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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1913)
The Omaha Daily MEN"' SPRING FASHIONS What will the well-drtised man wear this laitionT Ban Hnih, the greatest auULMl'y on the subject In America, ttlli nil about It In The San. day Be. THE WEATHER. Fair; Warmer VOL. XLil-NO. m OMAHA, SATniDAY MORN! NU, MARCH '22, TY KNIVES 1UJF,S. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Bee HOUSE MEMBERS , VOTE TO ABOLISH CITY WATER BOARD Sharp Debate in House Results in Favorable Action on Ander son's Measure. PEOPLE WILL CAST VOTE Omaha to Decide Whether Commis sion Shall Rule. FOR ELECTION COMMISSIONER This Measure Favored, Governor to Appoint. KECKLEY BILL FINALLY KILLED Another Attempt to llrrhe It In Intercut of Cnt In Freight llntcn Fnlln III I.oiTfr Clin in Iter. (From a Staff Conospondent. 1 LINCOLN, March 21. (Special Tele gram.) The house this afternoon In com mittee of the wliolo went on record for and against homo rule. It favored homo mlo when It recommended the bill to place tin wnter works of Omaha under the Jurisdiction of the city commissioners, thus abolishing the Water board, amended to take effect when a majority of the voteis at u special or general election vote for the same. It opposed homo rule when It recom mended fur passage the Dodgc-Sugar-man election bill amended to provtdo the governor shdll appoint an election com missioner for Douglas county. As the latter bill came from the senato It provided tho election commissioner should bs appointed by the district clerk, county clerk and treasurer. The Judiciary committee of the house gave the ap pointing power to the governor and the house sustained the committee over tho protest of several members of the Doug las county delegation. In discussing the bill to abolish the Water board, Mike Lee, In defence of his former employers, tho Water board, started a show that for a few moments was Intensely exciting and highly amus ing. Lee asked those who signed the bill as Introducers why they wanted to turn tho water works over to the "Third ward gang" und to explain wiy they did not provide for a vote In all the towns which the Water board Is trying to unlto Into a Water district. Leo then said a co.t spliacy. existed between the "Third ward gang," Tom Dcnnlson and -the stock yards to wreck the Omaha water plant. Will Let People Vote. Notwithstanding Leo's charges and the fact that miniature copies 'of tho World Ileruld containing' a cartoon td the effect that the charter commission wnB elected by tho Inhabitants of the red light dis trict and an editorial to the same effect, wcro passed U all the members, and despite the Mr. Howell's desperate work and despite Senator Dodge's presence on tho floor, tho houso Insisted on giving to the people ot Omaha tho right to say at an election whether they wnntcd to sup port a dual city government or place all the government In the hands of a com mission elected by the people. The roll was not called, but the aye vote was ucrwheimlng. liolleti wanted to get even with those members of the house who recently killed one of hlH proposed constitutional amend ments providing amendments shall be adopted when a majority of the members voting on a subject favor It. He pro posed an amendment which was adopted that before the Water boardd Is abolished a majority of those voting at the election shall favor It. A majority of ths Douglas delegation favoring the bill, gladly ac cepted the amendment. Then Uollen pro posed that the special election be cut out and tho question aubmitted at a general election. This amendment was killed. Simon said the object of tho bill was was to turn over to the city commission the light to manage the water works. He explained that when Omaha adopted the commission form of government, It abolished dthc park board and the police board and each commissioner headed some department of the city govern ment. Under the present arrangement the city now had to pay the city com missioners JI.KK) each annually and pay the Water board $3,600 