Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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."he ee; ne aazire p)a
"All of Which I Saw and Part of Which I Was" By nell bkinkley
Their Conditions Force English
Suffragettes to Violence,
Says Doris Keane
Copyright, 19H. by .lournal-Amcrlcnn-Kxaiulner
Til 10 BKK; OMAHA, SAT Lit DAY, MARCH 2, 191,1.
Bib Cir
A Beautiful Face to Ad
miring Eyes Let Her
Guard her Reputation
Copyright, 191S, by Star Company.
Tho girl In the business block Is an Im
portant factor In modern life.
When the 5 o'clock wtstle blows, or
when banking hours are over, ono may
tee h beauty show on any of our great
thoroughfares In
th blK cities; for
then the stcnog
taphers nntl the
bookkeepers, anil
other assistants In
business offices set
forth to obtain a
little fresh air and
exorcltc, or to do
Itarely on the
fashionable drives
can so m a n y
beautiful faces be
seen as theso busi
ness girls present
to admiring eyes.
And when wo real
ize the continual close association into
which these girls are thrown with men,
day after day, and week after week, and
month after month, we can only wonder
that ho few scandals occur In our land,
In which the business girl Is the un
enviable leading lady.
Nevertheless, many tragedies occur in
the lives of these girls which are not
known to tho world; and more than one
wife owes her peace of mind to the good
sense and strong will, and high Ideal of
s-onio business girl who refused to act the
affinity role for a weak man.
Again, the haughty and disagreeable
wifo or daughter who calls at her hus
band's office and treats the business girl
as If sho were a fly upon the wall or a
speck of dust upon the desk, "lias been
known to arouse In tho girl's heart a
budden Impulse of retaliation.
Perhaps she has seen In the eyes of
the employer a too great appreciation of
her youth and beauty previous to this
Incident, and has ignored it.
But when ho pays her a compliment
the next morning upon her attractive ap
pearance u little thrill of gratified van
ity, not unmixed with a sensation of re
venge upon the wife and daughter' who
Ignored her, takes possession of her
When he asks her to lunch or dine
with him, It seems to her a step toward
Eoclal advancement a peep Into the fairy
world where his cherished ones dwelt.
But, instead, It Is a step down and
uway from dignified and lovely woman
hood. She Is entering the common arena of
the vulgar adventuress the ante-room
of the divorce court, where the awful
role of co-respondent may await her.
Tho moment she accepts gallant at
tentions from married men r.he Is start
ing on the road which nine times out of
ten lands all who tread It in the ditch
of disgrace or In tho hospital ward.
No married man ever pays court to a
young woman with the Intention of be
friending her, or helping her socially. He
knows his attentions are compromising
to her. He knows that every time she
apprnrs with him In public she Is
jeopardizing lier good name and Injuring
her chances of marriage with an honest
ami earnest lover.
No matter what he may tell her that
contradicts this assertion, he knows that
what I stale here Is true. lie knows
that his Interest In her Is selfish and
Kvcry Blrl. however young or unso
phisticated, Is conscious tli at she Is doing
wrong to her own best Interests of true
womanhood and lowering her moral and i
social standard when she permits a mar- j Kvcry mother of several children Is
Wed man to escort her about. 1 qualified to serve on any grievance com-
I konw that hundreds probably Hums-j mittce.
nnds of girl stenographers do not need
theso words of mine. They have Just as The old-fashioned Ionian, when her
lofty standards of conduct as any 'iidy ' husband Ill-treated her. told her tro.i
li. the land, and adhere to them wltii J -',''r ' tIle rd' Thp more n,0,,e,n
as much dignity. woman tells them to a lawyer.
Hut I know also that scores of young '
women who road theso lines do need the
warning, and I send them forth to the
vast nudlcnce It Is my privilege to ad-
dicss, hoping they may help all such to
leslst the alluring temptations which be
set' them, and to Miinrnuii all their host
qualities to the rescue of name, fame,
honor and peace of mind,
IJo not for an Instnnt, my dear girl,
bcllevo that you have been placed In
tills, peculiarly tempting situation through
your personal charms and ' fascinations.
Stop and realize how many such affairs
ou have read about In tho dally, papers
they arc exceedingly common. The
average man la weak, morally, and so
ciety has oucouraged him In the idea
that he Is privileged to Indulge this weak
ness. Nature has made the close association
of man and woman dangerous, unless
both possess a fine cense of honor or rn
absorbing occupation or an engrossing
paealon outside of each other's society.
liven then the situation has Its dan
ger. Many a man who really loves nls
w!IV, and who has principle und refine
ment, Is susceptible to a magnetic at
traction of an hour, which, if the woman
Is vain, mercenary or silly, may lead to
a llfe-tlnio of regret for both'.
