Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 13, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Special Offerings Today By Omaha's
"Easy Payment" H0HI6 BuildcrS "wn Your Home"
Modern Bungalow
Special Bargain
Wo have Just listed fox sale, one of
the beat properties we have nad for aome
time, considering the price and location
It has Rood sited rooms and bath on one
floor, larKe floored nttlc, In which can
be finished two fine room If desired, the
heat pipes having been run to the attic
when the house was built; a large full
cemented basement, which Is as light
and dry an any other part of the house.
The house Is exceptionally well built,
having 2x10 Joists under tho first floor
and 2x8 Joists under attlo floor. A care
ful examination of this property will con
vince you that It could not be produced
at the price asked. Owner must leave
city by the 15th of March or 1st of April.
Offers his place at $3,30. Reasonable
terms can be arranged. Bee us at once.
Payne & Slater
618 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Near Creighton
S-room all modern, on Central Bld
2 block to college, close to nil schools.
Big square, sunny rooms, downstairs, In
beat oak, Just caborately decorated.
Price cut 10 per cent to sell today; $1,500
cash will do, balance monthly.
North Side, 5-Room
S-room all modern cottage, cast front.
1 block to Sherman Ave. line, new houses
on all sides, best heat and plumbing,
space for 2 rooms upstairs, $3,250.
1016 Omaha NaVI. Douglas 2715.
Evenings. H S3S or II E13. .
A VERY attractive 7-room house In de
sirable location; substantially built by
owner, who Is leaving the city. Lot ub
show you the house. You will be pleased
with It. -Price, $6,000.
22S State Bank Bldg.
Emmet Street
7 Rooms, $3,650
t 1131 Emmet street,' we have a prac
tically now, full two-story, square house,
at a very low price. This place was
built by a carpenter for a home and Is
built right.
Lot 50x124 feet
Fine lawn and shade.
Good neighborhood..
Fine basement
Four bedrooms, 2d floor. ,
Fine closets.
Electric lights and gas.
And look It over, tenant will show ycu
through, possession April 1. Easy terms
can be arranged with good party.
Charles W. Martin & Co.,
1018 Omaha Nat'l Bank Building.
$300 DOWN
2613 Decatur St., new bungalow, 5-r..
strictly modern. Including furnace, full
basement,- oak finish, paved street Price
$2,7D0. Look at this today.
Payne & Slater Co.,
616 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
Near Field Club
$200 DOWN
rooms and bath, strictly 'modern, two
years old, located on desirable corner. 1
block to car and 2 blocks to school. Price
$3,-W, balance'$35 per ihonth-. "
Phono Doug. 1474,
Desirable modern house, "8 rooms and
bath, large rooms, oak finish, beautiful
corner lot. best Hanscom park resldcn-.
tlal district, Price; 11.750; $1,760 cash; bal
ance! at !W4 per cent Interest
Tel. Douglas 1474.
6-ROOM house; bath, gas; walks; paved
Ftreet: pavement paid. Apply, C, -
Hutchinson, 1623 Farnam.
MUST-sell modern 8-room house 1 -block
n nf hlch school. Price $3,500. D. 2607.
llutme and Cottiise
& Son move trunks, 23c,
60c. Douglas 4338,
SIX--IOOM house, bath, gas, good
walks, 715 North 33d. Price. $1,S00
SAVE money In shipping household
goods, auto, etc. Missouri River Freight
Forwarding Co. Tel Doug. 394. 216 B. 17th.
FOR RENT Seven-room house, modern
except heat, 2414 Caldwell St Enquire at
2218 Webster St. Tel. Harney 4533.
FOR RENT 2-story frame dwelling on
Cass St, between 26th and 27th Sts., all
modern Improvements. The Creighton
University. Tel. Doug. 2320.
STRICTLY modern --room house near
car and school; fine neighborhood; large
lot, east front. Harney 393.
Moving, packing and storage of house
hold goods and pianos Is our business.
Omaha Van and Storage Co., flteproof
storage, 806 S. 16th, by the viaduct.
Branch ofty-. m . -n ai. uei. u.
ELEGANT 9 and 11-room house, all
modern, walking distance. 324 N. 23d
Bt. .and 2305 Cass.
$2 per month. We contract your
packing, storfng and hauling. D. 4238 and
D. 3785. Offices 117 S. 14th St. 520 N. 16th,
FOR RENT 7-room modern new bun
.low. 3311 Howard St
packs, moves, stores and ships household
goods and pianos. Douglas 1496.
FTniiBon ,n a,l Parts of the city
""""" creigh, eons
& Co., Bee Bldg
8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 28th. D. 2717
8 ROOM modern house at 112 So.
St., $30. Tel. Harney 3361.
Here nre two brand new houses, all
modorn, full cemented basement, -even
rooms, thoroughly modern. 2014 and 2016
Poppleton Ave. can at zuis i-oppieion
for keys.
Dybbro & Fletcher, movers of household
goods, pianos; work guarantee-., u. nxa.
VACANT houses with Payne 4 Slater
Co., as we aro having more calls for good
houses than we can supply.
6-ROOM house; bath, gas; good warns;
715 North 33d; price, JIS.W. APPiy, --.
Hutchinson. 162. Farnam.
NEAR Bemls Park, 6-,room cottage,
modern except heat, east front, ntce
neighborhood. $29 a month.
