Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Bringing Up Father
Copyright. 1013. International
News Service.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
SwwaaT Sj' Cl!?!!r nT . w,,T "St-t fTU K?- s I shut! " ' U
W gJ liy Mp imMI' Wr
hi' IN I " V 7 X MC NECK " ( 3 MEAN THAT ONE J M y JM I
t . .
Omaha Men Prove to Be Advance
Guard of Hangers.
"Weather Ntlll Cold, hilt linn Ilrauti
to Moderate, mid 1,'lrst Prac
tice Ordered for Tills
' . .Afternoon.
OKLAHOMA ClTpkl., March 17
Special Tclcgram.)-.Uelaycd In Kansas
and Nebraska by u severe storm, but
Vmerging unscathed. W. A. ilourke and
ten members of tho Omaha Western
league bane hall'squad reached Oklahoma!
City yesterday In their special car, a
tired but happy lot,
Closman, a recruit pitcher who was to
havo Joined tho club before It left Omaha,
lias notified Ilourke that ho was tempo
rarily hold up by tho storm, hut would
bo on hand Monday.
Tlourke and his half-score proved to
be the vanguard of tho twenty-five men
who will train hero ' for tho next thirty
days. Others who had been expected
hero In advance of thn main nqund had
not put In an appearance Sunday even
ing, but some are expiated Sunday night
nnd the others Monday or Tuesday, Ry
Thursday all are due to be here and
nettled down to nctlvo training. Mnnager
Arbogast Is expected In from Kansas
City at midnight with nt least six men.
Sunday afternoon was spent by the
players In pitching, camp at the Rrlstol
hotel and In malting the first tour' of
exploration In tho city. Most of tho men
pent tho evening at the theaters.
President Rourko spent his tlmo at the
toall park giving Instructions- to the
ground keepers concerning tho manner In
which he wanted tho field fixed up be
foro the men got out for their first prac
tice Monday afternoon. Tho ground Is
In good condition, but needs more drag
ging and rolling.
All men have been ordered out In suits
Monday afternoon .Although, a, reeling
temperature was experienced Saturday
night, by hlijatlfcrrfojbn Jt-nacT moderated
und by' Monday nfternoon real spring
weathor ls.TroniUeJ. ., ' " '
Chicago Americans'
BigFirst Team
SAN FIlXN3iW,Maruii ;".-Tho Chi
cago Americans Vrv'defcated hlo morn
ing by Oakland and defeated Han Fran
cisco this afternoon. Chicago' defeat
camo In tho soventh Jnnlng whan four
runs and five hits were gained off Doug
loss, who followed Walsh. Walsh
pitched four httless Innings.
In tho afternoon Chicago detected 8an
Francisco easily, tho locals fielding
badly and tho Pox hitting the ball
freely. Score, first game! II. H. K.
Oakland j J
Chicago 10
lotteries: Oakland, Abies, Gregory
and Mils; Chicago, Walsh, DougluM end
ijv-uiv, muim A
Ban Krui.clsco 3 9 J
Batteries: Chicago, Ijjnge. Bnx nrd
Kuhn. Ban Francisco, Fanning. Hughes
and "aopuivera.
PITTSBURGH- Mareh 17.-Ora O.
Mornlngntar, champion 18.1 billiard player
of tho world, will b called upon to do
fend his title Wtrtnendny night when he
meets the ohalUngBV, Willie Hoppe. of
New York, who In his the IS. I champion
ship title.
Mornlngstar won tho 1S.1 title from
George Sutton In Chicago May 18, 191J
Mutton some lime before that dnt" lull
the tltlo from Willie lloppe. Morning
Ur. who, it U iald. has held the tltlo
longer than uny other j.luver, wm chl
i.tiirMl v Sutton wrly In December, and
on January 9. In Pittsburgh, defeated tVo
Chicago player by a seore of 500 to 4T8.
'rh mm with Honoe win fco ths second
he. has been culled upor to play since
becoming the champun.
An Upldvui.- n ( nuchliig
la sweeping ove' the town and young
and old are alike affected. Foley's Honey
and. Tar Compound Is a quick safe reli
able family mtdlclne for coughs and colds.
A. 8. Jones, of l-e Pharmacy, Chlcn,
Calif . says: "I consider Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound lias no ttal. and Jt
the one cough medicine I oan recommend
to. my friends, as containing no narcotics
or other harmful prjpertlfS.'' Refuse all
substitutes and lake unly Foley's Honev
and Tar compound. For sale by all deal
ers everywit re.AdvertliemenL
Gotch Will Wrestle
Lurich in Kansas
City, April First
HUMROLDT. in., March l.-Frnni:
Ootch, wrestling chnmplon of fie worlJ,
today signed articles to meet Ueorrfe
Uurich, for ten years the utidefpate4
champion of Iropc, al Kunsas City
April 1. Tho announcement was mails
by Kmll Klank, his msnugcr. It Is sa,il
Gotch will receive $15,000." Ho PxpectM a
hunt mutch and will bo assisted In ntH
training by Marlon Plrstlna of Chicago
and probably "Farmer" Hums.
