THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1013, St. Patrick's Day Novelties Silk Shamrocks, nt doz. 10c Shamrock and Pipe, en. 5o Irish lints, 50c doz.; en. 10c Suit Cases 5c. Flngs doz. 10c Women's Pine Cotton and Mercerized Lisle Finished HOSIERY Regular and out sizes double solos, high-spliced heels and toes, worth 25c a pair; main floor, pair 15c Attend These Special Sales Saturday and buy your entire Easter outfit at a very moderate outlay This store serves the women of Omaha best by offering genuinely stylish and serviceable apparel at prices within the means of all. TWO NEW GROUPS OF WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS AT SPECIAL PRICES 10 CHOOSE FROM 580 NEW TAILORED SPRING SUITS MADE TO SELL AT S25 AND $27.50, FOR $19.00 These suits are not the ordinary, medium priced tailored gar ments. They are high class suits from a special purchase. Nowhere else can you possibly find an assortment to compare with this at a moderate price. All the newest styles thnt are mont in demand arc included. The Russian blouses, the pretty cut-aways, the practical Norfolks and the stylish English models .in the soft or hard finished fubrics that are in highest favor. Tho assortment is im mense and includes every size for women and misses. Remember these are genuine $25 and $27.50 Suits, Saturday, at..$J9 CHOOSE FROM 640 WOMEN'S NEW TAILORED SUITS MADE TO SELL FOR $18.00 TO $22.00, FOR $15.00 There are no fifteen dollar suits in Omnha that are in the same class with them. They are practical, serviceable new suits in all sizes, made from good woolen fabrics. All tho nowest styles for spring are included. Completo range of new colors for spring including Nell Rose, New Tans, Leather Shades, Dorothy Blue, Shepherd Plaids, Balkan Green, Black, etc. This is a wonderfully good-chance to select a now Suit for spring at a price that you cannot find anywhere else in the same quality garment for Leather Shades, 15 Now armnjs of stunning Spring Coats, specially priced nt 10 ('harming spring styles in Coats-new features at $15 and $19 Children's while Dresses for confirmation, at $7.50, $10, $15 Women's now and practical "Slip-on" Raincoats, at ....$2.50 Children's -pretty, new spring Coats, special $3.98 $5, $7.50 Juniors' colored Wjish Dresses pretty as can be, at $1.98 to $5 Children's Wnsli Drcases, $1.50 $98 $2.98 $5 j Women's now silk Petticoats - every color. .$2.50 Women's now Silk Waists, $1.98 $2.50 $3.98 , Wash Lingerie ,&,:$lt$1.50, $2.50 PURE THREAD SILK HOSE With wide lisle ban tops, lisle double solos, high spliced 71 heels and toes, $1 quality, nt-. 9 Women's Fine Imported LISLE THREAD HOSE Mercerized lisle, plnin -and fancy silk ombVoidored boot pattern; double soles, regularly 9G.V wnrlli SOe. for , uOL , . - I"" " " GREAT SALE of MUNSING SPRING and SUMMER UNDERWEAR ALL THE "IRREGULARS," BOUGHT FROM NORTHWESTERN. KNITTING , COMPANY. Flaws so slight they cannot be detected. Fit and wear perfectly. All new spring and summer weights. Misses, Children's and Boys' Munsing Union Suits High neck, long or short sleeves, knee or ankle length; also low neck and sleeveless, in bleached and ecru ages 2 to 14 yours worth 756 n suit on sale, 2 2. at a suit Women's. Munsing Union Suits Low neck, . sleeve less or wing sleeves, knee or ankle length r m regular and extra sizes worth 75c, at suit. .O $JC Women's Munsing Pants, Vests and Corset Covers Pants in cuff knee and ankle length, umbrella and Macella styles, lace trimmed; vests aHd corset covers with high neck, long or short sleeves regular and extra sizes GOc and fhfefl 75c quality, at a garment Children's "M" Knit Waists Irregulars, with patent taped seams and buttons sizes 1 2,n up to 15 years 25c quality, each JLOC 10,000 POTS OF Genuine Irish Shamrocks Live, growing bunches rocks in the original sod from Ireland; on sale" Saturday in basement of Sham- 5 c pot KID GLOVES FOR EASTER WEAR Women's U-cIasp Kid (lloven, Made to Bel? at 81.B5, fur 75c a I'alr Ulack, whlto and colors all sizes, on bargain square nt pair 75c Perrln's Short Gloves for Women 2-clasp, In tio finest selected French Mi new tans, greys, mode, blues; also black and white, with embroidered backs pftS? M.SM2' Women's Long French Kid Gloves These gloves aro in white only; 10-button length, with 3 radium clasp fasteners; all sizes, fitted to the hand, worth $3.50, per pair at $275 Men's Spring Shifts ' Neckwear and Underwear Better Varieties and Far Botter Values Than You'll Find Anywhere Else in Omaha You should soo the Manhattan Spring Shirts. Exclusive pat terns in silk and lin en, madras and -pongee mnny wtth de tached Boft collars to match at 91.BO to 5. The Famous K. & W. Shirts In nowest spring models are to 9i.oo. Men's Nosllsee and Outing 8hlrls Now Spring pat terns Just received, and every shirt made to selt at, i.uu, HpeciBi no anu sot The 'In that Captivate Fashionable Woman n Every Style Center in America orone Hats " dl I II "Coronet " give tho American women styles, of genuine artistic character Jit a. price that Is very moderate. Hundreds of well dressed women await this showing of Trimmed Millinery of Artistic. Design to sqlKat $10. Beach "Corbnot" hat Is tho creation of a French designer who devotes his tlme,exclu alvely to adapting, oipenslvo Paris Ideas to moderate priced millinery. Drandcls has been designated tho exclusive selling agent In this section. The now "Coronet" hats are daintier than ever. All the new shades of Saxc Blue,. Nell Rose, Kelly Croon, tete do negre, etc., in tho stunning small shapes that -Paris favors. Suit hats, .dress hats nnd flowor trimmed hats (n scores of style variations. New Hemp Tam CShanters Those aro the Volvot edged taniB that aro now at tho height of popularity In the East. 'We also show hundreds of velvet faced hemp hats In all tho newest colors, specially priced Saturday at 2.50 Misses' and Juniors1 HATS In separate section second floor. Chic little Milan and hemp braid hats trimmed In girl ish Ideas with ribbons, bows of velvet, otc. designed for girls 6 to 12 years old r.r. 98e, $1.59 and $2.50 Leather Bag Specials High grade, all leather bags, real seal, walrus and saffien leather!; ome silk lined, others leather lined, worth up to - $f 19 $5.00"nd w aT..V.V. ? tr r?.v? .... A MESH BAG SPECIALS 7-inch Shirred German Silver- Ring Mesh Bags, kid lined, with one-inch ' $049 fringe $5 bags, at....'. Large Unbreakable Mesh Bags, with beauti ful frames, unlined; $5.00 . $J49 values, now at $4, 6-inch Unbreakable Mesh Bags, at SI. 98 Real Gun Metal Coin Holders on long chain; Also ls Metal Coin Pui-ch, long or short chains g j $2.60 values, at $2 Indestructible Pearl Beads, on sale Saturday, ijtl 50c Hose and Kosctte Hair Ornaments, on sale at 115c Aluminum Hair Barcttes, special, on su'o Saturday, 81 $.1 Aluminum Hair Barcttes, on sale Saturday, .