Seven-room cottage, modern except
heat, near 11th and Dorcas Sts., walking
distance, nice neighborhood, house In
best of repair, $3) a month.
Douglas 1009. 307 McCagUe Bldg.
FINEST SPOT about Omaha for rais
ing chickens ana pigs, biso meiono, cu--nmVirR-
sweet notatoes. celery etc.
Several acres and two rooms, well, etc.;
.i nf Pnrl.r Park near Fort St
See .us at once. $7.60 per month only If
taken at once. Wi --axton pi.
2012 and 1113 ELM ST. 6 rooms modern.
$36 and $22. Harney ioiu.-
3024 CABS-9 rooms modern, fine loca
tion, nice large yard. Harney 2575.
4107 Uard St., 7-r.. all mod.. $tJ
tivt Manln St 8-r.. all mod.. $27.50.
20H Ams Ave.,' 6-r., mod. x. neat, $20.
2212 Mason St, 8-r.. all moa., w.
r 6U .Hickory St, 7-r., all mod., $33 fur
. 1& unfurnished.
nil Vv nih St . -r . water and gas. $10,
li. BIRKBTT. 3 Bee Bldg. P. 4i-4-
Phone Red 76X
modern. JOS Hickory.
A now R-room, all modern house on
full' south front lot, between 2 car lints.:,
large living room with fireplace: built-in
bookcase, etc., sleeping porch: only W.7M).
Owner must sell this week.
Another one on north front lot! has
sleeping porch, fine living room, ' etc.;
nnlv 13.7S0.
Are you going to build? lKt me figure
with you, Have those fine lota on Chi
cago St. between 60th and 'Slat; one of
the best streets In Dundee. Restricted.
Field Club Buy
Take a look at 1319 S. 85th St. A fine
S-room thoroughly modern house: large
living room with fireplace: 4 bedrooms
and attic: hot water heat. Only $6,750.
2108 8. 34th A good 7-room house, not
new, but In good shape. Has bath, fur
nace, etc. East front lot, paved street.
Only $-,S50,
E. W. Stoltenberg
436 Bd. of Trade Bldg. D. 1610 or H. 3416.
Owner Must Sacrifice.
Built by day labor, best materials, per
fect arrangement, 8-rooms and bath, liv
ing room across entire fr(nt beamed din
ing room, extraordinary kitchen facili
ties, second floor has four bed rooms and
bath, maple finish; third floor has large
billiard room, generous closets and trunk
room. Full cemented basement, separ
ate compartment. Hot water heat Two
years old, built iy owner, jxh mjxiwj leei.
E100 Underwood Ave. Price $S,700.
Sole Agents.
40S Paxton Block. Tel. Doug. 1474.'
Dundee $7,000
Brick and Stucco
One of the best built, neatest and at
.Aiifn limtflAa In TMlndpn: excellent
value. Note the arrangement:
Large living room wun niu-ias-nioneu
fireplace, built of brown stone; sun
room; breakfast room and buffet
kitchen; nice dining room.
Four fine bedrooms, finished In white
enamel; large sleeping porch; tile bath
rOak and birch finish throughout: walls
tinted and tastily decorated.
Well located; well built; paving paid.
If you want a good home, Investigate.
Glover & Spain
1219-22 City National. Douglas 3963.
New Bungalow
Easy Terms
Three-room bungalow, having largo
living room, good-sited bed room, com
bination klechen and dining room, ele
gant lighting fixtures, city water, good
cemented basement, cement walks: has
largo chicken house, with yard fenced
all ready for raising chickens; $-00 cash,
or a good vacant lot, as nrsi payment,
balance like rent
Douglas 100.
307 McCagUo Bldg.
ACRE, equal to 3 city lots, 6-room
bungalow, large cement basement, floored
attic; 8 blocks from car line In Homo
Acre addition. Good well and cistern;
fine garden tbpoI .and for chickens. Price
$2,100; $500 to $000 cash and will take well
located city lot up to $000. I-et me show
this to you- today. Web. 3344.
We offer a 6-room dwelling, furnace
heat, gas light, modern polumblng, lo
cated just north of the Field club on
paved street, corner lot 45x120, nicely
sodded and terraced, cement walks, nil
for $3,350, $300 cash, balance $25 per
month, which Includes Interest. See this
and you wjll look no further.
310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg,
"WE rent, collect, sell any Kind property.
Columbia Nat'l Exchange. 514 Bee Bldg.
Houses nnd CotiKe.
nlep. modern
flS: T thurVMcShane. il9 First
Nat. Bank urns. i i-"-1""- -
TT--n-rn nnri Htorojre. l'lano
and furniture moving. D. b70.
nnnur hrntpil and lighted. 830 S.
29th St Key next door south. Tel. Harney
omrnH nnriu TTrTTSR furnace, bath,
nVl- v-.- " w - - - -. ----- rtiti v?
n1ntriHtif. fraa. city water. $19. 5012 No.
42d. Phone Web. 259. .
Btoren nnd Flats.
. t KIR TNI Sllh
St, South Omaha: a new front and nwiy
decorated; unexcelled location; room for
960 chairs; no fixtures: excellent oppor-
. m . ..- f ri n Wr T T I n n
tunny tor an ,Bi'"c"vo"-,,T"" V, -iini
ir-n m.t rv, 433 Ramco Bldg. D. 7405.
