The Omaha Sunday PART OirE. NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TTvLVT. THE WEATHER. Snow Warmer a VOL. XL1I NO. 4tt. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1M3-S1X SI XS V l'TV-FOU R PAGES. SlNGLli COl'Y FIVE CENTS. AUSTRIA IS READY TO ENFORCE ULTIMATUM SENTTO MONTENEGRO Large Squadron is Maneuvering Off the Coast Prepared to Take i POWERS ARE TAKING ALARM! All Ambassadors Are Hastily Re- called to London. CLASH SEEMS TO 1 CERTAIN If it Comes France LxpCOts Russia ! newspaper and both candidate and pub , , 1 I Usher are subject to fine If it Is violated, to Interfere. ; Ti)0 oul makes the secretary of stato-the I general advertising medium for all ean- OPPOSITE HELD AT BERLIN I dldates. When "the candidate files hid . j naimi he submits with It a statement There It '! Ilcllevfil HiinxIu lias showing why tho dear people should elect Advlseil Ittnn I'.l.r tu Ylelil A nutria's Independent Ae tluu In Cuiiileluiieil. v. HKHLI.V. March 22. The German -For-lgn office learned today that armed ' operation against Montenegro by the Austrian navy may be expected soon. An Austrian ;quadron Is now maneuvering off the Montenegrin and Albanian coast. The officials of the German Foreign of fico siite that Austria will send ono fur ther note to Montenegro, so as to ex haust the possibilities of diplomacy, be fore the character of the activity of the warshios changes from ,a demonstration into offcnslvo action, it Is understood here that Russia has counselc-a tne Montenegrins ro yield. Austria Sends Ultimatum. VIENNA, March 22. The Austro-Hun-garlan government today addressed a strongly worded note to Montenegro, which was In the nature of an ultima tum. Beyond promising that the future bom bardment of Scutari will be directed against the fortifications and not against fixes am annual occupation tax upon cor the town, Montenegro's reply to Austria's I poratlons and places tho sending -out of remonstrances, is a refusal to comply with the Austrian demands. The note declares that for military reasons Montenegro must refuse to per mit civilians to leave ScutarJ and that it cannot allow the Austro-Hungarlan consul in Scutari to take part In the Inquiry into tho death of the Priest Palle or the alleged coercive conversion of Catholics, declaring that such an Inves tigation by u, foreign official would be Inbpmpatlblo with the sovereign rights ot the king of lontenegro. Finally, the reply contains some evaslvo remarks concerning the alleged molesta tion of the Austrian steamer, Skodra, at T?an Giovanni Dl Medua. Austria de-mnnded-tlio punishment of the military afldjfjyll authorities responsible for or dering Captain Dlaslch to assist In land- Ing Sen-Ian troops and war munitions. I and to help rescue drowning men from t transports which the Turkish crutscr. Hamldieh, had sunk. I Kxpedt to Interfere. ' PARIS. March 22.-Austria-Hungarya Isolated action against Montenegro Is lnnkpn iinon with considerable nnxletV here. It Is believed that a naval demon stration off the Montenegrin coast will In the present temper of the Montene grins result ln an armed collision. Should such a clash occur, Russia, it Is believed, certainly would Intervene. Louis Brunet, the Montenegrin1 consul general at Paris, commenting upon Aus tria's note to Montenegro, today said; "It Is clear that Austria seeks a fresh quarrel with Montenegro and it recatu the incident at Prlsrend, in whlo'n the Austrian consul. Prochaska, was the principal. On this occasion Austria se lects the moment when the fortress of Scutari Is about to fall to act. "The pretext it uses Is trivial. The Austrian government knows that to al low the civil population of Scutari to leave the citadel would be to paralyze the Servian and Montenegrin military operations, for the reason that tho greater part of the civilian Inhabitants have been armed and are. defending tho city." rower necnl! Ainhasandors. LONDON, March 22. The new crlsla In the Balkans led today to the instant re call from their Easter vacations of ths ambassadors In London of the European powers. They radt In conference this aft ernoon to alecuss the situation. GrcrkN S.cUe German Ship. BREMEN, Germany, March 22. UreeK warships today seized the German steamer Irmlnsard off tho Island ot Lemnos in the Aegean sea. It sailed from Barry, Wnlei!, on February 28 for Uenoa. No details of tho reason for Its capture are given lu tht telegram received by the owneis. Uptliulkiu III Adrlnnople. ADRIANOPLE, March 2l.