10 ft I Mats iBi i na iins fniife I w n i a 7sk oronet These are the most prao ticnl mid most popular of all Easter Hats. They have the stunning style and the grace ful beauty of the most ex pensive models. They are designed by a French style expert and they are made of the bent Imported materials over put Into medium priced millinery. All the clever little spring shapes are hero In the now Bhades of Saxo blue, Nell raso, Kelly reen, wisteria and chartreuse. More than 200 new "Coronet" Hats shown for the first time Saturday. SIO Misses'& Juniors' Hats for Easter Pretty, girlish shapes of fine white milan straw trimmed with ribbons and rosette effects. The colors are charm ing shades of pink and light blue as well as QQ- white ages 4 to 10 years $1.75 values, at jOQ- 7 You Are Following the Example of the Best Dressed Women When You Come Here to Choose Your Apparel for Easter Whatever You Select Here is Bound to Be Strictly Fashionable and Thoroughly Practical This store has maintained its style supremacy for more than a quarter of a century. It carries by far the largest stocks and offers by far the largest varieties before Easter because tt outfits the great majority of women in this vicinity. 'Styles are newer and more authentic here. Qualities are always more dependable. Every item in this announcement w an attraction of special interest at a price no other store will duplicate Saturday. Notable Assemblage Imported Easter Millinery Together With Dashing Cre ations of America's Best Creators of Style Exquisite French creations from Lewis & Poirot stun ning dress hats from Burby, Lichenstein, Tappe, Bendel, Jvurzmnn and all the well known 5th Ave. Shops. The graceful small shapes in fine English Milnns, leg horns and imported Tagals, artistically trimmed with Numidi, Heron, Paradise, ribbons and French flowers, at $16.50 "o $50 Easter Hats, Ready- to -Trim Nino hundred new hemp hats are shown for the first time Saturday in popular .small turban effects. Now com bination colors, such as blue to taupe, cerise to taupe, champagne to brown, etc.---also large velvet faced hats regularly $4 Values, special tit. $2.50 I Hat Trimmings $3i for "0 r ,Ijm OSTRICH PLUMES , Great, now Hhlpnicnt of Blinded ostrich plumes, In Hunt centers with dark cdgcR, also solid colors with spotted heads every populur shade. Thcso are lfi-lncli French ostrich plumes, 10 Inches wide regulur $0,50 values bargain square, main 7oor NUMIDI "EFFECTS and Novelty Ostrich The height of fashion this season. Satur day wo offer a largo selection of oach, In quill effects, pom poms, ostrich hands, Muffles, etc., In shaded effects and plain 50c t), $2.50 AMERICAN BEAUTY ROSES Large spray 3 American beauty roses with foliage a 76o value, at QQ per bunch . O&C SILK SWEET PEAS ' Large clusters of silk sweet peas In white, wisteria, lavender, old roso and yellow -C sprays In a bunch rogu- gr lar $1.25 value, at - Off C IMPORTED LILACS In two shades, light or dark, also red, dark blue, white 12 sprays In a qq bunch worth $1.70, at ...... wOC; Scores of other offcctB In trimmings for Easter hats at very moderate prices. Every tnwtyls sin untrimmod hats. . , Basement Millinery Department NEW YORK PATTERN HATS 100 pattorn hats from a well known New York makor. They aro trimmed In ostrich fancies, ostrich bands, ribbon bows nnd flowers all light colorB dC for Easter wear very Bpeclal... P5 $6 TRIMMED HATS at $3.50 500 Spring Hats made of hair braids trimmed lji flowers, ribbons, etc. overy one a umereni, new style, at ..$3.50 TAILORED and STREET HATS Turban, sailors and small shapes ' many styles trimmed and ready to wear, win go pa and at. . .,. . $1.50 and $2.50 MISSES' and CHILDREN'S HATS Great variety in Milan, hemp and majestic braid hats, smartly trlmmod In ribbons sashes 98c, $1.50, $1.98 Flowers and Fancy Feathers White marabou feathers in four or five - branchings, fancy oBtrlch stick-up effects, roses, lilacs, small flowers basement, ". 