Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Sam Patterson of Arapahoe Circu
lates Petition in Lincoln.
"While Seerctnry of llonril lie DM
Not Srrc or llrnw !'
Ilccimxe of I.eftnl
Tn itxle.
(From a Sta.f Corresponds it.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. March 2l.-(Hpeclal.;
Earn Patterson of Arapahoe was hero
yesterday, and today the o was cir
culated among democratic legislators a
petition recommending him for tho posi
tion of auditor of the national treasjry,
presumably tho place now held by V.
E, Andrews.
Mr. Patterson was appointed secretary
of tho State Banking board when tiio
ttcw guaranty act was passed, but It was
tied up In tho Murts bo long that he aid
not get to aervt t draw pay.
1 1 envy l,om 1v J runt (otinty,
John Trompcn, nastmastcr of the sou
ale, received a letter from J. W. Sea'
hrookc, proofreader of tho sumo "branch
of tho legislature, who went home last
week, having finished his work, statins
that the storm In I! rant county was tho
most severe In years and thnt the los
In his locality would reach 'over J.iOO
cattle, worth, he estimated, In excess ot
The loss In Grant county, according to
Mr. Scabrooke, on cattle alone would
run over $100,000.
BEATRICE. Neb., yfarch 21. (Special.)
Tho stockholders of the Wymoro Grain.
Lumber and Coal company met at Wy
moro Tuesday tilght and elected these
officers: J. A. Hcullng. president; .1. II.
Jones, vice president; G. T. Stephenson,
secretary; J. W. Jones, treasurer. The
directors are F. K. James, William Chase,
Gerd Gerdcs, J. H. Jones, W. A. Dawtron
and the four officers. The company Is
capitalized for $35,000, $13,000 of which Is
paid up. It expects to begin business
within tho next few duys.
John Summers und Miss Blanche Rob
erts, both of this city, were married here
yesterday by Rev. L. D. Young. They
will make their home on tho Kllpatrlck
ranch, west of town.
' II. n. Thomas, a pioneer resident of
Beatrice, is at Fall's hospital suffering
from blood poisoning, caused from cut
ting his hand on a piece of glass a few
weeks ago.
A marriage license was granted yester
day In county court to George M. Fink- Hgedr, ffnd Miss Alma M. Krause, I
aged !I, both or Adams, this county.
. i
NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. March V.
(SpeciaU The body of u man appearing
to bo about 70 years old was found In a
snowdrift In thc'l'nlon Pacific yards,
Wednesday by employes of that company
It Is probable that ho perished in the
blizzard which prevailed last Friday, 1 no
coroner was notified at once and tho
body was brought to town anil tduntiued
as being tho same person who ccurcJ
a room at the Young Men's Christian
association one night lust week. lie rcg-,
Istcred under the name of HammcAid.
tie was poorly clad and somewhat crip-;
pled. There was nothing found upon htm
to Identify him. except a small notebook.,
which had the following woros wrui
In it: "My name U-gucss-at-it. My
Band Concert at rkin
Brothers Saturday
Orkln Brothers will wind up their
successful Stylo Show week with a
band concert at their store, on the
rnezzanlno floor. Saturday evening
from 6 until 9 o'clock. Green's well
known band, ot Omaha, will furnish
the music, and all those who hava
ever heard this organisation of musi
cians, know there will tie real music
at the Orkln store Saturday evening.
Orkln Brothers cordially Invito the
people of Omaha to bo present and
enjoy a pleasant evening In the
realm of music.
Easter Nliliisiery
Smart, stylish headwear--.
best materials and work
manship on terms as low
50c a Week
We are also showing an
exceptionally fine line of
Women's Coats, Suits and
Dresses, at prices below
what tho cash stores are
asking for them.
1417 Douglas St.
tirmidm. lucr u&ctf il for lier
hatucs. Mother uredit for hrr
babies. And now I am uiiug It
for my baliy' So fpoktr the
young mother. Three Gentratitii.
It Sootbes th Child. It Softetu
tho Guru. It AUj the Pain.
Il Relieves Wind Colic. And it
U the Best Remedy for Infantile
Dierrhoce. Ferorafaly known
end sold ell over the world.