-lBy Wire less to Constantinople.) Shukrl Pasha, the commander ot this fortress, and his troops, are determlnedto continue iJie defense they have now carried on for five months, and all reports as to of 'fers made by them to surrender may ie dismissed as pure Inventions. Only starvation ran force the capltJ latlon of tho beleagured garrison. Food Is still regularly distributed among tin population by the mllttury authorities und thoro are considerable supplies. Perfect order prevails within Jhe city. The Bulgarian besiegers arc making no progress and their occasional assaults have been futile. The Intermittent bom bard mint has done no harm to the de fending forts. Discord Is said to piovatl among the Hilled ni'mled. ' 'The Servians brought up to assist the Bulgarians in the siege re main idle In their lines and are not car llulputlng In any ot the active opera tions. The report from Sofia that Shukrl Pasha hud ordered the Greek and Amen ta n bishope to be hanged beeause thev luul drawn attention to tha alleged miser ies of the population is groundless. It luis aroused much Indignation here, the two prelates themselves being the most inergotlc In protesting against the story The extol the courtesy of the rotn man-It. ' ra!-!nsr his I'eltude thr J J i. mi ir j imi.uitivK it,, xjix Uob for state secrecy Qustafson Bill Provides Plan of Political Advertising. I PAMPHLET ISSUED BY STATE To Coiitnlu All Stntemeutn nntl Ar Knmenti for nnil Aimlnat Anpl rnnta (o Office, llnrrlnsr Ont the wimptfi uiNBTOia isjutemmt Governor Makes Plea on very evident some members of the house; Visit There. i were criticised by tliclr local newspapers In tho late campaign or they forced the cunuianies to pay ior space useu in jiru motlng their candidacy ' Gustafson has a mensure pending which mnken It n violation of ldv for a eandl I date to ndvertlse his candidacy In a Uhlm If an enemy comes along he Is ! givtn the privilege of fillnc a statement ' why the dear people should not elect him. When alt the statements, are tiled It Is the rtunty of the secretary to publish a neat little pamphlet containing tho vari ous statements. Theso hie to be dls- trlbuted by expross to the county" clerks, who In turn are to seo to It that every voter Is supplied with a copy. To get In the "Who's Who pamphlet, the candidates for United States senator ( and for congress plank down J100, whilo candidates for supremo court and statov office get In for $30 each. For this money each candidate gets a page In , this pamphlet, and where a poke Is taken at , uie huiuiuuw uu in e,. .ci. a w .... same rate, Should this and three other measures become a law, the' secretary of . state figures that he will be swamped unless additional appropriations is given mm appointment of stnto commissions slml for more help. j iai. to that from Illinois, to conduct ln- Kxtcnstve 1'ropontHon. qulrles Into tho wage situation and Into Ho figures it will require 270,000 copies organised-vlco conditions In the various of the pamphlet to cover the stato and I states. AF the "White House conferenco It will cost 2.700 to print them. To get them out It will take one man six months at a salary of $450 for that time. Houso roll 751, by Potts of Pawnee, blanks for that purnoso and registering of tho same In the hands of tho secretary state. This will require extra help In the office of the secretary of state of one man for six "months at $450. Printing of the necessary papers $250 and postage $200. Preparing of the work on'the code bill for the statutes will probably cost in help about $10p. House roll 742, by- Richardson of Lan caster, provides for manner of .lnttldtlvo and referendum vote, methods of so ouring petitions, filing same and sub mitting to vote. This will wpulre the work of two men three months at a coBt of $900. It will cost to send out the 270, 000 copies required