FOR RENT For wholesale, light man--r:.-i
, -.tnit nurnoses Farnam
St-iXtcr December 31 the three-story
and basement buiioing, " ,Vf "'
Farnam Bt. Upper floors have light on
thn aides Inaulra at room 314. i-irsi
National 1 BankIdg. Tel. Douglas 1242.
ICEBOX, stoveand piano for Imme
diate sale. 3326, Harney. Phone H. 812.
Mnstcnl instrument-.
OWN a good piano; we will help you:
geunlne bargains; no fakes. G. H. Harr
Piano co aa iioor n-mu ut--c. -
Electric pianos and fS-note players. $2);
some $190. 119 N. 15th. Catalogue, D. 2043.
T ypewrltern.
RENT an L. C.
Smith & Bro. type
writer; visible back space key model;
new ribbon; A-l machines In every re
?pect L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter
Co.. 1316 Farnam bt,
TYPEWRITERS fot1 rent; 3 months. $5.
CENTRAL TYPKWIll 1 r.K BAtiiAfiuc,
SAFES 2-hand
American Supply Co.
store FIXTURE8. coolers, refrlgera-
tnn. irrocerH' display counters. Ice ma
chines. Tho United Line, 1117 Farnam
Kindling, $4. II. Oron. lumber & -wrecking.
HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hund. Corey
t McKenil- Pt'g Co., 1417 Harney. P. W.
FOR SALE New and second-hand
carom and pocket billiard tables and
bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures of all kinds; easy payments. The
Brunswlck-Balke Collender Co.. 407-409
South 10th St. .
d-K COAL; it's good; try a ton: best for
$5 money. Web. 848, Harmon & Wettn.
BAFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all
mkes7J, J. Derlght Co., ISIS Farnam St
EMPTY ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee
Publishing company, 17th and Farnam
streets. ,
Outside dimensions 34x 42x57; ateel lln.ed.
A good si-ed Bafe In first class condi
tion and we will sell It right Call and
B It
823 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 4402,
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
big Returns.
Homes of Class
611 South 36th
A very well'bUIlt seven-room, all mod
ern residence; comer lot; ordy one block
from Leavenworth car line and In the
beet residence district In Omalm. Price,
$3,750; U00 cash, balance like rent
147 North 33d.
A handsome, new 7-room. all modern
home, finished In oak first floor, and
birch and muplo upstairs; paneled sldo
walls In dining room; four tea rooms on
second floor one a combination bed
room and sleeping north; stairway to
attic Price. 11,160.
3151 Mason
Six rooms, reception hall and sleeping
porch, all modern nnd brand new; recep
tion hall, living room nnd dining room
finished In oak; kitchen and pantry in
hard pine maple floors; thiec good bod
rooms, sleeping porch (8x12) and tllod
bath room on second floor: stairway to
attlo; complete with fixtures, sidewalks,
vard sodded, paving paid, etc. $4,760;
$400 cash, balance monthly. Van be
shown at nny time.
The Byron Reed Co.
Phone Doug. 207.
212 South 17th.
West Farnam
On Easy Terms
7-room, strictly modern, 2 full stories,
with attic; quarter sawed oak finish and
floors first floor; fine lot, tfi0xl24. with
largo shade trees, paved street and pav
ing all paid. Irlco $!,000. Immediate pos
session. Key at office. Property within
ono block selling at $75 to $100 per front
foot. Splendid neighborhood. Sen us for
terms and mako arrangements to havo
us show you this property.
George & Company
Tel. D. 750. 902-12 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Kount'ze Place
Now, strictly modern, oak finish and
up-to-date; large living room with fire
place; beam celling and built-in book
casesl paneled walls in dining room;
large kitchen and rear entry; thrco bod
rooms and bath on the second floor; all
floors are oak; full basement; screens nnd
window shades. Easy terms. Located at
2121 Pratt street
Norris & N orris
400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270.
Rec. hall, living room, dining room nnd
kitchen on first floor, finished In oak,
three bedrooms, sleeping porch nnd bath
on second floor, nice closets, good cellar,
storm sash nnd screens, nice south front
lot, paved streot house but two years
old. Located Just north of Bomls Park.
Price $3,900.
310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
Kountze Place Lot
Located near 20th and Emmet Sts. Only
George & Company
Tel, D. '56. S02-12 City Nnt. Bank Bldg-.
HERE Is a bargain In a fine, well
built, 5-room cottage, I have purchased
a larger houBe, and you can buy this
cheap; close In, handsomely decorated
woodwork and "white enamel finish;
strictly modern; come and see. Call Har
ney 5142 or 2831 Chicago St.
MUST SEM- my new, modern, C-room
house and '.sleeping porch before April 1,
as I am1 leaving city; oak finish, beam
celling, Jiving- and dining room, porch
UDstalrs: full basement and attic; lot 50x
124. 4110 Florence Blvd. Tol. Webster
S-ROOM modern house, full lot, half
block to school, three blocks to new
cathedral. Price. $3,850. 4100 Chicago.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast
off clothing; In fact, anything you do nut
need. We collect, repair and sell at 131
N 11th St, for cost of collection, to too
worthy poor. 'Phono Douglas 4125 and
wagon will call. .
MASSAGE, salt glow. "Mme. Allen
Chicago. 103 S. 17th St. Douglas 76G5.
