Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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1 A
m mwi 9
77ie Afeu; Cotton
Goods Appear
In Many Pretty
Plain colored linens, new
ratines, Btylish neV Bulgar
ian noveltiea in exclusivo
pattornB, fine imported
Fronch voiles, in n most de
lightful assortment of new
shades, at Dross GoodB De
partment, Main Floor.
Some of the Fashionable
Garments We Are Offering
In Our Ready-to- Wear
Section Are Sure to Please You
Spring with its wealth of color and brightness finds
oxperssiou in a great diversity of charming styles of
ready-to-wear apparel.
"Because of our access to the sources of supply wo
have chosen our collection from the most exclusivo
Our aim. is to offer distinctive styles, not necessarily
extreme fashions, but at least something more than
Our display rooms aro the most artistic and complete
ns regards convenience, in the entire west.
During the coming stylo week new arrivals will be
' shown each day with special exhibits of Easter ap
parel, moderately priced.
HILDREN'S New Spring
Dresses, 6 to 14 Years
"We have just received a largo shipment
of children's new Spring dresses, made
from nil seasonable fabrics, in new styles,
ages (5 to 14 years especially priced
Monday, 98c to $2.25.
Early S flowing of Women's New
Spring Street Dresses Basement
Women's lawn, tissues, linen and gingham wash street
dresses, now styles in all desirable colors, especially priced
in basement from $2.50 to $4.75.
Beautiful Foulards
75c to $1.25 a Yard
Today Foulards are one of
tho most beautiful of silks,
in variety, in design and ex
quisito coloring. Nowadays
when women buy Foulards
they ask for "Shower
proof." We have n variety
more extensive than over be
fore Come in and look them
Our Women's
Have your Easter Gown
made to your special meas
ure. You will appreciate the
excellence of our tailoring
when you once try it. Tho
now spring fabrics are beautiful.
Women's Gloves
for Spring
Gloves wero never more attrac
tive than this season.
Our Bpring assortment is the
best we have ever shown.
Each kind selected from the
choicest makes. Bo an early
purchaser. "Trefouse" gloves
tho perfection of glove making.
"Elite" washable leather'
the guaranteed washable kind.
"Kayser" silk gloves
acknowledged best kind.
Foundations of City Defenses Are I rtffc r&.ro
Cracked by Big Explosion. uaJ
o Additional Dentlia llcporled
Since tfrldnT Forty-Three Are
Taken in tnln, Severn!
of Whom Will Die.
Wo do expert glove clean
ing and repairing charges
Win Fight Before Legislature to
Retain Their Offices.
Committee Probing Cause of Fartu
era' Fljiht Agnlnat Tax Reform'
Seeks to Attrlbate It to
(From a Staff Correspondent.
DF.8 MOINES, la., March 8. (Special
Telegram.) School treasurers of Iowa
probably have won their fight before the
legislature to retain their otflcn, but
wilt be required to pay Interest on sotiool
money In their possession, Which It Is be
lieved will result, finally In their giving
up these petty offices.
The house Had under consideration, n
bill to' abolish thri school treasurers as
useless officials, and have tho school
necretarles draw warrants on the county
treasury. It has been hard fought by the
treasurers who have flooded tho legisla
ture with petitions against It.
The house adjourned without giving
time for a, vote on the measure. Practi
cally every member of the legislature
has said that the treasurers should be
legislated out of office, but they have
much political Influence.
The committee on "retrenchment and re
form which Is engaged In probing Into ite
means by which the farmers of the state
have been stirred up to fight tax reform
today decided upon summoning before it
a number of persons who have ben
known as corporation lobbyists, as they
claim to have Information that they are
back of the petltldhs. It has been found
that the persons who have been at work
securing the petitions were In the service
of the railroads and other large Internals.
A committee of the house today recom
mended favorably a bill to hate two
election boards at each election precinct
In Idwa and have one board commence
the count of votes at 1 o'clock election
day and by alternating the two boar at
thus have the count of the vote done soon
after the, close of the polls. A house com
mlttea 8.U. acted, favorably on the bill .to
abolish contract labor and to appropriate
money for equipping an Industrial plane
at each state prison.
