TIIT'l BEE: OMAHA, RATTED AY, MARCH no 1913. ( i 2 ( SUIT OYER INCH OF GROUND Woman Successfully Defends Her Title to Property. HAD WALL THERE 27 YEARS Judge Decide Ilrr Tide Wood and thr. llntlillnn Will Not llntc to lie Torn Umn Over the Conlrnvrmri When Frederick Krolie, who camo to Omaha man' yearn, uko from Ueards- awn, 111., died In ISSt. ho loft the couth half of the block on the west side of Thir teenth street, between l'arnam nnd Har ney street s, to five heirs. Mrs. Itoslna T. Kchneldcr, daughter of Mr. Krolie, and one of tho original heirs, has been compelled to conic Into district court to defend hor tltlo to one Inch of her twenty-flvc-foot lot. Judge Ken nedy decided for her, the defendant. Mrs. 'Schneider's title was fortified by a hilck wall resting on the Inch of ground In dispute, which had stood there since. 18S5. Had tho Judge decided differently It might have been necessary to have sold the tiny estate, as tho proceeding was a partition suit. Sirs. Schneider was bioiight as si de fhdant Into a suit In which Loiilr Upohmo Is prosecuting against Otto A. ndfhmc and Klva O. Hoohnic to Straighten up their titles to the lots south of Mrs. Schneider's property. Tho Boehmcs are grandchildren of Frederick Krone. The bulldlns, whoso wall was alleged to overlay one Inch of tho plaintiff's lot, was erected b'y Mrs. Schneider In JUST.. It Is directly south of tho lot whero the Dewey hotel formerly stood. Tho lower part now Is occupied by tlw Ohio restaurant. Thij "Judge, the lawyers nnd the wit nesses devoted hours of grave considera tion to the question as to whom belonged th Inch of ground. Judge Kennedy's de cision quiets tltlo to It In Mrs. Hchnelder nnd the brick wall will be allowed to stand undisturbed. Scientists Dig Up 'Mother-in-Law1 Joke in Ruins RAMESES A REAL WAG Courteous Treatment, Good Values and Generous Credit Terms The piefceS' Selected for tins advertisement nve mo&t exceptional values at the special eale prices. There arc many other splendid bargains in the store, in fact, something for every room in your home. Never mind about the ready cash; take ad vantage of our LIBERAL, EASY-PAYING, CREDIT TERMS. -This Massive Solid Oak Buffet COMMERCIAL CLUB VIEWS PICTURES OF A BIG PLANT Oscar, Elslagcr gave his Illustrated lec ture orS the welfare and community de velopment work of tho National , Cash Ileglstcr company before a largo crowd' at tho Commercial club at tho Thursday noon luncheon. Motion pltcurcs and Btereoptlcon views wero thrown on a large screen fX the south wall Illustrat ing tho development of tho cash register from the tlmo of the first machine. In vented years ago In Dayton, O., to tho present machlno made In one of tho largest factories In tho country. How Dayton has been Inflcnced by the pro gress qf the company -was cjearly brought out and the effects of the welfare work of the company even on tho boys nnd Clrls was Interestingly shown. Tho lec ture was KIslager'8 final appearance In Omaha. Ho has given lectures twice a, day at tho Brnndela elnco Monday nnd at each show tho theater was crowded. MINNESOTA MAN FOUND HERE WANTED FOR FORGERY Detectives John Dunn and James Kl nelly, walking around the cellroom of the clty.jaU last light spotted a man In one of bo compartments that answered In every detail' n ' deapriptidh' carried by them. Tho man was brought out and ad mitted that ' ho Is David Pearson, alias "Walter McCormack, wanted In Dodge Center, Minn., for forgery.. Pearson was arrested several day ago by Officer Mansfield, who charged him with va grancy and asked that ho be Investi gated Sheriff aillerhouso ,of Dodge Center was notified last night nnd he answered, saying that he would come here, for tho prisoner tomorrow. TlfnthrrV Pension mil Hlnned. SALT LAKH CITY. March 21.-Tho mothers' pension law nassrd by the last I'tah legislature became effective today. Mothers who are compelted to work for a. living will receive $10 per month to sup port ono child nnd $5 for every -othr child. The law's aim Is to permit mothers to remain homo with their young chll aen to properly reor them. Dr.' J iid bo n, president of tho University of Chicago, declares tho "mother-in-law" Joko was found Inscribed on bricks taken from the slto of Nineveh. News Item. Ily HANK. Tho scientist dug In the pyramid wall as ho never dug beforo, Ho laughed aud lie laughed at tho Jokes he found concerning the "mothor-ln-law," Dut ho gave a groan, and a pitiful moan as ho knelt In an anclont street, And saw at his knees that horrible whoezo on a chicken crossing the street. Thon over he turned tho pyramid stono to look at tho other sldo, And a look of surprise camo Into his eyes as some writing ho espied. Ho laughed and laughed, 'till ho shook his sides, and tears rolled down his nose, For ho road, "A chicken crossos tho utrcct to show her silky hose." From Our Near Neighbors Waterloo, L. C. Crlstman returned lust Friday from his trip to Pennsylvania and Wis consin. H.