Daily Words Backed By Deeds Tluit's liy The tico tins frlonih I nnd enemies, and why It wlclUa an i Influence for public good. THE WEATHER. Snow Flurries VOL. XL1I-N0. 2M. OMAHA, TlirHvSlAV MORNING, MAliClI 'JO, FOUHTIOION lJA(IKK. S1NOU3 COPY TWO CENTS. CELEBRATING HIS BIRTHDAY WITH HOME FOLKS. QUICK REVISION OF Sympathy BODY OF LATE i TARIFF IS PLANNED! IN AT BIRTHDAY FEAST Secretary of State Paid Tribute by Men of Party in State and Nation. ANDTAKEJJO PALACE Stretcher is Carried Through Street! of Saloniki by Prince Nicholas and Army Officers. STRANGE PROCESSION FOLLOWS Democratio Leaders Senate Committ Presi 1 HUNTING Fi Want Bill Nearly Perfect When it is i IPEAKS OF WORK ACCOMPLISHED Introduced. The Omaha DEMOCRATS BRYAN GEORGE IS EMBALMED fflpPioN GROUND ' . Delivers Address Before Joint Ses sion of Legislature. GIVES VIEW OF INAUGURATION Says Viewed Passing of Government to Honest Party. PAYS TRIBUTE TO TAFT Declares President AVIlson Una Friendship of All Paction of ltc pnlillcnii I'nrtj' fr Defciitlnir t Lender of I'neli. (From n Staff Correspondent 1 LINCOLN, March 19.- (Special.) -The Auditorium wb not nearly large enough to accommodate those who woutd pit around tho banquet tabic and do honor to William J. Bryan and participate In the celebration of his flrty-thlrd birth day tonight. Several hundred diners had to be fed at the I.lndell hotel because of lack of room at the Auditorium. President Meier of the Lincoln Bryan club, stated the object of the assembly and Introduced Kdgnr Howard as toust master. Besides Mr. Howard those who spoke were Governor Dunne of Illinois Governor Hodges of Kansas, .Terry Sulli van of Iowa' nnd Mr. I3ryan. Several tel egrams wore read from prominent per sons not present. " President Woodrow Wilson sent the fol lowing: "Hon. Kdpar Howard, Lincoln, Neb.: Please accept my sincere good wishes on the occasion of the celebration of Mr. Bryan's birthday by the Lincoln Bryan club. I cannot tell you what a comfort It Is to me to know that I am to have the aid and counsel of your distinguished fellow townsman. It Is a source of esn ulne plessure, as well as great advantage to me to be associated with him. ' WOODHOW WILSON." Atltlrrni to Legislature. Mr. Bryan, Governor Dunne and Gov ernor Hodges addressed the house and senate in Joint session and as many mo people as could be crowded Into repro- Hentatlve hall this afternoon. In the audience was Mrs. Bryan and her daughter, Mrs. Hargreaves, and the latter'a husband, Richard Hargreaves. These entered unannounced anil were es corted to their seats in front by Henry C. Richmond,, chief clerk, and thc(? Identity tfn's not known to the membors. !he. new secretary of stqtewas In hie ustial happy mood "and" scattered chesr a n dWiyjw raons , t h c numerous tight lug democrats Who' had supported nlm for the last twenty-flv'e years. S.r. Bryan, In describing the Inaugura tion or President Wilson, said: "i saw the consummation of a struggle which had lasted two decades. 1 saw the coun try passing from tl hands of a party which had been weighed in the balance and found wanting Into the hands of a pnrty which was honest." He paid this tribute to cx-l'reslde.it Tuft: "Mr. Taft is one of the most lov able men I ever met and he goes put ot office respected more than any preaiaetit for fcomu time." He continued, "It was not President Taft who was defeated, but the principles of the party back or him." Good Will from All. "Piesldent Wilson," he said, "has th the good will of the people back of him and tho whole, of the democratic party behind him, and that Is a great deal, Die Tuft republicans like him because ho biat Roosevelt and the Roosevelt men like, him because he beat Taft. "Some of my good friends thought I ought not accept the office I have, uut I thought If the president thought I could be a help 1 was willing to do so. While giving me the highest office, there wac not one of them 1 would not have accepted If It would have helped out the party, and thus have served the people. "it is going to he my duty and extreme pleasure to make the announcement that United .States Fcnators will be elected by the people. Twenty-threo years ago I (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather For Omaha, Council Bluffs and VIelultj Italn or snow and colder. Temperature nt Uniitbii Vcntcrdn. Hour. Dcs, 5 a. m. ! a. m. 7 a. m. 8 a. m. 9 a. m. 10 a. m. 11 a. in. 12 m.... l p. m - if. in 3 p. Ill 4 i. m 5 p. in C p. m 3i p. m at s 1). m "1 Comparative Local Record. 