iHHHHHHHIHIHESSm TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: MWTUII 1fi, 1913. -B i Oil Fields (CopyWrlRhtpd, 1913. by Frank O rHr . . penter ) AMPirO This Will nnn , ft.. d I chief oil port of the vtr j I It lies In the heart ,.f tanas which are row pr-uh lnp; SOO.000 barrels of petroleum a day. and crent nil lanitn ru itolnir up which will hold a (tupply of millions of barrels. Tain Pico Is situated a little back from the coast, half way between Vera Crui and the Wo Qrando river. It lies near tho mouths of the Panuco and Tamesl rivers, ind It has a harbor so deep that the blRBest ocean steamers can land. Tho wharves and Jottles and other harbor Improvements were deslsnsd and built for the Mexican government by American nslneers, and they hRVe cost mllllona. The port Is 2,000 miles from Now York, 4.KK) miles from Uverpool, and a little more than B.000 miles from Hamburg, and tank steamers will sooni be carrying1 oil from here to all parts of the world, vfho Own tttr Wells. The rivers, which Join Just above Tarn Pico, flow through the oil fields, and during the taut year eighty steel tanks linve been built on their banks, all being on deep water. About thirty of these tanks belong to tho Pearson syndicate or Moxican Eagle Oil company, and .the samo company 1b putting jp refineries llV 1h a Pfmrinn. n.l. I nl. 1 i Interests In Mexican railways, elcctrlo plants and mines. Its oil linuiolf has a , paid-up capitalisation of tiTi.000,000, and the market value of the stock Is twice that amount. It has altoxether more than a half million acres of oil land. The Waters-Pierce company was un til lately a branch of the Standard Oil company. It has large Interests, Including storage tanks on the rivers. And then we have the Mexican Petroleum company, which is largely controlled by California oil men. It has an authorized capital of 160,000,000, and It owns something like 700,000 acres of land, much of which Is still unexplored. One of the Mexican Pe troleum company's welts has been pro ducing for more than two years, and al though only partially opened It turns out 25,000 barrels of oil a day. This com pany Is now erecting storage tanks near Tamplco, while the Texas company Is do ing likewise on a tract of land of about 1,000 acres opposite this port. Tho latter company has already constructed a tem porary wharf and Is shipping oil to the United States ports. The New Oil Territory. These now oil "fields extend for hun I'.itds of miles along the Mexican guir. The profitable wells are scattered all the way from here to Vera Cruz and oil lias beun found In paying quantities far ther south and on the isthmus of Te huantepec. Tho exact width of the ter lHory is not doflned, but they are strik ing oil sixty miles back from tho sea, and the region In which the prospecting Is go ing on Is said to be about as large ob tho stute of Illinois and over a distance twice as largo as the state of Massa chusetts wells have already been sunk. In many places oil has been struck at 400 or 600 feet, but tho best wells are muoh deeper, and the great gushers have come from a depth of 1,600 or 2,000 feet. 111k Mexican Gnslier. Take, for Instance, gustier No. 4, or the Potrcro del Llano No. 4, which has a capacity of 110,000 barrels a day. That well belongs to the Pearson syndicate, and I have Just had a talk with one ot the engineers who has to do with its working. The hole was bored three years ago. When the oil was Btruok It burst forth In a great stream which rose to a height of 400 feet, and It continued to spout for more than three months before It could be controlled. During that timo it was pouring forth petroleum at tho rate ot 6,000 barrels an hour, and It covered the whole country with oil. It filled the rivers and lakes and contami nated the streams. Thousands of cattle were lost from tho fact that the o covered their grazing places and they could not get fresh water. Acres of oil flowed out to the sea, and the Mexican gulf had a coating of oil for 300 miles along this part ot Us coast IiitUe of Oil. In their efforts to save the oil the Pear sons dug a lake or reservoir mtW -' eral acre, and ran the petroleum Into It. The lake had a