Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Credit Freely Extended to Alii
m r at m t m w m m t. si i at w m w . a
! A Refined
(Continued from lTge One.)
Tlu credit service that this store offers vou has no equal (from your standpoint), in 'omaim-s diitylmcn on"the floor of un
tile city. It is refined, pleasing, cheerfully extended, anil suits your individual
needs. Not onlv in its credit service docs this store stand ahove all others, hut in the
low prices which" you can ohtniu here. $1.00 PEH WEEK AVILIj DHESS YOU WKLL.
Ladies' Tailored Suits
A strictly high grade line of ladies' practical tail
ored suits for Easter and Spring wear. Nowhere
in the city will you find such a select line of ladies'
suits as we are showing in this now department.
For Saturday wc offer you a splendid assortment
in mannish effects, m peuu de cygno
linings in all shades. Worth $:i).50,
Saturday we offer your choice, at
Ladies' Spring Ceats
A beautiful line of these handsome coats for Easter
and Spring wear. Natty garments in all shades and
materials. Many of them lined with Bulgarian
silk and everyone of them a strictly
up-to-tho minute style. Made to sell
at $35.00, your choice Saturday . . . .
Easter and Spring
A beautiful lino of ladies'
small tailored hats, trim
med with ribbons, flowers
and feathers; worth up to
$10.00 sale price
Men's, Boys' and Youths' Clothing
A splendid line of clothing for
father and son. All the late
styles and materials. J?ricos
I This Two-Inch Post Brass Bed Outfit, $17.50 1
Complete With Soft Top
Mattress and Metal Spring
The Bed
This bed, in
beauty of de
sign ranks
far above ttao
average brass
bed Include!
In a moderate
prices brass
bed outfit.
.Th f-cslTx Is
strictly Co
lonial, and has
heavy 2-inc .
Colonial pillars
Spring and Mattress
Tho spring Isen all metal one with fine,
woven wire top and strapped band
r q i n f o r ce
ments includ
ed. Strictly
sanitary. Tho
mattress is
extra w o 1 1
made, is full
weight, and
comes in a
fine striped
ticking, with
.a soft cotton
(People's Furnituro & Carpet Co.)
M VI IT 1 1 A
The Terms
Just think of it!
All that Is required
of you Is to pay
?U75 tomorrow and
tho complete outfit
will be delivered at
once, and then only
$1.50 each month
afterward until tho
$17'.B0 Is paid. Thua
there Is absolutely
no excuse 'for your
not taking advan
tage of this liberal
Wo furnish three
rooms eomnloto
for $69.50 on
terms of $6.50 J
casn ana !h.ihj
monthly; four
rooms furnished
complete for
$99.00, terms
$10.00 cash, $5.00
monthly, a n d
they're real
home outfits.
house. Hp took exceptions to Mike
talk about the ml llKlit district hnvlnR
elected the delegation, nnd wild tlint he
nnd Mike tan neck and neck In tlint
ward, and that lie favored the bill.
I'lnhtlnu II Out.
Foster huI Trunibtc of Slierninn both
spoke for the bill and as the chargc
were bandied back and forth llardlu
moved to clear a space and let the Omaha
delegation fght II out. Moekett
nnd Insisted tho ogod work should go on.
Smith closed tho debate In favor of
the bill and told the bouse about the tax
payers keeping UP two set of officers
and that It had cost them IM,IW to pay
the water board lawyer In the last eight
years. Tho bill was then recommended
for engrossment and third reading.
The committee then took up the Dodge
gugarmau election bill which had already
passed the senate. The debato was around
the Judiciary committee amendment pro
viding tho govornor shall appoint tho
election commissioner.
llraln, Foster. Simon and Yates ob
jected to Ilk' governor being tho appoint
ing power, as It was In opposition to
homo rule. Sugarmau of tho delegation
favored It. as did several members out
In tho state. These later Insisted the
state was Interested In Omulm elections
because frequently the voto there decided
tho nomination of state candidates.
