THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MATKH 14, 1913. jS "Made-in-Nebfaska,, Show j 1 Kl s AX TliH TIIEATKBS. If Yin Would Know Where Laughs Are MADE IN NEBRASKA IT'S AT OMAHA'S XVK CEBTA1B THE GAYETY Everybody does. Aak Anybody. This Wask-'Howery Burleaquera." MATIHEE DAHTf rorur.AB raxcas. The dayety ploys to morn ladloa at 1U daily matinee than any two theaters In Omaha. Defiance Starch la the friend of every housewife. It ?lves a beautiful, stiff and lasting Inlsh to the xoods, and makes them look like new. Keeda no cooking; easy to uae. , The boat material, the moat Intel ligent workmanship so trtt,o the mak ing of Defiance starch. 16-ounce packages 10 cents. You can get no better. It's made In Omaha and must be good. BifiiRie Starch Co. OKAXA, Nebraska. SUN$ET-:-LITHROCK dlngar Ala. Table Water quajiaxtbed pube necauao bottled In n sanitary fac tory under aonltary conditions. room trs toub okdsb. We Deliver to. All .Parts of Cly. SLOMP-SMEMY I0TTLINI 0. SosgUa 79M. 1508 Webster St. Nebraska & Iowa t SteeLTajric Cv kahotactttbebs or Steel Tanks, Troughs, Grain Storage Tanks, JTmcI JJins, ,Etc Etc. rtsjhut hraaaicatarUi and Workmanship. Special Veslgna to Order. .VKAXA, -l.-.i- - HB8SASXA. WILSON STEAM BOILER 00. Overhaul and Repair Boilers Manufactures s Tanks, mokeataoka, Breeohlngs, Boilers and Sheet Iron Work. orricsi ahxj wosksi sots Aim oshtbs. srd., oicara. Lew Raber Arenas Ploor, Court of Dm Building. High Class Job Printing The work done hers la artlatlc and attractive. U leavea i fine Impresalan where it Is seen. Try Itaber'a Hie next time you have any Job printing. HEIPHART MONUMENT WORKS, Beatrice, Net. uB,tiu".n4, l8.68, The oldeat monument firm In southeastern Nebraska. w,?.i?r?it.5n ,yme. rrePared, to offer the buying publlo the best In the market in the line of monumental work. We quote the lowest prlcea i6n i.ail With .the finest, qualltlea. Jf In need of work in our line, pleAso drop a card or call. - WJm WHISKEY BOTTLED IN BOND under supervision of the U.S.Governmentby Standard Distilling Distributing Qa uuiuuui iiu.1, ill AT TllB TllliATBItg. Week of Monday, March 10th HOWARD BROS. TEC rLAVZKG DAMJOISTg Ohae.Burkhart St Co. In "The Cheap Skato" A Clever Comedy Character Bkatoh Tha Myaterloua Ward Slstors Becker & Adams Comedy songatera Mon., Tnti, and Wadnaaday Red and White Roses A Deautlfnl Drama And Other numbers or Worth, nothing- UnUanaL Juat the Beat Obtainable. m MEYERS BROOM WORKS OXAXA, HBB. V j 'Mannfacturars of JHf h drad BROOMS and WHISKS .All theso Brands hear .Union. fabeli Little Prlnceas, Standard; Red Cross, Peerless. H tar, Domestic and Clean Sweep. Today You Save 5 Gents on a package n'f Uncle Ham Health Food, Get a coupon ut our booth nc the MaUe-tn-Ncbra.ika BhOW. The food' that gives health and happiness. Uncle Sam Break I fait rood Co. UIST.OFNEB. i pssVHIMsRiHsVBVlaJMHBHBsH kl WWW . nlfjftn ITWw. WWW 1 ftWfe I tiL-E m m iiiWKKn ii hi I BBBBBBBBBBJ B II BBBBBBBBBBI ' urtnjiKr iHuicnDATnoi I h numni. iniiuuimiuii. hi 1 1 iB A'lotsnto DIatlHatlon 1 H I BBbI II l4AT Wllk NOT INJUSS.THB MOST I BBsS I SBBsl II MIIM1DY IM TMK WBeLS H BsBBB I ' u Sasan I wWm RbiuattlaaT. DVmrxlO- 1 BaB I BH !l CoaiUpitloo. Bdeauiy UImum H I Bllloutntu, gidmr OomplUat,) U ftfM i I I. BBSs A Luoi DIhmm. Immir VloD&y" II WWW i l.H KPfTTKR. FWHU TOWC crJEVaaeP 1 H I i nfafaV k mpIiUj uurnl to .11 WT. II jBBJ I m I BBBBBBBBK muiia tosuiinjT usmwavfy Uf M. II BaSBBBBBBBI I 1- 1D1BECTI0HS;!3. H .il.h:fz 2St co. . H TssV iTrsarXU' Sol ManvrMtutrs.) fSBBE OMAHA. Has. 11:30 A. 2:00 P. 4:00 P. 4:30 P. 8:00 P. 8:30 P. 9:00 P. GreatxDetective Burns Poses The General Film company of Omaha la one of the leading firms of Its line In I ho country, supplying 250 customer and selling more than fifty reels in Nebraska and Iowa every week. In Omaha, films aro auppllcd to more than seventeen I -heaters, which number Includes the Hipp, the Farnam, the Empress, the Kllte No. 1 and the Tanor. The General Film company's list of picture makers Includes Paths, tho Utograph, the Vita