1911 1B. 191 1. i'JIO Highest yesterday M 45 66 78 lowest yeitenluy 31! 31 31 46 Mean temperaturo 3S 3S W 02 Precipitation 03 T .10 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar-1 tures from tho normal: Normal temperaturo aj Deficiency for the day 0 Total excess since March 1... ! Normal precipitation 01 Inch Deficiency for the day 01 inch Si '' 't otal rnlnrail since March 1.. Kxcess si nee March 1.... ........ 1.6J nches hxcess for cor. period. WIS.... .S nc h Deficiency for cor. period. 1911. .36 Inch Reports from Btntlona nt 7 1 Station and State Temp'. High' ,, ,' 1 " or weatner. rn. est. tdit 20 3S T W til .00! 34 U) .! 26 K. .06 9 t .'id a si .01 a ti .x 4t Vi .00 $ It .01 4! i- T 4S U .0f S ti T IS 1U M Davenport, cloudy Denver, cloudy Des Moines, rain..., Dodge City, clear lender, cloudy North Platte, clear Omaha, fcleet Pueblo, cloudy rtaptd city, cloudy 8alt Lake City, cloudy.. Santa Ke. cloudy Valentine, rlondv . T indicates trace of precipitation. i x. WKL31L Local Forccailtr. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, Three Suffocated When the House of Death is Burned CHICAGO, March 19. The tragic ex istence of the "Houte of Death" at 2T9 Wcntworth avenue, closed early today with Its destruction by an lncldcnlary fire In which three lives were lost. Frank Pustella and his brother-in-law, Joseph Cavellerl, -escaped,'" with severe burns, by Jumping from a sceond.jj5pry-window.- but Mrs. Pustella nnd her daughters, eyjfffSii' years, ' wdre it-ul!'l "c' overcome by smoke as they reached a window and perished In the flames. The house gained Its name because ot ' the fatalitlea which have occurred within It during the last ten years. A decade ! ago Jacob Wcrnes opened a meat mar- ket in tho place. Within a short space j of time his entire family died and Wcr- 1 ner committed suicide. Werner's clerk, Fred Kunz. took the market, but shortly afterward his little daughter was scalded ( to death In a pickling vni ami ft week after this accident Kunz was found dead under mysterious circumstances. The manner of his death has' never been solved. The next tenant, was a man named Strauss, who was murdered In the house. A few weeks after that an Italian crawled under the porch of tho place and committed sulcjde The Incidents were recalled by M. W. Schrocder, an undertaker In the neigh borhood. Ho said there had been others, but they had paused from his memory. Government Aviation Experiments Success WASHINGTON, March 1!.-Bi Igadier General George P. Scriven, chief of the United Statea signal corps, expressed satisfaction today over the reports on ! aviation experiments bting conducted by army officers at San Diego. Cal., and Galveston, Tex., and ordered two more lieutenants to each place (o recede In-, structlons In flying. Lieutenants Walter It. Taliaferro and Kred Heydel will nexi to Galveston, and Lieutenants Chandler and Joseph K. Cuberry to 8au Dtcgo: Tho chief signal officer's rerort In formed him that all officers detailed to "-ultsu: i.mumnuiiiB i-arK, jtoi.eary. Gelger and Brereton, had "devolopod lntoi4llK up of tllc Peruvlan-Amazon company, ri.e., nwu.u,B cuiuuHriuireiy snort time," They have received llcente from 1 rccently reVealed sensational outrages In I the Aero Club of America ana "iaveJtlo trciltment of the natives employH ciuallfled for inlllUiry llcenees. . , ..,,,, ,,, , ,iu Work at tho San Diego camp, It was caiiii wouiii conimuo wiinnui inierrup "tlon. throughout the summer. Jteports -., . . j , , .. . ji; Houston nnd back a dls ance. of ninety ' mllfft- In nil l rh tnon tnll. 41.. iiiy .