Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 16, Image 16

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Jeff Followed
sweu. Hotel, for. a tw. AHfc
WMr.To rAAfce ErA THINK,
KlNtnop COIN. WG'LL 60 IN
Expense twmgv
Oklahomans Blundered and Bourke
Gets a Lemon.
Kfforla Are Heine Sluilc (o llavr the
Nlrert Car Company or Snntn
I'et Ilnllrnml Tnke Cure
of CriMTiln.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl., March 21.
(Special.) Somo one blundered, somo
one In the Chamber of Commerce, one
who should have known better, when
ho referred President llourko to tho
management of Davis park when the
Omaha mnn was In search of n place
fur his team to play. On the eve of tho
rim exhibition game with Lincoln,
Haturdny, Jlourhc has discovered that
the only street tar lino reaching the
vicinity of the base ball park has less
than ono dozon cars ut Its command;
does not tap the center of the city and
even should every one of the 70,000 In
habltantH of Oklahoma City destro to at
tend the Omaha games this spring, not
more than 1,004 of them can be trans
ported by the street -nr company.
There are three base ball diamonds at
the state fair grounds and street car,
facilities to that pluco uro such that
70.000 person could be handled with
ease, but the die has been cast, the con
tract for Davis park la signed and
Itourke must make tho beat of It.
It was eccentricities such ait the locat
Ins of a base ball park at such an out
oMhe-way place that took Oklahoma
City ff tho base ball map. Abner
Davis, w'jho owned tho local franchise In
the TexSjS league, wont broke, sold his
franchise to Austin through spite and
then orgunlxed the Oklahoma State
league, built tho present park In an. In
accessible place merely to spite a large
street railway company which has sixty
miles of track In Oklahoma City, Be
came of this aplto work a universal
transfer system It not In operation here
and In order to reach Davis "park from
praotlcally 03 per cent of the city It takes
two fares.
IluurUn Innocent Victim.
An Innocent victim or these conditions,
the Omaha president has but one chance 1
to get a crowd, and he Is being backed
In hU efforts by many of the leading
clttzena of the city and the Chamber of
Commerce, which la willing to do all It
can to remedy Its original blunder. That
Is to effect n compromso between the
warring factions, or rather a treaty for
ono-month, so that tho rival railway lines
will agreo to honor each other's trim.
feis during the Omaha exhibition games
and possibly the larger company can he
prevailed upon to Man additional cars.
If this should not be effected, the ex
hibition games will be patronized by prob
ably not moro than one-third as many as
would like to attend If tho baso ball park
were- easy of access. However, with
nearly J.000 automobiles owned and
operated In tho city, and with asphalt
paving to the very gate of the park, he
should draw more than an ordinary at
tendance. Klncn the Santa Fo railway
passes within half a block of the park,
hu also Is endeavoring to get that com
pany to run a shuttle train during ho
baso bait rush.
DKNVKJl. Colo., March 21.-Th Den
ver Western league base ball team will
assemble curly next week at Uxcetslor
Springs, Ma., for the start of Its pro-
season training trip. Most of the play-1
era wI reach Excelsior Springs on Sun
day. On March to and 00 the team will
ploy exhibition games at Kansas City
with the Kansas City American associa
tion team. A game at Oklahoma City
nlth the Omaha team is scheduled for
Apill L The team III make a tour of
PITTSBURGH. March it -Tommy Ui
velle. a local lightweight boxer, died litre
this morning aa the result of a blow he
ectlved lh a. boxing' bout before the
Tariff club last Sight. His skull was
Oeorge Adanuon, Lavelle'a' opponent In
the boxing btfut. and A. C. Evans, alleged
lu nave arranged the match, were ar
tested this afternoon to awult the action
or the coroner's Inquest.
MINNEAPOLIS, March a. - Henrv
Clayton and Martin larger of HL Paul
rolled Into first place In the doubles at
tho International bowling tournament here
this afternoon by making a total score of
J.Z16. Th previous seoru was 1.HJ. made
pjr BtMh and Iteimer ut.Mlnnfapolls.
