THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 191i Th ree Specially Designed Groups of Misses9 and Children's Trimmed Easter Hats 300 Practical Every Day Styles : All Different : $3.9$, $4.95 and $6.75 EASTER APPAREL Now arrivals eaoh day by express allow you to choose from a selection of the latest styles. Q Of serge, oponge, Bedford cord, novelty ef tJullS fecte, plain and Balkan styles, $25, $50, $35 x Of brocaded ratine, poplin, oponge, Bed Oai5 Jford cords, sorgo and novelty wool and silk weaves, in long, thrco-quurters and short lengths, $16.50, $22.50, $25. , iOlVco cropo meteor, cropo do chine, novelty 1f COaCO silk effects,' lingerie, hand embroidered voiles, in the npw draped and Balkan styles, $25, $35, $45. No Extra Chargo for Alterations. j SUFFRAGISTSJBURM MANSION I Militant Women Also Set lire to I Golf Club House. ARSENAL TAKEN INTO COUBT Tailored Suits and Dresses Every Style To Your Special Measure No ono typo of figure receives n preference at our Tailoring department. Just as many modolB and weaves and coldrs for small as large, or average fig ures. Dress Goods department, Main Floor. Thai HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS MRS, EATON UNDER ARREST Widow of Late 'Rear Admiral is Charged with Murder. HIS DEATH DUE TO POISON Officiate Are JV'oty Hnsy Trylnsr to Ascertain Where the; Omi Wm Obtained Statement by Froaecntor. Pi;VMOUTH, Mass.. March 30.-Mr. Jenqle Eaton was locked up In tho county Jailhere today pending a. hearing on the chargo that ahe murdered hor husband, near Admiral Joseph Cllles Katon, by poisoning him. 8he was brought hcte from Hlnghum, where the had been arraigned earlier In the day following lier nrrest. Through hef counsel she pleaded not guilty, waived the reading of the complaint and wa held without ball for examination March 21. It lias not been determined whether the inquest Into the. nudden death of the admiral will be resumed. It waa Inti mated tonight that Mrs. Katon might not be brought to trial. The possible appointment ot' a commission to pass upon her sanity was suggested. District Attorney Darker had a con ference today to Boston with Chief Jus tice Aiken of the superior court. It waa th6ughl his errand might be in connec tion with the convening or a special grand Jury to consider the case. When Mrs. Eatort, who Is a stout wo man 45 years of age, entered tha Jail here ahe waa dressed In the black ault she wore at her husband's funeral. A mourning veil partly hid her face. She had been weeping, but generally main, talned the composure that has charac terised her bearing from the first. Died at Ills Home. Admiral Eaton died In his bed at the home In Norwell, where ho ttved with hla "wife, her mother. Mrs. George Har rison, and his stepdaughter. Dorothy Atnsworth- Th death waa unexpected apd due, the other members of the family saJd. to an attack of Indigestion, which followed a too hearty meal of roast pork. Circumstances led to an Investigation, and according to a statement by District Attorney Barker today, evidence of nr. Ronlcal poisoning waa discovered by Prof. William V. Whitney, who analysed tho Ppntenta of tho etomaoh. Tho formal re P&rt of Prof. Whitney has not been maihi and the nrreat was prdered upon a verbal communication to thu district attorney. For ten days the authorities havo known that the admiral died of arsenical poisoning and their efforts have been directed to finding whero and by whom tho poison waa obtained and to laying bare tho homo life of the Baton family. In the first quest they have not been successful, tha district attorney says. Along the second line of Inquiry a wealth of ovldence has been furnished by friends of tho family and neighbors. The ad mlral and his wife, who was twenty years his Junior, did not always agree, it Is said, regarding those who should ho received at their home. ' Miss Olive llncken Is Placed on Trlnl on ChnrRr of tlnrnlnK Tlllnn In Ilnrhnmpton Pnrk. LONDON, March 20.-Two "arson squads" of militant suffragettes suc ceeded In destroying Jl.000,000 worth of property early today. One squad burned down the country residence of Lady Amy White at Engle field Green, near the Thames. The other squad fired the buildings of the Golf club nt Wrston-Buper Mare, a fashion able summer watering place In Somerset shire. Lady White Is the widow of Field Mar shall Sir George White, the hero of Lady Smith In the Transval war. Her house was a big mansion standing In spacious grounds. The flume w.r rflicnvnrr! at 1 o'clock this morning and at that time had such a start that the efforts of the local fire brigade were hopeless. Traces of oils and tnflamable materials Were fnnnit umltanH ihniii h hnn.. while around the grounds were papers inscribed "Stop Tortunlng Our Comrades In Prison!" "Votes for Women!" "By Kind Permission of Charles Hobhouse!" The last being a reference