Friction Develops
Among Democrats
in the Senate
WASHINGTON, March 8.-The break
In senate democratic ranks yesterday,
with tho endorsement of Benator Clarki
Instead of Senator Bacon for the position
of president pro tempore, had Intensified
the feeling that existed among the party
factions when the caucus resumed Its
session today.
A candidate for secretary and 'one or
two minor appointive selections, w.tre
then still to be made. The special com
mittee named to prepare assignment!! of
democrats to places on the various com
mittees had not yet completed Its work:
but the democratic leaders were prepared
to take up generally the work of re
organisation. Senator Iioke Smith's threatened resig
nation yesterday from the "stealing com
mltteee," because of the defeat of his
colleague, Senator Bacon, was still talked
'of In senate circles as Indicating a pos
sible breach between some of the more
active leaders In the democratlo ranks.
Piokrell Pleads
Guilty to Murder
in Second Degree
BEWAHD, Nob., March 8.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Bird E. Plckrelt, who killed
his young wife here March 0 by shooting
her with a shotgun, pleaded guilty to
murder In the second degree and was
given a sentence of twcnty-flve years
at hard labor In the penitentiary. There
were no witnesses to tho crime and the
state decided to accept the offer to
plead guilty to this charge.
(Continued from Page One.).
of her sister, Mrs. Henry Jenkins, In
Vcrdon. They will make their home In
Verdon, where Mr. Veal Is now employed
as assistant cashier of a bank.
STBI.UA, Neb., March 8.-(Speclal.)-Ard
Banks and Miss Vada Tally were
the board 'to take charge of the work.
Earl Lantx was re-elected as DrtnclDal
of the high school and all teachers, but
four wero offered their same positions
ior mo coming year. All teachers will
receive an increase In salary. Prof-
Stryker of the normal faculty was em-
married at the Methodist parsonage In ployed to take charge of the penmanship
Nemaha City yesterday by Rev. B. II,
Ulnkle. Mr. and Mrs. Banks will go to
housekeeping on the Clark farm, one
mile south of Stella.
(Continued from Page One.)
About fifteen years ago I began ailing
with backache and sick headache, also
nervous trouble. For about nine years I
received treatment from different doc
tors but did not receive any relief or
benefit from their medicine. About six
years ago I began using Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root and took same until I was
entirely cured of my ailments. I am now
well and strong and have not had to
takt any medicine for the past two
years. I attribute the cure of my all
ments to Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Root, and
cannot praise the same enough. I would
heartily commend any person suffering
with backache, sick headache or any
nervous trouble caused by kidney dls
ease to at once begin taking Swamp-
Root, as I am positive It will effect
permanent cure.
Tours truly,
119 Kansas St, Lawrenceburg, lnd
Subscribed and sworn to before me.
this 18th day of October. 1911.
Notary Public
Xttr to
Sr. Xllmtr H Co
Blngfcamton, X. "-.
rroTe Wkit SvraKB.Rofrt Will Da for Yoa
bead to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham
B. N. T.. for a sample bottle. It will
:onvlnce anyone. You will also receive
t booklet of valuable Information, telling
all about the kidneys, and bladdnr. When
writing be sure to mention The
Omaha Dally Bee. Regular fifty-cent
and one-dollar size bottles for sale at at)
drug stores.
professional teacher, best of all, declared
the chancellor.
President Holovtchlner made a strong
plea for the vocational school. He sold:
After all. the mibllc nrhnnl In tti. VArv
foundation of the development, progress
and welrnre of a nation. It Is tho main
asset of a people, the cradle of clvlllaa-
non anu me nursery or tne young genera
tionthe children nf tnilnv thn Htlntm
of tomorrow.
Money- tu Evidence.
No nation In tlwi wnrld ! ilnlnp.
mu,eh for tho education of Its children as
ours. Realising that It Is more profitable
uiuiiey jor eauoauon man ror
armies, navlea or Institutions of oorrco.
nun, louuy tne united atates ranks fore
most among tho nations of the world In
matters pertaining to education.
Tills High SChoal nf HUM, I. nnlu ...
example of what n community Imbued
i.h iha irUe American spirit of progress
"hi uu ior uie weuare or children In
matters of education.
