1H, Bhili: OA) A MA, FJtlUAl, AlAiiCii .11)13. What is the Use of Looking at Something You Have Never Seen Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher C6e, ONG Ot THE rW NltlCCL, WITH YHf 'ttfcMi Het -rHii thC Ml.. I'LL Go 6H0W IV Vo wlotv. I'LL eV MGViGR. SAW OfG : r 4 iib ou evfGft- see bt- TiD t Hgr. see one ' THE ONS e OP -I t eieN sfu one Of THS OLD ONfcS V a Miot ii-y -v ta PA IS PROUD OF RECRUITS likes the Way Hw New Men Are Taking; to Their Work. CONQALTON i IS IN FINE SHAPE In WatchintT'ShestekV the Nebraska Catcher nnd Kkpreim to See Hint Make Oood This '. rnon. , OKLAHOMA C1TT, Okla., March 20.-(Bpeclal.)-ra nourfce la not In tho hnblt of patting hlmaolf on tho back and say ing "Bill, old boyf"Vou aro a wise oll head," but there Is bine deal ho ha mode thin season wblchA-bo .considers sufficient grounds fotfconslherable sejt-congratula-,tlon. That la tllo acdjulsitl'on of Con galton. the' fdrWr 'Colurtvbug- American association outfielder. I'a forswore gambling years and years ago "When he placed )ils tKst three ilmoleons on the noeo of 100'to 1; shot Boy Blue and saw his ee!ect6ti gallop home lengths In front, but he la "willing fp come out of retirement and. d6 tie come-back stunt vlth an oddsn wnger jhat he has the best outfield' In 'ihk Weatern league this season. With Congalton In right, Coyle n lefC and Thbmason covering the Inter vening territory he Is willing to put his outfield with, any trio In tho league, One of the peculiarities of this outfield 1111 bo that al three men are .left" handed stickers' and two of them, Thomason and 'Congalton, sldewhoelers On the peg. TJien -with Jim Kane on first ho has a Cjuartetto orf regulars who are demons with the stick from the left rlde. i ' 4 v ' Hnak In Ood Slinpe. xinourke ha&jfreardt$at a life of ease tpnd plenty vthe'-las? winter would find Buck Congalton ;over'f Weighed and out of Condition, but th1(jtli has a little super- Jluous flesh, he Is In 'as good condition mi any man on 'the .squad. Ho tips tho scales at about 173- bounds and says bo- iween five and, fen off Is atl tho discount he proposes to make. The American as sociation mahjnt tNt Is a hard worker None of tho youngsters has It on him for .enthusiasm jfo tho. spring training and Hone of thent beat hfn to the park every Jay. Bunk is one of those men who ptay hose ball as triuch for pleasure as for profit, taking the greatest delight In his rwork, especially that part where he haa some one to speed them over the pinto for him to slam against the fences and run to death those who aro' trying to field his hits. "I look for that man to breaJc up many a hard battle thin season,!' remarked Bourke air CbhgaHo'n topped tho fenco with a terrific smash todaji ' ' Grnbb I,ouka flood. Manager Abrogast Is anxious for real rork to start, that he may bo able to got lino on some of his recruits, especially Crubb and Shestak. For what oppor tunlty they have had of .displaying thefr abilities as bait players, they haye made a good imp esslon. Both have tho car Xlago of athlete, the build, and both are. proving industrious workers. Orubb bolls from MorriMnwn r The management Is homing, he wtll turn out to be "the great third baseman, he promises to be. lie was drafted from Worristdwn by Cleveland and swurj from aevelaud.by Bourka, , Besides belnr Unqualifiedly ' indorsed by Scout Bobby Ollks, Orubb really was purchased on the strength of the recommendation of ine veteran pitcher. Banders, who spent seven years In the service of linurk Wanders, who claimed to know Ml about uruou, assured iiourka he would mak tig mistake In procuring this j'oungjter. Native Son IMraara. If it could bp said that Pa Is watching ono player moro than another, that man is Shestak, the native Nebrasknn whnm he Is praying win develop Into a back- ion without superior. In his fourteen years as manager of the Omaha base ball club, Jlourke has discovered. de-lnni and disposed of men who have mad jood mi pracucauy every department except oemna ins bat. His greatest ambition, to rar as developing young players concerned,' Is o turn out one really good catcher who will jnake his mark In the big ahow. Hence his particular Intemt In the big youngster with the odd name. Probably one reason for him giving et)cstak sp m.uch attention li the fact that only last winter Bhestak underwent iv operation for appendicitis and tho president Is solicitous as to whether the operation haa .Impared his ability as a ball player. 8hetak says Jt has not. He Insists he Is as good as he ever was and better, and that he feels no III effects whatever from the operation. In spite of his enormous stature, he Is quick and bandies himself well. Five Persons Die in Creamery Explosion MBDIC1NB HAT, Alberta, March a.