Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
SCnrlaane tie JCoaroy contribute!
an Illustrated latter troxn Paris In
tununy' Bee about latest fashions
for women In the fashion capital of
the world.
VOL. XLll-NO. '-'.'57.
Acting Secretary During Absence of
Mr. Bryan Objeots to Change in
Far Eastern Policy.
President Accepts Resignation and
Designates Adee to Act.
Statement Prepared at White House
Without Consulting Him.
In III Letter lie Stiyn lie ARrred
to Reninlii Temporarily lleenuse
Ao Immediate Chniiite In
Pulley Contemplated.
WASHINGTON. March 20.-1 luntington
Wilson, acting nnd assistant secretary of
state, lias resigned tliat office and In
blstcd upon Immediate acceptance of the
resignation because of lils radical dif
ference of opinion with the administra
tion regarding lis Chinese pollclcB. res
ident Wilson Immediately accepted the
Mr. Wilson, like nil assistant secre
taries of the various departments, ten
dered his resignation an a matter of form
to President Wilson directly on the hit
ter's assumption of office. Mr. Wilson
was requested to continue his place until
It should be convenient for the president
to name hl successor and consented to
do so to accommodate Secretary Bryan
In his desire to make a political visit to
Lincoln Neb., so this Involved the aban
donment of reservation which ho had
made on n steamship palling for Europe
last Tuesday.
The Issue of the statement from the
White House defining the administra
tion's attitude regarding the Chinese
loan negotiations Is believed to have been
regarded by Asflstant Secretary Wilson
as sufficient to Justify him In requesting
to be relieved at onee from duty.
Adee Will Aet.
After telegraphic notice to Secretary
Bryan of his Intention. Mr. Wilson late
yesterday afternoon dispatched' a noto
to the White House terminating his own
service and President Wilson Immedi
ately designated Second Assistant Secre
tary Adee to act as ujcrctary' of state
during Secretary Bryan's absence.
A probable result of the resignation
will be the Immediate appointment, under
a recess commission of John Bacsett
Moore -as counselor of the Department
of state, with authority to act as secre
tary. k v
In a. 1,900-word letter to President VIU
son the'formcr acting secretary" of state
Bet forth that when h'o consented to con
X'nUB or a time with the now administra
tion he did not understand there were to
be any radical changes of policy for
which he would be called on to act ns
spokesman. The letter continues In part:
"It today becomes the duty of the
acting secretary of state, In despatching
Instructions to tho representatives of
this government abroad and as the chan
nel of communication and with the repre
sentatlvea of foreign governments to be
spokesman of the president in regard to
a new far eastern policy which Is ap
parently deduclblo from your statement
Issued to the press last night.
"Inasmuch,, as I find myself entirely
out of harmony with this radical change
of policy as I understand It, I trust that
you will sympathize with the view that
it was not approprlato that I should
longer retain the responsibilities of the
office which I have now relinquished.
Notice, from Newapnpers.
"I. had no reason to suppose that the
officials on duty In the Department of
State would learn first ''mm the news
papers of a declaration of policy which
I 'think shows on Its face the Inadequacy
of thp consideration given to the facts
and "theories Involved and the failure
clearly to apprehend the motives leading
to and tho purposes of the policy super
seded. I had no reason to suppose that
tho fate of negotiations which had so
long had the studious attention of tho
foreign offices of six great powers would
be abruptly determined with such qiilte
unnecessary haute and in fo unusual a
manner. These methods, against which
I respectfully protest, arc the very ex
traordinary circumstances which 1 feel
vltltate my understanding with Mr.
Bryan and completely relieve mo of iiny
further obligation In the premises."
SAN FRANCISCO, March 20,-Jose
Slmo, who, as commander of the palace
guard, nearly lost his life when the late
President Araujo of San Salvador was
assassinated February t, arrived here
today on the steamer Acapulco. Slmo
romes for medical attention and a rest.
He has a bullet In his leg and a knife
wound In tho chest.
When the assassins made their attack,
Slmo says, he covered the president's
body with his own and shot ono of the
men dead. He was overpowered, how
ever, and Araujo was shot and stabbed.
For his defense of Araujo,. Slmo was
liberally rewarded by Carlos Malondez,
who succeeded to tho presidency.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. in. Fridays
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Friday fair and continued cold.
Temperature nt Oinnhn Yesterday.
