Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1913, Made in Nebraska Section, Page 4, Image 14

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, ITEf-'DAV, MARCH 11, 1913.
People's Weekly Eledtrical Page
A Telephone
Moans security, iu
placing police fire de
partment, doctor, drug
gist and friends within
immediate reach at all
Daily Half a Million
Bell Telephone Oalls are
"Made in Nebraska."
Bell Linus Reach 668
Nebraska Townt.
Store Lighting
A well lighted store is a well advertised store.
There is more to the question of proper store illumina
tion than moat merchants imagine. A lighting system
that will do for one store will not necessarily do for
another where conditions nro different.
There is a vast difference between light and il
lumination. If you want your place of business to have tho
proper lighting effect, just put tho problem up to us.
Home Has Become
Darker Since it was
Cleaned in the Fall
A lady In Cleveland awakened the
other evening to the fact that her rooms
were apparently much darker and less
cheerful than they had been nt the be
RlnnltiK of the dark winter season that
Is to say Just after the fall houscclean
Intc. Tho chnnKe from light to darkness
had been ho slow ns to be verceptlblo,
but she was sure that It had come.
She looked at the room and looked at
the Inmps, and concluded to work the
reformation In the lamp.
She brought a damp cloth, carefully re
moved the shades from the lamps, and
while the lamps were still lighted she re
moved every vcstaKo of dust from the
bulbs. She washed or thoroughly
dusted each shade before replacing It
nnd then compared the light In the room
with whut It hud formerly been. She was
Very much pleased with the result and
the next day carried out her bright Idea
on every lamp In the house.
New Light System
in Thompson, Belden
& Company's Store
A new lighting system has Just been In
stilled on tho first and second floors of
Thompson, llcldcn & Co. by the Burgess
Qrandcn Co. Largo Moonstone lanterns
with frosted glass, using 4C0 and WO Watt
Mazda lamps, have changed the llluml
nntloti.on these two floors to the nearest
approach to daylight that has ever been
reached' by any artificial lighting. Colors
nro easily dlftlngu'slied. The millinery
department Is able to do business as well
at night hh In broad daylight. Mr,
Negate nays tho only drawback to the
new system of lighting Is that It makes
their basement look like a cellar and
their third flpoor look like an attic. These
floors will., be changed from the old arc
system at once.
Omaha Electrical Works
Electric Elevator Repairs
Westinghouse Motors
toa.ia it. nth St. Phoct Doiur. 1181.
V ,
United State? Government Making
Arrangements for 1U
With ftratrm Working Wnnhlnnlnn
Will ne In Touch with All
Our PiirNliii nt All
Crackling and sputtering with life, the
navy's new wireless station at Arlington.
Va. the, most powerful plant In the
world recently flung from Its lofty
earlals tho first message which Hlgnallzcd
nn Important step In the building of a
globe-girdling wireless system which will
keep every ship of the United States navy
and every Insular possesion within In
stant communication of the capital.
Down In the sound-proof operating
room, wlndowlcss nnd protected by
double doors, rome of the navy's most
experienced operators, directed by Lieu
tenant Woodworth, sent out the first
"N, A. X., N. A. X.," the call for
Colon, 1.7S5 miles away, was sent hurling
through tho ether. At Intervale the In
struments sparked off "N. A. It," the
call for Key West, 975 miles off. No
official messages were sent, but the re
sults of tho test were noted at nil sta
tions on the Atlantic coast, us well ns
Key Wost and Colon nnd reportB on the
trials will be made.
Itnillim of IMniit.
The radius of the new plant will bo
nbout 3,000 miles, This range, probably
the acme of wireless operations, will he
attained gradually and It may be weeks
before the big plant Is "tuned up" to Us
highest efficiency. Communication with
tho Pacific const will be attempted only
nt night for the present, but later on
throughout the day the secretary of the
navy at his desk at Washington will bo
within Instantaneous communication with
Key West, Ouantanamo, Colon, tho naval
coaling stations, tho winter maneuver
grounds and all Atlantic stations.
When tho plant Is working perfectly
nnd the chain of stations Is completed.
Washington will be In touch with
Hawaii. Samoa, Guam, tho Phlllnnlnea
and Pearl harbor. Tho completed sys
tem will cost about 11,000.000. The seas
then so longer will bo a wilderness for
the American navy.