to the recent taunt of Chancellor Hobhouse that "Women lack the real revolutionary spirit of men who burn and sack In sup port of their cause." Two women on bicycles were seen In tho neighborhood half an hour before the fire waa discovered. The house was unoccupied. The incendariea Of t Yin frntv tin also escaped. There are many suffrn- fic nuw in mat neighborhood owing to the meetlnr of th Nninn.i t i conference at which Viscount Hnldane, . nisii cnanceiior, Is scheduled to de liver nn address. AIlSS OlIvO IlnVkon. ..... - , KUIIUMll bui- rrairette. who la charged with firing tho pavilion of tho Roehambton Golf nih was put on trial today. Mlas Hocken ap! poared to glory In the notoriety ahe ad achieved. She stood In the prisoners' en closure wearing n bright sash In the suffragette colors and smiled contentedly as tho government lawyer detailed ner activities In the field nf a rMnn nml (, the destruction of mall. A. large assortment of suffragette 'weapons" was Introduce am ...hit,. against Miss Hocken. Some of thesa were found in the militant suffragetto "arsenal" In London on March IS. Others were from n gripsack alleged tn hva been dropped by Miss Hocken In her flight from the golf links. The list of exhibits Included telegraDh wire apparatus, bottles of acids and corrosive fluids, hammers, flints, tools for forcing windows, falsa Identification automobiles, ropes, cotton wool, fire lighters, candles, parafflne, a unit of workmen's overalls and a set of nnl climber! "Thesa women' have now sunk to cllmh. lng telegraph poles," said the govern ment counsel, Dr. Ely, as he called at (entlon to the leg Irons. Among Miss Hocken'a corresnondencn the government found a letter from Mrs. Pankhurst ''openly Inclttn her followers to nets of lawlessness and outrage." At1 the conclusion Of the ononlmr nd. dress the magistrate adjourned the case lqr n week. HOIMEMBERS KILL KECKLEY'S RATE BILL AFm CLOSE VOTE (Continued from Page One.) INDIANS GET MUCH CASH (Continued from Page One.) r!oij irulldingru'gFoiPhotc'raphTrthe Indians. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott and their two children was taken, tho Indians be lng most particular In tho proper set of their garments ndd the arrangement of their hnlr. Valentine Spuds Request. Senator UWchrock received today a resolution of tho Commercial c,ub of nlentlno ursine unon rnnn.. ti, actment of currency legislation during the session soon to convenn of Floyd Seybolt of Lincoln, formerly of ....v. niiiruinieo national bank ex aminer today to fill a vacancy. John T. Bresslee of Wnyne. Neb., is In Washington on a short visit. IlPtiulillrnn Pinna. That the republionns In the west are much Interested In the proposed nutlonal republican conroronce looking to tho rt. habituation of tha republican party was a statement made today by Senator Cum mins of Iowa, who Just returned from Washington. While u was away he met many politicians In Iowa in,i inini. n of whom spoke with enthusiasm over the 'Kii or reorganising the republican party. Senutor Cummins said he believed the call for the conference shnuiit nni k. pastponed very long. It Is his belief that once mo party nun been reorganised the republicans wlw left the oM narm n.t Joined the progressive party will come oacx into mo fold Better Eating at Lower Cost TH l mnM M4Uf. I I A. i . ... otci -your Vill- CMantisrvn I. .a . . . firm D.r.. j.. . . . tWMhtnls. Writ lor Inte rtdpe book and lind out me pu vancif 01 apptlUUIZ. HTorr ouocs i mi can De made with thU nutritious, cheap lood. Ai alt IfKiri pack gtt MAUIX DHOS. St. Loula chance with the man who would tako from him his wagp." Iteasty of Jefferson also pleaded for Iho Poor man, who had to depend upon a mlsrabtc wage, perhaps, to sustain him self and family. Mncfarland said: "In a lonely manger In far away Bethlehem, 1,913 yearn ago. was born a man who uttered those vsords tvhieh have been the motto of the world, 'Do unto others as you would that they should do to you." . The poor man who has a wife and children to support Is In need of thj assistance of thoso more hap pily situated, and t do not hellrve llmt I the law should be brought to bear to niaKo mm suffer. There are many poor worklngmen In Omaha who are owlntf me today, but I do not propose to go to them nnd make them suffer In order to help mo out" "If I could wipe from my eyes the tears that have gathered there while I have listened to the addresses o the three eloquent attorneys who have Just spoken," said Bcynolds of Dawes as he arose to his feet,- "I would attempt In my feeble way to tell why 1 am In favor of this bill." The speaker thought that no man who was honest and really tried to do what was right would over be com pelled to pay a bill If his clrcumstancea were such that he could not. Bobertson of Holt moved an amend ment that tho garnishment only apply to debts Incurred