capacity of over S.OOO.OOO barrels, and it took Just twenty-eight days to fill It. That lake is still full of oil. and there are guards who watch it day and night for fear ot fire. The vegetation about the shores has been cut back to a distance of 800 feet, and' electric lights are kept burning every night to aid in guarding the oil. I am told that tho oil Is fast deteriorating. Borne of It Is cak ing, and It is questionable whether it will be worth a great deal when the time comes for It to be exported or sent to the refineries. The grea,t gusher Is now under control Tho engineers succeeded In putting on caps after this flow of three months .and It is now connected with a pipe line which carries it off to the tanks and the coast. Oil Flame Ttto Thousand Feet IUeh. Another enormous gusher was the Dos Hocas. near the mouth of the San Oeronimo river, sixty-seven miles south of here. This was struck at 1,800 feet on July 4. W10, and It produced the greatest fireworks that have ever been seen on Independence day. The oil camo forth at the rato of about 4,000 barrels an hour almost Immediately, and caught fire from the boiler of one of the engines. It then split up an enormous column ot smoke and flume, whloh reached, It Is said, a height of 2,07) feet, the flame measuring fiom forty to seventy-five feet In width That flame lasted for over two months, and at nlsht it could be seen for more than .0) miles away on the Mexican gulf It illuminated tho wljoe country, and newspapers could easily be read at mid n'ght at a distance at seventeen miles away. It has been estimated that some thing like IOU.000 barrels of oil were dally consumed beforo the fire was put out An enormous amount of money was sp.-nt in the efforts to sljut off this Dos Hocas well. Tho Owners tried everything to extinguish the flames, but It was only when the salt water of some subterranean channel broke through that they were choked. This water became mixed with the ol and ruined the well. I am told the o l still flows and that there Is a lake of oil and water there which Is hot now, although the fire Itself has disappeared. Another well Is the Caslana well, which produaes 1,000 barrel a day, and scat tered over tho field are other wells which aie running from 500 to 5.600 barrels a day. These are not fain stories. I have be fore me a report of the Vnlted States geological survey as to the big gusher of 110,000 barrels dally capacity It was drilled under ths 'supervision of Pr. C of Mexico jgggj " fi-il e Ca.s&5a2zo "Well&'-which send o Tmpico W. Hayes, who formerly belonged to the survey, and he had left the discouraged drillers, two days before It was struck, for a trip Into the- country. As ho went away on his mule ho told them that they would probably reach oil within twelve feet or more. He had only gono fifty miles and the drill had gone down seven feet when the oil and gas threw tho tools out of the well and It began to flow at a 10,000.barrel rate. It steadily Increased. Within twenty-four hours, the flow was 20,000 barrels. Tho next day It was 30,000 barrels, and the gain Continued until it reached 160,000 barrels, after which it subsided to Its present flow, which It has kept up for three years. The well has a pressure ot over 800 pounds to Uie square Inch and Is now controlled by eight-Inch pipes which carry It off to the tnnks. This is said to bo tho largest oil well of history. Tho Lucas gusher at Splndle- top, Tex., flowed 75,000 barrels a day for a day or two, and the production of some of tho Russian wells Is reported at slightly over 100,000 barrels, but none has ap proached tho yield of big gusher No. 4. tirent Subterranean Oil I.nlte. The Portrero del Llano, or big gusher, Is supposed to have tapped a mighty sub terranean lake of oil which lies some thing llko 2,000 feet below tho surfaco of the earth and Is capped by a solid shell of stono 300 feet thick. Tho stone shell does not require Iron casing, nnd It so protects the reservoir that tho top can never cavo in. This Is sold to be the first well of the kind which has ever tapped a lake of petroleum beneath a solid rock capping. All the great wells of Russia and Call tornla havo been In