-i-'lve aro dead and ten badly Injured as tho result of the explonlon of gas when the three-story building of the Western 'Canada Cold Storage and Packing plant burned here last night. The property 16m exceeds 1100,000. Despite reports that many wero caught In the ruins no bodies were found by searchers today. Many of the Injured, were spectators, who, watch ing the -fire, were crushed when three of the walls were forced outward by tho explosion, STAND FIRMLY FOR REMOVAL Douglas County Nebraska Alumni Reaffirm Position. IOWA ROADJILL PASSED Senate in Hawkcye State Bushes it Through. COMMITTEE CHANGES UPHELD Provides HlBlitrny Commission to Classify All Ilonils nnd Super vice Construction In Every Port ut State. WOMEN VOTE SOLID FOB MOTION Oathrrlnsr of (Iradnntes, Called to Let. Antl-IlomovnHsts Talk, Shows Its Bedded Desire for Ileal Great School. nemoyal of the state university to tho farm was again Indorsed by alumni of tho University pf Nebraska at a meeting held In tho council chamber of tho city hall last evening, at which Mrs. Ada At kinson presided and Henry P. Leavjtt acted as secretary. The gathering was addressed by EX M. Pollard of Nehawka, who Is lobbying against removal at the legislature, and by Regent Frank I,. Hallor. .who spoke In favor of, removal and clearly stated the reasons why the university and the' aohpot of agriculture, should be consolidated on the farm., to make a real great university. Mr.' P61-" lard spoke against removal. This meeting was not the regular ses sion of the Omaha Alumni association. but was one which was called throug'.V Mrs, Atkinson and Henry Lcavltt In or der that Mr. Pollard might havo an op portunity to speak. Nearly sevnty-tiv former students of the university were present. Including both men and women. A resolution, endorsing the stand of the regents and declaring openly for removal was adopted without a dissenting vote. It had been expected Indeed, It has best (he boast of the anU-removallsts that the women would oppose removal, due the young women who grouped them selves on one side of the chamber be came enthusiastic for removal .as ths meeting progressed, applauding the re marks 'of. Regent llaller and voljng unanimously fo.r the resolution endorsing removal. The resolution adopted follows I ',. Whereas. The Board of Regents Of the rnlverslty of Nebraska has, after a care ful consideration ond a personal, Investi gation, unanimously recommended and urged the removal of the university from its present location to mo aiaie larin; and, . , Whereas, This recommendation haa been conaured In and supported by the chancellor and the head dean of tho Uni versity of Netinnka and the dean of the agricultural college) nnd. Whereas, Tiie special commute ap pointed by the legislature of 1911 to con sider the question of removal, unani mously reported In favor of removal; now. therefore, be It Resolved, lly theSDouKlas county aiumni of the University of. Nebraska, thai we nave .meruimoai commence in uie. ion- sight, disinterestedness and good judg ment of the Board of Regents In unani mously recommending consolidation on the state' farm camnus. and we hereby pledge It our hearty co-operallcn and support in the endeavor to secure such remo var at this time, and we hereby request our representatives and senators in tne state legislature1 to use their best endeavors to secure a consolidated. ,unl versity on the state farm campus. MURPHY REFUSES RECORD OFFER FOR BRESNAHAN JACKSONVILLE, Fla. March - Charles Murphy of the Chicago Nationals before leaving here last night declared ho had been offered ISitoO and two flrsf class players In exchange for Roger Brs nahan by a National league ilub, the name of which he refused to make known. Although It was one of ths big gest offers ever made for a ball player he refused to part with the former 8t Lrfiuls manager. BIG SAM CRAWFORD COMESJNTO CAMP DETROIT, March . It was officiary jumounced. today that Kam Crawford. Veteran right fielder of tbe Detroit Amer- Jean league Use, .ball club, has signed lis 11! contract. President NaMn said the contract calls for a S,000 ralnr,. Jrhlch la the same as tho 1913 agreement. Persistent Advertising- Is the Road to WAf Returns. Criminal Chnrge Preferred, BROKEN BOW, Neb., March 30.