18 THE SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION tVfaf Vou Caff Buy Here Ourcatalogshows you over 7000 highest quality, latest style everything necessary to furnish your home complete from cellar to attic offered you on credit Including everything In Home Furnishings. to prove that lie had fired that load of shot at a rabbit. "Bud, you 'members how mo an' you went walkln' down do railroad track, an' jea t'other sido o' dat cattle gnu a rabbit runs across, an ' I ups nn' shoots " Bud shook his head, "Don't 'member nothin' liko dat." Milo looked surprised and hurt: "Think reel good, Bud ;. sholy you 'members how I ups wid dat gun, jesso, nn' bangs loose at dat rnbbitf " Bud kept on shaking his head. "You can't 'member jea dat little bit," 3 Years to Pay for the Sweet-Toned Meister Piano $175 30 Days' Free Triat BBBBaaa twa m a. m. v . n m - waaaaw. hi i k r aaV V WS7ft. r s.' IV y7X a.w .ass V -as" W No. Send vour name and address anil enlov the luxurv of mmfnpt e.f hnvlne exactly what ron want for yonrhome and par ee yoa please, on oar lonir time cbij.jnijiuku,. plan. lour credit 1 t Eod aa 1.UWM1 others, regular cortomen nt oun dur ing Ui yoara of success. Don t wait. Act now. Got oar laritrat home-far-uishlns: catalog erer published. Take yourtlmo In aelectlnqand baring, hat Bet thli splendid bargain book now. Krenrthlna Guaranteed on $0 Uavtmxamxruition, xuamine and ueeerythlniyoaRet, aiqn. eybaek If noteattsnfdabaolately, Don tncgie t noglect, aend card today. Easiest Payments Year to Pay Save 15 to 50 Easily AU our dealings are confidential. No. 384 MBAU0RN BRUSSELS RUQ . Yoa he v ntrvtrr Before had chutes to dot m res. rrm anywriers near tn qoal o this eelabrated Vllaikor Brai .a liuir, It fa twdard fill, ft. iIm closely woven into baaoti fal tCtrpin da icti wnn cotnoinauoneoionnrs ox yran( red ami tan. lliablr racocninandod ami Jufly ruarutaad for waax. $9,75 Terms, i.50 "caBh.7Bcmonthlr You five us no aecurltv no chattel mortjf rwe-no not. We let you pay as you please on oar eastet payment plan. We aend no collectors char ijo no Interest and there la no publicity. Try Us No matter how much or how little you buy we save vnn l.liinnuwH MtrutniA 1 1 AT. tfila hrmc tW All hlatArV Oh liriW fA VfnnaH-h ImI f ntah at hnmn nnmrmln Wa nan mftlfA aiirh low nrir laOtfAUaA A nyrortloCaxtadcq AQ ,niy n such pnonnon quantities and sell to , orer a million people ryiiiw. - -v-rywhra. Writ ua Uxiar for wit connarrmai rrnpiuon ana vie dvomw cautoc. Terms l 00c cash, 50c monthly Iito tntsdlo colon. A poaul au this bla bwk Vhus. oldest ttnd beat tctinvtt liniria flirnlitilnil t 3930 WentworiN Ave Chicago Ilk concern in the world. CttabiUried 18SS-88 Years of Succeoa-22 Qreat Store-l,O00,OO0 Cutomor I 383 fWfBOoa "RatrtwalT Guaranteed Rocker. American quart rra4 Oak. npboUterad with f';nDarUI' latnar..Uio naaraat wiw . in pan I - iraun approMD to real leather. apnna: aoavi (real posts. HARTMAN Furniture & Carpet Co. B.n't aend me one nt Jntt let m nrare It t. y.u aa I hae dono f pr othora In the I ait alz ninnthi..! claim to hare tho onlr auoonnfol onro for banlona erer made and I want jou to let m. aond too, ft treatment, VitKK, entlralr at mr oxpenae. I don't caro how many ao-callod euro, or ahlelda or pada rou ever trlott without aucoosa I don't care how dlagnited ru f eel with them all ron hare not tried mr core, and I hato auch abao ate conBdenee In It that 1 am irolag to ncud irraiment .Daoiattir r tt I. r it la a Implo borne treatment which If t luitantlr of all ralni it rnmof bunion and