dirt formation, and they have had trouble with cavo-lns, fires and other handicaps beforo they could bo controlled and their flow cared for. This was the case with the Dos Bocoa well, which, as I have written, caught flro and was destroyed also by the salt water rushing In. Even should tho blg gusher take fire It would form only a thin column of flame, which could be ex tinguished above the surface) and the flow of oil preserved. The big gusher is supposed to come from an entirely different flold than tlie Dos Bocas, and there appears to be no connection between the giant reservoir which feeds It and that which supplies the Dos Bocas. The pressure ot the lake must be enormous, as may be seen when It Is remembered that It threw a column of heavy crude oil as big around as a nail keg more than 300 feet into the air. Streams of Gold. OH wells Ilka these are very streams of gold. I am told that the oil as It comes forth Is worth here in the storage tanks about 53 cents a barrel. At 0 cents a barrel, the big gusher. If It could be al lowed to blow Pt Its full capacity, would realize $55,000 a day, or more than $2,700 every hour, or between $40 and $50 every mlnuto, day and night all tho year through. That Is one kind of gold that old mother earth is now spitting out in this part of the world. It Is a pity that the big gusher belongs to the British. The same Pearson company has large interests all over Mexico. It has oil wells on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, and It pumps that oil to Its refinery at Mlna tltlan, where thero is a branch of the Tehuantepec National railway. That oil Is Intended for the .export trade, Its situa tion giving It easy access to tho Pitclflo ports through Sallna f'tuz, while tank stoamers on the Atlantic Hide con be loaded at Its own wharves. I am told that they are now loading steamers which cannot cross the tar at Tuxpan, near here, by running six-Inch pipes out Into the sea vi where the water has a depth of sixty foet. Hero the tank steamers can catch up the flexible pipes and thus take on the oil. Tlio pipes are about one mile long, and they are con nected with ten great tanks on tho shore, each of which holds OS.0O0 barrels. These tanks are filled from the big gusher I have already referred to, which is thirty-, three miles away. A NetT Oil Fleet. I hear also a report that the Hamburg American line will put on a fleet ot oil steamers to tun to Tampleo and that it only awaits the building of enough tanks to warrant It a constant supply of freignt uf this character. It takes about a tanx- ful of oil to fill a ship, and a single steamer will carry from J3.000 to 60.000 barrels. It Is rumored that a British company has already been organized to build a fleet of fifty tank steamers, each to hold 40,000 barrels, the namu to be en gaged In the Mexican trade. Connected with the company will be also fifty tanks of the same capHcltv and tie schpme is to carry this oil for tho fuel fade to th. Yield Vast Amount ThzxtpJco Tvchieii confafxis various points of the United Kingdom and the continent. As it Is now, hundreds of thousaffds of barrels are being .shipped from Tamplco and Tuxpan every month. In Septembsr last ono United States company alone shipped 528,000 barrels of Mexican crude oil from Tamplco to Sabine, Tex., and in October the Oulf Refining company took 50,000 barrels. The new German tank steamer Adorna, which has a capacity uf 00,000 barrels,' has entered this trade. It will take cargoes ot oil from tho Standard Oil company's refinery In Louisiana to Argentina, and on the return trip will slop at Tamplco and bring crude oil to the refinery. Fncl Oil for Psnnina. A great part of the oil which comes from Mexico is well adapted for fuel. It is of a heavy, viscous character and can bo used to make steam just as It comes from the wells, although It can also bo refined into a good standard, Illuminat ing oil. A largo amount ot it Is now used to run tho locomotives on the Mexi can railways, and It will probably sup ply the great reservoirs which will fur nish tho oil fuel for thu ships going through tho Panama canal. It is the in tention of our government to have oil fuel depots