S a. m.
a. m 10
9 a. m 11
10 a. m 12
11 a. m it
12 m S
1 P m 13
2 p. m , , 21
3 p. m , 32
4 p. in 3t
5 p. in 2t
6 p. m a
7 p. m 21
S p. rn..., 20'
Austria Makes Peremptory De
mands Upon Montenegro.
Three nntt1ehlp nnd Three Smnller
Wnrahlpn I.enre ruin, Prc
sumnhly to Ilnforee the
VIENNA, March 10. The Austrian gov
ernment brought the Balkan situation
close to a crisis today by making several
peremptory demands on Montenegro.
The Austrian minister at Ccttlnje, th..
Montenegrin capltnl, was Instructed to
Inform tho Montenegrin government that
It must comply with the following:
"Tho free exit from the fortress of
Scutari of noncombatants.
"Explanations of the doath of a Calh
olla priest named Palle, who Is said to
have been slaughtered because ho op
posed the violent conversions of pris
oners, "Violent conversions must cease in
stantly. "Full satisfaction given for the vlolem.
shown by the Montenegrins and Serlans
at Han Giovanni Dl Nedua on the Adriatic
coast toward the crow of the
merchant vessel Skodra.
Three Austrian battleships and Mneo
smaller warships left Tola yesterday for
an unknown destination. It Is supposed
they u'ro to ruppott today's demand.
Incident of the Skodrn.
An official version of the incident in
which the Austrian steamer Skodra fig
ured at San Giovanni Dl NedJa was
given out here today. It says:
"The Austrian merchant steamer Skoi
ra went to San Giovanni Dl Nedua
discharge Its cargo, but the harbor mas
ter of the port forbade the landing ot
the cargo and ordered Captain Blasich
to assist In the landing of Servian troopj
and war munitions from some Ureclt
ships. Captain Blasich refused,
"In the meantime the Turkish cruiser
Ifamtdlch arrived nnd sank four of the
Greek transports. The harbor master
after the departure of the Turkish cruisar
called on Captain Blasich to help rescue
the drowning Servians. The captain of
the "Australn vessel declined In view of
the danger which would be attendant
upon such action.
"The commandant of the town titer,
threatened to open fire on the en
the Skodra, and a Montenegrin rfc
forced the Austrian steamer's cngTn
at the point of a revolver to jflen tho:
steam valves of the Skodra. As oon an
the gendarme left the ship Captain BU
slch steamed away from the port nl lull
Mexican Editor
Will Prove Madef o
Was Murdered
SAN FRANCJBCO, March SO.-Colonci
Manuel Blanche Alcalde, publisher of
the' New bra," a Mexico CUr'neWspapo
generally regarded as the mouthpiece of
tho late President Madero's administra
tion, arrived here today with the asser
tion that he "in In a position to prove'f
that Madero was stabbed to death and
that Vice President Suarcz was strangled
In the national palace on the night of
February 23 and their bodies taken to the
prison in an automobile.
"The reported assault by tho guard,"
said Alcalde, "was merely a farcical ruse
and a part of the plot. It the autom i
bllo was fired upon, tho guards were only
pouring lead Into the dead bodies of the
president and vice president, who were
murdered in tho palace hours betore,"
Colonel Alcalde described himself as
an Intimate friend of Madero. ills mis
sion in this country, he said, would he
to expose tho plot which brought about
the Diaz uprising and the alleged assassi
nation of Mcdaro and Suarcz.
Accompanied by his wfe. two small
children and his brother Joaquin, an
army captain. Alcalde fled from Mexico
City February 23, taking an obscure rouce
to Sallna Cruz. The- party disguised
themselves an peasants. On reaching tnn
west coast port the party remained tir
twelve days In seclusion, bellcv'ng they
would be killed If discovered oy ugentd
of the new government. They charter.-a
a barge to reach Acapulco, upon whl-:n
they took passage with other refugees.
Flesh from Men's
Forearms Grafted
On Woman's Side
lvUAHNEV. Neb.. March Si. (Special
Telegram.) An unusual and delicate
operation was performed In this city this
morning, when a local surgeon removed
flesh from the forearms of Charles H.
Gregg and H. A. Armltnge and grafted
It onto tho side of Mrs. B. A. Annltage.
Mrs. Annltage In convalescing from a
long period of Illness, during which thnrj
were times when her pulse had ceasoil
heating and It was necessary to ndmln
Ihter warm applications and Inject saline
solution Into her veins to preserve life
After battling for life for six weeks, Mm.