Bancroft Wins llnndllr.
BANCROFT. Neb., March Jl.-(Speelal )
-The Bancroft High school basket ball
tam won from the high school team at
Craig Wednesday nght. 27 to 7.. Ban
ft his lost only one game this reason.
Instrudlions at
This photograph taken at Dallas, Tex., shows Indian Jim Thorpe, ,tho wonderful all-around athlete, using the famous hook slide while
going Into Becond on tho ground. Exports who have soon tho Indian perform on tho ball field predict that ho will be valuable to tho Giants only
as a baso runnor, bocausa ho Is a poor fielder and unreliable as a hitter.
liaker Uorton, former St. Joseph first
sackcr, Is in bad physical condition, If
ft' 2rt?, , ,h" w,,lto Ho ca"P '
lr h .Uo ,ms tt po,r of. churleyhorses, a
DDfl toe. SL snr.-i thrnwltti- ai-tn n i.
Sr.k!?l, 'J P'lt fingernail. .dutsidii of
Denver ball players will congregate In
the Colorado metropolis next woek
preparatory to their spring Jaunt around
Texo and Oklahomu. The first game
ine uriixues win play will be with Pa
llourke a bund In oiilnimmn rit n..
April 1. ,w
Although Jack Holland Marts the sprlim
training season shy tho services of such
men uh Uorton. Powell, Oossett. nullly
and Johnson, he announces that his team
will line up on the opening date, April
IV. the stroniresL mml vnlv imin,....
aggregation that town has had slneo
vimiing into tue western league.
Tommy Mee, who has been one of two
hold-oute at Wichita, has decided to
come through with his John Hancock.
Callahan Is now the only man holding
out. Tho following men Joined the camp
at Oueda Springs since Wednesduy:
Hlftlnn, Pettlgrew, Kiidor and Durke.
Wacob, Cleveland and Davis will be In
this week.
Two new catchers have been signed by
"Ducky Holmes and have been ordered
to report to Tulsa, Okl. They are Danny
Shea and Albert Stunge. Shea comes
from the tieattla club, where he made a
good record last season behind the bat,
while Htange comoj from the backwoods
aomewhere, but "Ducky" doesn't say
where that somewhere Is.
Every one of the Ht. Joseph players Is
now In camp at the Missouri cltv with
the exception of Catcher Ketter, a recruit,
In a came between the Vnnnlguns and
regulars Wednosday the regulars won,
R to 3. The Yannlgans. however, ham
mered put ten hits on four pitchers,
whllo tho veterans landed but six off
Thomas and Tlmmersman. the latter a
Comes the report from Pensacola, Fla.,
that Manager Birmingham of the Cleve
'!1 Napa js trying big John Beall out at
the Initial sack. Iast year nig John
cavorted around In one of Denver's out
f olds and hit the ball something ter
rific, but what he will do at Hrst base
Is something that Is causing a. lot of
spare tulk between the bugs all over the
O'Neill circuit.
The St- Joseph Oairtte recently pub
lished a lengthy article on the sale o(
llert Nlehoff to Louisville by Pa nourke.
In which tho writer upheld llourke In the
deal and seemed highly delighted to
know that Nlehoff had advanced. There
Is no doubt but that seven clubs In this
league are mighty Hlad llert has gone,
as h was tho most feared man In the
league when he was on bases or when he
oame to bat with men on bases and a hit
needed. .
.If tho weather man nt Oklahoma City
Is In any decent frame of mind Ia
llourkf bunoh of pennant chasers will
line up against Hughle Jones' Lincoln
Antelopes In the first exhibition game of
the season, nourke'a pitchers have )iot
bud much time In which to loosen Jui
their nniicles but then It Is only a prhc
tlco game and what ar the odds whethwr
Omaha wins or loses? it will be good
practice for both teams and the players
will profit by It.
Prank Iehell Is some business man and
he practloes economy while giving his
men plenty of spring training. A report
conies that the "Bald Eagle" turned his
entire squad of fourteen men Into the
new ball park and set them to work haul.