"This edifice, which cost the city of
Omaha more than J 1.000, 000, stands today
a muiiuiiiuiii 10 toe progressive Ideas
of a progressive people, who willingly
opened their hearts and pockets for its
Preparatory School,
This Institution Is a preparatory school
to higher education for those who ore
choslng the academlo route of educatton,
and no means at our command were
spared to make It of the hlgheat stand
ard. And paraphrasing tho Jingle verses
or old. I say:
We have the building.
We have tho teachers, and
We have the children, too.
Now, ladles and irentlemen. nalrAni nf
our nign bciiooi, wnne your children are
me ueueiiciuries or tm mimirirn htvii
rch6ol and have the means to pursue a
maiicr euueauon to nt themselves for
a profession of some kind In future life,
I a insure your sympathies will an nut
to the children whose parents are not so
uiessea wnn worldly possessions as to
enable them to pursue a higher educatton
or to choofo a profession of some kind,
lam sure 'that your sympathies will go
out to the children who have no Inclina
tion ior an academic career, but are
leaning toward the Industrial, mechanical
or manual vocation. These children, and
there are many ot them am left hnma.
less so for as educational facilities are
concerned, after leaving the smut
jchools, and It Is for those children that
me iireieni uoaro or Kaucatlon is plan
ning a high rchool which will fit them
for an Industrial, mechanical or manual
I am sure when the time comes, when
the Board of Education will call on you
In the very near future to contribute
the necessary means for the purpose, you
will as willingly and cheerfully respond
for the need of those children as you
have done for the children of this high
We need an Industrial, technical, me
chanical, manual, vocational, or call it
what you many, high school in order to
make our educational system In Omaha
complete. We have this beautiful
academic high school, we have a high
school ot commerce, and to make our
system serve the Interests of the entire
community, we need an Industrial high
school and with your help we shall
have It
toko, up tho Water board bill in ordar tq
get It to the house more quickly. The
Water board lobby has failed to explain
how this action squares with Its In
sinuations that the members of tho Water
board of Omaha are the only honest,'
upright, moral and decent men In th
entire city.
While the official organ of the money
spending water board lobby hns repeat
edly raved about a stock yards lobby
down here opposing the bill, It has pro
duced no evidence that this lobby has
attempted to buy up any votes or has
paid any clerk to hold back the bill.
This organ has not called attention to
the fact that reputable citizens of Flor.
encc, Dundee and South Omaha, as well
as many cltlxcna of Omaha, have been
hero In opposition to the measure. Tho
Water board lobby has Insisted to the
democrats of the houso that a vote
against the bill Is a vote against munici
pal ownership, when as n. matter of fact
the uestlon bf municipal ownership has
nothing to do with the bill. It has been
told democratic members of the house
by representatives of the Water board
that they must line up for the bill or
take a belaboring from the Water board
organ, Just how much effect these
threates will have coming from a paper
owned by a United States senator can
not be foretold.
Incidentally R. B. Howell, the most
persistent lobbyist ever around the legis
lature, was missing from the houso yes
terday. It Is possible It is about pay day
up In Omaha and ho Jiad gone up to draw
his. It la also passing strange that the
man who Introduced the bill In the sen
ate previous to the opening of the session
wan drawing some 300 n month from the
Water board as an employe! that another
noualua county senator who Is working
for the bill haa a brother-in-law who
has drawn down considerable money from
the board, while over in the house prac
tically the only sponsor for tne mil on
the Douglas county delegation, aime
had a fat Job at 6 a day with the Water
board. All of which goes to show that
money makes the mare go.
Wilson Family
Attends Theater
WASHINGTON, Marches". The national
cnpltal today Is discussing. , tboJef for
sonlan simplicity of FnSsldont' Wllson'r
movements, es evidenced' In the attend
unoe of the Wilson family at a downtown
theater last night, Kew of the audience
knew of tho arrival of the president, for
Mr. Wilson hod requested that the usual
formality of playing "Tho Star Spangled
Banner" upon his entrance be dispensed
with. The only decoration on the presi
dential box was a shield bearing thn
president's Inslgna, There was further
evidence of lack of pomp. Only one secret
man kept guard over the person of the
president and the police guard was not
Increased. The negro footmen. In the
White House livery, with red, whlto and
blue cockades, were tho only other attendants.
in the city schools.
Preliminary Contest In Ilnrtlngrton.
HARTINGTON, Neb., March 8.-(Spe-clal.)