for food and clothing, which was adopted. Macfarland moved to Indefinitely post pone the bill, v Hoagland of Llncplnmox'ed to pass the bill over for wiilmtnd ,tako up consld. eratlon of House Boll No. 151, n similar bill which Jiad passed the house, which was carried, nnd the latter was Imme diately taken up nnd ordered engrossed for third reading after a motion by Mac farland to Indefinitely postpone It was lost, 23 to 4, Grossman, Macfarland, Pla cek and Bobertson voting against It, Dodge and Haarmann being absent. this legislature," said he "which will In- crease the salaries of the county offi cials $36,000 and I am opposed to any such waste of the people's money." Who Pays Taxes. Dodge of Douglas wanted the senators to know that he was a taxpayer of Douglas county. Sold he: "I pay more taxes In one year than Grossman has paid In his whole life." 'I could say the samo thlnir." hnut.rl Grossman, "If I had married a million aire." "I want this sonate to understand that I havo forgotten more about taxntlon than rGossman has ever known," re taliated Dodge. "I don't think It Is fair that a man who has been unfortunato should be twitted of his poverty before this body." shouted Grossman, "and I object to such personal flings." "I wish to say that every cent I own has been galnedd by my own personal exertions." said the blond senator. "I came to Omaha n poor boy and what I have I have earned and none of It has been accumulated other than by my own hands." At one time Grossman. Dodce mul Macfarland were on their feet at the same time and tho chair was compelled to call for order. Placek Sarcastic. Placek told he did not live In DourU. county, but he believed that If the offi. olals of that county neeJcd their salaries raised that the county commissioners were the men who should be called upon to do It. "The Omaha bunch come down here very session pleading for home rule." said the Saunders county senator, "and now here Is a chance to put a little -of that Into effect and not be taking up the time of the senate asklns- for some. thing they can take care of themselvo nnd which Is of no Interest to the state outside of Douglas county," Another bill which brousht out rnnilit. erable discussion and whloh was responsi ble for the weerlng of the Dawes county statesman was Bushee's bill provldln that 10 per cent of wages were subject to carrlshment. Pleads for Poor Man. Grossman msde a idea for t the bill, In the Interests of man who had n hard row to hoc. He said that as attorney for one of the wiw.iw0i. firms of Omaha he had frequently gone uui iq coucci rrom some grocery man who had failed to pay the amount due the fim. but In manv cum thv h. .t,. advantage of the exemption law of the state, which provided that o00 worth of goods were exempt and refused to pay the bill. ' "This bill Is Introduced at th. of the grocerymen of the state, and If they are. exempt from paying their debtt to the tune of $S00, Kve the worklnsmax who perchance has a sick wife nd babies to support and needs every cent of his wages to ,give mem comfort, on equal IIOUSIS PASSES mo in: HILLS Ulrsanre Sent TKrin;h In Harry In Lower Chamber. (Prom a Staff, Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nth., March SO. (Special.) The house passed the following mils on third reading today: II. B. 321. hv Norton .Pnrmllo miinlv boards to divide the county road fund between road districts as needed. H. B. 293, by BJchardson Automobile registration fees to be accredited to road dragging fund, except In Douglas county. H. It. 1G4, by Corbtn Allows counties 10 voto Donds ror permanent road im provement; requires competitive bidding. H. B. 323, by Norton Allows land own ers to cultivate unusded portions of the public road. H. B. 768. by JCeckley Allows cities of iaw to :s,uuo to voto not more than llw. 000 bonds for altering natural water courses, II. B. 412. by Anderson of Kearney Forbids railroads from charging rentals for public telephone booths In depots, H. B. 340, by Jackson Becord of can cellation of bonds to be filed In councy clerk's office and certified by him to the stato auditor. H. B. 154, by Lancaster Delegation A tLlncoln municipal ownership bill. H. B. 300, by Fries Compels construc tion of stub telephone lines whenever twelve patrons sign three-yeai contracts. H. B, 177, by O'Malley-ProhlbltH ex hibition of deformed person; prohibits Immoral exhibitions. I H. H. 138. by McKisslck-Fixes fees lb be chnmed bv. countv ludses: atlows sliding scale In probate matters, de- penuent on- sire or estate; estate or unucr 12,000, may be settled without admlnls trnt6r. II. B. 684, by Douglas County Delega tion For a Joint commission to deter mine Iowa-Nebraska, boundary between 'Douglas, .Sarpy . and Pottawattamie counties. Passed 81 to 0. 