annually. A city attorney and attorneys for the Water board; the city engineer and engineers for the Water board. Ho resented vigorously the statement of Mike Lee and urged the members' not to bo confused by Mike's efforts to throw dirty water on tho question. "He Is only doing It to poison your minds," said Simon. He expressed regret that a man from Omaha should say that the 140,0X1 people were under the domination of the Third ward. "I resent the Idea of a dirty state ment like this." He explained the bill did not abolish the Water board, but left it to a vote of the people. Anderson called attention to the fact that the people of Omaha had repudi ated the Water board members as a candidate for a placo on the charter commission. The fireworks became so conspicuous that Sugarman urged the chairman to stop further washing of (Continued on Page Five.) The Weather remyerntnre OnmliH Yeaterilnr. Hour. Deg. 5 a. m 9 ti a. m S a. in 8 f a. m S 9 a. ni 3 10 a. in io 11 a. m it m. 1 p. m 1 P. in 2 p. m I p. m u p. m 6 p. m 7 p. m....,, 8 p. m nt if I Pennsylvania Will , Not Bramt Temporary ! License to Friedmann PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. March 21 -No temporary medical license will bo granted by the Pennsylvania States Hoard of Medical Examiners to Dr. Frledarlch Franx Friedman of Merlin, who assertn he has discovered a cure for tubercu losis. Thlg statement was- made yester day by Dr. J. M. Baldy. president of the I board. Dr. Friedmann told four local I llflVntrlnMa flint tin wmilff nnt innin tn this city to perform experimental work unless he shoutd receive a temporary licnisc giving lilm permission to practice here. "Wo will never grant Dr. Friedmann a temporary license," declared Dr. Baldy last night. "In the first place, tho laws of the state do not permit such action, and, secondly, tho members of the State Bo5nt" of Medical Examiners do not In tend to make themselves responsible for Dr. Friedmann and his 'cure.' , IC Dr. Friedmann wishes to come here and treat patients and collect fees for treatment, he will be compelled to take the state board examinations similar to those taken by anv other physician wishing to practice In the state. We do not object, however, to his coming here as a consult- I Ing physician and demonstrating bis vac I cine, and I think every physician lit tho city will welcome him If he should como under these conditions. We feel, how ever, that some hospital should take the responsibility, whether lie Is successful or not." Applicant for Coal Claim Knew Little Ahout It CHICAGO, March 21. Evidence against Albert C. Frost and four others on trial beforo Federal Judge Landls for alleged Alaskan land frauds was offered today by Miss Florence Capron, formerly of Wlnnetka, 111. Miss Cupron testified that she was ap proached In 1905 by C. W. Mlrrclles, for rner trafflo manager of the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric railway, and that he Induced her to sign an application for an Alaskan coal claim without her gain ing any definite understanding of what she was signing. Mr. Frost at this time was head of the electric railway. "I don't recall any of the conversation I had with Mr. Mlrrelles," said the wit ness, "because It made so llttlo Impres sion on my mind. I knew In a general way that Mr. Frost was interested In an Alaskan railroad and that Mr. Mlrrallcs also was interested in the same project. He asked me to sign and as a favor I signed." "Did you have any personal Interest In the matter?" asked Attorney D. B. Town send, special assistant attorney general, "Oh, none at all," replied Miss Capron. "When did you first really 1now what the papers you signed were about?'1 "WheH I was called before tho grand Jury several weeks ago.',, Hair Found Stored in a Secret Cellar on Musica Premises NEW YORK. March 21,-Credltors of Antonio "Mu3lcu and his son Phillip, (he hair importers who are under arrest tn New Orleans charged here with obtain ing over Jl.000,000 from twenty-two banKs through fraudulent Invoices, learned to. day that human hair valued