Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Railway Commission Expert to Be
gin Work Today.
IIf Will lip Annlntnl lj nnlr Ex
pert Powell In Securing Infor
mntlon lo A mint llnnnc of
Wcttllng. valuation expert of the railway
commission, will begin an Investigations
of the South Omaha stock yards tomor
row. The idea of the commission Is to Bather
figures and information which may be
used by the house of representatives in
connection with rates which affect the
South Omaha Industries. Mr. WettllnK
will bo assisted by Rate Clerk Powell in
the work,
UdKcrtnn Demand.
Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Frank 12. EdgtJrton has made such a
reputation as a statesman and repre
sentative of the people In their fight
against the corporations that there has
been a general demand upon him by
tho citizens of Lincoln to run for one
of the positions upon the charter com
mission of fifteen which will be elected
at the spring election.
Notes from Nebraska
City and Otoe County
NEBRASKA CITY, March 20.-(Spectai )
Mr. Potter, president of the, Nebraska
City Gas company, wus here and et
fected a settlement with Mayor Houston,
who two years ago brought suit against
the city to annul the newly granted char,
ter of the Nebraska City Water and Ugnt
company on the grounds Illegal means
wcro used at the election to secure the
new charter. He claimed he had en
tered Into a contract with the bondhold
ers of tho water and light company to
tako their plant over and consolidate It
with the gas plant. He secured a writ
ten contract with Mayor Houston to dis
miss the suit provided he agreed to lowr
all rates pertaining to water, electric
lights and gas from 10 to 35 per cent. The
contract Is conditioned on his securing
control of the water and light company
and consolidating tho same.
The body of the Infant child found a
mile below this city yesterday Tjy Uot-!rt
James, a fisherman, whero It had been
washed up and left by the river, was
taken In charge by the coroner and sher.
Iff. The child was fully developed and
evidently had been In the water several
days and traveled some distance in (be
floating ice, and when the water tell '.t
was left on a sandbar where an eddy
had formed. The skull was crushed and
looked as If done with some blunt instru.
ment or having1 Deen hit against the side
of some lid wall. The matter will be
fully Investigated, but the officers arc
Inclined to the belief that the Dody came
from some point above heft.
Tho 6-Vear-old daughter of Dr. K. M.
Whltten, Who was dangerously f)l' Vlth
appendicitis, but Underwent a surgical
operation at the hospital, is better anJ
may live, but for two dayB no hopes were
entertained for her recovery.
The caso of the city against Ingram &
Tebo, charged with selling Intoxicants on
Sunday, was tried to a Jury In the po
lice court yesterday and the Jury attsr
being out two hours returned n verdict
In faVor of the defendants. This Is the
first caso of this kind in this city Tor
..over two years.
Tho Otoe county boys' and girls' short
course in farming and domestic BClence
is being Ifcld at Syracuse this week, and
there are IK boys and girls in attend
ance. Specialists in domestic science and
farming are present from the University
of Nebraska giving instructions. Tills is
the first attempt to hold anything of this
kind in this county, and next year it is
expected that i..ree ttoies that number of
students will be present.
MADISON. Neb., March 20. (Special.)
A large portion of the material for the
new Catholic church Is on the ground
and active construction will begin the
week following Easter. Tho church has
procured the Armory hall for services
during the period of construction of thej
new church. It- will bo one or tho finest
edifices In Nebraska, costing approxi
mately $100,000. Much credit Is due Rev.
Father Muenlch, pastor, for his untiring
devotion to this work which Involves
many varied and trying responsibilities.
The citizens of Madison, Regardless of
creed, appreciate Father Muenlch's great
undertaking and have utmost confidence
In his ability to carry It through to Jts
final consummation.
Judge McDuffee pronounced the words
today which mado Julius Cheney of
Wall oo and Miss, JeSsle Beaver husband
and wife. The bride's parents reside a
few mllci south of Madison.
John Kessler Is circulating a petition
among the freeholders for the purpose of
' presenting the proposition of Sunday
base ball to the citizens of Madison at
the general municipal election this spring.
Tho petition was quite generally signed
by the business men, which seems to
Indicate that the sentiment favors Sun
day base ball.
