Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BKE: OMATTA, MONDAY, MAlftll 10, 1013.
Stck-rlconr C-. -irrtri.
Bailey, th DontUt, City Nal'l. D. J56.
ridllty atorage tTanOo. Dour. IBIS.
Hav. Bout OTint It Now Beacon
lighting fixture, BurrM-OrndM
Tta State Bank or omasa pays pr
cent on thno deposits. 3 per cent on av
Ing accounts. Th only bank tn Omaha
whose depositors are protected by ths
depositors' guarantee fund of the state
or Nebraska. 17th and Harney street.
TsDOBTaphlcal ErrorIn relating tho
Incident of a. mad dog that had to be shot
lust week The llee gave the address as
1MI North Sixteenth street, whon It
should have been No. ISM. In the Thomp
son flats.
Frssldect Wilson Bepllss In response
to a message of congratulation sent Pres
ident Wilson by the employee s ttm Berg
Clothing company a letter Is In their re
ceipt from Secretary Tumulty, by order
of the president, thanking them for their
kind wishes. The letter Is dated March B.
Concert at Trinity Church The chorus
choir of Trinity Mchodlst church, Blnney
and Twenty-first ntecu, win give a con
cert Tuesday evening. Miss Minnie Nel
son, soprano, will bo assisted uy Miss
t;isio Mengedoht, violinist, and Mr. Klu
Icy Jenkins, accompanist.
rined for Accosting Women Georgo
Foster was fined 25 and costs by Police
Magistrate Foster for Insulting women
on the street. viaa orresicd on com
plaint of Mrs. Clara Clayton, who Is
stopping at the Palm hotel, Fourteenth
and Douglas streets.
Omaha tad Joins the Hary Another
boy took up with the life of tho navy.
when Ralph Earnest Waldellch, 4022
North Thirty-third street, enlisted at
the local recruiting station. He will be
sent to San Francisco, where he will
enter the training station as apprentice
Bond Contest Closed The bond con
test which Burns, Brinker & Co. have
tieen running during the last month Is
now closed. The winners of the J100
prizes are announced In another part of
the paper. This contest created more
than usual Interest among local invest
ors, which tends to prove the growing
importance of Nebraska as a financial
Qlrls to Bdlt Paper The edition of
thirty-two-page magazine Is the all Im
portant Interest of the high schools girls
who are on the Register staff, as each
1; seeing how much she can outdo the
other In getting social copy for the an
nual girls! number of the Register.
Dorothea Shrlvcr has been given the chief
uosltlon, that of editor of tho girls' num
Irr, and Louise Hupp is business man
tiger. . '
Ancient Order of Hibernians to En
tertain on St. Patrick's Day.
Attorney K. C. I'ukc to Lecture Ilc
forr Phllooihlcnl Society l'ln
ISronnti'V. Msrnlf lennce ot
I'nnmun Cnnnl.
The Ancient Order ot Hibernians have
completed their program for the annual
St. Patrick's day entertainment. The
program this year will be given at the
same old stand, Crelghton auditorium.
Twenty-fifth and California streets.
The talent which has been secured for
this year's program la or the Dcst ou
talnablo in Omaha. The number will
consist of Irish dances, Jigs nnd horn
pipes. Miss Addle Fogg with Mis?
lileanor McCaithy and Miss lluth Foan '
wilt render the dance numbers of the
evening. Mls Fogg Is an extremely
clever dancer and has made quite a
reputation In Omaha with her Irish Jigs.
Charles Douherty, well known In Ak-
Sar-Ben theatilcals, will be one of the
features of the evening as will Miss
Marie Swanson, who plays the harp ac
companied by Grace MoBrlde on the
violin. Mrs. Henry C. Richmond and
Helen Kearns will render several vocal
numbers, Messrs. Jamles&n and Hopkins
will sng several duets and a local glee
club will complete the musical program.
The chairman selected for tho evening
Is Dr. William J. I.eary. Rev. Michael
M. Shane of Plattsmouth. Neb., will be
the speaker of the evening.
Attorney E. C. Page will address the
Omaha Philosophical society Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock In Barlght hall.