'Ullrich Is tho man who defeated Ueorrfn
Huckfloschmldt two years prior to Gotch s
victory lit Chicago over tho Kuropean.
The final decision of tho champion to
re-enter the wrestling, game was tho re
sult of conferences with Ills manager lor
the last week.
Reports from Rebel and Federal
Troops Differ.
Tho Fairmont Crcnmery nnd the Ne
braska Telephone tmimn, tied for :ho
leadership of the Commercial Rnskct Rail
league, will play tho chninplonshlp game
Tuesday night. Roth teams lost but one
game during tho league's regular sched
ule, thereby making It necessary to play
off the post season mntch. The gatno will
bo played nt the Young Men's Christian
association gymnasium.
The game will bo tho Inst ono of im
portance In. basket ball circles, this year.
Thn wlnnlnir team will recetvn a trnnhv
and each Individual member' wllf receive
n medal presented by tho Commercial
NEW YORK, March 17.-To tho ox-
cltemrnt of a close gatno of shuffleboard
played last Friday on deck of ths liner
Raltlo -which nrrlvexl hero today was
aUrluuta'di the death of Mrs. Mtnnlo Mc-
Ufca 'of Vancouver, ' R, C. Bhe died
shortly, afterward' from nu attack of
apoplexy. .Tho body was brought to port
for burial In Canada. Her death cut short
a romance, Mrs, MaNea was engaged to
George F. McWIlllama, n prosperous
Canadian, whom shn expected to marry
shortly after landing.
RI5AHMONT, Tex.. March 17.-Thc fit.
Ixmls American leaguers hit nt will In
their gnmo with tho Rcaumont Texas
league team today nnd won. 11 to 3.
BRISBANE, Australia. March 17.-Sam
Iangford, the Boston heavyweight pugi
list, defeated today Jim Rarry of- Chi
cago In tho first round.
ItelieU Ilfstroy (111 null AVnter
Tank, Tracks nnd Uridines
n Nnlloiinl llnll
rnmli MKXICO CITY, March 17.-Thcro Is n
wldo 'variunco between official and Un
official reports received In tho capital
regarding tho mugnltude of Mexico's lat
est revolution. Information from sources
hcretoforo reliable makes It appear that
Carranza'a revolt in far more formidable
than tho government rcportB would indicate.
According to tho government, tho rebel
governor of Conhulla holds no towns,
commands not moro than 400 men and
chiefly Is occupied In running away rrom
tho government troops.
Private advices say ho holds Iampaios
nnd Bustamente In tho state of Nuvo
Leon, nnd Cludnd Portflrlo Diaz, In the
stato of Coahulla, and that he has at
least 4,000 men, many of whom aro statu
troops, under his command. Further
more, It Is reported on the same authority
that Carranzn practically Is In control
of the Mexican International railroad and
Is opurating portions of It, nnd hns so
damaged tho National nillroiul between
Monterey and I-arerto that to repair It
will requlro a considerable time, aven
when tho management Is given an oppor
tunity to do so.
Destroy llnllrond Property.
4Tho pj and. ,wator tanks and stations
hay been destroyed. In addition to de
stroying mo unugen, miles or track have
een removed, tho rebels using ti crane
nnd a locomotive by which long sections
aro torn away at a tlmo a trick learnml
front Orozco, when ho destroyed; Iho
tracks between Chihuahua and Juarez.
Tho publla and press of Mexico City,
anxious for pence, hayo been optimistic,
but aro now beginning to receive with
doubts tho reports of dwindling revolu
tionary movements, especially In tho
north, Accurate Information Is difficult
to obtain and there Is reason to believe
that even tho government has been badly
Informed In many casus.
Stato troop leaders defeated yesterday
below Nnco conferred today nt Agun
Prlota, deciding Id return against General
OJeda'n victorious federals who remain
at Nnco. Colonel Ellas Cnlles and Pedro
Rracamonte, who commanded the de
feated constitutionalists, arrived '.trly
today at tho border town opposite Doug
Ins with nn escort of 100 mcp, leaving
tho major portion of the routed stato
troops In the mountains fifteen miles east
of Naco.
Fntnllllea Unknown.
Probnbly the fatalities of yesterday's
fight never will bo known. Colonel
Cnlles declares that the stato forces lost
only four killed and' four wounded. How
ever, sixteen slnln constitutionalists have
been found by rescue partlea on the
the defeated forces was great. The fed
fleld, and probably the actual loss to
cralN pressed close on tho heels of the
fleeing constitutionalists for nearly two
miles, their artillery strewing the killed
and wounded over a great space of the
rough country.
