r BRIEF CITY NEWS SUck-rlconer Co., Uodartaktra. aily, th ntut, City Nat'l. D 158. riallty Storff It Tin Co. Dour. 1616 Lighting' fixtures, Burgess.Qrandon Co. Ht Boot Print Jt Now Bencon Press C. S. Elg-utUr Law offices removed lo S4S-S45 Omaha National Batik building. Telephone Douglas 31". Advertisement. Check KlMlng P. li Hall reported to (he police that a check ho Issued and gnjro to A. Jtorowltz. 1116 Davenport street. In tho sum of J10. has been stolen from tho Horowitz home. Tho Statt Bank or Omaha pays 4 p rent on time deposits. 3 per cent on av. lug accounts. The only bank in Omaha whose depositors are protected by the 'depositor1 guara'nteo fund of the state of NVnraJko. 17th and Harney streets. Bell Pays Judgment Samuel Bell has paid $o!2.33, tho amount of tho Judge ment awarded Mrs. Katherlno McGuIro by a Jury In Judgo Sutton's court, In her breach of promise suit, together with costs. Meat Kuriet Changes Hands Paul Kravcher of Stanton, Neb., has bought the butcher business and brick block of John Houska at Sherman avenuo and Ohio street, paying $16,000 for the same. Mr. Houska, who retires from business, Ii.ts conducted a meat market In this lo- Lution for more than twenty-five years. Implement Man riloa for Bankruptcy Frank J. Belth of the Implement firm of Brown & Belth of Allen, Neb., has :ilod n voluntary petition In bankruptcy l the Omaha division of federal court. Ilia partner, Brown, has not consented to tho petition and will have to be summoned Liabilities arc listed at IS.SS0.93 and ts rets at ttO.GIS, most ot which Is real es tate. To Paint Mall Cars Tho street rail way company is preparing to put all ot the mall Cars through tho Hhops that they may be in the best of condition Inside of thirty days. Wlillo the government will paint Its mail boxes and other equip ment a bright red, unless orders come to the contrary, tho street railway company will stick to white as the color for the mall cars. Hissing Juror Olamiaaed E. C. Olson, the missing Juror In the case of Nicholas Bergers against the B. M. F. Automoblto company, whoBe absence caused the second Jury empaneled In that suit to bo discharged, was dismissed from the panel by Judge Day. Mr. Olson said ho was sick and thought ho was entitled to lay off, as ho would have been had ho been working at any other kind of employment A third Jury Is hearing the evidence Hennessy Dislocates Shoulder 13.. V. Hcnncsey, commercial agent of tho Rock Island, Is at Schuyler with a dislocated shoulder. Wednesday Mr. Hennesey heard that the flight of ducks In the vi cinity of Schuyler was large and In tho afternoon ho left for that place. A tele gram was received that ho had fallen and dislocated a shoulder and. was being cared for at the homo of. a friend. Mrs. Hennescy'left for Schuyler early yes terday. Taft Writes for Teddy's Picture WASHINGTON, March,. 20.-Former President Taft has missed o'rlb ptfrspnitl belonging which he left when", he qifit-the WhjCe House a, picture of Theo3ore Bdesevclt which hung on tho- east wall of His prlvato office. Several days oa fore he started for Augusta the nrcsWeiit took down the only other picture In nis sanctum, that ot his father, but tho itoosevclt picture has been hanging therq nlone, slnco President Wilson assumed - office. A letter came to the Whlto Jlo.use offlders today requesting that the pic ture be taken down anil Sent to the Now Haven hotel, where Mr. Taft expects Ut llvo for" several months after ho takes up his duties as a Yale professor. IAPAN MAY PUT TABOO ON PANAMA EXPOSITION VANCOUVER, B. C March 20. A spe cal cablo to tho World from Toklo, Japan, tody says: "It Is learned through Official sources that In the event bills now before tho California legislature and hostile to Jap anese pass Japan will withdraw Its sup port from the Panama-Paclflo exposition, refuting to exhibit and prohibiting Jap anese citizens from having any connec tion" whatever with the exposition." Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. A Sour, Gassy, Upset Stomach 'Tape's Diapepsin" Regulates Your Stomach and Ends In digestion in Five Minutes. Wonder what upset your fetouiach which portion of the food did the damage do your Well, doh't bother. If your fctomach is in a rovolt; it sour, gassy and upset, and what you Just ate has fer mented Into utubborrl lump's; your head dtzxy and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undigested food; breath foul, tongue coated just take a little Diapepsin and In five minutes you truly will won der what became ot the Indigestion and dlstrein. Millions of men and Women today know that It U needless to havo a bad stomach. A little Diapepsin Occasionally keeps this delicate organ regulated and they cat their favorite foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't 'take care ot your liberal limit without rebellion; It your food Is a damago Instead of a help, remember tho quickest, surest, most harmless relief is Paptfs Diapepsin which costs only fifty cents for a large case at drug stores. It's truly wonderful It di gests food and sets things straight, so gently and easily that It Is really aston ishing. Please, for your sake, don't go on and on with a weak, disordered stoma?; It's so unnecessary. Advertisement. Catarrl: and Cold in Head Can be relieved quick. Get a 25 or 50 cent tube of sanitary ONDON'S Catarrhal Jelly The first drop used will do good. Money back it it doesn't. Sample free It you write quick. HONDON MFC. CO, Mlnneapolie, Minn. YAL BLATZ CASHIER MISSING i Charles W. Teten Has Not Been Seen by Friends Since Monday. CARRIES LARGE SUM OF MONEY l-'mil 1'lny in IVitrnl, Although Hie Wife State Unit He line llren Acting; Somen tint Uuerr of I.ntc, Charles W. Teten. cashier and offlre manager of the local branch of the Vnl Blatu Brewing company, has been miss ing slnco Monday afternoon and not a word has been heard of him by his friends, fellow workers or his wife. Tolcn, who was formerly cashier ot tun Sunderland Machinery company, has been connected with tho Val Blatz com pany for some time. He Is under bonds of $20,000 and h man of good repute. Monday about noon he went to South Omaha to check up the accounts of the saloon run there by Krvln Stroud. After going over tho books of this saloon Teten left, saying ho was going to nnother ono near by. but never reached thero and never enmn linnlr nffinA As It Is a known fact that TMon rarrM lorgo sums of monoy with him at nil I times, some of his friends believe that "c may havo been slugged and robbed and his body hidden In some place where It would not be seen by passersby. Mrs. Teten snld her husband was not ft drinking man. having nover been known to bo Intoxicated. She said he always carried many books and papers with him which would Identify him If he should have been Injured In ally wannor. She said, however, that during the last two months he has been acting strangely. All tho books over which Mr. Teten worked have been gone over and his ac counts found to be correct and balanced up to tho Saturday night prior to tho time ho was last seen. Money Kited from Ohio Treasury to Bank and Return COLUMBUS. O.. March 30.-A sensa tional story of how funds of tho stato of Ohio wero alleged to have been passed between tho offlco of tho stato tfra.-i-uror and the now defunct Columbus Sa.-. (ngs and Trust company was told today in tho stato examination of the falluio of tho bank by Henry w. Backhus, sec retary and treasurer of the. institution. Tho falluro left thousands of depositors practically pcnnllesB. The former secretary-treasurer told how tho transactions between the bank and the stato treasurer's offlco were covered up In tho four days each year when the office of the state treasurer was examined. Ho said a banK ottlclil would pack 1100,000 In a black handOaS and take the money to tho state treasury. After It was viewed there ho said the money would bo repacked and returned to the bank. U, S, Cruiser Sails For Mexican Waters With Ammunition SA.' FRANCISCO. March 20.