1,626 subscriptions to the L. II. Journal,
$1.60; B. E. Post. $1.D0. and Country dsn
tleman, $1.60, wilt earn $3,000 for tho In
valids' Pension Ass'n, which will lusiu'e
myself and fflteen other sufferers $W a
month each.
Must have 226 In March. Your renowal
worth 60 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT.
'Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha, Neb.
IF "Topsy Turvy" knows who "Topsy
Turvy" Is. sho will come or write home
at onoe. Don't forget
Miss Fisher, mass., bath. elec. treat. U. ft.3
Bexten pharmacy, 12th and Dodge.
Af ArtW ITPIP treatment E. Jirott,
MiYUINJiiilU over 710 8. 16th. D. i-85,
Af ASRAfJF, Swedish movement. 418
lUilOO-A. Villi t, uWlr, nnmrtn-i rt2W.
MASSAGE Mrs. Steele, R. 308. 203 S. 13.
Massage. Mrs. ..lttenhouse. 308 Boston Str.
las block. Natural treatment for nervous
dleordcrs. sciatica and rheumatism.
Marguerite Halloran,
223 Neville Bk. D. 7701
YOUNG women coming to omaha ns
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian aesociation bulldlm?
at 17th and Bt Mary's Ave., where they
will be directed to suitable boardln
places or othervlao assisted. Look tor
our travelers' aid at the Union station.
E. BELLE, scientific massage", baths,
druglefc-s treatments. 703 S. 16th. Apt B.
WANTED Children to board. Web.
Ar ASS A OF, Corns removed. 26c. Mrs?
U.--S30VU.IJ uuynea, 707 s. ICth. D. Wii
Mrs. Iledlund, mass & Swedish movement.
Hours, 9-12, 1-6, 401 Ware blk. D. J913.
MANICURINO; face, scalp and mag
netic treatments. Miss Debar, 1909 Far
nam. Massage. Mrs. Rlttenholise, 303 Boston Str.
Miss Fisher, mass., bath, elec. treat. D. 863
vovvrnx axd huppmes
ADDRESS M. M. Johnson Company.
Clay Center, Nebraska, manufacturers of
Old Trusty Incubators and Brooders, for
Incubators and brooders; catalogue free.
BUFF ORPINGTON eggs fpr hatching.
Web. 4385. 3710 Qrand Ave.
ROSE comb brown leghorn eggs, cure
ful selecting and muting; 15, 76c; 160, $5.00.
Olga Hayek, IJnwc.d, Neb.
For Hatching
From thoroughbred R. C. Rhode Istao
Reds; vigorous, hardy stock; great Ur
trs; country range: f far IS; $5 per 104
A. H. BAKER. Benson. Neb.
R. F. D. No. 7; Tel. Bi-nton 547-V.
nAIM?.Mi lilvmAiiili Flrw-lr nsftln frnm
our champion exhibition and heavy egg-1 160 ACRES of good hay land, clear of
laying strain. $1.60 for 16. or $100 for 100. Incumbrance. In Holt county, Neb., to
Send for mating list describing special , on quarter or half section of east
matlngs. A number of fine cockerels left Urn Nebraska land. Merrick county pre
AhWlulst Bros Box C. Ames Ave Sta-' ferred. J R, Collins, 1029 Omaha National
Won. Uinalia Neb. Phoaa J-loreuce W. bank nidg., Omaha. Neb.
For Sale
Business Block on
Farnam St.
The three-story building . t 1218 Far
nam St. A t splendid income property.
Entirely unencumbered. Tho best buy In
Omaha. For - detailed Information and
prlco address
Charles -T. Knapp,
Lincoln, Nob.
I have a mighty flno
proposition In' a House
and Gnrago, known as
the Gould Dletz house,
locnted on 3Sth street,
north of Davenport.
This Is In the new
Saint Cecelia Cathedral
district. I will mako
someone a snap on this
House and Oarage.
D. K. Elllngwood, 1137
City Nat'l Bank.
House 'phone, H,
Office, Douglas
$300 DOWN balanco easy torms, will
buy my home at 2313 Ogden Bt: new 6
room, modern cottage, fine location! must
bo sold at once. Call Owner, Webster
200, before 7 p. m. ,
8-Roomed modern house. 4227 Harney';
worth $3,600, will bo sold at a bargain to
anyone with $1,000 cash. Call ownor. Har
ney 682.
free at office; 2 stamps by mail. CHAS.
E. WILLIAMSON CO., Real Estate. In
surance, Cnro of Property, Omaha. Also
Omaha Red Book, vest pocket size.
Average Bargain
C acres, high and sightly, 3 blocks to
Florence car line for $2,000.
TEBBENS. 750 Omaha Nat. Bank.
Adjoining South Omaha city limits and
also lu Patterson Park at 6Sth St. south
of Center St., we havo a few tracts of
1 to 5 acres that we can sell 'on very easy
terms nnd low prices.
N. P. DODGE & CO.,
Phone Douglns 820. ISth nnd Harney 8ts.
5-Acro Fruit Farm
Highly Improved, all kinds of fruit 2
blocks to car, nice 5-room house and well.
jtico oniy vjw. aown, uniance on
L. N. Osborne,
Sole Agent.