8, F, 2, by Smith A 2 rer cent occupa tion tax on gross receipts of express com panies. Passed 84 to 2. H. B. 2, by Hartwell of Webster Permits llccnslnc of nool halls and bowl ing halls outside corporate limits on peti tion oi uiiriy ireenoiaers. , i H. B. &21, by Schaupp County treas urer, prior to each annual town meetlmr. shall file statement of money spent in previous year anu or money on band. II. B. 222, by Harris Provides for arti sans' lien on personal property. II. B. 314. by Kelley A Board of Con trol bill. II. B. 61. by Keckley A 10 per cent reduction of Intrastate freight rates on Sotatoes, lumber, coal, fruit, grain and ulldlng material In carload lots and a 30 per cent reduction of all other Intra state freight rates. H. B. 114, by Mnllery Appropriates 90 fter cent of annual state university l-mll evy for maintenance. It. B. 252. by Flanagan Appropriates J5.000 for relief of Thomas Doody, peni tentiary guard, Injured during convict outbreak. WATKIl LOntlVIST STILL OS Jon Your Easter Crown Here it is The recognized and accepted "Monarch" of 'em all. The MARQUIS beautiful shades of Hunter, "Pea" and Ivy Green, delicate Pearls and soft toned Greys $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 (Stetsons). Without question the most popular Hat we havo ever shown. Come in nnd trv one on. Evorvhodv likes it. nnd we think you will. You won't be in our Hat Department more than a minute before you will discover that you've walked right into the midst of the choicest collection of top-notch Head wear you have ever had the pleasure of seeing. We go upon the supposition the Greater Variety, tho Greater Satisfaction. Accordingly we present the greatest variety of Hats from $3.00 to $5.00 to be found in town. Another big favorite is our B. K. & Co. Special-a Stiff Hat at $3.00 in di mentiona to suit all manner of heads and faces. Come to the Reliable Store for Reliable Hats. You Won't Be Disappointed. Browning, King & Co CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HATS . FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN Geo. T. Wilson, Manager. Douglas at 15th Street. It will do no harm to deny the tax payers a right to voto on a question which aft fecta them, nnd their pockctbooks, ma terltlly. And ho hopes also, to convince them that "Home Bule cuts no figure. even though a platform pledge and a democratic cry for years. The fact that tho Water board candi date for membership on the charter commission was overwhelmntngly de feated. Is not taken by him to mean 'a repudiation of the present Water board, but simply another argument why the "Water board should not be left In the hands of the people who have to pay for It. WULl'AttK APPnOPllIATION IS CUT Finance Committee Tnlica Hop at Several Big Bills, (From a Staff Correspondent.) I. INCOL.N, March 10. (Special.) The finance committee of the house made sev eral reductions In appropriation bills re ported back to the house this after noon and they were all adopted without discussion. II. B.' 469, appropriating $90,000 for a building at the orthopedic hospital was cut to )40,000. II. B. 423, by Norton, appropriating 125,000 for the use of a welfare commis sion and publicity bureau was cut to $5,000. If. B. 423, appropriating JT5.000 to buy land at the Kearney Industrial school, was cut to $40,000. H. B. 36S, appropriating $122,800 for buildings at the School for tho Deaf at Omaha was cut to $100,000. The appro priation for the Industrial department and for machinery for that department were cut out. niMj TO TAX EXPRESS CO 51 PA N'T It. II. Unwell PnU In Time nt 'the State Capitol. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 20.-(Speclal.) The $5,000 a year Water board englneer-lobby-1st, waa on the Job early this morning trrlng to convince this democratic house it would not be right to permit the peo ple to vote on the question of the or ganization of a water district. Several young men whom he has on his staff checking up members made their reports to Mr, Howell, so he knows Just whom to work on nnd what way to work. Though a, Bull 'Mooser he hopes (o be able to convince a democratic house that Smith Sleaanre Has Jiovr Passed Botk Ifonsea. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March -JO. fnv-ljil 1 ITK. Smith bill levying a tax of S per cent of their gross receipts on express companies passed the house this afternoon with only Hoff and Yates voting against It. Sev eral Were absent and did not vote. The bill passed the senate some time ago. and now needs the signature of the gov ernor to make It a law. GRAND HAVEN FISHERS RESCUED FROM ICE OBAN DIIAVBN, Mich.. March 20. Nlneteen fishermen, after suffering hun. ger, cold and the menace of the ice it Lake Michigan, reached port here today In the fish tugs Anna, Bornbos and Hos They had been fast In the Ice for l.irr.e days and three nights until rescued yes terday by Pere Marquette car ferry ISo. 18. The boats left Grand Haven :it dawn Monday. DR. FRIEDMANN ADVISES SUFFERERS TO STAY AWAY NEW YOBK, March 20.