$1.08 50c Gold Filled Friendship Bracelets, on sale at 35c .15 at Mn' BunpU gUg Balrt, worth to 69q and 78o Mnnalnr Spring- Pnton Bnlti fgular ! ana tonta .81 to 33 Kw Spring Import d raitdr Howar. t . .6Qo and 73c gjlfc and Knit rour-ln-hona Uet nw patf mi SOo yal. t : ' iao and a So tCtay aso UmU Hon, tplUxd hl ana toa. at pr xlr i ; .ilE!" "1 ISO tn' Ponr ana ttUdrmi Pyjamas, atlic fron. 7So and'sso Mea Who Demand Rett Style and Good Serrice Choose These SPRING SUITS In the NEWEST "HIRSH-WICKWlRE" or "STRATFORD" MODELS ThoiiBiiuda of Omaha men havo found that Hirsh-Wickwiro and Stratford System Clothes put them in the front rank of well Jressed men. Tho best tailors in 'America fashion and finish their suits They aro tho last word in clothes craft and they are from ovory standpoint tho best clothes a busi ness man can buv. You will find amomr thoso new Norfo ks and two or three button models just tho suit to meet your spring need. Tho prices' aro r. , ' Men and young men Horo aro threo groups of suits, tho best that were ever offered to you at these prices. Cheviots, true blue sorges and worsteds. Favorite patterns of blue, tan and grey; two button coats, threo button coats or Nor ifl50 M C 750" rolksj all aro hand tailored, at 4 NEW GROUPS OF MEN'S SPRING TROUSERS AW EXTBA VA.TR OITSB OWE BuTT JUtli TMflBTJU ur tueso new iNorioiKs anu two or $22.50 $35 Men's $2.50 Worsted and Cheviot (J08 Pants, at. . . V Men's $4 Worsted Pants at . All Wool $2! Men's $5.00 Striped I Men's $7.00 Hand Worsted fcj98 Made Spring tfE Panta at. . HJ Pants at jPV Sale of Men's Sample RAINCOATS and SLIP-ONS tuinroata nmi Hiip-oi routs, i Ualncoats and Slip-On Coats, made to bou roguiar- tf50 I made to sell regular- A 50 lyat10,spoclal8at. u , i, t 7.B0. at.... V Raincoats and Slip-On Coats, made to sell regular- go 50 ly at JG.00 for.... V 4 Big Bargains in Boys' Clothing Z Boys' Blue Serge Suit Norfolk or double breasted stylos - regular t 7C $6.50 values New Spring Suits In tho season's smartest- coloru uud weaves, some have 2 pr, pants, .vd Boys Norfolk Suits with 2 pairs of pants lilue, gi"ey and browu AQ mixtures. ...Vt0 Boys' Top Coats Tan and brown cov- ert oloth, cut full box back, $a.rD AO values, at... vl0 75oBoy blouse waist, 49c J Boys' Soisette Shirts, 75c Boys' Ties or belts, at 25c t WOMEN'S SPRING- NECKWEAR Beautiful Veniso, Baby Irish and Bohemian lace effects, specially priced Saturday $1.50 values, at., 50c Coat Sets In crochet ef focts, Bulgarian and em broidered linen all new designs, at unusually low prices. The Spring Stetson Hats Here is the Established Headquarters for Better Hats and Greater Satisfaction Now, 1913 Spring models now on display. Soft and Btlff hats with the latest touches of style and sound duality always associated with the Stetson name. "THEXACME" A New Hat Wo aro exclusive agents in Omaha. With the bow at the back now shades of green, tan and brown for Imported Wool rlt gnock-front Hat, tltchad crown and brim, at T W.W Bampl Bolt and Btlff Haf in aprlnf ityl 9X60 valniii for Boys' and ChUdron'a nw prlny hats 91 value a at ..SOo Boys' and OhUdren'a Bampl gats and Caps valq up to iocTat7.. 350 TRUNKS AND SUIT OASES We carry the largest variety of trunks, suit cases and traveling bags made by the foremost manu facturers of the country. .. .j . .$8, 90. 87, 1Q up to $88 51.50, 82.SO, $5, 87.G0 up to 923 $2 Trunks, at Suit Cues, at Traveling Basra at . .91.50, 83.60. 93.50, 95 up to 923.80 Sale of Women's Shoes Store $945 To make room for now shipments of spring footwear, we offer 350 pairs of women's fine shoes in tan aud'blauk leathers, that have been selling nt $3.50 and $4.00. Every pair in this season's up-to-date styles, per fect in every way, and will give excellent service main floor, Satur day, at pair- WOMEN'S ORAVENETTE SHOES. Mndo of serviceable eravenetto with tip loos in button Style, fit tho foot perfectly, $3.48 MEN'S NEW SPRING SHOES. Men's tan calf, dull calf and patent leather shoes, button and blucher styles ut $2.95