TUB OMAHA, KAITKIUY, MAKCII i9 Easter Dinner IHT at V IK II lour i JWJ MEAT PRICES ADVANCING Beef Goes Up Two Cents and Lambs Are Very High. OEANQES ARE ALSO AWAY UP 2krn for fSnstrr AVIII lip Twenty Cent it Diiitrn lint trr Dropped n Cent nnil Cheenc Two ntn. mr ffinner Menu and Tested Recipes ivLKKvntlnn for the Hit fit rr TnMr ih3 should bo tho dominating features ofjkaster dinners, luncheons or what evr special fenst marks the passing from tnamcager regime of Ient to the Kind- .some ttmo of rich plentlfulncss. Special flovijers, frultR and vegetables at this sea .ppB.Tnako It feasible to mark the change lnfft peculiarly attractive manner. ftluBsy willows will give tho right toueh twine lives far enough north to get them . solato In tho season. Tho blossoms of fruit trees apple?, pearlies, pears and plums make extremely beautiful Kastor decorations, and tho florists anticipate inaiuro sufficiently to provide them at tfils time. Kqunlly beautiful are flower ting shrubs, such .is lilac, syrlnga Japonlca "Sid the like, which the accommodating TlGrfai Alkn linn In nlnlr nnn- ti.a ...m. uuaunuuiu ui mi nowcrs ior decorations d therefore tho most desirable are the Bulbous plants, like tho narcissus, tho -v.., juiuiuii, iim irenui. ino (hyacinth, the Iris and, abovo all, the Illy. Beautlfut as are the pure whlto lilies, jjirmny porsons prefer not to use them he .cause they have become so hackneyed. There Is a turning to colored lilies of .-various sixes this season; flaming red tones, yellow ones nnd some that are ,,Btrlped or spotted. There Is one thing to e remembered about thn una nt no must necessarily have a somewhat unnai arangement if they are nd mime. mis mav IJO obvlntpil tn i .-.L, extent ty usim? (hum in ....... ki ..... l. some other scasonablo flower. Tempting Din he. -v .u.,,0.0 uuimpes iane soma small slices of bread that have been previously toasted and thoroughly but tered and spread them with caviare. Serve with a bit of cress and with lemon cut In fanciful designs. Carrot Soup-Wash and grate enough carrots to fill a' quart measure. Add this to two quarts of soup stock and season with salt, pepper and a small onion. Let It come to a boll and simmer for an hour. Thicken with a little butter .and flour rubbed together and boll for five minutes. Strain the soup and add a pint of cream, to which has been added the yolks of four eggs. Tho soup must not boll after tho eggs are added, but should ba served Immediately. Fillet of Chicken-Put the breasts and first and second Joints of two young chickens In a saucepan and cover with water In which Is an onion. When the chlckon Is soft take it from tho stock. Also remove tho onion. Thicken he stock with threo tablespoonfuls of butter rubbed up with flour and as soon as this comes to a boll add a half cup of cream and tho yolks of three eggs. Season and pour over the chicken. Glazed Sweet Potatoes-Cut In thick slices cold boiled sweet potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Dip the slices In melted butter, to which .as heon added two tablespoonfuls of sugar, and cook for ten or twelve minutes In a hot oven. Boiled asparagus should be cooked In Raited water from twenty minutes to half nn hour. It may be served with melted butter or with a sauce made by mixing a llttla cream with the beaten yolkB of two eggs and cooking In a double boiler until thick, adding a little butter, pepper and salt Just as it Is to bo served. Cheese eggs are mado by mixing a enn of grated cheese with a scant tablespoon ful of flour, a little salt and a dash of cayenne pepper with the beaten whites of two eggs, then shaping them into the form of eggs, rolling In fine crumbs and frying in butter. Serve on a folded na; kin. Orange Baskets Billed with Jelly with a sharp-pointed knife cut out a pieco from each side of the top half of an orange, so a.8 to leave a Btrlp for the hand'c to the lower half, thus forming a basKe.. Tiu pulp can easily be removed. Make Jelly from this and fill the baskets, or