In your peculiar iosltlon you should
If constantly on your guard, and save
not only yourself, but protect the man
against himself.
'Weaker sex" that she U oalled, yet
this In a woman's work In her assocU
lion with men the world over. ,
There are thousands of fine, manly,
dignified employers In America, who
Heat their "tenographcra with the ut
most rgot. But Into their offices other
mm ftrqiieilly co-no who ale Ics con
siderate wf the value cf u woman's uu-suPtc-U
name, men wiio jievrr look upon
an attractive young woman save with the
"Anil when you seo a Man and his
Once upon a day, an old-tlnio chronicler of events to show that ho
knew whereof he spoke, appended to his Bto,ry the sentence: "All of which
I saw and part of which I was."
In the, story of the world Cupid Is the prize mover and the prize his
torian. He knows more about" the inner causeB of great wars, why king
doms rose and fell, why boundaries were changed, why great victories
were won, why the names of men have come bounding down the centuries,
why humble. .lives were filled with sweetness and the wonder of living and
great lives jvere, a mockery and a nightmare for all of their greatness
'cauBO he was and is responsible for nearly all that goes on in this old
world of ours.
Cupid is a youngster alongside of some of our gray.bcards, but he is
as old as human nature 'and human nature really becomes nature through
eye of selfishness and with the deBlre
of possession.''
The silly girl who believes that she
has made a sudden romantic Impression
upon the mind of a casual caller learns
frequently, when too late, that she Is
only serving her day as a human toy
to amuse a restless rogue. I realize
that often In your position you are called
upon to act as a comforter to an un
happy husband. But remember that the
profession of a stenographer dues not In
clude that role as a necessity. Let the
unhappy husband learn to be a philo
sopher and keep his troubles to himself.
It Is always an evidence of weakness of
character when a man complains of hts
wife to his employes. Attend to your
business, and let the man attend to his
own domestic affairs.
Respect your work yourself, and compel
the world to respect you.
The Ways of a Woman
When a woman has a poor figure, the
j other women wlllx do this much: Thoy
will admit It Is natural.
Kvery woman who does all her own
work knows what It means to exceed the
speed limit. .
' f,
Olvc a woman a rocking chair and a
handkerchief and she Is prepared to
wetp with the whole world.
When a woman talks beautifully of her
faith In her luihbmid, It is a pretty good
sign she has never been trailed upon lo
lieu It.
Occasionally a woman looks at her
husband and wonders If she wouldn't
have been happier If sho had remained
single. Then I she remembers the chil
dren, and decides that she wouldn't.
When a woman has more babies with
her on the street than sho can well man
age, she usually also has a feather on
her hut which the wind has blown Out of
Place. .
It takus a strong woman to saj that it
come irom me, DaKi-r s when a guest
prulses the cake.
After a woman has been married a few
years she doesn't hae any. more respect
for the men than a good cook has for
a hotel dinner.
Womon Jut-t natural1 like to linger
around the love-making uarts of a novel
and pictures of a man lidding a woman
in his arm.
A religious womun's Idea of being broad
Is to speak well of some church not her
If a woman's voice rounds sweet to her
family, depend on It. bhe Is calling them
to dinner or lo get out of bed.
(Copyright, 1913, by Journal-Amcrlcan-Examlner.)
Sweetheart you can know Cupid is on Iho job adding another story to his long
Woman's Search
Miss Jane Cowl was explaining at con
siderable length to Miss "Anna Mai hie,
the cleverest of publicity agents, that
certain phonographs of herself, whlcn
were not good looking at tall were ex
cellent likenesses and how this Idea of
her. Miss Cowl's being beautiful was an
error of belief and a delusion.
'And the funny thing about that It .hat
sho really believe It," said Miss Marble
to me In nil audible aside. . .Miss Cowl
coudu't say anything because she was
answering her cue on the stage at the
moment. Hut I took the matter up with
MIsr Cowl later, when sho sat beside her
own hoarstone while the light from an
open fire played over a face that Ameri
can audiences have acclaimed beautiful
and that Is oven more It Is full of vary
ing Bhades of expression and Interest
and Intelligence.
