10 Polly and Her I Dont ct if y'DD MAkE. ly i wouldwy BE Found DE4D IN 17. MAI ""j 1 "Rtl .Biu AS rJ 4WV OF 'EM, r- AH1 T' (ZcST I "TVjtCE. AS MUCH) I nCAt. rvn nt? jinuiumnJf-B; WANT ADS Want ail received nt any time. Iiut to insure proper classification , . . . .nn " i . 'r"cu'w "Y S7t o'clock noon for the ovonlne edition . ',,:,"rc ' '"I "" I uu nunuaj cumuiis. nam - ceivetl after such hours will have their first Insertion undor the head Ins, "Too Lttto to ClnxKiry." CHARUU ItATES. Six wonts to tho line. Ono insertion 13 cent per ilne. Two or more consecutive inner ttonrt 0 cents per lino. One line per montli 1.80. Twenty cents a inlnlmutn charge. Advertisement charged to patrons Laving accounts aro measured by tho line, not y tlto word. CASH HATES FOR WANT ADS. KEOiULAU CliASSIKICATION. Ouo lnsertioa 2 cents a word. Two or uioro consecutive inser tions 1 J4 ccntu a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. XOT1C Tho Boo will iot bo re spassililo for mora than ono wrong luhertluu due to typographical error. cIuIiuh tor error cannot be allowed after tho 10th of tho following tuunth. An advertisement inserted in lm run until forblddeu must Hi' stoDiird br written order. Verbul or, lelililiunp t'HiR'eUutioui. cuuuot accepted. lui KOMJV-arnce, aKou years, March 16. Funeral Tuesday morning at 10 clock from irsldence. S103 North Urty street Interment Forest Uwn cemetery. On account of Inability of out-of-town relatives to urrlvo In time, funeral serv ices for Mrs. William A. McQulston will bo held Sunday at 2 p. m. Instead of 10 h. m. Saturday, iw nruvlously announced. fEO A. HOFFMANN. EXPERT EMBALM BI18 AND KUNKUAIj DIIIBCTORS. Located In.. "Modern Funeral Home.' ttth and Dodge. Tel. Douglas 3901. BIKTHH AND DUATHM. lllrths-U. nnd Rose Altmaler. hospital. !.,. l ,! Hnruh Hennlto. 10U South Twentieth, boy; V. S. and M, f- Xi "nTZn liodgdo.,: 1011 South Twentieth avenue, girl; C. and 1 Mary Frank. iw.ou" a ViVn K. J. nnd Koto Johnson, 2709 California, boy; Abo and Anna Slxxman, 401 North Fifteenth, boy; W. It. and Carrie Smith, Idtf Burdctte. twin boys. Deaths-Sarnli Phelps, 86 years, -U8 North Eighteenth. MAUHIAUU LICENSES. Tho following marrtago licenses have been Issued; Tv'aniM uml Residence. Age. Kar Nunamaker, .South Omaha l Blanche Wilson. Sputh'Omsha ii Gilbert Oak, Brlstaw ,t. M Edla O. Lantx, Omaha i William P. Custard, Omaha W Margaret Coon, Omaha (lustav Sesemanu, Omaha,... Mario E. Wampstcr, Benson. Il.rmnli N'nvn. Essex, la SI 3 ... 28 Ella McMillan. Colltgo Springs, la S3 flnude Sack, Springfield.. 22 Martha C. llarr, I-oulsvllle.. IS HtTii.ni.Nc; PERMITS. t Olson. Vfl South Forty-eighth, frame dwelling, IfcOO; C. A, Anderson. 2U32 Castellar, frame dwelling, 12.500; W. C. Itedwlck. ZK0 IKc, 'brick store, 13,000; G W. Obce, 2318 Lake, brick store, 12,500. 11 ELI' WANTED FKSIA LB l.'ootory n nil Trades. THE Nebraska Telephone company cn tape a limited number of girls In the op erating department. Applicants must fur nish leferences. Salary paid whllo learn ing Apply C- F. Lambert. District Traf fic Chief. 18th and Douglas Sts. Housekeeper nutl Uouiestlcs THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get h. letlred results. This applies to residents it Omaha. SoJtb Omaba and Council Bluffs, bring your ad to Tba Ucc offlcs jr ti-.ipbone Tyler 1000. WANT a young girl to assist In gen eral housework; good home to tho right party Apply 2218 Burt St. GIRL or woman wanted for general bousework: one who can go home nights preferred. 423 No. 19th. NEAT, capable girl ror general house work Immediately. Doug. 6043. 2553 ht Mary's avenue. Call evenings If possible. WANTED A girl for general houa work, must be a good cook: no washlna: wages (8 per week. Inqulro 2S01 Harney street tXJMPETENT mala for Eenerai hnumZ work, no washing; family of three; 124 2 .aw re. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Mrs. W. C. Lyle. 534 Park Ave. uiitL. (or general housework; good cook, airs, unuaie, i,zz unarles St. WANTED Girl for general housework In family with baby, with or without warning; gooa wages. jNormanuic, apt. 7 II 1748. RELIABLE girl for general housework. 340H Dewey. 11. 