-(Spe rial Telegram.) Albrt . Jones, a man about I years old, whose father runs n hotel at Dunning, was arrested here to day by .herlff Wilson on a charge of criminal assault The charge was pre fered by Ruth Cole, a lS-year-old irlrl living at' Dunning. A constable from the Ister- piece -urlved today" and returned wltl his prisoner tonight. Jones was ar rested at" the home of a relative. nobby liyrne -Is Oat of Danger. HOT 8PR1NCS8. Ark., March X-Bobb Byrne; third baseman of the Pittsburgh Nationals, v. no was hit on the bead a (from a Staff Correspondent.) DES MpiNES, March 30.-(8peclal Tel egram. )Much, to ' the Surprise of every one tho. highway commission bill on which cpmmltteA, ofthe legislature has been of Arork dttrlng tho entire session passed1 the senate' this afternoon . by a voto ofSftf to tit It was not expected that the bill would como to a voto for several days. but after the adoption Of committee amendments and the rejection of all amendments that wero offered from tho floor the bill was put to a voto, and the vote to sustain the committee was larger than had been expected. The bill' provides a highway commis sion to classify all roads and supervise road construction In every part of the state. The senate rejected the Dor n h bill as a substitute, which bill contemplated that districts should, be created for road work. 'Osteopaths ' Favor New Lnvr. It develops that the SUI1 College of Osteopathy Is In favor of a pending bill In the legislature to create a board for examination of practitioners In mechan ical therapeutics and .tp-(lcensa-iiorson3 In this science. Tne mil creates an emua rwwj.Jioard., rbt, without (itatc- expense, and tbei requirements!' irreHpeclf(ed ani include ''a ' three-year course In collesu wotle. 'It, id declared that If thla becomes the law It will largely supersede the law as to osteopath. Fight an Itinerant Merchants. It transpires that there In to bo a des perate effort on the part of marchants of the state, by themsslvea and througn commercial organisations to put an end to Itinerant merchants who tako stocKa of goods from place to place and 0"jr thejn as "bankrupt stock" or wjth. other Inducements. A bill to compel all such to pay a heavy license Is before committees and was yesterday much debated. Rep resentatives of several organlrations ap peared for the same. A peddlers' license bill wes alio discussed. ..Permit .Competitive nntes. Commercial organisations of the statu are back of a )ill to authorize railroad conlparilcs to make a competitive rat regardless of the distance tariff of the state at common points. It will perm.t the raH'ona , having the . long haul be tween ttvo competitive points to meet cno lower rate of the railroad having tne short haul. This Is possible In the stats only where there Is a shipment passing through outside territory, thus rnaxina it an Interstate shipment. Train Crew Bill Defeated. Ths bill In the senate to tlx the num ber of Persons wno snail consilium train crew for handling "an raiiroaa trains In the s.ta,te was recommended to day for. postponement. It Is a bill de signed by the railroad brakemen. It also limits the length of a freight train. It Is probable the senate will consider a bill which will place the power with the railroad commission to fix rules for the number of persons to be regarded as a train crew, after a full Investigation and hearing on tlw subject. Members do not believe the legislature has the In formation on which to act Intelligently, but that prosslbly the commission could do so. Seeking Compromise on Colleges. A serious effort Is now being made to effect a compromise of the controversy over the state colleges and to leave the n atter In such shape that while the ac tion of the State Board of Kducatlon haa not been distinctly disapproved, the changes at the colleges Involved In their order of last year will not be fully car ried out. The committees have been wrestling with the situation, but find It hard to effect any compromise. The enemies of the college board claim that by reason of the .Injection of other Issues Into the controversy they have been able to get sufficient support for any bill they may desire to pass. I.ooVIdk Into rtrldae Methods. The house committee on highways has been making some Investigation Into tho matter of letting of contracts for brtdgos and finds that there Is a general Impres sion among bridge men and others that a combine exists by which the state la divided as to territory and exorbitant prices fcre exacted for brldger. The committee has thus far been able lo secure a very small amount of definite Information, but will continue the probe. State Fair Hoard Ksunrratrd. ThR BIAtmrila in a n hv mmtij.,- . , house refused absolutely to order an? change In tho method of electing me"i bers. This was dono on the nssurance of the members of tho Investigating commit tee thnt nothing had been found that would Indicate the present board wan not acting with regard for tho Interests oi the state. - V ' Supreme Court Decisions, Frank D, Winn, appellant, against the Amirican Express ron.iiny, Polk county; action to recover for loss of a hog; af firmed. C D. Miller ncalnat Charles It. Hnker. appellant. Polk coilnty; action to. recover mnrfftv! Affirmed. Ed Pekarek ngalilst O. F Myers, ap pellant, Frunklln county; damages for DflrsonBt inltirv: nfflrrrfcd. C. A. Sandqulst against Fortf Dode, (Des Moines & Southern railway appel- l.nt n,,,nn,l Ihlnrv ' WMiatnr .