T11K HICK: OMAHA, 'ITKSDAY, MAKCU IS, 101H. 11 OKFKKKI) KOU HUNT llouat- null t'ot tiller. tTnucna In H Pftfts ot the city. UOUbtH crelgh. Song & Co.. Ueo Bide I1RAKD NKW KI,AT8 S rooms ami outside sleeping porch, ready about April J; gas ratiKcs ami re frigerators; located 3115 Davenport St. Vrlcc JSC.. nBMis-CAnunKtia eo.. 310-312 Brandels Theater. TO ski. I. VOlir real esfntn ll II with tm. Tel. Tyler 1024 and one of our salesmen wilt call on you nnd talk over the matter of selling your property. Wo will have many buyers for all kind of property thin spring, so list your property with us now. U.MSIIi'B H. 15. it INS. AUKHU1, 1KB FARNAM ST. Stores nnit l'lnts. FOR TtENT For wholesale, light manu facturing or retail purposes Farnam Bt. after December 31 the three-story and basement building. 22x100 at No. 1011 Farnam St. Upper floors have Hsht on three sides. Inquire at room 314. First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1:41 THE ONLY WAY To beat the money trust Is to list your Iiroperty for exchange with the Palmer And Co., 1108 W. O. W. Bldg., who can match them. FOIt nENT-Storeroom In Dundee, 8M Vnderwood Ave. D. 1064 or II. 25. OFFERED FOR SALE Maalcnl Inntramont. OWN a good piano; we will help youj gcunlne bargains; no takes. O. II. Harr Piano Co., 3d floor Boston Store. D. I01T. Electric pianos and K-notc players. 290; tome 90. 119 N. ISth. Catalogue. D. 2041 Typewriter. TYPBWniTETtS for rent: 3 months. V. OKNTOAL. TYPKWniTEIt EXCHANQB BENT an U C. Smith & Bro. type writer; visible back space key model; new ribbon; A-l machines In every re spect. I. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 1316 Farnam St. Mloocllnneoua. SAFES 2-hnnd. Aimrlcan Supply Co. Kindling, $4. II. Gross, lumber & wrecking. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hiind. Corey ft McKenzle Pt'g Co.. 1417 Harney. D. AI4. FOB SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Uriinswlck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-400 South 10th St. kn COAL: it's good; try a ton; best for 'FU money. Web. 848. Harmon & Weetn. SAFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all makes. J. J. Delight Co., ISIS Farnam St EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing company, 17th and Farnam street?. HA UN to move. 641 Parle Ave. $25. FLAT top desk and Neostyle. Web. 978. POOL TABLE. In first-class 'shape, for salo cheap. 505 S. 30th St. STORE FIXTURES, coolers, refrigera tors, grocers' display counters. Ice ma chines. The United Line. 1117 Farnam. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N South Omaha. PERSONAL MANICURING; face, scalp and mag netic treatments. Miss Debar, 1909 Farnam. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do nut need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to too wortny poor, 'l-none uougias 4iz& ana wagon will call. MASSAGE, salt glow. Mine. Allen of Chicago. 100 S. 17th St Douglas 7665. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. 1.487 subscriptions to the L. H. Journal H.50; S. E. Post, Jl.w. and Country Oan tlcman, $1.60. will earn $3,000 for the In valids' Pension Ass'n, which wlM Insure myself and fflteen other sufferers $10 n roontn eacn. Must have 1SS In March. Your renewal worth 50 cenU. OON'T WITHHOLD IT. "Phono Douglus 7163, Omaha. Neb. GORDON. THE MAG".INE MAN. Miss Fisher, mass., bath, eleo. treat. D. SJ 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bcxten pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MAGNETIC "Mn E. Bratt. over 710 S. 16th. D. '.. M ASS A d IT, Swedish movement. 418 MASSAGE Mrs. Steele, R. 308, 208 S. 13. ELECTRIC MASSAGE Room 25. Doug las block. Natural treatment for nervous disorders, sciatica and rheumatism. MASSAGE Marguerite Halloran, 223 Neville Bk D. 7761 ANNA MABKS .WKSSr YOUNO wojnen coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Avo.. where they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' aid at the union station. E. BELLE, scientific massage; baths; drugless treatments. 703 S. 16th. Apt B. WANTED Children to board. Web. MM. A1 A SS A filP. Corns removed, 250. Airs. iUi.OO-tVVJJH Haynes, 707 a. 16th. D. 4J Mrn. Hedlund, mass & Swedish movement. Hours, 9-12, 1-6. 401 Ware blk. D. 7943. Miss Fisher, mass., bath. elec. treat D. 863 Massage. Mrs. Rlttenhouse. 308 Boston Str, POUlTitY AND SUPPLIES ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company. Clay Center, Nebraska, manufacturers ot Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for Incubators and brooders: catalogue fr. EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred S. C. White Leg' horns; vigorous, hardy stock; great lay. crs; country range; $1 for 15; $5 per 100. MRS. KATE MANN, Benson, Neb. R. F D. No. 2. Tel. .Benson 747-W. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs for hatching. Web. 4385. 3710 Grand Ave. ROSE comb brown leghorn eggs, care ful selecting and mating; 16, 75c; 150, $5.00. Olga Hayek, Llnwooa, web. BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs from our champion exhibition and heavy egg laying strain, $1.50 for 15, or $6.00 for 100. Send for muting list describing special mating. A number of fine cockerels leit Ahltmlst Bros.. Box n, Ames Ave. sta tlon, Omaha, Neb. Phono Florence 104, SINGLE Comb White leghorn eggs for hatching: telcphono Florence ii. x. Uradmann, Florence, Neb. FULL blooded leghorn chickens ot half price; going away. W. 1717. WHITE Orpington eggs, fifteen .$1.50; 8 per hundred. Walker, 3320 Fort Road. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Om. Nat REAL ESTATE WANTED SALE OR EXC'lllNHr, 7X. K. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Has Been Forced to Lowest Level of the Season. July .