at JKW.IWJ had been found In a secret subcellar of a stable owned by the Muslcas In tho Bay Rldgo section of Brooklyn. Deputy sheriffs made the discovery while conducting a search on a writ of attachment yesterday. They found 21'i bags of fine quality hair stored in the cellar. An expert appraised it as wort!) as much as J100.0W. A search nUo made of the Musica residence and the houso was found to have been shorn ot many of Its more valuable furnishing. Fourteen Reported Killed by Storm in Northern Alabama MOBILE. Ala., March 21. An uncon firmed rumor from lower Peach Tree on the Alabama river. Is to tho effect that fourteen people were killed and an Immense amount of damage done by a tornado which swept through that place early last evening. Gardner Will Not Accept Pension Job WASHINGTON, March 21.-Seijator Obadlah Gardner of Maine havirur re fused the Job of commissioner of pen sions, it was learned today friends of Dr. D. C. Gentsch of New Philadelphia, O,, have renewed their efforts on his behalf for the place. There are a num ber of other aspirants for the place, however, and Secretary Lane Is under stood to be canvassing the field care fully. Mr. Gardner Is credited with refusing the offer because he and his friends did not believe .the place "was big enough,'' but his friends ventured the opinion that ho "deserved something better." Mr. Gardner had been prominently mentioned for the position of secretary of agriculture when President Wilson was making up his cabinet. There are a number of candidates anxious for the place, among them sev-J eral from Indiana, backed by the In diana delegation In congress. John Bell of Illinois also In said to have strong backing. BUFFALO MASHER FINED FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUFFALO. March 21. Leo D. Varlen. I a waiter, miut pay a fine of JJ00 or begin ! to serve ISO days in the penitentiary, the i heaviest sentence ever Imposed here on a "masher." Varlen was convicted of pressing unwelcome attentions on a 15- year-old girl. I EXECUTED UNOER THE 0L0 FUGITIVE LAW Governor Gonzalas of Chihuahua Shot by Madero Firing Squad Which Crosses to El Paso. ON HIS WAY TO THE CAPITAL " Trial for an Alleged Revolu tionary Plot. SPIRITED AWAY TO THE SOUTH Has Been Missing Since His Re moval from Office. PROMINENT LEADER OF-PEOPLE Mnlillcr, tSrrninn Consular Ascent, In Still Held It;- the llnertn Author ities Dcnplte Activity ot tierniniin. EL PASO, Tex., Miiroh 21. -Mexicans arriving at Juarez from the south today declared that they were part of a firing squad which executed Abraham Uonzatoa. governor of Chlhunhua under the Madero government, a fortnight ago. Gonzales was killed under the notorious "fugitive law," these Mexicans declare. The Chihuahua governor, his self-proclaimed executioners say, was killed be foro arriving at Torreon, while on 'iw way from Chihuahua City to Mexico City, where he was to have been placed on trial for an alleged revolutlonai v plot. At Jlmlncz tho cx-govornor was sep arated from six other prisoners, and alone In a single car drawn by an engine was hurried south. At a quiet place north of Torreon he was removed from the car and shot, say the men who admit being present. Gonzales has been missing since his removal from Chihuahua nearly threi weeks ago. Ho was one of the most prominent leaders of the revolutoii. Hej was well known among American cams men before the revolution, belnj; .i cutti broker of Chihuahua City. Ho was ed i cated at Notre Damo university, Sq'utn Bend, I nd. Mneller Still Undrr Arrest. NOGALES. Ariz.. March 21.-Max Muel ler, German consular agent at Hermo nlllo, Is held by authorities at the state capital, despite activity of German Mid American diplomats. While Mueller has been released from Jail, he Is said to no held a prisoner at his home. Will Atnek Cnnnen. CANANEA, Mex March 21.-A de mand for the surrender of this place was received today by Colonel Moreno of Mio federal garrison here. It came from Colonel Cabral, commanding the state forces now mobjllzlng at Del Rio, mid way between, Canan,ea and Naco, on the border. 