Armltage changed for the better. Phe
now I on the fair way to recover, but
her right side holds an ugly Bore caused
by a hot water bottle during the period
when her life was practically extinct.
This place Is being cured by flesh graft
ing and her father, C. H. Gregg, and Mr.
Armltage willingly made the sacrifice.
ST. PAUL, March 20.-Nlneteen yea.s
after the death of her flr.t husband, Cia
lus M. Merrltt, one of the discoverers
of the Minnesota Iron range, his widow,
now Mrs. Ellzu M. Arnold of California,
today was awarded by tho supreme court
damages amounting approximately to
one-fourth value of a rich forty-acre
tract In the range district. The case
was one In which Mrs. Arnold sued Han
sen R. Smith, charging that he gained
possession of the land whllo acting In hla
capacity as administrator with full
knowledge that the land was of value,
although the estate had been declared
The suprptne court's decision today wai
an affirmation of the lower court's finding.
Aldcrmanic Committee Investigating
New York Police Graft Makes
Startling Disclosures.
Waldo Told Mayor that Becker Was
Doing Excellent Work.
Said Gallighcr Should Have Been
Missive to Mnynr AnktttK tlmt
Police Method lie Looked Into
Wmw Turned Over to lleeker
for Investigation.
NEW YOUK. March 20. Letters read
today before the aldermanlc committee
Investigating police graft showed that
Mayor Gaynor and Police Commissioner
Waldo woro warned ngalnst the char
acter of Police Lieutenant Charles Ucckor
ns far hack as August, 1911. John F.
Lynch, brother-in-law of Becker, who is
now In the death house at Sing Slug for
the murder of Herman Rosenthal, the
gambler, bitterly denounced the former
police officer In a letter to tho mayor.
The letter was read to Commissioner
Waldo, who told the mayor that "this
seems to be a family row" and "Becker
Is doing -excellent work."
"One of my sisters Is, unfortunately,
his wife. She works for him, tenches
school," Lynch wrote of Becker, "and
he, hero-like, tnkes her money. She being
away, he asks another of my sisters to
come to his house yesterday to cook, but
Immediately nttcmpted to assault her.
I She successfully resisted, threatening to
cut him with a carving knife, whereupon
he got his revolver and shouted that he
would shoot her.
Yelled "Murder" to ICncnnr.
"By yelling 'murder' she was ablo to
get out. He threatened her with arrest
artd said he would get one of tils squad
MLwiStroug. arm' souad) to cnteh her nn
some night and lock her up
r soliciting, sho came home ervlnc-
and with her waist torn."
In a postscript to his letter to tho
I mayor Lynch said :
,' "As further evidence of his character
i would say that he has frequently ex
pressed the sentiment regarding your
misfortune of a year ago that Galllgher
should be electrocuted for not having
killed you."
The Galllgher referred to was tho man
who shot Mayor Gaynor aboard a steam
ship nt Hobokon. Becker's wife stood
by Beqker staunchly during his exposure
and trial nnd Is now aiding In his at.
peal to the higher court. . .. ..
fllnjor Sent Second Letter.
Another letter, written to tho mayor
Inst March by one Henry Williams,
asked that Becker bo Investigated.
"He Is getting more money than a
former chief of police," tho wilier Raid,
naming the chief. This missive was sent
by Mayor Gaynor to police hcadiinuar-
iers, inern it was turned over to Becker,
himseir, the record showed, "for Investi
gation und report."
Becker's report was that he had as
signed a detective to find the writer and
.i... .i.A ........
... hi. niu ueiecuvc nuu laneo to do so,'
after Interviewing tho nine men named j
Henry Williams. Becker added that hc
feared the writer could not be found, and
suggested that some other member of
the force be assigned to the task.
Two more policemen 'were Indicted by I
the graft grand Jury today. They are!
Patrolman Victor Meyer and William
J. Smith and are accused of bribery. The!
true bill against Meyer was based on
testimony given by Rosle Hertz, a con-'
vlcted disorderly resort keeper. i
John J. Hartlgau, the patrolman con
victed Inst week for perjury, will not bo
sentenced until next Tuesday. His coun
sel arranged today to have the case put
over, declaring ho would ask for a cer-!
tlflcate of reasonable doubt und present
an argument for a new trial. Tho at
torney said ho had "new evidence." Mr.