49. WIDOWER with fine home wants a housekeeper. Address U, H. Laflin. Crab o.rhard. Neb. It. F, D. 1. COMPETENT girl for general house work, two In family. Mrs. J. E. Itugg, S'orn.andle A pit. GIRL for general housework; two family; good wages. 309 Dodge. In EXPERIENCED glri for general house, work, good wages and home. J&52 No. ltli St. - GOOD girl for general housework; small family; references. Mrs. B. A. Simons. SS1S S. KA St 'Phone Harney 4101. WANTED-A washerwoman. IGOiiir. Iiel Kt Harney 1 Of r ' b - i w, am h it m mjp' EXPERIENCED girt for general bouse bousework: no laundry work. Mis, W. J Hints. H""" 1 PalsaQ as No 1 1 Y'M4KC ME Sick.. M4j Ju?r Vou CAM "TIE. A r1 mm "PUMP Bow" VbuTHiMK VoUR&A MILLINER 1-1 " J GilE. Vou, OR. NUTHiM' y'tMDER3t-AMD ?, 1 1 E I ,! V A NT E I F K.MA MS. HwuaeUreperB and Domestics. RELIABLE girl to do housework; oris who can come at 9 In the morning and work until 4 p. m., and go home nlKlit. fall W. 619. WANTED-Hecond girl, j arsh. m Pn(,, Mrs. W. W. WANTBD-Uoort all-round mechanic; must be Rood at lathe work; need not ap ply un1(-ss ran furnish leferencc. Address Y-Dl. oar re. f"o.MIETnNTtne"at white xlrl for gon eral hotiJOHork; referenrcn required; family of two Apply at UU Ciiniine. Qllir. fur xeneral housortork Jill Hurt H. 30. an 1)1)1. U-AUKI ladv for genpral house Work. 1012 Puolflr Doug. HKLIAIiKB ttirl for general housework. mo oair. ii vn. MIscellmieuiiH, YOl'NO tvomen coming to Omaha a itmnirarK nr. Invllrt! In vUlt the Tounl Women's Christian association building I at St. Mary e avenue and litn m., wnert they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. cok for our travelers" nulde at the I'nlon station. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to womn. Excellent salaries. Influenoe, unneces sary. Wrlto for list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. i32U. ltochtster. N. Y. WANTED two reapectnble, competent dining room girls, good wages. Hotel Monroe, Qrlnnell, la. HKI.r WANTED MALE AU'lllM, !.'ll'I.IIH. Ullll tiullclturs. Live Agents will write Jacgur Muin..uuturlng Co., 007 Urnndefs Theater Ulrti;.. Omaha, GOOD PAY and permanent business Connection for one man In each county In Nebraska to look after established business; 2S or bctcr per week at start, working small towns and rural routes; good cnanco for rapid advance In earn- Ings; complete outfit freo, nnd credit given. Previous experience Unnecessary. Write at once. Premium Bales Co., )M Jackson 'St.. Topcka. Kan. i W A JO T H I ) M h n with pxnerivneo anJ I ability to tuko posltloil of vice president anu general manager oi (utmin Omaha business concern; suiury to t4U 11,000 per year; all nnswors conslderecl confidential; should be able to take ?-V or $10,000 In stock: this la not absolutWjr. necessary If you arc tho man to fill the place; glvu references for last 10 years. Address O 173, care Bee. N educated young, man, over a year. ' , for .',iKn cluitH work. Only those with proper credentials noed apply. Call 607 uranuels xneaicr. ; WANTED salesmen for farm specialty. Our men last year cleared 1100 per week. Balu Brothers, Cedar Rapids. Ia. AGENTS Steady employment nnd good pay for all seasons, to n few reliable Wrltn nt once for unrtluularn. Tyson Household Utilities Co., K Jer-! ferson Ave., Wheaton, 111. ' AGENT uml Collector wanted pleasant and permanent; a money ,Yipiii'iie unnecessary. For pal wrlto Oreat Western Accident Moines, la. Dfa FOR m mmmv I HALE A few unclulmed ALL- WOOI 'Northwest a KIRHT.CLASS office man. , who has ; had experience In farm loan office or a country bank where such loans nro made; must be hustler and A-l ac countant, compotcnt to take charge of itataii- of farm loans and collections. Answer fully, outlining bxperleiico and stating salary expected. Address J 181, care Bee Clerlral nnd Office. WANTED Bv nil old established least- em house 'opening u branch offtco In Oiuaha, a young man of good appear ance, between -"0 and su years ocage. to take cnarge ot tuo on ice. ono tamiuur with handling a small oftlco force, ex perienced In granting credits and mak ing collections by correspondence from the retail grocery trade; permanent posi tion and good opportunity for advance ment; reference and uuaranteed bond re quired; reply In handwriting, stating slxe, age, whether single or married, experi ence and salary required; all communi catlonn confidential. Address Y-92, Bee. 