- M. Tuttlo left Tuesday for Wllltams vlllc. 111., his old home, whore he expects to remain somo time. William ljaggo has been enjoying a visit this week from his brothor Oeorgo, who lives on a farm near nioomflcld. Jack Thrano left Wednesday for Unr well, Oarfleld county, to superintend tho construction of a largo now hotel at that place. Mrs, Isaac Noyes and sister, Mrs., Karly, werif to Omaha Tuesday to see, Mr. and Mrs. lllland Noyes, who recently returned front' Canada. At tho town primary Tuesday evening, 15. L. Llndciucst. Charlie Htenglcln and Frod Urown were nominated as candi dates for village trustee. Bartholomew Fltipatrlck returned last week from a visit during tho winter at Columbus, Ov, with his sister, whom he had not seen for thirty years. Floyd Urady.whQ has bfpn. living at the home of his mint, Mrs., William Mc WhorteK this wlrtter, "ahrt attending school, left Saturday- foe his homo In Holt county. Oeoriro LuethJo of Klkhorn has gone to Colorado to work for D. a. Hopper on the latter's farm on tho Castcllo estate In southern Colorado. Mr. Hopper, Luethje and William Kemp loft Tuesday. "Undo Frank" Corliss was horo Tues day ond accompanied by a nophow, A. Q. Corliss, who recently camo from Woh ford, Vt., the original homo of Hhe Cor liss families, nnd who expects to remain In Omaha. Mrs. swanson of Omaha, aunt of Mrs. John BohQii. was visiting nt tho home of her niece" -the last week. Sho returned homo Tuosday and was accompanied by Mrs. Bcliou and some of the children, who went In for a visit. James Walsh of Benson was In Water loo Wednesday on business connected with his Interests In Waterloo and vicin ity Mr. Walsh Is arranging his affairs so lib can start about the middle of April Store k ar Welcome! Men of Oinulia to tho largest oxclustvo $2 hat store west of Chicago. Tho complete- lino of soft hats and stiff hats for spring 1913 now await your inspection. On SaturUuy, March tho 22d, wo open for business in our now and more spaoiouB quarters on Sixteenth stroot, whoro you enn view tho largest and best assorted stock" of hats in Omaha and all at Ono price $2.00 A handsome aluminum match box souvenir free to every gentleman, Saturday. Leon's $2 Hats 315 SOUTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Room formerly occupied by the Tom Kelley Co. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 for a trip across the big pond to seo old scenes and visit new ones In Europe. Hans P. Larson loaded his car for Min nesota last- Thursday and It left that afternoon for Omaha on tls fay north, liaymond I,arnou went with the car and tho family remulned over until Wednes day of this week. Wceplna; Vntcr. 8. J, Ambler Is visiting relatives In LIborty, Neb. Tim senior class of tho high has twenty members. Graduating exercises are set for May 23. Mrs. M. Davis and son, Searle, of Lin coln, visited In Weeping Water a foW days this week, Mrs. A. P. Woodard of University Place has been visiting Mrs. W. II. Pool for several daysi Mrs. Thomas Cuslck of Auburn was n visitor for a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Bourke. J. -M. TecKardon ji-went to Illinois on business this week, and from there tot In dlaua, to visit his father, Mr. William Sperry of Weeping Water nnd Mrs. Nora Worth vt Palmyra were married ut Nebraska. City March 18. Robert ' Baker "camo Trf 'from Pierce' county ond has rented an eighty-acre farm south of town and will farm this year. Tho 3-year-old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Witt died this week of diphtheria and. now Mrs. Witt Is Very sick with the disease. Mrs. M, Card and son, Everett, re turned homo last evening from a bU wcekii' visit with Mr, Card's parents In Logan, la. The Misses Darl and Lucy Holderbauin of Pennsylvania, visitors here with relatives, departed last Monday for Colo rado, to visit a sister, v EvanKcllHt