-.JVtiM&J'.tfVoa! Sept Sl-frl-'. Onts. I I Mnv. MMftil . - - iuiy. Improved Farm Half section and SO acres: south central Nebraska; fair improvements. Price $16,000. Want to trc-te this for town property. No agents. Address me to Poslorilce Box No. 633, Oman a. Nb. REAL ESTATE AB4T11ACTS OK TlTl.lt. RRED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract Oca In Nebraska, 06 Brandels Theater. CITY I'UOt'KllTY KOIl SALE. Cm:APER"THAN RENT Itec. hnll. narlor. dining room, kitchen and one bed room on first floor, two bed rooms and bnth unstnlrs. furnace, corner lot, 42x120. paved street, l'rlco $3,300; $30J casn, balance $zs a montn. which inciucies interest. Located In Field Club District. BEMIS-CABLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater. OWNER LEAVING CITY Deautlful homo In Crclghton's First addition, reduced from $3,000 to $3,600 for quick sale. Nearly new and but one block from car. Let us show It to you. lou will be pleased with It W. H. THOMAS & SON, 228 State Bank Bldg. Doug. 1648. PRICE REDUCED. New modern, six rooms and sleeping Sorchi oak finish, close in. best hpmo argaln lu Omaha. OWNER, Tel. Doug las 152. WES rent, collect, sell anv kind property. Columbia Nat'l Exchange. 514 Deo Bldg. TO BUY. BELL OR RENT. FIRST BBH JOHN W. ROBBIN8. im "AIINAM ST. CORN ON DEBATABLE GROUND Decline In l.nnt Tim Week Place YfIIimv t'erm! Whrrp Traders Arc Not So Sure f lis l'oxlltoii. .. OMAHA, March 17. 1913 All that could be neard around the commission houses after tho close Satur day was. "Will wheat sell to a milch lower level?" The decline has forced the prices to tho lowest level of the peasou, and while there are many who believe that wheat Is slated to a further down ward course there are others who say that the aelllnir has liri-11 overdone IJ!d that h sharp halt In the movement of boars Is among the possibilities. "Who has taken the wheat that his been thrown Into the nit ' In mil ions of busli pis?" nskpil nu nld. timer In the trndo (in Saturday. Would It not bo possible tor those who ore known to have been long many millions of bushels of the .May op tion to have sold goodly amounts opemy through one set of brokers and to have taken on double tho sales In a sub ros.i way? The bull combination In wheat, whllo composed of men who hnVo lost a great deal of money during Uie last three years, are among the shrewdest and tilcklest speculators known In tho world. In other words, they know tho ins ana ouis 01 mo market and they are enabled to handle tho Chicago crowd without gloves In consequence. It Would bo a great sur nrlsii to mnnv in thn trndo to come on the exchange somo morning nud find that a bullish feeling was hovering over tno wheat pit. Tho putting out of short lines of the May option Is dangerous at this partclular time If those In the, wheat trade at Chicago who believe that prices nro likely to sell to a much lower level have put out big short lines of the May option mere is a posmuiiuy 01 meir having to cover at a loss. Any change in crop conditions In tho winter wheat belt or any change In the export trado must fnvor the hull or long side of the market. Crop prospects are now Ideal, tho export business la at as low ebb as It Is well for It to bo and tho Interior millers aro taking only a few lots of wheat bo cause of the dull situation In flour. Cash wheat was unchanged. Corn is now on debatable ground lol Inwlnir tlin decline of tho last fortnight. The Chicago crowd Is gunning for the big Sent Pork: May. July. Sept Lard: la . July. Sept. Ribs: May. July. 32 l -7ol 20 S7 20 Wtti 2o S7H IS ffi 10 7H 10 (V. 10 t 63V MV m MVt SIS fV Kit. 20 ' SI 70 20 2Ji)W 3-27 10 t77H, 10 TO 10 SS 10 70 1 19 M I 19 t 10 7Slij 10 tW ; 10 7H 10 w ' 10 Ki 10 10 M; 10 19W 10 771 10 ! 32t 32S45TN i-70 20 324 1 ! 10 Vi 10 mi 10 r,o-S 10 75 10 70 I 10 7Ji! 10 (RHl 10 tflHi 10 N. E. corner 24th and Evans Sis., price right for quick sale. Inquire of owner, 2581 BJvans St Phone Web. 4830. JUST WHAT YOU WANT $1,275 only; lot 1. block 4. E. V. Smith s add. on 20th St. car line, near Grace St.; 66x140. east front; specials paid. DEXTER L. THOMAS 412 Bee Bldg. For bargains in Florence property, fruit farms and acreage, see C. L. Nothaway, Florenoe, Neb. Phono Florence 276. 6-ROOM house; bath, gas; walks; paved street; pavement paid. Apply, C. O. Hutchinson. 1623 Farnam. THIS WILL INTEREST YOU. Beautiful eleht-room Dundee home. choicely situated. Strictly modern, with everything arranged for utmost con venience. Tel. Harney 6962. XITTBT iu11 tnnrtprn 8-room house 1 block n. of high school. Price $3,500. D. SOOT. ACREAGE FOR SAL IS. GOOD 8-ACRE PLACE. Adlnlnlnir Council Bluffs. H-mllo from car line, paved street and and city school, 7-room house and good barn; fruit for homo use. About fine garden land, bal ance good for fruit; nlco yara wun grass and shade; a warm sunny spot, sloping east and protected from North and west winds. Good for gardening, fruit grow ing, green houses, bees and chickens or small dairy farm and so close In that it will pay a good prom on mo pneo 10 plot within a few years. If you want a cood Place of this kind at a real bar gain, let us show you this. It can hardly disappoint you. rnce riw. mcuco iteai Estate Co., 105 Pearl St, Council Bluffs. RKAL ESTATE rAItM ItANTII l.AM FOR AU Arkansas. ARKANSAS Lands For cheap lands In Southwest Arkansas, write Southern Realty & Trust Company, Ashdown, Arkansas. Arlmoilll. ARIZONA HOMESTEADS Slcrlpt lands; seeing means location; school and railroad facilities; today's best offering. See Elgin Company, 723 Finance bldg., Kansos .City. Mo. Calllarnla. CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and 2d Tues. W. T. Smith Co.. 815 City Nat Bk. Canada. A