LINCOLN. Neb,. March S). The Lin
coin municipal ownership bill this morn
ing passed the state house of represen
tatives. The bill empowers the city of
Lincoln to purchase or construct all
public utilities. I-nter the house com
mltteo on cities and towns voted to
favorably report the Omaha bill for a
similar purpose.
Child Wife AU Divorce
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., March 20.
(Speclal.) Last December Nartla Bond, a
16-year-old daughter of Mrs. Calvin
Chapman, eloned with Paul Ilclmer
22, and they went to Kansas City, where
they were married. Today she filed a
suit in the district court in this city,
praying for a divorce on the grounds of
cruelty and not being able to contract
marriage at the time she did. The girl
Is back home with her mother.
The Persistent and Judicious I's- of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
Business Success.
More Suits Filed
in Fight for the
Enyart Estate
NEBRASKA CITY. March S.-(Spc-clal.)
There Is something doing In he
courts all of the time In the matter of
the cstute of the Into Cnptaln U Unyart.
A will was left by the deceased giving
to his brother, Abncr L. Knynrt. all of
his interest In all holdings which they
held In this state, Colorado, Kansas, Mis
souri and Texas, either personal or
realty. Abncr was appointed temporary
executor under the will and tho widow
of tho deceased brother filed a protest.
Ho tried to resign and have his son up
polnted In his stead.
Tho widow objected again and he was
reinstated and now she has filed another
objection to his appointment and asks
that Frank H. Marncll, a disinterested
party, be named under the law, ns she
has elected to take her share of the s
tate under the law rather than under
the will, which gave her a specified sum.
Tho estate Is valued at something near
fl.OOO.OOO and there arc plenty of attorneys
on each side to keep the court nnd the
heirs nil from suffering cnnul.
H. W. Potter of Colorado, a nephew of
the deceased, now comes Into court and
claims he was promised a section of land
In Keith county, Nebraska, by his unclo
when ho brought him homo from Colo
rado Just prior to his death, and says ho
knows there Is a deed conveying the same
to htm In existence and was made prior
to the death of the uncle. He has cited
tho widow and a number of others to como
Into court and say, If they know or havo
any Idea, where this paper Is and why It
Is kept away from him. There nro n
host of other heirs, who have been here
nnd retained attorneys to look otter their
Interests und try to get a share of the
luigc estate.
Tho deceased was exceedingly eccentric
and had a peculiar way of making deed
and conveyance? and holding the same to
be delivered after his death, and some
of the papers were not found among his
effects and none of the heirs will bellevo
he changed his mind and destroyed them,
because none of them were recorded, hut
held by him, after he issued them, to be
delivered, as ho told them, after his death.
FAIRBURY, Neb., March 20.-(Spcclal.)
Frank E. Tlncher, mayor of Falrbury.
who was named by the citizens' party
for re-election, has declined tho nomina
tion. Mr. Tlncher's term as mayor will
expire this spring and ho has served two
years In this capacity. Tho official com
mittee has nominated Frank HoiiBtan,
formerly county clerk, to head the citi
zens' ticket In plnce of Mr. Tlncher. Mr.
Houstan has expressed his willingness
to run.
Only two tickets are In tho field nt
Falrbury this year, the socialists and the
citizens' party. B. Z. Mllllkan, n Rock
Island boiler maker, will lead the social
istic ticket. Tho "wet" nnd "dry" Issue
Is yoted on Independently this year. The
commission-form of government- wllLalso
be voted upon.
Cnucnn Held nt Hhelton.
SHELTON, Neb., March . (Special.)
At a largely attended meeting held last
evenlrig at tho town hall tho following
were renominated for village trustees;
M. H. Weaver and J. F. Walker. Tho
saloon question will bo submitted to the
voters for their decision. Tho town nowJ
has two saloons.
nnlilrn We fill I ns nt 1 1 umbo lilt.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., March 3).-(Spoclal.)
Mr. and Mrs. Russell celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary with a fam
ily gathering at their home here Monday.
They were married In Nemaha City
March 17, 1863.
