16 THE SEMI-MONTHLY MACAZINE SECTION We Specialize on Style We can hardly make Holeproof Hose wear any better. We pay an average of 74 cents a pound for Egyptian and Sea Island Cotton Yarn. Common yarn sells for 82 cents. We send to Japan for silk. Common silk won't do for "Holeproof." Our processes are the latest and best. Ninety-five per cent of our output has out lasted the guarantee for the past thirteen years. Therefore, most of our time and effort are now being concentrated on style. The result is an ideal hose for occasions where formal evening dress i3 required especially at dances and balls, where stylish, sheer hose that will wear are a necessity. Because of this double quality, a million people are wearing "Holeproof." Holeproomosierg r at S r aTi mmm.r as. a. i fa. , r- a. V Six Dalrs of cotton hose must wear six months. Thrco pairs of silk hoso must wear three months. That Is guaranteed. And It means ovory stitch. If a thread breaks, wo replace tho hoso free. Look for the signature, cc$m&c Stamped on every pair Tho conulno "Holeproof" aro sold In your town. Dealers' names on request, or we'll ship above boxes iruaranteed kIt mrmtha. Mn' dilr "tlnloiimnf" r-rwf r m nlmx of threo pairs; women's, $3.00 a lox of three pairs. Silk hoso guaranteed thrco months. Write for freo book. "How to Slako Your Feet Happy." Sco how theso wonderful hoso aro made. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Holeproof Hosiery Company of Canada, Ltd., London, Can. Itec. V. S. JL "Just Try It and See' ',a.li BsBsssHHHTvHh saaaaaaaVJ''"miii iXBbH isiMksttMsHriiisSVr ISiB ll ,l , " i III M OWS. ll ' Everything Looks Like New After Dusting With It Quickly restores tho original beauty to tho Bnlsh of piano, furnlturo and woodwork. Its uso imparts a pleoslnc atmosphere of newness and cleanliness. Tho slmplo dusting operation removes cerm laden dust and dirt: takes olT unslchtly stains and blemishes; leaves overythlne bright, clean and sanitary. It's easv and rlnnnlv to use. too. Simply moisten your cheeo cloth duster with It and bo ahead and dust that's all! You can irot It at any good grocery, drue, hardware, paint or department store. Ho sure you get tho yellow carton with tho tilted name, LIQUID VENKKU. Send for a freo trial bottlo. TODAY! BUFFALO SPECIALTY COMPANY 1 73 Liquid Veneer Building, Buff alo, N.Y. Learn Trapshooting THE SPORT ALLURING The Most Fascinating Outdoor Recreation, Quickly Develops Ama teurs Into Experts. TIUIUHOOTINO supplies the routed chance to learn to shoot safe! 7 and satisfactorily. It retards no game laws, "closed" seasons nor came preset-re. The "clay birds" fly .eery day and alTord opportunities for the attainment of eipertness and arhleTement of notable victories at the traps, and later, In marsh or ueiu. 8El for KIIEE 1IOOKLKT eontalnlne an enthaslastlo descrlDtlon of Transhootlac. Dlctaree of famons shooters, prominent eTents. son clabs. special troDhlee donated to winners, and "Hints to U.e Innere." Aik Inr "Svort t Hurt no" llookUl Ko. 2SJ. DU PONT POWDER CO., Wilmington, Del. woNaRwAKEKS Read this FREE Health Book Learn more about Oxypathy, the new scientific treatment which cures without drugi r doctor tills, it you are sick or tuucring it is Decause ot poisonous nui: m m vmip riltrul If vnn wntild lii well nrrflin vmi must ort rSn of them. It IS the pTTZH mission of Oxygen to destroy them. Hence Oxygen is Nature's specific for rwfAsL disease. When lick, whit you need ll not note poison In the totmol druu, put mois osrfen. Get