Secretary of the Nebraska Hural Life
home Is nowhere. In case of death or
serious accident notify the floating pop
ulation." M EB R AS K A WESLEYAN
(Special.) The Intercollegiate basket
ball championship of Nebraska was set
tled Tuesday night when Wcslcyan won
from Cotner by the one-sided score of
52 to 23. The game was played on neu
tral ground, In the armory of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, and the outcome
was never In doubt. Wesleyan had de
feated Coiner by a large score early In
the season, but lost lust week, 30 to 27,
after returning from a long hard trip,
and with one or two men on the hospital
list. The game, as above, was played to
definitely decide tho Issue. Hughes and
Gnrey starred for Wesleyan, -while Oes
cher played the best game for Cotner.
Sum Waugh was referee.
MADISON. Neb., March 21. (Special.)
Nearly 100 base ball enthusiasts, well rep
uscnting the business Interests of Madi
son, met ut the city hall last night and
unanimously adopted a resolution to have
a ball team the coming season. F. J.
Hankers. H. C. llasklns. W. G. Jones,
Otto Koerberlln and Clinrlcs K Frascr
were elected a board of managers with
full power to engage players, fix tho tlmo
of opening the base ball season and to
nttend to al,I other business. Three hun
dred and five dollars wero pledged In
less than five minutes by those present.
Th- comniltcc will have no difficulty In
laislng $1,003 by popular subscription.
MndlfMin Pnntnr Instnlleil.
MADISON, Neb., March 21. (Special.)
Wednesday evening at the Presbyterian
church was the occasion of tho Installa
tion ot Rev. Dr. .1. 10. Farmer as pa&tor
I Jr. Kdward F. Hammond ot Norfolk
picachrfl the, Installation sermon, Dr.
James M. Caldwell of Wakefield delivered
tho rharso to the congregation and Dr.
Alenxnndcr Corkey of Wayne the chargo
to the minister. C. K. Spurrier wus In
stalled ai elder. Following tho formal
ceremonies IWht refreshments weri
saved by the women of the congrega
tion. limine Mntolt nt Wllbcr.
BEATRICE, Neb.. March 21. (Special )
Henry llayden. manager of "Kid"
Wheelock. Bcatrko'H lightweight boxer,
has arrunged for a ten-round exhibition
between Wheelock an
Murpl'y. to be given i
nd Denver Tommy
at Wllber Tuctd:ty
cvenlnt;, March SI. A special train will
be run to Wllbcr on that evening, return
ing after tho exhibition.
Minn HoInIrIii WIih.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. .March 21.
(Sptclal.) Miss Olive Holstelu won the
first honors in the local high school de
clamatory contest and will represent
Grand Island in the district contest to be
held at the New Llederkranz. this city,
next week. Miss Blanche Wade won sec
ond and Louis Colwell third? Miss Hol
rteln'r. selection was "Ills First Recital "
y . .
Cnticim nt t'hiidroii.
CIlA"DRON, Neb., March 21. -(Special.)
-At tho citizens' caucus held Tuesday
evening the following wero nominated
for city offices: Mayor. Allen G. Fisher;
city surveyor. H. D. Mead; councllmen.
Parley Hyde, Charles Illlbut, O. M.
Livings ton; school trustees, CJ. C. Snow.
A G. Fisher.
I Another .witimHT for Knlrlmry.
i FAIRBURY. Neb.. March 21.-(Spo-
clal.) During the coming week, another
newspaper will be established In Fair
bury. This will bo known as the "Peo
ple's Advocate." For sometime past, It
has been printed at Munden. Kun., and
distributed -vniiotig tho socialists of Fnlr
bury. P. J. George is editor.
Kaurrt (lorn to Prison.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. March 21.
(Speclal.) F. F. Kanert, convicted for
the second time ot a statutory offense, a
15-year-old girl being the complaining
witness, has been taken to the peniten
tiary and while ugaln an appeal nas
been filed In the suptemo court, has
begun serving his four-year sentence.
C'liiirlm Sillier Convicted.
BBATRICU. Neb., March 2L (Special
Telegram.)-Charles Miller of Wymote
wus found guilty today In the district
court of robbing a harness store In Wy
moro a few weeks ugo. Miller rofusud
to go back to Jail because he tald another
prisoner had small pox. The iuarantlne
was lifted last week at the Jail.
j lliiNliiexn Chun if e nt Fnlrbury.
I FAIRBURY,. Neb., March 21. (Spc
j clal.) L. Well & Son have sold their
I clothing store on the north side ot thii
( square to Ilantord & Dlckerson. Mr.
Well and son expect to locate In St.
, Joseph, Mo.
