Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tlltt BKK: OMAHA, TIiriiSDAY, MARCH 13, 1913.
New Arrivals-Paris Hats
Display of Our Own Millinery
Copy Hats from the ateliers of Roboux,
Georgette, Suzanne Talbot, Lewis, Louisanne
and other famous French designers await your
inspection in the Millinery Salon, Second Floor.
The most recent arrivals added to the many
already on display faithfully mirror the most
charming phases of Spring Millinery.
Chic Spring Hats From Our
Own Workroom
$12.50 $15.00 $18.00
Over two hundred new huts that reproduce- faithfully the
new Paris ideas. Tailored and Boini-tailored Hats with
the smart ribbon trimmings in new color combinations.
Fancy ontrioh .feather trimmings "Autrucho Dentello"
(ostrich lace), now Numidi trimmings and Bulgarian effects.
Many Hats wiih the tiny flowers in the novel colorings that
add just the right note of style to the clover new shapes.
Style Exposition
New Spring Fash
ions are being con
stantly received in De
pendable Wearing Ap
parel. As fast as the
new ideas are created,
they are sent to us di
rectly by our Eastern
connections, and be
cause of our unsur
passed buying facilities,
we are able to offer our
garments at very reas
onable prices.
Many conveniences are offered in our mag
nificent new display rooms, that make selecting
easier and most satisfactory. You are waited
upon by women who arc competent to serve
you efficiently, while all alterations are made by
expert fitters and tailors.
We offer you a service second to no other,
and superior to many. A service you will ap
preciate because of its thoroughness.
Suits, $16.30, $25, $27.50, $30
Silk Dresses, $7.50, $8.75, $16.50
Coats, $12.50, $16.50, $25
OUR WAIST SECTION is filled with
every desirable new style this season has brought
forth. Many exclusive features.
a power Hint will outline the figure of ft
man 600 feet distant.
8. V. w. by Reynold or Dawes iir- f.
quires railroad to equip their switch- T
stands with llRhts.
. . , , A
" 'f
Cnrdrnl'it Mcnsnrr Ilecomniemlcil j
After liiinK I)lcnnliin. (
(From a Staff Correspondent) a
LINCOLN. Slarch 12. (Special Tele- j T
sram.) The afternoon soralon of the sen- , J
nte was taken up with the conslleratlon i
of Cor deal's blue-sky law bill, recom- 4
mending It for passage. The bill as ,
Amended permits the sale of land Inside i
' or outside of the stato by agents In I X
tracts ofMorty acres or over, but tracts i
cut tip on the small tract proposition ,
will come under the provisions of the .
act. 1
Senate lie .o, w, ny Macianana ot
Douglas, allowing the extension of
city limit to five miles, was Indefinitely
Aetual $22.50
values, special.
llculcr, Hvynohln, Schnupp, KchuetK
Shipley, Klmon, Hltidelar, Smith, Htearns,
Sugarman, Trumble. Vtj Dimer.. Weston.
Vntes, Mr. penkor. 07.
No Anderson of Kearney, Aycrs,
Hunks, Huckncr. t'hujipcll, Corhln, Klmc
Und, Klsher, Kunk, UUHtnfBon, HiiKcrty,
Hardin, Jeary, .Tones, Keckley, Jocltett,
Norton. Orr.. Palmer, Venrson, Potts.
IUchardson, ltudlsell, Hcott, Hcarlo, Hny't
tier, Htebblns, Htephens of Lincoln,
Ktephens of Merrick, Wood. SO.
On t'lipltal ln ii I alt in nil.
ltoll call on lioueo roll No. 100, the bill
nbollshlng capital piinlsJiment:
Yes Allen, Anderson of lloyil, ndlr.
Uollen. Drain, Hrdtt', lluckner, ("ronln,
l.lwbod. KullHtrad, J-'Ishnr, KlnnojrUrV
KoBft-r, KuHrr, Orecnwnlt, Oustln. Hag.
i-rty, Hardin, Harris., Ilaslk, II off, Hon.
tetlcr. Hubbard, Jackson, Jeary, KUuff
iiiiin, Heckley, Knudson, lASf, lAtoy,
Maurer, Mockett, McAllister. McCarthy
of Cuming. McKlsaipk, Nlcholr, Norton.