fpr. allthp voters In postage, about- $5,400. This will require for help, postage, etc., about $8,000, outsldo of tho printing which 9 ln the nands of the Printing board anrt whlch wl" 1,avo to be Provided for ln tho aamo way- , W aSfllllfftOIl Sttlte r "OUUUU WUCDUU A "K'nll oil OC! llA "HoQ'T'll UJJ.W JLUbVUU Penalty for Murder OLYMPIA, "Wash., March 22, Murderls no longer a capital offense ln the state of Washington, but treason Is. Governor Lister signed today a bill abolishing capital punishment as the pen alty for first degree murder. A com panion measure modifying the penalty for treason was lost lu the house. Benches Replace Chairs in the House WASHINGTON, March 22. When Elliott Woods, superintendent of the capltol, ran his eye over the house today and noted the transformation that hud been wrought ln the historic chamber, he did not attempt'to disguise his satis faction. "Bring on the tariff session," he ex claimed, "everything's ready." The house wears a strange aspect, for the old desks and revolving chairs have disappeared and In their place prim rows of benches have been substituted. The new benches will provide seats for 450 personB. or fifteen more than the present membership of the house. These extra seats will be occupied, however, If congress adopts the plan of permitting cabinet members to appear on the floor and engage In the dobates on bills af fecting their departments. Sydney Ferries Are Tied Upby Strike SYDNEY, New South Wales, March 22- Wltji the metropolis crowded for tha Easier racing show carnival, deck hands and engineers of the Sydney ferries, which tap practically every crowded suburb of the city, struck today, throw lug the public Into Indescrlbablo confu sion and tying up traffic. The men de mand a working week of forty-eight hours ami all the efforts to effect a set tlement have.proved futile, Bmall craft of all descriptions have been pressed Into service, but are unable to oope with' tho situation. Dangerous overcrowding lui a resulted. BYSTANDER IS SHOT DURING PISTOL DUEL MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. March 22.-A pistol duel between Policeman Joseph Vermette and a man said by tho police to be James Dermedy, on a downtown street, resulted In an Innocent bystander being shot in the leg. The police had orders to arrest Dermedy following a quarrel with his brother, and he was seen by Vermette, who attempted to take him Into custody. In a fight be tween the officer and Dermedy, several thots were fired, one of them' taking of- ft in the leg of Gilbert Berdslng, who I as .uassiiuz along the street at the tlme.J ASK WILSON TO AID ANTI-VICE CROSAOE Illinois Commission Suggests Call ing of National Confer ence. O'HARA GOES TO WASHINGTON CONFERENCE AT WHITE HOUSE Question of Federal Inquiry Into White Slavery Comes Up. RICH WOMEN ARE QUESTIONED One Advocates IIoIiik Amir with Society Column of Newspaper Snya They Give Olrla I 'nine Ideals. WASHINGTON, March 22. Illinois vloo crusaders, the senatorial commission headed by IJeutenant Governor llarrett O'Hara, Is In Washington today seeking to nationalize the scope of their inquiry- To that end the commission first sought tho aid of President Wilson, with whom they conferred at the White House. After outlining to the president tho results' of th lninlirV.n iiinoig. WMlch revealed In many In8tatlceg tnat yowg g,rla and yol1)g worl,lntc wqmen woro pnl(i ie8S than a lwlng. wngei nnd Umt many of thcm J(jd doubIe ,lveSi tno commisaocrs ,.cnuestcd the president to call a national conference of stato governors to start n svstematlc nnil stntn PAmn.a rn tn better working conditions of women throughout tho nation. Federal co- 0,,or,ion .. snei,t In tlm mnmont aIrendy. bcRtJn ,n muny statos f6r tho j the question of. federal Inquiry through tho Department of Justice Into the white slave traffic also wa& discussed. Ilomen for (SlrlH Proposed. After Lieutenant Governor O'Hara had urged President Wilson to call a confer ence of governors and' representatives of various state vice commissions, Senator Juul urged an appropriation by congress for homes for girls ln six or seven great IndUBtrful centers where women travel ing