FEW fine tracts of 160 to 640 acres in southeastern Saskatchewan, good soli, well watered, adapted to grain and mixed farming. For price and terms see or write. D. T. Deselm. Z3is aprague oi.. umana, FOR BALE 160 acres choice farm land, four miles from station, quarter-mllo from lake; sandy loam, clay subsoil; some wood; small house; $15 an acre; easy terms. Write us. Battlerord In vestment Co., Battleford, Sask. KllM KANSAS FARM 8 and ranches for sale; SO to 25,000 acres; write for free list V. E. NIQUETTE. Ballna. Kan. MUalnalppt. EASY PAYMENTS Just save $10 a month. Ten-acre garden and fruit farms, nn thn main line of the Illinois Central railroad; producing capacity over $3,000 yearly. Tefms, $20 down and $20 monthly; no Interest, no taxes until paid for. No Irrigation necessary; pure shallow arte sian water; high priced winter crops; Ideal climate for health. Write for free maps and booklets. Agents wunted. The Vogel Realty Agency, 1007 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha, neo. Uonianu. SIXTY THOUSAND ACRES CAREY LAND open to entry av Valler. Mont. Fif teen annual payments. Sectlu- finious for grain, grasses. vegeieles; well adapted dlverslled farming. For particu lars -write. Valler Farm Baits Co.. Box t Vallor. Mont GARVIN BR0S.oSie'fnBdana: WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St r.af CITY LOANS, Bemls-Carlborg Co., "7 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros". LOANS on farms and Improved city property. 6, and 6 per cent; no delay. J. 11. Dumont & Co., 1603 Farnam St MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000. W. H. THOMAS, 22S State Bank Bldg. Nebraska. A STOCK RANCH SNAP. 2,640-acre Improved stock ranch, seven miles from North Platte, Neb., only $6 per acre, half cash, balance five years time. For particulars address Buchanan & Patterson, Norm I'jaue. eu. Texas. 5c An Acre Cash. Texas. school land for sale by the state. You can buy good land at $2 per acre; pay 5c per acre cash and no more for 40 years but 8 per cent Interest; send 60 postage for further information. In vestor Pub. Co., Desk 33, San Antonio, Tex. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat, No. 2 ivd. KHcr$1.01; No. 3 red. MffOSe: No 2 hard, S7HvS8Hr; No. 3 hard. S; No. 1 northern. S7',4fiS7c; No. 2 northern. Sf S7c; No. 3 northern. SaflSCo; No. 2 spring. !HtR7o; No. J spring. SUGMV, No. 4 spring. 7Sf&V. velvet chaff. SJMfiS74e, durum. ."WOe. Corn. No. 2, 50c; No 2 yellow, ROVtihSl'jC. No. 3. 47IN9V. No. 3 whlttv 49TC04c; No 3 yeltow, 47iffWo; No. 4t 4MH'C; No. 4 white, 47e4t,c. No. 4 yellow'. 4MN7c. Oats. No. 2 white, 33'Mf S4tic; No. 3 white. 30i4trtUe; No. 4, j W0c; No. 4 white. 'Ji1f0Oc; standard, 32t(tf33c. ltye. No. 2. eofilHc. Barley, Hi MWse. Heed, timothy. $2.w8.30: clover. $l2.(WriS.50. Provisions, pork, $20.60; lard. $10.67i; ribs. $I0.2SS111.W. BUTTER Steady . creameries, SSfWStte. KGQS Higher, receipts, 12.2SI cases; at rflark, cases Included. ISVtWU'o; ordinary firsts. 17VM?18c: firsts. lSsiTri3c. POTATOES-Hteady. receipts, S7 ears. Mlchlgun, 4S(fjSt': Minnesota, 43ff4SC; Wisconsin, tSdrfOo. POULTRY Steady . turkeys, dressed. 21c; chickens, alive, 16'ic; springs, alive, lCc. NEW YOltlC (IEMMIAIi MARKET Otiofntlonn of the liny oil Vnrloun I oiiiiiiudltlrn. NEW YORK, March 17.-FLOFR Mar ket quiet: spring patents. $4.404M 60: win ter straights, $4.4Mf4.55; wlntot put-nim. $4 .OljO.10; spring clears, $4.ir(4.30; winter extras, No. 1. $3.SOJf4.10; winter rxtrss, No. 2, $3.7(Kir3.SO; Kotutas str.iUhls, l iJJ. 4.25. Buokwheat flour, fair to good. $3.50 4)3.80; choice. $3.W5M.M. CORNMEAI-Steady; flno white and yellow. $1.3(i1.3j; coarse, $1,2511.30; kiln dried. $3.15. WHEAT-Spot market barely steady; No. 2 red. $L0S. elevator, and $1.104. r. o. b. ufloat. Futures market steady early, but sagged off later, closing V45tM5 net lower May, ' 8-16c; July, KiSo: S. tember, !3o. Bonded wheat: May, Mtc; July, Wc. CORN Spot market easy; export, u',tc 1, o. u. aiioal. OMAHA L1YF STOCK MARKET Cattle Beceipts Lightest Since July and Prices Higher. HOGS GENERALLY TEN HIGHER llnrilly KiioiikIi Stlirrp or l.nmbs to MnUc 11 Mnrkrt Trinlr Slow and Dull, itIIIi tho Fri'lliiK Decidedly Monk, 7.W9 4.176 4. ;vs 5, !iS 5,753 21.W4 15.204 11.759 13.122 SOL'TH OMAHA. March 17. 1913. Receipts Were: Cattle Hogs. Sheep Estimate Monday 1.793 2,304 3.0-V1 Same day last week.... 5.WS Same day 2 w'ks. ago.. 4.0SI Satuo day 3 w'ks. ago. 6,391 Same day 4 w'ks ago. 6.0P5 Samo dny last year .... 5,000 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date as compared with last year: 1913. 1912. inc. Deo Cattle 202,670 212.5S0 ... . 0.910 Hogs 6I2.S70 KSI.att 211,616 Sheep 50S,tN5 446,751 1 6U The following table shows the range ot prices for hogs at South Omaha for thn last few days with comparisons Date. I 1913. M2.19U.jl910.lWO.190N. 1W7. 6 73 6 82 March SI March 9 Mar. 10.i Mar. II. Mht. 12. Mar. 13. Mar. 14 Mar. IS Mar. 16. 8 5M 8 31W S3U 8 45 s rs; 8 56H S t6I 6 31 6 34 6 40 U 48 6 56 6 45 59 l!6 53 (1ATK .ttnf ft,u,.Lr.,f nnu. r7lL' u..l- eastern line held In Chicago In the May,nrd white, 37c; No. 3, 37&?; No. '4, 35lifl) option, but whether they will De able tO3rK-; imtural white, 35txi7c; No. 2, noiu- lorce inese pcoina uui in men iiuiu...oo nuii; wmio ciippeu, fTOHC, nil on track. or not Is a problem. Tho cash trado In corn la only moderate. Cash corn was UW-0 hlghor. Oats are likely to contlnuo at tho hods of the corn market, and thero .ro many 1.. tia trnrin who hellpvn that oats may possibly prevent corn from advancing In BUCKWHEAT-Dull. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 65Uc, c. I. f., New York; milling, 6&iT58c; c. I. f. Butfnlo. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 60c asked, c I. f.. Buffalo, and feeding r4e. c. I. f.. New York, opening navigation. FEED Stcady; western spring bran, a legitimate way. i .i.uu; stanannl middling, 100-pound sacks, hanged to Ho higher. '$22.60; city, $23.00. Clearances: Wheat and HAY-Qulct; 7Ho; No. 1, Jl.o04fl.O3; No. bu.; corn. 737.000 bu.; oats, 13,000 bu 2, mKo. N.'3, ?oS,m ' Liverpool close: Wheat. VMfWa lower, LH ATI I E R Fl rin ; hemlock firsts, 28fl Primary wheat receipts wcro 1,200,000 bu. and shipments 462,000 bu., against ic celpts of 667.000 bu. und shipments of .J-,-00 bu. last year. nnm k Primary corn receipts were .U9.WX) nu. and shipments 577.000 bu., gainst receipts of 918,000 bu. and shipments of 19S.000 bu. last year. m. ,, Primary oats receipts were 8)7.000 lni and shipments 588,000 bu.. against recelpta of 648,000 bu. and shipments of 536,000 bu. loaf your The following cash sales wero reported WHEAT INO. - nam, nnuii. u v-. 82HC. No. 3 hard No. 4 liara, winter; 1 i wtv .. 1 I ...... ..1 anrlnf? Vm Sprlllg. '.4 CUr, B1U. 1W""I - - cars. .eo. , M , CORN NO. i wnue; 1 ra', '" white: 3 cars, 4714c No. 3 color: 1 car, 46e: 2 cars. WAc No. 3 yellow: A cars, 46Vc; 6 cars, 46V4c. No. yellow: 1 car. 45WC. NO. S mixcu: 1 m., v. -mixed: 2 cars, 46o; 1 car. 450; 3 cars, 4514c; 1 car, 4Sa No. 4 mixed: 3 cars, 43V4c; 1 car, 45c. OATS-Standard: 1 car, 314c. No. 3 white: 3 cars. 31',4c; 10 cars, 31c. No. i white; 5 cars, 30-ic; 2 cars, 30'.4c. Oninlm Stocks. I " Bushels. Wheat 765,000 Corn 2.018.M0 Oats 1.460,000 St- " Tt.000 Barte'y' 19,000 Wheat decreased 111,000 bushels, corn decreased 77.000 bushels, oats Increased 20.000 bushels. The United Stntes visible supply for last week was: Wheat, decreased 983,000 bushels; corn, Increased 1.138,000 bushels; oats. Increased 8,000 bushels. Omr.Uo C 11 nil I'rlei'n. WHEAT No. 2 hard, SlHfi82V4c.:, No. 3 hard, 81ffiS2c; No. 4 hsrd, 7780Hc; No. 3 spring, SO'.iljSlc; No. 1 sjirlng, 79&80c: No. 2 durum, S4(S86c; No. 3 durum. saB85c. CORN No. 2 while, 47?tc; No. 3 white, 47Wf474c; No. 4 white, 4C4j46Ho: No. 3 color, 464'S40c; No. 2 yellow, 4614 47c; No. 3 yellow, 46fi46V4c; No. 4 yellow, 45 4514c; No. 2, 46c; No. 3, 45U46c; No. 4, 44H-&45Vic. . . OATS-1N0. 2 white, aisiazc; stanoara, 31V4C No. 3 white, 3W3l",ici No. 4 wmte, BARLEY Mailing, owuwjc; itcu, 41043c. RYE No. 2, 63V4SC4C; No. 3. 53g53i4c. Cnrlot Ilccelpts. Wheat. Corn. OaU Chicago 59 223 188 Minneapolis 684 Duluth 39 ... Omaha 31 6; 46 Kansas City 41 21 St. Iuls 107 62 48 Winnipeg 415 1 CIIICAtiO GRAIN ANI fHOVISIONN $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weud. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. . ., 3 WANTED TO HUV Dolgof f 2d hand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. BEBER . pays high prices for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, clothes, shoes. D. 7802. SELNER will treat you right; best prices, 2d-hand furniture, clothes. P. 6101. We pay best prices for furniture, W-7256. D. 8055. Quick buyers of furniture. 1 f)f)TCWe pay tne highest prices for '-"-'v.iv ladies' and gentlemen's 2d-hand clothes, household goods and valises. Call Grosmn. 2519 Blondo. Phone. Web, iy.2. WOULD like to buy a five or six room hou" to be moved on a lot. One in the nel iborhood of 24th and Clark preferred. '1 slephone Red 4301. HEAL ESTATli ANTED LIST your houe with Osborne Realty Co.. 403 Paxton Bile. D. 1474. Quick results. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. LIVE STOCK MATtKICr OF WEST Snip live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign tnents receive prompt and careful atten Con. I.lvr Stork Cotunilaslon Mrrcbnntt, BYERS 1R08. CO. Ktronr. rellabl. CLIFTON Com. Co.. Ztt Kxchangr Hldg. "llAKTtN BtiOii Co.. Excnanre bids. COVEHNSrENT NOTIfJES. PRINTING DEPOT QUARTERMAS ter's office. Omaha, Neb,, March 14. 1913 Sealed nroposala will be received here until 11 a. in. April 15, 1913, for printing required at headquarters 6U1 Brigade, and Depot Quartermaster's of. flee, this city, during the fiscal year com mencing July 1, 1913. Information fur nished on application. John E. Baxter, Depot Q. M. M15-17-lS-All.12.il Persistent Advertising 18 the Road to Blf Returns. Features of the TrnilliiK 11 lid CIiisIiik 1'rlecN on Hoard of Trnde. rillCAno. March 17. Assertions that tho United States has a larger surf 'us of wheat thun there can bo any possi bility of finding a European mtrket lor before July 1 sent prices today to a 'new low lovei lor me yrur. tj mwir, closed nervous, liftKc. to c nut lower. All thn other leading staples showed firmness, corn finishing WVtc higher than Saturday night, oats a Hhado otf to a like amount up una provisions un nhanirpil tn nn advance of 6c. Estimates were current that Intorior elevator und mill stocks of wheat aro mnmonn hii-thels moro than last year, farm reserves 34,000,000 bushelB more und enough Increase in tne visiuio vipi'iy to make the total 70,000,000 bushels lu ex- cess of tho aggregate supply twelve months back. This was declared to mean tho United States could export SO.000.OW bushels, If there were foreign buyers for that amount, prior to the coming in of the now crop. Although wheat prices gave way under bearish arguments. It was not until after several hours' bullish control. Flatter-1 Ing reports on thn growing crop south west helped to turn sentiment In favor of a decline, and so, also, did the slack ness of cull for casn wneat at ann"eiuu- llo nnri K'uilHIIH I'llV. Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour equalled 300,000 busneis. i-rimary recun'is of wheat were 1,230,000 bushels, us com pared with 667,000 bushels a year ago. In spite of the weakne of wheat, corn held steady becauso of covering oy shoita forecast for unsettled weather. Thero wero also predictions of smaller local receipts, uais namuiim because of a belief that a reaction was due after a continuous DrcaK tor uiio"i A light run of hogs at nearly all pack ing centers gave firmness to the pro ,.iii ut Tim market wus ulso helped by the Bmall stocks on hand In packing houses, OS snown uy me rci.,i-i..u.,.nw Art'tleOPPn. 1 High. low. I Close.l Sat'y. 29c; oeconds, 27S2Sc; thirds, 240250; ro jecis, isKHiKc. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, $21.75 (ST22.00; ,fanilly, J22.60UtS4.IO; short clears, $21,004(22.50. Bocf, steady; mess, $21.7M'li 22.00; family. J.3.00ff2I.OO; bocf hams. $32.00 ff34.00. Cut meuts, firm; pickled bellies, 10 to H lbs., H4.60tpH.75; pickled hnms, JM.76015.00. lunl, firm; middle west prime. Jl0.00ffll.00; refined, firm; con tinent, $11.60; South American, J12.05; com pound, steudy at J7.73f(8.00. iVtiiiAiw-wuict; pruno summer tal low, spot, J6.36iR6.42; May, J6.40; July, J6.44; September, J6.48; prlmo city, 6Vic; country, 6lff614c.. HOPS litsy; Btnte, common to choice. 1912 crop, lSflffic; 1911 crop. ytfj'Hci l'aolflc coast. 1912 crop, IKSfSlo; 1911 crop, ll16c. HIDES Mrm; Centntl America, 30'ic; Bogota. 29;Q30Vc. BUTTER Unsettled; receipts, 5,W9 tubs; crpamcry extras, xKV3c; tirstB, .Tiw-nit;; hold, extras, SaiffXHc; held, firsts, 35fli S6V4c; process, extras, 27V42Sc; Imitation crenmury, firsts, 25fi2Cc; packing stock, held, 2HjLl',ic; puuklng stock, current make No. 2, 2lQ2lHc; packing stock, cur rent mnko No. 3. 18r20c. CHEESE Irri'KUlar. receipts. 1.522 boxes; state whole milk, held, colored. specials, uwtnw, wnoio miiK, wintcrt colored specials, iuv4iti7o; sKims, pifiic, EGOS Steady : receipts. 12.7S0 casei, fresh gathered extras, 19T20c; firsts, WMfwe; reirigerator nest, loistriuc; nearby hennery, white, good to largo, now laid, 23Q25o, western gathered whites, 20Q22C. POULTRY Live. steady; western chickens, 16o; fowls, 17V4c; turkeys, ."Oo; dressed, steady; fresh killed western chickens, 1415c; fowls, lUfUHc; turkeys, 14JjS4c. .St. Louis (ienernl Market. ST. LOUIS, March 17.-WHEAT-Casli: No. 2 red. $l.OS01.OO; No, 2 hard. iSljOlc. nniUJ-Nn. 2. 60u: No. 2 White.' it!4463c OATS No. 2. 32V4C, No. 2 whit, 3lVsW. Closing prices of futures: 35c WHEAT May, 87Tc; July. N!c. CORN May, 60iOo7(,c ; July, 62',i62c. OATS May, 31c; July. 32Vic. RYE-61V462c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.90f(6.15; extra fancy and straight, $3.90 Q'4.76; hard winter clears, $3.50fl3.80, SEED Timothy, $10.00. CO RNM EA L $2.90. BRAN 0OS 03c. HAY-Tlmothy, $12.Oy16.00; prnlrlc, JlLOOtriLOO. UAGGING-lOc. TWINE Hemp.. Sc. PROVISIONS Pork, lard, dry salt meats and hucou. Unchanged. POULTRY Steady; chickens, lie; springers, 16c; turkeys, 19c; ducks, lbc; geese. UC. BUTTER Stcadr. creamery, 28(&3j5. EGGB-Stcady. at 17c. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 1O.CO0 11,000 Wheat. Im 108,000 73.0W Corn, bu 62,000 27.O1M Oats, bu 69,000 69,000 6 741 6 69 GTu! 6 801 6 65 6 68 6 60 73 6 67 9 78 9 95 10 2 10 17 10 57 10 34 10 42 10.35 10 35 6 4S 6 5S 6 53 6 40 6 IS 6 47 4 48 4 38 4 34 4 35 4 37 4 45 6 40; 6 61 4 45 6 55 1 5 51 6 75 6 68 6 63 6 65 6 69 6 43 Mur. 17.: 8 59141 Sunday. Receipts and disposition or live stock at the Union Stock yards. South Omaha, Nob., for twenty-four houra ending at 3 o clocK today: UECEl PT8 C A RR Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. H'r's. C, M. A St. P. Ry. 3 Wabash By 1 Union Pacific Ry... 2 C. it N.-W., east... 4 C. & N.-W., west... 24 C, Ht. P., M, O.. 16 C. B. Q., east.... 9 C. B. & Q., west... 6 C. R. I. A P., east 3 Illinois Central Ry. 3 C. G. W. Hy 3 2 11 4 it 12 1 7 S7 . I f., . :l 70 a m t s u. :r 1 .i . .. ih . . 74 i inn 7 M .... Xt . . t T ll . . M'4 H . . .W Ml M . ..IM . . 7 M . . m . M 74 ... IM ,. I t . 141 40 70 W m 71 . Nl 40 70 It Wl . J 31 13 12 Total receipts ...73 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris tc t o Swift & Co Cudaliy Packing Co., Armour & Co Schwurtis & Co .1. W. Murphy Kohln P. Co Benton, V. S. & Lush Hill .t Son F. 11. lwls J. 11. Bulla Roseustock Bros H. F. Hamilton , Rothschild & Krebs.., Mo. & Kuh-Cal. Co.. Cllne & Christie Other buyers 252 8 761 2S1 458 173 1ST 793 362 132 131 2S1 259 131 88 40 24 .3.8 3 ,9 102 .. .3 296 ... 1,530 SlllflKP Owing to the interruption in .allwny traffic canoed by the reee.it snowstorm the smallest run of hten and lamb for n Monday since the third week 1 In Juno of last year showed up this morn. Ing. The leoelpt numbered only thir teen cars, or some 3.064 head, consisting I of nine ears of lambs and four oars ill Colorado ewes and yearlings. Among Ihc lambs were thieti lourti of hay-fed ofler Ings from Idaho. Iust Monday 21,0Mi head were reported In and on the same day one vrnr ago the supply amounted: to 13.8x2 liead. Quite naturally with such a meaner supply on sale the selling side looktd tof an active trade with a substantial adr vance In priced. Contrary to epeeta lions buyers wrre ver bearish tnd the general feeling In trade circles ."as that If anything llko a normal supply weie hero values would Iihvo a veuk and lower tendency. While there weto reully not enough offerings here to makl- a market a couple of sales wero madii dut Ing the first rounds that looked a llllie higher than hist week's close. Outside of this, however, nothing else of iho limited supply changed hand until a late hour In tho forenoon. The tiad was slow and dull most of the iunrnlii.. Tl.. ! narli' snli'S cnlmlsted ' of tWO loads of lambs on thn Mexican order which sold at l.t una a siuiuiieni shorn lambs at Ji.tv. ... - QuotattonH on sheep and Iambs: Good to cholco Mexican