O'Malley, Palmer, Prarnon. Potts,
It' Uclie, Rudlsell, BNiaupp. Hcott. Simon,
Sludelar, Hmlth. Un'yder. Mtearns, Htob.
bins, tcplicmt of .Merlck. iignnrmii, Wood,
No Anderson ol Douglas". Anderson
it Kearney. Ayers, Hanks. Hiirkct,
Husch Ctiuppcll, Corbln, Davis, Druoic.
dow. Klmelund. Krlckson, Kox, Krles,
Kunk. Gates, Ortieber, Clustafson, llart
woll, IleJIIgor, lloffinelster, Jones, Korff,
Mullory, Mather, Morris, Murphy, Me
("urthy of Greeley. Orr, Pllgor, Qnlggle,
ltcgan, Ilctitrr, Itnynolcls, Jtlchardson,
chucth. Searle, Hhlpley. Stephens of Lin
coln, Trumbki, Van Dusen, Weston. 12.
Upper t'liniulier Hurries .llenNiirrs
ThroiiKh the Mill,
, (I'Vonun Staff Correspondent.)
; idtJCp.f March, t2.-(Spe0la.)-The-sinato
pio)Vllw imsdc a record' today
whci(ln .atjL.hoiji' ,ind it hul -UMpncd
twentV-flve' bills and infliodltitcl)fWftor
lunch In one-hulf hour passed ten more.
The senators arc already considering the
advisability of doing away with the ap
pointment of a sifting committee, hi
llovlng that the senate can successfully
dispose, of the matter themselves by
passing or rejecting the bills before
them. When tho big bunch, of bills be
gins to come over from tho house. It may
clog the, vhfcolfl of progress In tho senatu
Great Laboratory
Finds Antidote
for Blood Poison
Wonderful Ruults Now Being Accom-
piishtd by a Herbal Extract from
tho Swift Laboratory in Atlanta.
The ancient and destructive treatment!
o long In use for blood poison Is now I
banished forever. No longer will mer
cury. Iodides and arsenic destroy human
kind. The great 8wA Laboratory at At
lants. Is making a powerful herbal extract
that ! unquestionably one of tho greatest
medical discoveries of all time, This
wonderful preparation Is now on sale in
nearly every drug store throughout the
country under tbe name of S. 8. B. Its
c.tion Is marvelous. Borne of tho effects
of blood poison cured are mucous patches
in the mouth, ulcers on tbo tongue. Hps.
In the nase and throat: copper colored
cplotches. ocreina. articular rheumatism,
scrofulous eorcs and ulcers, and every do-
nrce end .stage of Wood poison.
Tbe fame vt & 0. 8. has become almost
r-crli wide, it bos elven perfect health
to those who years ago had given up all
hoDe. It has been a revelation to nun
dreds of physlclahs who enthusiastically
welcome tho remedy that can banish tner.
cury and other poisons.
There are thousands or people wno
would like to know Jiore about the won
ders ot 8. S. 8.. and a handy little book
with colored plates showing the strange
facts about skin and blood diseases will
be mailed free upon roquost to Medical
Department. Tho Swift Specific, Co., is.
Bwlft IUdg.. Atlanta. Go. In the mean
time get a 1.Q0 bottlo of this remarkablo
remedy from your druggist and thus be
assured of ownmoto and permanent re
covery from any skin or blood disorder.
n euro to ask for 8. 8. 8. Do nbt b
misled into buying blood tonics that hav
antidotal effect.
and prevent tho senate from carrying
out Its Ideas, but an effort will he made
to hustle things through and the rccoid
made today Indicates that tho senate
can go wtlh some speed if it feels like It.
PiiND Poller lloml lllll.
Tho senati was feeling better toward
Omaha today than wan tho house t'.io
other day when the bill to permit tho
police Judge of that city to accept U
cash bond when tho enforced visitors to
tho police sttltlon were brought before
that JIntarl apd passed Macfarland's
bill, a 1 31, to that effect. Tho housu
saw thinks d(ffcr.ently when a similar
bill war-' before" that body, hlit with (in
record for changing Its mind inny con
iludo to look upon the senate hill more
favorably when it gets over there.
