0 A Distinctly Correct in Style and thoroughly rll Creators Jf; WSlK KENk1m Clothes OMAHA J Jfi Smart Hats and Furnishings v v--. 'f ( K LI Jbk MAGEE & DEEMER WM Mtk ; 413 South 16th Street "" 1 Wt'1 ' IIS ' 11 You want style . in your new Spring Clothes YOUNG'S NEW YORK HATS Norfolks are destined to be great favorites this spring for the young fellow. Let me show you the most comprehensive line of stylish young men's clothes flor in Omaha.... plO lO pOO SOCIETY BRAND srnrsrMrsrrrtcem CLOTHES Our Spring Hats are here and we can satisfy any man Stetson Hats Guckert and McDonald TAILORS Wish to announce that their fabrics for Spring and Summer are in. 31 7 South Fifteenth St., Omaha The largest and most com plete line in tho west. Soft and stiff hats in all con ceivable shapes and colors. Many new novelties in all the newest styles. $3to$12W , v Soft Hats and Stiff Hats that are cmvenetted. Wo have the exclusive sale of these hats in Omaha. Imported hats from England, Ger many, France, Austria and Hungary.'' Delicate shades of gray, brown, blue, green,' tan and black are displayed in endless variety, at $2, $212, $3 and $5 Our spring suits and top coats are on exhibition. Come in and snoop around. Omaha's Newest Clothes Shop.... Offers tho men and young men of Omaha the best ready-to-wear clothing manufactured in the two prices featured by thom 162 and 25 When looking In the windows around town you will notice that our $16.60 suits look like tho $18.00 and $20. 00. .ones that others are showing, and our $25.00 line shows up with the $28.00 and $30.00 values. "Make This Store Your Store" Wilcox &. Allen 203 South 15th Street Ertrr-. '898. 1H Formal Showing of New Fabrics and Fashions Continues MONDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK SOUVENIR TO KVKRY OATjIiKR. Whether you are prepared to buy or not. wo will appreciate your call. See tho newest, most modern tailoring establishment in Omaha and acquaint yourself with tho new spring materials and styles. Suits made to individual measure $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 Hamilton "Woolen Co. 411 S. 1 6th St. City National Bank Bldg. ENVY Men wearing clothes made by me see nothing in any other man's clothes to envy. - SISTEK TAILOR Second Floor; (City National Bank Bldg. Don't Let Easter Find You Without New Clothes! Dresner The Tailor 1515 Farnam St. has chosen an elaborate assortment of fabrics among which you will find just the one that suits your fancy. Nearly 1,000 patterns to select from. The suit will be finished for Easter Success and Made-. to Order Clothes go hand in hand Tailored clothes will aid you iu business, as well as in society. You may as well get good work man ship and materials when placing your next order, as the cost is no more than the poorer kind when taking into consideration the wearing quali ties and tho sat isfaction it will give you to be well dressed. I can suit your taste and purse and take pride in serving you with tailoring that will give you style, fit, wear and econ omy. Come now for the Easter rush is on. Tailor Beck 111 So. 15th