'WANTED BY AN OLD ESTAB LISHED, WELL KNOWN HOUSE, a young man for ledger wul general office work, preferably one who lives at home with parents. Brightness and Intelligence more desired than large experience, good opportunity for the right person to grow up with our business, answer In handwriting, stating age, experience and salary wanted; give complete Information in first letter. Address Y 93, Bee. Factor)- nud Trailt-s. BPniNQ rush Is commencing in ths automobile business; learn now by prac tical experience In completely equipped shops; $100 to 1200 earned monthly by good men. Writs National Automobile Train ing Assn, 1811 North totb St., Omaha, Nsb. Drug stor isnspsl lobs Knien. IU LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER! ING. Gt Into the automobile buslnessi learn I. .n nl.t In lh. I. " J ' H."'! "."i " lwwry. Repairmen, demonstrator! and !,. n are In demand. Write or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1415-17 Dodga St. Omaha, Neb, Dundeu.tltO; alterailons free: ! p-1C4--f,- '- "VlVoTuUr DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. I T aiSiaU e.n,lnsB0' J(jPthpUa?r west Corner 18th and Mamey Sta.', Uonrdr,,rr0 u ?dc TidleV THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 'ace Among Hats I IIKLP WANTKU MAIjK Fnctor' unit Trntlra EXPKItlBNC'KD platen press feeder , . .....I .... .... li.. 4.i. A. Medlar Co.. 110 Ho. lfth W. teaeh by frei T work "and ,. ytar. V fl.i.tfi v-Sh,f Slrt.5M rwtt'r tos X"n; Ww.kK..,0n i llnlshlng depurtmont; rco our offer, j Moler Harber College. 110 8. ljth St. fl.v;,,'u. ' 1'AItCUL, POST demands additional railway mall clerk, postofflce nlerKi, carriers; life joltlorm; salaries. ) up; wrlto at once for position desired. Atnu- AO AOENTS . I WANTKD KOIl U. 8. AIIMY Able bodied, unmarried men between ages of IS and Jo: citizens of United States, of good character and tempcinle habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Kecrultlng Officer, Air.iy Uulldlng, ljtn and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb,; COT, t'ourta Hi,, sioux t-it la . i-u io, iuiii ai t.m coin. Neb FARM hands laborer furnl.-Mi'd free of charge to employer Evans' Employment Office. 11)17 Dodge. Tel. Doug. SOU. IIHLl' WAXTKI) MAI.I-t A Ml I'fM Positions furnls'd botllTexes everTw'hei-T Columbia Nat l Exchange. lice Uldg. CALL us when you inert a stenog rapher; large list to select from: services free to employer and employe. Tel. Doug las 221?. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 1310 Farnam St. MEN-WOMIO'-Oet government parcel post Jobs, 120 week, write for lis: of po sitions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 2KB. Rochester. N. Y. WAN! KI) SITUATIONS Laundress wants ork by day. H-raHT Mrs, lOOLE. prautlcal nurse D. &U:. MAN wuntM place to work for board nnd room, U "iJT, Bcc. WANTED Small set .,f ocoks to keep afternoons m' nvenlngs. Tel. Web. 1SS1. WAMTWM 11., eirmt IABU l.n.t.- i fol,r from tho south, driving Job In 'private family or smali truck; five yearn . experience; references. Address L I caro Bee. . I Li!'l, rAlll'l il'lltl'll UUUKKLTI1CI UIIU stenographer, wants work. TpI. Dmn:. tccs, evenings after 7 o'clock. COLORED woman wnntes day work. p)ione Tyler 1551. , WANTKD-i-I'dslllon' as city salesman or collector.'' A-l references and bond. Address1 N ni. -cure Opiaha Bee. POSITION ns muse maid by woman of 30. Bekt of references. Address II Caro P.ee. BV oxperlcncoif retail shoo salesman, u good fitter. Address U 231, enre lice. ATTJl.iCTIONS. OUAt.. . film excli.. lbth ana Doug. Mo. tlon plcturo in-chlno and film bargains ih NOUNCHMKNTS , HASSEL LEAF ,PILE CONES Bolt . i - T H me y impudent) -S-B 7 Jf . mm n baggage r ' - nil r t WJkm ' fr, WW W A ) T, mwwh Z7 W .-' HJI AttV""W.- ' IV. HC1 tmnifion remedy foi Itching, bleeding or prolrud-.'v- mi.w. r" Ins I'lles; 60u postpaid; samples free. Slier artilafs m"' McCunnell Drug Co.. Omaha. KAPLAN'S KUSHiK Rcstaurant. finest Kosher mesls. 