as well as coal depots at Panama, and there are many who be lieve that oil like this will be the stand ard steamship fuel of the future. The Cunard company recently Inves tigated this matter through a board of engineers appointed especially for the purpose. It tested tho use of the oil on Its largest steamships, and declared that the fuel saving would be at least 40 per cent. This comes not only from the first cost of the fuel, but from the fewer men needed In the boiler rooms and at the furnaces, A vessel like the Lusltanla now carries about 200 men as firemen and coal passers. By using oil this number can be reduced 65 per cent and moreover the storago space tor the oil Is much less than that needed for coal. In the abovo experi ment the oil was converted Into gas before It was put Into tho engines. A motor Mslng raw oil was recently shown at Nuremburg, Germany. T&ls produced 100 horsepower, and It we!ghed only about a ton and a half. This is 15 per cent of the weight of a gas motor plant of the same power. Fuel Oil for .Gunboats. I am told that most of the new steam ships now projected are contemplating the use of fuel oil, and that at the meeting of the naval architects In Lon don not long ago It was stated that 250 new vessels were to bo fitted with oil plants. It Is believed that oil will be the naval fuel of the future. Rus sia's new gunboats are so constructed, and the probability Is that similar ar rangements will be installed In certain vessels of our navy. If this Is so It will give a big market to the Mexico of the future, and also to our oil fields In California and elsewhere. According to the , estimates of the United States geological survey we have a possible fuel oil supply In our own ter ritory amounting to 10,000,000,000 barrols and the minimum supply of California alone is estimated by the scientists at 5,000,000 barrels. It Is said that threo and one-halt barrels ot California oil will make as much steam as ono ton of coal, so you can see something of the enor mous wealth which Is still stored awtv infier Uucle Sam's ft ft. In addition Is the enoimous oil territory here, which stnio of the visionary istl. Mate will soon have a capacity of GOO.ftiO barrels of oil or duy. I understand that tl.ero are enoimous fields ot fuel M in MaUes a great diflerenoo in most women. They are troubled with " nerve they sutler from baokache, headache, sleeplessness, a sensation of Irritability or twitching, hot flashes, dizzy spell, or many othor symptom of fern tie weakness. The looal disorder and inflsmmatlon should be treated with Pr. Pierce's Lotion Tablets and the irregularity and weakness of the female system corrected and strengthened with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Thtv tain upon the you of woman or the woman of middle age upon the nerve and blood forming structures may be too great for her strength. This it the time to take this restorative tonlo and strength-giving nervine and regulator. For over forty years told by druggiiti i r woman's peculiar weaknesses and distressing ailments. Tht tut rtmiiy so perfect Una. Scott. QSQO.qgo h&FTcIs o-S oi7 w is, 2O00 iarjreJs daily the coast of Colombia, which are now be ing prospected. On my way to Panama last year I traveled with a California ill man, who owned something like 60.0TO acres of such land near Cartugena, so you see there Is some fuel loft for man kind In addition to the fast-dlsappcarlM supplies of wood and coal. As Vj tho present oil product cf the world, It Is now more than 300,000,000 bar rels per annum, and of this the United States is producing more than aw.OuO.OOO barrels. Russia takes out something like 70,000,000, the Dutch East Indies about U.000,000 and In 1911 Mexico produced more than any country ixcept tho Un't -1 States and Russia. In 1912 Its product piobably approximated 15,000,000 barrels, a'ld, as I havo said, the output of the trMMt Is about 200,000 barrels per day. FRANK a. CARPENTER. ENLISTMENT LAW FEATURES Choice Inducements Offered Those Who Like the Soldiering; Life. Tho act of the last session of congress providing for an enlistment period of seven Instead of three years, was de signed not only for the benefit