The Omaha Sunday PART THREE SPRING. STYLES PAGES ONE TO EIGHT PART THREE SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XL1I- 7 ft sew VT-y i4 i 88 Kill mi It... "jut if m 1: It. w 4. 'if' Sf?. 'V 1' 43d ;7f Ms '5 Jit': 3 Ml !'! i?3 m .iy, ,v, -J. r- 8 V:' tts"ra Jits ? M ' m . if 1- -4 4 m CfttAHA, SUNDAY MOILING, MARCH rch 7- IMTIITANKOTTST-V , Sn w. " v V VJ I beauties ot naturo, lovely woman D 1b about to blossom forth In the coiors oi springtime. Here in Omaha everything has been sot and with one accord the largo storos and the furnishing houses wllj sot boforo her ali tho nowost things of spring regnlla. Artificers In -every Jino havo been at work for several woelca'and at tho command of tli'tt mer chants have gotten into shapo tho many buying places with an especial effort to lure and ploaso her. Tho buyers havo long since secured tholr goods and have had them unboxed ready for tho counters, tho showcases and tho display rooms. They, too, havo been raado with tho oxpross en deavor to "tako her eye," and when presented In tho most attractive way, and In many cases at an attractive price, thoy possibly will "take her pock otbook." But sho will regulate that. Tho roal facts hero to bo presented aro that all the Omaha stores havo completed arrangements and, beginning tomorrow, will occupy tho entlro week in strong competition to show tho latest creations In woman's apparel. Thoy will vio with euch other in showing tho necessities of dress for the spring season and will compoto especially In showing the extremes, and possibly tho freaks, of fashion. Colors Aro Brilliant wvbQ inner more aro tno usual number at i ti season. However, none of thorn is altogether 'g , ugly, and woman may depend upon it that what ''. ; ever sho may get out of tho styles of tho ensuing k stylo season, roan will not bo provoked to any u. ii H reat malediction by her wearing It, or them. Vll I Different from last spring, with its somber a J dead blacks and plain whites, tho fashion artists bave bro"Bht forth all tho brilliant colors of 5 whJch man Js almost proverbially an admirer. In Tr' ranny instances tho colora aro almost "loud." But ff 1. "loud" B the stylo, and tho moro livid the hue, li'Ai the. moro styliBh Is tho ono who wears It. Many ffM ot the new spring colors already havo been seen '& " umHa Btroots, but thoro aro still some sur n prises which may bo brought out by tho openings . f , , which begin tomorrow. Possibly tho window displays, which have been completed by the trimmers for the opening season, will give a glimpse of tho colors a la mode.. Tho windows of sovoral of tho stores were screened all last week, and behind the screens ,thoso trlmmors are at work preparing the satnplo presentations of what may be had on tho inside. - Windows Attractively Decorated At tno lirnndeis stores Mm vinnw finished his work last night, and tho result may bo seen today. From a visit to the home ot tho late Mark Hnnna, which is noted for Its beauty he has gotten an Idea for tho genoral decorations of the windows. The decorative effects within tho store will follow out this theme. . All tho Sixteenth street windows have been trimmed in a. way to suggest thoItallan pergola, which Is a part of the genoral nrcbttpctural design of tho Hanua home. Wainscoted tmlrrors form the background of the windows, giving thorn a larger appearance and showing off to greater ad vantage the various styles pre sented In thorn. Foliage and statuary finish out tho effect. A pergola seventy-five feet long has been built upon the second floor, where living models will promenado td'show the now snrlnc styles. Them will be twelve professional modem arrivo from New York today ready for tho opening tomorrow. Music will also be an attraction to tho ehoppors. At Orkln Bros.' storo an elaborato opening will be given during tho wcok. A pergola arch has been erected from the front door ou tho first floor, mil J f : via Essays extending back through the main aisle. Trailing vines and flowers, potted plants and palms will lend to tho gen eral beauty of tho offoct. On tho second floor will bo "la promonado dos modes" for tho living modols. This has boon finished In an arbor effect and extends from tho Bouth ,wall to tho north wall through tho cloak and suit department. Demon strations thoro will bo held twice each day during tho weok, from 10:30 to 12:30 and from 2 to 4 o'clock, the modols walking on, a whlto canvas car pet ten foot wldo within tho arbor. Orchestra muBlc will also bo a part of tho Interesting attraction thero. To morrow, St. Patrick's day, each visitor 1 to tho storo will bo given a groon car nation as a Bouvonlr. Hnydon BroB. also havo arranged an attrac tive storo for tho stylo wcok. Special decorations will bo in placo throughout tho building, with special artistic stvoss on the millinery and suit departments. Mnnagor Johnson of tho laco dopartmont at Haydon Bros., who had an elaborato display last wcok, haB rosorved some of tho oastom pattorns to