120 N. IS. vuit. tntrancu on Fxrnacx Bt. Wedding announcements. Doug, i'ti Co. THE N. C. LEARY COM PAN V. Formerly Kotera & Lenry Co.. ongr,v. ers and printers. 710 S. 15th. Douglas IW tj. Uriftltlt, wig mfr.. 13 Krenxer Lliii -rpr MONEYi Til I.UAN-LU ate, 710 Bee Biug. Tel. DoUK. 2901. Union Loan Co. Gibson's Buffet 23 South 15th St. ATLANTIC HOTEL lias changed hands. 1409 Cass. Will now be known ns the Ger man Home Hotel, with room and board. AUTOMOUIUEi DRUMMOND'S Big new garage at Wi end Farnam. KOBES And raoUtor covers at 12.50 and ud. I HAVE 8 shales of 1 per cent preferred Portland Cement stock with a par valuo of 1100 per share for which 1 paid 1818 In cash. Will trade for a good automobile, either light touring car or roadster. Must ba In good condition. Address A 108, Bee, stating year and model vf car, s BEST AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors. slip covers; now tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works, 25th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. 6921 1 T' A T."KA""NQ. murpny uia iihk K0 forfeit tor magneto we can't repair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer, 210 N. isth. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOmi,K3 BARGAINS In open and closed 2-hand electrics. M. A. Yant. 2318 Harney. D. 3202. WILL sacrifice my 40-hors power run about; nevr been used, Address A 4.7, care Bee. 1 OWN somo clear cheap land that I would like to trade for a good modern runabout automobile. Give make ot car and description In full In first letter. Address ft 107, Omaha Bee Paper, Omaha, Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO get In or out ot business, call on OANGESTAD. 404 Be Bids. Tel. D. 3471. STOCKS unu bonds. Investments. ;oal cttate. Franklin Brokerage Co.. 1523 Doug. PARTY with some money and scrv.ca to invest can buy Interest In welUesteb luhed rirm, best references. Address A 747. Be. Omaha. Mr. Merchant: Wc make auction sales and guarantee to get you money; No stock ot Jecu i'i (..otmng too Jorge or bmuil. Bank re.ertnces furnlthed on application. Crook n ivoiii. Auctl'rs. 411 N. Uth.Omaha CIGAR store, excellent fixtures nd good clean stock, with 8-year lease, In one of the best locations In Counod Bluffs, 1. for sale; no trades wanted. Address V Omaha Bee. ANT kind retail store furnished or sold KemiebecK Co , 509 Be Bldg., Omaha. Copyright, 191? National News Here! ROW -That Tod To A. B. C. of Omaha A AftSJ?L r i4arnain Jewelo corner, ltith and February clearing sale on all novelty Jewelry. A RTIST Model Corsets sold only by A Mrs. Alberts, 211 City Nat. Hk. lllds. tt for appointments , A NOHOIl FBNCK CO. Iron and wire l f,""8 :'eNpc'-lt)11ingt "Tel' Ted llV D rV.l'le.r" crutches, clastic trusses, , a" kinds of rubber goods-anythlng 12 1 wnnt from a drug, store, tSkN'NKTT: Mine.. 211 No." 17th. To. huts HWay. when Vim can have them lutilmnmd In tliu latest styles for 11? CACKLUV llUOS.. .el N. lCi. Tome made grape wine, Jl gallou. Two uurt Liotlles beer, c. -UNOEH WOoLkn" MILLS, 15th "andf ii tiurney sw. Jlj bUlts and overcoats mudi) to order, guaranteed to fit. T-J.UJiir Electric Signs bring busl- nces; savo cost in tlgutllig. E. M ciurk. ltitti and Oouwias, Omaha. r,USTER-UAHKEa "yo., C00 lKandels n biug. Ooug. i. Ueneral Insurance Lamed In i citable companies. KOS-TLumbeV Wrecking Co'. "All kinds VjT .Vl1?1?:, "r."A?,'d-i,OMd. ,nacl" - - 'ana oviung. il ORN Candy, company distributors for .uiiuaiuit. wiiuumiuo. ine ap predated candles. Vou win never know now good car. ay can u till you try thube. Alwayn ticMi at your deuuro. HlLlSlUE Sanitarium, 31st anil Ohio", Tel. Web. 5i2a Lying in hospital, rest homo for convuUbcenta nnd dc- i uuiuueu. neguiur pnyBicianjn ultonUiinCe. ItF VOU have ociup metal, rubbers"iTml I rayti. write for urlcta to Omhu .t , ..M.i tftnilw.r (Si flit w w.t. ... "zJl "v,i v u i ii Better Du ate tnan sorry, lluve - - iverr uo your tuie worn. v.-11j d i..vUOtt AUft.M.1, a.iO XV -oubo St.; offices In ull lmporta.i; K; fcuppllcs MAut! help oi ALL ulli.lii r uuu ot cuurgu. tjnonu DuUniaB f. aNICTREE Electrical Co., SOS S. 18th ot. 