NEW. YORK, March 20. Tho Brothor
hood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine
men, closed today Its caso against the
fifty-four eastern railroads In the arbi
tration proceedings over tho firemen's
demands for Increased pay. Although the
firemen Introduced all the evidence they
desired several days ago their caso was
not formally closed until the cross ex
amination of W. J. Lauck, their expert
statistician ended this afternoon, The
three arbitrators ordered a recess until
Friday to permit the railroads to prepare
their case. Mr. Lauck testified today
that the kus Micomr u( all the rail- ;
rtwds concerned was l,W.M in 191S. us
wtmjurctl with JJBJ.Wt.nW In IK";
In 1C12 he sold the flrrmej were imld
$21,flSI,000 In whRcs. In IMS. Jlj,ai2.0). t
Kllsha for the railroads, called nt-j
tentlon to the fact that while the Rross '
Income hnd Increased but M per cent In I
all eleven years, the firemen's wages hud 1
Increased S per cent. Hut .Mr. Lauck de-!
clarcd this an unfair compiirlsou, nas-1
much as the Increa'o In Income wus)
twelve times the Increase paid the fire- i
WASHINGTON. March 19.-Thc Bovern-i
inrnt jesterday contracted with the Iako
Submarine Torpedo Ilont company for
the construction of two vessols. at JW9.
W for each submarine, with the stipu
lation that they should bo built by the
Craig Ship Building compute of Ujiik
Beach, In San Pedro hnrbor, Cal.
WASHINGTON, March 20. -To preserve
nnd develop the wonderful music of the
American Indian, now fast disappearing
with the passing of tho race. Secretary
of the Interior Lane, today nHlntel
Geoffrey O'Hnrn, a composer, as an In
structor In music under the bureau of
Indian affairs. It will be Mr. O'l Iain's
duty to record native Indian muslo ami
nrrantte It for use In the Indian schools,
lie Is to live on the reservations with
the lndlniiN and obtain a record of the
music, and, with this as a basis, culti
vate the use of the Indian songs in fKo
In his letter directing the apiHiintment
of Mr. O'Hnra. Secretary inno said:
"I think that It Is tho part of wisdom
i tj develop in the young Indian an In-
erewMti respect tor all thus things or
bcHUty. which their fathers produced.
Our effort should tie tn make this gen
eration proud of their ancestors nnd to
keep alive In them the memory of their
wholesome legends and their aboriginal
The Persistent nnd Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising is the Road to
llusiness Success.
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returns.
Canadian Forger
Sent to Sing Sing
NEW YORK. March 20.-WII1lam B.
Trofry. a young Canadian bank cleric
who startled tho capitals of Europe by
lavish expenditure of money, was sen
tenced to Sing Sing today for four years.
Ho pleaded guilty to forgeries by which
ho dofrnuded the branch of the Royal
Bank of Canada out of many thousands
ot dollars.
Children'!; Heads Broke Out with
Thick Yellow Scale. Would Bleed.
Hair Came Out Cutlcura Soap
and Ointment Cured In 2 Months.
1908 Kemper Lane, dnoinn&U, Ohio,
"The children's heads broke out with a thick
yellow scato and when I would wash tbetr
beads the scale
come crS and their
head would bleed.
It would Hen and
thehalr just seemed
dead and did not
grow and come out
gradually. There
was dandruff which
scaled and showed
plainly. I used
them and It did not do any food. I used
another medicine and It was no good. I
then tried Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I
first waahed their heads good with OuUcura
Soap and when dry I used Outtcora Oint
ment two times a day. I noticed there was
telle In just a short while. In two months
their, beads were completely cured. Their
heads look fine and their hair Is growing
nicely now." (Signed) Mrs. Blanche Collins,
June 22, 1912.
Not only are Cutlcura Soap and Ointment
most valuable In the treatment of eczema
and other distressing eruptions of skin and
seal p. but no other emollient do so much
far pimple, blackhead, red, rough and oily
skins. Itching, scaly scalp, dry, thin and
falling hair, nor do it so economically, Sold
throughout the world. Liberal sample of
each mailed free, with 33-p. Sldn Book. Ad
dress post-card "Cutlcura. Dept T.Boston,"
WTender-faccd men should use Cutlcura
? BhTtog Btijjc, 2Jc Samplt free.