Ing dirt. This he Intends to have tils
men do every morning and In the after
noon, weather permitting, they will be
allowed to play one-o'-cat or the like.
Izzy is a cute Uttlo manager. Isn't he?
Holler Hkittlnir nt Auditorium.
Thero will be roller skating at tha
Auditorium on Saturday night. alo bun
day afternoon and Sunday nfxht. This
w bo tha last of roller skating at tne
Auditorium this season.
GdT. see? TH CSNT 6BU USTHlNfri
Valuable as a Base Runner; That's All
nun uuuu iv uuuuuuiuuu i
Eoyal Ulster Yaoht Club Cables New-
York Yacht Club.
Committer Hopes tlmt Ilnrmoiilons
Ilelntloits of Tiro Claim Cnu
tie I'urthrr Cemented,
BELFAST, Ireland, March 21.-A re
quest waa sent today by cable by tho
Itoyal Ulster Yacht club asking tho New'
York Yacht plub for a reconsideration of
Its refusal of Sir Thomas Upton's chal
lenge for the America's cup. This waa
accompanied by a long statement from
Sir Thomas, with which the committee
of the Irish club signified Its agreement.
The committee hopes that the harmon
ious relations of tho two clubs will bo
cemented further by another successful
series of races, uttu therefore requests
the Now York Yacht club to reconsider
the challenge.
.Sir Thomas Upton's statement Is as fol
lows! "I deeply regret that the New York
Yacht club lias been unable to accept my
challenge. After reading the explanation
given of Its refusal I can only conclude
that the challenge and the Intentions of
the challenge have been misinterpreted.
Tho deed of gift states)
" 'That competing yachts or vessels, If
of one mast, shall not be less than sixty
five feet nor more than ninety feet at
the water line,'
"The deed of gift atso state there shall
be no time allowance.
"It must bo presumed that the f ranters
of the deed of gift Intended that some
reasonable meaning should be attached
to their words and they could never have
contemplated such an absurdity as a
challenger of sixty-flvo feet being mot
by a ninety-foot defender.
"The deed of gift also requires that ten
I V. i . V , """"""i
shall communicate th Hlmonnlnna f
- -
jthviii, iriiiuii uimcnsions snail not ue
"I venture to disagree from the state
ment made by the New York Yacnt cluo
that the present challenge does not dif
fer in principle from the challenge I seiit
to America In IW7. The 1907 challenge
asked for a variation from tho deed of
gift In order to permit of & race under
the universal rule. No such variation U
asked for In this case and I fall to .lee
that thero Is any analogy between the
two challenges.
"I fully understood the decision of the
New York Yacht club In 1W7 to permit
no variation from the deed of girt, de
spite mutual agreement on the ciauso,
but I maintain that this has no bearing
whatever upon my present chatleng.
"The New York Yacht club states that
It would have accepted with pleasure an
unconditional challenge. The only con
ditions I ask are those of the deed of
gift, for I cannot conceive that tho
framers of that document, after taking
pains to prohibit all time allowance,
contemplated races between such Tidlo
ulous extremes as yachts of sixty-five and
ninety feet. j
"If upon reconsideration, which I am
sure the New York Yacht club will be J
good enough to give this matter they ac
eept my Interpretation of the deed of
gift, I shall be happy to remove from I
my Challenge the words to which they I
"My reason for selecting a seventy-fivn
f00ter '8 thRt a ym of this dimension
represents the largest type of cutter now
racing In any part of tho world.
SAC CITY, la., March 21. (Special.)
Under tho auspices of tho county com
mlttee of tho Young Men's Christian
associations of Sao county, a baso ball
leagUo has been organized to bo known
as Tho Amateur Base Ball League of Sao
County. The object of tho organization,
ns stated In tho constitution which has
been adonted, is to conduct clean base
ball on an amqteur basis and to develop
tho base ball talent In local communi
ties. Membership In the league Is open
to nil towns, amateur, and Young Men's
Christian association clubs In tho county.