D. E. Vanco of Oskaloosa. la., nnd Ilev. William Lambert of Weep ing Water have been holding evangelistic meetings In Manlcy this ween. Cards are out announcing tho marriage of Mr, Bobert K. Dravcr to Miss Irma Peters on Wednesday, April 2. A mis cellaneous shower wns tendered Miss Peters at the home qf Miss Hazel Jamo son last Wednesday. Ilev. Thomas King, a returned mis sionary, will preach nt the Congrega tional cliurcn next Kunday morning ana evening. Mth. King, who will be with him. was born and raised In Weeping Woter. They have spent many years In Africa. . i ' Vnllcr. llegent W, a. Whltmoro returned from Lincoln Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ferry will move Into the Qllmoro house, which they vacutod. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Derthlck moved Into the house of William Harrier Wednesday, Mr and Mrs. Fred Qrowcock returned to their home at Monroe Sunday, after I a two weeks visit with valley relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Warner, who sold" their homo .to Balford Dohorty recently, pur I chased the former Helmhauoh houso from 'I.. Hoblnson this week, and will movo as soon as It Is vacated. High School Inspector Reed nt Lincoln I Inspected the Valley High school Thurs i dav and snnke at tho mass meeting In the operji house In tnn evening. Mrs W O. Whltmore held a suffrage . mcetlne at her home Thursday afternoon ' nnd gave a dinner to the ladles and ttlr husbands at 7 o clock at the Fitzgerald lit mi. N'ewton Wesley Gaines will close the lerture course slven under the manage ment of the Vulley High school teachers Thursday evening, giving his popular loo- ture on "l.ov nnd Marriage. Mien Oertrude Ingram came out from Omaha Friday evening to Hncnd the -week end at home. Mrs. Charles Wlllo came with her and was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J, u. Agee and Mr. and Mrs. O. A Kopp. The rcmlar meettne of the Vallev Woman's club wns held at the home of sirs. J. C. Aitee Fr day afternoon. Mrs. X. E Johnson was -leader of the lesson -tudy. Muslo was furnished by Marcella, Monahon on tho violin, accompanied by , Ituth Hubbard on tho piano. ' Mrs. Will Dubois nnd Fern, who lmvn Ifen here since October, and Mrs. Wilbur Harris and Herbert of ' Toimennlsh. -Wash., left Monday evening- for- thnlr homes. Mrs. It. qrowcock and Georgia accompanied them and will spend an in definite time with Mr. and Mrs. Dubois ut their home In Victor, Idaho. The Greatest Value Ever Offered Credit Terms: SL50 Cash, $41 safe A RECORD-BREAKING PRICE-This wonderful value will surely convince you that Ilnrtman is the most econom icul place to buy. Never in all your experience have you seen such downright good values as the buffet we herewith offer at-such a ridiculously low price. THIS BUFFET is made of genuine solid oak, carefully se lected nnd thoroughly seasoned. It is largo and roomy, massive in appearance and very attractive. Base is fitted with two silverware drawers at the top, beneath is a large and roomy linen drawer. All drawers are fitted with hand turned colonial wood pulls nnd section between drawers is richly carved. THE TOP is set off with a shelf of ample size beneath which is a large French beveled plate mirror. Tho canopy top is supported by heavy standards of most attractive designs, beautifully carved. It is honestly built from top to bottoom. IF YOU WANT a Buffet that you will be proud to show your friends nnd neighbors, you will surely be on hand and leave your order for this wonderful bargain buffet. EASY TERMS $1.50 Cash nnd this useful piece of furni ture will be delivered to your home, then n few pennies each day will pay for it. 'ttJf' MAIL ORDERS R W PROMPTLY FILLED ON ALL i Vf. s ADVERTISED GOODS iL Hundreds of Other Big Bar- gams,. Brass Trimmed aetai aea, 9& J ilUWAKCH BRUiSELf! RUG Full 9x12 Ft. in Size; $1.00 Cash; $1.00 a Month Very closely woven of specially Boleited yarn ami guaranteed to glvo years of good service, In all tho new floral pat terns and may be had In many oriental de signs: a very good value and a rug you i in r will never bo able to iP A f lt IT &ar$ 7.65 .cKK1 ,Bt. h,.s. !w $10. y HANDSOME SOLID OAK. DRESSER, new design, twn Bmnll and two larco 1 drawers nnd neat, French double plate mirror: sup ported by heavy standard!, finished in rich shade brilliantly pollsncd INT I ctal Bed TT nanasomt Made with heavy posts and very