.llony n SurtVrlnif Woninn
I Drags ' herself painfully through her
daily tasks suffering from backache,
headache, nervousness, and loss of sleep,
not knowing her Ills are due to kidney
and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney P11M
will help any form of kidney or bladder
1 ti pubic, any backache, rheumatism, urlo
j acid poisoning or Irregular kidney action
( They are strengthening, tonic nnd cura
tive, anu contain no habl. forming drugs
No ono who suffers from kidney and
bladder trouble can afford to overlook
Foley Kidney Pills. For sale by all deal,
tra everywhere. AdvertUmenU
Corporation Tax Bill Recommended
to Pass in House.
Thin k Antltnr'M IXInintc of Ilr
rnue lo Up Derived from Pro
posed Tax, of One M III Per
Uoltnr on Citnltnl Stork,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. March 21.-(Speclal.) -The
house In committee of the whole
this morning recommended for passage
two very Inportnut bills, compared with
otthcrs pending, house roll No. 742, by
Richardson, the Initiative and referen
dum bill, and house rolL No. 7S2, by
Pnttfl. levvliu; n tuc of line-tenth of
1 per cent annually on the paldup copl- J
ta)' stock of all the corporations doing
business In tho state, the money to be
paid Into the state treasury.
There was no discussion on this meas
ure. Mr. Potts explained that the state
needed moro money with which to carry
on tho government and tho bill wouli,
It It becomes a law, raise the money.
Tho bill Is patterned after the Ohio law
and Mr. Potts quoted a compilation of
figures to show what it would do In
Corporations would have to pay under
the present bill as follows: j
Capital stock less than J10.0O). 10 mini
mum annually; nt present V HO.C0O to I
;25,C30. minimum 110, maximum 2T; JK.OO) I
to JiO.COO. minimum. $25, maximum 0; a
J5.O30.000 minimum, J5.000. Mr. Potts sub- J
mlttcd the following from thu records of j
tho secretary of state.
Total paid-up capital of all
corporations paying annum
license tax In Nebraska, for
1UU. both domestic and
foreign $5o0.tiil,(lj.ui j
Totnl annual license tax paid .
to secretary of state under
existing Nebraska law 52.52y.lW1
Total annu'il license tax. I
which would bo paid under
Kansas law enncted this
winter, about a05.2'i3.00
Totnl annual llccnso tux under
house roll No. 732, approxi
mately CiS,32t.0)
Houso Roll 742 which provides the ma
chinery to put Into effect the constitu
tional amendment providing the Initia
tive and referendum, brought out serious
objection's from .McAllister. The gentle
man from Dakota objected to the au
thority given to the secretary of state,
and to the court to pass on the suffi
ciency of the petition filed.
Set'tloti Coiiiplnlneil Of.
The section complained of Is as follows- j
Section C, If the secretary of stato shall
refuse to accept and flic any petition foi I
tho Initiative presented not less than foui
14) mouths preceding the date of tin
election at which 3 the proposed stntutr
or constitutional amendment Is to bf
voted upon, or any petition for 4 the ref
erendum presented within ninety. (0) days
after the legislature enacting the law to
6 which the petition applied adjourns
sine dl or for a jierlod longer than ninety
(90) days 6 any citizen may apply, within
ten days after suclr" refusal, to the dis
trict coutt for a writ ot mandumiis to
compel him to do so. If It shall be de
cided by the court that such petition Is
8 legally sufficient, the secretary ol
state shall file It, with a eertlfed copy of
tho Judgment n attached thereto, us of
the date on which It was oiiglnally of
fered for filing In his office. 10 On a
showing thnt any petition filed Is not
legally sufficient, the court may enjoin
the sccroturv 11 of state and all othet
officers froiii ceitlfylng or printing ot;
tho official ballot forI2 tho ensuing elect
ion the ballot title and numbers ot such
measure. All such suits shall be t3 ad
vanced on tho court docket and heard
and decided by the court as quickly ah
possible. 14 Hither party may appeal to
tho supieino court within ten days uftcr
a decision. I- rendered. Jo The district
court of Luncnster county shall have
Jurisdiction In all cases uf law, parts of
1(1 laws or Initiative amendments to the
constitution to he submitted to tho elec
tors of the 17 state at large.
To Protect People.
Richardson explained that tho section
was to protect tho people from a pcie. .
tary of state, who might be opposed to ,
the law and thus hold up a petition and
prevent proposed legislation from being
sub&ltted. The houso sided with him and
McAllister's motion to send tho bill back
to the committee was lost.