lambs, J8.it.I0; fair to good Mexican latiibs. $X.!NS.flfi; good to choice, western lambs. $8.3ft.50; fair to good western lambs. $S.wli.36, feed ers, $7.608.15; yearlings, light, $7.40jf7 65: yearlings, heavy, J.9iHr7.40; wethois. good to choice, JJ.50flfi.75; wethers, fair to good, J6.36irt5.60; ewes, good to choice. J6.00flfl.25; owes, ralr to good. J5.764Jtl.00; culls and bucks, $2.75dT4.0O. 646 Idaho feeder lambs 70 7 83 64 fed wethers nnd owes 104 i 496 fed lambs St S 75 CIIICAGO JilVH STtK'K MAIIKI5T lloits Close, Cattle Slend). Sheep Sternly. CHICAGO. March 17 HOGS Re ceipts, 30.000 head; market M1IO0 hlglier; huiK or sales, s.wn.iii; iignt. nv.'iir.mt. mixed. t8.7M?9.20: heavy. JS.PO'M'.W; rough. J8.rMl8.r.; pigs, J7.l64t9.10. UATTLr. lteceipts, n,i iiciui; inui"--! Iriiilv tn lOo higher: hooves. Si.4tltl,l.; Tni.in ii...r. Sa,60i7.fin. western steel., Jft.85iiS.lB; Blockers and feeders. Jfj.ioiif 8.20: cows und heifers, $3.M18.10, calves. Slll'JIil" ANIJ l.Aill lir neui'ii'io, .v, head; market steady to 1&0 iot, 1 u 11...,. ta iu,7 m wpstPi ns. Jti.3Mn'W vearl'lnKS. J7.2ftfr8.25; natlvu lambs, J7A5 fl,75; westerns, J7.8T4f8.i5. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Althought Pressure Was Severe Trading Was Slow. MONEY WAS UNFAVORABLE t 11I011 Pnelflo enrly To Points Loner anil Southern Pacific Rose Tno Points HlKlier. Totals .1,881 1,463 3,097 CATTLE The storm last week which was especially severe lu some parts ot the tributary territory, hod the expected ofreot of sharply reducing receipts to day. All told thero wero only seventy two cars reported In, the smallest run for n Monday since Monday, July 8. There wero really not enough cattlo of one kind lu sight to make a very good test ot tho market, By 'reas'on of .the IJglU rjoc'elpts the 'feel-! Ing on beef steers' was strong with pHCes In many cases as much as iOc higher. Thero was nothing vury good In the thirds to mako a top, but thero was a nunbor of louds good enough to bring J8.40. Cows and heifers wero in good demand and owing to urgent buying orders, prices wero generally 104i'lBc higher and In some cases prices were paid that looked oven higher than tlint. It was as might ho expected under conditions a very uneven market, the most advance being on the medium grades. There were Jiclfcra good enough to bring Js:10, wltb'ontnliuneli haw ing two steers In it at S8.15.r . Stock cattlo and feeders wero' In very,, gooa request anil prices wero' accordingly strong, wuuo a string or rvenraKsa nay feds sold to a buyer at $8.30. Quotations on Cattle: Good tn choice beef steers, J8.2itfi6.75; fair to good beef stoers, $8.00f8.25; common to fair beef steers, 7.4i(8.mj; good to choice belters, $7.0038.00; good to choice cows, J6.7&3J7.40; fair to . good, .grades. J5.760C76! common to fair' gra'des, J4.0tfir8.75; good lo choicn stockcrs nnd feeders, J7.60&6.30: fair to gooa stochcrs ana teeucrs,. ;wxili.yj; common to fair stockcrs and feeders. J6.25Q6.80; stock cows and heifers, J5.00JI 7.00; calves, ju.uv.; nuns, stags, ate, J5.76Hr6.75. BEEF STEERS. No. At. Tr. E (40 I ti S20 s 00 :o. .... m t 00 10, ....140 I 00 .... 3t II 10 ....111 I 1(1 ,...1054 S It ..lttl 8 20 ....1117 i 25 ....10411 II 26 ....mi t 25 ....1055 8 15 STEERS AND HEIFERS. , .... 837 1 85 13 774 t 10 ....166 IK 17 177 I 10 COWS. .. ii t 10 M IK 7 1041 71 6 11(14 ( Ml 21 IKH 6 IS 4 1285 7 00 1 10) 7 00 t 1240 7 00 70 107 7 05 1 1202 7 25 4 1022 7 U No. At. IT. 4 112 7 Ml 1 4 2 22 23 10 15 21 0 16 It II.. 11.. 11.. L 41.. 11.. 12.. :.. ..1381 II 0 ..1135 125 ..1124 III ..1210 (35 ..1301 I 4) ,. 14 L S 35 ..mi 40 ..111! 8 40 ..1211 ICO .. 470 I (0 2,. 10... 3 "Wheat May. July. Sept. Corn. May. 88HV-4 8T. 88W.4 WW 88i6H 8H 51Vi&i 01T 8M,4 S8U SSfi8K 88VMi 88 88h8ttl MSI 6PV., 88 8SH 5H4 GOVISnN.MKNT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR COAL CHIEF Quartermaster's Office, Federal Build ing, Chicago, III.. March 15, 1913. Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 a. m . April 15, 1913, for furnishing ooal Kan mis City Grain mill Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 17. WIIEA'l Cash: No. 2 hard. 83V4-flMS4c; No. 3. MM 85c; No. 2 red, Jl.OOfl-1,07; No. 3, hScJiJl.lM. CORN No. 2 mixed, 4914c; No. 3, Utl' 4SVc; No. 2 white. 49Hc; No. 3, 4Sc OATS No. 2 white, 3484Vic; No. 2 mixed. 32V433c. Closing prices of futures: WHEAT-May, 82i082Tic; July, S2T4f83c. CORN-May, WV.fi July. Slflac. OATS May, 32c. RYE 57e. HAY Choice timothy. JU.uOiilS.VJ; choice prairie. J10.60&11.00. BUTTER t'reamery, ;Sc; firsts, 33c; seconds, 31c; packing, 2oaJ2e. EGGS Firsts, 17H18c; HCCollds, 13c. POULTRY Hens. 13V4f(14c; roostets, 8V4c; ducks, 15c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 35.000 47.000 Corn, bu 41,001 16,000 Oats, bu 22000 7.000 Mliinriipnllx (i nil n Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 17. WHEAT May. S4V4c; July, MtiflSfiHe; September. 87c. Cash: No. 1 hard. StHe; No. 1 northern. b2Hf84He; No. 2 northern, &0V8 SITic; No. 2 hard Montana. 86',(,c; No. 3, 78',i79He. CORN No. 3 yellow, 46c. OATS No. 3 white. 3H',42Sc. RYE No. 2. 53fi66c. BRAN In lOO-pound sncks, J17.0OS 17.60. FLOUR-I'nchunged. BARLEY llJjCOc. FLAX J1.268 l.XVfc. M:e(ul Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, March 17. MKTAtS Copper, firm; standurd spot and .March, $14.76; April, JI4.W14.75; Muy. J14.2oW 14.76: electrolytic, J16.00fll5.12, Mle, Jlu.25 IB1B.3T; casting, J14.7V014.Si. Till, eaby; spot und .Murcn, 40.i)7'i4,. ,r; Apru J45.7f4H6.O0; May. Ji5.37V4ti l.j. 00. Load steady, at $.B1.40. spelter, steady, at m 5 70 ..no t m 4 30 5 SO 0 (M 15 7 M 2 1070 6 15 1110 6 44 10 10M t 40 7 M2 ( 40 1 1150 I B0 COWS AND HEIFERS. I 33 M 7 11(4 7 34 HEIFERS. 