"Wo will nttack Naco simultaneously,
assisted by a strong forco sent from
Nogales by General Obregon." declared
Callcs today. Ho has been nrrangtng the
campaign against OJcda with the stato
troop commander by telegraph. "Wo
wero taken unawares," explained the de
feated leader "Our men were not pre
pared for battle and we had no chance
to defend our positions. Rut thero was
nothing to do but retreat OJeda has no
way of escaping and wo expect to cap
ture him beforu the end of this week.
Wo nre fighting for a constitutional
government In Mexico and a llttlo battle
like that yesterday at Naco will not
Troops In Ilnd Hliapr.
"Callcs and Rracamonte arrived at
Agun. Frlete. with their followers ex
hausted nnd nearly frozen. Tho proot
of defeat greatly excited the Agua Prleta
garrison nnd sympathizers on tho Ari
zona side. Secret Junta meetings along
tho Arizona side of the border indicate
thnt strong reinforcements of recruits w'll
participate In tho next campaign around
the westward border port.
Dr. F. W. Randall, tho Douglas physi
cian, who was missing, while attending
the wounded on tho field below Naco,
arrived safely in Douglas today. Ills
automobile was wrecked? and he vas
compelled to take a horse proffered by a
state soldier nnd rldo to Agua Prleta
with the defeated chiefs.
LOR ANGELKS, Cal March 17. After
writing a telegram to a friend In Kansas
City, asking for assistance. In returning
to thnt city, and learning that tho mes
sage could not be transmitted because
the telegraph office was closed, Miss Net
tle Tabler went to the beach at Venice
last night and sent a bullet through
Tho body wns found this morning, A
revolver lay on the sand near by. Tim
young woman was Identified tonight by
means of tho unsent telegram In ner
pocket. It was directed to William Vai.
houghton, 243S Glllham street, Kansas
City, and directed "Addle" to send her
a ticket and funds with which to "go
A telegram to tho Kansas City authori
ties resulted In directions to send the
body to G. R. Tabler, Norborne, Mo.
The young woman was not known In loa
Angeles or Venice. She was about 21
years old. pretty and well dressed, und
her home, according to advices from
Kansas City, wan at Hardin, Mo.
Lifelong; nondnire
to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney
troubles Is needless. Electric Hitters Is
tho guaranteed remedy. Only 50c. For
sale by Reaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
New Committees Will Be Ready to
Begin Work Soon.
IMunnin Cnnnl Toll Issue Cnunot He
Krndrd, Sny Democrat Advocates
or Free Tolls Amonft House
91 cm Iters.
WASHINGTON, March U.-Congres-slonal
circles nro keeping a closo watch
on tho White House' for any Indication
of n chango of sentiment toward the con
sideration of other subjects than the
tariff nt tho special session that Is to
convune early next month. It has become
Increasingly evident that currency re
form, Philippine Independence, Panama
canal tolls, woman suffrage and other
leading lsnucs nre to bo forced upon the
attention of thn country before the tariff
session Is well begun; and that it will be
difficult to withstand the pressure to have
them taken up for action before adjourn
ment. While the older members of both
houses of congress are urging an early
adjournment of the approaching session,
there nre scores of new men in tho sen
ate nnd house who arc willing and eager
to "stay nil summer," If necessary, to
secure legislative action upon subjects
In which they are Interested.
Ilrorjrnnlsntlou Iiuportnnt.
The reorganization of the senate last
week constituted an Important develop
ment In tho progress toward a program
of general action. The new committees
organized Saturday will be ready to be
gin work before the special session con
venes upon tho subjects that ate con
sidered of first Importance,
The Impression prevails among demo
crats at tho capital that congress will
be given nn opportunity to take up cur
roncy legislation and Homo other matters
after the success of tariff revision has
been mado sure.
The Panama canal toll Issue cannot be
ovaded, In the opinion of democrats of
both houses, who have been advocates of
the repeal of the free toll provision In the
law which will become operative as soon
as the canal Is opened next fall.
Representative fauns will reintroduce his
resolution to accomplish this end soon
after the new congress convenes and will
attempt to secure action upon It.
Tho democrats have gotten over the
hard places In tho tariff revision scheme,
have virtually finished with the fourteen
schedules of the Payne-Aldiich law and
will take up administrative features of
tho tariff tomorrow.
With that part of tho work disposed of,
there will be a final smoothing out of the
wholo plan, a careful analysis of the ef
fect on federal revenues that would fol
low each chango tentatively agreed upon.
cans defeated the Venice Coast leaguers,
13 to 3 today.
Tho Chicago Americans left tonight for
Marysvllle, where they will play tomor
row against Sacramento. President
Charles Comlskey will remain hero until
the first team, which will arrive Thurs
day, starts for home. Score: R, H. E.
