8 TTTTC BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1013. Hand Tailored Blue Suits $16.50,$25,$30 and $35 Fashion has decreed that blue suits would .be popular this Spring. In accordance with its .dictates we have prepared a choice selec tion for your approval. The newest fabrics, eponges, poplin weaves, bedford cords, and nov elty serges, tailored in all styles, from the severe plain tailored style to the exclusive novelty trimmed with the new Bulgarian designs. $16.50, $25, $30 and $35. No extra charge for alterations. Ml m. 1 HOWARD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS i McLeod Asks Bryan to Teach Bible Class V ABHINGTON. March 11. Secretary ! of Htate Bryan has been Invited to take charge of tht young men's Mblo clans j yiars, There In no heir to the title of viscount. Courtney K. Mnrgon, it grand, on of the first baron, succeeds to tho title of ilnron Tredegar, AGUA PRIETA SURROUNDED tn the I-lrst Presbyterian Sunday school nnd In this connection the membership of the church Is going up In leaps and bounds. Mr. Iiryan has not yet accepted, but the pastor of the church, the Hcv. Donnld C. McU-od, believes that he will eventually undertake the management, even though he docs not teach person, ally every Hunday. The secretary of state long lias been In tercsted In church matters nnd has had a decided leaning toward the Hunday school, lie Is a strong personal friend of Dr. Mclcod. who Is urging him to undertake the work. (Continued from Page One.) , Vctrrnn tit llnlncln vn Drnri. I.ONDON, March ll.-Vlscount Tredj. Bar, ono of tlio few who returned from the charge of the light brigade at thu battle of llataclava, died today, need S2 ft Rfltl ner Piis M to Ml disorders at Santa Ilos.'i In tho state of Vera Cruz, when Cnmerlno Mcridoza, a former chief of rural guards, was Killed Documents have slnco been recovered outlining a ptun for securing Interven tion, first by direct appeal to President Taft to restoro Madero, failing which it was proposed to make attacks upon American residents In Mexico. Tho plot tent aro said to have been porsonaRUH connected with the Madero government, Tho death roll of the battle fo'ight in front of the national palace on February 0 when Felix Diaz nttacked the govern ment, totaled MM, according to a report by tho military authorities today. The victims Include 170 women, six chlldfe.i, MS noncombatant men, 10 military stu dents and 40 federal soldiers, the re mainder being rebels. KI3VOI.T IS HAST SIMIKAOH I can truthfully siiy that. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is a very good mcdlclno, not alone for kidney trouble, but also for weak and sore back, as well as for rheumatism. ' About n year ago I became 111 and un able to work, my trouble being a lame back I read of your Hwamp-Root In the newspaper and In an Almanac. Ue HcMng It would do me good. I went to my druggist, Mr. Skinner, and purchased a bottle. Finding relief In one fifty-cent bottle I purchased several more and In a short tlmo was ablo to continue with my work and am today feeling well and strong, t always recommend Dr. Kll wiers 8wamp-Root ,to my friends as 1 believe It Is a good a .medicine an can be found, Auai'tvr sTnoNd, 3111 Washington Ave., No., Minneapolis, Minn. Sir Bklnner makes affidavit tlint ho Fold the wamp-lloot to Mr. Strong. JCsttar to Sr Xilmtr fc Co Blnghamton, W. V. Tfote Whit Swamp-Roat Will Do Fof Yo Fend to Ir Kilmer & Co.. wngnnm ton, N V. for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also recclvo u lxioklet of valuable luformutlon, telling ail utmut lii' kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure nnd mention The Omaha HhIIw lire. Regular flftyx'vnt and one dollar size bottles for tale at all drug stores. RUBBER Rubber' "Wo are not trying to be slangy, but aro Just calling your attention fto some low prices on superior rubber goods. Every bit of rubbor goods in thlB store is GUARANTEED. And pleaso note below soino ot our prices: Jl 00 2-(fc Lion Fountain "IC Syringo1. $1.00 2-qt. HomcBtead "JCn runtaln Syringo (Ju $1.50 2-qt. Beat Foun tain Pyrin ge $1.75 2-qt. Combination Hot Water Uottle and 01 QK Fountain Syringe. . . , $ li L d $2.00 2-qt. Premium llo't Wa- which succeeded to the Kellogg Har vester company, advertises Itself as tho real rival of the "trust" and was Incor porated In 1905 under the laws of Maine. Tho plant used formerly belonged to tho Piano Harvester company, now a port of the International Harvester com. pany. DELAWAREWILL ESTABLISH R0ADW0RK CONVICT CAMPS DOVKR, Del., March ll.