-. uiuuc i.uiu uooeaiun m 1! : " l,,t abator in each instance being nccom-. pogltlon whlch he ,lcM ag liquidator -t ! new chaiter for a commissioner of play panled by a passenger, satlsflwl the gen-1 U0 conlmny. , grollluis as apart from parks and boule- era! that exceptional opportunities for. ,n B, um,llivll contesting the appllti-, yards. The lequwt was referred to the uiiik cAiiciinieiiiH were ueing oirerea , ottered along tlie border. BILL AGAINST KING OF NFW?RnYi ls nKMIQQFn " "'iUU''1 IJ UIOmlaa:U IJitJuMUvun'L Z ' ment against Jack Sullivan, "King of Iti't, Newsboys." charging h.m with compile, Uy In tho murder of Herman Hosentlial, J was dismissed today for lack of evidence.! -r.,.., ,iia.. r .hu to-. i.n,..l I ments found against the seven alleged I i . . ... .... ... .... r ' i. .. .. ii .i... "Lefty Ixmic," "Gyp the Blood." "Dago Frank" and "White-" Iwls are In the death house at Sing Sing peit'llng the outcome of their appeals. William Shi plro, driver of the gray murder ear, turned state's evidence and gained his freedom. As Sullivan left the Tombs today he was rearrested on an Indictment charg ing him with bribery. This Indictinen: was found by the grand Jury Investigat ing police graft WILL HOLD JOINT MEETINGS Committee Members Will Consult President Frequently. MEXICANS ARE ON THE ALERT Contract for Future Deliver)- ot Cattle full for Ktm Price If Tariff In Lowered li l lilted State. WASHINGTON. March 19.-QlHek turitf revision along lines acceptable "to tho democratic leadets of both houses ot congress was the object of a conference called for today between tho ranking tariff revisionists of the party In the senate and the house. The conference, marking the completion of the tariff ie vision bill in all essential particulars bv the house ways and means committee, ' was designed as a move to get together on common ground and to smooth tno ways for the launching of tho first nemo, cratlc tailff In many years under a pol icy of swift, harmonious action. Senator .Simmon.! of North Cnrollnt. clmlrmaii of the senate finnnce commit tee. nnd Senators Stone. John Slurp Williams and Smith ot Georgia, consti tuted the senate subcommittee for the conference with Chairman Underwood) and some of his colleagues of the wuy and means committee, tho senators going to the house side in accordance with the! tradition Incldi nt to the reveiiue-orlg- ' lliatlng functions of the house. I House democrats are confident thV ', have framed a tariff measure Hint wilt; lin ,i rll.r..l . ... . . ... i,niM uiiuui umiiuc io Mie pari platform and satisfactory, generally, sn a downward revision measure, .mil that the revision in one bill should be able to run the gnuntlct of both houses with out much scarring. There will be a dem. I nerntlc cnnn,l f .h !.. ...1.1,1.. ... I first day or two of the extra sess.o. J t... but tho democratic leaders don't antici pate any upset of their general revision plan. I'lniia for the .Senate. Senator Simmons outlined to he proii dent today his plans for handling the tariff bills In the senate. The senator declared that In order to deal with the' more than tho numbor of postofflcr n tariff expeditiously close co-operation i the country and 10.003' more than the woul(J bo necefpary between members of'numDPr of railroad stations. Altogether the finance committee of tho enatp an3 j there were 7,450,000 telephone stations tKe, ways ,nndme&nc,ommj.ttc..ot ifoJ'. W'ffflfr5J S.