Mmo other flavoring of Jelly may be used U preferred. I.lly Iitinclipnn. A Illy luncheon may be carried out tn green and white. It may be bettjr to us a pot of white hyacinths or sonvi;hlng -if that sort for a centerpiece, as lilies are too tall to bo managed well for the pur pose. Tho lilies muy then bo made w radiate from this centurplece. This is especially pretty for a round table. Therj is table, linen that comes with a hand some Illy design, and this may appropri ately be used for tho illy luncheon if one vises a cloth at all. LJttle busku.s filled with painted eggs make a pjcasiiii: novelty. The menu given is suggestive and can be abridged or added to -r modi fied according to taste and circumstanced. spring not! p. Shad Roe With jytilte Sauce. Cucumber Strips. Broiled Birds on Toast. Creamed Potatoes and Peas. Mint Sorbet. Mixed Salad. Pistachio Ice Cream, White Cake. Fruit. Coffee. Spring soup Is made by using a founda tion of clear stock and putting into it a fw vegetables out Into small, fancy shapes, or bits of green salads. Baked Shad Ttoo With Cream Sauce Boll the roe for about ten minutes In water which has been salted, and then place In cold water for about the sama time. Put two tablespoonfuls of flour Into some melted butter n a stewpan and stir until brown; then nour In gradually a large cupful of milk, stirring all the time. Season and let it come to a boll. Pour part of it over the roe and keep the rest fpr basting. The roe should be baked for about three-quarters ef an hour, being: basted every li minutes Juit before the roe Is to be taken from the oven pour over It any of the sauce that remains. Cut a cucumber lengthwise Into strli Mid 1st them stand for half an hour In told water; then dry thein and servt: rtfh TVni.)i tl rmn r, IT All meats have advanced tn price dur ing the last two weeks, lleef has taken on a 2-cent Increase, mutton has gono tip 1 cent and lambs are now at almost pro hibitive prices. Ham Is the cheapest meat that can be bought and for the best grade It is selling nt IT',4 cents a pound Horequarters of lamb sell at 75 cents and hindquarters at $1.41. Chickens are IS and 10 cents a pound wholesnle. Young chickens will sell fur 3t cents retail. Pork loins lire 15V4 cents u pound nud htot loins hit IS cents. Storms In the west ate given as tho reason for the advance In meat prices. Cattle raisers are not shipping their stock to murkct. Neither are there many chickens being shipped In, this bolus the season when hens begin to make profits by laying. Kggs are cheaper, but the price is still being held up by the cold weather. Kggs for Kustcr will sell nt 20 cents a dozen. Butter lias dropped a cent and. retails for 37 cents a pound. Cheese also is cheaper, having declined another 2 cents this week. The best cheese may be had for 20 cents a pound. Homo vegetables have gone up. Cauli flower, which Bold two weeks ago for $iS5 a crate, imw sells forftkO. The re IhII price Is "4 to 10 rnits a pound , Tomatoes are 10 .Mft.tav a- pound. Cucu-n- . hers are 10 cents each Atlier vegetable.! are at the same figures. OiHiiges tills voar are double the, pnte of a yeaVarfo. The freeze tn (al tlornla is said to be the caust- of the scarcity. O'anges- linve advanced 10 cents a dozen --within- thp tnst week! and now 11 nt from 20 to 40 cents I . i Lemons, too, nave gone up Tiu-y are 30, ?S and 40. cents, a doieti when for merly they eold for IB. So mid 36 cents a dnxen. Albert' King, , manager (ft Hit' den Brother' grocery.1 department, jitys 'oranges and lemons will ml m nee further in price within, su week. ASH. .BASIS; MO CREDIT In the secret of tho wldo popularity of Bath's Market. Js'o credit moans no loan from bud accounts, no expense of book keeping, collecting, to be mado up by substituting Inferior quality. Wo pay cuxh for our meats nnd sell far cash, and no delivery. Thut's why we (an sell only, choice meats for the same or loH tlmn we would have to charge for In ferior mejitH If we conducted n credit business like other dealers. Wo make and specialize In Home Cured Hams and Macon, IlMinn Rendered l.nnl and nil klndM of Homo Made Sau sage. Wc know them to tip the very best on f.lio Omaha mnrket Choice Home Pressed Chicken Jos Bath's Cash Market 1931 Farnain, Tel. pong. 8984, 12Ho 19o Hindquarters Kmnb I Chickens, lb. Korcqnarters hiiiiit) 69o FYenh Kggs. dozen PRICES GOOD ALL WEEK Green Trading' Stamps Given Pork Boasts, lb. . . 