graph, the Edison, Luliln, ellg, Kmeney, Kalem, Melles, Clnes and Indued nearly it tho leading makers ot pictures In the orld, These are names which uro seen I on films uaed In the best picture houses all over the country. Tbls company has Omaha Home of One of World's Greatest Insurance Concerns No fraternal limuranco Institution atands out more prominently than doea the Woodmen of the World, whose homo office la In Omaha In the hew modern Woodmen of the World building, which Is located on the southeast corner of Farnam and Fourteenth streets. This company Is the largest one of Its kind In the world, and Includes in Its member ship many thousands q( .persons In all parts of the world. It Is bulided on a basts that makes It Impregnable and It Is everywhere regarded as one of the com panies that all men should hold member ship In. No one ever questions Its bigness or Its substantiality. Steel Tanks Made in Omaha at Plant by Growing Firm The Nebraaka.'& Iowa Steel Tank com pany, located In Omaha, Is one of the largest builders of steel tanks of all kinds that there Is In the middle west. This firm last year opened a modern plant, where a large number ot men are em ployed. Orders are so large that tho firm la forced to work Its plant to tho fullness of Its capacity at all times. Silos, stor- When Purchasing Electrical Goods be sure to go where you get the best value for your money. It pays. At the ELECTRIC SHOP you will find it to be so. Everybody says so. Ask your neighbor, they will know. Wo enny a complete lino, of heating devices of practically all makes also motors, invincible vacuum, oleanors, and tho MAYTAG washing machine, tho only washer with tho. swinging wringer which swings over threo tubs. AVo are agents for the famous OOPEMAN olectrio cook stove and fireloss cooker combined. Do not fail to see tho demonstration of this stove every afternoon and evening at the Auditorium. vWo aro making olectrio and gas fixtures of dvery description. Get our prices. THE ELECTRIC SHOP WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. 1810 Farnam special ladies' matinee. Omaha ad club night. UNIVERSITY OP OMAHA NIGHT; FRATERNAL SOCIETY NIGHT. , v . Doors open at 10:30 A. M. . ... .-4 Close at 10:30 P. M. . . M. Illustrated lecture Lecture room, industrial'films. ' : M. Forullo band concert. M. Ereo moving picture show in lecture room. M. In lectures room Comic industrial films, talks on Nebraska ani its resources, by Mr. Will M Maupin. M. Concert by Forullo band. ' M. Omaha University musical program, vocal soloists, etc. M. Arrival of Ad Club with band. Special ceremonies. Freo moving pictures, exhibition of welding and use of blau gas, in lecture room. more than flfty-flvo offices In the United States. A three-reel picture that is to be re leased April 1 and that Is regarded as one of the greatest ever put out Is that of W. J. Bums' detective adventures, showing poses by the great detective himself In connection with the famous land swindling cases. The producers, whose views are handled by the General Film company spare no expense In get ting the best pictures. Mme. Sarali Bernhardt, whose series of pictures have attracted much attention during the last few months, received JSO.000 for her work. In tho pictures of the Wilson Inaugura tion, which aro now being shown at tho lfrug theater, It Is demonstrated how tho Pathe company does business. Unlike age tanks for grain, water tanks, etc., aro made hero In the best designs and In the most substantial construction that aro to be found anywhere. The company docs n large business all over the west, and this Is gradually Increasing, with the result that , the firm will soon have to expand in order to take care of Its trade. Don't trust the man who boasts that he Is honest as the day Is long. Bo Is the burglar. He only works nt night. -Now York Times. Where Iten Makes Products The "greater snow white bakery" of the Iten Biscuit company us It will look when tho western half now under con Established 1874 for Movies many other firms, this company was not