-Thc ctus icr California sailed southward lato to day bound for Mexican wuters. It car ried 400.000 rounds of rlflo ammunition nnd complete equipment for shoro duty lhclud,lng camping outfits. At San Diego, the California will await tho nrrlval of tho Maryland, now coal ing nt California city, and tho two will proceed to Guaymas, where tho flag of tho admiral of tho Pacific fleet will bo transferred from tho Colorado to tho California. The supply ship Glacier has sailed for Mexican ports with stores for tho cruis ers Colorado and South Dakota. School. Gift Spends $12000 Yearly NEW YORK, March 20.-On the show ing of.Joslah H. Dewltt, that his 15-year-old niece nnd ward, Helen A. Dewltt, cannot get along comfortably on tho $12,000 a yenr, which has been allowed for her expenses out of her jSO.OOO Income. Surrogate Kowler Increased the allowance to JM.OOO a year, today. Miss Dewltt'B expenses are increasing rapidly, her guardian explained and especially for clothing. Her spring outnt this year will cost $1,S(X, he declared, and as she at tends a school for girls, patronized by wealthy families bIio must have funds sufficient to keep up her social position MONTANA COWBOY SHOOTS UP BUFFALO CITY HALL BUFFATX), N. Y.. Maroh .-.Toopri Stefunskl, a cowboy from Geyser, Mont., apparently demented threw the city ha,! into a panic this atternoo.n when he en tered tho mayor's office and openod lira on the clerks and a policeman on duty there with a revolver. Charlos D. Irfuig, a policeman who grappled with tho mun, was shot four times, but probably will recover. Stefunskl called twice at the offlco tnis , morning, asking for Mayor Fuhrman, or his secretary. This afternoon he called for the third tlmo and asked Charles Egloff, license clerk, for tho mayor. ISgloft told him tho mayor was out "Well, I want J100," said he. 13gloff parleyed with the man. Then Officer Lang walked towards nim. l'lio sight of the officer evidently alarmed Stefunskl. Ho drew u"revolver and paid; "I will get that S100 or know the reason why." GRAND HAVEN FISHERMEN ARE LOST IN SLUSH ICE GRAND RAPIDS, Mich.. March 30 Nineteen Grand Haven fishermen caught In the slush Ico out on I.ako Michigan In three fishing tugs slnco yesterday morning aro In peril. They are thought to be practically without food or fuul. The tugs have drifted from sight In the mist and their exact whereabouts is unknown. Straight nt It. There is no use of our "beating around the bush." Wo might as well out with It first as last. Wo want yvu to try Chamberlain's Cough Jlemody the next tlmo you have a rough or cold. There Is no reason, so far as wo can see, why you should not do so. This preparation, by its remarkable cures, has gained a world-wild reputation, and people every where speak of It In the highest terms of praise For sale by ail druggists -Adver tlument. At the Theaters ATTIIACTIONS l.V OMAHA. Bojdt "The Bejavenatlon of Aunt Mary." Brandelst Becttal by Taaye. Empress t Vaudeville. Qeyetyl Bxtravaganaa. Hippodrome t Vaudeville. Krugt Burlesque. Orphemnl Vaudeville. Matinees at Bmprai, Oarety, Hippo drome, M.rug ana urpueum tamers. Kugenc Ysayc, the world-famed violin ist wlio gives a concert nt tho llrandels theater this evening. Is a master In the renlth of his power?. No one disputes tho fact that Ysayo Is the best violinist In the world today and one ot the strong est proofs is the enormous wealth he has Accumulated. With no single ex ception ho Is the highest priced Instru mentalist who has ever been enticed to America. Tsayc s program for tonight win open with Beethoven s masterpiece, "Tho KreuUer Sonata." John Drew will appear at the Brondels theater on Friday and Saturday In "The Perplexed Husband," by Alfred Sutro. which has delighted the public even moro than any ot tho sparkling comedies In which ho has appeared In recent years. Touching upon tho mott vital of con temporary subjects woman suffrage "The Perplexed Husbnnd" alms many pointed shafts of wit at "the new woman" and confronts her with "tho new man," who succeeds In making her change her tactics. In the east sup porting Mr. Drew nre Mary Holand, Alice