'Cabral said he would attack In the morning and recommended that all women and children be removed from ih4 place. Automobiles continue to hurry the noncombatants to the border at Blsbce and Douglas, and beforo tho time of the threatened attack all women and chil dren will have been removed. Snlnrnr In Undecided. WASHINGTON. March 21.-Inez Hala zar, one of the rebel chiefs In northern Mexico, scorns undecided whether ho wl'l cast his fortunes with the Huerta forces or with tho factions tll In arms against them. Meanwhile Juarez Is reported un disturbed. General Salazar Is nllowtng railroads to be repaired and trains are running In and out of Juarez. The revolutionists, Pereyea and Con tre'ras, according to reports from Du rango, have abandoned Cuencamo and are said to be In retreat to the north. Durango Is quiet, but without railroad j communication. j Will Attnek HerinoMlllo. i OUAYMAS, Mcx.. March 2l.-It was said officially today that 4,000 federal troops will arrive hero Monday to proceed against the Insurgent state authorities nt Hermoslllo. The troops will come by steamer from Munzanlllo, where they em barked from tho neighborhood of Moxtci City. Already about 1,000 federals are garrisoned here. Only Forty Per Cent of Farmers Believe in Modern Methods WASHINGTON, March 21,-More than 40 per cent of nil farmers Interviewed by government representatives believe ! that experience Is the only way to learn how to farm. This percentage told agents recently sent out by tho Department of Agriculture that they took no Btock -In farmers' Institutes, demonstration agents, farm papers of Department of Agricul ture bulletins as. an aid to making the soil more productive. Starting on motorcycle or on foot, four department agents traveled through thirty states. Interviewing every farmer on the way and asking questions. This inquiry revealed the fact that of the farmers who got Department of Agricul ture bulletins, S4 per cent read them and IS per cent followed the suggestions con tained therein. Of those who attended farmers' insti tutes. It was learned that f4 per cent practiced the methods advocated there, i Negro is Lynched for j Murdering Aged Man; I'NION CITY, Tenn.. March 21-John ; Gregson, a negio, charged with shooting and killing Samuol McClure, 70, a white man, early this morning, was lynched this afternoon on a prominent street cor ner before MO to 1,000 people. McClure was shot In his home by the negro. TEMPERATURE VERY LOW FOR MARCH JN THE HILLS j DEADWOOD. S, D.. March Sl.-fcero, weather again gripped the Blick Hill. Ist night was the coldest period In! Match ever remembered here. The mer cury dropped to 18 balow in Dcadwoo'H and still lower at higher points In the Hllli. From the Rocky Mountain Xows. PLANS COMPLETE FOR BRYAN u " Joint Reception Committee Named to Meet Commoner and Wife. SPEAKS AT COMMERCIAL CLUB To lie finest of Honor nt n Ilnnqui't In th Kvenlnir nt the Uni versity Club Women to' He Present. Today being "ladles' " day at tho Com merclal club, preparations have boon made to entertain an 'unusual number at the lunclieqn to be- given. Mr.- ind'Mis. Bryan-' An orchestra will offer special j tnualo, the rooms of the club will .bo dec orated lhrougho'ura'nd'"even the exterior of the eighteen-story Woodmen ot the World building will bo embellished with) .flags and appropriate decqratlons. For the first time tho American tia of the Woodmen of tho Vorld, tho larg est In Omaha, will be run up tho stntf above tho building, a height ot nearly 300 feet from the streot. Palms, ferns, flowers and flags will be placed In tho dining rooms, the Horary, lounging rooms and offices of the club and some other decorative crfects aroj hold unannounced for a Surprise. i Joseph Millard, former United States j senator from Nebraska, will proslde nt j the luncheon. Many other prominent! Omahans und Nebraskans will be seated at the speaker's table. Arrangements have been completed for the reception of Mr. and Mrs William Jennings Bryan when they arrive on the Burlington train at 12:16 