10?io Lamb Chop., lb. ...loo Beef Boll, lb SUo Choice Steer Steak 12lo Choice Veal Steak 13 40 3-lb. pall Lard 390 S-lb. pall Lard 49o 10-lb. pall Lard 37o D. C. Bucon 16i4o D. C. Cal. Hams . .13 D. C. No. 1 Skinned Hams- 164o Salt Pork 100 Liver, lb 5o Butterine. lb 134c Creamery Butter . .39c 2S lbs. cane sugar 31.00 With lb. best Japan Tea at Sao 30c pkg. coffee . . . .333 40c pkg coffee . . . .370 Go pkg. matches . . .34c 10c pkg. Com Flakes So 10c pkg. raisins ... .Go 10c prunes, lb 5o 75c sacks Flour ....59c lfic cans salmon ....9o 20c cans plums 80 20c cutis pears 9o 4 10c cans lye, corn, peas, hominy, pumpkin, mus tnrd, sardines .... 350 14 burs Swift soap 3So Choice onions, peck 10c Choice Potatoes, bu. 55o XXXX best flour 91.05 10 lbs. oatmeal 350 N. Y. Cream Cheese. It)., at 17 Ho 21c cans cocoa 180 2Tc Ituniford baking powder 190 6 lbs. Chili Beann . .3So 10c bottles pickles . .50 lOo pkg. cornstarch .4o 3 cans oil sardines . lOo Mncaronl or spaghetti, nt 74o MA II, ORDERS SAMS PRICES. WRITE FOB PRICE LIST. BOSTON MARKET & GROCERY CO. 113 NORTH 1GTH ST., OFF. FOBTOFriCE. 3 PHONES, D. 1089. Special Easter Offer In ordor to show you that Omaha is the moxkot 'for whiskey In' the west, we make the following offtri 4 QUABTB POLLACK'S H. F. MONOGRAM WHIBK1Y, ONE BOTTLE ANGELICA AND ONE BOTTLE FORT ffiO WINE 55.00 WORTH OF OOODB, ONLY VV-UU WE PAT THE EXPRESS Pollack's K. F. Monogram Whiskey la absolutely clean and pure and nntqualed for family use and medicinal purposes. STARS AMD STRIPES AND OLD MOO SE BEER The only beer In whose manufacture the celebratod Willow Springs water la used. Brewed In the famous, modern brewery or Omaha. Delivered to all parts of the city. Mail orders filled. HENRY POLLACK 15th and Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 712. fjBHHKBEZSasa E I A NEW NICKEL WITH EACH QUART PURCHASE OF WINE OR WHISKEY. FRPE c, 1307 Douglas St. Enjoy this Free Gift A FREE "Surprise Box" of assorted Sunshine Biscuits awaits you. Please send for it at once so you can test these best of biscuits. So you can learn how full-flavored and captivating are some of the many varieties of Biscuits Get One Pound Get it today. Try it Use it for the table, for cooking, for baking. Sec for yourself this product with all the goodness of butter at one-third less cost. For your own benefit get to know Swift's "Premium" Oleomargarine All dealers carry it. Made only by Swift 6c Company, U. S. A. Spring Lamb for Yiur Easter LAMBS! LAMBS! Lamb Hindquarters.... $1.35 Lamb Foroquartors....75c Pltf Pork Roast ll?io Steer Tot Uoa.it loo and 90 Voung1 Vral lloant .... laHo Htoer Porterhouse Steak 14o Umb Chops, .1 lbs. for 35o Mutton llOHKt No. 1 Loan llacon No, 1 Loan IhmiK . . Sugar Cured hncon Rmall Hatua .6Jao .1840 .1B40 .u4'4 .1140 FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS 28 lbs. best ucar 91.00 With 1 lb. of best bulk Tea nt 0o Host brands of Klour 51.15 .ino ennn of imnnrncus tips . ...lBo 50c size of presqrven . . . . i . .-. . .39o Largo enns of frulta In heavy syrup at IDo 12arly Juno ppnw. per can loo 4 10c canH of corn 85o 3-lb. cans of Hullor Boy Tomatons at loo irc cans of nalnion. 3 for ....35o 12 bara of D. C. or H. K. A. J3oap at aso With 4 lhs, of washing Hoda for lOo "Vresh country candled eKK.s ....aoo l-ill cream N. Y, cheeso 80o Spaghetti or macaroni, per pkg, 7o Mason Jam of olives 100 Scedlenn rntslnH or Jelly, pkg, 74o 2Go Hnlder'n catsup, Itumford bak ing powder or oats loo Pkg. creamery butter SOo and 3So PUBLIC MARKET 'S: I There are tlx varieties In the Gift Box. Their ntmti end ucteriptions follow itudy tlirmt Takboma Blictilt Critp, flaky fxU blsculu that break evenly in the center to a lite htndy for eating. 