403 Pnxton Block. Phono Doug. 1474.
Bargains In Florence & acreage, fruit
farms. C. L. Nethaway, Florence, Neb,
REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of
fice In Nebraska, 206 Brandels Theater.
WANTED City Joans. Peters Trust Co.
City Loans
Loans on Business Blocks and Choice
Residence Properties a Specialty.
MONEY on hand nt lowest rates for
loans on Neb. farms and Omaha city
property in any amount Jl. vv.,
806-810 City National Bank Bldg.
G-AIWIN BROS? 1)an 600 and UP-
WYXV V J-iN omaha Nat'l Bunk.
WANTED City loans and warrants
W. Farnam Smith & Co,. 13-0 Farnam St.
act CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,
- - .uu-jii iirauucis xneaier Jiiug.
OMAHA homes. East Nebtaska farms
1016 Omaha National. Dougluu 2715.
IiABGK loans our specialty. BtuU ih-oaj
LOANS on farms and Improved city
iimijeiiy, o, 05. unu 0 per cent; no delay.
.1. 11. uumam co iuu rarnam Bt.
MONEY to loan on business or rest
dence properties. 81.000 to
W. II. THOMAS. 228 State Bunk Bldg.
$100 to $10,000 madii nrnmnllv. If IV
n eau, weau mug., wn una i--urnam,
Dolgof f 2d hand store pays highest prices
for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607.
BEBER paya high prices for 2d-hand
furniture, carpets, clothes, shoes, D. 7802.
8ELNEK will treat you rTJht; best
prlceB, 2d-hand furniture, clothes. D. 6101.
We pay best prices foryfurnlture. W-72-6.
D. 80C5. Quick buyers of furniture.
LOOJa TWo pay highest prices for ladles'
, . . and gentlemen's -d-hand clothes,
household goods and valises. Call Gioss
imvn 3119 Blondo. Phono Webster 4552.
WOULD like to "buy a "five or six
room house to lx moved on a lot. Ono
In tho neighborhood of 24 th and Clark
preferred. Telephone Red 4301.
LIST your houe with Osborne Realty
Co.. 403 Paxton Blk. D. 1474. Quick results.
To beat the money trust Is to list your
property for exchange with the Palmer
1-and Co,, 1106 W. O. W. Bldg., who can
match thum.
property, 12 acres of Irrigated land, 14
blocks from Modesto, Cal. ; state paved
road on west and Interurban car on oast
side; 160 peaches, 160 Smyrna flgt, 6 acres
alfalfa and 1 acre fenced In for chickens;
3 chicken houses, good sized barn, 8-room
2- story house with water and bath room.
For further Information call D. 6242.
GOOD eaktern farm value, eighty-four
hundred; small encumbrance; quick dial
necessary. Addre-s Y 77. Bee.
Will Exchange
One of the finest furnished, best paying,
centrally located apartment houses In
Minneapolis for clear Improved or un
improved farming, grazing, dairying or
out-over land; this property Is located
tlfilit In the heart or Minneapolis, 165
feel saUnre: considered one of tho best
pieces of property In Minneapolis. In
creasing In valun dally; equity $91000,
ieariy income jh.ow. wk uan PlCLIi
M. Morris,
P. O. Box 64J.
Jefferson, In.
Improved Farm
Half "section, nnd R0 notes: south central
Nebraska; V fair Improvements. Price
$16,li00. Want to trade this for town
property. No agents. Address me to
Postoffloe Box No. 'C.U. Omaha, Nob.
Cuiindn. .
A FEW flno tracts of ' 19) to 640 acres
In southeastern Saskatchewan, good noil,
well watered, adapted to grain and mixed
farming. For price nnd terms see or wrlto,
D. T. Doselm, 2318 ripiague St.. Omaha. unv". " llliivn uuuin,
situated on lako. Beautiful scenery, lis
acres broken. All tillable. Deep block
Inmn. rlnv Riibsoll. Fenced, cross fenced.
., m . n . . 1 1 .. It . I .
2 mites school. Largo house, stable, 12
granaries, henhouse, ?te. only $17 per
acre. $1,200 cash, balance arranged.
About this and other bargains write
George Grant. Hornld block, Calgary,
Alberta, stating requirements.
GAM KO UNI A land excursions 1st and
3d Tucs. W. T. smith Co.. MB uity Nat hk,
Git EAT opportunities for the home
seeker, Cheap Improved and partly Inv
proved lands lit a new country. Hlch
soil, produces to bu. wheat, 7S bu. oats,
260 bu. potatoes per acre, 5 tons hay at
one cutting, and other crops In proportion.
Healthy climate, puro mountain water,
and best of coal at $3.00 per ton. Just
being reached by the Denver, Bait Iake
(Moffat) railroad. For rurther informa
tion wrlto Bear River Realty company,
Harden, Routt county, Colorado.
verv low. 160 acren fine rolling prairie
land, 4 inllos north of Bovlna, and 1R
northeast of Llmoii. neaily all unuer
nlnw. All tllliihln and fenced, no mo Das
turo. but no wastu or rough land. Plenty
of gooj gel! water year around. 801110
bulldliiKH. Perfect title. Apply to owner,
Charles L. Tiiayor, ncarmouin, aion.
f course you can't while you pay high
rents. In Western Kansas you can buy
good ' land so cheap tliat ono crop will
pay for tho land nnd give a good profit
uesiues. i rom ou acres or lanu one
man sold il.vJ) worth of broom corn.