Richardson said Governor Shallcuhcrgei'
was defeated by Dahlman by tho Third
ward voto and be cited the figures In the
recent Grossman-I'nncoast contest to
show that election frauds had been com
mitted In Omaha. The bill was recom
mended to pass.
Attn I n Hnii Keckley lllll.
The Keckley freight rate bill killed
yesterduy on the third reading v was
brought up again today and swatted for
ft second time. Keckley moved to re
consider tho action of yesterday nnd
Potts Immediately moved to table the
motion. It was hoped that If tho mo
tion to table was carried It would take
the bill to the table with It, nnd thus
permit tho house to bring It up at any
time. Moekett Insisted tho motion was
out of order, but It was overruled. The
Potts motion was defeated. Then by a
vote of B0 to 33 tho Keckley motion to
reconsider was defeated. Thus ends tho
effort to take from the railway commis
sion Its authority to regulate froight
rates In Nebraska as far as the house Is
The house flnanco committee hns re
ported against the purchase of tho Fre
mont Normal school.
Million im.i.s Ann considkuku
NHW YORK, March II, Suttcrem!
from tuberuuloslji whom Dr. F. V. Fneu.
mann treated with his vncclno before nu
departure from Ucrlln to this 'country
arc, responding remarkably to the treat
ments uccordlns to a cablegram receivm
today by Dr. Ocorge O'Hanlon, superin
tendent of Iiellevue hospital. Tho cable
gram 'capiu from a Uerlln physician, Dr.
O'JIanlon said.
Dr. Frledmann treated sixteen patien's
hero today, but was obliged to postpone
the treatment of fourteen . othqrs' unt'l
tomorrow, owing to the fact that ni
vacblno Is exhausted, lie devoted moat
of the day to the preparation of a new
sanatorium. Mr. Griffin was 53 years old
and came hero from New York In ISiO.
Nolcil finiuliler Hies.
ST. PAltU March 21.- William Griffin,
for many years proprietor of a notorious
gambling resort here und well known
throughout the northwest, died of apo
plexy tpday while being removed to a
Sloan's Liniment is a great rem
edy tor backache. It penetrates
and relieves the pain instantly.
is also good for sciatica.
Mr. Ftrrcnnn NonMAN, of Wldttler,
Calif., writes! " 1 hail ihtWIc hurt In
theUoervar. I tried oil kiodiof dopo
without luceets. Two weeks ago I got a
ixmie or s loan's wnimtnc 10 try. ine
firt application canted Inatant relief."
114 fcy ill feibn. frlcdSc. I0. fl.ot.
Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston, Mass.
Doctors Endorse
If vre did not believe doctors endorsed
AiiT's Cherry Pectoral tot coughs and
colds, we would not offer it to you.
Sold for TO years.
Ask Your Doctor. iTu
CHICAGO, March 21. "September
morn," as the painting df a weir known
aitlst, depicting a young girl in the nudo
beside a fountain is not a lewd picture,
according to the finding of a jury in the
municipal court hero today.
Kred D. Jackson, an art dealer was on
trial for displaying In his shop's window
on alleged Indecent picture, which was o
copy of the famous original. Among the
Witnesses, called were a priest, several
artists, an art critic, probation officers,
settlement workers and persons well
known In society.
Jackson was acquitted and the pic
ture may be restored to Its place In his
shop window.
V. W. Unllam, member of the vice
committee on the stand, said he believed
the picture was immodest because it
showed the Rirl bathing In a Jublle place.
Jackson tried to make Mr. Hallum
btate what part of the picture he con
sidered Indecent.
"There Is no particular part,'' he said.
"It arouses sensual feelings In ordl
narv people,"
"Dd It you?"
"Yes," was the reply.
Miss Helen K. Jewell, for many yearn
probation offlcor In .Kvanston. admitted
that she would not consider the picture
Immoral in the homes of her friends In
Mrs. Gertrude Howe Brltton said she
considered the picture indecent.
Oliver 8. Grover. un artist, made a
strong statement In favor of the pic
ture. Walter B. Smith, an attorney, declared
the picture was not Immodest, but e
work of art.
holders had been able to gain admittance.
About three-quarters of thorn recovered
their property. The rest found that ,thclr
valuables were among tho stolen loot.