5 crtlt a pucksge. Batter TYuu Real butter thtr.s, made with real butter and baked to an apjxtitiog brown. 10 ctoli a package. SaaiVht CrahaBi Crbp and brown gra. bain biacuits with delldously wholeome flavor. 10 ceatt package. Mtllofo Bhcniti Critp and slightly iwect enru just the thing with alter.the. theatre tea or chocolate. 10 ceatt a pkg. Yasj-Yira Appetising crisp little biscuits, spiced with linger. You eat them with a rest. E cent a package. Vaal'iU Wafus Slightly sweetened, de- iihtully flavored! Dainty morsels that melt in the mouth. 10 cacti a package. Oa Our Guest at a Tompting Feast. Mail tho Coupon JopsE-n-EB jrscurr Company Baktrt o Sunthln Dhcultt Sold By All Grocers Swd thU To-dr. LoMwWfl Bbcult Co Omaha, Neb. Please send me FREE my "Surprise Box' of assorted Sunshine Biscuits. Beware of Imitations of 1 ip-1 op Bread They are many, and you may be deceived at first, but the eating will tell the difference. TIP-TOP, however, is the one with purity and wholesomeness. You continue to buy it after you first place it on your table. Tip Top recommends itself. At Your Grocer. U. P. Steam Baking Co. TRA.DE MARK REG. u.s. patent orrice QQ 1 I ! i ! a li c OS O . BEE HIVE GROCERY SPECIAL FOR EASIER Hluo Hell Klour. suck .0C Host HiiBar. 25 ll 111.00 With 3 lhK. of our Oholco Coffee.. 90c SlrU-tljy IVphIi Kkkk. dux ,..20o KrcHh Country lluttcr, lb .ave Chnlco OletiinarKurliie, 2-lh. roll... 33o Katu-y 1'runcK, lh- 8o Navy Hpfliift, lh 6c Oatmeal, two 10c ik 16c MntchpM, 5o hox 3WC Heat 4-tle Urodnw, each a&o I'ct or Curnutton Milk, 3 cutis 38o Horn, four 10c cunt , 38o TonmtooK, lluro 10c chiki. ...,... .83 I'ean, rcRiilur lKo can loo Halmon, tall hIic, 15o can 9o IViirH, liire 16c enn 90 Hominy or Pumpkin, three lOo cann.35o Sliced Pineapple, 25c can 18o Knncy Inrge Potatocw, bu 68o Fancy larnw red Onions, peck SOo Cabbage, solid hendn, lb lo Knney red Apples, peck 38o I .unto ripe Urn pa l-'rult. each Bo lllnck Walnut, lb 3o l.cilf Lard. 9 lbs 31,00 Salt Pork. It lOo Rolling Iteof, lb 7o Choloo 8tonk iBVso Choice Itoast. lb. . . , Uo Veal ChopH. lb iaVo Veal lloaat. lb HVo O'lealt Pork llonea, lb o lloinp-mndo Kraut, lb So rrtih Breited Ohlckana to Ord-. BEE HIVE GROCERY Phone Donfflaa 1034. 10th and Coining rr Specials for Easter Tn Candies, Cakes, Ice Cream Molds, Brick, etc. Hemember Our New Locations: 1519 Dodge Street 2557 Farnam Street Phone Trler616 Order Early TALK WITH US r DAtZELL&SQN SKINNER'S Elbow Macaroni SKINN13IV8 line of macaroni pio ducts has tho Indorsement or many of the leading food experts of tho United Htates. We have letters statins that SKINNER'S Is tho best macaroni they have over used in their work. We uia nothing but the best of material In tho manufacture of our oods, and the consumers greatly appreciate thin fact. There liai never been any line of mncaronl that has met with the phenomenal success In lame sale' with which the 8KINNKR line has been favored. Nino out of every ten Krocers In Omaha's trade territory well and recommend 8 K I N N K R'S brand. Get the macaroni habit. Serve It regularly. There Is positively no more healthful or economical food for olther the rich nr poor. We would be glud to send you reclpa book free on request. Ask your grocer for SKIN NI5R'S Macaroni Prod-ucts. Skinner Mfg. Co. 12th and Jackson Strttts, Omaha. is Your Easter Dinner will bo sure to please all tho family if you order from this storo. Saturday Specials $2? $12. Elmer A. Johnsen Phone Harney 841 2800 Leavenworth, St. One dozen cans fancy Asparagus Tips .... Three-quart Jar of Queen Olive's . . . .-. . 2 Economical Buyers! .You eavo time, money here on Meals, Provisions and Poultry. Our. bliSnoB8 Is growing con tinually, .try us. German Saus ages of all kinds manufactured fresh daily, FRED BONNESS Provision Co. Leavenworth Street. Phone Douglas 14118 j i