The bill provides that persons for or
agnlnst any proposed legislation may
place at tho top of tho ballot an argu.
inent for and against the measure. When
the proposed legislation is filed It Is
the dutyp of tho attorney general to
write the gist of the legislation In not
more than 100 words which will be placed
on the ballot. No person shall sign a
petition more than once and with no
name other than his own.
NOrtKOIJJ, Neb.. March 21.-(Spcclal.)
The parcel post caused trouble for Dick
Washington, a colored porter at tho Elks
club here." It Kot him In bad. An lSlk
asked Dick to mall a package at the
postofflce. Dick mot a friend enroute
to tho postofflco and tho friend agreed
to post the parcel. At tho postofflco tho
clerk asked tho friend whoso name
should go on tho upper corner as the
sendor. "Dick Washington," he told tho
clerk. And thafs why an angry younB
society hello rakod Dick over tho coals
for sending her a box of candy. "I al
moH turned pink when I found out what
had happoncd,'1 said Dick.
(Continued on Page Five.)
ant. II. II. Humphrey; Dr. H. J. Sward.
Dr. K. W. Howe, Dr. II. A. Taylor, h. K.
Sammons. representing the stale uulver
nlty; Shorlff Qulnton ot Cmhh county,
fihorlff Huberts of Johnfon county.
Sheriff MeShane of Douglas county.
Sheriff Hhlek of Gage county nnd Sheriff
Ous Hyers of Lancaster county. Frank ;
A Mnrmt an old orison official, u. vt
Saxon of the senate and iopret.entatlves
of the Omaha and IJneoln papers.
The body of Prlnco was taken Inimedl
n! Mv from the urUon by a local under
taker and will be prepared for burial aT
the request of William Prince, brother of
the dead man. Where the body will be
taken for burial the brother would not
state this afternoon. He says his home
Is In Cincinnati, but that for the last
five years he has been living In New
Prince will probably he tho last man
to be legally hanged In Nebraska. Tho
state houso of representatives has passed
a law making nlectrocutlou the legal
mode of capital punishment, and another
abolishing capital punishment In thU
state. !
Prince was formerly from Kani'as Ci.T," dead, partially burned. In retiring ho
coming to Omaha from that place, wler-'had dropped the candle among the bed
it la Mid that h was Implicated wlinj
King-Peck Quality Clothes
are tried on living models
sure to fit and please
Before it leaves the factory, every King-Peck (Quality
Suit is tried on a living model, and gone over searehingly
by keen-eyed experts. Until these men agree that the fit,
hang, style and tailoring are right, and come up to
King-Peek standard in every detail, the garment
never come to you.
This Is tho Inst stop in the rigid
uystoni of trlplo Inspection adopted
by this store, that insures depund
nblo qnnllty In ovory KtiiK-l'ocn.
Bnrmont. The first test Is tho
chemical test for wool, which
every yard of cloth must ho nblo
to withstand successfully. Then
tho wear of tho cloth Is tostod by
n mnchllio which scientifically do
torinlneB tho "pulling" power or
strength. Following this every
piece of cloth U closely examined
Inch by Inch for possible defects
in weave and color.
Quality Suits, $10 to
anothcr negro named Phillips In tho par.
tlclpatlou of 8cvc:f-burBlarlcs. Tho po
lice got track of tho men and were, suc
cessful In Rettlimr Phillips, but Prlnco
drew a gun ami shot his way out, thoueh
no one was hit In tho fight, tie. struck
out for Omaha nnd somo days after was
dlscoveied by a policeman In a saloon lr.
that city. The policeman nttempted to
question Prince, when the latter drew a
Bun and fired nt the officer foJr tlmee,
severely woundltiK him.
Kllllnu oT Wnrilpii Dnvls.
Prlnco wiib nrrcstpd and on trial In
tho DoiiKlas county district court was
sentenced to twelve and one-half years
In the penitentiary on the chargo of as
sault to kill, the maximum penalty be-
iuK fifteen years. Ife arrived -at the
penitentiary December 4, 1900. and In
Kebrtiary, 1911. during chapel exercises
tnie Sunday ho stubbed Deputy Warden
Davis, from which wounds the latter
died a few moments later.
Prince was convicted ot the crime In
the Lancaster county district court und
sentenced to hang. His case was ap
pealed' to tho supreme court and the
latter court upheld the sentence of the
lower court. An attempt was then made
to get him oft on a charge of Insanity,
but this also fnlUd.