thua the ugl deform. y.u wonderful ret almplo homo t itoToaiou aimoai th. cauafiof the Itr, dlaappeara all thla while iron are wearing tighter ahoea than erer. I know It will do nl I thla ana want rou to aend ror a treAtment, rittri at my eiunv. liepaniMS 1 know Jon will then tell all jour rlenda atout It J out aa thorn blfiil other are doing now. Wrlto nowt a thla announce ment mar not appear In thla paper again. Jutt aend jour name and addreaa and treat Gent wll I Iw tent ron promptly plain aealed envelope. J-OOT ltEMKDV CO. 380 W.llhU I mm 1 iiiiiiiiii11111 A Course of Lessons in Drugless Healing (Mechano-Therapy; CDCC Mot ono cont to rllblai pay, fit her now or laterno oblltiolloni jost your simple request brings yon this Taluablecourseof 02 Lessons by return mall. Without Cost. II YOU WANT TO HARM IPSSI I V I SJt.SOO TO M.000 A YCAR I f rmt rant aa etabliahaKl pref ul thai if taaarkaklr proAtabla UMI MM fat U free leurM Mil km ht.i lrrnclmtai IImNm riava iuu, n twemper laiauner la umttaiii nnu nuw ii-r di Lavaaona. Uel uva facta. tfatwliMMtaJ ar la Iter IUUU l AMtfiiai C9LLICC Of KlCHABO THtMrt IBut Wild Knows It!! That's tho vital (juestlon with you today. Who knowa tejond the little circle of f rlenda what Tourtme worth III Of conne, alt the "noya" In the ofllce know It and I dare aay the Uosa knowa It too. Hut that Isn't onoucli. Von must lnr.rca.so your horlsonnntll It attracta the attention of other builneaa men. Then yoor aenrlce will bring you The Money. Oot Into a iKxsltlon whoni your (rood efforts count for eometblng more than they do In the Job yoa are now holding. LKAItN TO AVI I IT IS .ADVKUTISEMKNTS and get from t3i to IIW a week. Clet into tho freedom of the inottfaaclnatlnganil prollt able profession In tho world, where you can donble your present ealary or Income. If thersltthatautspsrlcof Mgo"ln you, riM will b a PseUsvU Msnaconiplt. surcsH. WrIUus now and w. will Mnd roa fn. full details rsmrdna th. opportunity's for ruu In Immediafalr eat Into in. profwsaion that pars man Ilka you I3&.W) to I1MI.U0 a weak. PACE-DAV1S COMPANY Addrasa (too Pag. Building, CHICAGO Cither Otlia. I 200, ICO Nassau St., NEW YORK AWA pt.TM It W. HandolphHt. Chlonto. III. Bronchial Save the Voice Save tho I ansa. Relieve) hoarsen esa and coashlrur tpelU. 25c. 60c. $ t.00. Bamplo lYoe, JOHH LBROtVHaSOS Doatoa. Man. B TELL ME YOUR FOOT TROUBLES It will cats your Mind: I will eats your Feet. Enlarged Joints Reduced and Toea Straightened by ACHFELDTS (P.Unted) 'Perfection" TOE SPRING Worn at night without Inconrenlente wltb auiUUrjr SptJUace lor day use Sat on approval. Money refunded If not as rrprctcated. . Use My Improved tnatep Arch Bupportsr (or riat Poot" and Iteoken-elotirn Intten. Send Outl.DS of Full parUculart and adke free tn ptiln sealed envelope. M. ACHFELDT. Foot SpecialUt , Room 240, 1S3 West S3rd Street NEW YORK ja. foot I Was Deaf 25 Years I Can Now Hoar wltb these soft. artlftYla! - - .-.,,... I B..,th.mlJ in my ears nlaht and day V They are perfectly coin them. Writ. m. and I uH ,aiM will tall yoa a true story iuTiltrhl howl ot deaf and howl maile myself hear. AUtirrae Arttnciai J.ar I'm ID 10, LaI "Bud, ain't mo an' you bruddersf " "Yes." "An' you can't 'member mo sliootin' dat rabbit " "No." Bud kept shaking his head until Milo observed mournfully: " 'Pears to me you might 'member dat much jes for yo' muddcr's sake." "D UT if tho negro bo ablo to prove his L caso, ho meets no obstaclo on account of color absolutely none. A striking instaiico occurred in Port Gibson, Missis sippi, some