Improved Service New Buildings New
Equipment Thoroughly Modern Dairy
The New Alamito Officers:
ssiiiiiiiiiiiLisir f
Vice-President and Treasurer.
P. 1a. XEKWAN,
sdwa&d at "MAjtTnr
Otnsrnl superintendent
Story f the Alamito Sanitary Dairy Past, Present and Future
Alamito s History
Alamito s New Machinery
The Alamito Sanitary Dairy is the moist successful concern of
Its kind In Omaha and Its plant, equipment nnd policy nro tho Inspiration
of llko organizations In Innumerable western cities. It has been in exist
ence nine years, being the result ot the consolidation of the Interests of
Schwagor Bros., Clinton H. Drlggs and V. Farnam Smith, all at thitt tlmo
producers of only high priced milk and cream. In tho production and dls
' trlbution of high priced dairy products, they woro pioneers and are still
distributers of tho only certified brands of milk sold In this community.
The fact that this concern lias persistently maintained this policy of dealing
only in the best grado of dairy products has won and held the confidence
and good will of tho public, gradually adding to Its volume of business until
, it ha3 outgrown Its present location.
Alamito s New Officers
' v ...
Wlien it was decided to erect a new plant and make a big stride
forward, additional capital was needed. Tho company was then reorgan
ized, tho older employes were offored Ptock In tho now concern, and
many eageVly purchased. Some prominent business men, customers and
producers also purchased stock and, with tho employes holding a heavy
financial interest In tho Institution, a co-operatlvo company is tho actual
result. Tho employe now hns the Interest of tho public at heart tho pub
lic's completo satisfaction Is his greatest satisfaction and tho result Is, that
Alamito customers are now securing better service and more satisfactory
products than ever before in the history of this concorn. Stock subscrip
tions are no longer sought Tho necessary cash has been acquired and
unless some one could be of unusual value to the concern, in one way or
another, over and above tho stock consideration, ho would not bo consid
ered. It Is this class only that would still be considered for small stock
subscription. It was a great move when tho Alamito employee came Into
the firm. If you wero a customer before this change occurred and woro
not wholly satisfied, we suggest that you tolephono us to begin serving you
again. You will be well pleased this time, wo are sure.
Alamitos New Building
The architect of the new building to be erected during this year
has Instructions that, when carried out, will give Omaha a dairy plant
that "will have no equal In such cities as Denver, Minneapolis, St. Paul,
Kansas City and St. Louis. It will bo large, bright and airy. Conforming
to the modern IdetiB of sanitation, the structuro will bo concrete of course
fireproof with Immense window space, tiled floors and walls. It will be'
of such construction that tho entire plant, walls, celling and floors, may
be scoured daily with boiling water. Tho new plant and stables will coBt,
t without machinery, in the neighborhood of 7G,000. This, then, In a men-
i sure is what tho Alamito Dairy Is doing to give Omaha a safe, pure milk
Alamito in Comparison With Other Cities
Many proprietors of large dairy interests in cities much larger
than Omaha have come to this city to study the economical and sanitary
methods pursued In this plant. In many cities, the retail price of milk in
nine cents per quart. The Alamito price is elghtNcents for 1U pasteurized
product. When a concerted effort was mado some time ago by the milk
Interests of Omaha to arbitrarily force tho rotall price to nine cents in
this city the Alamito quickly repondod with the announcement that Its
retail price would remain at eight cents and thus effectively .broke tno
movo to lncroaso tho price. The Alamlto's completo plant and well drilled
organization make It possible to retail at eight cents a product that In
superior to that sold for more money In other cities and enables it to de
liver tho best, safest, purest and cleanest milk in Omaha at this price,
Alamito's Interests Are Yours
The broad safegards mentioned above aro resorted to tho
enormous investment In new plant and machinery Is mado and U for what
purpose? To glvo you and every citizen of this community a milk supply
that Is absolutely free from contamination of evory description, a product
that is as safe for the babo in arms as its mother's own milk. When a
concern resorts to the extremes, in safeguarding Its products, to which tho
Alamito goes, then its Interests become your interests. To mako such a
plant a success requires the co-operation of every citizen to maintain tho
high standard and low prices now In effect. Will you do your part by plac
ing your order, not next month or next week, but now?