-'-Ii6use. - y ThcodqrcfNf'Vall, presIdrntTif thefTiTTrti- A conference later between Scna'td''Pri'f,itatis tiiat.whllo Kurope hns nrnrlv , r........ v. .. ". "c a m i. "" a,m i noerwooa ana ou.er . ''crs 01 me nouse ways .nui ,neui,v committee resulted In the understand,., j t iat tariff rates will be thoroughly oon-, ... . Mlaeren Jinny "V the nouse and senate committees and President Wilson betoio , tlle tnrl" revision actually begins In the house. The four senators, all members' of the finance committee, took up a num. ber of contested questions concerning tarur rates today, but no euort to com- promise differences and reach conclu-' slotiH were made. It In nlnnnnil in Imv a number ot conferences bet-veen the two houses, beginning In about ion days, j when the tariff bills will be considers! In detail. .Mexican Will Almiirli Reduction. EL PASO, Tex., March 10. Contracts already are being written by Mexican cattle raisers designed to absorb any de crease in tariff rates which the special session of congress may ma Ire In the car tie list, accomlng to County Judge W. W. Bogel of Marfa, Tex., who Is here attending the Texas Cattle Halssrs' an-j nual convention, Marfa Is the county seat of Iresldio, one or the big Texas horde? counties. Judge Bogel said Mexican cattlemen are stipulating In their contracts tor deliv ery that If the United States congress reduces the tariff the price paid tnem ! or cattle I tlonately. I must be Increased propor. AffoivC! nf PoTmH Q n ' jCllall O Ul 1 OX UVidil Rubber Combine to Be Wound Up at Once j LONDON, Match 19 -The chancery . court tom4 or(iort.d t,le compulsory wind. th(( nVe.tlKI.tlon l.v which Parliament; CI ,..' n.,....t.r..n. nrnl it I Hi t lu itnl t'n I'a wili0 a H t ! tha .',, i, Ann1.... ... u. ...eetinc vesterd.iv i urotners were responsinie. i ThB aotlo1 takfn , , ro.Jrt tooayi . ... removes Julius Caesar Arana trom the j t0J to ,t,,nuvt. i,, .raiia, who .vas In j court, declared that the Indians of tin ! Putumuyo district were cnnnlbals who. ; roslsted the advance of civilization. ! i Neither lie nor any member of tho tlrm. I he declared, had any suspicion of the 1 i u,. ...I,,. nnl . lte.l the rubber. He denied the Indians ' . . . ... ..... ... emP-oy naa even ne,n va.u - e ' " TTl Z n Hofinittitinn TocjuqH .yvv.1 ammuvvc i . for Mrs. Kitty Pope; BAN VBANCISCO. March 10. -Mrs. Catherine Popo, alias Kitty, under ar rest In Detroit In connection with the operation of Owen I). Conn, the "Hun dred Thousand Dollar Burglar." held In this city, was Indicted as an accessory In Conn's alleged crimes late last nlzht by the grand Jury. A detective started for Detroit today with requisition papers for her return. Drawn for The Bee by Powell. ITI 1 V ri"U' leiePUOne LOmDine . A Earns Nearly Thirty Eight Millions TORN. MarCll lD.-Klgllt billlOll '0": ,,,,"drc'1 an ve-.ty-seven million conversations were held In this country last year over the wires of the Amer ica Telephone nnd Telegraph company, according to Its annual report Issued to day. Tho dally average was 2ii,3O0,U.0. Tho company has telephone stations In 70,Jn cities, towns and hamlets, which Is 5.1MJ !.(,. riraf olnua mull frnfflp nt ll i:: " " . m h , " "V" '' " " """ - h..,. .. .... . The net earning .of the countn voar were W7.900.000. an Increase 'ant ase ot li rji: rinA - , . -p r . (J nilOriQ JCieDateS IS Water JjOarU. Ideal " Water board members, In accordance with a resolution tntrouueea ny r-. i Wend and passed at a meeting or roiu members yesterday afternoon, will seek to establish a uniform method of rebat Ing. A committee of threo consisting of Mr. Wend, P. C. Hcafey and D. J. O'Brien, will confer on the inntter. Mr. Hcafey opposed granting rebates on a percentage busts, but said ho would work with the committee f It sought to establish a proper method of refunding for leakage. Several claims for refunds nre before tho board, but no action will bo taken on these until the committee reports. Some of the members wero of tho opin ion that to start making refunds again would call down all kinds of criticism and result in a rush for refunds, which tho board would not bo Justified In mak ing. "We'll get Into trouble," said Hcafey. "Where will, you begin and how will you end?" asked Member W, H. Bucholz. "That's for this board to decide," said Chalrmnn Charles Sherman. "Nover can do It. Never In tho world," declared Superintendent Hunt of the meter and "trouble" department. NeverthuleBS the board Is going to try It. Before the committee reports other cities will be asked for Information on how the problem is handled. Woman Advocates Play Commissioner Mrs. Harriet Haller. superintendent of the Chllil Having Institute, told the ehnr- v ..... . arternoon that inn greatest nc.