oar Free 72-page book, "Nature's Royal Road to Health" I so lesto i boat this new ttesuoent. ll also ictcsIi the seem ol the disc ell. Pst es 37- tell Iwhil the f tcslcit phrtlcim bite ssla ol Ihtlr own medicine. All tail loiornwion inc. Send lei the hook toesr. II our OS yosi taming point iron sicancss u ociun. THE OXYPATl.GR COMTANY, 212 Paul Street. BUFFALO. N.Y. 11 - Jl - .ea.saaBBBBBBBBBBBBaa23.V JMT 1 I sbbbwSsssssssH "It" she exclaimed violently. "Do you daro to Bay that I had anything whatever to do with this robboryf " .Too shrugged his shoulders. "Then I beg your pardon, Miss Poincarr6, and I say good-bye. I must go and make my report to tho police and let them net their own way." Ho turned, but boforo ho had gono more than a step or two, sho ailed to him. And who aro you? What right have you . . ." "I'm in this caso for tho Bank. Old McAndrow knows me well and can tell you my name." "What is it! I'd like to hear it! " "Peoplo often calls mo November Joe." She threw back her head; every atti tude, every movement of hers was fine. "Now supposing that money could bo tYiiitwI wltnf tvrml,! rnn 1n'' 1 1 'd go to tho Bank and tell them I'd niako'shift to get every penny back safo for them if they'd agreo not to prosccuto . . . anybody." "So you aro man enough not to wish to seo tho girl in troublof" November looked at her. "I was suro not thinking of, tho girl at all," ho said simply, "but of Bank-clerk Atterson, who's lost tho girl ho robbed for nnd ruined himself for." Sho Btood stock still for a while. "I '11 seo Old Man McAndrew," sho cried sud denly. "I'll lead. It 's near enough this way." Without a word Joo turned after her and I followed. During the conference. Joo satisfied tho girl ns to his identity, without nrousing McAndrew 's suspicions; and beforo dark sho met us again! " There 1" she said thrusting a package into Joo's hands; "but look out for yourself! Atterson isn't tho only man who'd break the,, law for lovo of mo. Think of that at night in tho lonely bush!" 'My!" ojaculatcd November as ho looked after her receding figure, "sho's u bad loser, nin't sho, Mr. Quaritchl" TATE WENT back into Quebec nnd .Too ' mado over to tho Bank tho full amount of tho loss, but only after Har ris, tho Manager (rather against his will), agced that no questions should bo nsked nor action taken. Tho same evening, I, not being under tho samo embargo regarding questions, inquired from Joo .how in tho world tho fair Phedro had covered her tracks from tho canoo to whero Atterson was lying. "That was simple for an activo girl. Sho walked ashore along tho paddle, and after her return to tho canoo sho throw water upon tho mark it mado in tho mud. Didn't you notico how faint it wast" "But when sho got ashoro how did sho hido her tracks then?" "It's not a new trick. Sho took n couplo of short logs with her. First, sho put ono down and stepped on to it; then, sho u put tho other ono farther nnd step on to that; next, sho 'd lift tho ono bo- hind, nnd so on." "But you said beforo wo loft Atter son's camp that whoovcr robbed him was shortish, a lightweight nnd had black hair." "Well, hadn't shot Lightweight bo causo tho logs wasn't much drove into tho ground, shortish because tho marks of them wns so closo together." "But tho black hairt Come, Joe, thnt was n bit ot a guess I ' ' Joo laughed. "That was tho surest thing of tho lot and put mo wiso to Phedro at tho start. Twisted up in tho buckle of tho pack sho gave Atterson, I found several strands of splendid black