of the soldiers, but also for tho good of the servloe, as It creates a reserve force similar to that of some European countries. This provision went Into ef fect on November 1. Hereafter the full enlistment term will be seven years, but only the first four years will bs spent In active military service. After that the soldier, if he does not care to re-enlist for another seven-year period, will bo furloughed and transferred to the army reserve without pay or allowances, but subject to recall to the colors at a mo ment's notice. There are alternatives offered to sol diers who enlist under the new law. At the expiration of four years' continuous service with organizations, either under first or any subsequent enlistment, they may be enlisted for another period of seven years, in which event they will re ceive their final discharge from prior en listment; or, at the expiration ot three years' continuous service with such or ganizations, either under . first or any subsequent enlistment, upon written ap plication, thoy may be furloughed and transferred to the army reserve. In tho discretion of the secretary of war. In tills event they will not be entitled to ro-enltst In the service until the expiration of the seven-year term; or, subject to good con duct and physical fitness for duty, upon written application to that effect, they will have the right ot remaining with the organization to which they belong until the completion of the whole enlistment without passing Into the reserve force. The army holds out to the man who cares to follow the easy life of a soldier some choice Inducements to enlist under the provisions of the new act. All sol diers receive from the government during active service, without cost (In addition to their regular pay), rations, clothing, bedding, medicines and medical attention. Those who serve honestly and faithfully for twenty years, or who may be 'dis charged on account of wounds received or disease contracted In the line ot duty, are entitled to pension and admission to the soldiers' home In the city ot Wash ington. After thirty years' service en listed men are entitled to be retired, and upon retirement will receive three-fourths of the monthly pay allowed to them by law in the grade they held when retired, $9.50 a month additional as commutation Ifor clothing and subsistence, and $8.25 a month additional in lieu of quarters, fuel j nnd light. Then, again, a certificate ot in composition ana so good in curative ctleots as to warrant its makers in printing its every ingredient on its outside wrapper. Th out retntdj which absolutely contains neither alcohol nor injurious or habit-forming drugs. Following letter selected at random from a large number of aimilarones add cited merely to illustrate these remarks 1 "In tba wlnUr of 1903, 1 became greatly run don and IrrwUr," write Ua. Henry Scott, of Swan Creek, Mich., UouU L Box 49. slowly but surely grew worse, and, at last, roaolved to apply to the doc tor fear help. Th doctor said I Had Inflammation, mJarvwnent and lacer ation. I was In bed eleven Weeks and gotjio better. The doctor ald I would bat to have an opera tien. but to that I would not I la tea. Mr hus band purchased two bottle of Or. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When 1 atarted to take tbi remedy 1 eooil not walk serosa the floor, but at tar I had taken three bottle I eeUki f l myself gaming-, ao I dropped th doctor and took Dr. IMerca's FavnriU Prescription. Only for It I think I would have been deM - I retUljr bcltovs It saved tar Ufa. 1 feel betUr low tbau in twenty yean." merit ror distliiRulshel service cnlltu-s a soldier to It n month additional w htlc In the arm)', whether on the nrtixe or retired list. Ill case an enllstd tnun on the active list (lies f jm wounds or 1i ntse not thr result ot his own nilioi durt. his wklow or any other porson ! n Mously designated by him Is ntititud to an amount eiurtl to six month' pay at the rate received by him at tho dato of Ms death. Kxi-ecdlngly fnvrtrable opportunity Is urtorded for ootU'e. intelligent jolts uicn of teniporato hnhlts, who may tnlln it m privates and develop the lu'cr. r.ary iiuillflcutlotis to secure