Some of them, Including several women
with babies In their arms, came out weening.
Srvernl Mrnanrra Arc Tnkrti Up In
Upper IIoiinc.
(From a Staff Correspondent.) .
LINCOLN, Neb.. March 21,-(Spocial.)-Today
seemed to be liquor day In the
senate, or at least the morning session
tool; on that appearance, several bills
being up of a minor nature and wcro
ordered engrossed for passed over ac
cording to the whim of tho senator in
troducing tho same.
Senate fllo No. 155, by Krumbach of
Polk, provides that when a saloonkeeper
dies, his executor may continue the busl
Hess at tho old stand and quench the
thirst of the thirsty until the license
year expires, according to the rules and
regulations granted the deceased man.
Senato file No. 36.", by Grace of liar
lun, prescribed certain ways In which
remonstrances could be brought In clttlcs,
towns and counties, but tho legal lumi
naries of the senate saw complications
arising In tho amendments offered und
the Harlan senator saw danger facing
his bill and he asked to have the same
put over until Tuesday.
One or two other bills of similar na
ture came up In committee of the whole
during the morning. Ono of them, nen
ate file No, 427, by Mncfarland, caused
somo discussion. This bill provides that
-wholesalers of liquors may fracture tho
law In some Instnnccs nnd their licenses
may not be revoked. The bill wns with
drawn. A resolution was read by th esecrc
tary unanimously adopted by the Omulm
charter committee, signed by Victor
Koscwater, chairman, and Dan Horrlguit,
secretary, opposing the hill Introduced In
the legislature known ns Senate Kilo No.
17, creating a water drict for Omaha,
stating that the same was contrary to
tho t-plrlt of the constitution, which nu
horlzcs cities to manage their own Inter
nal affairs; takes the control of the
water plant from the city and places it
In the hunds of a hoard selected by a
district comprising within its limits tcr-
NEW TOUK. March 2!-Three thou
sand persons, many of whom had heii
there since daylight, fought to gain en
trance to the pawnbroker shop of Mar
tin Simons & Son today when the doom
which had been eloped since ho shop
was robbed of VA,W worth of properly
last Sunday, were opened to admit hold
ers of pawn tickets, The store was kept
open until 4 o'clock when only 200 ticket
WITH QUAKER GOVERNOR I Htbry'outsMo of the city, nnd asks that
HARIUSBUIIG, Pa., March il.-Tne'the hill be defeated.
Illinois Vice commission came hero today
for a conference with Govornor Tone-.
It found In the governor a champion of
the cause of higher wages for women
and girls, but also found" that lie is not
in favor of some of the methods pursued
In conducting the Investigations.
The governor iald he Is heartily in fa
vor of the appointment of commission
to fight the white slave traffic and to
Improve the conditions of working girls,
but he opposed any line of questioning of
witnesses which would tend to reflect
on tho morals of working women as a
Jnnirn St. Smith.
CIS DA It KAM.8. Iu., March 2i.-(Spc-claU-JameB
M. Smith, aged 85 years,
died yesterday at 7:3) o'clock In Iowa
City at the home of his sister. Mrs.
Thomas Setrley, where ho had lived for
more thnn thirty-five years. President
II. II. Secrley of the Iowa State Teachers'
college went down In- the ufternoon to
bring the body to Cednr , Kails, whero
burial will ha mndo Saturday morning.
The deceased was an ,uncle of President
Omabn'n yifi.OUO n Vt-up Knxlnrrr
Wnrk Tivriitr-l'-.ur llmirn liny.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
l.irCOI.N. Neb., March 21. (Special.'