o'clock. A Joint committee from tho Commercial club and 1 the University, club has been named and . a committee of Omaha women will alio' go to the depot to welcome Mrs. Hryii'i. j Threo automobiles will cany tho com mittee to tho depot and return tho guests j to tho Commercial club, where Mr Bryan wlil speak at the public affairs commlttcu luncheon. The committee and guests will occupy tho curs as follows: Car No. 1, Mr. liryon, W. V. Baxter, chairman ot tho reception commltteo of the Commercial club; George 11. Kelly, president of the Commercial club; Harry S. Byrne, chnlr man of the reception committee of the University club, and C. J. Smyth. Car No. 'J, Mrs. Bryan, Miss Millard. Mrs. O. T. Kastmun, Mrs. Capcr Yost and O, T. Kastman, president of the Uni versity club. Car No, 3, Casper K. Yost and Clement Chase. The joint committee will meet at the Commercial club at 11:45 'o'clock and go from there to tho depot. They will re turn direct to the Commercial club. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will be quartered at tho Paxlon hotel. In the afternoon tho reception commit tee will escort the visitors over tho i-lty In automobiles. They will go to tho Uni versity club at 7 o'clock In the evening, where a reception will bo held. The ban quet at the University club will begin at 7:30 o'clock. Mnkra .Speech nt Lincoln. j LINCOLN. Neb.. March 21.-Ueclarlng that In the past many smaller nations j had been afraid to admit a foreign mcr-j chant ot the greater countries lest a bat j tleshlp follow, Secretary of Stute ilryuii ' today. In an address beforo the Llncouij Commercial club, commented on the kji. Icy of the WIIhoii administration regard ing China and South America, and de-' dared that it would cause a friendly feeling' in those countries toward Amer- leans. ! Mr. Bryan suggested that the city erect a statue of Thomas Jefferson us a com-, panlon to the momorlul to Abraham JJH-1 coin on the capital grounds here. FINLEY, THE BANKER, WILL ENTERTAIN FRIEDMANN NKW YORK. March Il.-Charles K. Klnley, the New York banker, through whose efforts Dr. I'rledmunii was per. Bunded to come to this country with his tuberculosis Micclne, will give a banquet In Dr. l-'rlwlmann's honor Sunday night at Mr. Klnley's country home. Great Neck, I I A number of well known persons will attend, ffiP8 Hand In RYAN m pur Grand Jury Will Take Up Case of Mrs. Eaton Monday PLYMOUTH. Mass., March 21. Tho BiHiid Jury will convene next Monday to consider the cuse of Mrs. Joseph G. Katnn, charged with the murder of her husband, Hear Admiral Katon. From her room In the county Jail Mrs, Katon sent a cheerful mcssago this morn ing to her daughter, Miss Dorothy Alns worth. "I want to tell you all not to worry about me," she wrote. "It will come put all right In a few days. Look uftnr mother nnd don't allow her to be vopie excited." Mrs. Katon had leornd that, her1 mother, .Mrs. George Harrison, ..who Is 111 nt tho Katon home In Norwell, was suffering Intensely because of the shock of her daughter's arrest. Tho wldovy herself appeared optimistic today and accustomed herself to the uuitliip of Jrtll life without complaint. The hint from official sources' that a recond arrest might bn made Involves the purchase of tho arsenic In pure whlto powder that was found In the admiral's digestive organs, It was learned today. ThiiH far tho police have been unable to discover where the poison was obtained or who bought It. It was understood that the will of the niltiitral would not bo offered for probate until the Investigation of his death was cleared Up. It Is believed he left little more than on Insuranco ot fG.OOO on his life. Securities Stolen from Man on Train NKW YORK, March 21. -W. A. Hull, president of a maguzine company, wus robbed in tho Subwuy yeiterduy of JlS.OuO worth of negotiable securities. The theft became known early today through an advertisement In which Mr. Hull offered u large reward for the re turn of the papers with "no questions asked." Mr. Hull was on his way from Wall street to tho Grand Central station to deliver the