-u Omaha is a recreation commission, and ....... 'she asked that provision be rnntio in tno park committee, of which Harry Haekett Is chairman. "Tho problom of tho modern city," said Mrs. Haller. "Is now to live closer and j closer together In a normal way. Wo no - longer have the old typo of home. All . nluuHtut itillut hi rt tllftlif OTihI 111 timvld lllLf recreation. We must try to prevont the ! v.u,i... ,m c.hi.,b- ihnr ti,n. a.w , ; -.- ""'" :: Jlrfc ,,aler uuhi a w,.ifare tMimmlssion j ouuht to be created but if this were too 1 "UhM to '""t1- "ut lr ,0 f uaiihivi' w jniij liitf.iuuw ciiiiiiiiimiiiuer mi .... .. .. -i 1. 1 mmr n.iiiiii i.r uiiumib. coinmlwiiou adjourned to meet th- I night at S o'clock In the city council ' chamber. ANOTHER SEVERE STORM IS FARING IN na.K0TA I'IKI'.itU S. D. March n -otecr e vere torm l "asjir a In t! ' n today It Id feared the fk,' u ' k truffle on tie la'boad hrli bad lust cleared ' r.f ui V dn en in bv last v.eek's storm. 1 ASSASSIN ISAN 'ANARCHIST King Recently Closed a School He Opened in Volo. HE IS A MAN OF INTELLIGENCE Wna llerently Cuiidldtite for Deputy from Volo to the lloule, (lie Cireck I'Qiirlluiiienti and Wna Defeatei;. NUW YORK, March ID.-Aleco ijchlnas, the assassin of King Georgb f Greece, was n man of education and a jntlrme 1 anarchist, according to Information ob tained by Dcmetrlos N. Botasnl, Greek consul In this city. Tho man nursed A grudge a'galiiBt tho kink. Mr. Bofissl wui $&&y Wi!" '-In thl5clty"wMoj kJv,irfe to jti&'ifc; mem naa ciofcd a sciiooi or anavemsm which Schlnas had established at Volo, tho chief city ot Tliessall. Sehlnns was born in Volo. "Schlnas, I have been told by country-j men who knew him well, was a much more Intelligent typo of mnn than Is in dicated by tho news dispatch is, ' said tho consul. Well IMiicntcil. "Tho man was well educated, a con firmed anarchist and nn atheist, lie ccntly hO established a school 'n Volo and began teaching nntl-goernme!it Ideas. Tho school was closed by tho gov ernment. The man announced himself some tlmo ago as a candidate for the office of deputy from Volo to the Uoulj, the Greek legislative body, and was de feated. It Is easy to see why ,'ie nursed a grudge against the king." Mr. Botassl said that the Greeks (it this city would hold funeral services in honor of the dead monarch nt 'ho Grcjk orthodox church of tho Holy Trinity at a date to bo (rCtermlned later. Similar services will be held In Greek churches throughout the country, to bo arranged by tho Oreek charge d'affaires nt Wash ington, Alexander Vouros. Ilnld on School Described, Tlu school of which Schlnas a said to havo been a leader was known as tno Krgatlkon Kontron, or "Center lor Work, men," It waa said today by M, Parthanu. a Greek merchant, who comes from Voio. The Institution had not flourished long when It was raided by the government authorities and at least two of 'is lead ers, a doctor and a lawyer, wero thrown Into prison under three months sentence. Schlnas, however, escaped, It was said. The authorities seized a number of oooks and pamphlets published by the school which contained anarchistic doctrines de nouncing tho king. Big Profits Are Made on Subsidiary Coins WASHINGTON. March 19. The federal government mado the enormous profit of nearly fo.MU.ooo on the coinage of pennies nickels, dimes, quarters and halvcB dur ing the fiscal year of 1912. Georgn K. Roberts, director of tile mint, announces that the tieasury earned a totnl of tS.GSS.GOO during the year on an Investment of only l.2i.M for the op eration of the entire mint service, or almost l.V) per cent. The cost of the nickel Is an Index ot the goverTrment's profit on the coinage of minor coins. Out of one pound of a compound of nickel and copper, costing about 23 cents, the government coins XI.65 worth tit 5-cent pieces. The seignior age on subsidiary sliver coins during the year was JI.WS.000, while the on pennies and nickels was $1,819,000. JAPAN MAY PUT TABOO ON PANAMA EXPOSITION VANCOUVER. H. C- March 19.