Tho bill Introduced by Placek 3f
Baundors repealing the old law requiring
counties to pay for the keeping of their
liistano at the Stat nsylums was passed
without opposition this morning. A bill
by Saunders that cities may Bubmlt
amendments to their charters by section
upon petition of 10 per cent of tho votors,
was passed.
Maorarland'H bill to pension employes
of tho Omaha Public llbrnry met with
somo opposition, hut finally went through
with votes to spare, Hrookley, Cox,
Grossman. Klein, Ollls, Smith and West,
all democrats, voting against tho bill.
I-or Motor Car Owner.
A bill Introduced by Dodgo of Douglas,
was passed prohibiting tho "borrowing"
of motor vehicles without the consent of
the owner, and one by lloagland ot Lin
coln, providing that
manufacturers of motor vehicles who
have uRonclcs lit this stato may bo sued
through their agnets when their ma
chines do not come up to tho specifica
tions In tho contract.
Ttallway engines will havo to carry
headlights with a penetration of 600 feet
so that tho figure ot a man can be out
lined at that distance, according to a
bill introduced by Cordcal. tho lied Wil
low statesman, and passed today. These
same railroads will also bo compelled to
put swltchllghts on nil switches ns pre
scribed by a bill by Reynolds of Dawes,
which passed this morning.
I1I1U P.eil.
The following bills were passed In tho
8. V. 330. Kohl of Wayno Changes the
course of State Normal schools to bo the
equivalent of two years In college
8. V. 352. Placek of Saunders llepeal-
Ing the law that counties must pay for
the malntalnance of their Insane at state
w. J''. Z13, liongiumi ot uneoin Autn-
orlies district Judges to require remit
tours In damage cases.
S, r . S3, Hoagland or Uncoln Provld.
Ing that consplrutora to death to get life
Insurance of deceased cannot collect.
8. V 47. Saunders of DousIbb Permits.
colleges to Incur Indebtedness to the
amount of their properties and antici
pated contributions.
B. f. so. Saunders of lxmgo Provides
for the submission by station of city
charters to vote of the people upon the
request of 10 per cent of the voters.
S. l'' Ui. Klchel or rseumlia -l'crniltr
the State Board of Education to sell
municipalities water, heat and light.
a. F. M07 Hoagland of Uncoln Pre
vents foreign corporations from doing
business In state unless they have a rep
resentative agent here upon whom serv
ice may be made.
. r . are, corneal ot itea winow Pro
vides for tho reinsurance of risks.
8. F. 280. Saunders of Douglas Pro
vides that property shall be entered at
full valuation and one-fifth for tax
S. F. S!9. Macfarland of Douglas- -Vro. i
vldes for private hearings In Juvenile
court proceedings. I
a F. 85, Code Itevlslon commission 1
For a Jury commissioner.
8. F. . lloagland ot lncoster Abol
Ishes the defence of assumption of risk !
for railroad employes. I
8. F. 31, Macfarland ot Douglas Au- 1
tuortses olerks of police magistrates to I
administer oalli una Issue warrants.
S. F. 33, by Macfarland ot Douglas
Raises the monthly pension of retired
policemen from 140 to JM In Omaha.
8. F. 43S, by Cordeal of Ited Willow
Authorizes cities and villages, to pay
membership fees In league of Nebraska
8. F. ill. by Hoagland, Battling and
Wink Provides for compensation of fire
men In small cities.
8. F. SKf. by Saunders ot Douglas Pen
sions for Omaha rlty librarians.
8. F 3J6 by Placek of Saunders-Af.
fects procedure In probate when fal
estato Is In Issuo and no county court
Iuih acquired Jurisdiction.
8. F. 242, by Dodge of Douglas Penalty
for taking motor vehicles without consent
ot owners.
8. F. 331. by Hoagland of Ijincaster
ProvldeH for tho establishment of public
marnoi nouses.
8. F. 328. bv Hoagland of Uncoln Pro
Vldes for appraisement of public utilities
8. F. 4. by Klechel and Uartllng-
Hcquirca veterinarians to renew licenses
uvery three years.
8. V 44. by Cordial of Ued Willow
Itetiulrea railroads to uso headlights o
H. X
Como in serges, -whipcords nnd
diagonals. In all shades. They
are all strictly tailored. Very
price . .