'lyler Mi. All kinds ot elec iiiciii contracting. Get our prices. . "JIsUEVrS. ML. ot wigs, toupees. MHWitcnca from i:ombln0b, 1. -lun-nelfs Beauty Parlors, 103 S. 16. D23S3. N EBRASKA CYCLE Co.. "Mlckel o," lOtli uud llaiiiey. DoUblUd Ivut. Wu rent, lepalr, sell uuluicb, pnu .til sewing macliines. , OMAiiA" TILLOW CO., 1721 Cuming. Doug. 27. We make mattresses und pillows to your order, renovate ners, niuttiessus und aoxsii covus. iba ieu!unu.oio; wort guurauteeu. O M.VUA STOVE ltEPAllt WUKivs, 12Ut)-S DoUglus. Jcl. Tyler nit water nonts giutes tor furnaces, iteuin . not wutei .maters in wtocK. i..TUOLiSUM Coke, 10.i0 per ton. I urcutest heat-giving tuel on tho mar ket. io uaiien or omoKe. uiteusa ...al order. Union Fuel Co. Douglas s. H ICTURE iruining at reduced jji'Icli). bea u h for puruait work. Omana Art una iraine Co. mi ieaveiiwuiin at. QlJALITlf prlnting; pi ices right. Phone uouj. SJwi anu let us quote prices on printing Burton Ptg. Co.. v S. 13th. 1U Hotel, now open lor business. x Modem uvuiy respect. Special lura uy rato ay wk. or mo. lOuD Cuming. i 'iSTEIC tailored suits. Gowns, rem od ) titng npu repairing; reusouuble cost. vit City Nunonul. Douglas iX9. UN1TISD Clonics SnoiiTidTi Furnani ot. Suits, overcouts, lalncoats Kcady-to-vear jluand 115. Why pay more? Western Millinery School7 113 "i'aitoa Bik. Spring summer clas,s start- Ing now; prepare tor early positions. XTJUELUO GRATE. TON .60. The neurest to anthracite; absolutely YOU can have clothes " saUsfactlonT Spring and summer woolenv. Lau deryou. Tailor, 3(6 3. 19th St. Far nam Hotel Bldg. Easter offerings HERE IS AN IDEA. Get a beautiful 50c silk tie by parcel post tor ic. iMame coior wnen wnung. Luxette Muse. Co., 508 b. 20th. Omaiia. MME. BENNETT Makes a specialty ot roblocklng and cleaning ladles hats. 214 N. 17th. D. 2507. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all slxea and styles, 'lilt IDEAL PLEATING CO., 'AM Douglas bik. Douglas 1930. EASTER egg dyes, 6o; Easter perfumes, Co to 15. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. 16th-Dodge. Owl Drug Co.. leth-Harney. UOW.NbV millinery, up-to-date. IMS .. 21th Frances Downey Hawk. Reliable Curtain (Jleanors Curtuln ana line laundry work. sol. D. iiJX THE TIE THAT ENDURES la a lucky wedding ring Iroui Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Co.. loth aua Doijgiua sts. At cm ign of the CruiMi up tne Golden Huur. LADIES ONLY jetton massage. CLvm WiJX jenio treatment of hair, face and hands. Turkish (bath after March 1.) Apt. s. 1&01 Farnam St. PLUMES cleamxj, dyed and curled. 4.H-A Paxtun bik. D. b&l. SPIRELLA CORSETS. MRS. M. ROSS. Resident corsetlcre for Kounts Piaze. Appointments. Doug. S155; 1900 Farnam. BUY STYLISH EASTER CLOTHES On credit. We clothe the entire family at it a ween, neoaeo. mi uougias ot. FOR GOOD CLOTHES. G. A. Llndqutst. Talldrs. 23S- Paxton bik. VIRGINIA DARE wine, G5o a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House. 623 N. Uth St UUS1NESS CHANCES WANTED-A party with $5,000 capital! for handling patented Invention; thh in ventton la new, but no improvement on old machinery, Is something new that! will be Just as compulsory as .he cajh: register In any store. G 760, Bee. ( HAIRDRESSING parlor eooil hnai uess, good location. Address E 182, care owner leaMng city. lieC. PHYSICIAN. German-Amerlcan. wantsliri, for ths asking. CalC write r phoo" location, town of several thousand pre- for It at once. Address Boyles CoUvgt. DU.MfHV- etsoin TO buy or sell K business Promptly, sae Columbia Nat l Kxchance M4 Re DM 1913. Drawn As'n. here!! boot? Hrr'r EMOUGH WEAR. I 1JUHINKSS CI1ANOKS Good Laundry Located In nnd Including n good 2-story brick building; six living room nbove. All up to date and modern machinery; only laundry In town of 1,000, and has a big territory; moneymaker for a laiindryman; owner must sell account sickness. L. B. Scott & Son, Tel. I). 3161. 1120 City Nat. Bk. BIdg. FOR SALE Drug store, good clean stock, in northeast Nebraska, only drug store In town; population, 1,300; lnvoico 12,500. William II. Mason. South Sioux City, Neb. AS GOOD as new store-room to rent In the finest location in Lexington, Neb., rpnt reasonable. Mrs. J. II. Heron, Lex ington,' Neb. BUSINESS PERSONALS Attorneys, PHONE C. E. Smith! 