Tho annual high school declama
tory contest occurred last evening In the
opera house. Miss Florence Barker won
first place, and Walter tephenson, second.
The winner of first place will represent
the school at tho northeast Nebraska
oratorlal contest to be 'held in Norfolk.
The Way Oat.
The easiest wav to avoid argument over
the pronunciation of a word Is to use a
synonym, as those who aav "station"
Instead of "depot" know. But few would
go so iar as tho carpenter who, la con
versation with a friend on a street cor.
answered a query dm to his work by saying-:
I m worklmr In one af those automo
bile barns." Kansas city luncb.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising:
STE3LUA, Neb., March 8. (Special.)
Orlando P. Veal, late cashier of the State
Bank of Stella, was married this week
to Miss Edith Shoemaker at the homo
Castro Preparing
to Invade Venezuela
JACKSONVILLE, Pla., March 8. A
special dispatch to' Methropolls from Ha
vana says that Colonel Edmund J.
Frederick, lato chief of artillery under
General Maximo Gomez, was offered the
command of a Castro expedition to Ven
ezuela by General -Castro while' here,
Frederick has neither affirmed nor de
nied the roport. He Is a member of the
veterans' association and very olo3e to
President-elect Menocol.
Simple Home Remedy
for KldHcys and Bladder
Persistent Advertising la the Road to
Bir Retnms.
A simple and eaay way to cure weak,
deranged kidneys or bladder la to uso
the following formula: Get six ounces
good pure gin and add to It one-half
ounoe Murax Compound and one-half
ounce fluid extract Buchu. Take ono to
two teaapoonfuls of this mixture after
each meal and at bed time. Nearly all
good .druggists have these Ingredients.
Anyone can mix, One should be sure to
get good pure gin, also the genuine Mu
rax Compound, which comes only In a
sealed wooden package, as any substi
tute will not give the desired results.
Weak kidneys or bladder should be
given attention as soon as any of the
well known symptoms are noticed. Ne
glect In the matter la dangerous, as the
serious forms, Bright'a disease, chronic
rheumatism or dread diabetes, may de
velop. These can b avoided If the above
simple mixture Is ued before complica
tions set In Advertisement.
BALTIMORE, March 8.-The explosion
of dynamite In 'Baltimore harbor yester
day, which caused the death of forty or
fifty men and tho Injury of ns many
others, seriously crippled the coast dc-
fenres of tho harbor, It was learned today.
n many Instances tho concrete founda
tions of the heavy guns In Forts Howard,
Armlstead and Carroll were cracked,
whllo several of the guns themselves were
dumaged by falling pieces of steel from
the wrecked stenmer. At Fort Armlstead
tho damage' will reach several thousand
dollars and at Fort Carroll $2,800-
Various Investigation of the explosion
will be under way today. The coroner's1
Jury of Arundel county will Impanel a
Jury to begin the consideration of the
cose at once. Tho Navy department at
Washington, apprised of the serious dam.
age to the collier Jason, about to be
accepted by the department, will Inquire
Into the disaster and at the same time It
8 probable an Investigation will be under
taken by the Interstate Commerce com
mission, which has Jurisdiction over the
shipment of explosives In American
waters. Because most of the crew of the
destroyed steamer. Alum Chine, were sub
jects of Great Britain, British consul at.
Baltimore, Gilbert Frazer, also will in
vestigate the explosion.
Ilenl Cnuse May Never lie Known.
Authorities, however, say the real
cause of the disaster will never be de
finitely learned, because those who could
have given first hand Information are
dead. The general theory Is that the coal
In the vessel's bunkers was set afire by
spontaneous combustion and the flames
were communicated to the dynamite.
Early reports of the extent of the loss of
life aboard the destroyed steamer and the
other vessels lying In Its Immediate vl
clnlty materially differed. It Is accepted.
however, that the list will total between
forty and fifty dead and almost as mahy
more were either dangerously or seriously
It Is regarded as almost certain that
al the bodies have not yet been re
covered from the waters of the harbor,
while others may never be recovered
The financial loss was about 1250,000.
In all the Catholic, churches tomorrow
prayers will be offered for the repose
of the souls nf those killed In the disaster
and for tho recovery of the Injured.
Forty-Three Injured.