Chicago 13 13 1
Venice 3 6 B
Batteries: Chicago, Scott, and Gossett;
Venice, Edmondson, HarkneSs, Griffin,
Elliott and Tonneman.
i i
Will Continue with
Trust Investigation
WASHINGTON, March 17. "Trust" in
vestigations begun in tho Taft ad
ministration aro being continued with un
abated energy by Attorney General Mo
Reynolds. New Inquiries aro expected as
soon as tho forces o the Department of
Justice can reach them.
By direction of tho attorney general,
the Standard Oil Inquiry will be pressed
to conclusion to determine whother tho
decree of dissolution has been violated.
It has not yet been decided whether
proceedings will take tho nature of In
dictments or a petition of contempt of
court. If It Is finally concluded that the
decree has been violated. If It Is found
that there Is nn absence of competition
through a community of interest, It would
be futile, It Is pointed out. to prosecute
only corporations because corporations
cannot be Imprisoned. Tho government
under such circumstances, it Is added,
must find the Individuals responsible for
any posslblo misdeeds of corporations.
-Othetj Important "trust" lnvestlgotlons
which ,aro being continued Include those
of the American Can company, the
American Smelting and Refining company
nnd tho United Fruit company. Tho new
administration also faces tho question
whether to dismiss or continue the so
called coffeo trust suit revolving about
tho Brazilian valorization plan.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. March IT. The
cecond division of the Chicago Amen.
Poses of Leach Cross, Who is After Lightweight Title
I'trrt Leaves t'ubn fur Hume.
G UA NT A N AM O, Cuba. March 1C. The
Unlttd BtBte Atlantic battlnsblp fleet
lrft hen- this afternoon for Hampton
Roads It consists of the (onntUut.
HoutU Curollna., Idaho. Ohio and Mlcbl
Minnuou, Florida, North Dakota, Utah.
,. '
NEW YORK, March 17. A general
strike of tho 1,600 members of the Ico
Cream Workers' union was declared to
night nt meetings held In Manhattan and
Brooklyn, to take effect tomorrow. Ac
cording to lenders the strike will cause
an Ice crenm famine. The workers de
mand a twelve-hour work day, a day
off every fortnight nnd a substantial in
crease In pay.
Chime and Fronoh
Clocks Skillfully
16th & Karoo
Pimples Source
of Great Danger
May be Means of Absorbing
Disease Germs in Most
Unexpected Manner.
The research laboratory of The Swift
Specific Co. has collected a vast amount
of Information regarding tho spread of
blood diseases. In thousands of Instances
the most virulent types havo been tho re
sult of coming In oontact with dlseaso
germs In public places, and the apparent
ly Insignificant pimple has been tho
cause. It Spreads with astonishing ra
pidity, often Infecting tho entire system
In a few days.
It Is fortunate, however, that them 13
a remedy to copo quickly and thoroughly
with such a condition, nnd thanks to ihe
energy of its producers tho famous
S. S. S. may not bo had at almost any
drug storo in tho civilised world,
This preparation stands nlono among
specific remedies as? a blood purlller. It
Is a'omewhat 'revolutionary 5nlta compo
sition, stneo It accomplished ajl Ithat was
over claimed for mercury, 16dldefc, arsenic
and other destructive mineral drugs, und
yet It Is absolutely a purely vegetable
product. Thero ore more cases of artic
ular rheumatism, locomotor ataxia, pa
resis, neuritis and similar diseases result
ant from tho use of minerals than from
disease germs direct. These facts are
brought out In a highly Interesting book
compiled by the medical department of
The Swift Specific Co., 127 Swift Hldg..
Atlanta, Ga. It Is mailed free, together
with a special letter of advlco to all whe
are struggling with a blood disease.
Get a $1.00 bottle of S, S. S. to-day oi
your druggist. It wilt surprise yc" wltfc
Its wonderful action In tho blood.
For Coag&s
Prompt; safe, convenient, ths best remedy.
No opiates. 25c, 60c. $1.00. Sample Free.
JOHN I. B8QWM & SO??. Boston, IVfcw.
Hero ure two characteristic flhl n t ' and has either hand ready to flash acroti cliano to slam over hi deadly right. 'Ritchie by the recent knot kout ho scorrd
poses of Iach t'ross, the flgiitlrg dentin to tW ! ad On tie right he la shown J the one thnt floored rnanj of the besi'over Joe Mundot in New Orleans,
of New York On the left l- is showi I In his halitrouh getting awuy from a ' lightweights n the ring cvois tea won
waiting for his opponent to start a cad, left lead and watching eagerly for a the right to a fight with Champion With
III jtccaa JiJ
I Lerch 8c Van Sandt, Distributors 9