promotion to 'ho i r.iilo of noncommissioned nffk'cr nt Kk,od pay. Unmnrrlwl soldiers under SO years of nge. who arc cltliens of the I lilted States, who nre physically sound, who havo served honorably not less than two .cars In the army nnd who hour a gujd moral diameter, are permitted to conn etc, by examination, for promotion to the rank of second lieutenant, a gri.ln In the army in which xncanclrs aluuys exist Harper's Weekly. (,'nres Tor Hunting, tine of the most respected cltlr.cn ot Wlnxud. Mass.. offotH JUK) as a reward ti any one who will lireuk him of t no . ,i.i, r .imHiiL- wlileli lins made nlln ii goat in his own home, w to sjicak. 1 1 Ih Ih a golden opportunity. Somebody ...ii ...ii t.i. ... .1,1, rt hla far. In linnif mil nil nun ... "'i" r y .... 1 . himself on the hatrack o' nights, to ban iliiif his fnro shut beforo going to sleep, to "put wire screens in his noio, to wear a ilothespln or safety pin In his nose, to cork his noso tightly eaoh night, to stay awako, to sleep In the cellar, to tent In the open air. or oh, any f a doxen or two moro cures, anu ir lie imi ior uiani ull ho' II be so worried ovor his rinanclnl condition that ho won't sleep nt all, and Itenco won't snore nnd so his desire will become a fact accomplished, you see. Detroit Kreo Press. If Your Child Needs a Physic If Cross, e v o r i s h, Tonguo Coutcd, Give "Syrup of Figs" to Cloau tho S t o m u o h, Liver nnd Bowels. Look at the tongue, Mother! If coated, It is a sure sign that your little one's In sides, the stomach, liver and 80 feet ot bowels are clogged up with putrifying waste matter and need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When your child is listless, drooping, pale, doesn't sleep soundly or eat heart ily or Is cross. Irritable, feverish, stom ach sour, breath bad; has stomach ache, diarrhoea, sore throat, or Is full of cold, glvo a teaspoonful ot Syrup of Figs, and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile will gently movo on and out of Its little bow els without nausea, griping or weakness, and you surely will have a well, happy and smiling child again shortly. With Byrup ot Figs you are not drug ging your children, being composed en tirely ot luscious figs, senna and, aro mattes It cannot bo harmful, beside they dearly lovo Its delicious taste. Mothers should always keep Syrup of Figs handy. It Is the only stomach, liver and bowel cleanser and regulator needed. A little given today will save a sick ohild tomorrow. Full .directions for children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the paokago. Ask your druggist for the full name, "Syrup of Figs and Ellxer of Bonna," prepared by the California Fig Syrup Co. This Is the delicious tnstlng, genuine old reliable. Refuse anything else offered. Advertisement PmAmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmtKmmmmaammmmmmm m FURNITURE CO. IZl I 20 Below Om.li. Prioe Gx9 Seamless Brussels nt . 9x12 Seamless Brussels at .. $5.50 $9.75 Minn llerle W irt" "Will tou Wnlr pr-.--tlb a wt rcranlr to rduco mr welthlt I prrr Ubltt, I etnnot Uke llnuta mult cine ' Answer ObUtn et snjr fll-ttociM druenltl tuto of l-srln trt.iltw UbltU ia Uk n tr Mm dlrwrtlimt which nccompinr th pM. You will rluc at th nX ot t pound a My sftfr lh llrrt fw Un ot trtlM. Thlo rvmeur rwuom ipmre io. v etie, ark upoto Iwtore mj tr. dlur sp" Also coatiipMioni" ... Annwer: Constipation It th cause of. all 7r trouble, but I win euro jou It ynU win roiiow mr directions. Oel at the 4ru store three train ulpherb tablets (not sulphur). These, are. rac" In aealrd tut" and contain full direction. Thwj llttKi tablets purltr the blood, the bowels and liter are etlmulatnl Into action and will snw uaiif cure jimr imuwr. e e e ... ..... .,-,, ., i,im r teri. wrttlni set tincture cubeba. 1 drnmi pomp, fluid balmwort, i'o. i ana uncivil- mi.... ., drama, (lire 10 to 1 dropa In water about one hour before menls. e e e Doctor t "I hare been a sufferer of catarrh yt a . i. a - . 