-Tho Delaware legislature voted to establish coi.vlct camps and work nil short-term prisoner on tho highways when tho Anderson sen ato bill passed the house today. Opposltlou to convict labor Idea cen tralized In a plea for tramps and a pro test against their arrest. "Wo need tlunn during the berry and fruit seasons and cannot spare them," declared Assembly man Owens ,a fruit grower. "Wo sloro them In our barns and they save us money nnd save our fruit." Nevertheless the bill passed. t'nrrnnm fluid to He In Full Control nt I'ledrnn. WASHINGTON, March H.-Dlaputchos to the War department Indicate a serlouy situation nt Pledras, Mex., whc.ro tho forces under Governor Carranza, nppeir to bo In full control. -Qenertll Atibcrt, with federal cavalry, Is reported near Monelavo. The railroad near Pledras has been abandoned by tho central gov ernment and Carranza is trying to oper ate the line. It Is reported that Carruna s taking part of tils force to Cuatro Clenegas. ' MONTBREV, March ll.-The federal troops aro reported to have drlvon u largo body of adherents of Venustlano Carmnza back toward Muzquls after a tight on Sunday at Sun Salvador Homi vldcs In tho state of Coahulla. Followers of Carranza nro said to bo spreading tho rebellion propaganda among tho Klckapoo Indians, many of whom aro. flocking to Carrnnza's standard. ucncrnl Trucy AUbort, with a column ot federal troops, has advunced to 11 aro toran, sixty miles north of Monclovo, and It Is expected ho will attack Car- ranza's men at Mtizqulx shortly. Tho city council ot Torrcon has been removed from office owing to the sup port given by Its members to Madero. It has been repluced by u government com mission presided over by Juan Custlllon. Tho commission has been empowered by the government to uso all available inruns for the pacification of the city nnd thu surrounding country. General Munucl Ulazqucz lias been named military governor ot the state nt Coahulla. WATER BOARD BILL RECEIVED BY HOUSE from COMMITTEE (Continued from Pago One.) Howell himself, will cost the people of OmaJia some $176,060 a year which the poor taxpayers will have to my. That is the argument Mr. Howell has been Making through his nigan and before the committee and to the legislators. The Water board has made contracts to pump water to the neighboring tov it, with Florence the contract Is to run fif teen years longer, so It was urged before the committee, so It would nppear with the stock yards let out by Mr. Howell there Is really no excuso for the passage of the bill unless It Is meet to rob the citizens of Florence Dundee and Houth Omaha, nnd take from them authority over their streets. Mr. Howell Is now busy working on senators to be prepared so In case tho bill goes through tho house as amended he can put the bill through the upper body as amended by the house." On motion of Potts ot Pawnee an Invi tation wns sent by .the house to Mr. Kryan Inviting him to speak to the leg islators hero on the occasion of his visit to Lincoln March 19. his birthday. The tolegram was sent him today by Chief Clerk Richmond of tho house. The Vast Majority of Omaha Women Will Naturally Prefer to Select Their Easter Apparel Here There are greater varieties in apparel that have real stylo merit here. Through our Paris office and New York buying station secure these authentic styles and through greatest store In the west we distribute them. Suits IM, ATl'Oll.M I'l.KDRKS ADVANCED DEATH RECORD Mra, II, II. Kenjon. HARVARD, Ncb., March ll.-The body of Mrs, H. B, Kcnyou was brought from her recent home In South Omaha Sunday and following. a largely attended service at tho Congregational church, was burled by tho side of children she had lost while living near Harvard. About three wcoks ago Mr. Kcnyon made n public sate of farm property and soon after removed to Omaha totemgaga In business In South Omaha. His wife, who had not been strong, was soon taken with penumonla and after a fow days of Intense suffering passed away, leaving her husband and two small children. Mrs. W. II. Hull. YANKTON. S. D., March ll.