Spearfish Will Elect
Saloon Keepers
SPEAItFISII, 8, D March 21.-(bp-clal.)
Spring elections which nro hold In
the cities apd towns In tho stato tho third
Tuesday In April, will bo of particular
Interest this year owing to tho fact that
In July tho city councils and town aa
thorltles will be called upon to perrorm
the delicate task of weeding out saloons
Jn each community to conform with tho
new one-to-GOO law. In the Illack Hills
there will not bo any tremendous cut In
tho number, but ono city De.vdwood
suffering any material decrcate. Dead
wood now has fourteen nnd will be cut
In half. Dead will loso five salooim and
most of tho smaller towns proportionately
less. So far there has been little agita
tion of the subject, and nono of tho al
dermen or prospective eandldtcs for
election are venturing their oplnlius until
they aro called upon.
Locally tho city council seems disposed
to adopt a now way of granting the li
censes nnd hopes to slip out from under
the problem of choosing between appli
cants. Tho members of tho council main,
tain that they can legally put mo selec
tion up to tho voters In tho spring elei
tlon and expect to have the .nliots so
prepared that those who deslro saloons
will be voted upon by the citizens of
Hpearflsh at large
Kpeartisli ut present
has four saloons and under the now law-
can havo but two, and It Is bcllved that
nil four saloon keepers will b'o on the
ballot for popular approval.
Mlt-MIKM. H. 1).. March 21.-Itev. II.
M. Wang, a retired Lutheran minister,
resldlpg fit Chamberlain, was burned mid
suffocated' to death at his home. He
hail retired for the night, and shortly
ater his daughter smolled smoke, which
he found coming from his apartment.
When fche reacted the room the flainci
drove her back, but the flames woro re
ducd when the fire department arrived.
Mr. Wang was
ton ml lying on the bed
clothes and owing to hl enfeebled condl-1
Wo furthor demand that dtirliiK
find nftor cneh stop In rutting nn.l
milking. King-Pock Clotlios nniat
undergo n merciless inspection tl at
permits no flaw or ImporfectlonH
to escape. This nir-tlght Inspec
tion will help you to understand
why tho King-Peck Guarnntoo Is
ho broad and dissatisfaction proof.
No othor store In tho country (to
our knowlodgo) demands so exact
ing mothoda In the manufacture
of Its Oarmonts, not alone tho Jlid
nnd $40 sort, hut those wo sell at
$10, $12. GO nnd $15 as well.
i'arAi,",r 1
Thete are two
ways to fit a
man's head -
Tho moBt common method Is to find
a hat thnt Is right in slr.c, and sayli
fits. Hut, hero's our way. Not only
must tho slzo ho exnetly Yight hut tho
gcncrnl shape, tho color, tho weight,
tho height of tho crown, and tho
width of the brim must nil ho In per
fect harmony with that w,hlch mnkca
n hat truly becoming. May wo Borvo
you tomorrow?
$2 to sib
tlou was unable to glvo an alarm. The
deceased was 75 years ot ago and had
been In tho ministerial work for n great
many years,
Schooners Wrecked
by Ice Off Alaska
KEATTLU, Wash.. Mnrch 21. The fol
lowing special cablo from Nome, Alaska,
was received hero today:
"Hum Oottschalk of tho whaling
schooner Moras reached Nome last night
after a trip of 100 miles iver tho break
ing Ice In Uerlng strait, with news of
the loss of tho schooners Kltttwack and
Moras and the hardships enduied by
members of the crews. The two schooners
wore caught In the Ice near tho .Siberian
shore last fall at the time of the ficezeiip
and landed boats to prepare winter quar
ters. Heforo tho men were nblo to land
all their provisions or make extenrlve
preparations for ,tho winter, a great
storm arone nnd they wero unable to
return to their schooners. During tho
storm the Ico coming down from the
Arctic caught the schooners and crushed
them Into a shapeless mass.
"Tho crows, consisting of Gottschalk,
Koreu, naturalist, tho owner of the
Klttiwack; Albeit Gunderson and Ous
Scluoedcr, started out In tho lono re
maining wiinlclioat In a desperate nt
tempt to cross the strait through the
open leads In tho great floes to Seward
peninsula. Captnln Witting of the Moras
refused to accompany them and started
south along tho Siberian coast In an
attempt to reach Plover bay. where there
Is an Ksqulmo settlement. Whether ho
arrived there Is not known. The party
In tho whalebont encountered a terrific,
storm near lllg Dlomedes Island nnd their
bout wuh smashed to splinters In the
surf nnd Ice floes when they Innded.