securities, which ho hud Just Indorsed to another. He had placed them ill an Inside, pocket of his coat, which he hu 1 buttoned, But when he stepped off the train at the station he found that one of the buttons hud beon clipped off and tho securities were miss lug. Ho remembered three men who had Jostled him In the train, but he declares he will not prosecute the thieves if they return the securities. Barthou Will Head New French Cabinet PARIS, Murch 21 -Jean Bftrthou, min ister of Justice In the retiring French cabinet, toduy .tccepted the president's Invitation to head tho new cabinet. He railed on President Poiucare and informed him that as the result of Inquiries ho was sure of an aiuplo majority to sup port him In the Chamber of Deputies and also in the senate, at leant until the electoral icform bill comes up again fur discussion. It was the lack of support Mr this measure which brought about the fall of the Brland cabinet. TOMORROW The Best Colored Comics with Tho Sunday Bee ALBERT PRINCE EXECUTED Slayer of Deputy Warden Davis is Hanged in Penitentiary. GOVERNOR REFUSES CLEMENCY Iterative Niijn No Nfry l-lvlileiice Wnn Proilneeil nt the llenrlnif Uieciitlnn In Without ffneclnl Incident. (l-'rom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 2l.(Speclal.)-Four minutes from the time that Albert Prince, the murderer of Doputy WUrdrn Davis, began hlH death mnrch to the gutlows he dropped through the trap atid, thirteen 'rnlrttHes unit twenty-three -seconds later wus pronounced dead "by' 'the physicians In attendance at the execution, He met Ills fate ilntllliphlngly and walked with firm step across the prison yard, preceded by Wardon Kenton, a guard on each side of hlin and his at tendants following. Ho mounted the steps of tho gallows with the sumo firm step and when ho reached tho top faced the crowd, glanced for just a moment down at them und then let his gaze rail straight ahead Into nixire. Immediately the black cap was adjusted and beforo the specta tors hud realized that tho time hud come tho trap was sprung and Prince was shot through tho door, his neck being broken by tho fall. There wus no struggle mid apparently his death was Instantaneous. Npeniln Time PrnyliiK, The night, his last on earth, was spent mostly In reading his Bible nnd In prayer. Only about three liouts wcro taken In sleep. Ho awoke this morning and after consuming Home time in pruyer and read ing of tho lllhlo In thu presence of his spiritual advisers, two colored preachers, his brother, William Hyde Prince, visited with him until about 11 o'clock, and then left for tho city, where ho rcmulncd the rest of the riuy. Prlnco seemed to realize that his Inst hope for a stay ot execution had pluced at about 11 o'clock, but the thought that only a few hours rtmnlncd for him to llvo did not seem to worry hlin to much extent, and when ho purled with his brother he suld to him: "When I fall to my death my soul will igo strulght up to heaven." No Slntement tn 3Inke. When It came time to sUyt.on tno sol emn' walk across the prison yard to the little -building In tho southwest corner, within which wus the gruesome Instru ment which would take his life, when asked by the wurden If ho desired to make any statement he requested that nothing should bo said to him when he reached the gallows and that tho deed- i . nm ,mlrlf!l- n, ' BUOUIU U ttu.-uiiliiriiv o ,,...v.,. possible. Ills request was followed out Implicitly. At exactly 1:31, bb tho sun shone brightly upon the scene, the door of tho little Btone building In which the death watch was kept, opened and the solemn procession began Its walk across the yard. At 1:3JV4 they reached tho build ing In which was erected tho grim mon ster of death, and one-half minute later Prince began his ascent of tho stairs leading to the trap. At 1:35 the trap was sprung und at 1 o'clook, 4S minutes and 38 seconds, the physicians pronounced him deud. No llelnj- nt Any Time. Executioner Stryker, who has partici pated in all of tho executions In late years at tho Nebraska Institution, said at the close