Tho league will bo under tho direction
of n governing committee cqmprlslng two
representatives from each club, one of
whom shall be the manager. Tho details
of management havo been carefully
worked out and It Is expected thrtt the
young men and boys of the county will
bo In line by the opening of the base ball
season. Tho officers of the league are:
President, Charles W. Davis of Wall
Lake; vlco president, A. B. Canady of
Lake view; secretary-treasurer, J. Tru
man Smith of Sao City, county Young
Men's Christian association secretary.
DETROIT, Mich., March 21.-AIthough
the Orand circuit has rescinded the rule
limiting tho amount of money stake trot
ters can. win, tlu Michigan State fair
again has a condition of that sort In Its
program of early closing events for the
meeting here September 15 to 80. This
Is In tho Michigan stake of $10,000 for
3:15 trotters, and the condition Is that
any horse winning events of a face value
of 133,000 before September 2. shall not
-.. . . . . " '
t 00 eiigiuie ana payments snail be re-
Other state fair races to which entries
close on April 15 are the 2:12 pace, J5.000;
2:0ft pace. J2.000 ; 2:16 pace. 2.000.
LOH ANaKLKS. Cnl., March 21.
Scott, pitching for the Chicago Amer
icans today, held Los Angeles to five
hits and one run up to the last Inning.
Then be eased off and let the Anself
garner a trio of safeties. Score; n.JI.
Chicago 6 lu j
Los Angeles J s 1
Batteries: Scott and Kuhni ltyan.
Crabb and Brooks,
Tomorrow is Easter
Omaha National. 1618 Famim
Drawn for The Bee by
Oakland Defeats
Chicago' Americans
OAKLAND, Cal., March 21.-Oakland's
Pacific Coabt league champlouahtp team
deteated the becond squau ot tha Ctucugo
Americans in a spectacular game today.
Score: it.
Oakland 2 1 1
cmcago No. 2 I t 2
uatierles: Uogrldge and uuuivan;
i'urKins, uregory una itonrer.
aitmii rowKii roii hail doabd
Enirrossed PlaclnR Utilities In
Thrlr Control.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 21. (Special
Telegram.) When tho senate convened
this afternoon ti. K. 379, by iloagland of
Lincoln, giving the railway commission
power over every corporation conveying
telephone service, light, heat und power
gave Dodgo of Douglas a chonco to tell
what immense tilings It was expected to
do down In, Omaha when the city got con
trol ot Its public service corporations
and fixed the rates to bu charged by the
street car companies.
The bill was lndjonnttsly postponed, but
Just beforo adjournment Iloagland moved
for u reconsideration, and the bill was
ordered engrosssd. Sums of the senators
say that tha matter will oome up ngaln.
Kobsrtson's bill to abolish tha National
Guard was killed on roll call, Dodje,
Qrno, Ollls, Haurmann and llubcrtson
supporting the bill.
baundsrs' bill to Incorporata tha
Fcntanolls Foret association lor tui
purchase of oartain lands along the Mis
souri river was ordered for passage, as
waa also Dodge's bill raising the salary
of tha warden , of the penitentiary to
ll.WO, but with an amendment that tne
Board of Control should fix ths aatarui
of aH other employes at the pen.
The bill from the house crsatlug a levy
of three-fourths of 1 mill for support at'
normal schools was amended by the sen
ate raising the levy to 1 mill. It Is un
derstood that the house will refuse to
ouueur In the raise,
Jltavpnieutn of detail Rtramrra,
"ort. nailed. Arrltd,
1'I.YMOUTi!. . , k Mmdam.
QUBKNSTOWN.. lttrfort
l.lVHItl-OOI. .. .Cslllt Arblc.
MDVTnnu.ut .. cui.n.ii,,
NArUES CMri. '
KA VUSi . . . 1 1 , . 1 . . Ettmptll rnasoala,
MADKIKA. .... AdrUtlc
ANTWKHP. Minllou.
NKW YOIllC New PrerUtim.
RAN rnANCIS ArtMilo.