15c, 25c, 49c Waists for Easter A special offer of U50 of the smart, new voile waists beautiful models in the nowest spring ideas on our second floor, at $1 VOILE and LINGERIE BLOUSES,. Hand embroidered blouse waists, clev erly trimmed with real laces, at $2.50, $3.50, $5 and up to $15. SILK DRESSES These dressen aro from a spoctal purchaso and Include many sam plesnow draped skirts and Bul garian effects all the pbpulnr now spring suauos. Theso dresses aro In ono big lot at ie popular $698 New White Crepe de Chine Waists. The newest and muni popular of the waist models for spring many variations of 1913 stylo features at 82.03. S3.08i and" up to 810. AFTERNOON FROCKS You saw many of theso drcssos worn earlier In tho week by our artistB' models and thousands of women exclaimed at their beauty. You can choose f-v - & r r aaat!c..r..?:5o5 SPECIAL SALE oi WOMEN'S Spring Tailored Suits PositivcfyMade to Sell at $20 to $25 480 Tailored Suits, In all sizes for women and misses, purchased at a sacrifice from an eastern maker.and placed on sale just In time to savo you from $5 to ?10 on your Easter suit. AH tho new styles, InehidlnB blouses, corduroya and Nor folks alltho new bright shades and conservative colors. A complete now spring assortment at tho biggest bargatn In Omaha. Children's White Dresses for Confirmation. A score of beautiful styles for Easter. Somo are simple, dainty frocks, and others are elaborately made of sheer white materials, ex quisitely trimmed with laces and embroideries $5.00 to $25.00 Spring Coats af $10 A special lot of these coats in long and three-quarter length, all tho newest spring materials and colors none worth less than $15, many are worth $18. DRESSES FOR EASTER For Easter apparel of genuine Btylo and beauty, there's nothing to compare with theso smart Bilk cirosEos at n moderate price. uiniu-u mm pnnoiou ef fects many exclii' slve Ideas at u iiru-u. .$15 For Women dJOC Are Alw'ays P"J Here are the spring style aristocrats. ' ' Fashionseal ' ' Suits cannot be compared with any other line of women's tailored apparel that sells at $2:.00. "Fashi'onseals" aro like tho best of the $35.00 and $40.00 Suits. Children's Colored Dresses Wo have never shown such pretty girlish effects as these. They are made for soml-dresB occasions and for practical school wear, as well. A score of novelty effects at $2.50 to $7.50 The CLEVEREST COATS for SPRING Here are tho extreme novelties for the season. Some with Balkan sash fir 010 dOCT special at 4C, $1", JZo DITS Children's Spring Coats Your little girl will need a spring coat this season. Nothing could bo daintier, more becoming or more practical than theso new spring weight coats that aro so popular at $2.98 to $12.50 Crepe de Chine y UNDERWEAR Most popular material for spring nowest style Ideas In Crepe do China Skirts, Gowns, Combinations and Princess Slips em broidered or lace trimmed at $3.50, $5, $7.50 and up to $19 EASTER FOOTWEAR Smart, comfortable styles in black, groy and brown suedes and buckskins, champagne kids, gun metal calf witiugrey buck tops (ono of tho very newest styles), Gypsy cut shoos in new seamless styles and English walking shoes; also pumps made to wear with silk stockings (lined throughout with satin), button oxfords, Colonial pumps and English pumps, in all the new spring Q CA f. ((2 styles, at the pair aPO.OU LU .JU Women's White Buckskin Shoes, mnde from best quality Lawrences' Nubuck, in button styles, with tipped toes at the pair $2.85 Women's Whit Canvas, Shoes, in light Sea Island duck, with plain or tipped toes and light extension soles $2.48 Trot Moc Shoes for Girls. New "Major shape" shoes in extremely soft Elkskin, tan, and white buckskin leathors with flexible raw hide soles. Sizes 11 Va to 2, at pair. .