511 Bee. D. 3367. Dan Horrlgan. 611 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3328. Carrie J. Buford. (32 Pax. Elk. Red 43"T. Chiropractor. J. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D. MCI Creuuirrli-a, Dulrlc uud supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Ktlt tulnir bilectrtcnl Electrical Utilities Exchnlige. 353 Bee Bldg. Ijotei-tlven. NATIONAL Detective Service. 406 Om. v., til. I orlllinnlB ripti.i'tlv WOTk sat- 'fsfectorily performed: evidence secured hi i all cases; watchman furnished. D. Mi- L. W. LONGNECKER. 517 Karbach Bik. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Nevlllo Bik. Evi dence secured in nil cases. Tyler U3 OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agcy., bonded. Suite 428-0 Paxton Bik. D 13 Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th Far. Dressmaking u home, or will go out by ihe day. Phone Vb, ijllo. Burdette. Dressmaking. Fit guaranteed. Web. 440G. Dressmaking by day. Call evening. W. 3123 CHILDREN'S ready-made dresses; rea sonable prices; age3 1 to 12 years. D. 615a. Drun. DRUGS nt cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. , florist.. A. Donaghue. 1007 Far.. D. 1001. A 1001. " HESS & SNVOBI PDA. 1415 Farnam St. "L HENDERSON. 161D Farnam. D. IttS. BRANDE1S cut flower dept., new stare. BATH'S, florists. Boyd Treater Bldg. C. EDERER, florist, 2901 Bristol. W. Insuruuoi.-. SOUTHERN SURETY CO., health nnd accident Insurance, solicitors wanted. It. H. Landeryou, 221 State Bank Bidg. Gen eral agent. , MuiiuL', htoruKt- uuil Cleuututf. McLaud & Son. Van & C. 3-horse van. men. 11.25 hr., 2 hrs., 11 per hr. D.4339. W.511 .Nuncrivi uuu beetls. STEWARTS SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Qir.bTll Corn and other seeds samples free. J. M. Maber. Ft remont. Neb. Oatuuiiitiua. Alice Johnson. 30S-9 Brandels Inc. 3Idg. 1'alllta unit Uluaa. BARKER Brothers Paint Co.. carry a big stock of Keystona tUe washable nnd durable wall puint. Full line Sherwin Williams paints anu varnishes. Carter lead. Woodman oil and Pratt & Lam bait's varnUhe. Get our prices. 1G09H Farnam St. Phone Douglas 4750. PAPERHANGERS use Snowflake paste. Omaha Paste Co. 718 S. Uth. Doug. 3760. I'ttU-uts. HIRAM A. STURUES. natent lawyer. 64ti Brandels Theater Bldg Doug. 3469. Porscrlptlon Chemist. N TT SliilLER Graduuto presunp. i. u. ocjiDun, on cliemlgt. j No. 23th. Free delivery. DougUs 1072. D. O. Barncll. fuxion Bik. Tel. HeU ull. 4'rliitluk, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. ioug. til. Lew W. Haber, Printer, r.uiio.ttf JUC. 1U13. BEE BLUU. ENTRANCE UN COUliT. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg Co., qual Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. &!l S. Uth. atoru uuU untvn rixiurea, POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy. 2510 N., South Omaha. DESKS, safes, scales, shon cases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omana Fixturit ana Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. i:th. D.2744. Trunk, uii.i suilintM. FREL1NG STEtNLE. 1S03 Farnam dL kuu Ituura. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, clg. sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 602-3 S. 11th St. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Winter term now open. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. For free catalogue and full In- Fwnam StSOmaha1PNeb C0'' ,ege- lrarnaw t- omana. Neb. . THE MID-WINTER TERM OP BOYLES COLLEGE j, now optn yet it Is not too lata o en ter. Biuoeuta are oeing enrolled dally. Complete courses in Business, Bookkeop- ,jnr stenography. Telegraphy. CIvU berr. I I . n ,1 .).. n.hln K. ... 1 1 - MIIC1MK. Encclal iirlena In Mmh- ln in .h-r. all h others an. UU Haxney tu r . ; for The Bee by LIVE STOCK Km SALE lltirm-a nnil Vehicles. FOR SALE Oood light depot wagon; set of doublo harness. Call between 5 and 0 p. in. 1330 So. 34th St. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STKT RAILWAY COMPANY. PERSONS having lost some artKl would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they lttt It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned lu and the company is anxious to restore them to the ptghtful owner. Call Doug las 4S. DOCTOR'S horse and buggy. D. 496. LOST Fox teirlcr dog. Red tug at tached. Return to Burlington Station, Re ward. LOST On Davenport St. or crosstown car emblem broastpln with cross nnd crown. Communicate with H. 2453. Re- waru. HEAVY draft horses for sale. As our season is nearly over will sell a few of our fine teams. Seo them at 16th and Mnrcy. Havens-White Coal Co., Omaha, Tel. Douglas 020. MEDICAL DISPENSARY Examination and ui&j- xjixo1-LV trentment of an diseases, conducted for the economical sick. Fee Is 60 cents paid cash: medicines Included. Hours 9 to 8; Sundays. 1 to i. Dr. itlatheny. Suite 838. Bee Bldg. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg.. Omaha. 3IONEY TO LOAN Salary mitt Ctiuttels. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. .Let us advance you enough money to pay every one you owe nnd with only one place to pay; you'll be more satis fied und surprised how cheaply vo can do It. NO PUBLICITY. EASIEST PAYMENTS. Lowest Hates. Confidential. Prlvato. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. Established' -Twentyiono years. 1603 FARNAM ST. Phone Doug. 229S Room 215 Board of Trade Building. TAT . on furniture, pianos and IVJUJIlciv renl estate at a very low "J rate of interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. so Bee Rldg MflMRV TftAM OAT T, nn, and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. II. Tulman, 603 New Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 5 per cent. Your goods Insured against fire anu burglary while In our possession free. W f n-fnloi 1R11 n.. fA.l E.-in LOANS. You can get It '.odny of STAR LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments uuil Flats. FIVE-ROOM, steam-heated apartment In tho Dunsanry apartment, 10th and Pierce. Conrad Young. 3 Brundeis Theater Dldg. Phone Douglas 1571. STRICTLY high-class 6-room apart ment on West Farnam St., with steam heat and Janitor service JOHN W. ROBBINB. 1802 FARNAM ST. STORE and steam heated apartments close to postofflcc. Low rent. G. P. Steb bins, 1610 Chicago. THE HOME WORKERS' MARKET PLAGE PUBLISHED EACH MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. The purpose of this section js to make it possible for women in occupations which ihey carry on at home to offer, first hand and at a low advertising cost to them, various articles of handicraft, needlework, home made delicacies, confections, personal service, etc., to Bee readers. The offers here made to you, the readers of The Bee, may include just the very thing you may have wanted and looked for in vain. NEEDLEWORK NEEDLEWORK Hand SewiiiK Plain Sewing HAND SEWING 1 am prepared to do PLAIN SEWlf.G Wanted, to do at fancy needlework of all kinds and assure homo work guaranteed to be satisfactory complete satisfaction. Let me hear from and prices most reasonable. Mrs. M. you. Mrs. C. M. Peterson, 3216 N. 2th Ave. Hugenberg. 35 D St.. So. Omaha. HAND SEWING-Exqulsito workman- PLAIN SEWING All kinds, ut pri:e ship Is guaranteed. Send me your orders: that will Interest you; mall orders filled; baby dresses, lingerie, hemming, etc wrlto me fpr particulars. Mrs. c. Mrs. F. Moats. Route 6, Council Bluffs. Burgess. Laglo Grove, la. Crocheting. Embroidery rrinfiTiriMnr'rnrli.t neck rlncs 30c EMBROIDER 1, lancy und plain Euwllii; 1J?& h d8,cucne.8!andhdof.l?sn A"rntff bi- CI IROCHET1NO Crocheted articles fwoVkah WS w?8. fancy balls and oranges mudo from sheet ror my prce Miss C. M. Bitters, Hamp- wadding. Any article to order. Write me. ton Neb.; R. R. No. 1. box 30. Mrs. J. E. Odey. 611 F St.. Falrbury, Neb. ; - . .... ' r-r- ' Needlework Novelties . CIWCHETING-I'll ebet Mme Mr. FANCY iNf.Ul.EWu.Miv. -rochetir.g. tioularly attraetlve and very useful art I. f gaI and mad t Bpeclal order cle for you. Make a suggestion In writ- ean u de,red: write for prices. ing me. Mrs. Deselm. 2318 bprague. Minnie Snyder. 