Whitman did not oppose this move, since!
he believes that the more time In which
Hiirtlgun has to reflect tho more likely
Hi will be to turn ngalnst the "system,"
as tho patrolman's friends aro urging him
to do.
Petticoat King
Is Short Million
NKW YORK. March 20.-lfc-kors and
silk dealers who advanced money .mil I
goods to Salo It. Jackson, "the petticoat
king," lost more than 11.000,000, the dis
trict attorney said today, when arrange
ments were made for Jackson's trial
Jackson was arrested last December In
Fronteru, , Mex. He will bo tried for
grand larceny.
In connection with the arrest of the
MuslcaB In New York, It was learned
today that their flight from New York
was traced by means of a brass-bound i
steamer trunk which Philip Muslca bor
rowed from a friend rather than spend
12 for a new one. A description of this
trunk was telegraphed broadcast and re
nulted In his location.
Kzra Prentice, a New York lawyer, was
appointed receiver of the Muslcas human
hair business today.
Bryan Makes Five
Talks at Des Moines
DKS MOINK8, March 20.-Flve speeches,
were on the program arranged for Score
tary of State William J. Bryan when h
arrived here shortly after 7 o'clock this
morning from Lincoln.
Ills first speech wa at a breakfast ar
ranged by the Jefferson club of Iowa awl
bis second at 10 o'clock before the fac
ulty and student body of Drake univer
sity. Hq was scheduled to address the
legislature at noon and this afternoon he
Is to address a meeting of the Jefferson
Secretary Bryan's principal spocch wl.l
be made tonight at a bariiiuet of the
Jefferson club.
p" Brass and Gall
Drawn for The Boo by Powell.
Nebraska Democrats Look to Him
to Land Them Jobs.
One Tliouxnnd Men Who Wnnt
Place- IIcnIi'uc Commoner, Hn
tlint He liefer- to General
Demand In Speech.
(From A tSaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 20. (Special.) It may
have been merely nn Incident and It may
have been, significant. Anyhow ; Mr.
Dry unwind for. his aoamuser Jastiilght
'th""7noit bitter' democratic" enemy ' i)f
Senator Hitchcock In Nebraska.
And It was rBothr Chnrllo who se
lected Judge Howard for the place. Of
courso Senator Hitchcock got even by
neglecting to send a message to bo lead
at tho banquet.
And speaking with authority as a Bryan
spokesman, Judge Howard told his audi
eneo that tho defl was out to anyone
wanting a fight, which wns taken by the
crowd ns a hunch to Mr. Hitchcock to got
busy If he wants anything In the way of
a scrap with the secretary of state.
Tho appearance of at least 1,000 office
seekers asking endorsement from Mr.
Bryan Indicated which of the two men
Is considered tho real man In power down
at Washington. In fact, the pressure wan
so great that Mr. Bryan had to refer
to It In his birthday address and assure
the hungry ones that some would have
to lose out.
"Suppose Hitchcock were down hcio.
do you supposo there would be such a
gathering of office hunters to see him?"
ald a democrat who does things. "It
gives one an Idea of how the democrats
look on tho two men," he concluded.
More Girls Strike
at East Liverpool
HAST LI VK It POOL, O.. March 20.-MM.
J. 11. Blxby, leader of the 700 pottery
girls who struck yesterday for an ad
vance and tied up somo of tho most Im
portant potteries In the district, an
nounced today that 100 wrnppers, ull
girls, would strike tonight unless they
were granted an Increase from 11.10 a
day to 1.50.
Kfforts of organizers of the Industrial
Workers of the World to gain h foothold
with the strikers have been unsuccess
ful, Mrs. Blxby decaring that the girls
had their own unUm and would not tol
erate Interference. Karly today a sign
reading "Strikers' headquarters here
was displayed at Socialist hall, but was
torn down by a party of fjlrls, alleged
to he RtriKcrs.
Secretary John T. Cartwrlght of the
United States Potters' association Issued
a statement this morning declaring the
wllllngnebs of the pottery manufacturer!
to Increase the wages of the girls in
11.25 a day, which In the aggregate would
add J200.000 annually to the pottery pay
roll of the district
The strike extended later In tho oay lo
tho electrical porccluln potteries, whers
seventy-live glrla quit work because their
demand for a 11. M day was not grantel.