-A spe elal cable to the World from Toklo, j Japan, tody says: j "It Is learned through official sources ' that in the event bills now before tho ! California legislature and hostile to Jnp I anese pass Japan will withdraw Its sup ! port from the PanamaiPHf Iflc exposition. I refusing to exhibit and prohibiting Jap anese citizens irom tinving any connec tion whatever with the exposition." University Yacht Starts for Amazon On Scientific Tour PHILADKLPHIA, March 19.-Tonrs and cheers sent the yncht Pennsylvania on Its way today when It steamed ilown tho .Delaware river for one of tho most ad venturous voyages of modern times. The yacht )s owned by the CTrdvcrBlty of Pennsylvania and Is bound lor Brazil with a daring party of explorers, who purpose penetrating to the far reaches of tho Amazon nnd to the headwaters of many of Its mlgltty tributaries In the Interest of sclctico and humanity. Thuy seek what Is known as tho "lost world" lit the basin of therAinuton. . .' The expedition, tms bceriVrBanUe n3 ijilppe.d ,by the liplvepjty . hiuspum. it wlil Bo kone about three years and s cxprcted to reach regions never before visited by white men. The yacht Is In command of Captain J C. Ho wen, V. 8, N., retired, and tho ex pedition Is headed by Dr. William C. Larrabee, curator of the American sea tlon of the museum. His chief asso ciates are Dr. Franklin B. Church, an nuthurlty on tropical medicine, and Sandy McNaba traveler of wide experience and a scientist. Tho Pennsylvania is of only 1S4 tons burden and carries a crow of eleven men. Money Kited from Ohio Treasury to Bank and Return COLUMBUS, O., March 19. A sensa tional story of how funds of the state of Ohio wero alleged to have been passed between the offlco of the state treas urer and tho now defunct Columbus Hay ings and Trust company was told today In tho state examination of the failure of tho bank by Henry Wl. Bnckhus, sec retary and treasurer of the Institution. The failure left thousands of depositors practically penniless. Tho former secretary-treasurer told how tho transactions between the bank and tho state treasurer's office were covered up In the four days each year when the offlco of the state treasurer was examined. He said a bank ottlclat would pack 1100,000 In a black handtiaS and take tho money to the stato treasury, After It was viewed there ho said the money would be repacked and returned to the bank, Switchmen May Tie Up Chicago Roads CHICAGO, March 19, Nineteen roads entering Chicago may be tied up today In case of the failure of A. F. Whitney, vice president of the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen, to reach an agreement with tho general managers of the railroads. The switchmen and switch tenders are Involved. They demand "tlme-and-n-half' for overttmo work, Sundays and holidays and semi-monthly pay days. a meeting was arranged for this nfter- noon after it was shown that only 100 men out of 0,483 had voted against a strike. Arbitration of the matter was left to the executive committee, composed nf twenty-five railway men. If no agree ment Is reached an effort will be made to prevent tho walkout by Invoking the Krdniau act. A strike vould affect nearly all ot the freight moving In and out ot Chicago. Pope Attends First Mass Since Illness ROM1C March 19. Popo Pius, today for the first time since his Indisposition, was present at a celebration ot the mass outside nf his bedroom. His sisters and nieces also attended tho ceremony. Among the numerous messages received by the popo In connection with his name day today were many from the United States, Including telegrams from Cardin als Gibbons, Farley and O'Connell. Many Varieties of Uniforms Worn, by Mourning Soldiers. SHOTS FIRED AT SHORT RANGE King Was