from state to state, could bo cared for while seeking employment. "The government takes excellent care of every pouAd of tobacco that Is shipped from Kentucky,' said Senator Juul, "and, it .Keeps a careful WRtcbV over eycry, pound of'butterlne. Surely It can devote, some money and attention to tho Ameri can glrj who Is forced to travel In search of employment." Senators Juul and Bcall outlined to the 'presldentjjffefly some of the revela tions of the Illinois commission's Investi gation ln that state. "If wo vere but to begin to outline all ilie conditions wo found," said Senator Juul, "they' would, Mr. President, be al- (Continued on Page Two.) Wilson Takes Question About China Policy Under Advisement WASHINGTON. March 22.-Presldcnt Wilson took under consideration today a lurther development of the adminis tration's policy toward China when he was asked what might bo the attitude of this government toward business en terprises In China by American capital ists ln hopo of governmental aid. George Bronson Ilea, confidential ad viser of Sun Yat Sen and technical sec retary of the Chinese Railway commis sion, arranging for 10,000 miles of trunk railways ln China, had a conference with the president today U which he gave Mr. Wilson details of the project, and told him that American capital would partici pate! In the railway construction, Mr. Rea was particularly Interested to know Just how far this government would, go In supporting contracts between American Interests' and the government of China, and he learned that the presi dent was not ready to make any an nouncement and was asked to prepare a memorandum on the situation. Will of Millionaire Scott is Broken FORT WORTH, Tex., March 22.-The court of civil affairs today affirmed the breaking ot the will of Wlnfield Scott by his daughter, Mrs. Georgia Townsend of Denver. The contest was directed against the second Mrs. Scott and her 10-year-old son. With the will broken, Mrs. Townsend will get $1,000,000 and Mrs. Scott $2,000,000 with the remaining $1,000,000 going to the boy. The estate, while officially given as $3,000,000, when Scott died, Is now con' sldered worth $4,000,000. EXPERT THINKS NORFOLK C,TY WARRANTS RAISED NORFOLK, 4leb March 22.-(Speclal Telegram.) Accountant Melville Thomas of Omaha, who Is auditing the books of the city, reported to the city count!! he had discovered city warrants that appar ently had been raised In various, sums. A temporary city clurk Is to be employed Until the return of Clerk Harter who Is In Illinois recovering from his fifteenth surgical operation and whose help In ex plaining the records Is sought RUMOR THAT REMSEN BOARD IS TO BE DISSOLVED WASHINGTON, March 23.-Conferences today between Dr. Ira E. Remsen, presl. dent jf the so-called "Remsen pure food board Secretary Houston of the De partment of Agrloulture. and President Wilson, led to reports that the Remsen hoard soon would be dissolved. Nelthei Secretary Houston nor Ir Remsen would make Dosltlve statements. rtjiet;hing Missing Drawn for Tho Bee by Powell ANOTHER BATTLE IN oiaie iroops Aavunce on iny ana , Ojeda Takes Steps to Meet Them. MOVE TOWARD HERM0SILL0 Federals nt Guarniaa Cnptnre Train arid Threaten Hate of ttlis, Con stKutlonnllats Located nt Orlts. NACO, Arli., March 22. Combined state troop forces nt noon today began moving In against Naco, Bonora. Following hfc precedent of last' week. General OJcda at once left the Mexican border town and set out to meet the enemy. His ranks are depleted by desertions and tho Huerta commander hos no more than 350 men, while four groups of the state troopa ag gregate 1,600 men. Although the state troops suddenly abandoned their avowed plan of first at tacking Cananea, Ojeda was not caught napping. At once his small army set out In two columns, thn rapid fire pieces to the east and the mortars and cannon to the west. The state troops also advanced ln two groups. Colonels Bracamonte and Col les, who were defeated previously below Naco, moved ln from the east with four machine guns. From the west Generul Obregon and Colonel Cabral advanced with a battery of field pieces. Federals Threaten Hermoalllo. NOG A LES, Ariz., March 