-nllntVl ....... , - . U . J I anirmca. tleorea Wolters niralhst Iho Summerfild company, appellant... Scott county; action 111 office; primarily wlilit v uie mhoKIhb to do Is to apply the fundamental jiin cJples.of the progressive party In local uffalrs Juat as we seuk to apply them In national and stuto affairs." Colonel Roosevelt denounces Henry W. Kiel, the republican candidate, on Infor mation that 'he was n delegate to the republican national convention who voted to .sustain "tho fraudulent roll." '"If this Is so," said tho Roosevelt let ter, "ho should under- no circumstances receive tho support of .upright nnd honest citizens." HYMENEAL 30. Itott mnn-KoHpr. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., March (Special,) At high 1)9011, Wednesday Mr. Frederick W. Rottinann, cashier of the f- nMvnrr fnr deathi reversed. Otoo County Notional bank, and Miss C. W. Scott against C. M. Stewart, op-Llllydale Koser, one of the leading n.1lanr T'r.lt ffiiintV? Affirmed. F. M. Blmetx against,' Edith Schaapveld, appellant. Johnson county: affirmed C, V. Hickman against F. M. Hunter, Judge, certiorari. Liucas county; annulled. SAC COUNTY ORGANIZES AMATEUR BASE BALL LEAGUE SAC CITT, la,, March 20.-(SpeclaD Under the auspices of the county com mittee of the Young Men's Christian associations of Sao county, a baso ban league has been organized to be Knott n as The Amateur Base Ball Dcogue of Sao County. The object of the organization, as stated In the constitution which has been adopted. Is to conduct clean base boll on an amateur basis and to develop the baso ball talent in local communi ties. Membership In tho league Is open to all towns, .amatcUr, and foUng,Men'a Christian association cliiWln the county. The Icaguo will .be tinder. Ihe, dlrectlpnj of a governing commlttee'Comprlsing two representatives from each club, one of whom shall bo the manager. The, dotalls 6f management have been carefully worked out und It Is expected that the young men and boyB of tho county will bo In line by the opening of tho base ball season. The officers of tho league are: President, Charles W. Davis of Wall Lake; vice president, A. B. Canady of I.oko view; secretary-treasurer, J. Tru man Smith of Sac City, county Young Men's Christian association secretary. Imports Show Big Increase for Month WARHINQTON. March SO.-The export trade of the United" States for the month of February fell off nearly JG.000.000- H. 818.410 to be exact a compared witn the exports for tho same month last year, according to figures Issued today by the DeDartment of Commerce, exports for the last month aggregated 194,02S,916, as compared with J198.SU.SK for February 1912. On the other hand the imports of the United States for February Just closed, exceeded the Imports for the same month of last year. The total value of Imports for last month was l.669,ilt. For the same month a year ago they aggregated J13M&.433. The excess' of exports over Imports for the last month was t44.SS,70C, while for the corresponding month of "1912 the ex cess amounted to t44,6SS,B$S. Of the Im ports that entered this country last month, those that came in free of duty amounted 'to $79,193,002. young women of this city, were united In marriage at the homo of tho bride's parents by the bride's father. Rev. J. A. Koser, pastor of the Lutheran church. The wedding was a quiet affair, and after tho ceremony the couple left for the south for their, honeymoon, and will go to Cuba before coming homo. Wednesday lnornlnu at tho ae of 3 Mr. Buck had been Ih good health until he wns taken down with pneumonia about a week ago. He leaves a widow, married daughter nnd brothcis He enme to Crete In 1SS3 und was engaged In the grain, coal and live stock business for many years, retiring In 190S. He served as mnyor of Crete for two terms. The funeral will bo held Friday afternoon at his late residence DEATH RECORD John Hack. .CRETE, Neb., March 20.-(Speclal.)-John Buck, nn old settler and respected citizen of . Crete, died at his home Will Take Census of .Freight Cars WASHINGTON. March 30.