"You see." explained Miss Cowl. "ov?ry
ono has a favorite typo of beauty and I
am not my own typo. No, J admlro tut
woman with red hair, a very whlto skill
and- thin, thin almost to attenuation."
f .war. thankful .that Mlstf Cowl's ad
miration for another type did not make
her loan sight entirely of what wa8 d.n
her own. and that she had succumbed
to a pair of long corrsl earrluxs just the
color or Iter lips ami ino omy viviu spot
on r, dark, rainy day costume.
Miss Cowl looks cvon younger off the
stage than on II, and her manner l so
flank, ho unaffected, she Is so genuinely
(molested in things, that have nothing to
do with the theater or her o.wp person tl
Ity. that you. have lo. remind youmtdf
that this Is next season's star, and tho
same - girl who kept you sitting villi
your mouth open nnd you eyes starl'i
out of your head with excitement in U.iy
ard, Volller's play. "Within the Law.'"
Naturally as Mlsr. Cowl plays the ,ia;t
of a. shop girl wo began to sptak of Iho
lrrttv girls wlin nnUr Into shnna mill
(offices ovory morning.
"The girls who work, for their living
seem to he getting better looking all
time:" ''said their champion.
"So much hns been written on the sub
ject that Ihev have learned ti take care
of good looks is much higher than It
hi if fcr-
"put while J think tlicrn arc more
pretty girls, there scorn to be fewer
great bpaulles. No one yet has taken
Lillian Uussell's place or has outshone
Maxlno ISIllott:"; I
night here I might have mentioned
that people expected n groat deal of a
certain Miss Jano 'Cowl, both as an
act rem and as a beauty, but Miss Cowl
wears both her Iriokh and her succesM
with such unconscious und happy in
difference that ' one does not want to
insist, or spoil the charm.
"Think what a blewlng it has been for
women to realize that It Is not abso
lutely necessary to remain as natuie
made you." she contlnutd. "Not so very
long ago the average woman If she were
very fat or homely could do nothing
him. He has been in on everything and most of all does he influence tho
lives of those who live today.
Tho crusty old bachelor or the angular splnstor may deny his powor,
but most times those who deny tho loudest know his sccrot influence over
their lives, and their conduct bolter than those who are avowedly his de
votees. He makes of this earth a paradlso for the man and the maid and
when you see a young man and his sweetheart together you know' that
Cupid is on the Job whether they bo poor or rich of low estate or of
high and he is adding another little story to his long list of chronicles
which show why the world and the race really continue and ho sayB that
with true love comes peace, content and a broadening human sympathy
and understanding.
for Beauty Ends in
Exercise, Diet and Rest,
Jans Cowl as Mary Turnr In "Within
the Law."
but lament her fate or lien I It with
clashlc calm, uccordlng to her ago and
temperament. Now sho has learned that
sho has herself to blame and not nature
If she is not fairly presentable, or
healthy, at any rate.
"Women have begun to reallno that all
this search after beauty comes back to
a few simple thlhgs, proper exercise,
diet, rest.
"A woman. If she wants to, can vir
tually make herself, ovei, and she docs
It to suit the style of the moment "
"Who sets the fashion In beauty. Miss
Cowl?" 1 Inquired.
"Well, It depends; sometimes It Is an
aitlst, like Gibson for Instance, who took
tho broad shouldered athletic girl and
made her the fashion. Hut where Is she
now? It's the sloping shouli and not
an extra ounce of flesh this season, tllrls
like Ilessle McCoy have a lot to answer
for. Kveryono admired hor typo and she
made us all long for the 'rlbloss effect.'
a very slim, straight up and down figure.
Women worked, dieted and exorcised
themxolvos to the door of the hospital to
get ns thin as that. Just the same. It
has heeli a good thing, because while
women may est too little now, they
certainly ate too much before. Anything
Is better than right meals a day."
"This desire to bo beautiful has really
been a great stimulus to women. Thev
have learned something about hygiene. I
suppose wo are the if-rubblest nation in
the world, for soap and bathtubs are not
the prlvllego of the rich alone, as they are
chronicle of tho world."
