Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Pre-Easter Sales Offering Buyers Broadest Assortments of Authentic
Styles and Superb Qualities at Most Pleasingly Economical Pricings
A truly wonderful showing of e
very best produced in Silk, Cotton
nnd Lisle Hose for Ladies and Chil
dren. A Showing of Knjser Silk Hose in all the
staplo shades and a splendid assortment
of new color tones. You can almost cer
tainly match the now gown, exceptional
values, at S1.00 S1.50 and S2.00
Snoclnl Ladles' Silk Hose, regular values
to $1.00, in black, white or tnns-
at 60J and 40J
lollies' (Jntize Mslo Hose 40c All colors
and black, regular and out sizes.
Ono Lot of Ladies' 10c Cotton Hose, black
with white feot, ribbed tops, on sale
at 124
Children's Pony Stockings Please AVo
havo them in black, white or tans, all
weights, at 25i
Children's Hose, regular 19c values, will
so at
Several Other Specials on Display.
We show most surprisingly complete lines ot
C-B, Warner's, It. & a., Blnner, Thompson's
aiove Fitting, W. B., Nemo, Bon Ton and
other famed brands, Just the right model for
you In an assured fact all new models,
shown, at 91,00 to 95.00
Expert Oorsetlexes in Attendance.
The Most Charming Displa of the
New Spring Millinery Modes
It has ever been our privilege to show adapta
tions from the most exquisite models of the world's
best designers as beautiful as the originals and hun
dreds of elegant original, designs from our own work
rooms created expressly for women who are satisfied
only with exclusive and original models.
Not only will you find superior assort
ments of authentic now designs but the prices
are beyond question the very lowest, quality
Street Hats $5.00 to $15.00. Dress Hats $5.00 to $25.00
An Elegant Showing of Pattern Hats $18.00 to $75.00
You'll find truly wonderful values offered in our spe
cial groups of trimmed hats at $1.48, $2.95, $3.95, $5
The finest and most moderately priced assortments of
Untnmmed Shapes in Omaha.
Easter Sale
50c Hair Bow Ribbons 25c
Fancy Brocaded Satin
Ribbons, 5 in. wide nnd
Plain Taffeta Ribbons (i
in. wide, all shades, regu
lar 00c yard qualify, spe
cial, at yard 25c
25c Taffeta Ribbons 10c All
Silk Taffeta Hair Bow Klb
bons, 4 in. wide, In all colore,
values you'll not find dupli
cated elsewhere at price,
yard 10b
Easier Lilies For
1,000 Iteautiful Easter Lilies
on Sale Saturday in Crockery
12k Bud or Bloom
AH Vegetaulo or Flower Seed
at 3 pkgs. for 6o
Blue Gress Heed, lb 30o
Blue Grass and Clover, lb 30o
Clover only, lb
nrt nrt V11nw Onion Sets
1 quarts for 2SoJ
Easter Sale of
Men's Furnishings
Silk Four-ln.Hnnd Ties 50c to.
$1.00 values, all new colors
and styles, specials 45. 25J
$1.00 and $1.50 Kid Gloves In
well known makes; special
at 98d and 49
Men's xanea HanflkeroWefs, made
to sell at ICo and 25c. 011 sale Sat.
urday 8 l-3o and 13Ha
Hen's 81,50 and 83.00 Pajamas, all
slzen, light colon . . . .880 and 69c
New Spring Shirt Styles, Flannels
and Madras, lii all new colors,
at 9M5 and 980
51.00 and 81. CO Wight Shirts, special
bargains, at 98o ana 49o
A Brilliant Display of Authentic Spring Gar
ment Fashions at Specially Attractive Pricings in Our Pre
Easter Sale The markets of the world have been ran
sacked to provide for our customers the most beautiful
and practical of the new season's style creations. Some
special lots which we have reserved for this, the last day
day of our pre-Easter selling we deem the choicest val
ues of this season.
Months of tireless endea
vor are represented in the
stocks concerned in this sale.
offer you ono of the most
pleasing assortments of the
season's new stylo ideas for
selection ever .shown in any
store and you'll find it hard
to match the quality at less
than $35.00. They are always
one price
A Pretty Line of New Waists
Made to sell up to $5.00,
come in nets, laces, tub silk
messalines and fancy chif
fons; pretty new designs, in
all color, at $1.95
Children's Coats and Dresses
A splendid showing of nobby
new styles in every wanted
fabric and coloring; while
prices are low it's the qual
ity that really counts.