NEW YORK, March 12. Julian Haw
thorne and his associates, on trial on
the charge ot using the malls to detraud
In connection with the promotion of mm-
Ing claims, were denounced as green
goods men, bunco stccrers, swindlers nnl .W
Impudent Impostors" by United States.
District Attorney Henry A. Aviso toaayj
In summing up tho cose for the prosecu-,
tlon. Assistant District Attorney Dorr, , a
who also took part In the summing up, X
thnt Hawthorne. In the face ofi
... - i
his advertisements that he had -mmc ev
ery dollar he had In his enterprises, had i
"not contributed one cent." i
Prof, llenrr Ledanm,
GRAND FOR.K8. N. D., March 12.
Prof. Henry Iedaum, a member of the
faculty of the University of North Da
kota, who gained prominence among;
students of Italian literature In this coun
try and abroad by reason of several
works on Italian subjects, died at his
homo hero yesterday. Prof. Ledaum was
formerly connected with NorthweBtorn
university and the University of Iowa.
A Cold, I.u Grippe, Then Pinrmnontn.
Is too often the fatal sequence. La
Grippe coughs hang on, weaken tho sys
tem, and lower tho vital resistance. K. G,
Collins, Postmaster, Barnegal, N. J
says: "I was troubled with a severe La
Grippe cough and was completely ex
hausted after each fit of violent coughlntT.
Before I had taken ono half of a bottle
of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, the
coughing spells had entirely ceased. I
wish to say It can't be beat. All others
are Imitations. For sale by all dealers
everywhere. Advertisement.
Imily Scott Stills for Home.
SYDNEY, Australia, March 12. Lady
Scott, wife of the late Captain Scott,
sailed for England yesterday on the
steamer Medina. Tho New Zealand
government proposes to ask the. Parlia
ment to vote a sum towards the mainte
nance of the families of Captain Scott
and also those ot his companions.
Remember they are
Easter Special in Ladies'
Spring Suits
Very latest styles, extra well
tailored, come in serges, mix
tures and diagonals. Choice
assortment. Worth $22.50,
sale price
to iiiKVEr4T ti:k GIIIP' '"J.
the cause. There Is only one "BROMO
QUININE." Look for the signature of E
V. GROVE. 25c Advertisement.
S4i 9 8 1
A beautiful showing of the new
Spring Trimmed Huts in all
tho different shapes. $8.50 val
ues, special, at
a a . i : . . c a r.. i n.. c.,:.. rtin,:r
iiuvuuuu eiiuwiiiy ul luuu b iuiu uuva k.TiJimy viu 1.111115,
Hats nnd Shoes.
Store I
Peoples 6ioak and Slothing
Bread You Are Sure
an And Pure
To make bread cleaner than HOZtSCIA is made would
be simply impossible. If HOI5UM were made right in your
kitchen, under your own eves, the surroundings couldn't be
cleaner the ingredients couldn't be better, the care taken in
the baking couldn't be greater.
Absolute cleanliness is habit at the KOIaSUM 'Bakery. There are clean
walls, clean floors, clean machines, clean bakers and a corps of clean attired
ijXmen whose only duty it is to keep the HOZa5uJ& Bakery spotlessly clean.
'ROL5UM: Bread
Comes to You in Dainty Waxed Wrappers
Fresh from the oven HOLSUH Bread is popped Into dainty waxed wrap
pers, which keep the loaf with all its new-baked cleanness and purity unchanged
for the enjoyment and protection of your household.
You must agree that for cleanness and purity, RQLSUM leaves nothing to be
desired. It is as good as it is clean.
WlOliSUFi Leaves no Excuse for Home Baking
the heat, the worry and the drudgery,
which home baking always imposes
upon the housewife.
Try HQL5UM a week and see how
you like it and how it seems to be
relieved from the drudgery of bake
k w 1 1 1 innnni iljumv
Everything you have desired in
bread is embodied in HOL5UM. It
looks appetizing. It serves daintily.
It is tine, even grained and very
satisfying. You'll like its rich butter
flavor. It is, in a word, everything
that home baked bread can be, minus
Made Clean, Sold Clean, Delivered Clean
At All Grocers 10 Cents a Loaf.
The Jay Burns Baking Company