1 450 5 60 11 ITS 7 It 8 435 80 13 44 Kl 4 535 7 00 3 770 7 15 7 tit 7 20 1 W0 7 30 4 17 7 15 U Ill 7 40 8 t6 7 00 17 1015 I 10 tt tl I II BULIS. S MO IM 1 1270 6 60 1 1120 I 25 1 1870 60 1 1170 6 60 1 1740 t 65 CALVES. 1 1160 i 75 1 1650 K 1 1600 7 00 17 613 7 10 1 10!C 7 0 i 240 25 8 IM (0 7 174 00 1 ltO 00 2 165 t Vi i 150 : 17 461 7 60 It 411 7 10 3 I0 t 76 II 422 8 00 1 20 K 00 48 8 00 1 IM 1 11 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1103 7 80 6 103J 7 76 23 532 7 4 6 7 50ft 7 71 t 95 7 45 18 1007 8 20 33 UK 7 76 130 1103 8 30 IIOQ8 Tho trade opened this morning with the demand very poor from all iuurlrs. There were hardly enough hogs here to glvo room for very much competition, and, as It was, packers staved out ull morning in most cases oven refusing lo make a hid. Such of fers as they did mako were no better than steady and as a result not a hog had been weighed to them up until 11 o'clock. Shipper and speculator buyers made their purchases at figures that were about loo higher, and as they plcxcti out Just such hogs as suited them exactly thero was still a fair share of tho receipts lu first hands at a late hour In the morn. Ing. Tho long end of the sales landed at $8.70 with a sprlakllng at J8.66 and sonpj real good lights us high as J8.76. A little afler 11 o'clock one or two packer buyers started out nnd bought a part of what was still unsoia at Figures ST. COlPt! mark Hi. l.ouls Live Stock Mnrkel. 15UIS. March H.-CATTLE-'Ke-ts. 6,700 head. Including 600 oxans; rkct IOc higher; filio steers. J8 fAmitUu. NKW YORK. March 17-Although the stock market at no time today was sub jected to severe pressure, trading was stow. Abandonment of the plan of seg regation or the Harrlman piopertlcs, de presMott of the European markets, for eign selling here, engagement of J2,O00,O,K more gold for export to Franco and con tinuance of high money rates, all were unfavorable. Wide fluctuations of Hnrrlmans were forecasted by what occurred In tho Lon don market before thn opening here. Union Pacific fell nearly two points and Southern Pacific advanced as much, tho latter stock rising on the report that the latter company would faro better with the new dissolution plan than un der the abandoned one. At tho opening here the Harrlman stocks moved less widely than abroad. Southern PAclflo soon lost Its initial decline of a point, and Union Pacific sold 2 below Sutur day's close lndon selling here, estimated at 16,0iX) shares, was ono of tho principal causes of tho market's weakness. .The errect or the unexpectedly good hank statement last week wom partly offset by further engagement of gold for ax port. Liquidation of New Haven continued, tho price fnlllng to 1144, a loss of 4U and a new low record. Goodrich touched 2a. also a new low price for tho decllno nnd a drop of three points. The petroleum shares, Central leather, Woolworth, Rumely and somo other specialties were weak. Tho bond market was depressed. Total sales, par value, $1,061,00). United States bonds wero unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation,! on stocks today were ns follows , , 8atM. HUh. Lw. Cloe, Auialnimated Cowxr 12,00 , bt, (t IB Amerlran Agricultural ... jj American lit sugar tort !Mi S74 37 ",MIt"" o,ow azb 3j4 American fan ptd.. American i it, American Cotton OH Am. leu Seeurltlea American Miuwl American lnroniotlr .. American ft. AV It Am. S At K. nM Am. Sugar Itvrinlng. .. . American T. Ai T American Tobacco Anaconda, Mining Co... Alchlaon Alclilwn nM fIO 1 ltl ISO', 44 200 45 H 45 44 100 H4 S6U 21 lj ' 35'i 800 6S4 SCO 103H 103 103 111 200 132; 133 I33H 200 340 240 231 800 3t 3U 3S POO ltllU lOlU 101 300 100 !!, Hi and feeders, $5.26i7.75; cows and hidfers. . Ummori A 0nlo -,00 mH i0OJl im J5.6MI8.60; bulls, j.-..00j7.0l); , calves, JllOW''llthlehem steel t....l.D0o 35W 84H 4t, 11.25; southern steers, J5.251.25; 00WH and llrooklyn Itapld Tr l.ixxi 87l S74 ; heifers J3.755l6.60. . t ai.llait I'acltlo 4,400 2!4 S23S U2J HOM-Recellits. 7.000 head; market 15 Central heather , 4.IW0. .3H 24H S4Ji hlgher. pig's 'ami 'light. hta"-':: W , tfutchers, J9.00OO.30; good heavy. U.IW.I . f. .": n:"" UM iiiu m' iJ , silEEP AND LAMBS--Recclpts. 2.1fl head; market steady; """""''"vrif, ' ycurllngs, J7.OOMri.00; lambs, J7.00'U0lt. Knnsns I lly Le f4toel ajInrUr. irkVTUAcr niTV Mnl'f'ti 17. CA I I LI' Receipts, P.000 head, Including 700 south erns; market higher; dressed heof nnd export steers, .wurJ.; i" $7,8008.40; western steers, Ji.OOuS.To; stockcrs and feeders, J6.75i.40; sout hern mmis.15' Mnnthern cows. Jl.uVti, 7.75; native cows and heifers, Jl.25ifi8.5rt; bulls. J5.60ir7.26; calves, J7.OOfflO.26, HOGS Receipts, 3,iw neiiii; iniimui. higher; bulk ot sales, JH.fWi'J.OO; heavy, is vnitfi no; tinekers and butchers, JS.rJVfj 9.00; light, J8.OOHi9.0G; pigs, J7.504i8.00. SHEEP AN u liAiVHiB itecuipiB, i,w head; murket weak! Colorado lambs, J8.2Mi8.76; yearlings. J6.75W7.75; wethers, J6.007.00; owes, JS.rw.OS. flloiix City Live Slock Mnrkel. MtnUX CITY. In.. Murch 17. C ATT LE - Receipts, 2,000 bend; market steady to inn htirher; native steers. J7.76ftrl.75; cons hnd heifers. J5.50(fT7.75; eanners, J:1.251I5,00; htooKers nno leeuors. i.hjo.iu; cuivu, l7ftVn7.ro: bulls. J5.605f7.2T.. tinns Receipts. 1.800 head: murket Mf i.. . . ... . .... eo r". . . .. I .1 o .'.I ... 100 Ulguer; neiivy, o.uu-o.u.,. idiauu, f....rjlv 8.70; light. J8.6Off8.70; pigs, J7.OOft7.75; bu k of sales, J8.60flS.70. No sheep murKot. Ht. Joseph Live Stock .Market. . Hi JOSEPH. March 17.-CATTLE-IU- celpts 600 head; slow; steers, J7.OOfili.40; cows anl heifers, J4.0OfJS.25; calves. JU00 010.60. HOGS Receipts, 600 head; market slow; top, 18.80; bulk, J8.70iT8.RO. SHEEP AINU iiftui no iif'coipin, hi head; market slow; ' lambs, J7.6Oj(,90. ' Wool Market. 