Wrlto for particulars to A, W. Yale, Trl
uune, uan.
115 acres Under 1)1 ow. 820 blue stem
pasture, watereu uy never railing springs.
i ourteen-room nouso aim large Darn.
Near town and railroad, Apply G. I'
Stcbhlns, 1610 Chicago St.
IT , ua A a I-ATIWC, .. V. -,
W to 26,(KO acres; write for free list. V. B.
jv,...i,.j r itia 111111 i tv 1 1 v. 1 1 , n ,u -u,u.
NIQUETTE. Sallno. Kan.
Mill nmolii,
THERE'S a better nlaco to live than
where you live now better boII, bigger
crops, better market, more money. That's
Minnesota, qur lana is encap now; win
doublo In value In three years. Close to
Twin Cities nnd Duluth market- low
freight rates. Soil rich. No crop failures.
Bend postal ror full Information.
620 S. 10th St Omaha. Neb.
FOR BALE 330 ucres, 45 mlleH from
Minneapolis, 1V4 miles from town; 221
- t l ti un li.n K,i 1 tt rA rvn 1 1 1
; vrn uiiuci uuiinniiuiii in iihiv y i-u
good soil and good BOt buildings; 16 cows.
6 horses. camDleto set machinery: corn
oats. hogs, chickens, imd everything goes
nt W au aero; k,uuu casn, uaiance can
Btana five or ton years, u per cent in
terest Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth
Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
LAND open to entry at valler. aiont. Fif
teen annual paytnenta. Section fimous
for grain, grasses, vegeiles; well
adapted divcrslled farming. For particu
lars write. Vallr Farm Sales Co., Box
2 Valler. Mont
DON'T PAY RENT Buy a farm In the
famous Deer I,odge valley, Montana,
C.-eatest opportunities In the great north
west for farmers, dairymen, poultrymen,
truck farmers and small fruit growers,
New lands are being opened up and sold
at low prices, on easy terms. Mure crops,
good prices, best markets, quick trans
port&tlon, fine climate, good roads, up
tn-date schools and nleasnnt social con
dltlons. A perfect gem of a mountain
valley Is the Deer Lodge. You will like
to llvo here. Write for a descriptive
booklet and full particulars to the Coin
mercial Cluo, Deer Lodge, Mont.
Douglas County
Farm Only $75 Per
160 acres all In pasture, iSi miles from
Valley; east 80 acres all fenced, woven
wlro fence, Possession on east SO at
once. No Improvements. $3,000 loon on
property runs ror 3 years at 6 per cent
Balance must be In cush. No trades,
Must be sold by March 20 or will be off
the market. Will divide and sell In 80
acre tracts If necessary. Investigate at
George & Company
902-12 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
Phone Doug, 766.
FOR SALE Section good farming land
In Morrill county. Nebraska. If sold
quick for cash only $10 an acre. Pumpkin
Creek Land Co., Redington, Neb.
REAIj estate
1,920 acres flno grass and hay land
fenced: good house: 3 wells: windmill
und tanks; near R. R.; 160 mllea of
Omaha; in tne corn ueu. will tok
care or W) neau or came, aci quicx,
FOR HALE l0-acr farm. Improved,
near railroad. Inqiilro owner, J. IC Bal
derston, Benkelman, Nebraska.
Houtli Hukum.
HOMESTEAD relinquishment at
bargain: cholco quarter section, near
county seat town In southern South Da
kota. Will make excellent fsrm and
home. Only $260. Apply 3013 City Nat,
Bank Blag, -'none Douglas aa-u.
5c An Acre Cash.
Texas school land for sale by the state,
You can buy good land at $2 per acre;
pay 5i per acre cash and no more for
40 years but 8 per cent Interest, send 6c
postage lor runner inrormauon. in
vestor Pub. Co., Desk 33, San Antonio
while there nro good ones. Next year
may he too late. Choice Improved and
unimproved land for Hale In many states.
Where will you locate? We have bar
gains you will like. Come and see us If
possible If you cannot come, write us
for just what you wish and let us help
you decide. Franklin Hrokerago Co,, W23
linns-Ins Ht. Omaha. Neb.
'T'erB'oJtTntIv-rTbnuTs"" ti
Big Returns ,
Owen D. Conn of Chicago Has Been
in Dozens of Jails.
innrier Found In lliililier'n Effects
Vnlurd nt llnndrnl Thousnnd
Dollnrx Police Am Norr
Srnrchlnn for I7cimmi.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 12. -Owen D.
Conn, who confesed here yesterday to
burglaries which netted him moro than
1100,000 In the last two years, amplified his
confession today regarding his beginning.
n rrlmn in Chicago, but gave no details
of his operailonc there.
I was Infatuated with the wlfo of n.
former Chicago minister," ho said, "and
sho madb mo jet tnonoy for her. Sho In
duced mo to rolfa number of flats In the
day time, occasionally assisted, She
wanted tne to hold up a man, but I re
fused aiid' sho got a younger man to do
the job. She ran away with him and I
camo to tho Pacific coast. I had been
working as n bookkeeper in Chicago,
whero my mother and sister llvo."
In Well Kittientrri.