In a modern sanitary dairy tho mechanical equipment plays
nn Important part. .It must bo perfect to lnsuro propor results. At tho
same tlmo, It must bo economical in operation. Already some of tho new
machinery that can bo removed to tho new building has been put Into use.
With economy nnd efficiency as tho goal, tho plans call for a separate
motor for driving each machine This obviates tho necessity of operating
tho1 entire plant for doing only a certain part of tho work. Considerable
Is saved this way and u low prlco for Belling the milk Is maintained. No
Ico will bo iiBed anywhoro within the buildings. InBtoud, a huge modern
refrigerating plant will bo opornted which will maintain a uniform low
temperature nt any degreo desired, thuB keeping the products In a most
wholesome stnto nt all times. A wonderful bottling ani capping machlno
will soon bo In service. It is ono of the very few in uso In this country, and
throuBh its oporatlon bottles are automatically filled and capped. Work
man's hands noyer oven touch tho bottles throughout the entire operation.
Alamito's Problems
Alamito s Effort to Plz ase
Throughout tho country the milk business is in its infancy.
Universities and endowed Institutions havo been working out Its problems
for years. Milk Is tho most dollcato and easily contaminated food product
known. Tho caro It receives must be Infinite Too great precaution to
keep It pure and wholesomo cannot bo tnken. Alamito resorts to every
modern proven advance tho Industry knows. No effort is relaxed that will
send It to you In a hotter state. Yet, with this ns an established fact, peo
ple ore frequently more caroless about tho sourco of milk supply a food
that goes Into and Is taken up by tho human system than they are' about
nn article for wear or adornment. Such conditions aro true, thouRh, when
given thought, It Is hard to bollovo. Do you know how your milk supply
is handled? Do you know whether the Innocent looking bottle of milk you
find on your porch was filled by Borne carelcsH milk dealer who submerged
his dirty hand and arm as well as tho bottle Into a vat of milk in the fill
ing operation? If you uso Alamito milk you know this has not occurred.
Kor tho convenience of those desiring to add to or change tholr, morning
order Alamito is new remaining open until 9:30 P. M.
Alamito's Message To You
Wo need your co-operation. Wo need the co-operation of every
loyal citizen who has his clty'B Vrogress nt heart and 1h proud In seeing
his homo town nnd Its Industries go forward. It is essential that you ap
preciate some of tho bigger problems with which this business Is con
fronted. Wo havo tried to touch upon some of them here and to outline
our policy In overcoming them. Space In this newspaper was purchased
to bring to your attention these conditions and to win your good will by
a frank and honest discussion of the subject. We have nothing to hide and
We would be pleased to ko further Into detail and show those Interested
exactly how overy detail Is handled. Wo want your good will and loyalty
but wo want you to feci porfectly sure that Alamito deserves It. Thats why
we havo told you the Ins and outs of our business In a manner that Is clear
to ono unfamiliar with such an Industry. May wo havo your support?
Alamitos Products
Tho business is mainly the pasteurizing and distribution pf
milk. However, wo handle several brands of this product. The main ono
is "Alamito Perfect Pasteurized Milk" delivered at 8 cents per quart
Then wo have "Alamito Jersey Milk" or "Special" milk as It Is sometimes
called. This Is high grade milk to which 1b added a portion of rich cream
bringing It far abovo tho standard, making it similar to Jersey milk and
giving It a higher buttor fat percentage than as It comes from the cow.
This retulls at ten cents per quart. This concern Is also the distributing
agency for tho two certified brands, "Frlesland" nnd "Arwoo'd." Alamito
docs not produce these two brands but merely receives them, bottled, and
delivers them to the consumer. Then there la whipped cream, butter,
cream checso and cottage cheese, Fer-rall-lac and buttermilk. Any of these
products will bo delivered to any homo In Omaha, South Omaha, Council
n luffs or Dundee by a roquest to any Alamito driver or a phone call to the
office, Douglas 411. A largo hotel and restaurant trade Is enjoyed, most
of these places In Omaha buying from Alamito.
Give the NEW Alamito Your Order Today Phone Dtuglas 411