bo displayed this wcok. Managor Flynn of tho cloak and suit dopartmont has been ncddlng back bis very best for tho stylo oponlng and Omaha women will bo amazed at. tho wonderful display which will bo presented for their consideration. Tho Thompson Boldon company already has given Its spring opening, but the Btoro hns boon proparod to interest tho shoppers during the wook proceeding Easter. Kllpatrlclt's Btoro alno will Bhow tho novost fashions during tho qoralug weok. , A Magnificent Creation Whllo noarly all the storcB have Installed promenades and various display rooms to Bhow off tho spring gowns, much attention will bo given to tho attractive presentation of millinery. Hats at this season of the year are tho most conspicuous of woman's raiment, and tho fact has not boon forgotten In tho openings at tho different stores. Each will try to outdo tho other in tho oxploltatlon of tho most elaborate creations In this lino, nnd to aay that thoro "aro aorao artistic effects is blandly speaking. As with tho gowns, tho hats will bo brilliant of color. Tho now shades and hues will bo a strik ing part of tho make-up of most every ono. At Brandols stores ono ot theso will bo a principal at traction of Btylo weok. An exact duplicate ot tho hat worn by Oaby Dealys at her promler at tho Winter Garden In Now York no doubt will bo tho cynosure of many millinery shoppers there. It Is a J COO creation after the design of Joseph, tho Fifth avenue milliner. Its valuo Ilea much in tho largo horron aigrettes which trim It. Of courso, thero will bo all manner of other designs. Unlike past Bcasona, with their many furbolocs, the hats for tho present spring eeason will bo principally of Just two braids tho real English nilland and tho Imported hemp braids. Tho beat street hata and the medium-priced dress hats will bo mado of tho hemp braids. Tho English rallan is the most expensive. The Two Predominating Colors The colors which will prodomlnato In tho milli nery will follow those o( tho gowns, tho most pop ular shades being tho now Madonna or Saxo blue and the Nell rose. Ribbons and tiny flowors, which will bo usocl extensively In hat trimmings, will bo of many colors, Tho prlcoa of hats run nlong about tho usual scale, and Father will not suffer from any unduo high marks nor daughter from any unusual cheap ening figures. As low as ono desires and as high as one desires aro the extremes of tho price murk- SINGLIO COPY FIVEv CENTtf. 35 nut r4- Si :J9 lit. I K . ings, nnd in botwoen each shopper ma) find her particular sum. Ot tho hlghor-pricqd' hats thero aro many, cs peclally In tho outputs of French and Now York mllllnors. Milady, who can show within tho crown tho narao of somo Monslor or Mcadamo, ot courfio may bo privileged to provoko tho envy of hor Blatera. Ilowovor, many of theso hats ara nono olao than "bwoII," and show from their ex teriors tho hotter tnstos, and at tho same time tho fullor pockotbooks, of tholr wearers. Among these aro tho designs known as Paul Polrot, Mario Louise, Camlll6 Roger, Madam Ueorgotte, Itoyant, William Carllor and Madame Clormalno. Tho Paul Polrot Is crowned chiffon or velvet, nnd Is trimmed with a suggestion of flowers. Tho Mario Loulso has nt Its front tho popular "question mnrk" of bird of paradise fcath. era. Vulgar man possibly would describe It as Blrallar to tho head gear of a lead horso In a circus parade or tho corner trimming of a hoarse, but that'B neither hore nor thoro, and at that he'll llko It. Styles Aro Small Tho Camillo Boger, llko all tho- other sprlug hats, Is small. It Is trimmed with brocaded rib bon and paradise feathors, Tho brim turns up at tho face. " Tho Madarao doorgetto is drooped about the brim aud Js trimmed with a brilliant brocaded rib bon. Tho Royant is a turbau, crowned With bro. caded chiffon. Ono of tho prettiest typos for tho young girl is the Madame Cnrller. It has no trtmratug on tho crown nnd will glvo to a pretty face a background ot Bmall flowers Intertwined In or band which goes under her chin, aftor tho fashion of hats worn by tho colonial women, All theso aro pattern hats' and aro handled by most of tho storea. Hayden Bros.' storo has an extensive lino of them. A large line is altso car ried by Brandols and Orkln Bros., nnd in conjunc tion each store has Its own particular make or design. Tho great numbor of wales will conio through tho exclusive millinery departments of theso storos. Trimmers nro busy filling ordorB for Easter, turn ing out tho regulation shapes while Incorporating tho" Individual fancies of tho buyor. Tho colors nnd feathers will prodomtnato all such creations, however. For Instance, no woman will bo strictly In styU if eho turns from tho brilliant colora, or loaves out tho feathers which havo beou decided upon by the oastom and foreign milliners. The Chlnoee numldl will In tho majority of designs supplant the ostrich foather nud the algretto, which has beoo in fashion in tho past. Ribbons this season havt (Continued on Page Three.)