Conn Is 36 years old, dark haired, qulot
and unassuming nnd well educated. He
won captured here Saturday after a run
ning fight with cltincns and police In
which ho was severely wounded and hie
confcselon wan made, nt u local hospital.
About $30,000 worth of loot whs found In
his room at u fashionable hotel.
Tho police tonight, through letters from
his mother found In Conn's effects, dot-
nltely established his right name ns
Owen D. Conn. According to his con
fession Conn hns stolen Jewelry worth
$100,000 In tho last two ycar. That which
ho stole 111 Chicago nnd 1as Angeles lit
lawned lu this city and articles stolen
hero wero pawned In Los Angeles. Nil
morons pawn tickets wero found In his
suit case.
Cnmr from Serr York First.
Conn camo originally from Now York,
whero he was known ns Dalo Conn, ac
cording to tho Chicago police records.
Tho man Is said to have a criminal record
since 180S nnd to havo spent a largo por
tion of his tlmo In Jails and refoVmator-
Conn'a record here has been traced by
a private detectlvo agency which has re
covered many of tho valuables ho pawned,
Police hero pay Uttlo credence to Conn s
story of Infatuation for a, clcrgymnn's
Conn first - waa arrested In Clnclnnntl
for burglary. In 1839 ho was arrested In
Cleveland on a similar charge. He was
convicted of burglary In Now York In
1W0 and sentenced to the Elmlra reforma
tory under the name of Charles Harvey,
Ho -was arrested in 1900 lr Chicago .and
convicted of tho robbery of sixteen flats.
Ho rovealcd tha name of the person who
received tho stolen goods nnd was lot
off with a six months' sentence.
Ho was convicted of flat burglaries In
Milwaukee, Wis., a short time after and
wna sentouccd to a term In the Housa of
Correction. Ho escaped after a fow
months but was recaptured In Chicago
and returned tc finish nil term. Conn
went back to Chicago after Having paid
his debt to Milwaukee Justlco and
month later went west.
Wm Profeaslnnnl Flnt Ilnrtflnr,
Conn's burglaries wero all of ono type,
according to detectives hete. He wan
what Is known as a flat burglar and con
fined his operations to first floors. Ho
would ring the bell of an apartment at
noon. If tho belt was answered ho would
ask for soma one who did not llvo there,
If It was not answered ho would Jimmy
tho front door without loss of time. Ho
never wont above tho first floor nnd. at
ways workod In tho daytime. lie dd not
work single handed; his partner -was a
young woman who carried an automatic
pistol nnd went out wth him on his
This Information was given out today
by the chief of police, following the dls
covery of Conn's Identity last night.
Early lost month the woman desorted
Conn, taking with her between $30,000 and
$60,000 worth of Jowclry half their loot,
Her arrest Is expected soon In an eastern
Hnd llnnd of Women Helpers,
From whnt tho police havo learned, It
nppears that Conn had nn organized band
of women -who operated as a clearing
liouso for his booty. Tho pollco believe
that his chief woman nccomptlco took
away with her quite nB much plunder ns
Conn kept and detectives said tonight
that $100,000 would not begin to cover tho
extent of the man's depredations.
Tho woman was known variously as
Mrs. O. D. Conn, Mrs. O. D. Owen, and
Mrs. Pope, but though the police aro
In possession of photographs of her, her
true name Is still a matter of uncertainty,
Son of Wealthy Contractor.
Conn today savo out a Uttlo more In
formation In regard to his personal his
tory. He said ho Is tho son of Thomas
J, Conn, of 7306 Palmer avenua, Chicago.
and that his father is a wealthy con
According to lus own story, he was
married to Miss Mabel Clarkson, daugh
ter of a missionary for the Hwedenborg
church In Chicago, Ho became a flat
burglar to get money to give to her, ho
declared, and -when sho left him, he came
Mnr Ho De .Snliln Robber.
An effort was made tonight to con
nect Conn with the sensational De Sabla
Jewelry robbery In u fashionable hotel
here on the night of February 21, 1912,
when valuables worth $50,000 wera taken.
These Jewels were stolen from a room on
the seventh floor when the family was
attending a Mardi Clrnti ball on the first
floor. Eugene De Sabla had an lnt'
lew with Conn nt tho City and County
hospital tonight but tho robber gave him
no Information that would connect him
with the Do Sabla crime.
Among tha burglaries to which Conn
has confessed wns the robbery of tho
homo of Mrs. Pardrldgo lu Pasadena be
tween February 27 and March 1 Ho ob
talned a bracelet worth $8,000 and a dla
inond pin valued at $3,1)00.
Ions New Nuiea,
was ulectud a member of the sahool
board hern In yesterday's eleotlon; W, L,
Stem nt Ixtgan, and William Kleed at
WOODBINE-"Women do not know
how to vote." argument received a se
back yesterday in tho special election for
in msuancn u j-s.viu ror city improve
ments for water nnd sewerage when It
was discovered In counting the ballots
that rawer Dauota haa Den spoiled by wo
men voters man oy mo men voters.
Ship llvo stock to South Omaha. Bars
mileage anu nrniKwr. mur consign
ments receive prompt ana cureiui mien
MocLr CouimlBPlon Merchants.
BYEICS BROS. A CO. Strong, relish!,
CLIFTON Com. Co.. tit Exchange Bids,
UaRTiN BttOSs ti Co.. Excnanse u.ue.