1 1 V a b ilsa ffskMort lUfl nrmq ior mini jrmtm. my etomacb, bowl nJ blood, I utfr ireUr www local trtatratnt for youi Ort Iwo ouni of Vlluie pwdr an to a pinl of wrm wiUr Add pno-half twpoonful muff from tna palm of dally. In connection with thU tnak cUrr . - a .ilu ja lattBil anrl Jerfl te-upoontul t Vllana powder, apply thU balm to the noeinift "r vp ponivi obtain the ffotlowlnc Ingredient, mix, h tyrup earaaparlUa 00m p.. 4 om.1 com OuJd ia. ue tnt Vwevear A anvihlfllt mat win eiop pmnur-u """, and ltchls; scalp, I should appraolat a repljiv e . 1 1 I mm w will cure oanoruK ana pvw.,. - hair. Ak for plain rellow mlnrol which can be baa in ot. jar ana w iiiii ."..... directions. I har" en the moat aatonlahlnf re ulta from Ita use that I heartllr reoomroond It to all who suffer with any dlaeaaa of ths scalp. m w w Mr. A. writast "Ilelllr It I could find a true rtmedr to Increase mr weight I should bo THE OMAHA DAILY, EVENING AND SUNDAY BEE. Tho Best Advertising Mediums in Their Torritory. Not One Day But Every Day Get Our Rug Prices 9x12 Seamless Volvot at 9x12 Axminstor at $15.00 $17.00 KeDoCTOR' The questions answered below are (ren eral In chamcler, the symptoms or & canes are given and tho answers will ap p'r to any enso of simitar nature. Those wishing further advice free, maj address Dr. Lewis Ilaker, College Bid.. Collcce-Elwood Sts., Dayton, O., enclos ing self-addressed stamped envelope for reply. Pull name and address must b ghen. but only Initials or fictitious nam will be ubH In my answers. The prescrip tions can bo filled at any welt stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. the happlevt woman altr. I an to this u) acrawnr. It la a antra. Why eaanot I ha lftw other wotnenf t do aot work hard and har prettr good health." Anewer: You can "be Ilk other wore en" It Tou will folWrw m .A,Im .l,l, 1. . grain hjpo-nnclane UhlrU packed In aealea car-. luraciioae anu most 110:017 preeenbed br Intelligent phaldant e Terr where. They Im prove the nutrition. mAA rmA V.!r . MM.HU, . the blood, ImpTOT the completion, but thorough regular uea must follow to get the good rreulte. e e "Mr. lira" writes! !! feint. ao itlft from rbKuraatUm that I ean aearoa!j waia. 1a in ere an 7 help for met" Answer! Of course there la help, for rem ana for all other who suffer from rhumitnn. Tska th following and tou will bo entirely cured 1 loorde of poUaslum, I drrm aodlnm salicylate, ( drama! win ot colchlcum, H 01. comp. eaaeoe rardlol, 1 ox.) camp, fluid fcejmwort, 1 ot.; and trrup arsaparllla, I 01. Mlt and take a ta spoonful at meal time and again at bed time, e "Mary J." say: "Erery winter I hat a eol which last till opting. I haw tried eararat doctor prescriptions, hut they do n good, ao I atk you what to do." Anewtr: The brat medicine to rtllet cold and cough la mad by mltlnc th content et a Hi ot, bottle ot eaaence mcntho laxen with, honey or horn mada sugar irrup. Full dlrwcUona for making are glren on the bottle and also how to take, Tou will (Ind this wtlt ur your cough In a, very few day and It la perfectly, harmless and pleasant to Uke. "Mis A." wrtUai "1 have a vary bad cai ot dytpepala. I am afraid to eat a hearty meal. My breath It bad and I am erou and irritable most ot th tlrtm" Antwert If yu wilt rat th following tablet and tak according to direction wtUoh accom pany th packag. you will coon b tld of all distress la your atomaoh. It will alt help your constipation. They art called tablet Ulopeptln and are packed tn eald carton. It thla trouble la allowed to stand It wilt oau appendicitis, to begin taking at ono. Itln" Tltt "Tie ,tll tn what to 4 to gain an appetite. I cannot eat and, am this, and, nervous," Answer! Ton seed a good rtttm tonlo ana th beat on that I could Ull yon ot til Byrup ot hypophotphltea comp. t as., tincture cadomeno comp. 1 01. Mis and always shake will baton, utlng. Tak a teaspoonful before meals tor ear cral week and you will gain an apoetlt and. your whole nervoue ayttom will be restored ta Its natural atate. Advtrtlsemast. Drs. Mach & Mach THE DENTISTS Successors to Sallty Si Xaob Tba largest and best equipped dtntal office In Omaha. Experts In charxq of 11 work, moderate prices. Porcelain fillings Just like the tooth. All instru ments sterltzed after using. 3d now rarton Block, Omabs, Hsb. See our largo lino of Body Brussels and Wilton Rugs muoh below Omaliai prices. ill