautiful design
banking furniture and office furniture
to match, the deslkn of which is being
looked after by Lfoyd V Willis.
When tho neW furniture is In place the
new quarters .will give Home Inillders
the most up-to-dnte, practical and suit
able office In the city. Home Builders
being composed of hundreds of Investors,
will find It easier and more pleasant
to transact business at the new quarters
where more clerks and more up-to-date
system may be employed.
Homo Builders maintains a building de
Loo Huff, Mgr.
No-Rim-Cut Tires
10 Oversize
No Petty Saving
No petty savings have made Goodyear
tires outsell every other.
Rim-cut ruin, which we save wrecks 23
per cent of all old-type tires
10 per cent oversize, under average con
ditions, adds 25 per cent to the tire mileage.
And those are but part of the savings.
Remember This
A few years ago, three other
tires combined outsold the
Goodyears by 70 times over.
From thati point Goodyears
have quickly jumped to the top
most place in Tiredom.
And last year's sales by far
exceeded our previous 12'years
put together!
This has been done in this
day of j odometers, when men
keep track of tire mileage.
And today's position comes
when men have used two nril
liqn Goodyear tires.
Can't you see that No-Rim-Cut
tires, in some way, must
give amazing mileage?
Not Our Claims
All tires claim
superiority, hut
the leader.
Hundreds of
thousands of
actual, users
reiterate our
claims. That
must be so,
else Goodyear
'VIE or
No-Rim-Cut Tires
With or Without
Non-Skirl Treads
Thla Comnanr baa no connection whnt.rrr with anr ether
, rubber concern wnlcu usee toe Uoodjear name. (
- Omaha Branch, 2212 Farnam Street
Phone Douglas 4190
Omaha dees
fOf AUtomobiled
VanBrunt Automobile Co.
Nebraska Buick Auto
tlncola Branch, 13tJt and T Bta. H. B.
Omaha Branch,
Marion Automobile Go.
partment whleh has felt the need oi
innro room and better facilities. In the
new quarter special aocomodatlon for
this department Is to be provided. Tho
real estate, Insurance and rental depart
ments will each have adequate and suit
able departmctits, such as the Increased
business In these departments makes Im
perative In any up-to-date office. Not n
savings bank, yet having all the work
ing feature of one, tho Homo Builders
plan has met with the endorsement of
all classes of Investors from the start,
and up to the present time Its volume)
of business hns more than double.
S. 0. Douglas, Mgr.
tires could never have , made
this record.
You know that. You mu.t
also know that your experience
will be like the rest'.
Start Right
Start this new season right.
Test out No-Rim-Cut tires. See
if they save you what they save
It will make a big difference
on the season's tire cost.
Start judging tires by the cost
per mile. Then you will sie
why No-Rim-Cut tires are the
vanted tires today.
Don't buy skimpy tires this
season. Don't buy tires that
rim-cut. Those are wastes
which we avoid. You can see
this at a glan
And the onlv
satisfactory way
to end rim-cut
ting is under
our control.
Write tor ths
Goodyear Tire
Dook 14th.
year edition. It
tells ull known
ways to Mono
mtze on tires.
and Acoeasortea
Overland and Pom 5
Oonaeil Bluffs ZC
Omaha, Xalir. SA
SIDLES, Oan'l Vgr.
1918 - 14 - 16 rarnam 8U XiXS HTTTP, KgT.
DUtrlbutora of the
Marlon and Marxaon
Oaa Can nad Stand,
ard Blactrloi,
0101-3 rftnuua lt