Now Spring Coats at
These special pricings should incroase
the interest to you by twofold. Don't
miss them.
325 Beautiful
Tailored Suits
Manufacturers' sample lines,
only one of a kind and rep
resenting the vory latest pro
ductions of some of Amen
ta's best makorB. Among
the fabrics are Bedford
cords, diagonals, opougo
serges, etc., in plain colors,
pretty stripes, chock and
fnncies. Tho styles are all
now, including ft pretty lino
of Misses' Bulgarian Blouse
Suits; garments made to Boll
nt $20.00 to $30.00. Tho
greatest values shown this
season at sale price
New Spring Coats Finest
assortment of nobby styles
in Omaha. Cream, eponge,
bask6t weaves, diagonals,
etc.; special vnlues at
$19.50, $25, 829.75
and $35.00
$2.95, S3.95 and $4.95
New Snrimr Dresses at- $1.95, $2.95 and $3.95
WOMEN'S SILK UNDERSKIRTS $3.00 and $4.00 values, in messalines dj- 7Q
and taffetas, all colors; Saturday . P I
PICTURES $1.50 to $6 Values for $1.00 PICTURES
Over 2,000 beautiful Pictures secured by our buyer from
two prominent manufacturers, including Pastelles, Car
bons, Sepias, Hand-colored Photos, etc., in Oak, Gilt
and Circassian Walnut frames.
An almost endless assortment of beautiful subjects Marino scenes, Landscapes, Ma
donnas, Cupids, etc., etc., pictures any one should bo glad to give a place in their homo.
Sizes 10x20 jH JM g g Pictures made
16x20-16x36 IL T fill t0 sel1 UP t0
-20x28, at JJ m If If $6.00.
Spring Styles for Easter Wear
Let a pair of stylish Queen Qualify Shoes complete
your Easter Costume. t
We have just received the latest models the finest
of Fashionable footwear.
Every Queen Quality Shoe is comfortable from the start, because
of its Wonderful flexible sole. No "breaking in" is required.
Come early, and get first choice from this Special Easter Ship
ment. Prices $3.50 to $5.00.
Sole Agency
A showing absolutely complete
in tlieir size ranges all lengths;
plenty of blacks and w.hites and
an array of tho most forward
Spring colors which leaves noth
ing laoking to satisfy the individ
ual desiro to match the Easter
Fownes, Monarch nnd Derby Glove, tho
best for stylo, fit and wear, all colors,
2-button lonBthH. at gl 81.50 S2
Indies' 12 aihI tO-lnitton Long It Gloves,
real French Kid, In all colors, mntch
less values Sl.OS to S3, 50
Indies' Lambskin Glove, black, white
and tan, f 1 -00 values 69tf
KnjRcc Rfllt Glove In all lengths, styles
and colors, at ..... .gOd to $1.50
American Taffeta Umbrellas, mon's or
ladlos special . .QOtf 08d $1.45
Silk Umbrellas, at $1.08 to $7.50
Corset Specials
Tlirie very special offering that will keen
ly Interest the economical buyer don't
mis them
93.00 and 94.00 Quality Corsets, medium
bunt, nxtra Ions hip models, six hose sup
porters attached, broken linen, on sain
Broken lna of Batiste and Ootttll Oorseti,
to $1,00 values, extra Ions; hip models.
Iocs and embroidery trimmed 49o
91.50 Sa Jlevois Brassier, special at . .880
New Ideas, Careful Making, Tasteful
Laces and Embroideries, Coupled
With Attractive Prices
makes our showing of Dainty Undermuslins one of tho
most interesting over offered Omaha ladies.
' Spocials for Saturday You Should Not Neglect:
Pretty Muslin Underskirts Made, to sell at $5, with deop flounce, or
embroidery; special Saturday, In two lota at $1.08 and $2.08
Daintily Trimmed Gowns. Combination Suits anil Princess Blips
J n nainsook, cambric and sine inuu, very special bargains, cuoico
Gowns and Combination Hults
dalntily trimmed with laco and
Silk Union Suits, to $7.50 values,
most pleasing bargains
at $3.08 nntI $5
Heavy Bilk Bloomers, in pink,
bluo or white $2.05
Mncilln Drawers in all sizes,
beautifully trimmed ....405
Ladles' 25c Cotton Vests, regular
and extra sizes 12 H 6
-Mndo to sell at tl.75 to 32.50,
embroidery 98
Venetian Bilk Vents, to $3,60
values, hand ombroiderod, in
pink, bluo and white
at $1.45 nnd Rl.ftl
Lisle or Cotton Union Butts, a
styles, values to $1.50, special
at 49J
Ladles' Cotton Union Suits,
loose or ugnt Knoo, remarkable,
values, at 35
Why Not
Spring That
New Spring Hat
You'll find lines as complete
now as they will over be. Will
show you some very nobby now
styles in Stetson Hats, up
from $3.50
Hats at $2.00 and f S.BO that are
well worth a dollar more than
our price.