John, Hubert Druce, Nina Sovcn Ing, Margaret WaUon and others. Walter Kelly, "The VliRlma Judge." who Is creating a gnlo of wholesome luug!iei at the Orpheum this week, de clares that the standard of comedy has risen considerably In the last few years. "The day whs when no man would have dared t go on the stage dressed as I am In ordinary clothes. Had any ono done so ho would have been hissed off by the gallery gods. A comedian used to announce his profession to an audience by bis red nose. No red nose, no fun, was the motto of the vaudcvlllo audience nnd Hit? fun was usually started by the comedian's rushing on the stage nnd hlttliiB thi! leader nt the orchestra .with n pie. In the past men acquired I tueir conieuy thrills tnrougn tno eye. we i of todu thrill with tlw keen wit ahd nub tlety of skillfully turned phruses, flue , contrasts of character, and delicate por , truyuls of racial characteristics." tion of Aunt Mur," Is emphasizing her ability at, a comedienne. She Is showing the dainty qualities ot tun-making that mark the real nrtlst. Tho bill is giv ing greatest satisfaction to large audi ences at each performance. Clean fun runs rampant during the per formunce of "Tho World of Pleasure" at the popular Onyety this Week, Fox and Stewart and the merry company sup porting them working In perfect harmony in a most satisfactory effort to extract tho laughs from the two-act musical ex travaganza, being presented. Sccnlcally the piece Is most elaborately staged. Ladles dime matinee dally. Considerable Interest Is being aroused among Hippodrome patrons this week by tho comedy sketch entitled "The Casino Girl." presented by Isabel Sells and com pany. This sketch Is from the pen of an Omaha playwright and the cast Is made up of Omaha people entirely. They nre all professional people, who happended to be In Omaha at the time Miss Sells decided to produce It. Tho sketch is full of witty comedy dialogue and funny situations nnd is muklng a big hit on the current bill. "Tho best singing chorus," Is the way writers In all cities on the Western wheel circuit havo described the organlatlon with the Zallah show at the Krug this week. It Is a hit everywhere, and is so good that the show has been playing to somo of tho largest crowds seen at tho Krug this year. BILL AGAINST KING OF NEWSBOYS IS DISMISSED NBW YORK. March 20.-Tho Indict ment ngalnst Jack Sullivan, "King of tha Newsboys," charging him with complin Ity in tho murder of Herman Rosenthal, wns dismissed today for lack of evidence. This disposes of the last of tho Indict ments found ngalnst the seven alleged murderers. Five men Charles Becker, "I,efty LrfMle," "Gyp the Blood," "Dago Frank" and "Whltey" Lewis are In the death house at Sing Sing pending the outcome, of their appeals. William Sha piro, driver of the gray murder car, turned state's evidence and t,Jlncd his freedom. As Sullivan left tho Tombs today he wns rearrested on on indictment charg ing him with bribery. This lndctmcn: was found by the grand Jury Instigat ing police graft. Denth on the flnllowa Is shnrp, Hhort agony. The lame back of Hldney trouble Is dally misery. Take Klectrlc Bitters for quick relief. GOc. For salo by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. Key to the Sltuutlon Beo Advertising. Quit It! ZEM0 Stops Itching Instantly And for Eozama In All Forms,- Dan druff, Tetter, etc., It's a Wonder. Buy a 25o Bottle Today nnd Prove It. Al-yl! Stop that violent scratching! There is nothing; known that will stop itching like ZfjMO. One application stops it instantly, whether the itching; is on ine scaip or on any otner part of thv body. Th Flrit Application or ZF.MOWI11 Stop Scalp Itching Instantly. It Is Guaranteed. Dandruff is nothing but scalp eczema, and that's why ZEMU stops daudrulf ab solutely. For tho terrible raw, nery eczema that drives you wild, keeps you awake nearly all night for rash, prickly heat and all inllamed. reddened akin on babies or grown-ups, for Itching piles, salt rhoum, for rawness after shaving, for any and all sores, ZEMO Is a revelation. 