Ships, because of weaker eaulnment.
can not communicate with the powerful
plant at Arlington, but they may relay
meninges lo tlie various stations for
transmission to Washington.
Nriv Klertrlml Ilevrl fit) till It I.
The Society for Electrical DeVeloDment.
Incorporated, held a big nicotine in Nnw
Vork City recently, to discuss plans for
educating tho American public to a better
Knowledge of electricity and Its uses.
Members from all over the country at
tended, and much enthusiasm was manl
In Chinese Itciiiitillc.
An American consul nt Shanghai, China.
states that there can be no doubt- that
thero will bo a great deal of progress In
tho use of the telephone and electric light
In China in the near future, for the
Chinese are quickly learning to npprc
elate the telephone nnd oleotrlc light as
modern necessities.
The Weirich Fixture Co.
Hair Washed, Dried
and Combed Within
Very Short Period
"If It wasn't for getting this hair of
mine dry. I would have fluffy hair all the
time," Is tho plaint or many a woman
who has found her hair to be the great
est trial of her toilet.
Many women have found the olectrV
hair dryer relieves them from all the
trouble Incident to washing the hair.
The air blown upon the hair by one of
these dryers very quickly takes out all
the dampness and leaves the hair ready
to be done up with all the good qualities
which a quick dn plves It
The hair dryer here shown Is a very
simple affair designed for easy handling.
Tho heating element Is located In the
barrel of the blower. Instantaneously
upon connection with tho lighting socket
there may be had a strong blast of
cither hot or cold nlr. The temperature
of the outcomlng nlr Is very easily con
trolled by a touch.
Some Persons Are
of Opinion Broom
Will Go Into Discard
In the Interest of public health the broom
and the house cat must go the way of tho
common drinking cup and tho roller
towel. Hereafter no house should be
cleaned except by a vacuum cleaner, nnd
the family cat must go to, even though
the houso Is overrun with mlco. As for
beating rugs or shaking dust cloth
lrom open windows, 'this Is a recklesj
practice fraught with gravest danger to
one's innocent neighbors. These aro somo
of the progressive views ajred at a meet
ing of the publlo health committee ot
tho New York County Medical society.
Tho vacuum process Is without doubt
the most scientific nnd sanitary and
thorough method ever dcslved.
It remains only for the public at large
to realize that tho same advancement has
been made, in the method of cleaning u
house as In the method of lighting It or
the method of obtaining water. Both ot
theso last mentioned advances has been
for a lon(? time considered to bo of the
most vital Importance to tho health and
happiness of a household. It wll. soon
be as old fashioned to wield the broom
nnd dustcloth to scatter dust and germs
Into the air we breath as it Is to carry
our drinking water from nn open well.
Electric Lfeh
Bath Cabinet
The bath cabinet that surpasses
all others. Heated entirely by
electric light it is the. nearest
approach possible to a pure sun
This cabinet may be seen at the
Weirich Booth at the "Made-in-Nebraska"
For sale by ' V
Omaha Product Considered On?, of
Best Manufactured.
I.lxt of Sfternl AiIvnntnKen It linn
Over Other Cnlilnctn. Including
Hip FoottlKht IlrnefltH nnd
Among the most Interesting of the rx
hlblts at the Made-ln-Nebraska show lit
the electric bath cabinet In thu booth dis
play of the Welrlch fixture company
This cabinet Is an Improvement on ail
others and It depends upon electricity
ns the only means of getting its heat.
Many persons believe that a auniath
Is the best cure, for rheumatism and muny
other similar complaints and physicians
are agreed that the electric bath can do
practlcully as good work as the sun m
this respect.
In the arrangement of the electric bath
several laro candle-power globes are
used and the person who takes the bath
Imnlv seats himself In the cabinet and
turns on a switch. Then the electric cur
rent does the rest, and tho person oo'i
gets a hot, clean bath, and Is given all
the benefits of the electric cure.
WVIrlch Cabinet Uses.
Thp Welrlch cabinet has proved Its
cfcfctlvcness and now does brilliant work.