nair. Sho must 'a caught her hair in the buckles while carrying it. That .was an accident sho hadn't thought of." There was a silence; then November added; "I wonder if she'll get some fel ler to come gunning for mo as she threat ened sho would! Sho '11 try any way, Well, I suppose Atterson will feel pretty bad about it when ho learns her treach ery; but ho'd 'a' felt a sight worse if they'd been married. I sure pity the 1 man that ties up with her, for all her looks, uon't you, Air. tuaritcni" IbrSmoDtheRapid Writing jruu uu; Dens buy Ball-Pointed Pens. Thev write fast without scratch ing or blotting. The Kl I nntnt" is the reason and it's the only-real imnrnvemcnt ever made in steel pens. There are ten varieties. No matter what your style of writing, there's a Ball-Pointed Pen that fits. Made in England of fine Sheffield Steel. Soldbysta nonets or sent postpaid by us. Gold-coated, $ 1 .50 per gross; Silver grey. l.uu. SampU box of 24 by Mail, 25 cenfs - H. BAINBRIDGE & CO. 99 William Street New York W'w wfw m un &aa i T -a- ar -wan I Mammoth Collection ol I Flower Seeds Makes a garden the envy of everyone. Collection composed ot the rarest seeds obtainable In eenerous quantities. 1 jkf. seh Eligut Astsri.LeTslr Alri sum, Briiht rstnnlas, BrUUsat topples. Bis, Csntanrsa, Bonny Cosmos. All tor lie, postpaid. Worth easily sue. ADOVO liower couecuon ana six generous packages or choice vegetable seeas tortile. Caialogsnd premium list FREE. ' John ILSalw Slid Co., 124 f ,thtt,taCrosse,WIi L00K-A Water Proofed Cloth Alpine! AMNatur and Fashion ummon tit to discard thota winter tjlen. srBde'MBTIIKSprlnshBt-somthins2N,itrl-Uh, .rvicebl7lHKhKHKN r. OrT.-in-.Ud r., sold onlj by ua, Of Ana flprinc-ws-laht waterproofed cloth, fctitt hed crown and brim; ailk rr lifwd. Four colore; Itlack and whftchk; tan rhMk: dark , array ctwk! nark brown. Would coat 3 it Imported. 12 I'Hr.rAlD. Money back If you don't Ilka It. Order now imply state alia and color, and enclose (2. WriU for "WU Style Hoot'KKKK. TVJaOU 263 Arch Street JTatVlMVJri U- Philadelphia, Pa. For Furs and Woolens I '''KaBBBSSSSSsI 1 'SK'aaaaaaaaaaaaiisssssssssssS sssK. tsssssl A Piedmont Southern lied Cedar Chest shipB ped on IS dars free trial. Protect fure and sT woolana Iron moths, mice, dust and damp. Finest wedding- or blrthdsy rift, low factory prices, freight l Cras Writ, for lllo.tr.Uretlo fnd boot.Slorr ef 100K rrCB RoVlCodoT." J-ostooU. fro.. Wrlu bow for thoo nluabl. books whfl. this odlUon lU. Piedmont Red CetUr Chest Co.rwptlnT.SUtesvlH.H.C. Complete Catalog Free Write for tt, Bee the latest and beat models In fttfUlnr. peddUni and motor canoes. Unequalled In design, workmanship, dnrabtllty. Kay to paddle, speedy, lUbt. Uraw little water. Heat for all around use. Our special type snonaons aaalte MJ canoe noDapelsabU. kENIIEBEOCAlsOE CO.,27 R.R...WaterTOle.Me. Sold by tiralera errrytrker. St CLMSSPNS m BADGES 4 ForCoCjje,Scbool,SodtjrLfliio . Dcscrtptlire catalog with sttrsctlre prices milled! free upon request, Either stvle of nfas here Utus. t trsted with any three Inters and figures, one nr two colors of enamel. SftMINS tILVC. 25a aadi: J 2. 50 dsies: 111V PUTE 10a aKhi 11.00 BSSTUII B0S. CO. 17 BJISTIM SLDO.. ROCHCSTtR. .. J.I kSB ataxas AMAZING PROFITS ISMfbUKOOMS. AnjUdcsnadJ$Hoiiper weak to liMlrloccxoe. In para time, atlra jtar growl Df bos brooms la cellars, sLeda- teras. boses. etr, I UU you where to sell at bJchcsi prices, free lUualraied Ins trod loo HookWt. UlaUM sUKTOV, 134 H. 4slk ML, Aew Tors