VANCUUVKU. . ZUii4l. .......
AftTOHIA ... ,
VICTOniA NusUnMiru..
CMcr Jim,
The Persistent and Judicious Uio of
Newspaper Advertising U the Road to
Business Success.
Stephens moves next week
Today you can get a
$3.00 Hat for $1.50
$1.00 Ties for 50c
50c Ties for. . . 25c
yWith the Bowlers
The Nameless won two games from the
Omaha Blcyclo Indians In tho Commer
cial league. Scores:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Straw ifio 1(50 1C0 0
McMartln 143 232 163 MS
Keyt 14D 181 1U m
Balzer 180 233 197 bio
Hull .1C0 183 228 i(7
Totala 792 J93 SS9 2,b6
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Stlne 170 181 221 012
J. Moyna 141 187 1D6 4S4
Newcomb 169 164 144 477
D. Moyna 21 1R3 ISO B'.j
Prlmeau 144 159 1S5 4s8
Handicap 47 47 47 141
Totals 873 921 943 ' 2,737
Automobile LragOf,
1st. 2.1. art Tntot
Pierce a7 159 155 521
Smith nt ITS 19 MS
Nygaard 127 177 168 470
Hansen .....160 210 157 527
Totals 640 721 776
1st. 2d. 3d. Totnl.
Horn 141 165 92 aSS
Beal 130 124 144 298
Nagel 127 130 . 109 395
Btcan 146 175 155 476
Totals 511 613 500 1,657
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Welsh 103 109 162 373
Ilaye.1 168 203 164 535
"Webber 167 168 143 478
Fletcher 157 206 184 546
Kemp; 161 154' 164 489
Totals 735 839 817 2MI
r. -x :,-. ix.: i ti-ii.ij.CiijiJifiLiairili
1 Man !
m You above all men muA l:t::;;::j Hi)
Eg . wear good clothes. 'Il- Ifi
m You above all men must have H$Jx! I
a smart and substantial appearance S$S8Sr i i ; a
to back up your firm grip and your ; ; l J
H You of all men have no time to waste 8 1 ' If 3
in worrying about the poor fit of your
You're Not Tso Busy
to spend a few minutes here to
morrow; we want you to see our new
Kensington Clothes
Stylish, hand. tailored suits in fabrics that are
exclusive with us.
You know how they'll look and fit before you
buy and depend upon it, they stay fit.
Ready-for-service the day you pick them out,
and priced within easy reach. $20, $25 and
upwards. Let ua show you.
(Easter Apparel Accessories
Smart Hats and Furnishings.)
Magee &
413 So.
"Bud" Fisher
i i
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Korsytho 00 211 133 643
Coker 178 1.17 MM 501
Drumroond 177 171 163 501
Tyrholn 142 14H 290
Hervev 139 243 158 411
Handicap 8 8 8 24
Totals "m m 7S6 2,402
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Traynor 201 153 15.1 507
Fasmaght ..162 140 1U0 462
Barney 135 152 163 4W
Hhaw 157 Lit 16S 473
Dahmke 131 136 143 413
Handicap 8 8 8 24
Totals 797 743 7S5 225
1st. 2d. 3.d. Total.
A. Store 150 13S 149 44C
Troup 146 151 115 413
L. Store , 165 168 155 4SS
Brady 168 156 122 476
Potter 162 145 147 451
Totals 800 788 719 2I07
fiate Cltr Lcnsrar.
1st. 1. Jd. Total.
McCabe 183 209 167 559
Arnsden 123 158 178 432
Shaw 190 215 167 672
Sdple 162 165 192 .V
Fitz 155 198 19S 551
Totals 816 935 902 2,653
1st. 2d. 3d, Total.
Moore 141), 162 149 460
Lundstrum 136 179 152 467
Lemon 166 126 216 60S
Hholeen 101 149 151 401
Learn 230 166 171 667
Totals 782 781 829 2,403
Handicap 36 35 36 103
Totals 818 817 875 2,511
Tha Persistent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is tho Road to
Business Success.
16th St.