content to rematn In the street and get views, but bought space In the stands and took Intimate views ot the famous persons. Their views are the best that were caught of tho Inauguration. The General Film company has long since, ceased to sell questionable pictures be cause' It learned that patrons' would not stand for naughty pictures. If a reel of questionable views was. sent to a house the patrons might complain and then the owner of the show would atop buying' of tho film company. The General Film company, of whloh A. O. Peterson Is the Omaha manager, does not ship any. but, .the best pictures and because ot this .fact his hundreds of pleased customers In this section. Lew Eaber, in Bee Building, Does Best Kind of Job Printing In the court of The Bee building Is one of the neatest Job printing establishments in the city, it is conducted by Lew Rnber, who long has been In business In Omaha and who is dally turning out many orders of fine printing work. struction Is completed. The plant Is lo cated on Capitol avenue between Twelfth and Thirteenth atreets. Tylar 1414 : AT TUB THEATERS. Path Moving Pictures OP WILSON INAUGURATION AT KRUG THEATER TODAY AND ALL "WEEK First time Bhown li. Omaha, giving intimate glimpses of now president, Secretary Bryan and thousands who watched the parades. THE ORIENTALS A Burlesque Show with Artistic Pictures of Life as You Would Like to Live It - Funny, Pleasurable and Beautiful. Matinee, 2:30. Evening, 8:30. Hard Omaha. I PURE ICE Supplied to Leading Houses of Oman Manufactured in Omaha HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOU Omaha Ice & Gold Storage Co; 1502 DODGE ST. Office McCague Bldg. Plant 5th and Leavenworth Furniture Food-SSlS Feeds and builds up any varnish surface. Manufactured by HASTINGS FURNITURE CO., Hastings, Neb. stay rox sxxrzrsK at THE AUDITORIUM Come In the Afternoon, See the Interesting Exhibits, then have your Dinner at the DIHTKO BOOTH A Substantial Komi Cooked SCeal for 40o Then you can stay for the muslo in the evening without leaving the hall MIDLAND Glass & Paint Go. OMAHA, - NEB. COW T THXOW AWAY YOUIi OLD OAKE OSAXSS. The Omaha Reed & Rattan Go, vnr& XEPAia ththj, Manufacturers and repairers of baby carriages, go-carts, reed ana rattan furniture, HO HO. lStn Bt. Douglaa 8M3. Dayton Monaywelght Scales Exhibit Hear Stage Merchants and visitors ara cor dially urged to inspect this complete line of modern computing scales. HOUmrWXIOKT SCALE CO., ft. S. Karshsll Z. Jt. Smith Nebraska Managers 8 a Bur to Sea the lava Exhibit of J. H. HANEY & CO. at "MADE XH XEBBASXA BXOW of Harness, Saddles and Saddlery foods 1 Booth Ho. 37. PARMER'S HIGH fiMIE COFFEES NEBRASKA MADE FOR JfEBUASKA TRADE. AT TUB TIIBATBRS. Visitors to the Made-Xn-Nebraeka Bhow are Cordially Invited to Attend ORPHEUM 15th and Harney. Phone Song. 494. THIS WBBK OVS EDWARDS A WD HIS BONO REVIEW OP 1913. OAXKXfi REYNOLDS KOPXXNB and AXTEIiXi UoCOBMAOK and WALLACE HENRY LEWIS FRANK JORDON and ROSE KIItLEY FATKE'S WEEKLY RBVXBW Prlcea Mat., Oallery 10c, beat seats 39c, except Sat. and Son. Night, lOo, aso, SOo. 730. MARTIN BECK PRESENTS . MADAME SARAH BERNHARDT APRIL 14, IS, 16, 1? IS. Bridge Co. Nebraska Woodmen Circle America's leading frater nal society for women. This large society en ables the wife and mother to enjoy tho same advan tages of social and business fraternal relations that the father and husband do. By a Bmall monthly contri bution of assessmont and dues you are assured of the prompt payment, at death, of such an amount as you may desire, to any relative you may designate. This circle pays death benefits, old ago disabil ity, funeral benefits, and erects a monument to females all in one cost. Membership, 120,000. Assets, $2,848,999,66. Emma B. Manchester, Supreme Guardian. Dora Alexander, Supreme Clerk. Woodmen Circle W. O. W. Building, Omaha, H. BESELIN & SON S0T ,t??'i5r,r Quarters, lOS Soaglaa. WXOLESAXE AHD XETATG. Sea our live exhibit ot cigar tnakinr at "Made la Webraix Vbovr" MR. RETAILER: SEE GARVEY'S SHAKER BLUING Soma thing Entirely Haw.