Will Try to Prove
Stale Eggs Are Good
LAWRKNCU, Kan.. March 2".-Ago l
no detriment to Kansas eggs, according
to Dr. 8. J. Crumblne, dlreotor of the
University of Kaunas School of Mcnlcina
and secretary of the State Itoapl of
Health, who today started a series of
tests In an effort to prove that lilt, theory
Is correct.
A squad of men employed In the ex
periments for ten days will be fed eggs
two years old. The aged cold stura (e
product will be served raw to the men
each day with their meals nnd carcMi
records will be made of their physic il
conditions during the tests.
Gives $650,000 to
Improve Conditions
of New York Poor
NBW YORK. .March 30.-A gift of
K-0.000 by Mrs. Kllznbcth Mllbanl; Ander
son for ttoclnl welfare laboratories to bo
conducted by the New York association
for Improving the condition of the poor
was announced by tho association to
night. The gift Is the lurgcBt-Htuglc ono
ever made to tho association, and fco tar
ax known to any organization for' n sim
ilar purpose, except the separate founda
tions, such as the Russell Sage founda
Tho'glfl-Ja uiit for the relief of de
pendent Individual or families, or 'for
charily organization, but Is . to bo used
exclusively to foster preventive ami con
structive social measures. Kstahllshineuts
ofv experimental laboratories for purposen
of testing proposed measurcH Is a (tart of
the program under which tho fund Is to
ho utilized. In general It Is Intended to
foster those nctlvltlcB which are cal
culated, In the words of the donor, "to
prevent sickness and thus diminish pov
erty, such ns the promotion of cloim
linens nnd sanitation nnd aid In securing
a proper food supply."
Tho gift, the association announced,
makes possible a new social welfaro de
partment. Extension of public bath work,
of tho work of serving hot lunches to
school children approximately at cost,
and of Increasing cllnlo facilities for
treatment of physical defects of school
children, are among the lines of effort
contemplated by this department. Estab
lishment of public Inundrles nnd public
bakeshops In thn congested districts In
also Hiiggested.
Cold Wave Extends
from Rookies to
Atlantic Coast
WASHINGTON, March 20. -Two well
defined storms causing widespread pre
cipitation exist In the country today, the
weather bureau reporting ono lenterol
In the lake region und nnother oier 'ho
In tho west decided fulls in icmperu
turn have occurred on this, the laid d.iy
of the winter season, the thermometer
nt Havre, Mont., registering 22 degreei
below zero. Zero temperatures prevail
generally In tTio Dakotas, northern vVd.
mlng and western Minnesota.
Cold wave warnings have been issued
for Kaunas, Okluhoma, Texas P.inhundi.i
and Mississippi and Ohio valley states,
Decidedly lower temperatures ,u the At
lantic stutes are predicted for tomorrow.
DKNVI3R. March 20. Snow and a high
wind with the temperature falling steadily
since early this morning, produced bliz
zard conditions hero today. Colder
weather Is predicted for tonight. Tho
cold Is general over Colorado, Wyoming,
New Mexico, Utah and Arizona, in
creased cold Is the forecast for tonight
for Colorado, northern and tinutheustern
New Mexico northeastern Arizona and
HouihcHstviii Utah,
VANCOUVER. Jt. V, March 20.Sr
Richard McBrlde, premier of British Co
lumbia, It was authoritatively learned
here today, plans to visit President Wil
son In Washington late this month for it
conference on projects btdleved to af
fect tho development of the piovlnce.
Sir Richard will speak at Uerkeloy,
Cal., on March 22 ut the charter
day exercises of tho University of Cali
fornia, and he Intends to extend hla trip
eastward directly aftorward.
In particular the conference Is under
stood to eoncoru railroad affairs In Brit
Uh Columbia. A belief hero that Ameri
can Interests are buying Canadian North
ern Pacific bonds has led to tho further
belief that plane are maturing for more
intimate connection between American
railway systems and lines now under
construction In this province.
j Two Million Dollars Available to j
iiuy implements ana fccea.
Comptroller f t'urreney Hnlew Cnsli
Blny He lined nnd Order to Draw
Wnrrnnl Sinned end Untitled
Over nt Oner.
(From a Stnff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, D. C. March 20.-(SVc-clal
TelcgninD-Through a searching ex
amination of legislative enactments In
BlUltutde by .Acting Commissioner of In
dlah afTnlrs F. IT. Abbott, uf Nebraska.