Up to noon today there had been no
additional deaths among the Injured, but
a number were reported to be In a pre
carious condition. Tho hospital records
show that forty-three Injured victims
were taken to those Institutions. One
died last night, fifteen were discharged
and twenty-seven remain for treatment.
The hospitals and the morgue were be
sieged as on yesterday by weeping women
seeking their loved ones. The 'death list
hovers around fifty. Search is being
made in the bay for bodies.
Charles B. 'Munroe and Clarence Hall,
government Inspectors, from Alio bureau
of mines at Washington, arrlyed here to
day. It Is understood they will begin the
federal investigations.
It was learned tOdy that ' twenty-five
tons of dynamite remain unexplqded In
one of the, cars aboard the lighter along
side the Alum Chine when It exploded.
The harbor authorities have placed a
buoy over' the spot to warn' passing
vessels of the danger lying beneath the
surface of the water.
50o Package of Remarkable- Flesh
Builder, Proton o, Sent free to
Prove What It Will Do.
tx or
Protone Will Make Yoa Nice nndPIamp,
It Is astonishing to sec tho effects
produced by the, now flesh-lncreaser,
Protone. To put on real, solid, healthy
flesh, at the rate of a pound a day, Ih
not at all remarkable with the new
Protone Induces nutrition. Increases
cell-growth,' makes perfect the assimil
ation of food, strengthens nerves, In
creases blood corpuscles, builds Up safe
ly and quickly, muscles and .solid,
healthy flesh, and rounds out tho figure.
For women who never appear stylish
In anything because of thinness, Pro
tone la a revelation.
The regular $1.00 size of Protone Is for
sale by all druggists, or will bo" mailed
direct, upon receipt of price, by The Pro
tone Co., 4954 Protone Bldg., Detroit,
It costs you nothing to prove the re
markable effects of Protone. It Is non
Injurious to the most dellcato system.
Tho Protone Company will send you on
receipt of your name and address, a
free 60c package of Protone, with full
Instructions, to prove that It does' the
work; also their book on "Why You Are
Thin," free of charge, giving facts which
will probably astonish you. Send coupon
below with your name and address.
Features That Mark This
Omaha's Quality Laundry
-a? af
We'll conciede that others do get clothes clean. We'll con
cede, too, that some get your laundry home on time.
But Our Hobby" Is Quality and Service and Here Are Some
Things We Do:
Put every shirt in a sanitary "Protex" cover.
No pins or board to pull out. You jiiBt pull the
shirt from a transparent, glazed cover when
you're ready to wear it. In the meantime, it
keeps perfectly clean.
'We sow 'on buttons do others!
We darn your socks none others do.
Telephone Douglas 2560.
Hotel Kupper
Eleventh and McGeo Sta.
Kansas City,. Mo.
I,. IJ. Fvler. .
Lv D, Fowler, formerly of Omaha, died
of apoplexy while seqted In a niovinK
picture theater at Newark, N. J., on Feb
ruary 27. Funeral services were held In
Washington, D. C, Monday, March S,
and tho body taken to Osceola, la., his
birthplace, for burial. He leaves a wife,
three daughters und two sonsr-Mrs. E, K
Bninner, Omaha; Mrs. C. 8. Parker,
Houston, Tex.; Mrs. Wylle I. Jones and
George B. Fowlor of Pittsburgh, Pa., and
Ixjrpiuo P. Fowler of Washington, D. C.
Ilenr Ailnilrul l'u ton.
NOnWELU Mass., March 9. Bear Ad-
mlral Joseph Guiles Eaton, United States
nayy, retired, who as ooinmander of the
transport ltesoiute in tne spanisn-Amcn
can war Informed Admiral Sampson that
the enemy's fleet was leaving Santiago
bay, died suddenly at his home hero to
day. Ho received a medal of honor fol
lowing the battle ot Suntiago and was
retired In 19C6 after thirty-nine years ser
vice. Admiral Katon waa born In 1847.
Albert M. Helntme.
Albert M, llclnxe, formerly a resident
ot Omaha 'and an associate of the old
printing concern of Ackerman Bros. &
Helntie. died Friday after a brief
illness In Denver. He left here about
eleven years aeo. gdng to Newark, N.