strongly- con structed; enameled hi all tho now popular colors Including tho Vernls 'Martin; head' and foo't board ornamented with brass rods, Bet off with four brass caps-at tho unbeatable price for Sat urday only G R E AT CHIFl-O-NIMR bargain, ex actly like cut, )n solid oak, five largo drawers, all with locks, French beveled m 1 r r Oir, neatly carved; a great $3.95 a?1! $6.89 GO-CARTS PERAMBULATORS REED CARRIAGES Our. early spring showing of Go Carts, Perambulators and Reed Car riages, includes every new design at a broad range of prices. . J f" 4 ROOMS, Complete ly FURNISHED Everything Ready for House eeping. $ f J $5 a Month & & Johnson at WeepInK Water, and "Miss (JharlOUO iinier ui Mrs W. E. Patterson cnteriainca me IWomans' club Wednesday nc- Mrs. H. A. UollinB leu a. vhij meetlnB on "American Sculptors and Their Works." Sprlnnf leld. Ilev. 8. J. Htowurt of Tlldcn, Is hcrq for a few days. rcrimt Christiansen made a business nip to Alliance Friday. Mm. A. K. Hrdman, motner oi airs. Alvln MUUb, dlcfl Bunday. James Cockertll. who has a larm in vinririn. Is here vIsltlnK his parents. W. A. Hoyt of Omaha was here Wed nesday calling on old acqualntanqcs. Hov. Warno was called to Elk City to conduct the fitncral of Mrs. J. C. Knapp. Tho Will Roberts family nre movlnS into the liouso laieiy vsraiiw "i Hussell. 1.. M. Uall, rural mall carrier, had a runaway which forced him to take a week's layoff. Mike Hoteek of the state university Is spendlnc his Kaster vacation as guest of William Klcck. John Munford. who for twenty-five years has had a shoe shop, here, has sold out to tfldnoy Hoyt. sr. Easter programs will be rendered by the Sunday schools at both the Methodist and Congregational churches. Prof. VyWf has been called to Manila, la., to be superintendent of schools, lie did not maku application for tho position here. Four teachers, Misses Hayes, llniiey. Bates and Holllday, wero elected to the same positions they now occupy for the next year. Mi, nnd Mrs. Qus Rosenstlhl returned r.nilv frnm Menu. I Ark., where they have been spending the winter in tho Ozarks. A social club, numbering thirty mem bers, has been organlied by the young; men of the village, which Is to while away the hours and for literary improvement- At a meeting of the cltliens of the vil lage six names were put In nomination for village board, of which three will be elected. Those nominated are Thomas Nelson, J. C. Mangold. 12. N. Christian sou. John Nottleman, J. C. Oeib' and Frank Graham. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer. Mrs. D. V. Qulnn visited Tuesday at Elk City with the Wolcott family. Mr, nnd Mrs. Haas of Omaha visited Saturday and Sunday at the Charles Nownes liome. Miss Hose Chaso of Omaha visited Sun day with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Chase. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hay, ir., who have been 111 at the home of their .sou Henry, are somowhat Improved. Mrs. Danlelson, mother nnd daughter, of Orcenwood, aro visiting this week with their cousin, Mrs. Van Alst. William Mclrncy, wife and child, of Clarksou, Neb., are visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry Goodhard and family. Mrs. A. P, Knapp of near Elk City died Sunday of hemorrhage of the brain. The funeral was held Tuesday from her home. Durlul was at Elk City. Mrs. Henry Goodhard entertained tho C. C. club Thursday. Mrs. C. A. Nownes won first prize, while Mrs, George Paasch took last prize. A nice lunch was served. mlnent men of Omaha or the vicinity. After the decision is announced the stand ing vote of the house will be taken, not upon tho merits of the contesting sides, but upon the Issues of the question. Governor Decree Arbor Day. PIERRE, S. D March 21. (Special Telegram.) Governor Byrne has fixed Tuesday, April 22, the. birthday anni versary of the father of Arbor day, as Ihe date for tree planting" in South Da kota this year. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER THE BEST FyUiar. PAPKIl STEAMSHIPS. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. OCEAN STEASISIIIPS. Pnilinton. T. D, Mickey of Grolim was a PaplUlon' ! visitor Monday, J. R. Wilson mudo a business trip to , Gretna Tuesday. I I a. Buckley, who was operated upon j last week at tho Methodist hospital In j Omaha, is reported to be doing nicely. I. Charles Begley of Omaha and Frank i BeRley of Lincoln were guests of County Attorney Jo.mes T- Begley Wednesday and Thursday. I Mrs. George M. Covell and Judge Uowurd Kennedy, both of Omaha, will lerture of woman's suffrage nt the opera house haturday evening. The SArpy County Declamatory contest was held In Uie opera house Thursday evening, iiign sonooi pupils rrom spring. . field. Gretna. Bellevue ami Papllllon t ik ing part. The Papllllon schools i-losed Ft I dav mmm ' ror a weeK'a vacation. Misses Hazel Jm I Htmpel and Fannie AUworth will spend I IhrJr vacations In Omihn. Miss nlv Klkltom. Hans Doose visited friends at Waterloo Sunday. H.-J. Maoklln was an Hlkhorn visitor Tuesday. Mlsn' timma Mutcchuck visited Sunday In Omaha, Miss Kmma Nolle Is confined to the house with the grip. Miss Alma Hanson visited Omaha Sat uiday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fate entertained friends Thursday evening. Grove Baldwin is home from school duties for Kaster vacation. Charles WJtte. who has been til several weeks. Is much Improved. Alonzo Harvey was stricken with paral ysis Thursday while In town. Mrs. Herman IttinsQn entertained the Ladles kenslngton Wednesday. Carl Gotch and brother of Springfield visited trieuas ntre hatuniay. Mlts Hilda Meyer of Springfield. Neb., vuiicu. tsaturuay ana aunqay ni. in.e noma Bellevue Societies to Debate Suffrage Prof. Schmeldel of the prize committee announced to tho Bellevue students In chapel exercises Thursday mornlpg that a prominent- woman in the state had given a prize Into the hands of the com mittee amounting to 110, to be given to tho team of young women successful In a debato upon woman's suffrage. The debate to be held late In the spring, mil to be governed by the customary rules for Intercollegiate debates, and to be participated In oply by young women of the college. The prize committee has resolved the debate Into a contest be tween the young women of the two liter ary societies, tho Adelphlans and Phllo- mathcans, and will giv.e one night of commencement week to the event, which promises to be one of the most Inter esting of tho school year. Announcement was further made that two members of the faculty had addd contributions to the prize fund amount ing to (15, making a total prize at stak of 155. The money is to bo divided ac cording ito the decision of the judges, a unanimous decision wining all the money. and a vote of two io one splitting It In tho proportion of one and two-thirds. Each society elects one to represent them, and she chooses her assistant. The first speaker on eaoh team will make the rebuttal speach for her side, and, owing to the added responsibility which sho will beur in the dobate, tho com mittee has provided that the money shall bo divided among the members of the winning side In a ratio of 40 to 60 per cent N The night chosen for the debate will bo Monday. June 9. and a prominent woman. Interested In the suffrage movement, will be asked to preside. Judges will be pro- j WEST INDIES and BERMUDA Ak (or llluituted booklet. The Boyal Mall Steam Packet Co. ttsdenon & Bon. 0o. Azti., 11 So. La SalU St., Chleico, or Apr StMmililD Ticket Aim'. THC 5H0RTE5T ROUTE The map of ttas St. Lawrence route. imtl at any Office or Acencx. la an Interesting etadjr In distances. 7he descriptive Booklets and Kate CheeU likewise gratis, are an interesting stadr In compara tive values. The While Stir-Dominion Caaadisn Service Is a strvice si big relies STEAMERS SAIL EVERY SATURDAY Including The Largest Canadian Liners ASK THT TAREST AQEJTi I HI! PA 111-lJIKH WHITE STflH-DOHiHIOH URE-Honrntd S. K. Cor. Madison and LnSulle Streets, Chicago, or Local Agents. whiterIaw line'sjOTcW FITTED WITH DOUBLE SIDES AND ADDITIONAL WATERTIGHT BULKHEADS EXTENDING FROM THE BOTTOM to (be TOP OF THE VESSEL Will Sail from New York APRIL 12-MY 3 and Regularly Taercalter C. Brown, West. Pass. Art., Sotttaeost Cor. Madison and X Ball Street. Chicago, or Local Agents. IIOTKLS. HOTELS. Ute AMDERBET HOTEL 34 ST. EAST AT PARK, AVE., N.-VT Subway Entrance At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the crest of Murray Hill, cooled by Southern breeies rrom the sea, artificially fed by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms. TARlPPi Slnste rooms ... mi, tr ii- , Double room . Hyajvy Dlnmr dretlne-room and bath VMtcnHMvJ! Sulus-Perlolr.b.droom.ndb.th - Atosojev Each room with bath per day-U, U, IS, M $3. $6. $7. M ta. iio. it io, III. tu Special rates for Summer