of the hanging that It was the quickest und best executed utlult of the kind ho had ever officiated at or at tended. Kor several days before the execution Warden I'enton had beon deluged with letters, telegrams and personal requests for permission from people from all over ; the stute to attend the execution, but the ! wardon believed that It was best that the I affair should be as private us possible I and only iiImjuI thirty-five people. Iiulinl- j Ing the guards, were permitted to bp ! present, although a large number were at the prison In hopes that they might be given a chance to get In at the last mo ment. Among those present were the prison phyalclalis. Dr. Williams and his assist- (Continued on Page Three.) THIRTY-EIGHT DIE ! SEVEN RURT1N STORMS Greatest Loss of Life is in Alabama! Missouri, Arkansas and Indiana. STORM MOVING NORTHWARD Heavy Snow Reported at Many Points in Central States. SLEET STORM GRIPS CHICAGO All Wires from City Except Two Are Interrupted. ALL TRAFFIC MUCH DELAYED Dnmrtitr In Rntlnintrit nt Hundred, mill Fifty Tliounnml Ilollnrn Storm In of Itut Short lliirhtlmi. lltU.I.F.Tl.N. MONTGOMERY. Ala., March 21 A special from Thomasvlllo, Ala . says that nineteen whlto and nine colored persons lost their lives In tho Morin which swept Unit section lato yesterday. The town 13 piactlcully wiped out. Itlll.l.KTI.V. MOBILH, Ala., March 20. A special to tho Regtstcr from Fulton, Ala., suys that twciity-nlno persons are known to havsj been killed at Lower Peach Tree, AJu., by u cyclono which struck that place this morning. Many more were hurt and the property dumugu la large. Fifty wcro In jured at Fulton. Thltty-thrcu known deud and 110 mora or less seriously Injured, wire communi cation almost completely prostrated, transportation fucllltlos badly Interrupted and property damage, that, It Is estimated, will reach Into the millions, arc thu known results of tho scries of Htornm that swept tho middle western utatcs last night and early today. Through this en tire region, extending from the northern section of thu southern states across tha Ohio valley to tho Great l-nkes, the rain, snow or sleet was accompanied by It wind 'that 'varied from forty to seventy miles an hour. The greatest loss of life, according to reports received up to a o'clock this after noon, occurred nt Ijwer Pcarh Tree, Alu i where fifteen wcro reported killed. Flvo nro 1-eported dead at Poplar Bluff, Mo., wltli morn than fifty Injured, while ono was killed at Iloxle, Ark., and twenty flvo Injured. According to monger reports, the center ur the storm was felt In the vicinity ot Poplar Bluff, Mo., mid Iloxle. Aik , and ill western Tennessee and Kentucky, Tha town of Poplar Bluff was practically de molished. Thioiigh the storm swept dis trict business buildings and residence wero wrecked, telephone nnd telegraphs wires prostrated and railroad und street cur trafflo seriously delayed, where not completely Interrupted. Reports up to 3 p. m, show tho follow ing casualltles: Killed. Injured. Peuuh Tree, Ala 15 0 Saline. La 1 o Tiffin, 0 1 n Poplar Bluff. Mo 5 .1 Iloxle, Ark ,. l 23 Walnut Ridge, Tcnn 2 lit Frunkfort, Ind 1 0 Lafayette, Ind 1 0 Murfrecsboro. Ind 1 0 Contrul Ohio 1 an Tyler, "Tex a t liuntsvllle, Ala 2 1 Decatur, Ala 1 0 Pittsburgh. Pa a Meridln. Miss s n jCnlumblls, 0 1 3 I'opinr. (iiurr. io 0 1 (Continued on Pntjc Two.) There is nothing in the l world so dead as a mummy. And tho nonrest thing to it in dewiness is tho business of tho man who doesn't ndvertiso. Put some life into your business. Keep it moving upward or it will slide back into ob livion. The publie memory is very short. You have to keep telling them about what you have to sell or they'll forgot you and do their buying at the storo across tho street, t If you sell the kind of things that men buy, you can talk to tho best buying men through tho columns of Tho Bee. Talk to them every day, and add extra em phasis to what you say to them on Saturday the day so many men do most of their buying. If you cannot afford largo ads. space, uso want TYLER 1000