Nineteenth and Farnam streets. His sub
ject will bo "The liconomlc Significance
of the Panama Canal. ' a subject with
which he U thoroughly conversant and
one that Is uppermost In the public mind
ht present. An unusually Interesting dis
cussion is predicted.
rtrn Htir Tribe.
Mecca court No. II, Tribe of Ben Hur.
...ui ru-. nn nrwn meeting to the member
and their frWls next Thursday. March
IS, tn their hall, third floor. Paxton
block, filxtecnth and Fnrnam streets.
ltoynl lllKhlntirtVrs.
Fornollffe castlo No. tSS will give an
open meeting AWlnewtay evening, March
12. at Eagles' hall. ,1410 Harnoy street
Dancing and other amusements will be
ttmnUh Veternns.
General Henry W. Lawton auxiliary to
Camp Lee Forby of the United Spanish
War Veterans will Itold an all day
kenslngton at the home of tho president
Mrs. V.llmer R Blackett. 1M2 South
Forty-ninth street, on Thursday March IS.
ltonl .rlhlor.
Pansy camp No. f. of tho Royal
Nciuhbora ot America, will give a card
party March 14 at 2 p. m. at Myrtle
hall. "
Golden Rod enmr 'v W will gtvo a
Oftfd party and dance In the Ancient
Order of t'nltril Workmen hall. Four
teenth nnd Dodge street. ThmhIrv even
ing, Maroh 11. There will be prizes and
refreshments will li' served.
Con nil Mnllolnt' for Children.
Too much onro cannot bo used In select
Ing n cough inedlcliie for children. It
should bo pleasant to take, contnln no
liarpiful substnnee and be most effectual.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meet
these requirements and Is a favorite with
the mothers of young children every
where. For sale by all druggists. Ad.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
King-Peck Company 1
Has a Big Opening
The King-Peck Company men's and
boys' furniture store at Sixteenth and
Ilnu-nnl nt reft had Its formal opening
opening yesterday from 2 to 9 p. m. It
was. a stylo show combined with a for
mal Introduction to tho store under the
new firm name King-Peck. The Francis
Potter string orchestra furnished music,
throughout ths afternoon and evening.
Tho state from top floor to basement
was decorated with natural flowers. A
number of beautiful floral pieces were
sent to the company rrom various manu
facturers, and theso were everywhere, in
evidence on tho ehow cases. Natural
smllaxwere much In evidence throughout
th.i Itiiltcllnir.
Timtiianrln nf rw runn n visited tho store
-.ri wwT-'IWA'ffdT me - women to carna
tions and the gentlsmen to a particular
brand of lead pencil. One hundred gross
of these pencils wcro ordered ,for tho
occasion. Upwards, ot 5,000 carnations
wern handed out.
The store under the new management
has been repainted and redecorated.
throughout. Thin lend a freshness
which supplemented by the abundance.
ot flowern made a very attractive, in
Tho window dceornttoils received spe
clal attention for tho occasion. The best
and niftiest In spring styles In everything
that men nnd boys wear was tastily ar
ranged In tho show wl idows, and was set
oft by numeroun lmliorted Tazette bou
quets, the first to bo, nhown tn Omaha.
Burglars -broke Ahto tho room of Franle
Kodrn and John1 Sturta. 1215 South Fif
teenth street. .Saturday night, broks
open two trunXs and stolfr $300 In gold
which tho men had deposited thera
each having plaoed ISO In his trunk.
The pollco could find no btuo to the1 robbers.
Jay Burns Now Has Plant that is
Marvel of All.
All Luicst Bnkliifir Mnchlaea and All 1
.Newest Devices for Producing
Best Bread Used In Thin
Giant Plant.
is ioVjjn oper
Most modern of Omaha bakeries, the
lay Burns Baking company's new plant
eratlon at Twentieth and
wttH Jill' -the. equipment
l!iuTls.necessary to putting out tho finest
kind rbff.brcnd. In every, way the ,new
bukcry la. b,ne that makes the layman
marvel' the wonOrera that this century
luiH brought forth.
.Throughout every department the bok
nry Is entirely sanitary with tho. cleanest
rooms, the cleanest machinery, and the
cleanest accessories for making bread.