Says Jane Cowl
ubroadr Then women tiro paying co much
attention to their children's health, he
cause the foundation of beauiy Is laid
In childhood. Kvrii the craze for dancing
goes back to the beauty question, for
dancing novel was quite sj.much tho tag
before women took to It Is a form of
physical exercise, liiMeml of ordinary
"It Is men and not women who eat the
great big heavy dinners now. The women
have learned bettor. The desire for
beauty' taught them that. '
"Thero Is much loss drkng, both by
men or women, and that Is another good
thing. No woman -an keep her looks
mid Indulge In any kind of alcoholic
"No, It norms to me that through the
craze for beauty Is oftr'n followed to
silly extreme'. In Itnelf It Is a good thing
And It certainly has taught many winner
certain fundamental rules of hygiene und
common const that they would never
have learned any other way '"
"Thoy say that every woman mnirbij
for some ulterior motive. If I marry Tin I
sure It would be with the secret hope
that It would make a better actress "f 1
me." 1
Ami so you may be perfectly sure
Ml Hulls Kenrnx, who. voices this roll
blooded sentiment. Is a young worn
who hasn't the slightest notion of marc,
lug- at present nnyhow.
Since Miss Konne dawned upon the
town as the fascinating heroine of Slu-I-don's
play, "Homnuco." playgoer ha' e
been rubbing their eyes at the transfor
mation. Can this be the pathetic little
girl who had to sit for hour crunched,
up on" stiff stage fnrnltme while all the
characters In the plays told us that the
wns more sinned against than usual? hi ,
tho temperamental .Madame Cavnllnl.
with her Inimitable wiles and gnue. her
bursts of bad temper and her mormosrtne
her sweet, seductive charm and daz
zling lieuuty. and relation to the lltt'i
gray moth In the "Hyproci ltos?"
"You have no Idea what a relief It Is
to get awny from the kind of part t I
have been playing. If any playwright
wrote a part for it girl who has gone
very fnr astray, that part was destined
for me. I got fairly Mick of them. It's
much moro satisfactory to play tli
temptress than always to bo templed.
"Isn't It n wonderful time to he living
In, especially for us women? And It's
universal. No. 1 can't Hike an active
part In, suffrage work; one has only ho
much itrength anyhow, nnd I think we
ran do tho most In making the best of
individual selves. In doing better wor'c
and developing and expressing our own
Individuality." Thus tho daughters of
Ibsen, whoso strong and determined spirit
and delicate physique mako her so es
sentially and delightfully feminine.
Miss Ken lie's sympathies are with tho
militant suffragists of JSnglnnd, many
of whom sho knows.
"One cannot understand tholr tactics
over here because the American man Is
an entirely different creature from the
Englishman. Tho American, oven if he
Ik opposed to granting t lie vote to
women, will at least argue courteously,
nut over there the very subject makes
the otherwise perfectly stolid men froth
at tho mouth. They won't henr woman's
suffrage mentioned. And women have to
use violent methods to get them to pay
attention. Tho militant surfruglstfl' for
tho most part nro Intelligent women
filled with a spirit of Immolation to the
"Last year, when T was abroad, I met
Mrs, W. W. Jacobs, a beautiful and
charming woman, wife of tho author,
and the mother of several children. Hhe,
like most of tho otheis, tried all quiet
methods of suffrage propngnnda and
failed, Then sho made her plans. Went
to London, to the postofflce, sent a tcle
grom to her lawyer telling him that
sho Woud need him at once and to come
to her. After that sho went outside and
broke two windows with a hatchet, To
tho crowd that collected sho made a
speech and distributed suffrage leaflets,
In a perfectly quiet and dignified way,
Sho was arrested and taken beforo a
Judge whom she happened to know per
Enormous Wase
Crossings is
Crying for
It will be universally conceded that
one of the most Inspiring sights In New
York Is that of a traffic policeman at
some busy corner, uplifting his white
gloved hand and
stilling the maul-
stroni of the
crowded h t r o o t
with tho Install
taieousnesa and
Incredibility of a
Where can you
find so vivid a
symbol of the reign
of law ns that
commanding, mo
tionless hand?
From It radiates,
llko un electric
beam, tho concen
trated will of &,000,w) people
Away back up the line of the htrect on
either side tho glittering uiitos come to
rest and pack themselves silently In
waiting rows, pressing closer each mo
ment, like the banking flakes of a
snowstorm At tho same moment an
other torrent Is lot loose, flowing at
right angles to that which has boon ar
rested. Then it sharp whistle, a wave of the
potent hand, and the runhlug currents
are reversed again.
Hut tills wonderful view of the life
arteries of a great modern metropolis
suggests certain thoughts relating to the
details of the scene t which call for care
ful consideration.