Children's nats and Caps All
colors, almost endless assort
ment 504 to $1.50
Special Trunk Sale All
sizes and styles, regular
$5 to $20 values, on sale
at ...$3.75 lo SX6.00J
Easter Specials on
Veilings and
The latest Spring Novel
ties in plain and fancy
Crackloy Mesh Veilings,
special yard
at 25c, 35c and 60c
$1.00 Ratine Col-
lars , . . ,
$1.00 Robot'
plorre Collars.,
$1.00 Laco Ja
$1.00 C h e m is
ettes at
Collars, Jabots and Guimpes,
mado to sell at 50c, special,
Saturday, at 256
6000 THIN6S TO EAT FOR EASTER -The Freshest and Highest Quality Goods at a Sating ot 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent
n n. h nfhnnlatitrl Sllp-ar. .81.00
48-lb. sack belt high grade. Diamond
li flour (nothing finer for bread,
plea or cake) sack .91.1.0
The beat domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Spaghetti, pkg 'H
Lib. cans Assorted Soups ...... rt
2.b. canB fancy Sweet Sugar Corn to
2.1b. cans fancy Wax. String, Oreo"
or Limai Hean- '.vl
2- lb. cana Karly June Peas. .... .100
3.1b. cans Golden Pumpkin, Uomlny
or Squash
3- lb. cans Oil or Mustard Sardines
each 8
S-lb. cans Boston Baked Beans.. 8Jjo
S cans Oil or Mustard Sardines, .aso
Imported Oil or Smoked Sardines 8l,.o
Jello. Jellycon or Advo Jell. pkg..7V4
Large bottles Worcester Sauce, As
sorted Pickles, pure Tomato Catsup,
Horseradish, or Mustard, bottle, 80
yancy Stuffed or Plain Olives, bot
tle ?9
Vancy large Queen Olives, quart.. Jfo
Lib. Jars pure Fruit Preserves. . ,36o
Lib. pkg. Cornstarch ........... o
3-lb. cans fancy Table Peaches, Pears,
Apricots or Plums y.:yiSa
The best strictly Fresh Kggs. guar
anteed (nothing finer for BOo per
dozen) our price...... ...aoc
The best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk. lb. . 370
The beat No. 1 Country Creamery 33o
The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. ..880
Good Dairy Table Butter, lb. , ...25c
Full Cream Cheese for macaroni, 15o
Full Cream Colored Cheese, lb. ...180
Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese.. SOo
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o
Itoquefort Cheene, lb 38o
Imported Swiss Cheese, lb 38o fob eastbb
at haydek's
Anything Tou Want at a Saving of
60 to 100
15 lbs. best Colorado Potatoes. .. .180
16 lbs. Red Wetherstleld Onions. . ISo
12 lbs. ood Cooking Apples . ...30o
Bushel boxes fancy Yakima Valljy
ned Cheek Pippin Hating Apples
for 91.60
Large bunches fresh Beets, Carrots,
Iladlshes, HhalloU or Turnips, per
bunch .4
Mushrooms, Strawberries, etc., any
thing you need, we have It at a sav
ing of 60 to 100.
Don't fail to see the beautiful dem
onstration of Advo Jell now being
demonstrated by Madame Blgelow,
Free lessons In preparing this iell
olotis dessert every morning from 10
to 12; afternoon, 2 to 5.
Also Dakota Wheat Hearts, cotto.
lene, Gebhart's Chill preparations,
Iten Biscuit Co. 'a full line fancy
Crackers. Free samples all day,
The Highest Quality Only and a Sav
ing Of 25 to 60.