8T, LOUIS, March 17 WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing, 23V4J'2rtc; light fine, 194121c; heavy fine, liflilSc; tub washed, 26ifj27c IX)NDON, March 17.WtOI-A largo and varied selection of cross breds were readily taken nt today's wool auction salo bv the homo trade and occasionally tho continent at tho recent level of values. A few merinos wero eagerly bought by the continent. Tho offcrlngu today wero 9,600 bales. Key to tho Situation Beo Advertising. Clilrsso N. w Colorado V. A I i-onaoildatert Cla Corn Products ... Ieluare & lluilaon Denver i Illo Grande.... Denver It. O. pfd Ulstlllers' twcurltle Hrie, Krle l"t pfd Krle 2d etd (leneral Klenlrlo tlrwit Northern pfd....... Ureal Northern Ora ct(. I lunula l-entrnl , Intcrbomiiih Met. inter. Met. pfd. ,i. ....... International Harvester .. luter-Marlnn ptd International I'aper International Pump Utniiu Clt Southern.... ljacledn (laa lhlh Valler lulavllla b Naabvllla.. M., Bt. P. & fl. fl. M... Mlarourl, K. 4; T Mlimuri racine NHitlonal lllicult (.National Ix'ad WO 133 133'4 13.1 3: :oo i3i 700 704 131 10H 10V, , its It 32IJ loo us lit; hi, 70i) nli 37 27 44U 13 500. 13IH 138 131 POO i: 12K 121 100 38 35 34 1,200 1I3V1 12m 111 too 1.1a 1714, 1714 tOO C.94 ..... 100 6Sh tt!4 305 II ..... lou l ti lOOH 400 lOOti 100 1.700 164t; 163U 15314 100 133 1JJ 13114 13!4 100 24H 24 24i 600 37 U 37 37 '..' 4ti N. 11. It. or M. 2d pld., . 100 JUU 13U 2314 New York Central 200 101 105T. lOi'i IN. Y , O. W 30 Nurfolk tc WVatcrn 200 104S 104H' 101 '4 7714 4,600 115H 114'i 114H , 24 1,800 lltU 11H lit 200 no no no 200 4 Mi t tOO li 1914 UK 100 25Ti SSft .. ... - 16714 31,300 154 166H 16S4 800 3114 2414 2414 100 ,5S 100 21S 300 24H 24U North American Northern I'acltlo rnclho Mall l'rnuaylvenla ....,..... I'eoplo's On p , c, a. a st. L Plttaburgli Coal PreaiMHl Bleel Car Pullman l'alace Car iltradlnx Kepublla I. A& fl Uepubllc I. A fl. ptd.... Itixk Island Co.. Hock Island Co.. pfd,... Ht. I.. & 8, If. Ill p(d-... Seaboard Air Una Seaboard A. u ptd...... Hloea-Hhelfleld 8. & I... Southern I'arlrlo Southern Ilallwar Bo, rtaltwar pfd Tanneesea Copper Taaaa & I'acltlc... Union I'acltlo I'nlon Pa'clflo Pfd United Rial pa Itealtr...- United Btatea Rubber. United fltatea Steal .. 1'. S. Rteel pfd Utah Copper Vh. -Carolina Chemical Wal)Rh ... Wabaah ptd Western Maryland ... Weatern Unlpn , . Weatlnghouaa Klactrlo '.Vherllng ft. I E. Total salea tor tha dar, 208,500 iharta. 86H IS , 13,200 40i) 15 100 i 81 32,100 111 .. 1,100 01i .. 28,100 S01, ., 1,600 108 600 51 S 500 32S 400 41 300 Ma 1,100 7Va 86 tm 35H 24 It 434 3114 tlH 2514 80" ..... MX II 11114 1174 MH (8 8IH 0 6IU 601. 107i 107H 5114 tl'.i H',4 25 It 32H 40 J 83 3S WTi 40 mi tt1 t s J6.36fi!.45. Antimony, dull; Cookson's. that weto about 6c higher Taken as a jn.36SO.40. Iron, steady; No. 1 northern, whole th market can be quoted an being tiv.7WPi.3fi; mo. s northern, JlT.JMflT. 4; ! wioo niguer wun tno nnm at it.wuo.iv. No. 1 southern, J17.76ftlS.25: No. 1 soft southern. J17.7f4llS.3fi. Kxports of copper this month, 21,048 tuns. London copper, qulot: pot 164 im Cd; futuron, 05 2 tkl. Iuidon tin, firm; spot, 308 15s; futures, 1205 7s 6d. Indon load, 15 17s Gd. Spel ter, 24 10m. Iron: Cleveland warrants, Gin In Imdon ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 17.-MKTAIS-Leud, Hteady at Jl.204i4.22H; spelter, quiet, at J6.20U6.26. Dry liooilai Jllarkel. NHW YORK. March 17.-URV UUflDl The dry Roods maiketx were (Ulet for rerjulred In Central Department during I the day Yarn prices are barely hteady 1 fiscal year commencing July 1. 1913, In formation furnished on appllr atlon. Col A, L. Smith, Chltf Quurterinaster M I7.18-W-20. A3 10. Cotton goods are In light demand. .Silkv,; are Helling steadily Raw kIIIc la firm i J, UresH goods for retail dlstrlbuttuti au I w lu actlrti ic'iucst for fall. u, Although prices were higher the trade was mote or less tumatlsfactory and when buyera left tho yards there were still Boven or eight bunches trnsold. Only ubout 34 care, or 2.304 head, showed up this morning, the amalleat Monday aupply hIiico tho first week It) October, when only l.hOO were yarded. Today's receipts were about n third us large as lust week. smaller than two weeks ugo and 2,400 short ot the corresponding day taut year. No. At. Fli. Pr. No. ...lit IM 116 11. u.. . t7 ... 8 IMs M. 37t t W M. 210 lt-1 KM 30 la) t IW tl IV) I 50 225 . . I tj K) ,2Jl ... I 15 73. Ar. 8 b. Tr. ..IM 40 I 70 .. t 70 40 8 70 ... I tn tO I 7) . . 8 70 211 20 I 70 ,"M ... 70 ltl IM .313 361 ti: Always there and always nearest in the Family Toilet and Medicine Chest Should be Pasteurine The Cleansing, Healing, Refreshing Antiseptic To reach for tho bottlo of PASTEURINE really gots to bo a habit, so often do you actually need it every day regularly and in emergency. PASTEURINE is ho useful, helpful and ploasing that tho whole family hko to use it and come to depend on it. Most Used Because Most Useful As a mouth wash, throat wash, and nasal doucho PASTEURINE ia tho delight of tho daily toilet. CleanHCH and cools mouth and throat. Clears tho head, purifies tho breath and per fectly preserves tho tooth. As healing antiseptic PASTEURINE is tho very best application for eoro throat, hoarse ness, cuts, wounds, skin affections, etc. Allays inflammation. Prevents and destroys gorm infection. PASTEURINE helps Nature heal. It protects. IOc, 25c, $1.00. At Drug Stores. If your druggist does not havo Pasteurine send ub lOo for largo trial bottle and literature. Jno. T. Milliken & Co., St. Louis, U.S.A. Mi "P PASTEUHINB nn a m ei K,sf Saiiai . TJMTWlllilll'iil.l