years after tho war. Twelve whitn men sat in tho jury bos. On one sido sat an ignorant old negro. On tho other was a chieftain of tho Lost Cause, tho man under whoso leadership those jurors had struggled through four years of blood nnd firo a man for whom each ono of them would havo laid down his life. Tho facts wcro doubtful and hotly con tested; a jury might havo decided cither way. Yet, thoso twelve white men found a verdict in favor of tho necro. Every southern lawyer has known many such cases in his own experience. In business or family life, acts that would destroy a wluto man's commercial or personal rcpu tntion, bring littlo or no discredit upon tho negro. Petty deceptions and irrespon sibilities that would ruin a whito trades man nro smiled at in tho black. In tho household, a whito servant is held to ono degreo of accountability, a negro to an other. Tho whito nurso girl must bo ro spectable, whilo tho mistress diplomatic nlly refrains from asking questions con' ceming tho character of her colored nurso. As tho late nenry W. Qrady so well said: Tho negro is hold to a different accountability by every ofliccr, from the jury that convicts him to tho judgo thnt measures his sentence. New Wrinkles TAT II K NEVER wo break any of our gas mantles, wo put tho ashes in a saucer and uso them for polishing silver. Apply with a cotton cloth nnd rub well. They nro very smooth nnd powdery and will not scratch tho most highly polished surfnees. B. Z. AV., Columbus, O. AVhcn tho window screens nro brought out for tho summer, they arc often in bad condition. If they aro rusted, try i rubbing them with vaselino and then with lino emery paper. If only dusty, J rcmovo tho dust, varnish tho vire, and ' freshen tho woodwork with n coat of ' paiut. If holes have appeared, cut pieces trom wire ciotn, each piece larger than tho liolo it is to patch. Pull out wires on edgo to mako a fringe, push each ono through meshes of screen beyond tho hole, and bend flat on tho other side. Mjs. E. B., Philadelphia, Pa. Tn my kitchen I havo an inexpensive wooden tnblo on ballbearing casters. It meuHuroH about two feet squaro on top, nnd is covered with whito oilcloth. I roll it to tho sink when I wipo dishes, and set the dishes upon it as I wipo them. AVhen finished, I roll tho tablo to tho cupboard nnd transfer tho dishes from it lo thoir places. AVhen canning fruit, I roll the table to the stove nnd We ray the Freight You are not aakod to de posit or pay or advance a cent In any way nntll (oa write na and aay that he M KIHTEH la entirely satisfactory and you with to keep It. Then th.aa ar th. tertna of aalei $ 1 a Week or $g a Month No cash payment down. No intercat on pnymenta. Mo extras of any fclnu. I'lauo stool and scarf free. Sold direct from th. maker to you nt a guaran teed e&Tlngot 9100. lt0 dealer's profit for sou to psy. Hand now for our beautiful Free) Catalog which .V. . .1,1,. ...I.. f Uate I'. uur Tesotzreee eseaea sa.wu.wu. w. sell more pianos . to u. vmaw uwa no vuw concern m ue direct t am. than say other concern world: Rothschild & Company Dept.95-T Chicago, Illinois Do Away With Bands of Steel and Rubber Htuart't PUPAtrMDSarsdtfferrntfrom as anr 1 e, a-i f rmrr I Apcni til tha trun. helnff mrdlclna bddIIcs otb mini ruavaBvaiia'purp0ii j lono.aiDepaniiecurc.rinpiace. noiirsp. DUCBicioripnog can not illp, so eaanet chafe or com torn aralnit the nubia bono. ThouiandihSTeiucceiifallT treated themielTts at home without hindrance from work and conquered the mo it obstinate eaiei. twV ,r lMBSlf"JBPl"J-'"Tlw",',"Iue