Hlndquarter, best No. 1 quality B1.IB
Knrequarter, best No, 1 quality. . ,75o
Hindquarters, best quality, No. 1
Mutton ., 8J4O
Fnreauarters, best quality, No. 1
Mutton JWo
Pork Roast, No. 1 quality 13$
Pork Loins, No. 1 quality IB Ho
Pork Butts, No. 1 quality Ho
Fancy Hteer Pot Roast... ISo and 10o
Fancy Rib Roast, No. 1 quality., ISO
The best quality No. 1 regular hams,
per lb 174o
The best quality No. 1 Picnic Hams,
per lb ISUo
Good No. 1 quality Bacon, lb loo
Fancy No. 1 Lean Bacon, lb Soo
Home Made Bausuge, lb ,.7V4o
J lbs. best Leaf Lnrd 91.00
It pays to get Hayden's prices jii
all kinds of meats for Haster,
Easter Specials
10c Fancy Colored Bordered
Handkerchiefs, Saturday at 5i
10c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 5
10c Embroidered Handkerchiefs,
at 5
15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs,
at , 1V6
60c Pure Linen Hand Embroid
ered and Lace Edge Handker
chiefs, at 25
20o Ladles' Rubber Button Side
Hobo Supporters 10
35c Pad Hoso Supporters. -10c
60c Velvet Grip Pad Hose Sup
porters, at ....25
76c Hair Brushes, solid back 25
Real Bargains Always Found In Hardware Department
OAS ZBOITB Bpolal Out Frio Bale
SaturdayWe have the exclusive
agency for the famous Wlsard Qaa
Iron, Oas Irons can be more easily
regulated to any desired heat than
any other style of Iron; for one
day only, at 83.98
LTry HAYDEN'S Firsts,,
Beral Food Choppers 39o
Large site Hanltary Savory Bread
Boxes 70o
Large heavy EO-lb. Flour Bins, beau
tifully decg rated 79o
Wire Dish Cleaners Xo
Wilson Pattern Toaaters 80
Genuine Klogan Alcohol Stoves,. 39o
1.60 all white enamel Comblnette or
Chamber Palls 900
Clothes Pins, ISO for 100
"Bapld" extra heavy tin funnel Wash-
Inrf Machine 89o
'Tfrlse'' Wash Bench, large enough
for two large tubs and wringer 9l.4
Jt will pay ntsohanlos to watch our
Saturday specials.
Oarpsntera Fry Bsjr Fully war
ranted, your money back or a new
tool any time you are dissatisfied,
24-Inch. 36o 30-Inch ,4Bo
Blp Saws, fully warranted 880
The famous Samson Ring Ratchet
Brace, tho best brace made.., 81.89
Other Ratchet Braces, up from..69o
Nichol'a Framing Square 91.69
Other Squares up from 69o
India Oil Stoves, 7xtxl 09a
I set of 6 warranted malleable S
Wrenches ,.49o
6-Inch warranted nickel plated Com
bination Pliers 89o
For Your Drugs &
Toilet Specials
Visit Our Drug
Dept. Saturday
Stc bar of Cutlcura Soap for..l7o
2Jc bar of Woodbury's or Pack
er's Tar Soap for, 16o
10c Physician's or Surgeon's Soap
for bo
2 bars of Jap Rose or Palriiollve
Soap for , 18o
SOo Java Rice or Pozzotil's Face
Powder for S5u
J 1.60 box of Le Trefle or Azure
Powder for 78c
15c can Williams' Violet or Carna
tion Taloum loo
25o can of Mennen'a or Colgate's
Talcum ISo
10c bar of Williams' or Colgate's
Shaving Soap for 80
26c case of Boric Acid Powder lOo
i bars of Ivory Soap for 18o
60c bottle of Dr. Hlnkle's Cascara
Tablets for B5o
60c bottle of Sodium Phosphate
for 33o
$1.60 bottle of Oriental Cream 98o
60c bottle of Hind's Honey and
Almond Cream 30o
60c bottle of Bay Rum 19o
26o size of Sanltol or Graves
Tooth Paste or Powder. . .laVio
26o size of Sanltol, Peroxide or
Pond's Cream , 18c
15o 20-Mule-Team Borax for 9o
SI. 00 bottle of Peroxide of Hydro
.gen 88o
One lot of 25c Shaving Brushes
at ,160
12.00 Combination Syringe, v.,60
$1.25 Hot Water Bottle or Syringe
for 69o
$8.00 Wellington Coblnatlon Sy
ringe, guaranteed 8 years, .98.00