.Upwards (if two millions of dollars have
.been found available for use In the pur
chase of farm Implements, stock, etc,
for a number of tho Indian tribes ot the
northwest, and this money will be sent to
representatives of tho governmrnt ns rap
Idly as vouchers can ho rushed through
tho treasury.
Over a million dollars has been un
earthed for the Sioux of iVrth and South
Dakota to bo used for the purchase of
agricultural Implements, seeds, cattle and
In somo cases the money Will he paid
to the Indians to bo used as their fancy
dictates. This lurgn amount has been
tho accumulation of legislative enact
ments covering many years, but through
the expert Investigation of Indian funds,
now going on In the Indian office, the
money has been found available for the
purchase stated ' above.
The Crows of Montana will get JtOD.iXW
for the purchaso of farm Implements and
cattle. Secretary Iiue In the presence
of Plenty Coups. Whltc-Man-lUins-Hlm.
Medlclnu Crow and Acting Commissioner
Abbott, today signed tho authority for
tho Issuance of the warrant that will
give tho accredited representatives of th?
department of the Interior tho where
withal to oxecuto the order of the "Big
(Ives AViir Ilomiet.
Secretary Lano presented, to Frank
Shlvcly, the Interpreter of the Crows,
the pen which ho signed the order and
In turn Plenty Couph handed Secretary
Lane the wnr bonnet which he woro In
the Inauguration parade to be presented
to President Wilson us a lasting testi
monial of the friendship which exists be
tween the Crow nation und the great
white father.
Putting his hand on tho Bliouhlcr of
Acting Commissioner Abbott nnd point- i
lug to Secretary Lane, Plenty Coups Bald
It was bud business to change horses In I
midstream. I
"You two got along very well," mean- J
Ing Lane and Abbott, "better keep to- !
gothor." a sentiment that was echoed by I
the rest of tho delegation.
For several years It was held by former
Indian commissioners that the money,
which the lowas were told today would
be sent thnin. was not available for the
purchase of farming Implements, cattle,
etc. Mr. Abbott, however, decided other
wise and was supported In his conclusions
by the comptroller of the treasury.
Illoekfeet Get Cash.
The Blackfeet of Montana under the
new order of things will got J2S0.O00 for
similar purposes, while the Shnshones of
Wyoming will be richer by t50,CQ) by rea
son of tho decision of the comptroller.
An Incident In connection with the cull
of tho Crow delegation upon Secretary
Lnno was the presentation of a wonder
fully wrought pair of deerskin gloves to
Mrs. Abbott, wife of the acting cominls
Bloner, by Whlte-Man-Runs-Hlm. These
gloves, said the stalwart redmun, were
never worn by anybody except himself,
and thou only on ceremonial occasions
like the visit to Now York when ground
wus broken for tho Rodman Wannmuker
statue to tho American Indian and ut
the Inauguration.
"They are worn at happy times," said
the Crow ohlof.
"Well. I don't know of any happier
time than this to wear them," said Mrs.
Abbott as she put them on, to -the evi
dent satisfaction of tho donor.
After the presentation, which took
placo In Mr. Abbott's office In the pen-
(Continued on Tage Two.)
Lower Chamber'of Legislature De
oides to Leave Regulation to
Railway Commission.
Call of House Ordered, but Absentees
Are Excused.
On Question of Personal Privilege
Keoklcy Makes Talk.
Thin t'lmrjic Urines Them to I'eet In
Hurry nnd Mrnmire Disponed ot
II I th Lnritc Number of Protest-
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb March 20.-(8pecl.ll
Telegram.) The house killed tho Kocklcy
bill to reduce freight rates this after
noon. Tho final vote was 48 yens and
46 nays,
Tho bill provides for a 10 per cent re
duction In freight rates on llvo stock,
lumber, coal, building material, potatoes,
grnln and fruits In cur lots and a 20 per
cent reduction of class rates. t
Before the vote.' had been announce!
Keckley secured n call of tho house, but
as five of tho six absent members had
been excused the call was raised after
several speeches had been made and
Keckley had charged members had been
unduly Influenced against their will by
the railroad representatives. During tho
mlxup Regan moved to adjourn until 10
o'clock Monday morning. This was lost.
Keckley secured the floor on a ques
tion of personal privilege and started to
speak. He said: "Some weeks ago 1 at
tempted to niako an Investigation of
rates In this state. 80 far as 1 have been
nble to Investigate I have reached the
conclusion rates aro too high."