J., where he was Identified with the
Osborne Printing company, leaving there
two years ago to become the color man
for the Wtlllamson-Haffner company of
Denver, ,
31. T. 9nnp,
M. T. Sanders, proprietor of the flour- '
li.K mills as Ewinc, Neb., died at nn !
Omaha hospital, where he had come Tor
an operation. The body has been tak-sn
to Swing for burial. He had resided
there sixteen years. IiOOATEI) IN THE RETAIL AND
guoQfttta DisTiuor.
KBAraror '''m-JI;'. .! A botel ot quality and refinement
1 at reuBonable prices. European plan
"X " f VhMh t ' a.l,the!l to 4 per day. Take elevated
to ton ZZ tod.?'car at depot marked' 27th St., di
to Install a complete ctourse of domestic rec nojej
iii iim jjuuiiu pviiouis OK mt I ft
city, commneing with the fall term. A KUPTEIl-BENSOX HOTEL CO.,
competent teacher will be employed by J Props,
34th St. East at Park Ave.
I Subway Entrance NEW YORK
The World's Most
Attractive Hotel
Each room with a bath
Staple room, with btb. $3, $4. $5. $6,
Double room, with fcsth, $5, $6, $7, $t per
Double bedroom, boudoir dreuins room and
bath, $7. $10. $12, per d.v.
Suite, patlor, bedroom and bath, $10. $12,
$15, $16, per day
Managing Director
Walton H.Marshall, Manager
Free Protone Coupon
It will cost you nothing to prove
the remarkable effects of this treat
ment. Tho Protone Company will
send to anyone a free COc package
of Protone, If they will fill out this
coupon and enclose 10c In stamps or
silver to help cover postage. They
will also send with It full Instruc
tions and their book on 'Why TTou Are
4354 Protone Bldg. Detroit, Mloh.
Nome '.
City State
The regular'Jl.OO size of Protone Is for
sale In Omaha by Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co., 102 S. 10th St: 24th and Far
nam St.; Owl Drug Co., 324 S. 16th St.;
Beaton Drug Co., 1501 Famam St.; Loyal
Pharmacy, 207 N. 16th St; Bell Drug
Co., 1216 Farnam St
No free packages from druggists.
He's a Dandy
wfaV aaaaiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB
iflB iaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasF
Womon's Greatest Fascination
write lor ten day bus! Development Treatment
Large Glorious Development certain
It will only cost you a penny for a postal
cara. write now, so mat you can
start development aulckly.
Ton can
Have an
Ho Matter
fiaoDT or
Kay Ba.
Madams jVV,l .Ai
I,lka A STasclnatlng Woman With
Kaffio. An Ideal Boat.
Develop your Boat Qulokly this 2Tew Way
Thin and homely women may oecomo
hMiitlful. nerfeetlv developed, with a
gloriously luxuriant buat by this wonder
ful new treatment, wiucn juicmy nnnijra
the bust, beautifies the skin, fills out hol
low and scraggy necks and develops the
bosom Into the sublime perfection of wo
manhood In full bloom. Flat-chested, un
interesting women made fascinating;
flabby, flaccid busts made firm and ex
quisitely rounded; scrawny necks and
shoulders tilled out and made beautiful,
graceful and alluring, The Madame Mo
zello Bust Developing Treatment Is some
thing entirely different IT IS NEW IN
and guaranteed to develop the bust quick
ly. It Is different from all others. No
cuppings, no vibrators, no rollers, no pol
Donoim lotions or worthless creams, no
vapor or hot water baths, no cold water
aplaahlng, no book of rules, no Internal
medicine to swallow, but a safe, delight
ful, effective compound treatment that
will give you such a development as you
have craved with your whole heart
Write at onos for this free offer and
quickly davalop a glorious bast wltlt
with thla aafa, new treatment.
Dear sister, let a frland to women aid
you to a perfect figure. No one need know
that you are taking this treatment aa
vmi run uaa it asoretly In your own priv
ate room. Do not delay, because one trial
will convince you of Its merit Ah soon
us It 1 applied you will feel ALMOST
INSTANTLY Its beneficent effect. Write
today. If you really desire to develop your
bust quickly, Don't aend any money.
Bolts 708, 1346 Waaaa Bt, nanver, Colo.
Careful Dentist
Associated with aCacb. fc Mach
312-314 Paxton Block
( Wai-rtr r4s )
gRtNGr J