-Dr. Frledmann, the German specialist. Issued a statement to persons who havo Intended to come to this city from different parts of thi country for treatment with his vaccine to wait until the government tests of his remedy have been completed. "Do not come to New York nt the present tifne." says tho statement. "hUy at home and help yourselves. It wU iot be long before you have the opportunity of receiving my treatment, "A trip. to this city would consume yo'ir strength and vitality. So don't como, because I can now treat only those suf ferers selected by the government phv slclans." The superintendent of the Mount Balnl .hospital said today that the first ortlcial bulletins concerning the progress of the patlento treated by Dr. Frledmann t that Institution will be given out tomor row at Washington. Harvester Combine Eaises Pay of Girls CHICAGO, March 20.-Presldent Cyrus H. McCornilck ot the International Har vester company mode the announcement last night that beginning next Monday the minimum wage for girls and women employed anywhere In the United States by the company will be $8 a week. The present minimum Is $5 a week, for ap prentices. About 800 girls will be raised to the $S minimum. MISS H0BBS BECOMES SECRETARY f GOVERNOR SALEM, Ore., March 20. Miss Fern Hobbs, until today chief clerk to Gov ernor Oswald West, hereafter will draw a salary of $3,000 as the governor's pri vate secretary. Her promotion can? when Balph A. Watson, who has ben the governor's secretary, was appointed corporation commissioner to administer the "blue sky" law;, recently .enacted by the legislature. Miss Hobbs Is the flt woman to occupy such a position In Ore gon. She Is a talented young woman of great executive ability. Delicious "Syrup of Figs" for a , Bad Liver or Sluggish Bbwels This gentle, effective fruit laxative thoroughly cleans your" stomach, liver and 30 feet of bowels of sour bile, poisons, gases and clogged-up waste. A, harmless cure for sick headache, for biliousness, for a sour, gassy, disordered stomach, for constipation, Indigestion, coated tongue, sallowness, pimples take delicious Syrup of Figs., For the cause of all these troubles lies In a. torpid liver and sluggish condition of your thirty feet ot bowels. A teasponful of Syrup of Figs tonight means all poisonous waste matter, the un digested, fermenting food and sour bile, gently moved on and out of your system by morning. It means a cheery day to morrowmany bright days thereafter. Please don't think of gentle, effective Byrup of Figs as a physic. Don't think you are drugging yourself, for lusotous figs, senna and aromatlcs can not In jure anyone. This remarkable fruit preparation Is a wonderful stomach, liver and bowel cleanser, regulartor and tonic, the safest and most positive ever devised. The day of violent purgatives, such as calomel, pills, salts and castor oil Is past. They were all wrong. You got relief, but at what a costl They acted by flooding the bowels with fluids, but these fluids were digestive Juices. Syrup of Figs em body harmless laxatives, which act In a natural way. It. does what right food would do what eating lots of fruit and plenty ot exercise will do for the liver, stomach and bowels. Be sure you get tho old reliable and genuine. Ask your druggist for the full name. "Syrup of Flga and Elixir of Senna," prepared by The California Fig Syrup Company, Hand back, with scorn, any Fig Syrup Imitation recommended as "Just as good." Advertisement. v - 1 V ' Seattlq, Wash., April 9, 1912. 1 . Mr. W. C. Wilson, Pres. , ' Z V. i , Bunkers' Life Insurance Co. , ' Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Sir: A few days ago your general agent, Mr. Thomas C Bloomer, culled1 on mo and delivered paid up participatiug polity- for $1,500.00, together with your check for $70626 in .settlement of my $1,500.00 twenty-year policy which was taken out January 22, 1892. I was very much astonished, indeed, at the results obtained from this policy. In the twenty years I carried your insurance, 1 paid $900XM) in cash therefore, practically all that I paid was returned to mo in cash, and I have still the benefit of the $1,500. 00 polioy payable at my death. 1 am so wll pleased with the showing made that it is my intention to take further insurance in the Bankers Life Tnsur- ane "Company very shortly. Yours truly R. L. CABBY. Twenty Payment Life Policy Matured in the Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Go. Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Name of Insured. .Robert L. Carey Residence Seattle, Wash. Amount of Policy $1,500.00 Total Premiums $ 865.60 SETTLEMENTS Surplus in Cash $ 706.26 And Paid up Participating Policy $L500.00 Total $2,206.28 . Ask mn who own one of these policies. r " . . , . Write 4is for an acencv.