7.KMO Is not a greasy ointment or paste, but a clean, antiseptic solution applied to the skin. Try a bottle to day end your torture, "ZEMO will cure any case of eczema , If used according to directions." Dr. a. n. Johnson, uuannali, Texas. Druggists everywhere sell XEMO at 25c a sealed bottle, or sent on receipt ' of price by K. W. Roso Medicine Co., at, Louis. Mo. Hold and guaranteed in Omaha by i Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., and all j other leading druggists. Stops falling Hair Hall's Hair Ilenewer certainly Btops falling hair. No doubt about it what over. You will surely be satisfied. r a TMK HUE: OMAHA, FBTDAY, MARCH 21, 1913. 7 b ra nd e i s 3 New Goods for Your Easter Wear On Special Sale Friday Bargain Basement Our immense basement salesroom is perfectly equipped to meet every demand for stylish, serviceable Easter Apparel of all kinds at prices lower than can possibly bo fouud elsowhere in Omaha. Every article absolutely dependable in quality. Every' price in this announcement is nn extra special for Friday. Every style is attractive and up-to-date. Women's Union Suits Fino cotton, low neck, mi siooveioss, outi or um brella knee 50c vnlnes, at BA8SMBITT 35c OPENING SALE OF EASTER HATS Basement Section Genuine 10 blnck only uos at each inch Ostrich regular $t val- BOYS' SLIP-ON RAIN COATS Ilublttrized dti qq Sllpoti J 1 .io lints to OC. match Jl Uombatlne and Honrletta Cloth Slip-ons, ...3.08 and 85.00 SBCOXD n.OOB, OLD BU'OitH You NEW Women's 2-Strap Pumps Velvet, also patent, tan and dull leathers In neat, comfort able styles that will givo good service medium, wide toe lasts and flexible rft.f nil soles, in all sizes, j I Xl at tho pair BABBMBNT. Women's White Canvas Shoes, button styles all sizes, $2.48 Womei's Easter Kid Gloves Fine Grenoble Kid Gloves 2-clasp effects, in ff r A new stitchings Women's Kill Gloves With 2 clasp fasteners and single row embroldery--worth CQ $1.25, at the pair r U7C Beautiful Epaulette Collars In embroidered linen and Bulgarian designs, at 25d and 50 Msitt Floor. SPECIAL OFFER 75c DESIGNER, 30c Omaha may know tho value of this popular magazine the pub lishers for a tow days only offer a full year's subscription of the 75c Designer for 80c Ice Cream for Hauler Dinner Individual Eggs, Chicks, Lilies, etc., delivered anywhere. Hosiery at 15c a Pair Women's, Men's Children's nnd Uoys cotton mercerized Hslo finished hose somo Uttrson rogulnr nnd extra sizes blnck, white 4 r nnd tnn, ITiP nt pair BASEBCnXTT A Greatly Enlarged Department Devoted to Hats tips, in Pretty flowers, fancy naments on Hase ment. Bargnin Sq. . . . 49c 10c and 122c DRESS ON BIG BASEMENT BARGAIN SQUARE, at, yd. Thousands of yards of fancy stripe, check and plaid Dress Ging hnniB in short mill longths. This is a special bargain that will sell quickly and there will be plenty of courteous snlespooplo to wait on you. IN OUR GREAT BARGAIN BASEMENT - CLOAK SECTION WOMEN'S NEW TAILORED SPRING SUITS, $5 If you buy one of these good, serviceable suits at $5.00 it will last you through the season Evory suit in this 'lot is a well mado suit that will look neat and hold it& ahapo" styles and colors are new big varioty to choose from at. WOMEN'S DP-TO-DATE can't find anything bettor in town for $15.00; Nothing like " them for $10.00 anywhero except in Brandois Basement. New Cut-away Coat Suits, now Straight-cut Coats and Blouses in the popular cloths and colors in this up-to-tho-minuto group, at WOMEN'S WOOL SPRING DES3ES at $330 Practical Spring Drossos in tho now styles, cloths and colors. SPRING SERGE AND MIXTURE COATS Smart, attractive, new spring styles mado from rich materials in ) ; long, practical modelB suitablo for every occasion coats made V to sell regularly at $0.00 and $7.30 will go on salo al ) Women's Wash Dresses in new spring styles, worth to $4.00, Women '8 New Spring "Walking Skirts, worth $11.50, at each. . Women's Dress Shoes Patent leather with cloth or dull kid tqps and gun motal calf shoes with cloth tops