$2.98 Sizes By to 11, at pair. .$2.75 Sizes 6 " to 8, at pair. .$2.48 Well Known Shoes Sold Exclusively by Us. Edwin ('. Burt Shoes lied Cross Shoes. Hurlev Bros. Shoes Boys' Shod-Rito Shoes. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S DRESS SHOES. Vici kidskin, dull and patent leathers, with cloth tops neat, broad toe styles with Goodyear welted soles. Sizes 114 to 2, at. . . .$2.48. Sizes 84 to 11, at. . . .52.25 Sizes 6 to 8, at, a pair $1.98 Great Sale of Easter Liilies largc, beautiful, fresh blooming Easter Lilios that ir. s'oll everywhere for 25c; on sale at, each blossom JJJ Cut Flowers, Azaleas and blooming plants at low pnees. Kid Gloves for Easter Women's Long French Kid Gloves, full lQ-button length in white only, with 3 Kndium clasp fasteners or Cleo patra buttons - regularly worth $3.50 (fO Cf) on sale, at the pair )yJJ SHORT KID GLOVES AT $1.50 AND $2.50 A PAD Women's Heal Grenoble Rid Gloves in 2-clasp fasteners, with heavy embroidered back or Paris point stitching. KID GLOVES WORTH $1 AND $1.25 AT 69c A PAIR Women's Kid CNovob in tan, grey, red, white and block -2-olasp with singlo'row embroidery Bargain Square. NOVELTIES IN NEW VEILINGS "VANITY" the new spring veiling in dainty meshes and patterns, bow knot patterns, in black, white and colors, spe cial, at 98c and $1.50 Fine Silk Chiffon Auto Veils and Scarfs, 2 yards long with Jiemstitched and fancy borders, new plain and ombre shaded all colors, each $1.00 HANDKERCHIEFS FOR EASTER Women's hand embroidered comer, pure Irish linen handkerchiefs with Armenian and val lace edges, worth to 50c. at 25t Women's Embroidered Sheer Linen Hand kerchiefs, with hand Armenian and val lace edges, worth up to 25c, at 15c WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Kayser's Venetian Silk Vests; o)so silk bloomers, worth up to $3.00 at the garment $1.98 Munsing Irregular Union Suits, in the popular styles, $1.00 values 50c Mercerized and plain lisle Munsing union suits, wor.th $2.00, at. . . . $1.00 WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Women's Imported Cott.on and Mercer ized Lisle Hosiery, with double soles and wide he-m tops, at, the pair, 35c Women's Heavy Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, double soles, $1.00 value, 75c Girls' and Boys' School Hosiery, double heels and toes, 25c value 15c Novelty Jewelry for Easter Wear New Cherry Red Beads; special at, strand 25c and 50c Pearl Beads, very fine selection, worth $1.00; on sale at 50c $2.00 Aluminum Hair Barretts, beautiful new designs, $1.00 $1.00 Hair Barretts, set with finejvhite stones, at 50c Aluminum Braid Pins, set with white stones, at 25c and 50c $2.0pSterling Silver Bar Pins, whdt and colored stones, 50c $1.00 Silver Bar Pins, set with solid row of white stones, 50c Lucky Blue Bird Pins, very popular; special Saturday, 25c Easter Neckwear Dainty neckwear piays an important part in adding grace and smartness to the costume. New Bulgarian Neckwear, new sailor collars and new sun shine collars, scores of attractive models, at 25c to $1.50 Swiss Embroidered Sets, very special values at, set 50c Children's Embroidered Swiss Coliar, clover, girlish styles in Dutch and sailor collars, on sale at each 25c Easter Novelties Thousands of clever and originnl ideas in Easter novelties for the children are now being shown in the Pompeian room. There are many new and attractive ideas for decoratiouj toys, favors, etc., in every imaginable size and in a wide range of moderate prices. Individual Spun Sugar Nests, at each, 10c. Robin, Chick, Duck and Turkey Eggs, lb., 15c. Jelly Bird Eggs, 2 lbs., 15c, per pound, 8c CANDY SPECIALS SATURDAY Maple confections, lb. .20c j Black Walnut Taffy, lb. 25c