"Is this bill opon for discussion,
Jumped In Stephen of Merrick.
"So long as It Is a question of personal
privilege It Is nil right for Mr. Kecklay
to speak," said tho speaker.
Keckley Itesnmea.
Mr. Keckley resumed: "When the bill
wns up for discussion somoVtlmc ago tha
hour was too late for mc to conclude my
"I move that the debato cease," chUMd
In. Reynolds. The motion was not passes,
When Stephen Interrupted, KccKley
called to him to be quiet until he got
lie handed out. the ssine orders to .Fos-ter,;-but
thp Omaha touth-pullcr Inektcd
ha would not b" quiet.
Tho debate ran along. Uila way for adme
time, whether the call of the houso should
bo raised, when Mockett got the floor.
He said; "I believe five parts of this
Ik sincerity and ptnety-flve parts bun
combe. T Voted' n-galtiBt the bill becauso
I believe I ought to vote against tho
hill. 1 rrsont the charges and Insinua
tion that men have been unduly Influ
enced to vote against this bill. I voto to
raise tho call."
In his soveral talks, Keckley charged
that the railroads had Improperly Influ
enced members, nnd when the people
thought the old rnllroad machine was put
out of business they were mistaken.
The voto on tho bill was as follows-.
Yeas Ande'rson of Boyd. Anderson of
Kearney. Banks. Bartels. Bollen, Cronln,
Elmelund, Klwood, ErlckBon, Fisher, Fou
lon, Fox, Fries, Fuller, Funk, Hardin,
Harris, Helliger, Hoffmelster, Hostetler,
Hubbard, Jackson. Jones, Keckley, Knud
son, Korff, Lee. Matirer. Murphy. McAl
lister, McCarthy of Cuming, Nichols,
Norton, Orr, Palmer, Picson, Potts, Re
gan. Reuter, Rudlsll. Schuetli, Scott, Shlp
Jey, Snyder, Trumbol, Van Deusen, Wes
ton, Woods 18,
No Allen, Anderson of Douglas. Ayers,
linker, Brain, Burkett, Busch, Chappell,
Corbln, Davis, Druosedow, Fallatead,
Flanagan, Foster, Gates, Grccnwult,
GuBtatBon, Guston, Hagerty, Hartwell,
Hasek, Hoff, Jeary, Kauffman, Military,
Mather, Mockett, Morrtn, McKlssick,
Pilgor, Qulggle, Reischc, Reynolds, Rich
nrdcon, Shntipp, Searle, Simon. Slndelar,
Smith. Sternes, Stebbens, Stephen, Su
garmun, Steven, Yates, Mr. Speaker 16.
Abfelit C.
Many members offered explanations of
their votes. Those voting In the negative
saying that Nebraska has a railway com
mission to deal with these questions and
therefore tho legislature should not in
terfere. As his explanation Speaker Kelley said
that for twenty-five years tho legislature
had wrestled with freight rates without
any results, and therefore the people
had created tho railway commission and
he believed It tho duty of this commis
sion and not tho legislature to mako
freight rates.
'Vvsn Proposition Carry In Senate
After Personalities Fly Aliont.
(From 11 Stnff Correspondent.)
I INCOLN, March 20. (Special.) -In the
senate today Grossman and Dodge fired
perKonalltles at each other until the air
was blue, Macfarland quoted scripture
so feelingly thut Senator Hummel, who
Is a Methodist preacher, offered to get
him a. license to preach after tho session
was over, while the feeling remarks of
Grossman, Macfarland and Heuaty of
Jefferson brought bucIi a flow of tears
from the eyes of Reynolds and Dawns
that he was hardly able to overcome his.
emotion when he arose to speak.
Tho bill responsible for tho tilt between
the senators from Douglas was Senato
Fllo No. 276 by Macfarland of Douglas,
which provides for a raise In the salary
nf tho deputy clerk of the district court
of Douglas county from J2.O0O to 12.500,
which was ordered engrossed for third
In speaking In favor of his bill Mac
farland said that thep resent Incumbent.
AseJ Steere. was one of the moat effi
cient officials Douglas county had at the
present time and should be paid a salary
somewhere near what his ability would
demand In other lines of business,
Grossman of Douglas said that the tax
payers of Douglas county wore opposed
to raising tho salaries of the county
officers. "There are bills Introduced In
(Continued on Pr Twm