In button and bluchor styles smart, perfect fitting styles In all sizes, special, at tho pair $1.98 BABEMUHT. Boys' Norfolk Suits Smart, jaunty Norfolk and doublo breasted styles, made from serv iceable groy and brown fabrics, and worth $3.00 C and $3.50, at .... JJdmtD Bailment. BOYS' NEW CORDUROY KNICKERBOCKERS In dark grey and tan corduroys, also staunch wearing wool mixed all made with' belt strap BpeclalT"at""palr 49c Bftgsoiant. Boys' Blouses and Shirts, 25c Blue and tan chambrays, black sateens, light and clurk pattern percalos. D .mint. THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF RD3BONS Main Floor Your dross can be mado moro charming with the addition ot a sash and a plalu hat can bo made into a smart creation by tho use of an artful bow of ribbon wo show a wide variety for sashes, hair bows, millinery trimmings, etc. Warp Prints in Bulgarian colors, at a yard, 29c and 39c Moire, Satin and Taffeta Ribbons for sashes, etc. yd. 39c CANDY DEPARTMENT IN POMPEIAN ROOM Ht'OKKH OV EAKTKIt NOVELTIES AT MODERATE PKICES Itobln, chick, duck nnd turkoy eggs, at the pound 15o Jelly Dlrd eggs, special, 2 pounds for 15c, pound ....8c Easter Daskcts, regular 10c ana 16c values, each Be Easter Uaskots filled with candy, at each lOo Individual Spun Sugar Nests, dozen, $!.()(), or each 10c Candy Eggs - All kinds with luscious, croamy centers. llttANDEIH lore Children's Rubber $1 Oapes, with hoods Children's Dresses, AAn good materials ..171 IIASKMHXT BIO SPECIAL PURCHASE OF 850 WOMEN'S TRIMMED HATS In Spring Styles Just tho Hats for Easter Wear hiich immense lots of pretty, new trimmed hats wore never beforo of fered nt a special sale, at bargains to compare with these. Hundreds of pretty Easter Kats in small, medium and large shapes, trimmed with flowers, ribbons, fancy feathers and ornaments al! now styles and col ors many of them actually made to Q 50 QOSO sell up to $7.50, Friday, in throo lots, ntP 1 V P O rutrliumeri KlmpcH for tho homo milliner hemp shapes, inllun ttirlwnw, horsehair braids, olefin nil tho nowet slmpew nntl styles for IP lit worth np to $il.no each, extra BpcclnrPrhlny, nt.". , JLtOvf feathers and or- I0c!5c-25c GINGHAMS 3ic NEW SPRING SPITS WOMEN'S SILK DRESSES for SPRING, tlUvv A fcooro of tho most becoming styles in all sizes for women. Misses' Strap Pumps Patent nnd dull leathers In comfortable, broad toe styles with good leather solos Bises 11V to 2, pair, $1.75 Sizes 8 y2 to 11, pair $1.49 Sizes 6 to 8, at pair, $1.25 DAanMBirr. I Women's black velvet shoes, pants STORES I MEN'S SUITS. Servlccnblo spring suits made of medium weight worsteds nnd cheviots that havo been Boiling up to $1G.OO. at $6.98-$10 BASEMENT at Moderate Prices "Assorted White Marabou fancy feathors, Ostrich edged, 5 Qfln branchings $1 values UuG Men's Underwear Men'n medium weight ribbed unttorshlrts and drawers, worth up to 75c on said at Zzr. 39o50o Uoyn' Slilrts, regularly QQn worth r.Oc, for UJu Men's Silk Neckwear nn 35o valued, at I U $5 AT $10 $10 at $3.50 $Q50 at. .$1.98 $1.95 Children's Good Shoes Plain kid leathers or pat ent leathers with red tops and patent leather collar but ton or laco stylos, In all sizes ttn tn 11. on Jrt sale In basomont, SlflC at a pair. w BABIMIKT. Bhort vamps, tipped toes, $2.85 Friday On Third Floor. Art Needlework Richardson's Best Embroidery Hllks In Orecian floss, all colors worth 6c, y at the skein wC Puro Linen Pillow Slips and cen ter pieces, on brown linen In new designs 60c values, o Ef at OOC 1 2-Inch Stamped Pillow Cases on good quality tubing, in now de signs 50c values, o at tho pair OOC Third .floor. Imported Neckwear New spring styles, at..S1.00 "P to S7.25 WALL PAPER SALE Friday we offer 4 big bargains in beautiful papers. Iled room and Kitchen Papers With 9 and 18-lnch borders to match, worth 8c, at roll...3t Hall, Dining Room, Parlor and Store Papers Worth up to 12c, at a roll 5 Ilcdroom Papers New spring patterns, worth up to 18c, at a roll Sd Henutlful Gold Papers 25 ex quisite patterns, worth up to 25c, at a roll 12A6 1