Twenty-four hours a day; Is none too
many lor Omaha a Ji.wO-u-yar Water
board engineer-lobbyist to work against
permitting the people of , his proposed
water district from voting, on the quest
lion whether they really want to b
placed under his tender control. He if
not only on the floor of the house eaily
In the morning and at adjournment timj,
but he now spends the noon hour, save a
few minutes consumeu In eating a snacK,
out In the corridor, hobnobbing with
members and preventing them trom
working. '
Senate Files Nos. 312 nnd 313, by Wol
of Dodge, relate to tho building of hridgrs
across drainage district ditches and cross
ing railroads, etc. Hhumwny In speaking
on the hill said that a drainage ditch
sixty miles long had been built running
from Ponca to Fremont. By a survey of
the government the river along tho val
ley which this drainage ditch covered for
tho same distance ran 161 miles. It Is
only a question of time when this river
will change its channel to the drainage
ditch, nnd the senator did not think that
th drainage districts should be com
pelled to keep up the bridges. Tho bills
wcro ordered engrossed for third Vending.
BLUE serge knicker suits, made up in
Norfolk and double-breasted: styles,
ages 6 to 17, regular-
Values, on Sale $ O 50
Saturday at . . .
Top Coats, in all the new colors,
Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits, for
the little fellows $2.00 to $10.
Omaha's j
Panama and
The Old French Quarter
with its quaint street scenes, historical buildings, Spanish
courtyards with palms and flowers, antique shops and world
famed restaurants, makes New Orleans the tourists' delight.
The Four Beat Hotels Are:
The St. Charles The Grunewold
New Montclcone Cosmopolitan
Write for booklets, rates, etc.
Illinois Central
The direct line to the Crescent City, with triple daily(
service from Chicago and St. Louis, including the
Panama Limited 24 Hour Train from Chicago1
with through sleeping car service from St. Louis
(ulno through sleeping car, Chlcngo to San An
tonio, Toxna, via New Orleans and 8outhcrn Pa
cific. Information about winter tourist fares,
tickets and reservations and a beautiful book,
ontltlod "Now Orleans for tho Tourist," can bo
had of your homo ticket agent, or by addressing
Phono Douglas 201.
8. XOHTII, Ilt. 1'nnN Agt., Omaha, Xel.
vi.Hi r.ti'i aT
IK! 1 11 II W
iilil J i ""
Tliliik Ilrjnii l.ooUnl Sail n ml Saw
t:iinni CliirU'n 11 lion! on lllrl liiln .
(Krom a StHff Corrmpomlpnt.)
MNX'Ol.N, March 21. (Hpeclnl.)-Now
that Mr, Bryan is out of tho city "they"
are lieulnnliiR to cxproHs thomBiilveK.
Borne aecm to think Mr. Ilryan looked
very sail ami Bolrmn when at his blrth
Oay hanquet.
"And why not?" said a democrat. "Ifo
probably looked out over tho audlenco
and saw the Khost of poor old Champ
Clark hoverliiR arouid, I could sea It; I
could ice hlo lone, bony fliiKer reachhu
out foi Komethlne or somebody, and his
bones rattled around in tho brueze of hot
air which coimtantly went up from th
speaker table. If Mr. Ilryan saw that
Bhoat It la no wonder to me ho looked
fad and sober and solemn."
I'loiu-rr Ilnrneil to Drnth.
KdTHHHVIM.K, la., March ao.-(8.e-clal.)
Thomas Bxan, 81 years of age,
wa burned to death In his home nar
limmeUburtf. Ia. During the nlbt u fire
consumed his homo and Mr, Kkbii. over
come by the smoke and flame, failed to
ir.ake his escape from the burning' build
ing. Ho was an old and prominent el
tier of l'alo Alto county,
Key to the Situation-Dee Advertising.
From one-fifth to one-third of
the business of the bigger Omaha
stores comes from out of town '
That is llio statement made in reply
to the question asked ten of our lead
ing merchants.
That doctor's
wife from Co
1 u m bus w li o
came to town the
other day and
spent $85 in our
stores where
The Omaha Bee
hus it'x own cnrrlor de
livery in tho larger townH
near Oinnlin,
did she spend it ? Why in the stores
she Know, of course. But she had
never been in an Onmlia store before
what does she know about Omaha
stores 1 She reads The Boo every day
anil she knows all about our stores.
She knows those that advertise regularly-
the others she can't possibly
know about. Those are not all "big
stores either. It's "the regular adver
tiser that gets this immense volume of
out-of-town trade.
It's continuous advertising that pays