The' rooms are very airy and the walla
are lined with enamel tile, assuring pure
surroundings for the making of bread. A
special humidifying system gives the
bakery pure air and an even temperature
for raising bread. This is the latest ot
plans for getting clean, pure, dry air.
Modern in All.
Tlif- flour' clcunlng nnd aerating ma
chinery Is the most modern that the state
has ever seen nnd Is of great assistance
in getting good bread. Automatic mixers
are In use, making it possible to hake
more nnd bctterbread In less time than
over before. The proofing process Is an
other of the modern Inventions. The ma
chine that divides the dough Is one that
is a wonder In many days. The giant
ovens, with their automatic regulators,
call attention to the advances that have
been made in the making of bread. The
workmen are provided for with shower
batlvs and clean rooms. "Every precau
tion Is taken that can be devised for get
ting the best and cleanest bread.
Fisher & Lawrle are the architects. Who
designed the building, which Is' an Ideal
bakery. Busk & Wind, were the general
contractors, who constructed the plant
Tho cement, stone, lime and sand used
in making tho building were supplied by
the Powcr-Hcafy Coal company. J. J.
Hannlghen, who has one of the largest
plants of Its kind in the middle west,
did all the plumbing and supplied the
heating plant for the Bums bakery.
The painting, decorating and paper
hanging were In charge of A. H. Forsberg,
who has handled many large contracts.
Sunderland Brothers company furnished
more than 60,000 brick for the construc
tion of the building. The face brick la
tho structure nrc Sunderland's red .heart
tapestry brick, among the most beautiful
and substantial of bricks.
The Baker lce"Machlne company manu
factured the refrigerating machine, which
is used in this plant.
This company Is always abreast of the
times in everything pertaining to Im
provements In their line of work and Is
well known ns a concern that turns out
only the highest grade material ana
workmanship. The simple and efficient
operation of their outfits is testified to
by many hundreds of users throughout
the states.' Much of their success Is
Juo to the fact, that they employ the
most expert refrigerating engineers in
tho country, irrespective ot what money
ltmay cost to secuw them, and are al
ways thoroughly posted on the latest
data that Is calculated in any way to
the construction or operation of
their plant. They own and exclusively
jontrol a number of patents, which are
valuable features In the simple and
undent operation of their machines,
amlMnsure smooth and easy operation
at all times.
Amongst Omaha's many visitors there
iriusttbe. many, who are more or lest
intere.ted tn the question of reftlgerat.
nis machinery in connection with tRe
thunf there U presented an excellent
of discovering ways and
mean, whereby the equipment of their
premise with mechanical refrigeration
will open , up ncn
sloped business source. ,
ISlflm AtrtwflrliKirnry
Here Is the Answer
II llll 1 1 II II 1 1 IN I INI II MM II II I mm I'HI 1 1 1 1 1
to the Mysterious Word
HOIS.OJW? is a, new breada different bread.
New and different in every respect.
NEW in Flavor. Its rich butter flavor
will delight you.
NEW in Appearance. Wrapped in its
dressy, white, dust and moisture-proof wrap
Der, it looks as invitino as a box of bonbons.
NEW in Size. Made in both 10c and 5c
sizes of distinct shape.
NEW in Quality. HO&SBM establishes
a new standard of bread goodness-it's better
than any bread made by baker or housewife
Even the Crust Is NEW. It cost us
months of planning and experimenting to
perfect the soft, tender crust of HOItSUM.
) Wrapping Otprtmat
Made by a New Scientific Process
Each step in the making of is timed to the second and takes places under temperatures
which science tells us are the proper temperatures. Automatic machines do nearly all the, work. The
flour is sifted and aereated automatically automatic scales, insure the use of each ingredient in proper
proportions huge automatic mixers tend to the kneading the
'rising" of the dough takes place in a room where drafts cannot
happen and where the temperature is regulated to the fraction of a
degree the baking is done in air
tight ovens at a temperature or just
550 degrees.
iHiiiusMHiKiiiuii Dili rirMiuraimi
Omaha's Big New Baking Palace
Where Cleanliness Is Practiced as a Religion ' t
The Jay Burns Baking Company