22,-Constltu-tlonallst leaders In this vicinity were dis turbed today by reports: that federals at Guaymas had 'made a daring sally from tho town and captured a train bound for Orltx, tho Btate troop base, Leaders of the state troops In northern Sonora are preparing to rush their forces to Hermoslllo and Orttr. to repel the threatened Invasion by Huerta's army from the southwest. Cnrrausa Seeka Amnesty. MONTEItHV". Mex.. March 22,-Cft- ranza. rebel governor oi uoaiiuna, is seeking an opportunity to treat for Peace, Hrnnrdlnir to advices received here. He ! said to have made known, his willing t maae Known ms wiuhikji .mi...H nf h fHderaM ness to meet government. A detachment of 200 rebels today sent a communication to General Lojero, com mander of the U ooV. he fVerlng . manner ui i "my surrender If they are given assurances of amnesty. Foreign consuls have been assured by General Lojero that ample protection will be offered to their people In the event of an attack by rebels on this city. California Hen Lays Record Egg POMONA. Cal., March 22.-An Kaater egg six Inches long and eight Inches In circumference was laid by a Rhode Is land Red hsit belonging to Dr. A. J. Farley, who Dcgun looking up egg rec ords today, rio far as tho poultry ranches In this valley ure concerned, tha Farley hen has the record. JURY IN FALSE TEETH MURDER CASE DISCHARGED TOPHKA, Kan., March 22. The Jury In tho case ot Rev. W. L. Beers, a Methodist minister charged with slaying his wife by forcing her false teeth down her throat, reported disagreement this, after noon and was discharged. The final ballot was eight for acquittal, four for conviction. Barly today the Jury stood seven tot conviction, five for acquittal, Prof, Willis Moore, Chief of Weather Bureau, Resigns Moore, chief of the weather burcai. re signed today. Secretary .ilouHton ac cepted ihe 'resignation after, a talk with President Wilson, to becomo effective July 31, Prof. Moore la a democrat; and was a candidate for appointment as sec retary of agriculture. Secretary Houston explained that the office df clilfif of the weather bureau Was not, covered by civil service and was a presidential appointment. "We have no one In mind now," suld the secretary, "but will try to get the best man we can of scientific) ability u.-il administrative talent." Retailers Want Lower Tariff on Cattle 8Af FRANCISCO, March 22.-A plea for a reduction In the tariff on meat and cuttle Imports has been sent to President Wilson and the California congressional delegation by the retail butchers ot this city and Alameda county. , "Our association has concluded," reads the message, "that only wholesale butch ers of this state aro receiving the bene fits accruing from prices which we find are exorbitant. Although the margin of profit on which the retailer operates has been considerably narrowed, this unjust enrichment of tho wholesaler Is ulti mately borne by tho consume?." Tho communication states that rthe signers, the Sun Francisco Retail Butch ers' association and tho Alameda County Butchers' exchange, are prepared to fur nish tho government with schedules of costs, freight tariffs and market prices on Australian nnd Mexican meat and cattle showing the conditions they de Clare to exist. Italian Art Dealers Besiege Morgan NEW YORK, Marcli 22,-There Is not an art dealer or antiquary In Romo who is noi Besieging ino noiei wnere j. rier- uont Morcan Is stavlmr. uccordlnir to - - -- -- Rome dispatches. I-rom all parts of Italy also nuiiurcua ui loucrn, ill" majority containing photographs and pictures of statues, aio arriving for Mr. Morgan by ""V?" n,Mt " ""l signed to a huge waste paper basket. Dealers in Rome and a number of private collectors are carrying nil sorts of odds and ends, pictures, china, lacn and curios tu the hotel, thinking they can dispose of tholr goods and return home with a bundle of bunk notes. All of tho visitors are reputable dealers notwith standing the desperate efforts to IP proach the financier. Blackmail Letter Demands. $10,000 KT. PAITU Minn., March 2S. Threats against the lives of Koo line officials nnd detectives, and threats to destroy with dynamite a "dozen passenger