511 So. 21th Ave. wniVT"- nnOKTNft ALL KINDS OF FANCY WOKK-C-o. a.uaii UUU-1HU cheting, embroidery and plain sewm3 -TIELrcACHCfcBeTt home-made jone to suit the most exaetlrw- Mr. E. Jellies, Jams, apple butter and many op- 313 "l Bluffs, petlxing cans of cherries, apples, etc. TTn'rvT-1 fiftm "TrJfl Write Minnie G. Wliltthuhn. Benson. Neb. X1U1Y11 UUUiVJUMU' Delic-Clos HOME COOKING-To satisfy your ap- Delicacies petUe for ,omctn)nK delicious try my DELICACIES Home Jellies and' Jajns, home-mado cakes, pies and other dcllca- made from selected fruit; delicious and cles. Write Mrs. Thos. Bowie, 624 N. 41st ipure as fresh fruit. Delivered anywhere, A. P. McLaughlin. Sfith and Cuming. r"0ns' AN ADVETtrfs ESIENT "under "the c.NSK?.5?iaSMt. above heading will bring many orders alng epicures. Send me your order! for fancy needlework, home cooked deli- M1V i McGeorge 707 S 7th 5? cactes or any other home-made article. M1M "cueorge. iv7 8. 27th st The advertising in this section is not free space but a rate is charged which will permit home workers to find a wider market for their products and service and a comfortable profit for their time and effort Write complete details of what you can make or do and what you whh to txJosrtise, and we will prepare an ad and send it to you with price quotations. Ad' dress Bee "Home Workers' Market Place. " Cliff Sterrett OFFERED FOR RENT Apartment nnd Flats. Gordon Van Co. IS? Storage. 219 N. 11th St. or 210 S. 17th SC Tel D. 394. TTTTATT TT,7' Storage nnd Van P M J K. I I I Y Co. Goods stored, A --A-'AXX A X ,n o v e d, packed, shipped. 16th & Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 S. 11th. Large 3-rm. flat, part mod. 1st floor, near 19th Vinton, good nelgnnorhood 110.50: same kind, 2d fl.. 19. H-135. Eve. 120 for 5-room. A-l. modern flat. 522V4 S. 21th Ave. 4-ROOM apartment; strictly modern; oak floors nnd finish: steam heat. $30. w W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEIy Modorti. reasonable. 619 S. 26th St, two all modern rooms. CALIFORNIA HOTEL-Steam heated rooms. $2 per week and up: free bath. Famished Rooms. 151 N. 31st Ave., south room, modern. UNDER NEW MAN AGEMENT-2702-4H Farnam, largo beautifully furnished mod em front room, single oi' ".nsulte.reas'able Houses nnd Cottngres. Jn T)- J Exp. Co., furniture & . I , rCPPf pianos moved, stored; M'LAUD & Son move trunks, 25c, 60c. Douglas 4338. Moving, packing and storage ot house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van nnd .Store so Co.. flieproot storage. SOS S. 16th. by the viaduct. Branch office. 309 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 4162. FOR RENT OR SALE Nino acres, six-room cottage, good barn, and well. 39th and Vane Sts., about three blocks from street car. Call Wobster 3246. 4 ROOMS, summer kttchon, large' new barn, chicken house and coal house, 8 blocks from Lcavenwoith cur lino. 6520 Center St., Harney 3CS. Mrs. Olson. 8 ROOM modern houso at 112 So. St., $30. Tel. Harney 3361. 44th GLOBE VAN & STORAGE CO.-Stor-age, $2 per month. We contract your packing, storing and hauling. D. 4238 and D. 37S5.1 Offices 117 S. 14th St. 520 N. 16th. SAVE money In shipping household goods, auto, etc. Missouri River Freight Forwarding Co. Tel Doug. 394. 218 S. 17th. 2573 DODGE 8 rooms modern: rent, $35; closo In and handy to car line. Phone Benson 379 J. PnT.I?, Express and Storage, Piano vyy ii and fUrnlture lnovtng. p. b7p. P. J. LENIHAN, moving and express. Call Phono Webster 1529. NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST YOUR VACANT houses with Payne & Slater Co., as we are having more calls for good houses than we can supply. FTnuens ln all parts 'of ths city, ntJUbLS Crelgh. Sons & Co.. Bee Bids FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on Cass St., between 26th and 27th Sts., all modern Improvements. The Crelghton University. Tel. Doug. 2320. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. 1.114 S. 27th St., 6-r.. mod. ex. heat. $16. 4719 N. 40th Ave., 7-r., city water, $11. 3114 Maple. 4-r city water, $8.50. 3115 S. 16th, 4-r city water. $8. CRE1GH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Seven-room house, modern except heat, 2414 Caldwell St. Enquire at 3218 Webster St. Tel. Harney 4593. S ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 2717.