-(Speclal.) -Mrs. W. H. Rail, widow of Captain W. H. Ball, who died lust January, died in a hospital hero Sunday, uged 70 years. Tho deceased was tho mother of Mrs. W. A. Jenkins of Sioux City and Miss Llllle Ball of Yankton. Mrs. Rail has resided here twenty-flvo years and wns nmmi. uent In tho state and local Wombn's Keller corps. Interment was at Hudson. town Npwn .N'otrn. AMES Tho Ames lodge of Odd Fel lows on MnrCh 19 will entertain all tho officers of the grand lodge of tho frn ternlty hero. On that duto the grand lodge officers will confer thrco de grees upon sixty candidates. AMHS Tho Ames Commercial club tllMUM Hnml tn In A tlirlirn t a "Mcia I .... Amos" campaign. The club recently was revivified by reorganization and big plana iur me iieruioiniiciii oi mo cuy were put unuur wuj . new noiri la one o lino things the club expects to go after Immediately, UenincrntM nt llonse Push Mensures l.uokliiK to Thin Ilnil. CFrom a Stoff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Mnrch 12.-(Spcclal.)-When Fries of Howard, chairman of the demo cratic caucus last night, moved this morning to advance all platform pledgo bills and glvo them right of way over nil other bills, encountered Borne objec tion on tho part of s!Vcral republicans who said this action of tho majority wrs purely political, but of course tho motion curried as did the one nbout the speaker appointing a sifting committee to take charge ot hills next Monduy. The spenkcr In to select his committee by Thursday. This committee Is the moHt Important and has more Important work to do than any other of tho session, yet tho caucus would not permit the committee on com mtttees to sclecMt. The demooratlc ma jority returned to the old manner of doing business. Incldcntnlly whllo tho house was In the committee of tho whole and supposedly capable of doing business, a bold bad lobbyist who Is registered, camo Into the lobby motioned for a member had him bock at the railing nnd for some minutes talking to him. Yet Mr, Bollen who fa thered the motion to keep all registered lobbyists out of the lobby, snld not a word and neither did any one else. Keckley received favorable action on his motion to ndvnnce his freight rate bill on tho general file as did Relcho on Ills motion to iidvanco tho board of con trol bill. In the committee of the whole the house recommended for passage house roll 627, tho bill levying ot a mill for tho benefit of the state normal xchools. Rolicn tried to havoj the bill laid over for a day so ho could look up tho figures of the normals and the amount of money the usually get nnd need. Hut the house was so anxious tu tax the people by a levy so that it would not apponr that much. Qf. an npproprla tlon liftd- been made. It vould .not stand even to put the bill ver for a little while. REFUSES TO CONFIRM BOARD (Continued from Pago One.) who went over tho political transom this morning thcro Is enough opposition to them within their own party to entirely put them out of tho running for a soc- ATTORNEY GENERAL HAS DOUBLE IN WASHINGTON $1 tor Brittle and 01 M Fountain Syringe. . . . $ 1 .41) $1 0Q 2-qt. Homestead 7C Hot V'ater I)oUo; . , . t.l Jb 85c 2-qt. Merit Hot Water Bottle.., 50c $3 00 DeMar's Whlr&tO fllT ing Spray 8yringe,' .$CiUU Vj.00 Abdominal VSu-'tq Km porters , .-, , .JiuU $2.25 Abdominal Sup porters. 0c Rubber Gloves for. 50c Hinds' Honey wid Almond Cream.,,.. Vr0 l:oruna 89C "Follow the Rcu ton l'ujli.'t Baton Drug l'artmm and J 3th Sts. .$1,50 r.e!.....-.39c 29c WASHINGTON. March 11. -Tags cf Identification may yet be neossary o distinguish James C. McReynnlds, (li- new uttorney gcnerul of tho Unite! Ktatcs, from Representative Uordon leo of Georgia. The two statesmen are ut most twins In appearance. Already ,i number of embarrassing and humoroiu Incident! have occurred to both .is u re suit ot tho strong resemblance. Former Hcnator Joseph W. Bailey was among the first to become contused by the striking 'similarity. Ho counts both ot them among his close friends. On tho way to tho Department of Justice ho saw the attorney general, as he supposed, headed toward the White House about u half bloel: distant. "Oh, Mac," railed the senator, breauln Into an undignified run, "hey, wait u minute." Pedestrians looked with silrprtsj on th) former senator's sprint and the nutor , ruffled feelings were not smoothed on overtaking his supposed quarry. Repre sentative I.re laughed at him merrily. i'ii.i: eriu:i u to i t ii.us, Your druggist will refund money It PAZO OINTMKNT fall, to cluo uny case of Itehlug. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In a to li days. Wc Advertisement. Are the Spring Style Aristocrats For Women and Misses This week the showing of "Fashion seals" is at its most brilliant stage. Hun dreds of women will choose them for t i -i j Jiiaster wear, sso more practical suns were ever designed than those in stylo they are absolutely correct and m tail oring they are symbols of perfection. We have the exclusive TeO F" agency. "Fashionseal" suits rY are always The Oloverest of All the New Style Ideas Are Embodied in This Group of Suits at $35. Picture in your mind all the stylo character, all tho tailoring excellence and all the goodness of woolen rabrlc you couia expect in a $50 garment then come hero and wo can show you its equal in every essential feature at just. . See the New Sprint? Skirts of Red ford Cords nnd French Serges nt $0.1)8. we v" stW-4 'V ''VT' w-'-ti? vefif 1 the .V '&Jv:. ft II I b V l wi i i il sjsji r a Stunning Array of New Afternoon and. Dinner Frocks It 1b in the selection of apparel to grace fashionable occasions that Brandeis rivaled. Tho frock uninuo as well as ref character all are hero stores stnnd quite un- that Is distinctive tho gown that is 0'irClOC(IOrrftOV ereneadtT:t.h.0. f.T. .T. .S.T! . ???? M "Zb'OOOX) oud consideration. Several democrats voted against Graff, tho democratic ap pointee, while about tho samo number of republicans voted against tho confirma tion of Gregg, the republican named for the board. Governor oMrehead would say nothing when the action of tho senato In turning down the appointments wan told him. It Is understood that he proposes to stand pat on tho, jippolntments nnd meet tho opposition with their own weapons. HYMENEAL ( llaveiis-IliMvlen. SAC CITY, la.. March ll.-(.Speclal.) -Miss Ola Bowles of Dcs Moines and Mr. Roy Havens, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. J. S Havens of Soc City, were married yes terday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Lu elcn Havens, southwest of the city; Rev. Dr. Charles S. Medbury of Des Moines performing the ceremony1. The ortde is a Bister of Mrs. Iuclen Havens and tho brldegTodm n brother of Mr.' Havens. They will bo at home nfter April 15 j.t Shenandoah, la., where tho bridegroom Is engaged In tho practice of law. Persistent Advertising is tho Road to Rig Returns. Skin Soothed and 8 Healed by D J, J: Itching, skin, ugly eruptions,. Hcaly scalp, Kczema and Its allied diseases air yield Instantly1 to tho soothing Influence of the mild, simple wash, tho D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema. Krom our experience with skin suf ferers, wo itre convinced that skin dis ease Is .caused by- germs beneath- the outer skin that spread and multiply until .they become a mass of gnawing animals. D. D. D a penetrating liquid, destroys these germs and washes them aWaj', thereby relieving that uwful Itch immediately. A 60c bottlo will pr&vo this 'rrfuch to ymi. We are confident that D. D. D. can' reach all cases, that we offer you the first full size bottlo fyee If It does not do ns we sdy. You, alone, to -Judge. D. D. D. Soap aids In keeping tne. Wkin pure; ask, us. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, 16th und HarneyT 24th and Karnam, 207-9 No. 16th St. mm Hello! Are vouar Fm a teacher!" "Fm teaching millions daily that WHIG LEYS i Expert Measuring Cutting and fitting at our estab lishment assures clothes ur dis tinction. About our Kabrlcs, we'll leuve them to your own good judgment If they're not superior to uny thlng you've seen thou you must have been In lxindon or I'arls. SUITS TO MEASURE $25 to $45 MacCarthy-Wilson Taloring Co. aoi-aou South loth St. Six steps south of Kurnala. CHARGES AGAINST NEW HARVESTER COMPANY CHICAGO. March U -Tho Independent Harvester company, rapltallied at II", 000.000, with a plant at Piano, III., with stock mostly held by farmers, la being Investigated by the Rostofftce depart ment, It was learned today. Ktockholdera have complained thtt M.000.OOO or IT.flO0.O0O In stock as been sold, whereas, they assert, the assets of the company do not exceed tl.0u0.000. William C. Thompson president of the company, has been Interrogated by potil Inspectors- Thompson said the com plaints were baseless and that he wel comed an Investigation HLa company I j,-"" M V J I ULA3UOW 3H In. BELMONT 2HU. - MEDORA2J4U. Arrow Katdi COLLARS mCd the knack oftha NOTCH" 15cccb-far2Sc Clau.Pboraco.. Makcn improves digestions by making up for food that isn't chewed enough. I'm teaching how it pre serves and brightens teeth by the friction and refreshing mint leaf juice. "I'm teaching how it sharpens appetite by helping digest anything eaten before. I'm teaching smokers to refresh their mouthy-to purify their breaths before kissing their little one3 at night. I'm teaching people to 'Look for the -spear so they will get the genuine. , "Millions have learned these benefits. Millions more are learning fast. They even BUY IT BY THE BOX It costs less of any dealer and stays fresh unUl used.''' ' Look for the spear Avoid imitations