trains'' If their demands for 110.00) In gold were not grunted, wnru contained In a letter r eolved today at the Sou line offices und ( turned over to tho police. The writer of the unsigned note, which Is ln a crudci hand, sayti he luus five accomplices, und takes credit for the three wreaks within, the last six weeks of passenger trains No. 4 In North Ht. Paul. None was Injured In the wrecks. At the first wreck, however, members of the train orew exchanged shots with two men who ran away when the train wus ditched. Police and postal Inspectors ar Investigating, LOWER HOUSE TAKES SIOE OF THE PEOPLE Action on Anderson Water Board Measure Indicates This View of the Situation. HOWELL URGES PQ0R LOGIC Seeks to .Make Legislators Hell eve . the4 LniTiunkliiir Body la Respon sible for Contest Now On - Over-Wwier Works. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 22,-(Speclal.)-Tho action ot the house In committee, of the whole yesterday In recommending for passage tha hill to permit the people of Omulm to voto on tho question whether thoy dcslro to nbllsh the Water board and place the water works under the Jurisdiction o ftlio city commission In dicates tho houso will refuse to pass tho Omaha water district bill without giving the people an opportunity to vote upon It. This latter measure gives the Water hoard of Omaha authority over water questions not only In Omaha, but Ih Florence, Dundee and South Omaha, regardless of what the people may think of It. Originally the bill refused to per mit a private concern or corporation to sink a well and furnish wutr for Its own use, but this was cut out by the house committee. Before this amendment wns adopted the engineer of tho Water board who has been on the ground tho entire session Inflated the stock yards was fighting the bill nnd If Its contention to refuse to buy water from Omaha wns sustained, It would seriously cripple the Omaha plant and be a terrible blow to municipal ownersmp. ror some reason, nowever i-promlor boagt; that the sun never sets ho prepared nu nmendment to the bill j upon American philanthropy. One of tha which eliminated the stock yards from I largest works our country can do is to thn Jurisdiction of the Water board. j carry our ideas to other nations." HnmeHteniler Itejeel Norfolk fJIrl. ' The, speaker hero was talking of thai Mr. Howell nnd his associates had the American schools, colleges and mission audacity to argue before the house com-'arles In other countries and of the de mlttoe that the legislature of Nebraska! mand for American teachers. "Those (Continued on Page Two.) I rt l -i Nil P KfYTTIPTTl nATOfl 1 rx&w iuuxuuiiiuui uui r ' Mrs. Bryan Bought Dishes from Burns , ,. Are you the Mr- Burns whose crockery , . , . ,, the Policy of tho last administration Is Farnam street?" asked Mrs, Bryan, wiful""1 at the now secretary of state, as Samuel! (.Continued on Page Eight.) Burns, one of Omahn's pioneer business i men, now retired, wus presented to her at 1 1 " the Commercial club. j 'I remember vou verv wall. I bouirht a - - - - - set of dishes of you some time after we set up housekeeping In Nebraska. They were good dishes, too." And Mr. Burns was moved along out of hearing by the pressure ot the crowd be hind him. Hum! School Consolidated. MARHHALLTOWN, la., March 22.(Spe ola'l.) Following the consolidation of four purely rural school districts Into a con solidated district, three other townships, each containing a number of Independent districts, havo launched schemes for .'on solldatlon. Seven districts In one town ship havo called an election for March 30 to vote on consolidation and build v building In a central location Uirgo enough to accommodate eight grades and teach domestla science and agriculture. Blind Mini Commits Suicide. PLEASANT OHOVK. I'tah. March 22.- BUnd and 111 with pneumonia, Andrew C. Thompson, 77 years ot age, committed I suicide by slashing his throat with his grandson's pocket knife. His son. who i was wntchlnr bv the bedside, fell asleeo. to be aroused by the groans of the blind man, who died, soon after, in n nu mi r-nritno mu Dl ortnuo uhi AS GUEST OF OMAHA' AT SEVERAL AFFAIRS Mrs. Bryan Accompanies Him, and Women Join in the Enter tainment Plans. ' SPEAKS AT COMMERCIAL CLUB Is Facetious, as Well as Serious in His Remarks. POKES SOME FUN AT HIMSELF, Says He is in Aocord with Wilson on Foreign Policies. QUEST OF UNIVERSITY CLUB Meets with Yonnir Men's Christina Association Directors Daring the Afternoon. 