"For three months the men subsisted
on walrus, living In huts constructed of
stono and Ico beforo thoy wero nblo to
attempt tho passnge over tho broken
Ico to tho Seward peninsula and Nome.
Tho Klttiwack was a small auxiliary
gas schooner of fifteen rtomb tons It was
purchased two years ago by Karen, who
went, north In It to make a study of
Arctic wild flowers.
WASHINGTON. March 21 Two tele
grams wero all that wero necessary to
apprise the two families of tho marriage
ot four of their members when lee F.
and Townsend H. Titus, brothers, of I
Luckctts, Va., and Mary G. and Lucy ,
15. Htonebruner of Lovetsville, sisters,
from the same state, broke tho news of i
their elopement and marriage here. They I
were married by the Hev. Samuel Smith
of Pennsylvania, undo of the brides, who
ioiiu)iitically aided the double elopement.
"Very Interesting," said tho marrlaKA
license clerk, its he mado out the neces
sary papers. "In case of children what
relation would"
"For goodness sake, spare me that,"
Interrupted Dr. Smith, holding up an
appealing hand. "I've been asked that
The elopers, fearing parental storms,
decided on a honeymoon and will return
later, when there Is a calm.
Iluntteriiuii Hiiriirry
in the abdominal reghm U often pre
vented by the use ot Dr King's Ni-w
Life PHI, the painless purifiers. 2Sc.
Fur sale by llcaton Drug Co. Advertise-
Smallpox Victims
. Object to Leper
SALT LA KB C1TV, March 21.-A rovblt
was started at tho smallpox Isolation
hospital hero last night when tho health
department assigned K. It. arable, a
leper, to quarters In tho hospital grounds.
The smallpox patients served notlco on
tho health commissioners that they would
leuvo the hospital unless other quarters
wero found for arable. An thero Is no
other place nvallablo In which to lodge
arable, n guard will bo estableshed
around the Institution to prevent tho
patients from breaking quarantine. Tho
health department found Itself In a
similar quandary threo ycarH ugo when
a Greek suffering from leprosy .was cap
tured here. He was detulnod for a month,
hut through a ruse worked by his
countrymen ha escaped.
Grablo surrendered himself to the
health officers heio yesterday. Ho said he had escaped from tho San Fran
cisco Isolation hospital December 15,
1912, by Jumping from n window. Ac
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet Company
Owing to tho unseasonable weather the dm-
"""' ' ' " " "' W I I'll - 11 II
pery sale announced in yesterday's paper to bo
gin Monday, March 'J4, will be deferred for two'
or threo weeks. Ample notice will he given
through the papers
J. t
Select Your EASTER SUIT Now
At the United and save $5.00 to $8.00.
They Are Mere, Rtaiy-fo-Wear at $10 and $15
Direct from Our Factory.
Our blue sorgo suits are the talk ot the town. Alterations frea
by expert tailors with just as much euro as It you paid $25 to $J0,
Merchants Hotel Bldg., 1512 Farnam.
p j ,rci
The service of
thismodern store
Is so decidedly different, so superior to
thoksort you encounter elsewhere that
poofilo have learned to look to this store
for bettor treatment than Is accorded
thorn at less exacting stores. Our Bales
mon nro painstaking, courteous and
never ufrnld to show goods. Wo'vo in
troduced dozens of modern utoro sjr
vlco Ideas, nil Intended toward making
shopping at this store a real, profitable
cording to his story ho has been driven
from town to town, as at each place
where ho stopped some one discovered
that ho was suffering from leprosy and
ho w'n-s forced to move.
Grablo wan a member if the First
Wyoming infantry In the Spanish
American war and Is said to have con
tracted tho dlseaso whllo serving In tin
Philippine IslandH. He hns a wlfo am!
child living in Ogdcn, Utah.
AMISS, la., March 21. (Special.) Jamr
Wilson, who March 4 completed sixteen
ycjiiu of service In the cabinet ns secrr
tary ot tho federal Department ot Agri
culture, Is nn honorary member of the
Iowa Stato college faculty. On recom
mendation of President Ilayinond A.
Pearson of Ames tho State Doard ot
Education on Wednesday. In session In
Des Moines, elected Mr. Wilson to an
emeritus professorship of agriculture at
Ames, where tho retired secretary was
dean of agriculture when appointed to
tho cabinet In 1807 by President McKlnley.
Y, l'ri'u. mill Mkc