rSi!J J Gold Medal 1'rocen of recorery Is natursl, InlAL OF PLAPAOproTe whst we "y by lendlnf yon Tilsl of I'lsnao abtoluteiy ruaiu write nsmeoa coupon and lend TO-DAY. jtddrris PLAPA0 LABORATORIES, Block 413 St Louis, Mo. Same Addreti Betnro Mall will brim Free Trial Flapao Wrinkles Thousand have successfully used wub lorruaia ut remoro traeea of a bo. 1 lines, or worry: i oz. oc puro Powdered SAXOLITE dlfwolred In U nt. wltrh hnznlt llaUl a a aa fniui uranti Thn nrTiuit Is almost raafiloal. Deepest wrlnklea, crow feet, aa well aa finest lines, completely and ?ulckly vanish. Face become firm, smooth, rah, and you look aara r oun-c r . No harm to Undarvat akin. Oat raouin Kaxollta (powtlarad) At any dmc atora. jjsaw JsaaBaaBar . SaajiS aaaaatV-l leef Blood Viro For THIN People mm WHAT YOU NEED! Gain Flesh Quickly uten of all Tlnh Produ ce!. Mi i mesthestreneth v of ktronf. hnlthy bullock t N tlood. Gsln 15 to v poundi, have plump. attract! e, virile figure, mil 01 nature reu Hood. To pro, e tt true talue to you, we iu acna inu 50c pack ire lot loc. ind our SPI-C1AU TEST OFFFR with POSITIVE CUAR A NT EE. Write todiy. NOW. THE VIRO CO., Pifl. 9, Clirlnrfi, Iqwi LOTS OF FUN FOR A DIME Ventrllotiulat lloulile Throat Tits roof of moult.; always Invisible; srestest thine; yet. Astonish and myltify your friends. Nelgn like a horse; y.Mne like a puppy; sin? like a csnsry, and Imitate birds and beasts of the field and forest. Loadaoffun. Wonder, fid Intention. Thou lands sold. Tt'cei only 10 cents; 4 for 05 cents, or la for 50 cents. Daable Tareat Ce. Dpt. J. Freacalawa. N. J. BIRTH STONE RINGS Only Greatest ring oiler oyer made; lr guaranteed tiro years. To mako now customers wo send thlslleantl fulljtdlea lllnewlih atone for any month, only 12o stampa to pay pack. Ins and malllnz. 8tate site and month. M. M. Reiford, 936 Market St., rhilidrlphU, Pa. !aEO.PWAV.46Ad.iaid.st.,D.tr.it.ifidu ' l10 J" " they nro filled Grcldcr's Fine Catalogne aad ealeadar af awa-Uaol Meluy far 1111, Urs. assay saceaarrWUf rau.4loVrrmi srssdalaaasersl sslsrs. 1. vsrfeHSss tlhutrstwt aa4 eaartas4. laaa aaaaesaad hraadaes.Ww yeassef steak aa4 acts Vaf katsalas- A yarbsl ssUe U all BeaHry rslsars. (Wa4 Ms fee tsla aated srt. a. B. OUtSU. Bex lit Ikasai, ra 125-EU Incubator and Brosder TlUtwaW, liatle walla: Wlteoatla latskatar ts lai 22 IVL I laclat.lrtri. PATENTS tkai PAY BEST yaete aait faiiia. ItawaaM. larnriuis Wun, so. Bwaa 'ssac. iat , ainaM. lama.. WttlCB tCeli(.aZji.7r Wnlajt)n, O.C R.S. A A.B.LXCki, Waaaiaita. 0. C. blaUai.lMS Hhort. thin tablo is a perioral stcn-fiuver. nnd tho most useful pieco of furniture in my kitcuon. Airs. 1C 11. a., I'alo Alto, Cnl. To prevent my light colored dresses from presenting a wnshed-out apMar anco after being washed n few times, I buy a package of dye of a deeper shndo than the garment to be treated. For in stance, brown for tan, red for pink, pur ple for lavender, dark bluo for light, aatrnatilfBrotL!- frtokbSaV 111, BB Mawn,'enwlrkljiwrenci.Kt w rears. . -asBBb OJjr wr.. naaninffton. ll.l' .ssdNea VnrhT Sa Send for New Helpful rinn for Inventors lots or res roa a cm VIITBtLOOCMT TUI01T. latuas a'eaa aaa saw aiaaiaeaa aaa aaaa tilaisSaias. all 3 SMS Sat IOasU. aUaUesally De,l. 17 alalraae.Haaa. QITFIITO utTr I!T f'ACTOItIK.S fl I I" I Jj whoeooldns. yoor l'atant. nil nibniw Mancfactnrlaf and Patent adrlc ur a CC. Atty. O 7th It, Waaalnstoei. D. C. (tat tOT aent to yoa on Mil liUL. lira res, send 11.00 If not. don t. v. eipreaa offiee. Writ, today starcae, era owe lee, aieeej, cue ASTHMA i t