-In Its In vestigation of the use of freight cars owned' by so-called private car lines the interstate Commerce commission today called on all railroads ot tho country tor Information which' will form the 'lasln of a practical census of freight cars. An elaborate form furnished to the railroads calls for data as tb cars owned or leased by railroads and cat's owned .by private car lines, rates and mileage charged und the cost of handling refrigerator :ars. Answers must be filed before April 20. Serlons lncerntlnn , and wounds are healed, without danger of blood poisoning, by Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, the healing wonder. Only 23c. For salo by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. The Tape Measure plus skill In maklrtB, and fab rics of the better sort all combine in our giving yau Spring Apparel thnt makes your friends "sit up and take notice." Vou really can't afford wear any bther kind. to Key to tho, Situation Deo Advertising. Suits to Measure , $25.00 to $45.00 MacCARTHY-WILSON TAILORING CO. 304-306 South 16th St. Six steps South of Fnrnam. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER THE ntSST I'A 1131 I'APER Jus Fatal Fight in New York Restaurant NEW YbfUv, March 20.-A fght among a party of men and Women' diners, all In evening; clothes, in the Hotel Rector on Broadway early today may cost the life qf Eugene Bosonlzsl, a young waiter. The dining room, well tilled with late supper parties, was tho scene ot Intense excitement when two men were seen to engage in a fist fight while their women companions tried to separate, them. You will find the half pint flask of Standard Rye Whiskey of Amer ica just right in more ways than one. It's size . is very convenient when you are traveling, and in all cases wjbere a quart is, more than you want. It's just right in purity, flavor and quality, and its age and full measure Uncle Sam guaran tees "just right" in every bottle of Bottled In Bond The Best Rye in the Field prSZSrSMrSrSHSrTrJSMrSc One of the men. however, received 1 Jfl lr as . ir. Ln n(toh1 li.ll hv Jn Wnnri nf thn ' tliA rnmmltf.. nn lrtuihm.nl tA ?.mr" h '" ange the methods of danger today- (electing members of the ststn fair board ' or State Board of Agriculture, clearly Wealthy Lumberman la Dead, ! foreshadows that the report of the com- PASADENA, Cal.. March S0.-E. W. mlttee will not In any way reflect upon I several fist blows In the face and was about to bolt for the door when he seized a heavy cutglass water bottle and with a long swing let it go at the man who had struck him. The bottle went wild and I struck Bosonusl whose tray of dishes was upset as he dropped to the floor un conscious. At the hospital 'It was said j his skull was brpken and that he prob- ably would die. Tbe party in which the I flirht find renterMl nsenDed without tholr I Identity becoming known. ! fO IB ROOSEVELT 0IPS INTO Ln . r-l r-n-r-i n.i nl 51. LUUI5 fcLfcUMUN ' Hi 8 ST. IXJVIS, March .-Colonel Thto j nj dore Roosevelt In a letter made puollo M here today, endorses the candidacy of Brooks, aged TJ. a wealthy retired lum-, berman of Chicago, died here today from the effects of a fall downstairs several days ago. the high character of the management of the fair or the success of the board In rganUtng and maintaining a fair, ru Frank H. Qerhart, progressive candidate for mayor of St. Louis, at the April elec tion. Mr. Qerhart in national politics Is a democrat' Colonel Roosevelt In l'is letter says: "In these municipal contests It "fUr. Is necessary In order to carry out tor declared purposes and' principles of tho progressive party to put at the head of our ticket good men who have not stood with us on national Issues. We a-v j not merely trying to put our own mn I Home Workers' Market Place "We call special attention to the advertising under tho above heading on our classified page. Its purpose is to make it possible for any who "wish to work athome to sell all sorts of handiwork, needlework novelties, homo made delicacies, confections, personal service, etc., through The Bee. This can be done at a 'very low advertising cost and parcel post will be a great aid. We especially recommend our readers to patronize the de serving makers of these articles. We also invite those who desire work of this kind to place their advertisement under this classification, which will appear each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and wo make a very low rate per week for these advertisements. Call Tyler 1000 or write for particulars. Address, Bee "Home Workers' Marketplace."