Shot in Back and Lived Few Minutes. BULLET GOES THROUGH HEART .Second Kliot In Fired nt Aide-de-camp, lint It Misses Hint Aa anaaln Itefiisea to Tnlk of Crime. PALONIKL March 19. The body of the Is to King Geoign of Gioece was em balmed today and removed from the hospital to tho palace on a stretcher boino by his son. Prince Nicholas, and several superior officers of the Greek arm'. The stretcher was followed by a strangely diversified procession, consist ing of regular troops In their campaign outfit, officers In brilliant uniforms. clcigy. clvlllnns, Cretr.ns, Greeks, Mus sulmans and peoplos of the various. Balkan races In a kaleidoscopic variety ot costumes. Soldiers of the Greek light Infantry in their quaint kilts surrounded the humblo military stretcher ns n guard of honor. The procession on Its way to the palace passed the spot whero King George woe shot down yesterday. On arilval at the palace military honors were rendered. Tho body was placed on r. blor In the main chamber and tho Greek metropolitan offered a prayer. As the civil and military authorities filed past many of them burst Into tears. A guard of honor consisting of Greek captains and priests, the latter continu ally chanting prayers, -will be stationed around the body until It Is removed for burial. Shot Fired at Short rtsne, Aleko Schlnas murderer ot tho king, ap pears to have Jived much abroad. He returned to this city only when It was occupied by tl(o Greek army after the surrender ot the Turkish garrison. The premeditation ot tho regicide ap pears to be established by the faot that Schlnas lurked In hiding. Ha rushed out when his royal victim was only stx; feet from his hiding place and fired point blank Into the bock Of the King. The shooting occured only few yards from police headquarters. Lieutenant Colonel FrarnxruUls, the king's aid de camp, who was wsJkJng beside his royal master, immediately drew his rovolver. Schlnas turned and fired at tho aide da camp, but the shot went wild. Two Cretan military policemen, who were acting as an escort to the king", dashed at Schlnas and pinioned his arms before ho could fire again. When Francoudls saw that the assas sin had been arrested, he turned to Kins Georgo, whom he supposed had escaped unscathed, and was horrified to find his majesty stretched on the roadway Francoudla rnlsed the stricken mon arch's head from the pavement, but the king was already unconscious and he never spoke again. Soldiers who had been summoned by the shots, lifted the king from the ground and carried him to a hospital. He ex pired on the way without recovering consciousness. When questioned by the police Settings truculantly replied: "You have courts. I will speak there." Pressed to say who he was and what was the motive of his crime, he replied: "Take me to the police station so that the crowd shall not maltreat me. I will speak .)Here." On reaching; the police station he rave his name and a few particulars about himself. Prince Arrlres Too Late. Prince Nicholas, the king's third son, and other officers hurried to the hospital. On his (.nival Prince Nicholas sum moned the officers and speaking; In a voice choked with sobs said: "It Is my deep grief to have to an nounce to you tho death of our beloved king and Invite you to swear fidelity to your new sovereign, King Constantlne." Crown Prince Constantlne, who suc ceeds King George, at present Is at Janlna. He Is expected to com here with all possible speed. Gives No MotlveJ The assassin of the king Ms an evil looking fellow, about 40 yeanl of age. On being arrested ho refused tof express his motive for the crime. He declared that For Your Profit and Convenience Tho Want Ad Depart ment of Tho Bee is your g r o n test opportunity yours. A small 'business is ot- fered at a sacrifice you have a few dollars to in vost tho use of "Want Ads gets you together. A homo is without a maid a maid is in need of a place Bee Wants do the rest. And .so it goes they're useful in a thousand dif ferent ways. Tyler 1000.