1 4 t havo boen so busy, since I was ap pointed to the cabinet that I have '.lot jjhad time to ask the president why ha nppoinioa m,v ueciareu wiuiam .itnnum Bryan, secretary ' .of state, before ths largest crowd that has ever gathered at the Commercial club. It was one ot manyi remarks In his speech, vrhlch were re-4 cnlvnd by the audience with much laugh- ter and applause. In fact, his speech con talned lines of humor and good will all the way through. Joseph Millard, former United states senator from .Nebraska, acted 'as chair- man and ln tlntroduclng the speaker, complimented the president, on hs cholc ot Mr, Bryan to head the cabinet. Other sentences In his Introductory remarks at forded thoughts i -which the secretary ot stato humorously elaborated. Mr, Bryan said tho club had done him honor1 by making Senator Millard the toast master "Senator Millard, who has not always. votedthe same and who Is one of those In tho opposite party broad enough, liberal enough and generous enough to let his Interest run across party lines occasionally.'" Close to llelnic Prealdent. "As the toastmattcr has tuggected," h( continued, "tho president probably se lected me because of all th. people in th9 country I had cuuc most irequently oloso to becoming president." In explaining some ot the duties ot thf secretary of state the chairman had said tho president made no mistake In ap pointing Mr. Bryan because Mr. Bryan knows tho troubles or public life and "will know, better In a year from upW, especially nftfcr handling the many gen tlemcn who want to be sent abroad.1, "I don't suppose," declared Mr. Bryan, rather as a rtnly to tils,. ''that there s any man In the country who knows mora people 'who ought to be sent to foreign lands, ilt Is mjvregret that 12,506 mileu away Is the greatest distance they can be sent. This globe Js too, small for send Ing some of the people to distances i would like to send them. But If ihe preu, Idont will give me a free hand I'll send as many republicans abroad as 1 can before the next election." Mr. Bryan dealt at somo length on tha policies of the present administration la relations with foreign countries, and la words evidently calculated to mako his audlenco believe the administration will adppt more a .policy of friendship ana exnraple for other nations than endeav ors to transcend them. t KpochOIuklnir Decision. "I shall enjoy making just as cordial relations between our country and the other nations as possible," sold he. "Tha president could not have found one mora In symjxUhy with his specific intentions In regard to relations with foreign coun tries than I. I desire to make It plain, that this country lias no enemies abroad. "The old Idea that the Individual can rise by putting other down Is obnoxious This Is the philosophy of the president ln which T hartlly concur. The bible say much will be required of those .to who much Is given, and this nation must give more than all other nations because It has 'been given more. It must make tta disinterestedness and altruism under- stood abroad. 'Wo cannot boast that the sun never j iet8 upo our possesions, but We have n. who go to them to give," said he, "aro making this nation more loved than thosa who go to gut. It Is not the products of our farms and factories, but theso Ideas of ours which bring us Into respect and tho love of other nation." Howell Htnrted Tronbla, Mr. Bryan declared that tho statement President Wilson relative to the six pow- i jpp uuineso loan oonwtnea nm epoca . . KBlrt how,hB vjv in WANT REAL (TO SELL ESTATE? Bee classified columns hold the record for highest good returns in tho sale of house, lot, flat building, business property and so on. Naturally, the big,' ex ceptional results come when insertion is care fully planned and is fre quent Expert counsel and aid along this lino is offered by The Bee. TYLER 1000