Bryan Will Be Guest
of University Club
Tho secretary of state nnd Mrs. Bryan
will bo tho guests of the Unlv.rslty club
at a dinner and reception tho evenln,? o
March 30 or 21. Secretary Bryan accepted
tho club's Invitation In a telegram to
Clement Chase yesterday.
Mr. Bryan will bo In Lincoln Wednea
day. March 19, to attend the btrthdiy
dinner to bo tendered him.. Invitation to
members of tho club will pe'lrsued as
soon as It Is learned pn. which of tha
two.-aates the secretary will be able to
be In Omaha.
Dahlman Says They Try to Defeat
Home Rille Principles.
TJIihlea linn Prepnre&.Whnt He Call
n Model Chnrter, Which He Will
fiulunlt to the Nevr Char
ter Commission, 1
At tho close of the, day of voting on
members of the charter committee of
fifteen to draft a home rule charter for
which Omaha has been fighting for
seven years Mayor Dahlman, speaking to
the Economic league, vehemently dei
nounced tho Omaha Water board poli
ticians for their bold attempt to thwatt
at tho very beginning the provisions o
the Constitutional amendment granting
homo rule to metropolitan cities.
'As far as I'm personally concerned.
I dt not caro," said the mayor, "but t
stand hero fighting for the principle bt
the thing. The people bought that water
plant aml.ithey ought to have the light
to control It If that constitutional
amendment means anything It means that
we have tho power to manage our own
affairs a power the Water board seeks
to take from us."
Continuing the mayor recounted the In
cidents of the struggle for home rulei
and the fights before the legislature to
seouro It. Concluding his denunciation of
tho Water board he said:
I'm absolutely opposed to anybody go
ing before tho state legislature and at
tempting to take away from this city tho
power to control Us affairs. Tho people
of tho state finally granted us power to.
govern ourselves. Let ua now exorcise
that power."
Mayor Dahlman advocated a greater,
power for the city commission. He fa
vored the control of the water plant byt
the city commission and the control oC
the schools by the same body, as Is
done In many other cities under a mor.
advanocd form of the commission plan.
Also, x m opposed to the Albert lair
and think It ought to be repealed. Thoso
who do not come In contaqt with th
social evil do not know how It should be
"I believe the 8 o'clock closing law
ahoUld bo repealed. Cities should handlo
these questions for themselves," and ha
quoted from an address by President Wil
son In which was advocated giving cities
the greatest possible power.
Hints for Charter.
Humming up the mayor said he would
seek to havo incorporated In tho home
rule charter, whloh he said ought to be
maae as short and aa simple as dossI-
ble, the following provisions':
For VOllllB- hnnri In tinlM
fort stations, bath houses, a publlo work
house, a new police station.
For compelling property owners to keep
their Premises clean nr niv ,,.- t Vi
cky cleaned them.
f.AnS?""0'1- dollr. I""" In sums of
$200,000 each year, for better seweraga
A bond Issue for a park system.
More money for street olnnln- an th-
police department.
For at least $-0,000 additional fire i-iotn.
A new city Jail, to raDlao h
la now a "disgrace to any clvllUed com
munity," For a wheel tax, the money to be used
In repairing streats.
For a levy of a small amount to raise
a sinking fund to retire Omaha bonds.
i. ii. noDies, a member of the club,
presented a "model charter" which waa
referred to a charter committee for con
elderatlon. In this charter Tibbies pro
vided that the city commission lu, Tv.
the absolute control of all departments of
euy government ana also power to flK
rates and govern the service of publlo
service corporations.
Police Grow Wary;
Highwaymen Also
Chief of Detectives Moloney sent out
nearly a score of regular patrolmen last
night disguised as civilians, In hope that
they might get "stuck up" by the two
young highwaymen who have been doing.
The holdupmen, however, were wary)
and ceased their operations.
Two policemen were stopped at Twenty
ninth and Farnam streets by a couple of
girls who said they "worked" under po
lice protection. They were Jailed forth
with. At Fourteenth and Douglas streets,
two pool room touts attempted to "llck',
two or more of the disguised officers, and
the touts are very humble Just now,
An officer in the neighborhood of
Thirtieth and California streets was
spotted by a nervous woman who reported;
to the police that a suspicious looklnjr
man was hahging around. Motoroyclo
Officer Emery made a hurried investiga
tion on hla wheel and found Officer John
James MartW of Clarksvllle, Ark.,
found his daughter In Omaha yesterday
after a search of seven years', lie did
not find her fresh, young and blooming,
as she was when she ran away from
her father's little Arkansas farm seven
years ago. He saw her cheeks sunken,
her face sallow, and her eye sad. Ho
found her In the lobby of the postofftca
where he had stood for three days watt
ing for her to come In to ask for mall,
Martin could scarcely recognize his
daughter. The woman stepped forward
and extended her hand. She called her
father by name. There was no senti
mental greeting. It was very matter-of-fact.
He asked the daughter to go home vlth
him. Then sho told her story. She could
not go hack as she said she la living
with a bartender In Omaha and has two
"I cannot leave my home, now," sho
Tho girl made her father- promise no
would do no violence to tha mau with
Whom she Is living. The father at last
decided to go back to Arkansas without
his daughter. "I am glad her mother Is
no longer living." he said.
Key to tho Situation-Bee Adwtta nx