It Is In great demand, the local company
flmllnc U difficult to fill orders. The
cabinet Is on exhibition for the entire
week at tho show and visitors will i'o
shown the exact manner In which !t
works if they will go to tho welticn
Tim rnhlnet Is an Omaha product, ana
was Invented by Mr. Welrlch. It Is aub
Btantlally and neatly built, and Is dec
nrntlvn In addition to useful. A picture
of It Is shown on this page, giving an
Interior view, and showing tno arraiMt;
nf lltrhts. Tho footlights are an Im
provement over other cabinets and arc
considered a great advance in me manu
facture of cabinets.
Sign Helps Eleven
at Foot Ball When
in Use by Aggies
During Mie foot ball season last Novem
ber tho sonlor class In engineering at
tho Iowa State college. Ames, la., erected
a large electric sign on the roof or tha
engineering building. This sign was eight
feet high nnd fifty-five feet long, and
was completed by the boys In five days.
Tim iilirn rend "Heat Iowa." and a
flasher was constructed which first
spelled out the letters, then flashed Hie
.nilrn "slm and then repeated with the
omission of tho first letter, B, so that
the final reading of the sign was J'at
Iowa." The framework for the sign was
made and set up by the students In
mechanical and civil engineering. The
electrical engineering students did all the
wiring, constructed a flasher and set up
a motor nnd controller for operating It.
Tho Persistent ana Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is" the Road to
Business Success.
Best Vehicle for
All Occasions and
in All Conditions
This Is the season of the vear when
more trouble Is experienced with all forms
t f transportation which dor not depend
upon electricity than at any other season.
In winter not only Is tho horse almost
helpless whenever snow Is decD or roads
Icy, but whenever the weather Is really
cold the gasoline vehicle Is constantly In
danger of freezing Its cooling water when
tho engine Is allowed to stand for a short.
while. Moreover, go&ollnc machines aro
difficult to start In cold weather and It
often happens that the cylinder must be
opened and primed with the III smelling
liquid before nn initial explosion can be
The electric battery Is subject to no
such troubles, and the electric delivery
wagon will make almost tho same time
on snowy days as In good weather.
After all it Is the reliability under all
possible conditions, which means time
and money saved and endless annoyance
avoided, and this Is oly found in the
electric vehicle. It is Ideal for all con
ditions that many be Imposed upon It
Electrification of nnllmty.
Tho London aild Northwestern and the
London nnd Southwestern railway com
panies are about to carry out an Im
portant electrification scheme Involving
over 150 .miles of track In tho metropolis.
Direct current at 600 volts will be cm
ployed, with third and fourth rails, tho
trains being operated by the multiple
unit system. The scheme Includes con
nection with the entire underground rail
way system of London.
Wireless to Germany.
The first wireless messatre sent direct
from the United States In Rnrminv nrn
sent on January 17 from Snyvllle, Long:
Island, and received at the Nauen tower
near Berlin, Germany. The distance Is
about 3,600 miles. Heretofore it has been
necessary to relay wireless messages to
Berlin and other points on tho European
Every Electric Need
Electric Shop
This is the age when every mod
ern home is supplied with elec
trical conveniences the electric
stove, toaster, coffee percolator,
N iron, motor for the sewing ma
chine, vacuum cleaner, washing
machine, etc. No home that wants to
save the women drudgery can be with
out these. They are as much the re
quirement of the ideal home of today as is the din
ing room table. If you would be modem you must
have electrical conveniences. This shop sells every
modern electrical device that is produced. You
should have several of these. Visit our display at
the Made-in-Nebraska show or come to our store
and see what you can buy for a very small price.
Start getting electrical devices now, and add to
your equipment as you are able.
Every article is rightly, priced here
Th Electric Shop
Wolfe Electric Company
Tyler 1414. 1810 Farnam Street.
Wire for us and we will wire for you.
Lanktree Electrical Co.,
308 8. 18th St, Tyler 1011.
All kinds of electrical con
tracting. Get our prices.
Motors, Dynamos ana Osnaral Bepalrlnff,
Electrical Machinery and. Armnturs
Winding1 a specialty.
rowrn wxuxxra
Le Bron Electrical Works
Day, Souff. 9170. 313 Booth 13th St.
Export Electricians and Machinists
301 Omaha Nat. Bank Blag. D 3810.
Electricity has be
come so useful in the
household that no home
is considered modern
unless it is equipped
with electric conven
iences. If you have any to
sell you can rapidly
sell them by using this .