Ono of theso thoughts I find expressed
In the current number of tho magazine
rallud .Motor. It concerns the groat ag
gregate loss of tlmo that tho oxlstlug
system of street traffic control Involves.
Where, the vast currents Intersect there
Is Inevitable delay for ono of tho othor.
Huch must wait In Its turn. Hundreds of
,foot passengers must lose manx valuable
minutes while the Impenetrable, torrent of
vehicles flows across tholr way.
They take their lives In their hands If
thny attempt to traverse It beforo tho
artrstliiK baud is raised.
Then, when the valves are closed on ono
side and opened on the other, tho hurry
Ink' autos. In their turn, must los an
equal amount of time, every second of
which has Its valqo. either In money, ron
teulence or pleasure.
Various suggontlons are made or means
i f avoiding tlds double loss. One much
advocated plan Is to huv? certain
thoroughfares devoted specially to auto
tramc, but autos, like other vehicles,
" "t am surprised to see you here, Mrs.
Jacobs. Why did you do this??' said tho
" lu order that I might bo brought be
foro you that my case would be given
publicity In the papers that tho' people
and lawgivers might understand the de
mands of the sillfi'aglsts and that Inter
on my girls might have the same rights
and privileges under tho law that my
boys will onjoy, was her quiet rejoinder.
" 'Madame,' said the purpling Judge, T
Mlinll hnve you tukun uway and your
sanity Inquired Into.'
"Now, do you wonder that the womon
have resorted to anything to shako up the
l-:ngllsh men?" finished Miss Kcane.
Unwillingness to accept a new Idea
must be Miss Kruno's Idea of dullness of
a completely uninteresting porson,x She
herself fairly vibrates with a tense In
terest In things, but feels a constant war
between tho desire to overdo, to over
work, ovcrstudy, and the knowledge that
sho must conservo her forces for the
theater, where her groat achievement
"1'vo been a toriiblo hookworm all ray
life, but that doesn't muko red blood,
does It? Now I dream of Joining In for
nil tho outdoor winter exercises, but
dreaming la uboiit us far us I gtt. I
have to practice tho gentle itrt of elimi
nating everything but tho essentials
that's n great urt, too and the essentials
to mo Is the theater." .
of Time at Street I
Great Problem
must go everywhere In order to meet tho
needs of their owners.
Another suggestion is to change tho
grades of streets, or to span them with
bridges, so that tho conflict of crossing
linos of travel muy be avoided by carry
ing them on different levels. Tho diffi
culties, in either direction, are sufficiently
ivldent,'nud I liavo no Intention of offer
ing it solution. A great deal of human
wlsdQin will have to bo concentrated on
the problem beforo It can bo disposed of.
lMit It presents ono of tho crying needs
of the day, and everybody ought to give
Hiuni) attention to It.
Another thought suggested by the
scenes at tho greut crossings relates to
tho qualities of the men In control. Forty
yenrs ago, In tho days of the old Broad
way stage uoaches, when Now York was
hardly more thnn a vlllngo compared
with what It is today, and when autos
find not been dreamed of, there was an
oft-repeated story of a country magis
trate. This magistrate, upon visiting the me
tropolis, declared. In dismay, that It re
quired more Intelligence to cross Broad
way than to be a Justice, of tho peace In
a country town.
Think, then, of the quick Intelligence,
tho prompt Judginont, tho decision of
character, required of the policeman who
places himself In tho center of a street
roaiing with tho multiplied traffic t
thu-0 days nnd undertakes to control It
all at his will and with a motion of his
A thousand opposed wills meet his,
mutteied curses are flung at hlmj ho Is
the center of a moral hurricane, but he
must stand there Immovable and master
all opposition. '
Theie Is no Imago taken -from Mm
physical world that truly represents him.
The lighthouse defies the storm, And
nends out Its warning bourns through
the flying scud, but It cannot arrest the
rushing surges. This blue-clad tlght
l.oie of the- street not only warns, but
protects, governing the tempest and di
recting the waves.
lime. nHild all the storm .of condemna
tion that haa recmitly fallen upon the
police system, appears th Ideal represen
tative of that system at Its best, firnft
duos not touch lilin; ho would have no
lime to ho dishonest If he had the wish;
his courage equals that of the soldier,
and his power of instant, decisive action
rivals that of the general on the battle
field. New York has reason to be proud
of its traffic policemen, but It may be
still moe pioud of Itt-elf when It shall
I have i endued thrlr hard Job no longer